..i " ,.r'V lrA . f . .."BLV W,trf..'" -A m , - ,; n$j jfwjswnrf.miim THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pngo Fouf . v $ if i WA i. i- iff. i V IV II a k. ii7 r ir(V WfWf'M The Office Cat BY JUN1C1 Slinrlff I.ov say one-halt of world (loo.i not know whom nthpr linlf rcIh Ita ll'iuor. tho tho About llic Hninn Nerth: 'Do you let jour wife liavii lur own way?" West: "Absolutely. And when It which to rnln 1 let It rain, and When It wniit to snow I lot It HtlOW." H'h Hrully Chronic When tho wind blow soft nnd my, And tho day Is nlco and warm, Wn RPt the old nx!n; fever In nn Aggravated form. Ij.-iI- It Ih perfectly natural to worry over thn fifty nr lei odd dollar required to Ret tho rlsht battery for tho now radio not. liutjimt con plilor what' wo paid for our hatter- leu "over there." A considerable development of tho growth ot Mexican Jumping beam), for canning piirpondi. In an tlclpntt-d thin BoaKon. bocauno of tha poKKlhllltlcs ot training tho Intel)! Kent little creature to enter' the cans thoniHclves. ask- bo. to A Mtllo DeflaUon ''hat Is your occupation! cd tho Judge sternly. "I haven't any," replied tho "I Just circulate around, so speak." "I'lenso note," said tho Judge, turning to the clerk, "that this gentleman In retired from circula tion for 30 days." Taking A Drive Ono beautiful spring day, I to iny.wlte did ay,-i . "Hay, Dotoy, how'd you llko To take' a drlvoT" Sho at once quit work Among the pots and palls And graciously held the hammer While I wont to get the nails. (Ico. Offlcld Imparts the Infor nation that tho man who walta for something to turn up' frequently finds It Is lit toes that do. Helen was making her first visit In tho country, "On her first Jour ii ey around tho lot she discovered u peacock, n bird abo bad bad no acquaintance with. "Conio quick," ho called, 'Ono ot your chickens Is In full bloom " It Is said steps will be taken to curb tho holdup men, but the lat ter havo already taken the steps and, In soma cases, the front porch "I want to ask. tor your daugh ter'x hand," mild tho suitor to her father. , "Ail right, hoy. (Oo to,t.rjTakQ tli ii hand that Ih nlwayx In my poc- W ,. . . just Sortn Wlak! Look at your neighbor's with n half-closed eye. faults Att Boy I( a flapper should flap In your lap JuHt slip tho poor stopper a slap, Toll hor whoro to get off, Ulvo a coy llttlo cough, And kits the salt tears from her map. The feller that constantly makes Insinuutln' remarks about cvor'body else that they no regardln' dress, etc. bolonga to the 'pure, bred type o' IguoramuB. w 111U - en j All kinds at better prices than elsevVhere. Q.?mM- BLY Mr,- and Mrs. I-nwrciico Ilorton ytdto brtsind'SA visitors In the Ttiy sec tion on Bumjnr. George BByjl hnd his car at tho garage on Monday hnvlng the valves ground. Mr, nnd Mrs. Jenkins of Klamath Falls had dinner with Mr. nnd Mr. Frank dhcnchaln on Monday. They had spent Sunday lit t.hkevtow. Mrs. Kmmltt Slsemore, Mm. .lames Edsnll, Mrs. Arthur llamnker and son and Mra. Rarn Olvnn and son, Miss Ethel MrGlllcrest and Ilex Untie nkor spent tho nflernoon on Monday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Obenrhnfn. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Campbell wero In Illy on business Tuesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorgo Itoyd made n trip to Itannnia after Mrs. lloyil'a sla ter (who was formerly Ml. Marie' Hamakor) and returned homo the same day. Mrs, Kmmltt Slsemore, Mrs. James Kdxall, Mrs. Arthur Hamakor and son, Miss Ethel McOlllcrost, Ilex Hamakor, Mrs. Frank Ohenchatn nnd son. llnrry, daughter Marie, with Mlw Addle Jenkins spent tho after noon visiting at the homo ot Mrs. James Olvnn nnd sons. Cleorgo Trott wns visiting In Illy on Tuesday. Hugh Clopton was a business visi tor In Ifly on Wednesday. W. T. Harrett mado a business trip to Klamath Falls on Monday return ing on Wednesday. Mrs. Kmmltt Slsemore nnd Miss Ethel McGlllcrest returned to Fort Klamath on Wednesday. L. A. IHchardson was a business visitor In niy on Wednesday. ,, Charles Collier was n business vis itor In Bly on Wednesday. Mrs. Arthur Hamakor nnd son had supper with Mrs. W. T. Garrett on Monday and spent the evening thorn. Mrs. JCmmltt Slsemore, Mrs. James Edsnll and Miss Ethel McGlllcrest spent the evening with Mrs. W. T. Garrett on Monday. Mrs. Emmltt Slsemore and Miss Ethel McGlllcrest spent Tuesday evening with Mrs. James Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker moved to the Earl Charley ranch and arc putting up hay there. Miss Jessie Bell Is helping her grandmother. Mra. J. A. Parker, cook for their hay hands. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cross and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Campbell on Wednesday. Mlsa Wanlta and Dernlco Howard went Into Lakevlew on Wednesday, to spend a few days visiting their sister, Mrs; (Harold Thurston and other relattvea and friends. Harry and Will Oaum ot the Wey- erbauaer company came to Bly on Wednesday. Mr. and Mra. James Dixon visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Warren on Wednesday. Edwin Warren was a business visi tor In Bly on Thursday. Franklo and Harry, Obenchaln wero business visitors In Bly on Thursday. " Tho rain storm on Wednesday de layed Thursday's haying as tho hay was pretty well soaked up, but the hay that was still standing was help ed considerably. Also pastures, range, grain and gardens as well had been badly In need of rain for a long time. Arthur Hamakor and W. T. Gar rett have been working back rnd forth helping each other hay as It aeems Impossible to get hay hands. O. II. Howard butchered a beet on Wednesday evening and delivered beef as far as Campbell's place on Thursday. W. T. Garrett received news of tho death of bis brother, Crlss Garrett tho first of tho week. His brother spent aomu timo with him hero soveral years ago and all wh met him will grieve, to learn ot his sudden death and all aro in sympathy with Mr. and Mrs, Garrett in their great loss. This is tho third death in their family within the past turns weeks, Frank and Jody Owens, Mrs. Basil Hall and Miss Barbara Owens wero In Bly on Thursday from BouJad Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Obenchaln, their sons, Matt, Frankle, and Harry and daughter Miss Marie and Miss Mildred Thrasher and Miss Addle Jenkins went pn a pcnlc orOVedneg; Rtd Chief XJ JSK JisW Hy9w A. L. RykofT, shown htre, together fclth J. V. Stalin and Leo KamanefT, are said to bo administering the at fairs ot Soviet rtussla during the tit nets ot Nikolai Lcnln, nuutan pre. niter. day on "Flvo Mile" crook. They spent n delightful day. At the unon hour they had n real lunch with fish fresh ly caught nnd fried over the rump fire. Mr. and Sirs. James Olvnn wero business visitors In Illy on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Garrett were business visitors In Illy on Ihursdny. Mrs. Marvin Cross visited Mrs. James and Mrs. Earn Glvan on Thursday. Mrs. George Boyd nnd children spent Friday nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.J S. Watts. Mrs. Eddie Casebeer Jr.. and child ren spent Wednesday nntl Thursday at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Mori Knntts at I'aradlso where Casebeer Is helping hay. Harley Keady made a trip to cfl'nH Boyd's ranch after lumber for E. W. Whetstone on Friday. Mrs. Frank Obenchaln, Miss Marie. Matt. Franklo and Harry Obenchaln, Miss Mildred Thrasher and Miss Ad dle J tlnlknesvlsaroqths-. dlo Jenkins visited In Bly on Friday afternoon. Tho ladles visited with Mrs. Jas. Kdsall and Mrs. A. I). Hamakor while the boys went swim ming. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Conner were business visitors In Bly on Friday from their Jiomo on the old Bloom-Ingcamp-Mltchcl! ranch here. Mrs. James Glvan visited In Bly on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Drew from Yonna valley visited Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Campbell on Sunday. Mrs. Marvin Cross spent Friday with- Mrs. Chas. Warren and Mrs. Charles Collier. Mr. and Mrs. Jody Owens spent Sunday visiting In Bly. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Hall and con visited in Bly on Sunday. Mr. and Mm. George Boyd anil family spent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Garrett. Mrs. Clark of Klamath Falls visit ed at the homo of James Glvan nnd sons .on Sunday. Amos I.unily and daughter Mrs. Pearl I'aumcr, spent Sunday visit ing Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Itlchardson. They all drove to Illy In tho after noon. Will Laurcy had tho misfortune Sunday afternoon whllo driving a bunch of horses to have his lior.io fall with him and dislocated his rli;ht arm. Dr. Luthead was called from Lakevlow and put the arm back In place.. There was a largo crowd at thy dance Saturday night nt Illy an1 all had a pleasant timo. Mr. .and, Mrs. Frank Obenclinln went Into Klamath Falls on Sunday taking their daughter Miss Mario nnd J Miss Mildred Thrasiier bacic wiui them. Mrs. James Watts visited in Bly on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. James Dixon and Mr. and Mra, Beth Dixon mado a trip to Lakovlow tho lattorvpart'of tho week. Mrs. Jas. Dixon and children visit ed Mr. and Mrs. George Hahner while the rest of tho purty went on to Warner valley. They returned on Saturday., , LINKViLLE IN YE OLDE TIMES -EK s.; ia rwf.tVJOa ViPA"Zrt y Cr-i.- . niir -" .' "r!.) wtbaenrul -. :k to irap Jr$$3ISMKK3 iSS'( loe ouT J vJi Cr V.1IMS rCLLCRUfSm - MARSHAL 07UY WALKCW.WHO HH1 MAD Urt fyt oi a susDocxn cthajwcw s-ropoNC, at Tm CEN-mAUHcnBi.,Now winks mb knows MO 1MB SIISANCpCR MICUT DB M.r., Sacred Heart Academy Hoarding unit Div Hcliui'l for ant wIioIoniiimi' food mill, ltoi;ulai' lilim with liiiiui'lllie ciiHilllluiiH IIidh mid (llrlx Alnniil 1 1on l h I'eiriiiiiul Mllier- School Will Open Sept. 1922 For liifiinnntlim mil tut nr write, HIM'l.lt SI'I'EIIIOIt, Kliiinntli I'ullii, On ' OLD TIME FARMERS' MARKET DAY AT THE PUBLIC MARKET NEXT SATURDAY. COME ALL YE FARM ERS AND MAKE IT A REAL MARKET DAY. All Ready for the Gong to Start an Unusual Auction Inventory of Winter?' Stock Completed. Store rearranged to provide Room for Hundreds who will profit by Jeweler's misfortune. ' Windows filled with "Rewards" for Aiosc who are on hand early Thursday Night Scores visit store to Inspect Stock in advance of Auction. YOU all know Doc. Cook, who dispenses dings and such like, over at Underwood's Drug store. Well, Doc. was a jewelry auctioneer of the old school before he reformed and.went to rolling pills. 'Anyway, Doc came in to get acquainted, asked to see the "stuff" that I had' brought in with me to sell as part of the Winters' stock, 'wanted to know who was going to "work" the crowd for me while I auctioneered and general ly was interested in a sort of fraternal way, you know. I GUESS that Doc. doesn't think much of me as and auctioneer as I had to admit that I came in with only a traveling bag filled with personal belongings and that I was traveling and work ing alone. I know that all this is not according to the old methods of getting the money by hook or crook, but times have changed. And the Mer chants Finance Company is an institution of the new school. We operate with our cards face up, own no jewelry to bring in and mix with a local stock, depend upon no by-bidders and are try ing to and successfully do liquidate stocks of merchandise in an honest, straight forward fash ion. The. folks who come here Thursday night or any other night with the expectations that they are going to see a "clever" auctioneer are gping to be disappointed. BUT, these who come to buy will be .able to, buy for what they think the merchandise is worth. It's just a legitimate,, forced and abso lute auction of a fine stock of Jewelry and 'it doesn't take hokum to make it a success. rF course, Doc. meant well. Ho just isn't up on the Auction-game like he knows the drug business, for instance. And, I hope he doesn't get offended by this, but it gave me an opportunity to tell you about our methods without peeming to boast. 117 E are through working and ready for the " sale. The stock is inventoried,' the ston rearranged so that there will be lots of space, the .windows filled with "rewards," including a fine Elgin wrist watch for the lucky folks who are on hand promptly at 7:U0 Thursday night. MANY have availed themselves of our invi tation to come down and look at merchan dise that they might be interested in in advance pf sale. The entrance is through the Sweet Shop and we are not too busy to show any merchan flise in the store. It enables you to bid intelli gently, with full knowledge of tho value of each article. That is what wo want our bidders to know in advance the value of each piece of mer chandise as we are going to work fast. Winters must have the money and our company has con tracted to raise it for him. had a story for this ad tdnight, 1jut tho atmos phere around the store js too somber for jokes, so the story waits. I just want to say that a few folks in this town have red blood in their systems, they stepped right in yesterday morn ing and paid up accounts owing to Mr. Winters. That shows real 'neighborly spirit. And the money is badly needed, consequently greatly ap preciated. I Thank You.- ARTHUR H. ALLEN, for the I Merchants Finance Company, Liquidating WINTERS' JEWELRY STOCK DOINGS OF THE DUFFS AN UNPLEASANT TASK BY ALLMAN 419 c MAIN M. ST. PHONE 58C VOO 5D MR.Mll.ltR, THE rAVE IT (rt-s-srm. I AM fST ! o ' HE PUT ME OOT 1 AND TELL HIM HE S WBfii M.MAflEq amd TEU HIM -foME BOSS I r'L'. I JfKbT1 , W GT TE AND SA D IF I CAME J NOT GOIMG To SCARE g WAMT HIM JO Give VOO AXZJ, W TS f A'P S ? M V CHECK ?J, BACK AGAIW HE'D i ME WITH ANV OF Hia Wi A "ooifT-i Fi' Cy "llr -V r err? rib threats-ZJ ', f :&Lm u --. i '.V