nitn.w, li iA. fjV SMI, lOSC. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ) - i I- is1 - - i n i ir i .- i ' iilii ' i sifia i mmm- Oh.Boy! Ain't Wo Got Fun! '"raMB AMI ' mmKhc fi ' r Jit N W fab Jot ttrV , ,4. rfvj' t iffetal ii fell wp H Ki.h llvlr mar tho lUury jiti b. "b' N-w ifj WAi3?& memi l r" Iho s"or' .0 tdi, num., l - t . n u Oath euw. Hi limn liln n, Hi IkiiiiIiIii A Mil it for illvorrn on th i;nnnilH of truelly huh filed Into )pltrday iiltmnoon In tlm drtiilt iniirt liy Frnil Hrhniiclilii tiKliliiHt IIpjiiiIo liclmiiclitii. Allto Md'l) tit, PlIUKMII (leoriio llmilrili mi (J (Marenro Itliliiohnrt, (Inline liiiHlin'flH under lliu firm iiniiin nf Audi I, Ivory company, Iiiim) fllotl njilt In tliu circuit 1'iurt iit'iilimt C'liitrlcri IliiKRnti spoklm; to piillnil $180,32 for work (Ion 1 nriil mippllei furiilshud fur tho l"f-ti'I-(inln cur. In 1919. EXPECT UP AT CONVENTION American Bar Association To Convene in S. F. During August . 4Jsr Pg ThWj FEDERAL LOA Mlm U1 '"'"" 'l0 a(VlrA life optforfun ( ity 0 P'tk up n few dollar by trans- Appllwitloin Toll f:0W)f) litMo pprtlnV "'ippKod for n Klamath Fnlls Ojmii for Aiplltnnom . bootlcKW ' a momi jioorc4 a inuor- Appllcntlotmfor fcJrrnl fnrhimnns''""!"- "' "W1 ' " linvu been vory linavy, tho liilfn.-D ' " jiff n iojiun ms ren-i fcwi iiiiiffl wrut pourt wroif no . '" 1UiWhW. tor vnom r cro t .. worki, nun hamllnd hern during llio pan wok Iinvliu: lotftlod about nnn nn-nntltii 111 rtnnrni Hill J. fr.. 1 WOrKI, g tl.i. Infl lnlnu fir H111 llncililrlll r "K" lt iilloy tiflnr Ibivlne feri horilftinco July 1. Dun In tlio liitxlnnw ltnrr-pi-el, llllloii iialil Hint filtlicrl.n or nnotlicr ronrfSoiitntlvo woulii'o'urn lioro nliout fJoplotnli'T lfi. In llio lnranwhllc, tlm Mmiuh HEW ENTER iii:ai) to ct'M ntipt o.p KDIIi:, Jujnn, July L'S Tlio rlly Of Klllllir flllllH ItKl'lf III (llll Clll!llll(r poultlini of lmlui; 11 nuriuii of Si, 000. 000 yen from ltn 1021 miiiiltlpni "Tlio (Ity lit alwayn liudKo' m lll.rr.illy mid rollwtotl taxrs to rmiT tlio onllmntPil nxpoiidlttiro tu tlio litnl hoii. Tlictrfnro tlio huppy tato M tlio clty'n fltinuco. mj?J trJUtii- ..- -'-f&. wrim . . AsSssssaASs wi.Hr : .yrrAr?rrjf'ar!fc!tijiT' n ;m; '.5m 'fypasi W&fH -' :i -ij Z" V0U M0 '"Bardoot boy with check of tan!" here I'.v is you'll meet him afterwards in your Kodak album. With a Kodak you bring the trip ba'ck. . Let ib show you Kodaks from our complete stock. They're priced as low as $6.50, and they're tf autographic. f Sfinte'jjflflcfe Miaswair P. ti . ar-i r: is i.iti ..-,-, - u,w l Jonriili I'pntiPlI ny womnii nrr p t)P3Utlful limn formprly. Pur- 1 i;i lie In notlrcd, nlu, that Kfpn iipli don't tnntit -in nood nn llipy ill in ln lioyliood UlrmlaRtorf TiVmm, I HAN rrtANTMCO, July 28. Law ium (iml JintrcH to tlio numlicr of , moro tlmu 2,000 nro oxppctyd to coiiio to Him rrniichrn parly In Au- Kimt to ntlPiid tin' 1922 (oncnlloir of tlio Anicrlcin nonorlntldii, tlm Nntlonnl ('nfifnrptiio of commlnlon I rrn on uniform Klnto ltun nnd tlio nn- j ii'inl tin ctlniT of tlm California ntnto 1 hnr iiBDiicliillon. Tlio roininUiMnnprm ' meet AiiKUnt 2-'J, tlio Bl.ito liody con piii- AiiKiint 7 mid tlio nntloiinl n.i norlatlon on AiiKimt 0-12. I flpvurnl noted nprnliern nro to nd- I0 mi,-.t lio MNwA ncr y iirenn tno orcaniaiion-i, tinnip on ,)n j.v,Prn) nnd lk "' tlio procramii Inrludlni: Wllllnm Ho-, ,pfnrn (jmjr aro pjyd In Mi li.nih ward Tnfl. rlilef Jiintlm of tlm I'nll- nf ttlP f,jra npp-"r 'or "tBinlnti cd RttP". Vlro Prmldent Tnlvln .. , .1 '(piry if tli i' ''oolldKP rlllnf Itistlrp I lrpn HIlJlW, llr... ..ifrrpi). cYM'- HI'' of iIip Cnlffornln miprpnii- rourt'f , , , , li otn ipgri:' vv virPMiimn rnrmpr ni innipy fNieral: rordonlo A fiovpr I innrit, prp'i'lent of tlio Amnrlrnn I'ar PACE F nM-oclattnn. and (Ipvcnior lpnr 1 1 Alien of ItntiPaR. It li Imped tliat HII- I-ornl Mm 'Jail. I MfK 'and fl Klamai woro u tjuor to liy Dcpi Tlio mei Pnlted Pall National farm loan n''dathn ' f1 'r'"' linn opptipd It liook to rccr appli cation for fndcral farm l'" ti lio npimilnpd liy tlio covernnM ripro Kfiilntlvo early till fall. lnB to n rullnr recently mmio by"' fedenl, land Innk, It I pscnlli"iat tlie,P appllcdtlon bo filed wmi-t dolny) no Hint tlio pipcra tnaw1'' "'"'M lit tho linnd of tlio local l" commltte.! for apprnlinl nnd tlienp'"! upon by Hip liotrd of dlrccto-n"" ''i p M'd guilty om U a droy thirty days In county 1 qt veri, Cloary Harlow ainbblf' iln, 'ntrosted In ok hi week when they tfoUb, a fjuantlty of II- lo'd boKath a truck load 'lo brt ij-ht to Portland Variili T I"c Morclock. Ill $ arraigned btforo p liirnlssloncr FrcJer t tjr rek. Factory to Mtlce GI.s, fori Windshields First1 of .i Kind in Country ;i r H'ad-Lockecl '3 COURT llotit Qualllv OIIp Oil caslllo snap. i( per Inr Kjturdt) only. t.'itrrlnH I'nr lrur "8 fERAL" u , on llootlPf-Rlng CTtar. mpkp Octi Slay ldriTkD Jll'lf 2S- l'Pn roc- of Allan II) nun, nn-lnt- On Edge -jr"' 'M fc aK"." cff v rM y V - i '; f IV. -aKJT'i.v- r-;. ( 1. Patici'or. In rl !'-,t In th VI bkln toarr.v . t in wltUii r.i iru w 1 ttia f 1 tiln- f fh n uMil). YoJ II. l' v c .- 1 n i- Im 1 luuklr. at lJ to.-.;:ui, lio ai '"(T 'I liu lloot, former gucretnry if HtntP." Ki 1 nlno ulll apeak , AililreurvH nr.i nln to lid Hindu liV tun ,nii.,i.iiiiii.,i iHiinra. Hip lit ' omernb' Hon Lord Blrnw of nunformllno, rep-! ant rctl S'0"" "ttorney. a tny of reientlm: tl.o bar of Great Ilrltaln wee"- 0' 30 -l Brnnlcd In, and M. Henri Aubcpln. rcprccntlnR, fed cour t '. Komko of t" lr or Par.. , 'll. P"L.h'!l To .ommlttpo report, In wlilclil "' 7; """"'" ""l "'"' a ,;reat deal of mtorrst h belnR nk- ,f,or V.0,nUon of ,hC na,,.onaI pr- .... ...I. I... ,..,.. n,l One I. !). r.i.',',,,"- laW- po'rt of 1I.0 committed on promolloi K""ko, u,a8 '-l "lllnB II- . In inr In Tn.ll, im ft... I.' .Mnik - I1"" v , , tii iiiv akl.lllllllll (U- tenatlon, and wa sentenced to 90 da In Jail, in addition to tlio fine Ho Is completing I1I1 sentence, and, accordlnc to llynon, wbo mado a p6r lonnl lncitlRatlon, hi financial con dition Is Fuch that ho 1 unable to pay I1I3 fine llynon also learned that ho had a Job waltliiB him Ih lam aili Knlls 1 1 1 in " li DRTnoiT, July, 28. Henry Ford Iwr launched upon a now" cnUrpVlie, , that of -la maklnp. Tho manufacturer ha citabll-liVd hPrn and becttn to ooe'rato a tmVL' , that will products glais for ad'.o'rao- bllo ulndtilelds, It I ald to bo,th'o , flrit plant In tho country designed. rspeclilly for maklne of wind ihlild Tho Ford production slogan "Keep t thinci movln?," I playlnj? a Urgo pnrt In Ibn now methods IntrodueW br the mintifa'etnrpr In hi lat'it, , field of eridearor A rnntlnuoiii trytf vpror ystem makM It po?lbTc for,j I the elm I" ho kept contfnuillj' rr.ri1- ' , inp from tho tlmt It Nasff't th.J tvfff"1 ' a.o In Huu.d form until It hifcrfn'Py'a' , pijjMted itlndahfeld. The molten glass f dravm fom ' thn furnace mid pir nndr i r$) ler'lhat t;Uclt wTdtVand thlcL'SCti' ami then upAn ft rnofn ooAvyoft trtftt rarrlei It 454 tin thfcnW'fi'. h O 1 I grAduall coolfnd furnas.At thp-rtotyS&AMlSit'ti -H It I en' and PHCd on not!lrrV1ff!,WSWl II throiitlin-1 " ' veyor thil c.irrlox stares of rrlndlnc and polhhfps after which It li ready for use, of American Ideali, which will ' prei?nied by Martin J. Wn,,,X Iowa The other Is the report . committee on 1 rontPd by W npp II Swanoy L'liiril - pre- nnci- W. spcclallw In I'lBr'lns'Fo? OF IUIIl'1 Iirrilllllllllllin Drucs 38 . Strann'nr L t. baTwtfcht IwrcitlT, tnt hit f w hosdlock Ion a Hoc J Mo. V!n. burro anJ ! sprawled I cm tw bsek, thercbjr vlnnlnit o IHU vra jr. That, al Colorado Bprltifs Whtrc h Is tralaf lac for a Uureptan cArnvolcn. .in '!$ Many of our drugs nro cheaper now but the tiuullt) Is Mil! hlich. Currlns'Kor Druf-s. , 28 .MOTOU VKIIK'U: TAXES Tho motor vohlcle Industry paid special taxes In 1921 to tho federal and state Kovernment amounting to f22S,7C9,000 nniRB don't improve with . iiioretore e uont sell aged draw Currln Say So. sl it Is fitting that tho Ohio Daf si soclat'lon should erect a maailf monument at tho pravo of Slaoti P.' Chase a a memorial of the frorl' ' famouk Jailst, nitfiougB his' fiftef' would bo securo without It. Bbtoa'' Globe. . ,r It Senator I-a Follette w'cr md nlng baseball, would he puObb um pire's decision to a referendum tot' of tho players opposed to li -TMA niatlo. ttTSi !fa& A Modern Public Market Opened In room adjoining' Economy Groceteria M'W X ' 'Sc !. ") 'line llerinaii) mnkt ,, np"''i th pl turo appears r . . null but li mil lit bo remi'iv' , . ... " ii;n Hi l i.irr.ol iiuv to tlii; Maiili Ilullciii) Ar wwmmttwivttmxkK&mwm&m ni 2 cents Hurry Phone 577-W C 4 ' I B .; I " f IBiVl . I B ssiiE 524 Main fl aH Blackberries $2.00 Per Crate Per Cup 15c "Tomatoes $1.25 Per Crate Per lb. Sc Large Apricots 2.50 Crate Per lb. 15c Crawford Peaches $1.-10 Crate Satsuma Plums $2.25 Crate Per Basket GOc Tragedy Plums $2.25 Crate Per Basket GOc Red Plums $2.25 Crate Per Basket GOc Gravenstein Apples $3.00 Box Per lb. 10c Green Apples $3.00 Box Per lb. 10c r V A Imperial Watermelon 2c lb. Large- Cantaloupes 9c, 3 for 25c Honey Dew Melons 50c Each" - Lemons 35c Doz. Green Peppers 18c lb., 2 lbs; for 35c String Beans 10c lb. v . . Cabbage 8c lb. ' Large Cucumbers Gc Each Pure Extracted Honey, 5 lbs. 95c Fruit Jars 10c Each Fryers The first old time farmers Market Day Tomorrow. We welcome all fanners and the general public. We mail orders to any place. 1C I M PUBLIC MARKET 12G N. SIXTH ST. ILl "T -T, mm'm -MM l-p - it.,, t fat- t 1 aw Brwlffii ! I Creaineiy jSutter Special for Saturday -flSJKs WmUHIIllfllnBT 1 Hill HhThh MB Loti $m '''"ir The Hjibernia Savings and V h Grocery HIBERNIA BANK INCORPOKATED 1864' Q OFFICE Market, McAllistepvand Jones Sts. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA I ."A . ' Assets . . . $77,295,496.94 Reserve Fiind . 3j671,164.64 il 'n,r-?-, $V'A' , i V lllnlv. rr lie- i-b ma.i w Ob. Mlll.1- B. m t .. nnui. iw wa rvn .uvinin niirtinu.Bf mmu t ..H This booklst'tipUins how easily and safely accounts may be opened, and how deposits and wunaraweis may oe maae enrougn me mail. f ? .,H J J v i i ? '' i i Vi '.I 9 "-r Fa m i Ml f5; " u !, l?li A ff W 1 " "' .n.' kit VMBC i .l V t 1 , ' K