vf fAiV ' & ""ftp .&! r t ,! r Sty? Ibtumtmj WEATHER FORECAST TONIGHT AMI MATTRIIAV, l-'Ult. OFFICIAL PAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY AND OF KLAMATH FALLS. Member of the Associated Press k-k V , ' a 8i i it ? Flfn tli Viuir. Vo. tlilM.-V U U WIN 10 T Dead Father Said to Have Ordered Act; Police r Seek Husband 0 NI'.W VOItK, July 21 A message fllllll llIT lll'll.l father urglifg IllT In "uinlin mi t'lul of nil t It lit litmini'Hii prompted Mix. Mltinlit llolsler, wf nf ".loliti llin Iliirlii'r'' ttiilslor, widely known rtpnrtlni; niiin, to shout lmr hlsltir, Martha Kalx, pollro iiinted her mi luyltii; twlny after aim liml ln'i'ii lorlit'il up wlili her (wn ikiiiii unit n brother (hi homicide elinrr.es. ,JIm Unix wan Mini In tier hmn arly indny. Hotei-ilvci. iinliM.teil ih'ry ImiieviM Mrs. Itolnlor'M sinto tnont. although Minn Kalr. in a .tenth bed staleiiienl Inlil them t tin t Mnrrli Itelnlur. n iiiiii nf Mm. lloinliT, fired lli nIiiiIn which l.llli'il hir Morris and' Oeorr Relslcr nml Max Knit were hrlil with Mrs Iti'lilrr after an i InvcMlKallon of their Morles I'nlhrr Ciiiiih In llrriuu "I did II liecnuno my fnllur. wlinj U ilcnd, rnmo in urn In n itri'.im nml Inlil nix to put mi i'ihI to thin himl lipmi," pnllrn tinlil Mr" IMnler tnlil (hum. Iln know wlml wiin keImi: on In I... I.....I..K ..lll.. .....!.. I...1l,.v.. ' IIM' ltVIltll ll'IIKIt'll 'IIJiHT I'I'lllTMM iho .ir..nmN. i wu .n-KUM.d with' myirlf for wnllliiK. And I nm Kind i 'iii ii" An mi any mnrcn railed to tirini: ( John iho luriKT. no..i .iiri:o.ii.H nralr with Mli Knt wnii ilcclurcil l.y Mm. lleUler li hnvo hen ,llApnINr RrFll;F; cnuim of (hi) Hhnollnj:. Into ilw IhiiuIh riAKUllHj KLruau of tln piillce. Mrn llnlilcr innlntnlu-. fr IMTFRFFRF IN d thniiikhout llm day llie h.hmk' nt tltltiln of defiance Hint tihn liml luul sliico early In the morning when she screamed "You lie." m the i)Iiik girl ns llm latter ncruited Mnrrli lleliler nf the murder. (illlll of It ' "I shot her nnd I'm gln.l of II." he (old reporter... "Wo limits Int.. III.. fANHSU .M(., . July Sh.- -A lel- .loor nml she nim iiitinlug tiiwuril' ..... In her night g.n I yelled an.!J,,r 'r'"" ,rWnl llnrdlng tt. ... shot. Him grahhe.l mo nnd I fired ' emor tiroenherk today declared Hint ugiiln. She kept on righting mul Illi" feilonil gnwri.nient w.ih povcr ga. her iinother. mid l.ernus.i nhe )r,M (ll inierfero with the nltll id uf wusn't dead, then I fired iignlli. Sh dropped. I'm ..rry I dl.ln'l cnlch them both." WINS SALES RECORD luMm.i.co AKriil I'l.isr-. ijiiiirl.'.' Mil' lion Mark: Attends l.il meei Mr. and Mra. tle.irgo (' l'lrlch nnd .laughter, Kntherlne. nml Mlsx Klltit. belli Manning, loft this moinlng l.y niitomobllo for "Vancouver, II. C in i.Hfinil thn moclli.K of the Quarter Million chili of tho .Mutual l.lfo In surance company of New York, lh oomimny for vWilrh IMrlrh Is Incut ngenl. Tho Quarter Million . luh Ih made up of agrnin who havo wrllton int.ro than ISfiO.OOO worth of nllclen In their respectlv.i terrltorleii .liirlm; tho year. Thn local man has won this coveted dint lurt Inn for l lie past four years. Pesplln hp nprlng Hlump In I.iihI nean hern ho ur;nln paHHed (tin quar ter million maik liml year. Tho iiinntli Just rlo!od, which up plItiH on next year'a buslnesM, hna been tho biggest producer or miNliipa.i In IiIh experience her.., hiiI.I Ulrlch boforo lonvlng, nnd ho lum set tho goal for tho coming year at hnir n million, Tho Ulrlch parly will ho nlisont IT. .lnj'8. Tho InRiirnuro company pnyn thn oxpniiBos of tho trip. TOWN CHANGES NAME Wlwion N'ow Mount Shasta ; Nekn to Hhar'o Mountain'.. I'nmo MOUNT SHASTA. Calif,, July 28. In u apodal ulcetlnn hold horo yoi tordny to dbtormlno wholhor tho liamo of Slssnu nIiiiII lm clian'Ket' to Mount ShaBlit, thn void wuh 10.1 fa voring thu chiuigo mid UK against, Tho change of nn'ino wan KUg,:ot.to1 hy H, 1). Ilrown, landowner, who pointed out thut Sluson w.ih c.impar atlvoly unknown, whuronJ Mount Shiiala, ut wIioho base thn town la Hltuutod, la intiiriiatloiiiilly f.imoiiH. Tho rhungo of namo la oxpuctod to ennblo thu town to ttharo tho inouu- Ruin's (amo. Faces Murder i VMXtm.. ..... .. watrt u-mw&M . , ., Mrs. Clara Phillips, 2.', mot. . - f.n. 'l-, -iiSfir Hvoir " f n 'irnBiiiT - mb2k , p IK. 7 ' Mm' ?mw va2K s-3 -TffiJa Bfc.rt' it.' ru jY ' 1)11(111 t U WOl'iy III the WOlid .US She rCUU'llCd tO lOS AllgG- Ics under guard of sheriff's deputies to face an indictment cliurin her 'ith the slaving of of Mrs. Alberta Meadows, , t t() (1 lh with n'lmmmei.. I LOCAL AGREEMENTS .Ni.ll.ii.nl llliliillnn Asmiiih.I I.) Mill i.- llel.l lllg Isiun lit i on. Slrll.e; r..ie. IImm A'.irril tho t'ulie.l u.lno M.rkera t....rd in dependent local ngrepineut.1. thi. iidtlilin: can ho done except tu enablo the men willing I., work lo work In Kifcly, tin. I that tho hlg Usuo In the roul strike Ik tho national dictation, assumed hy the mine worker, which must be taken rare of by legislation. The letter replied to u telcgum from (iroesheck informing Harding 'Hint thu gowirnor had nuked ltel 1 .luii l.nwlx nf miners lo unnit Ml I'M gnu mlnera permission to enter into ngreouiPiits luilopeudently of nntlnnii) nrrillatlou. lMIII.ADKI.IMIIA. July 2R. l'resl dent I'.ewlH of the minora today io llerated that ho had every. roasar lo bellovo an Interstate Joint conference would bo called within n few dnya. adding that powerful influences nro at work to end the coal strike. MAItKr.T ituroiiT I'ORTI.ANI), July 28. CattlP, and liogu aleady. Sheep strong. Kgga weak, lower buying prloo 20c to 23c, Helling ut 21c to 29c. Ilutter uutct-. tied. dhath i'i.ot si:i:.v PARIS, July 28. Tho Fronch gov eminent him received . Information that an attempt ngaliiBt tho llfo of I'romlor 1'olncaro l being plotted In Gernian monnrchlat circles. wi:athi:u inon.niwTii:s Tlio Cyclo-Slormagrnpli nt Undor- wood h t'liarmacy roglstorod a alight ly downward move mont In baromotrlo pi-OHHiiro t o d n y. TIiIh Is mi liidlca tlou ot wnrmor woiithor tomorrow. Forecast for next 24 heurs: Fair nnd warm. Tho Tycim re cording thormomo otor roglstorod innxlmum mid minimum tomparn- tiiroH todny ns follnwu; High .. ...80 .. 1 I J H ' Low VI KLAMATH Charge Smiling & JfcSi 5RU ,,, ,, 11 was smiling as though she- THEFT SUSPECT HELD Tom III. luii il.n AILi JIiiiii.Ip Moore Am-Mnl l.y hhrrlff in.iiiir.uin nii.u .iimniii. Tom -.--- -.....- - Aliinr. um arrohteil :i . . . . . Jail this morning hy Sheriff Low. n;lno ln' UPla" "' l orKin is suspected of having stolen a sift , "' tho secret political organization, caso full of clothe belonging in Rex ' Uc,er ,n hh iMtlmonjr corroborat Warren on July 2 at IVIlcan I'ity c Hln. It I" reported, and de when, the two shared a room logoth- ,icrll,,'u I,C InlllnlloiiB of March 4th er and M being held nwallUig :i for-, leu'od at great length by resL ...nl .liu,.-.. u-l.tr!. I....I ..... to. I.een . ,l('"tH ot "'" UoKll rll;r vaIk'"- n lodged ngnluM him this afternoon. -" , HIM ItDAH (ll'KN V .Mi:i)K()ltll. Ji.lv T. N. T was UM-il n Miowdrllt near tho Wutchman on the rim road at Crater lake. The road entlrely iiround the rim Is open iiround the rim Is open. Thu road .oniiectlng Diamond tho bentence of tho oHIclatlng offl lako with Crater lako Miuuld ho; rer, hla own fervid reply, nnd leaving open nl tho sanio tlmo though ad- the hall In a huff. Later, with his vlctvi to that otfoct havo not been received here. I Continued on I'ago Klvo VM,M, Oltl-'UO.V, PltlDAV, JULY FORMER MEMBER OF KLAN TELLS INSIDE WORKINGS OF ORDER T.-iifi, iii .Mirmii (iniiui Jury I'miIm'S .yili'MN CrltlrlMfl; Mttnt' Part Iti-lntrtl H,oiti:i uTrxi:ss .miksinc .Mi:i)Ffltl, July 28. Arth- ur llnrr, roliirml. rirt victim of iiIkIiI rldlni; In Jucknon county, now Ik'Iiik InvuHtlKntcd liy u Krnnd Jury. urn. Ilnlod nmurii; 1 Hi" iiiInsIiik today. I f r left Mn- di'Mlo, Calif , In tlmo to p.'ncli Midford nl xlx o'clock till t iiiornliiK to testify. Knlurnl nK'-ntu mot tliv train, but ho was not nbonrd. Tho grand Jury 4 prohahly will mijourn Saturday. Todny tuatlmony wnii hoard on (lie hanging of Johnnon of Jnck- onnvlllo. MKDFOItt), July 2S.Tho special KHitnl Jury Invpstlgntlns tho nlBht rldlni: nnd other operutlonn nod acti vities In JackFon county last spring nnd delving Into tho "hanging" of J F Mule, concluded hearing thn testimony In tills cano lain Thursday nfrnooii. Ilnlp, nlready on tho stand once, when ho gave Intlmato iletnllH of his experience, wan . called hack. I Tho chief witnesses ucforo tho In ' ijiilitllorlal body Wednesday, wcro , Jnmos K. ndmlnton and Raymond Jlpter, former members of tho local chapter of tho Ku Klux Klan. Kdmls.. for raUroaAa l0 waro tho ,cnor. ton withdrew and wrote an open let-1, qucstlon nnd t0 tak0 B gtflitor tor criticising tho olleged methods of Anothcr wouIu B,va ..,oyM.. tho organisation following tho flrstjmcn wfco ,mvo rcmalned at work of tho scries of outrages, ncter. fol- (o 80nor ri5hu ovor 8trlkeH( iuwiiik riitiiuii, wiiinn uiu iuuku rooms, was '"suspended for six months," Reter told tho officiating officer, hn testified, "to make It its long as you please," and left, Kttmlton On Stand Kdmlstop was on the stand for f four hourimt told of klan meetings appearance. He told of klan meeting lings. In, nH..n!i.il r nini,ilinr nro.nn. nfl "" aitoiiue.i, or luomuers present, on , .... . .. nil KXIgtll llll"' , ' ...,,-........ . fttii.frliitii Mnme fir flium fli.rv. nml nl. "r w ""Urtt-a uf vlolatins oU.h, ' "tho penalty of which Is death," when ho resented tho Imputation mudo on the flour of tho lodge, that -'S. One luii of n wurm friend was ii Calholic. Reter! In removing nliold tho grand Jury, Mayor Gates mado u speech on hia behalf when his cam. was under consideration for vlo-. latlon uf "vows." Reter also told of - OIL ON TROUBLED WATERS 'M, IKK! PLANS 10 EiiD Iff. STI . Of Three Propoah. )SvBmitted By Preside Haj dinff; MeetitiRi Call, d 'f , trASIIINOTON July'Ai OlYlrlnl aiinouiiCm6nt as mndo at tho WhlthoJs? t;. it tho president l,c1iSll!L3 ,9"' "' tho difficulties lb pjin-A' .in adjustment oi iinvii strike wero cIcari?jJMtuydv( lje ennferenco today. S V , WASHINGTON'. Ju 2S,. Throo proposals for tho Imn nllato . - .linn: of tho railroad strike hi 'o'bam ub milled to representative ot tliv -II-road executives nnrt Inbn, union, t President Harding. Tho prdjo,i, will bo submitted to rnllroin exsc. lives meeting In Now York Tuesday, and to an employes' confer, uo In Chicago to bo arranged by B M. Juwell. . Outsldo railroad contractlnr c was said, would be abandoned by t'ift railroads under each of throe pr nnuli. (Inn of thn nronoials would tx and a third would provide separate I adjustments of seniority disputes by each road with Its own employes through Joint committees. WASHINGTON, July 28. Threo coal carrying roads, the Xorfolk & Western, Cheasapeaku Ohio and , ", , . . .7. i. . t.A I.OUISV1I10 e: .UHUIIIU, uau MCHUItu . . ..,.. i nm inrmni npn nil nnr Trtvirni ?x !' .""-"-" -r-.-- -- ccpt foodstuffs, livestock and fuel. m NATIONALISTS WIN Official lU-port Shown llljtl. In-hui-grntx lk'lng- Oa-letl DUIIMN. July 28. All main towns In tho Counumura district havo been cleared of Insurgent troop and rapid progress Is being mado by national forces In tho west and lu thu Munstcr province, says an official report. It adds that tliuro la jjood reason for hoping that I...,. . . ,,. , . wiiuiu a lurinisni organized rt.-aii- nncu uf republican Irregulars will havo been so broken that further postponement of tho Irish parlia ment will bo unnecessary. China's President v I Tmm.1m4. r imdilrat nf ., Im wZktng vbrorous" efforts m mlfjr Mia tmrtlaa-mvUt eoaatZT. X aanrcd aa Tlc president ot tk 41. JUBMOW DORRIS SUICIDE BLAMED HIS WIFE NOTES INDICATED Brooding Orrr Domestic Trouble) Cilven an Direct Cause; Dis cord In Home Known Sprlal lo Tho Herald DORniS. Cal.. July 2S. "Death from a gun-shot wound elf Inflict ed," was tho decision ot the coron er's Jury Investlgatlrrg-tho' cause of death of the David V. Wells, who was found dead on the road four miles west of Dorrls early Wednes day morning. Funeral services will bo held here today. Droodlng over domestic affalr.1 was given as the direct cause of his action In several notes found on tho body. Although Coroner John H. Tur ner of Yrcka did not give tho exact wording of thesu notes for publica tion, it Is understood that Wells blamed his wife for his action. Local friends havo been aware for Homo time of discord In tho Wells' house hold but wero not prepared for tho tragedy. For tho past few mouths WolUj has beeu lu Texas, having returned to Dorrls only recently. TROUT CHAMP. COMING Dr. A. K. S)kes of Oakland Out toi 1 letter Record of Lut Scmoil Dr. A. K. Sykea tho "trout champ," who won national fame last year when ho caught a 23'. a pound trout near Rocky I'olut, will arrive hero tonight by train tu spend two or threo weeks at Rocky Point. Not only did Dr. Sykes catch tho largest trout here, but ho won tho Field and Stream uward for tho largest rainbow trout caught west ut tho Rocky mountains. It was said by local sportsmen that tho trout actually was tho largest of Its species caught in tho United States, but that becauso of tho smaller trout ot eastern streams tho magazine had fixed two dis tricts. According to advnuco informa tion, Dr. Sykes will attempt to sur pass his record ot last years. m FAIR MEET TONIGHT Joint Commltteo Will Recommend Purclmse of Slto Purchase, of ouo ot tho fair ground sites undor consideration by a joint commltteo of business men, tho coun ty court and tho fair board, will ha rocommonded at a meeting In tho chambor ot commerco tonight. It is undorstood that acceptance nf tho roommondntlon will result In Imiiio dlato purchase with tho funds nt tho association, with the Intention nt planning for a county fair IhU fall. Ed Vannlca has boon nnmod a mombor ot tho commltteo of business men, succeeding II. N, Moo, -who Is out ot tho city; , - . mm wmm Pc MM K isE!HHBJMsV r MKsHBPv4 HUGH F1VK CKNTS SPDRTSMEN TO iinin I Resignations Will Com Bo fore . Meeting; . Gam Board Held Responsible Resignations of member! ot thn oxiiciillvo commltlcj tt tho Klamath Sportsmen's association, who at ft meeting Monday yo'.i I to wlthdra from active part in tho aiso.ia(Ion becuusn of dlniatUfactlon.wllh the state gamo commission, wi'l come boforo tho regular nuiotlns; of thu association at tho chamber of rosa nicrcii at 8 o'clock lonlgh'., The' members nre: J. J. Fnrbor, prj. dent: L. J. Dean, socrolary; Dr. II. D. W Stewart. Dyroi llsrdenhrootc and Win. W. MeNealy. The mcmbrs charged ths commu nion with exploitation of Klaniath county's fish production and with bad management and Ineampetracy, declaring that this county wai be Ing used to stock othor port!on"ot tho state with fish to tho rtetrimint of loal lakes and stream, sal that proper hatchery and crg-Uklnr fa cilities had not been cslabllsteJ here. Gamo Warden Keelfie Tho resignations of H. D. Stout, county gamo warden, an-! John Ramsdcll, field superlntendnt, went nlso tendored to tho commission, fctsd wore accepted. The association will aim roal4r acUon taken with a view to endlas; fishing on Klamath lake with motor propelled row boats. It. is :Utm4 In n petition recently forwarded to the commlsiion that fishing by this means has resulted In great waste, duo to tho ability, of the fUhornwa To cover TwIaVsr range than With canon or row boat. A similar reeoas raendatlon was made last year but was not acted upon by th.) commis sion. Thu petition was drafted hy Fred I). Fletcher, who callod the commis sion's attention to tho fact that a number ot tho signers am owners of summer cottages on Klamath lake and are In cloiu touch with tha situa tion. It was pointed out that In pre senting thu petition tho elgners wero looking more to tho future than to tho, present! Conditions aro bad at present. It was said, but would crow worse with Improvement ot roads to tho summer resorts. Tho petition follews: We, tho undersigned, residents of Klamath County. Oregon, aad owning summer cottages at Rocky Point upon Upper Klamath Lake, nml othor sportsmen interested In tho preservation and protection ot tho fish and gamo of this county and state, present this their peti tion and snow as follows That v.uicr tho cxUtin.T Taws tt Is permlssablo to fish for trout and gamo fish upon Upper Klamath Lake and streams tributary thereto from motor boats and boats pro pelled hy ino:hul:al power. That t rar).'il Id 'eitliatlon has rovoalc.l 'ho fart that lari'. .riro tltlcs ot trout are being Ink en at Rocky Point and other wrls up on tho Upp)r Klamath lake by means ot povr boats and are t Ing ruthlessly wasted. That transient fishermen are taking tho limit almost dally aad In somo cases more than the limit and If unable to give tho tlsb away nro simply allowing them to decay and spoil. ' That by moans ot tho power boat tho tlshormar. It enabled to movo back und forth across the fishing banks and from one potat to another much more rapidly than In a row boat or canoe, and la ttHM enabled to dostroy tar more fish, That tho fish are thus far plenti ful lu Upper Klamath Take ettd your petitioners feel that trae sportsmen can catch all the flea they can uso and are really ea titled to whllo fishing from row boats and without the use ot chanlcnlly propelled launches. )' That It has boen the policy orally to prohibit the use of power (Continued to Page B) HAND PROGRAM TOMOHT 1. March Royal Decree, Ovorturo Gipsy Queen, , 3, Cornet Solo rThree ts Polka (Charles Fayette)) 4. (a) Love's Ship, (b) Tkff' T I Snoak. Ti. Serenade A Night June,. 6, Popular Solectloa Ml Avn r- e IN vofwatn -"' Children's piaygratir! or Main street tttH4Mi!P T . . . J'.ZL.. V .VtjjZ? w w w w '. f, ,p m .fj . i1 l.r, f MT.'. .' . m r .W A.tia '- 1 .... ! J fS-,