mt wwc?S! Mltefc J r'.vi"f' , WW ,i sw "vr, . 9 ir, tWIW w "V J f' U1 i km '- r' ' lljjf ,l "P IH ' mrMiArttrfjr 17, THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Togo Six ?; , , -' w m m 4 ' V 'HI &i I.ji! ,tii. .1 ; Permil Mcnlioi . . Itfrry Poole",' of tho Liberty Mon tr, mado trip to Chlloquln lint night, a MIm Katheritio Ess was In .town talsjworalng from Iter homo near Kena.v Miss rjcralrilne Watt spent today with Miss Kllon McVeigh on her ranch near Malln. v C. C. Lewis, n rancher In tho vol )oy south of town, made a trip In for supplies last night, Mr. hint Mrs, T, 11, Day are In Inn rlly today from thcli1 home In San Francisco. Thr-y expect to go on to Crater lKo. Claudo HouKhton, woods nuporlu teudent niljj the "wholo show" around tho Lamm Lumber company's R, P. Anderson Is a Klamath Falls, camp near-Kirk, whs brought In ort business visitor this wook from 'San last night's train from that place Francisco, He Is'al iho Whlto I'oll-1 wltli a tmdly Injured hack, lie Is con- can, fined to Ills room In tho Hall hotel. 1 Underwood's Kodak Department 'offers you the BEST of everything from the time you buy your film until the finished pictures arc delivered to you. r1 . ,Jj Films' sent by mail developed same day received. nctufes mailed 'out tkc next day W if i ? EASTMAN KODAK FILMS EXPERT DEVELOPING Wf MM the Kastnuui Methods in our dark room. geYflV. r bbbBhBBJHbY Bk BBBBBBBBBBBBt SNAPPY BRILLIANT PRINTS Kxprrt prlntlt and developing. EIGHT HOUR SERVICE FUhm left before O A. M. ready ut 3 l. M. i ENLARGEMENTS Enlargements made from your favorite negative suitable for framing and for gifts. Black and white, size 8x10 '"Or tode BBJIBj I r Wv I tte41 4 ALbV 4k Bftffc KLAMATH FALLS wwmatY OREGON Titer" WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS ACCURACY ADVANCE NOTICE HECTOR'S SUMMER r. CLEARANCE SALE Starts Saturday, ; JULY 29 it 9 A.M. jfcHW- ; . . Ik v. See Tomorrow's Herald for Details l'iK. I Th low prices will astonish you. All slimmer and seasonable goods sacrificed. ?n . v T. . j . a . J: jz ff AT-1-.' V, Mm. llormnn Foster nml ymiug non tloimrtcil (hla morning tor llu Reno nlioro llioj- will rlali hbr moth er imtl other rclitliM. Mrn. II. K. rhlllltis and children Ictt on ttto mornltiK irnlti (or Cull fornln whoro thoy will Join Mr. VMU tips nt their uew homo nenr Hiiii FrnncUea.-M M MoKlnnp)-. one of tho contractors on (ho Hart building, toft this morn ing for Portland where tin will bo occupied for' tho remainder of tho week on buMncM. MKt Ktliol McOltchrldt arrived Inst night from Salem and U regis tetvd nt tlio'WJilto l'ollcan hotel. 8lid expects to visit with friends hero for the next tow darn. "I'm hero on binlucis," was tho answer Dan Uodsell. deputy sheriff and sheepman from Ijkovlew mado when qultxed by n friend as to his visit hero at this time. Kd Dunham and Joo Posplsll loft n tho Ashlnnd stago this morning and wilt go from thoro to Portland on the train. They expect to return with two now Btudobakor cars. Mrs. Albert Lenox Is hero for a short visit with friends and relative! from her homo at Copco. Mrs. Ill .Woods of Copco Is also hero visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Smith. Walter A. West and family were In town yesterday from tho Agency on a combluvd bunlnoss and pleasure trip. They were accompanied by P. ti. Snook. Justice of tho pcaco at Chlloquln. Mr. and Mrs. James relton, pos sessors' or ono of the finest ranches In tho Wooa river dountry. wore In town yesterday and last night with their two guests, Miss Elinor and Dorothy Orth, of Medford, Sheriff Low, Patrolman Mclaugh lin. Chief Wilson and Uiko Walker, who Journeyed to Portland by auto, mobllo last week for tho purpose of testifying Leforo tho federal grand Jury, returned'homo-last night, Mr. and Mrs. T. K. CTrlfflth and sons. Dale nnd Vcrn, arrlted from Now Pine Creek on their way to IMgnnc, where they will visit Orlf mil's parents and with Everett Grif fith, formerly a resident of this city. Clcnn Hammond drove Into town yesterday from hla ranch near Mer rill and brought a number of men with him whoiasslstcd with tho hay ing. All tho hay Is up on tho Ham mond ranch and ho reports a fine showing as far as his crop was con cerned. Donald C. Lawrence, eldest son of tho Jlev. K. P.- Lawrence of Mtdford, formerly of this city, was married In Medford lasl Saturday to Miss Pearl Skinner or Medford. The couple will spend their honeymoon at Ilocky Point, and will make their home In Medford. Mr. and Mrs. 8. K. Mirtln and daughters, Vivian and Tlortba. ac companied by Kenneth Thayer and Stanley ficorge, who aro visiting hero, returned homo last night aNcr several days spent at Crater lake and Rocky Point. This morning they loft for Malln to spend the day looking over tho wheat (Iclds In that part or tho country. Supplying milk to. most or the babies of Columbus, Ohio, Is tho, business or C. II. Angovino, who Is hero visiting his brother-in-law "W. 8. Slough.. Angcvino conduct a largo dairy farm near Columbus which Is rated as ono of the largest In tho state. At present he Is cmjoylng tho first vacation of many years, having loft his thrco boys in charge of tho farm. From here ha will visit Crater Lakn, later going south to Los An geles, i Tho Hw Du you s'pose It's posslblo to iovo two fellas at the satno tlmo?" anxl ously asked Yvoano of tho rapid flro restaurant. "Not If thoy kotch you at It!" briskly replied llcloiao of tbu sumo establishment. Marshall Nullan and Blanche Hwuet wcru married recently, It is perfectly proper, wo presume, to say that Nollan got "Hwool" wife. Still, tho chap who said skirts woro coming down hit it about as well as tho chap who said prices wcro. Illngbamton Bun. rai Memories Will Lira Wfcei Yo Say It With . flowers Flower's Mrftvwy ccailoa Kbmth Fbwcr Sbtf Open Sundays) I to 1 Week days, I a. . to I p, m, mmmmmmmmmmm Minuter Seeks to Prevent Statin of LeonaroSTendler Go JKIISHV CITY, N. J., Jy 27. A protest against the holding of tho llenny Leonnrd-Uw Tondler light weight boxing championship contest nt Itoylo's Thirty Acres tonight wa mado to Mayor Hague today by ltov, Harvoy I.. Wyatt, nctlug for tho so ciety of New Jersey for tho proven- tlon of crime, a nowty-organUcd min isterial association. Dr. Wyatt told tho mayor that tho Tcndlrr-Lcojiard affair would bo de moralising. .He asked the mayor to seo to It. U tho right actually dlii tako place, that tho law for the pun ishment of crlmo was enforced. "The mayor thanked mo, and snld nothing more," Dr. Wyatt said later. Counsel for tho Mlnlitorlal Asso latlon said tho association had lllllu hopo of preventing tho' match, but that It was going to seek In tho next legislature n revision of tho boxing law, and wanted to show that It had le't nothing undnno to protent tho Lconard-Tohdtcr right., l.lthetlct A tall, strong man walked Into m store. , "I wan n sol of lady's 'turf," ho Raid. ' ' "WJmt VlndT"' nuked tho male ns alstant. "That brown set In tho window will do If It's not too denr," replied tho strong man. "Oh, you mean skunk!" said tho assistant. The poor assistant Is still In tho hospital. "Can tho flapper maka her way?" asks n professor. Sha doesn't liavu to make her way. Shu has It. Los An geles Itecord. A Vital guest Ion It was Dm last ledum of Iho tiinu and tho professor whs urgliiK bin nludnntn to put alt their tlimi In mii paratlou fur tho final .examination, "Tho examination (iiiistloiui nrn now In tho lunula of tho printer," ho mild, "Now uro thoro any inoro itiiimtloiiH ou want nnnnnri'd nt Ihla tlmoT" A olco from the back row after u miiinunt'ii slloiui) "Who Is tho print-nrT" During tho flint half of Iti'JI moro thnn U,00U nulmnnhllcH wcru Impiirlrd Into tlrugiiayT THE FLORSHEIM SHOE .i,- THE FLORSHBIM SHOE satisfies n world of men with widely varying tastes, and meets the most exacting requirements throughout the strenuous lifo that a good shoe must live. - A shoe of fine, ipttliiy , at a low price ' HO K. Sugarman "1 AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY" - FOR THE MAN 1 BgBMnVlll V r nJifflSSSilP WHO CARHS SEVEN-THIRTY Zero hour for Winters' Jewelry Stock approaches. Indications point to record-breaking crowd when Sale starts at 7:30 tonight Window filled with "Rewards" attracts throngs. Society plans to attend Mr. Winters' "Party" en massecards not required and formal dress is barred. KM ANY folks in Klamath Falls arc counting the hour until seven thirty and the start of the jrreat Win ders' Auction Sale. All day yester ,'day ve were busy with good people who were interested in the many fine articles that will be sold to the highest bidders. ' IN alittle book that I carry I mark ed the number of people who de clared' that they would be on hand promptly at seven-thirty tonight and this is a brief summary; 43 people are going to be here to buy watches; seven young men are going to bid on rings that may lead them to a lot of grief unless they reconsider the mat ter and change their minds; eight ladies are going to buy cut glass wa ter sets and innumerable people are going to add to their table silver at auction prices, besides the folks who have decided on lavalliers, ear rings, bracelets and the thousand and one articles that go to make up a stock Jike Winters'. ONE dear little woman with a list of relatives to remember next Christmas gave me p pleasureable hour trying to find things vthaf would make suitable gifts for her little grandchildren. She is all fixed up knows what she is going to bid on and how high she is going too. Be tween the few of us, I earnestly hope (hat no one tyids against that jlear little lady. I'm for her and you must not forget it. " THE other' day 'I advertised cut lery in 'our stock." There "ain't' no more knives and razors." I sold the entire cUtlery stock last night at private sale; ip, ono Ipt. Sorry to do it, but tho stock, is large and the 'need for money is most urgent. I just couldn't resist, but it won't hap pen again, I promise. ONE last promise. Nothing will , be said or dono that won't measure up, to the highest standards pf honesty. Only the baro truth and courteous treatment. I want to make this sale a success, for the sake of an institution that means u great deal to your town, for tho Winters' store is a credit to Klain athFalls. S' EVEN-Thiity is tho time. I acl vise that you como cSrly for the ''Rewards" go to the early comors. And, be as liberal as you can for the' spkc of your neighbor in distress. " "-i4J I Thank You. ARTHUR H. ALLEN, for tho Merchants Finance Company, Liquidating WINTERS' JEWELRY STOCK A ' v i rf- -1-- yj','ft ,&, tk!r A"' ''VTi' AT j ' A- v.rit s4. Keg?H