The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 27, 1922, Image 1

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    r. ' ' " iUf'fdt
lOMMHT AMI litlDAV, 1'Alll AM)
flflernlii Vmr. No, 0IWI4
Joint Committee Named to
Select Site; Inspection
Saturday Proposed
1'lntiM for n permanent county
fulr ground are progressing and tbo
ultlmilu success of tliu undertak
ing iivuniit assured.
HuKUllIng from u mooting In tlio
chamber of commerce laat nlKht of
Ihn mtrchnnta' bureau and Ihn fair
board, Ihn cltlicns fulr jcrouuJ
umiuilMi'u, tlio fulr lion r J. und Ihn
county court weni named an a
Joint cuimnlttcn lo dacldn on a lo
ration for tho proposed fair grounds
uml for it plan of flnnriro. Duo
to tlio alimnco from tlio city of II.
N. Moo, J K, Hwansou wnh nnmed
for I lin rltltdm tmninlllie, Tlio
iihir member nm A. M. Collolr
uml It. K. Wright.
Saturday dm coiiimlttco will In
pod tho trnciit under ronnldrntloti
with view lo recommending pur-
Cham, of one of lhim. A plan will
alio lio outlined for fliianclnic tho
fair uuocl.itluii until tho question
lit tlll.,tlllMa. IW IttM Kfltllllw ftf MAla.l '
"' " " " V..I.... W. IUIUU
on at tlio Kvncral 1 lei t Ion In No
vmiiliiir. "
It an ri'purtrd Ia1 iilnlit thai
ovrr IS.nno linn Ikmhi ntilmcrlticd. Of
tln amount ISOO nuliacrllird In
o:tr hour yi'ilorday mornlns. It was
Mid. Tun rommlttca rrportit a
Ktrnnn nanlliuont In favor of Mrm
anint fair urouiuln, both tbrnugb
out Ihn (ounty aa well a locally.
t'ounltouMt JaaMor DrclarM War
Oh UralMyrr of Flower
"What do )ou think of audi dam
(iiulilit aiidallKin!" dnmanded I.. M.
Ilanncn, courthouao Janitor, dlplay
liiK n crumpled aunflowor from tho
county library grounda.
llannon waa looking forUio "fight
ing editor." Ho aald ho waa In a
fighting mood hlmielt and wanted
co-oprratlon, llu acorod tho audula
who doitroy tho follago adjoining tho
rouuly bulldluga nnd declared, that If
nvor ho got lila hands on nno of
them "tuoru cortalnly would bo
aoniothlng doing."
llannon Ukea greut prldu lu tilt
flowcri, with which ho has had mark
ed auccoii. Hut his work of teautl
cation haa been agaluat groat odds,
i-arh year bringing Iho dcitructlon
of bin handiwork at the hands of
Mindnla or camions people.
Hliilo CpmmUsltm Maine Iloulen of
Proponed nornUt
1'OnTI.ANI), July 27. Tho high
way pommlsalon today docldod that
tho Hecllon of tho noosovolt high
way In Curry county shall bo down
tho roast from Kuchro creek to
Iho John Orlael cemetery. It do
cldod tho location roulo of moun
tain auction of thu AUcn highway
for alx nnd hIx-IoiiIIih miles begin
ning Just wont of Yow crook and
running lo tho eastern limit of- tho
Jaclmon Whlto ranch. II Ids will bo
received uoxt pionth for grading
thin. Au ugroement on tbo Mount
Hood loop was delayed by rofunal
of Chairman ttudcon, of tho Mult
nomah count commission, lo voto
for tbo promlaud I70(000 on tho
ground mot it diiouiu uo put lu
next yoar'a budget.
Very niitip cbango In barometric
pressure haa boon
recorded by tho Cy
clo Htorraugraph at
Underwoods I'har-
roucy since yester
day's report. As
tho reading la
slightly I o w o r,
warmer wouthor is
llkoly to prevail to
Forecast for noxt
84 heurs:
Continued fair and
The Tycoi recording tbormometer
rogUtored maximum and minimum
tomporaluros today as follews:
............. M. ......
f J
'w 1 TkftL.
;ok V
Sty e'. limaaaaaaaaaaammma i vBmaaaaaaaaamBmaaaaaaaaWHsmamnaaaaaTl
?W ' Mm. anBeaamnaH BKw-jtiWmimr
anaaafsmaaT1 i ifn. Tr- ' Tw-TljJpiBi,r vw JVpf if'V
I sBaaaav aaaaammml rtHBk - aaaam ssssssssWsBBBmssssssssssssw 'saaaaaawl, j J!
Members of the Senate and the American Federation of Labor in conference
seeking a solution of Htrikc problems and labor conditions generally. Left to right,
Samuel Compere, Edgar Wallace, legislative representative of the A. F. of L., Frank
yVIorrirton, A. F. of L. secretary, and Senators David Walsh, Borah and King.
lcmlcr Meet I'rrnldrat Harding to
Seek Hotuliou lo I'rvK'at
Urnto Situation
WASHINGTON, I). (J., July 27.
Tim Wliltu houmi ngaln today hecumo
Ihn cctilrr nf ili-wlonnirutii In tlio rull
Mrlk(1( ,,, ,,rc,,,cnt ,lir0(Dg con.
f,,mo flr3l wt(l )owm Cuyler.
chairman of tlm association of rail.
way rii'ciithe, and then with atrlkc
Iruilrra liiuilril liy II. M. Jimrll, ho
rcaclipd WimliliiKton rarly today from
Chlcaxo. JpwpII nnd hlit collcnKUci
wmt Into rnnfcrrnro with tho prol-
dmi nftor Culrr hud concluded an
hour's illncuinlon with Hnrdlnc.
a!u(o railroad and publlo utilities
commlsnlorut worn called upon today
by tho Interstato comraorco com'
inlnalon to give nctlvo aaxlatanco la
carrying out priority-orders for" tho
distribution ot coal.
WHIIINOTO.V, I). C. July 27.
A favorahlo reaction to tho govern-
mout'n efforts to stimulate coal pro
duction In men In tho figures ahowlng
13,083 cars of coal loaded Monda
nt the mines' aa compared with 9,
800 last Hnturday, nnd with n dally
arerago of 10,914 during tho six
previous working days,
WAHIII.NOTO.V, D. C. July 27.
Having presented tho striking shop
man's vhjws to President Harding at
this morning's conference, II. M,
Jew oil and other atrlku leadara re
lumed to thu Whlto house this af
ternoon for a further coufortneo at
which It was bellowed Harding might
present some proposition to settle tho
New guartemli Taken Adjolalag
KcoaoBay Uruccterlut Opru Haturday
Kalurduy tho Publlo Market will
open In now qunrtorn udjolnlug thu
Kconomy grocetoriu on Sixth street;
Thu move la mndo necessary through
thu need far lurgor und more mod
ern quarters, according lo Managor
h !.. Crnmblllt.
"In uddlllon In being tho largest In
stitution of Its kind In tho stuto, not
including Portland, wo botlcvn It will
also bu tho most modern," said Cram
blltt. "Among thu features will bo a
dlroct air circulating system through
the ontlro market ami especially pro
pared quartern for llvo poultry. All
foodstuffs will bu protected with
wire screens."
Tho Kconomy grocetoriu Imu an
nounced thu enlargement ot Us gro
cery Htock un( tho dlscontluuanco of
sale of fresh fruit und vigutubleu,
Inrcmllarlsy Huspeoteui Several
Members of Crews I'lrcd)
OLYMPIAWaah., July 27. Com
blued with tho ovor increasing dan
ger front flros Is an undercurrent ot
Incendiarism lu soverul soctions of
tha ststo, said Statu Forester rape
today. Tho tact that a numbor old J
fires nave sprung up, attor Doing vir
tually ex,tlnguUhod, caused the ba
lief that some members of craws
anxious to contlnuo working In ccr-
uncjor suspicion wero c)scharged,
Flappers Have Friends
Championed in Calvary
rAMiAlir, Attn., km 27. After
bolng ridiculed, laURhrd nt, talked
about and iconcmlly mndo fun of. ,,uo',c "', "'" """''"
Canadian flapper will bo glad to'Arlhur " M of, th McrchMf.
know that ui leant they havo.Bomo Hnanco compwy, who Is condoctlnr
ayinpall.Uirawhonronotnitalni.tthu ucl,on ''l ' J"W
bobbliiK of hulr, h
If Ih ilnrtnrnil fn tin n tclrlt llv tir
sons) mutter by tha local council of
woroon and Iho Calgary flappers huvo """7"'1 ' ..- "
a atrong thamplon In tho -council, tora thai bo Is compelled to stage an
They Iimo been aihlsed to go ahead "cllon aIe at this time. Ho bus
and bob II regardless of what tho."""', n,B creauors. nowevcr, ana
newspapers or the men hnvo to say thro "0,h,n Uo ,for h,m do'
about It, nod If the- loso their Jobs,
bocauso ot tho length of their hair.
.!. i i .,. in .1.-.1 1-i.i-j
tfasm in their protests. .
Urn, It was most emphatically do-
dared, hato no right to dictate tolu""" " "'" " """"""
women how they shall wear their
hair. "I wander what would happen
H we started in telling the men how
they should do their hair," was ask
ed by several spcakcra at a recent
Tho decision to champion Iho causa
of the flappers followed a rumor
that Calgary employers wcro dis
charging girls hocnuso of their ah
breviated tresses.
,Meaaare Providing HO Per Cent Hut.
terfat Approved by Committee
WAHHINOTON, I). C, July 27.
Tho "bettor butter" bill of Senator
Htorllng ot South Dakota, to doflno
butter by law and require that It
contains SO percent butterfat, was
favorably reported by tbo senate ,
agriculture committee.
r "s . amaVMaV?Vt? 4 X
ssamVd- L3sJIfMsW.AV am.yftvWsM',tJV TOF'
BrTsBsVtJhw jilr &$'zKhQkK2fflvrJtil$J& assw" rtrffsf sW MJr-0JH"''
tav3B?vCSsmBi55ms JcJlJt Brf ,
jrj&V&MMm J llamai'lalltg-id 2?S ' 4J. '
.'" io kP"!Stoi ,
!wni imaaanu" mini nam n l mi w j in mwhiimhp I ixji..juhJjii- ' u- i .! "
Member of the Associated VreM.
OFFER. $50,000 STOCK
Winter' Jewelry to lie Hold
Whatever It WIU Brla
"Jowclry aud cut elasi valued at
over ICO. 000 will bo offered to the
. ....HI- ... !......- f t.l.... ft ..U
more, niarung iuui(iu.
In view of tho fact that Klamath
Valu c1om" ,n tho, erKC f " ,
Tho stock must be sold at whatever
it wilt bring."
Allen pointed out that even
WMtara lose, money by the
",0,ho wl JTml ted to remain In
thereby gaining aa, Opportunity to re
coup hla jeMeaJae fntare.
Third Concert of Serif to Be Glv
ea la Coartlioaae Park
Tho third of Klamath's weekly
band concerts will be given tomor
row evening at 8 o'clock In the
park at tbe-rear of tho Main street
courthouse, It was annonnccd today.
An excellent program has been ar
ranged for tno evening and music
overs are promised a delightful en-
It was requested by the band
management that children bo pre
vented from climbing over tho band
stand during tho performance. At
the last concert tho players were
disturbed lu this manned, It was
SIT, ll
Attempt Declare! Mott
Flarrant of Lone Series
Of VialatioM
PARIS, July 27. The council of
ambassadors decided today to aaad
a sharp note to Oermaajr dagaud
Ing Immediate destruction of. a (Ire
control and range fladhia Mhool
which had been qnlatly attabllsbed
at a strategic nolat oa ta Kiel
Allied offlcm datafM the
school conld be eonvartad late a
fort at the canal entraaea, and
termed It tbe most ftacraat et a
long series of vloUtlois at tkeMRW WARI.D KRCORD
naval terms
Of the VenaJUesi
CalNta Auk a Una aa Paget
Soaadt AMI Paaaeajwa Saved
SEATTLE, July 27 The Urn of
scores of persons ware fntrllled
, today when the Japanese sttamer.
Hawaii Marut collided daring a tog
wan mo ruget Bound Mawnsar.llshed her In tho second dav of the
eight miles from Beattls. Tha Cal-..
isia aana within 10 minutes. All
passengers and crew were saved.
publican senators opposing tariff
rates proposed on low gradee et
wool lost 'today la the tint afeaaa
.or their fight to limit
to. tho. equivalent of .aa adTalaram
of 0 peri cent. .
a :-
PORTLAND, Jnly" 17. (Rattle
slow. Hogs firm, prime light IU.75
to 112.25. sheep steady. Egga fMak.
Butter unsettled.
a .i .
Tho next kangaroo trial la caHaee-
tlo nwlth tho 90-day knocksrs' Roll
day wllj bo held one week froahfiat-
uru), u was anaouncea laaaar py
Secretary Stevenson of tho chamber
of commerce. Declsloa to postpone
tno trial resulted from a Mm to
sUge the affair oa a mora twMrata
scale, for which tlsse will b aaaded.
K. Sugarmaa and Mag Waist will ap
near as attorneys, It waa said.
Shooting Victim
Jewph Btmo-sInU PhllaotlpBla
ehf, u recovering to a hotpKal,
from a nrrloui gunthot wound.
Police say Mrs. Mary Oochstt. wit -
ot another enci, avta um
to roTiatiiuen ami
UeWkhMoa Hoff-Tim Steer la One
Yjfftfa Hecoad Low Tbaa
, v Foraser Ctuuaaloa
CHEYENNE. Wyo., July 27. A
new world's record for roping and
hog-tlelng a steer today was cstab-
I- - '
Johnson, Oklahoma horseman,
Johnson accomplished tho feat In
20 and three-fifths seconds, ono
fifth of a second faster than (he for
mer record made here by, Fred Low
ry, also of Oklahoma, In 1912.
Brer Alaamai .Held to Ham Bak
ed sKaaderd ot ArhJeTeareat
LONDON, Julr 27. "Mountain
eering' proper Is not necessarily
rashness, but Is entirely a question
of prudence aad ot courage, of
strength and steadiness, and ot a
feeling for nature and her most
hidden beauties, which are often
awe-inspiring, but for that reason
tbe more sublime, and to a con
templatlvo spirit tho more sug
Sir Francis Younghusband,
speaking before tho Royal Geo
graphical society on tho Moant
Everest expedition, used tbo tore-
going words to express tho sent!
ment which haa animated all those
connected with tho expedition, and
then said they wcro written 13
years ago by a certain father Rattl,
who has now becomo Popo Pius
After describing what tho expe
dition had accomplished Sir Fran
cis said: "Tho expcrlonco gained
this year shows that skilled moun
talnoors aro able to take those un
skilled In high mountain craft to
tbo highest altitudes. Geoffrey
Bruce bad never climbed a snow
and Ice mountain before. Yet un
der Finch's skilled leadership bo
was able to attain a height ot 27,
300 foct. And tho Shcrpa porters,
though they wero practically un
trained lo show and ico work, wero
nble, under General Bruce'a stimu
lating influence, to carry loads- up
to 25,600 feet, somo of them mak
ing tbo journey four times and so
earning tho unstinted praise ot tho
best mountaineers.
"By careful nrgunixatioa and com
bination of effort, using experience
to guide Inexperience, and by tho
display of' Indomitable pluek on tho
part of tho highest climbers, tho
expedition has at a hound brought
the record up from 24,00 feet to
27.300 feet aad thus left only),-
" a. ' 'a1
TVS) teei to do cumoea peioro me
orownlnr summit Is reached.
. . . v . ..... . .
"Tho standard of human acnteve
ment has thereby been J sensibly
raised. And many another travel
ler, and many another stragglor up
ward in evory walk of lifo and in
over country will bo braced and
hearteuod In remembering what
Finch aad Malwry, Somervell,
'Norton aad. Bruce have this year
accomplished oa Moant Kverest.
Aad this, to my mind, Is tacom
parably tha most valuable result of
the expedition, and a result which
makes their efforts la tsM.Mgaast
degree worfh wbl?," "-
Becomes Member f Fnaek'
Family of OM LuMace; i
NEW YORK, July 37. A farmer
Portland, Oregon, girl became a le
gal member of aa arlstaeratle
French family ot reyal Haeege to
day thnmga'ftdeatlM at Ctaadla
Windsor Tartaalwtfa a Pierre
Tartoal, a portrait aatatar, and
daughter of Mrs. Baagdd BefMt U
Portland, by Coaatam Oa Taeaae
villa De Xamaaa Pa, Ciaaaaatei.
A'doptloa proceediaga vara, taatt
tuted held la the nrregat' eeart
here before 8nrregata Catoaav-
Through the adoptlea, the haw
daughter of the Franca eeaataas
gains the right to use tha titles et
Countess De Rampapa aad Coaat
ess Do Chnnquctot
P. S. Writes Jats
Would Boost HesTaw
Dear Ed: Well, Ed, yon wlU be
surprised to bore that I'm going Into
tho music business which looks to
me llko a way to pick up soma easy
jack without no work to speak ot ac
cept a little brans work which la net
work for mo but is play whea Im
feeling good. ,.
My Idear, Ed,, Is, to wrlU aas
peace which will set all tha he head
ed Jaxx klddoea to dancing all ever
tne country aad every uma yea ga.ta
n vodevllle-Tea hearsasaa liaise la
PCM 61
short, sklrw warhNasj at. - - -.Ji
The name of this asasa Is JCIamath
Falls Has a Ct. Hat. War Bat No
One Does Not Oet Killed. The way I
get the Idear tor taa aame is reading
peaces In tbe papers where ladles u
killing each other with hammers or
whichever is handy, which they say
happens once or twlea per day la Lost '
Angeles It business Is good. I also see
whero ladica and gents both Is doing
llkqwlsc In tho cole and rale strikes,
only theys uselng machinery gana
and the llko, same being faster and
saving the ladles arms.
' My Idear. Ed. Is to rah It into all
theso other barge which is always
klddiag as about tha eeartaeeae war
and nt tbe same advertise Klamath
Falls as a nice psacefall town so
everybody .will straightaways got lato
a sweat to come hear. Taata what
I do fqrniy town siaee I get to be
a promlnato eltysea.
My peacejroes like this:
Ob. Klamath has' a st. has. war bat
Wo'one'do'es not'gst'kllled '
Bocauso all the warriors harts with
kindness they IS tlllsd.
There klndndss' H skews, everywhere
in a' way which Is anile funny.
Bcca'usd when "tola 'is feeling good
tKoy always speads there money.
Yes, our warriors spend It right nnd
left but do not waste a scent
Thoys ct. hso. buildings everywhere
to show just where It weat.
Oh como to Klamath my las baby
And my hart .with joy Is filled
Wo dont use hammers little lady,
Theys a war but yen neat get killed
(eepr righted)
P. 8. 1121. A. D.
Well, Ed, thats only the 1st. Terse
and tho chorus but yea eaa sea how
It goes and If thts net a dark I eat
)t. what I mean. Right new I slag It
with tho tuna et Cemelag Throng
The Ryo, only It dent ge te very gaed
en ace. In the seoaad line yea 'get
to say bee-cause and vtirntae gas aa
(ho bo, Howaeeyet, Iwsv, n
moro snappie tune aad If'yoUjbava
en fa your 'stewe, .tttiArJH Lft I
no and I letryoniJveffH. Be beat.
this quite or It wflt'bt ftaJeYaa ao.j
' Yrs. Baaptfy
nil Bpasa
eegeiH kHr
THB .DACLBi, Jnto IT-tfce AV
fourth aaaaalaasMaaaMBhislM-) .,1 ,'
t?daorgeS5 B&lM.i ' v J
and George .;iWaaW sead Bieat,
are caaaiaaies far esaaaafaaw.-raa)
dteton and
the next
t I
.'. AUX