.i ' ! j - 1 "" r S3S ;m F-iM, m f i M,,': VfcU. T-ii ,',,,' a&4S ,?..: 5V IUVmUU 1. ' ""iWM-"a 'Jitt",A IMMMM t'-v "i , jro-aWi.'?, -si. jl .tiv.;;i. . -r J aw'w TMBiw ' M..BktJ i .-."-l .-. 'sTSmllal tin! ir.u; j. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON v H.vriuuuv, July a, iw. raaiiii ifttiea &1irMMnl flundav. at M-. fc. V. . . -1. - T -iwenrsaTaia'rcMraams; compear' et Klamath Palls, t 119 Wghltr atrcet. BMr'jlBMe. ti'ijy 33 at the.BesUttlce at-Xlaa ' Ore., lor trsnsmlsslon he HMalto'ai Beeoad-elaSs, .rfl )i tn -? t ., ' .PRJ088) elated Preaa li eictuslte- '. to Mw ase : for. Babllca 'C.MIl'Bawi dleaetchs credited tof Jt,it,ot etherwlse credited In tMMMNwr, sad alao the loeal news MflmMMV, July" 1MB. ,U REFORESTATION f is; ( M. Paai Plotseer Press) f tha latlbnal lumber supply It taK eenservVdand the de- Per Mial MeitiN Mr. and '-Mrs: Pruk NrVhlte and children hare returned from Wood' land California, where they ham been making their homo for over a year. They expect to go Into btisl ness here again. JMIss Elllsa Young arrived Thura r'from.'Honolul and' wilt 'visit for a short' t'le with her uncle, h. e Hansen,' before going on to her 'hone In Ban Ditto. Mlsa Youns etpeeta to return to Honolulu 'this fall where oho Is employed as teacher. Mlrs Lillian Kuapp, who has been oh a vacalfc-n trip to Portland.'and other Oregon cities, has retained and j will occupy the Ulrlchi Home while that family Is away for a montn a trip to nrttisn Columbia. Mrs. V. C. DeChalne Is spend- log a few days here from her pre sent home In Hornbrook, California. The members of the Houston- relopment otthe new sources through Vllt orchestra left yesterday for reforestation Is not Immediately started the United States will be fat te'fac wfth a disastrous lumber shortsf within 90 years.' There lirilo iuess work a born. It. The Feeravforestry biiresn proves the eaW beyond a 'doubt. Here are the rhruret: Tha' annual consumption of the country Is 26,000.000,000 cubic feet ayeer.1" - ' "' Taaittal.repI'aceatat.Vy growth Is 6.8M,00,060 feet'a year. iM'e hire cutfUc-sJxthsof tho vir gin supBty. BIRTH RECORD BORN' At Klamath Vails, July 39, !. llll, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Vor- 'non, 814 Lincoln, a girl; weight, eight pounds, Sool, smoke nnd dirt have no place in a modern suction. An electric range eliminates nil Ihesd. Link Riv er Electric .Co. V 29-2 LINKV1LLE IN YE OLDE TIMES Jo ' oab'-slstb remaining renre soBts a forest acreage of 137,OOO.ooo acres-. ' Thls'ss being reduced by destruct ive IdtKfnf' BBfl forest fires' it the rate ef '10"0,'Vrts'annally. WfsmlilhaMiV'Bosllloii as a nan wMr Started In with' a bank ac coBBi'e '!. scpt S0l of It and mow pattls j back only $S for every It he takes out. At that rate bis re maralBg' deposit wlH'not last Jong; aad-1n the same way tho American ferest are doomed to a spectly des traction. The cad will conic In tho lifetime ofjsrosfof us. It Is'OBly a few; years ahead. And what then? Perhaps Can Lakevlew where they filled musical engagement. Mr. and Mrs. Cleorge Che.uer nnd sen, accompanied by Chrcacr's father, are here from Washington a'1 the guests of Mr. suit Mr. C. F. Setter. Mr. and M'a Setter aUc hare an their g'uet Mrv. L. LaMilsg, a sister of Mrs. SM,ci. Lanalng will arrive Sunday from mineralogist Is collecting pelmans as they travel along. After visiting Crnier Lake they will return ti their caiuoraia ' names. - . Mrs. Bertha Harris returned Thurs day frotn "Rocky l'olnt, whore she took 'little Margaret Anderson, who Is staying with her, for a few days' visit with Margaret's mother, Mrs. Hasel Anderson, who Is nt the resort this summer. Newcomers In the blty nro Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph K,, White of Salem, re cently married, Whltn Is a nephew at Mrs. K. H. Jefferson and of Mrs. Perry O. Delp, They nro staying with Mrs. Jefferson. fieorge Hutts and Virginia Kgan were married at the Christian par sonage by the Rev, A. II. llrlMovy at 'A o'clock 'yesterday afternoon, O. V. Myers of Meittord, who re cently added Klamath county to his Mack truck territory, Is stopping at the White Pelican for a 'few days while transacting business In this county, ' Alicia Marie Davenport, lionlu Schaffer. Sister Julian and Sister Aoglecla will return In the morning from lAnderson'a camp on Spring I : ' s - : -r : : r ' "- ii MMSSSSSSSBBBBBl I Mln I ifllhYnMii'rNNenr'Tl I-,' Tsnftwiff. I SS & 'sW vTTTfrftiUi.uv . I IV J . . AW ' Ct . ". tl-r y I BBvV ! Lily "1 R5r5r i aom ytl f V)Rrf . eS: QjMrS: swHimin i... i lm. iyty U JU i 4J14J m& , aKHgSHI'l T 4 S AXM.JxZ-sk. .Lj rriiiinir was- - - i -' ta- ,VW. MteSHM-OT.- WALKITR .Lt OJJJJK POWH OP T CENTRAL MOTCL I DOT VYIIILU ?-t-rii'1, ,- "- J OP f iUiHltlf m jmiii.p- . , . .-, . STAR THEATRE, TODAY SNO VVBLIND A gripping story of thu frossou norOi. An nll-stai' cnat including Cullon lianclis, lnu : line Stnrko and Mnry A Won COMING SUNDAY BETTY COMPSON IN "LADIES MUST LIVE" . ' v A Parnnujulit; picture from the novel by Alice Duer Miller MOTHER RANGER Oakland to join bis wife and .from Jiero continue together to Washing ton. The Lannlngs were residents creek, where they have been enjoy here eight or Btaj years ago. Ing a .week's outing. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. MeCllmans. of The Public Library will be closed Kslsmisoo,' Mlchlgaa, arc guests of, ob Sunday afternoons from uow until Or. and Mrs. F. R. Qoddard. They Scptombor ,1st. motored to Southern Callfornls vln Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rlchardsuu tho Santa Fo Trail, then up the coast and children, accompanied by Mrs. on tho Pacific highway to Klamath Lawrence Kucoulcli and sou. moturud Falls. Mr. and Mrs. MeCllmans ex to Cblloquln for a visit with friends peet to make their return trip by wiy last' Friday. of the .Rainier and Yellowstone us-j Mr. und Mrt. J. H. Clumbers u'.iil tlonal psrks. Mrs. McCllmsns Is-n sis-! family have returned from Chllonuui terietMra. Goddard. (where tbuy havu been camping for -Ret.' and Mrs. A" D. Brlstow oudf the past two weeks, daughter have returned home after! Miss Msrjorle Mack arrived on a throe weeks' abscaco spent In at-' last night's train from Flint, .Mlclil i Attempt to Give Cub Ride in Car Not Acceptable; For-' eater Takes Sudden Departure" i-ill i I'lUNCK OKOIU1K. II. C, July 30.-HForcat flrus In northern llrl tlsh Columbia iliiruiK the past month h.ivu had peculiar uffect tlon such as this hut the rancor wns rmmirccful mul ilccliluil llitt the livitt plsii would hu to throw tho cub off tliu car.. Ill attempt to the knots on thu lushing tho woods, Judging from somu of which secured thu youiiKtor lu w tho stories brought In here. i.'taculnu, liuwuvur. proved futllu. A flrb patrol rancer Is sponsor Pursuer and pursued c.tiue to n for this story. Whllo mnkliiK steeper Kttuie, with urn luivmi. upon some "of tho wild nnlmuls of; untie Today at THE LIBERTY Henry B. Waltltnll mul Mory Alden in 'PARTED CURTAINS Two grcnt stars in ft great emotional tlrainn. Suwhiy-Mt'ubert W. Cluunbeis' .story of the early claya of American history "CAKDIGAN." The entire Sunday program is unusually interesting. On a Sundays hereafter the show will be continuous com mencing at 1:30 P. M. BfliBHsVaaaaagsVBsr nsszsiHgciEzn: rtsagccag8..,.ii:'; n hi teadsnee at the Christian chunk conference at Turner. Oregon. They also visited with relatives In Uugcne.' Austin Harden, representative of the loeal Elks at .the National cm. adaaa.helB.wa eat far. a time, but calloB held this month at Atlantic tMs faHaf.-.w'lir oaly.' he temporary City. New Jersey, has returned horns aad jrllt: add greatly t- already ex- ( and reports having a splendid 1 1 mi. eeastva aasralssaaitraMbltory cc'iU.; 8. Rexford Black and F. P. Keen, Tay.a ua ft sjarswat.at tha luas-' of the.beeUe survey office; enjoyed a kw.w f4av shfwlac how.depeB-1 tlahlBf trip at Hack Craak this week. im wajw-e bmsi aarowa resources. ' they report Jihat they'hkd ladlf feo mmm. L .- - . '-I ... . . ... . t xaa eaier sarrerer from taa threat- j eat luer, returning witn oai7 ose ; represeatatlva of tha particular, feral of treat foflBd.la that stream. 'Jaka aVatt, who baa heea eoatln aaasl. laaiber. shartaga wlU be the garasar. jh aasa saera laataer thasi aayataar Claaa.',Ia4isstriaa ot all klaAsaJaa wlU be graaUy atfactasV ; a4 at Mahoasa far the -vast three or ia a aisttoa a siaa mare wood tlsBaJ.r0sjr.days; Is; able to baaheatiagela. aay oiher Mf sportloa to poaia-f 'Jsi..Moecaaad family of Kerion.' UeV.'Te rsaaaa "ceasaisiptleB to aKOreioB, are city buslaees vtstfors BteM the .VaaUhlag pelat will rasaltMhla. waaar. - 1 ' Klamath eoun- gan, and will bo uero for a brief visit with her brother, 8. It. illack. Taking advantage ot her nearness to one ot tho wonders of tbo world. Miss Black left this morning with her brother for Crater Lake where they will spend the week-end. Stanley ticorgv, ot Klngland, Ariz ona, and Kenneth Thayer, ot Dcrku ley. California, left yesterday morn kagf or 'their respective homes after altsro-weeka visit la Klamath county as the house guests ot Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Mania. Bert Wlthrow returned last night tram a three day's timber cruise over various sections of the county. a C. H. Underwood left this morning for-the Lake o' the Woods to get Mrs. Underwood. Mrs. W. O. Smith and Mrs. Parker Perry and son, who will return with him this evening. ' hi' aa aeaafrnkjUsaster from which sHUJTIactoy, oae of Kli all wftl epfter. t ty'a best known old time faraisra. Is The. ladles have been spending tbo ''5WJb7 seli'tlOB of this problem sUlleearfiaed tohlabed ln;ths(IlUckiweak'Bt' the lake, having gone out ajrWeftea have polated out, la re-'burn hospIUI where he has been' for, on Monday. survey atone thu Grand Trunk Pa. clflc rajlwny In the mountain dls trlct. ho cumo upon a youns cub suffering from severe burns on the fet nnd body. The younKstcr was whimpering from the pain and tho forester took pltytun It and lashed It to his speeder. The patrolman started on his Journey only to discover that thu mother bo.ir had appeared und was In. hot pursuit. As the track ran uphill at this point, the bear, mak ing long strides, gained steadily and the need for strategy was dourly Indicated. The forestry book of Instructions does not cover a situs- t.iKO all with the, former. Kluully .r :. ,,.i.-r .j, .r-.-r-s . .. ul" j.-;-: - with nnn uilghly effort the old bear K.NTIIK.Mi: I'K.NAI.IV Ih ruHl .1 - , e. 11... jur tumornnv threw horsolf on the bark of tho ,sli-:ii rtllt M.IILVSM; Mik Ubenrliuln's preiluitu trial d speeder, huldlng nn by her rlaws uud in,, tjvo trt.ils of her rii-defiidrin. I'aws. jf,jjj ,.V(iKI,Ktl July 211 - Tlit tlmr e llurrli. wi-nt to their r,- T!ils Is where the foreMer derived aHiriiuu that tin- ovlilcmo in the iwb'1 Jurins on Krliby and sll ri to reslKii In fnvor of tho enemy ca warranis t tit extreme jMiially ulied In dlsiiKiuemeuts lie dove off tho far. and regained ,iH made by Deputy District Attor- his feet In time to Me It continue vc.t , k,., t0,,iy u,u ctu. iMeodnnd Trust Co.. Dstlmati .1 Us Journey cuslwnrd, with 11 moth- K ,ijKumen In tho lieinnd trial costs more llimi une-thlnl lasa In m er and child happily reunited us Its ,,f Mrs. Mndalynnq Obonrltaln, for ernte a eir tcduy than a fv fce passengers. ti. murder of J. Helton Kennedy Onrollim la down 3J per cent. Hies .! Later the speodor was found, run Keycs l.'j,tin his .iddresn to the Jury per runt, oil 1,1 per rcir.. down nnd everything Intaet except this ufli.iuoci' alter Jud Itush h.id the sldu of tho seat where the cub clc'e' a tv.ii-i.'ay urRumunl for the On July I. IS) I. Ihcre win lm( hail been tied, the old hear having dofeurt. Tun prosecutor, onlil h't onn pr,ivteitl ttllUl'iyblU: lit th torn It out to release her offspring. expoc'.M.I to ronoliiil" in time for the world reiaWtlQ'oa aB, adequate acaft. We iaist 'ifow aa mtich wood as we use mm eeaaerra that we have eft with Bslcaliaa care If we'kre to avoid thef'dJaaaW'Whkh con fronts na. Ceieerhlifc the desirability of such the past several weeks, seriously III. Mrs. Kdna llawley, ot Chicago, Is Mrs, flay Orem has returned fwra visiting hero for a few days with Mrs. a two 'weeks Vacation spent la Port- 8. . Van Knion. mother of Y, C. land with. her sister and Is again it 'Van Kraeat Mrs. Ifawtey Is the wlfo her desk lav the sheriff's office. i of Or. Ilawleyi a prominent eye, ear C. 0. Hunt was In town from his and nosajspeclallst of Chicago. Mr. a'esiraethere h'ss beVsr altogether too. farm yesterday attending to business 'and Mrs. W: C.'Van Rmon will take jeBBgn Tis3gMia aisDHUiHi tAJ vuiliivin , -e w, sen a .si 11 wis. will matters. He was accompanied by Mrs.' the ealre party to Crater Lake ..--'. I . Mtora1 sra' pemiclans ire too bnar, Hnat. wHhrthe itfalfa of the1 day to rthlak ef 'Hte Bterfew. We have hid many yeari ' erer1eaee with this 'cbsr- to- days' business and pleasure trip f rr.ni aetar of efflela) fereeraatlaatlon and ' Corraltls. kaow what It "meias. " j A party of Callfcrnti tourists left I ;--- ----- - r-a 1 morrow. Herbert Davis of the American1 Lamenting the fate that demanded Tobacco t company' Is here for s. tw.i he should leave HockyPolRt and Klsmath'county after a month's va cation hereDr. B, G. Simon departed this morning for Oakland. California. A permit from tho Oregon gamo com Itl Is s'ild that raaay of the sharks fishing trip Included Mr. snd Mrs. mission allowed him to take several Bdr-lB'the -Pacific - sad Indian-1 Fred Martin nnd' Mr. and Mrs. M, dne fish to the California city, where aaa are' stify feci loag but are Vonsen and daughter, of Pn?luma, rralesB) At"that'"we would father California; who spent two days tieie see taesaawttiBllBg about a bell-buoy ss the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Oeorgo thaHraear tajla'chltt;-' T " ryr,fga't.'!V8e8.'Srhb"ls' rnbid - it ... I H pi rTieuMr . Wtr aUsWgfagswaraj- m i? V iei ijf.W'.'iiimv hrr liik ah.Wi iKtalkya m Mis mm! th. gMnl hirMi sW stdtftr. . TaMaac, tlssj 'pt fm tirifktv.;k ngtidLal tor oMfota, : . i . i.. s : faaBd oeeaaa are' stxfy feeC loag but are Vonsen and daughter, of Pn?luma, e said he would have them display harmless) At'thst'-we would rather California, who spent two days tieie ed In the window of the largest sports goods.house und do his best I to nd'fjrtlse uocky Point ns the mont chojee of outing places. Knslgn Howard Orem left this) mofolng fojtSeattlo to Join his ship, utter a three week's leuve. which he) spent here with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. Orem. Orem graduated this spring from tho naval ucademy at J Anspolls. Mr. snd Mrs. .Murtln Green, at I their .ranch 011 the Merrill road, hs,ve been the hosts ot Mr. and' Mrs. i J. K. Armsby of Sun Francisco, who 1 arc on-their way to Now York when J 1 lucy expect to meet tnuir sun, jur I frey, on his rutum from Europo thu I latter part ot thu moutl). ArmHby Is a mlHIoualro pecker and baukur with large Interests In northern Califor nia, Mrs. Hober Itudvllff left this inorn irig for her home at I'lnuitldgo after U11 extended visits with her parentH M,' and Mrs. ,W. C. Dull. " Terminating, u visit of suveriil, weoka'MIss Jlargurot Kostor, of -Ban Francisco,' left for her homo" t hero tlila morulng. Slid was accompanied by ibor 'mother who urdd 0 short time ago for' the purposoof Joining her, on the return trip. Thoy have bcoB-thegttests ot'Mr; andMrs,.HIss Obonehaln and Miss Miriam Martin. Two Sides of Turnover wBfa sjpaaai y wasajMe U V '9aktm r4bnstiMLlBMaV Ha '' 'I taiisVsJ IsJkaaiaws! aJgJL.. aU. '' I y Mha BMy Major ptisM . D I Mil. ' I " -. . ' TBBaaW jwaaiisf a'aMsaaisW AeaeBifaaa- "II a-'l 10. homes In Klamath Palls use electric ranges." s your homo pnn of lhori04T Link River Electric Co. 89-8 The alert btuiiness man dealing with present day conditions knows that the big word today is "Turnover." Whether he be a merchant, manu facturer, jobber, or banker, he sees that one thing with a clear vision unbiased by the limits of his own business. It is in the 'air, and on the "tip of every tongue. And yet many of them entirely too raanyr are thinking on only one side of Turnover. They think of it aa meaning rapid selling putting money in and getting it out quickly and at a profit. They realize that they must put greatly increased ef forts back of all their plans for sell ing and distribution. The other half of Turnover is the consumer. All selling plans and ef forts fail if the consumer doesn't want to buy. His desire for the pro duct must be created. He must meet the seller half way. He must be in a mood to buy before the salesman meets him across, the counter. ; That is the function of Advertis ing to create confumer demand andi consumer preference. Willi this demand as a fact all selling plans have a chance to succeed. Without it they fail. The only chnace for salesmanship to succeed without an existing demand is foralesmnnship to assume the task that belong. to', advertising the task of creating; domand. If hc present efforts that are be ing put into selling Were amply 'Hty? ported by a corresponding efforjto create consumer demand through Advei:ing, the business conditions of this community would be rapidly changed into an era of" great pros perity in spite of local conditions and everything else. The proof of this is in the fiict that right now, under these very conditions, the- dealers who are put ting proper emphasis on creating a demand for their product, us, well as selling it are doing a big business and are actually getting the high turnover that others are trying so strenuously to get through intensive soiling. ' , , ' - w Athb EVENING HERALD "COVERS THE KLAMATH FIELD" . ft .... BSBBjSJSBJBBBBBBSSSBBS -TTT 1 t fiV iu FAS f 4 '.' &&!.? '; M o 1 ; 'All, , '' 'mm$ymx.rt tfrV--. jVf'- ..