'hMwZSAmL. 'Wtiy(j f ) u. $ - :w.v w,wr '..wwoj,,- ' WW i! v -fsMMBMaf&f-Bt) 1MM THE EVENING HEIUiLDvKLAATH FALLS, OREGOW f " PflBO Si I" 1 ' . t ll. . J . ( . r -. HMMi I. f, er r. .& B' -- vn 'r T ) JViCBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl i : Perm! Mcititfl MIm Jean rcrry left this morning for Weed where sho will innko hot homo with tier parents V jCi ,W. Warren, a rancher of tho Itir district, was n business visitor re yesterday, !2Jo Pickle has returned from Port- land whore ho spent several day on Joo Kqnop, ono tlma resilient of Klamath Falls, Is here from his Med ford 'ho wo looklnf after business nf. falre. At Mr. and Mrs. William llngclslnln.J of tforrls, spent Tuesday In this city,' Kennoth Klauhu, who for the past two years has been connected with tho otflco force of the California Ore gon Tower company", left last night for Klrkrord where ho nil) take u position wlili tho Pelican liny lum ber company. Miss Mablo need, nf San Francis co, accompanied by Miss Alma Si mon, of Stockton, mid by her 'nop- hows, George and Tlmmlo Heed, left BILLION FEET TIMBER IN GIANT MERGER New Use For Moonshine Is Fine Metal Polish ncomblned business and pleasure) thl, 'mornng for tho ton bods to ,r'P Tapcnit n couple of dni visiting tho Ico caroi nnd place there. other lutcrcstlnn The post office forco In very proud of tbo two now mnll boxes which iv.1 ......,. i. i j..!lhov erected yesterday In front of has been qulto III for tho past week. ho vlm National bank and Amorl- was ablo to bo down town for a short cn ?ftlo"l Thwo boxes nro tlmo this morning. 1 much ,nrRcr ,han m of ,hc oW boxes and wilt greatly linproo tho "Mr. and Mrs. E. 1. Applegate and service for patrons of tho postofflce. their guest, Miss timran lfonzlk, of Oakland, California, loft this morn ing for a short camping trip. 'Mr. and Mrs, Low Arcns lefli on ihe morning trsln for San Francisco, Arena to attend to business matters and Mrs. Arena on a pleasure trip. jiMarlo 8ommcrs, Mrs. K. O. Ford, Br. Statla Ford WjfrtotriHl; K, A. Sfcrriaun are all TOtftcftcf at tho Wll'te IVIIcaMfhc,rre'1oTtlnd. Miss Marjorlo Cutting left this raoralng far her homo In San Fran cisco after an attended visit hero as the guaat of Mrs. If. W Brldgcford. The Methodist Aid "society will meet Thursday afternoon at !:39 with Mr. Harry rcltt. 804 Walnut avenue. Mr. and Mrr. William Wheeler and Vita DIsoi were hero last evening on their way to Crater lake from San Diego, Callfrrnja. Mis Dixon's homo la In Burlington, Vermont. 0. A. Krausc, manager of tho Klamath Manufacturing company's plant hero, left this morning for San Francisco to be gone several days looking after business matters. The ladles of the St. Paul'a Kplsro pal guild will hold their regular mnoetlng pn Thursday of this neck at the Boat of Mrs. Thomas Martin, I3 High strcot, at 2:30 p. m. ,' U Hoagland and O. D. Durke left this morning en tho Ashland stage Infendiag to take the train from there to Portland. They will return the last of tbo week with two new Bulck- ears. A distinguished party of tourlsta stopped last night at the White Peli can hotel m their way to Crater lake. They were Mr. and Mr, frank A. Hlngcr and Adolph Singer of 8t. Louts, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). F.ilrcblld and daughter nro spending two days In Klamath Falls on their way to Cra ter lake from Yrela. Falrchlld Is one of tho prominent attorneys In the California town, and is welt-known In Klamath Falls. Mr, and Mrs. C. II, Angovlno nro hero visiting; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Klough from their homo in Patas kala, Ohio, Thoy are making a tour of the Pacific coast and rarao to Klamath Falls' from tho Ycllowstouo National, park. Augcvloo is Mrs. Hlougu'a brother. , a Modern drag stores cKrry many aldo lines and sundry Items. "Try tho drug store first," Currlns For Drugs. , 2C A laxy liver can't remain Inactho It ou uso Cnrrlns Liver Turners,' Currlns Far Drugs. 26 $4,000,000 Concern Formed By Consolidation of Three Companies Safe HHe xSh '.BBBBBBh BBBbTBBT " ikABBBBBBH BaaaaaaaaBBB Y "MBBbI BBB iiTTBBHB(faBa bBM'jlI. sna'' .M bbbbb4vWbbbi''i BbbBBBBBBBbV 1 'ft'' BBBBBBBBBBBSJ ".? TEfcaaisiLl IBBBBBBBil'-Bpli! -aBaaaaBaaTWSSallc! POKTLANI), July 2C Coiisollda- t lion of three timber owning corpora tions controlling approximately 1,000,000,000,000 feet In Clatsop county wus nimounrcd hero today. Tho Western Co-operUhf company nnnounccd that to facilitate logging operations It lud merged lit holdings with Wrlght-Illodgett company, lim ited, and tho Merrill company. Tho consolidation Is to bo known ns tho Tidewater Timber company. Tlio As toria Southern railway Is Included In the merger. Tho capital of tho new concern Is $1,000,000. .MODKSTO, July 26. Chelf of lo- lieu I.eo K. Smith has discovered a new use for mootiMhlno nnd Jackass brandy. Around tho city prison Is considerable bras work and each morning a little of tho tlory liquor placed on n rag1 prove a wonderful polish, Tho liquor Is also used to polish tho plated parts of tho depart ment nulomoniblles, Currlns soil ' furniture polishes. Currlns For Drug. , 20 DIAIIV OF tlAMMl.tl VICTIM TAILS TO MICTION I'llll.MI'tt elrcumntnntlal evidence, Photograph ic evidence of tho murder and exhib its of urtlclcn found on tho scene will nlso bo UHcd, Tho confoH-ilon of Armour I,, Phil lips, huxbund tit the nuiwod woman, eannot bo used or mentioned tit tho trial. It vvuH Indicated, bec.iuno of tho law preventing n husband from ioAtlfjIiiK ai;nlnt his wife, l'latiB of tho dofousu vvero morn tibikutro nnd thoru was u repot I cur rent tluif. Mra, Phillips hud asked for ii confereuto with tho public defend er, ait office which first received piouiluotun by tho dofetiso of Mth, I.ouIhh I'eoto lu uiiothor uedsutloual minder trial hero. Principals in Hammer Slaying (Continued from Page 1) STItKKT tOST aVKIl (Conlnncd from rage 1) Birdie Oallagber, t, and her dolly ante la Dublin afltr the trip from Belfast. Me'a just one of the many Belfast refugees who are Cocking toDuMAt COURTHOUSE ROW Fair, block 6, Ewauna Heights, er company- providing for mo of company poles for tho new fire alarm sslem led to the flro com mittee being-Instructed to. Investi gate tho cot of erecting separate poles. This was due to tho pro visions of the contract whereby the city would bo held liable for dam ages cjuicd tn tho power compinys equipment during Installation and uso of the poles. Stivct Crude Irfiweml Chairman W. O. Smith of tho street committee reported th it the High street grade from Fifth to Sixth Streets had been lowered three feet on tho lower sldo and two feet on the upper tide. The side walk "grades wcro lowered one foot on both sides ot the street. Tho change resulted from n petition of property owners affected, who claimed that tbo formsr grade was undesirable. ., rcrnUts A. J. Ljle, to creel wooden porch, Klamath General hospital; lloy K. I Prairie, to build addition to res idence on lots 5 and 6, block 37, Nichols addition; Jcsslo S. Sal- flcky, to build garago on lot 8, Bed Blnff Controversy lUd To Ilival Klamath's Currlns soil all models of Ilruns- nED BLUFF. Calif.. July 2. 'wick nhonogranbs on easy terms. Bccauso It is claimed Tehama coun-i Currlns JoM)ru8s. tv'a now 1200.000 cniirthoiim. Iimtl completed here, was not built in SELL HIGHWAY BONDS strict accordance with the desires ot tho board of supervisors, a stubborn controversy over necessary adjust ments loom. beforo tbo structure will be accepted and occupied by tho county officers. Pending settlement of the trouble (I'lfllllUIII Iue I l Paid for ni.OOO.OOO ; Many lllU Opened J'OHTI.AM). July 26. Tho high way commission has awarded $1, '000.000 ot h tii to road bonds at u tbo county officers havo been In- premium to a Portland bond house. Htructcd to temporarily Iioiiho thein-l Tho Clackamas bonds also brought selves in quarters wherever they a premium. ' Numerous bids fur can be found. A condition Is being, highway, projects . wcro opened, created which bids fair to rival tho famous conrlhoBso row in Klamath Falls. Tho now modern rlean and up-to-date drug slqru nearest tho post of fice la Currlns. 26 i-iiiiiii n.uui i... i . .,i. s.ai TONIGHT AT THE STRAND - WHK9JI KVKRTBODX OOl BOMB OT TUR BODUNBOM rKATOTUM Zane Grey's Most Powerful Picture "Desert Gold" With an all star cast E. K. LINCOLN, W. Jan- gon Butt, Walter Long, Margery Wilson, Eileen Percy, Russell Timpson, Arthur Morrison, Edward Coxen, Frank Tanning, Frank Brownlee, William lainbridgc. Thia is Zane Grey's masterpiece. 'lice seen never forgotten. id, r Si J Chairman Booth said little more work woufd bo advertised this )car. Descent Coming Thursday Catherine Calvert in t't-" "Robmhcb of the Underworld" Vaudeville Sunday -(, it riOCBJMjJOc Shew SUrU at C:30 1 B' 1 BaaaBBBV ?A lH i f WBagaggV BBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBa. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBi I aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal j? Descending from tho V peak ot the Krcuzebcrgo, n lofty mountsln that towers above the upper Rhine tn BwiUsrland, Is so difficult -that climbers fatten ropes to roclis to lower (ticmvlv'$. ,. - scarcely could havo record.! her ac tivities so completely from day to day and mado no reference ttk him, Fred Trcmnlno, father of tho slain girl, was quite willing that tho auth orities should read tho diary and satisfy themselves that there was nothing to bo gained by making any part of It public, and that It could throw no light on thu murder or his daughter. Friends ot tho slain girl declare thai Mr. Meadows' life was such nn open book it was Impossible that she could havo devoted any tlmo to Phil lips, or any other man, without that fact becoming known. Tho diary which was left, and which is now the treasured possession of her father and her sister. Miss (lonorn Tromalno boar out that iissertlou. It was reported. Wltncwift 1'nder Cuanl With two of tho state's chief wit nesses under tho constant protection of nrmntl guards, Investigators today were working on minor points In tho case they will prexent, charging Mrs. Phillips with planning nnd executing tho appalling murder. Mrs. Peggy Coffee, eye-witness, was nt liberty with a woman deputy as constant companion, and tho girl clerk of n fivo-and ton rent store who clnllus to have sold Mrs. Phillips tho hammer uscifln the crime, was also guarded, following a telephone call to her late Saturday, threatening hor with deaib. The state, from present Indications will depend .upon Mrs). Caf fee's story of tho killing for Its attack, and will seek to corroborate It by tho evidence of a scoro of minor witnesses, who will seek to support tho story with BBBbbbbPbW ' 4bbbbbbWBbbV BBBBBlBtft ACBBk BBBBSl BBBBB' bbbbtS J9 bbbbm A. w 9 liv i i jt W L bv bbbbbbbbbbBbCvI ' BBaaaHir Tl 1! 'm ajaBBBBBBBBBBBgAr f bBBBBBBBBBW BBrePH. IBBBBBtIbBBBBK '?( BBBnBBBBB BBT BBBBBbV BBBBBBBBBBB) W"- BBBBBBBjSiBBH' BBBBB V BBBBBBBBt eBBlBBBBBV! c B SbT BBBBBBBJU BjBJpJBBBBBB iWm r B ananHaBBBBBr I fN f BB. BBBBBBBBaBBr 3 WiTul., t bbbbbbbSbbV i '' k. Baw v I f BaakMsaaaaaaaaBBasiBaasiBB' m M n w aaBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaBBaw A VL Till: HI HAND Xanii (liny's Hlorli'M differ null cully fiiim what used to bo eiilled "wild west stories." Tho so-nilled "wild wimt story" never attempted lo rIvu n llfo-llko pnrtriijal nt Ilia great wcht nnd Us IremendtMis .MtniKRleii In Iho mlvaiiilnt; of our rlvlllsulloti, The (heap form nf "western"! sluty telted upon die obvious and often upon the least nltradlvo features of the life that pulsated along Din frontiers At hod this rnirl of roiiiaiirliig was giolesiu, nfferliut carliature.i In pluro of the truu ii'itiililauio, Keo alio (Ire)'s Desert Hold nt Iho Htrand tnnlKhl. , ' Till! i.iiuiinv rreekle-fared Wosley Harry, tlin lulmllnblii movie iclebrlt), will grniu the s reen of tho l.lbeity Ihe'ilio today and tomorrow In lilii latest slurring vchlele, "H liuul P.ijk," iiiiuln from t tin litis IM wurds classic of tho sumo name llrlefjy, tho story renters around a small town boy who loves the old swlmmln' hole uml his dog, Hippy, better than apylhlng eLsn In Iho world. He rrirets u wealth)- iitirlu who sends til in east tn get nn tiln cation. lleriHltci meets many oiiiik sters of wealthy parents, and ho finds himself out of tho soelul swim. Ho Is beset my many trials and tribulations, nnd finally ho goes hack homo to his faltliful iloK and hW lllllo renin try sweetheart via tho freight train loulo. PMlft) WlTUl &&y Mrs.Oarn rbllllpa Crlght) Is chnrgcl with the murder of Mrs. Albert Ateadows, who wss hammered to death. The testimony of Mrs. Peagy cffM Ocfll led to her Indictment. ThU photograph was taken When they werechums in "Follies" chorus In a Los Angeles show several years ago. HTAU TIIKAIIti: "Our Loading Cltlten," Paramount picture, written direct for tho screen by (leorgn Ado, w tilth was scheduled for Inst night lit Tho Hlnr but which failed tu arrive lu lime, will bo shown this nvenlug "Our Lending CllUen" Is n ihar ni'ti'rlstlc Ado stor), full of geiiuliio I humor nnd fi-ellng, unit nn Ideal ve- , hlrlo for "Tim tlnod I.lick Ular " I Tho eust Includeii Thomas .Melgh- nn, l.nls Wilson, TlKiodorn llnberls, City Oliver, Clias Oslo and l.'thel Wules. This latest Paramount picture will be shown nt Thn Hlnr tonight t , Currlns' Knietlnn Tooth nisto Is good for spongy blooding gums lu gunrnnteed too, Currlns For Drugs 20 PRESERVING TIME W ,. , IS HERE A few hints to the housewife that are timely. While in 'Frisco I picked up some wonderful bargains, and am going to pass them on to you PURE ALUMINUM Dish Pans & Sauce Pans, Set of Three !.... Preserving Kettles, Family Size Pudding Pans, Set of Three Itoastcrs ; Double Boilers t.. Colanders ...'. .7. Percolators Rugs, floor covering, case goods and numerous other articles at 'the latest " , , prices and in the latest colors and patterns WATCH FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS . i -i ' i' 1 10 in $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Perkin's Furniture House 127 SOUTJH 6TH. ST. "FURNISHER OF HAPPY HOMES" KLAMATH FALLS. ORE. F 1 i - -A f, it ' 1 b J c M w ' . ) , .,.. I -. t .tr- i ' t ':!!-" Jp&. i -j JU-J-tJ--4- f h