". V - . . lfc) Vt, 'rw u '-,,. 'rw js- A?," J? - V 7 'kwi , r jsy OFFICIAL vPAfER KLAMATH COUNTY AND , OF KLAMATH FALU ' WEATHER' FORECAST TONIGHT KAIII, TIHTIIHIUV FAIR AND WAnMKIt Member of tke Associated Preas. 1- rlrircnlli Vcnr. No. fHINll KliAMATH PALM, OMSCKMI, U KDNKHIMV, JULY SMI, JWftl pme-a wvm She's Ready It's an III Wind" That Blows Nobody Good &he FRAUO CHARGED AGAINST FIRST i 400.00Q m u FIRES BULLET MEN THE! state biu ' THROUGH BFJT H JUT Illegal Use of Bank Funds And Conspiracy Alleged in Suit by Bramwell Cliairi'H of (ruml mill tmiNiilrncy urn imiluliii'd In null In niiilty filed lulit yiwtcnlay by Kriink C. (Irani Mill, Hluln hank examiner, on brhulf of tli n defunct Klmt Hlutn & Having Imnk, against J. V. Hlnmonii, John Siemens, Jr., I'M Hloomlngcanip, I), II. Murphy ami Marshall lloopor, In which recovery of :i00,000 an iriiiiiUry notes In nought. The complaint allege that exec Rlvn limn worn mndn ly tlin thren Jo. fondant, J, V. unit John Hlemcti, mil Marhutl Hooper, uctlng us board of director, whereas five mem liorii of tho board were nrcnisury to cmmtltulo n quorum. It In further iliargod that these loan wrru made lo Ilio Klumath Livestock Mortgage l.onn compnny. tho Klumath Mint loinpuny, tho Kouthorn Oregon Ittul anil Livestock company, thn Klam ulli (lai'Tiil llixpltiil n-telutloii, thn Klmnuth Himtlnic company, thn Hml illo Mountain Lumber inmpany, ami tho Klauiiith Wool Growers' aoclu lion, mi Iniiilnquiitn ecurltlo, and that thn defendants fraudulently coimplrril niul confederated together for tlm purponu of operating tho hank lo their own pervonul gain,, and to thn advantage of thn private corpora tlniiH mi named, and "In utter dlsro card nf thn rights mid Interest of nld hank, lla depositor, creditors' niul atoikholdura. niul In pursuance of mild eonnplracy mid purpotn thu defendants, during thn cnllrn period between the, ro-orgatiliutlon and fin nl auspciisloiMif nald hank; that they mailo large and excolo and lllflRal loan to thouisclves, and lo corpora tion In which thy. or aomti of them were Interested"; and "that largo toses rvaulti'd on account of loana to Insolvent and Irresponsible por tions and corporations." Thn um aought to ho recovered nrc: KlMiiiath Livestock mid Mort gage l'' company $ 142.400.00 na maker and Inducer. Kliiutath Mint lompuiiy $104in.r'3. of chilli $41.". S3 lit on alleged priH-urlnua security, niul $10,000 1 unsecured. Klmnuth (liuura llo.pl till iiKBorliitlon. $2000 'unsecured. Huddln Mountain l.umbor touituuiy 5,a3.l3, on alleged In adequate security. Kluiuath Heating roinpuuy IM07.00, on alleged pre curious security. Southern Land aud Livestock company $3720. luaolvcnt. John Blemuna Jr.. $14,000 ai Joint makor, und $42,000 n oudoraar, al an $lfi,000 loan. J. W. Bleroona $20. 31S.C1 on loan; partially, accured. niul an Joint maker for $1,000 and on tnntliiBunt llahlllly an mukcr for $J .1,000., und Joint maktir In tho aum of $14,000, and aa mi endoraor for $42,000., and on u dlrnct llabllltr nniloraori In tho aum of $39,043.70. To othor poniona for $fi, 160.00. Thn comphtlnt further rharea: "That nlnco aald rnorKnnUallon tho ihifnndantit fraudulently und lllenal y took out of thn huvIiikh department of mild bank vMuuhlo aocurltlcs In thu auiu of moro than $54,000.00, and replacod tho riiiiio with Inferior or worthier aocurllloa from tho Com iniTflnl doimrtmont of Hald bank, und lined wild lucurttlcn no tnkmi from Ita Hnvlnct (lopartment ui collateral ao qiirlly to Ita bill poynblo In tho tout murclal doparlmonl." Th tomplulnt concluded by aaklng jtidgmunt ud tlocroo for $300,000 und Ita CV3U und dlMbursemcnta In tho ault. ., WlJATIIHIt 1'IMIUAmi.lTII.H 'im,., rvniii.HiorniuErupli ut Under woou n i iiuiiiii' Iium reglnturcd hut tlttlu chuiiBu In hatomotrlo proa aura during tho IhhI 84 hours al though tho tondon cy la slightly downwurd. Warm er weather a Indi cated for tomor temor tomer row: Porocuat for noxt 34 heurs: Fair und wnrm. Tho Tycoa recording tuormomotur leghitorod maximum und minimum temperaturea today m follewa: High .78 lP.w a,tt,,t,a,"wi"vui,uj.1J5 . Two hundred (striking mil workers at Children, Tex., are working overtime and for no puy. They're helping sick farmers, work their crops. Here are some of them who in four hours worked 30 acres of cottcyi for Claude Tucker. DIARY OF HAMMER VICTIM FAILS TO MENTION PHILLIPS , "" n Mention Kounil of HUyrr'a llua band rage Rrvral Itrrunl Of OlrllMMxl I)a I.OH ANOKI.KH, July 28. .Tho dlury left buhlnd by Mra. Alberta Mcadowa, victim of thn hammer murder on lonely Two-Tree hill, and which ha beeniubjected to n careful acrulluy, li uu Intimate and Intenaely Interrxtlng document, It aa admit ted lodav by tho nuthurltlcn who hao Ncnnned III page, Tho diary li no plainly a record of Mr. Meadow a' girlhood aud tho happy da) a of her all too brief mar rled life, which was cut abort by tho acldoulat death of her luuband, that Ita pnget would have been held Invio late but for the fact that It waa thought tbry might havo contained aomelulng bearing upon tho dreadful tragedy that waa to culmlnato In the doalh of Mra. Meadow horaelt, It waa atatvd when tho oxIatenM of tlin diary flrat became knowg ahortly after Mr. Moadowa waa alala that there waa nothing In It that could be of value In connection wllh tho Inveailgatlon of thn alaylo nf It nuthur. Tho authorltlr havo lit Ufled themiotvca that tho alatoment waa true, ' Complrta lUxord No part of tho dlury wilt b? made public. Knough has been admitted by thosn who havo aeen II. however, to rcu'itl that It la n very complclo record of thn uctlvltlca of Mr). Mea down, and that thoro I not a ktngln refurenco to A. L. l'hllllp. huihand of Mra. Clurit l'lillllpx. alleged algyer of Mrs. Meudow. from end lo end of tho very human document. Thern I but ouu man'a name that run through thn diary' cloiely writ ten page tho namo of tho man who won Mra. Mvadowa aa a, bride and whom ahe almnat womhlppod. The dlury tooraa with brief atorlta of tho mauy little partlea and other affalra that Mra, Meadowa attended) It waa reported. Aa a whole It pro vldea audi a cloudy counectod narra tive of her life It nffurn muto evidence that thern wax no other man who had won hor affections. " Trrasuml l'ixiiieloa It wua poln toil nut that If there had been un affair of tho heart be twecn Mra. Meadowa and Phllllpa abo (Continued on Page I) ATTACK DIVORCE LAW Question Ilefore NmikU Voter at 1'vIIn Next Fall HKNO, Nov. July 26. Novada rot er wilt havo an opportunity at thu polla noxt fall for tho flrat time In tho hUtory of tho stuto to amend tho Mtato dlvorco. law which haa boon crltlcland by churchmen and othera and which Is claimed made uoaalble thu quick dlvorco of Owen Moore und Mury Plekford, motion plcturu alara. Thu proponed nmendmont, apon' snred by MUhop Ueorgo Hunting of thu Nplscopiil church of Novaifa, has boon filed with tho iiucrotary of atato and will appear on tho November bal lot. It provides that divorce eoogors may obtain an Interlocutory degree after residing in Novada for six monthu but must wait another six months boforo obtaining tho final docrou. ' Another dlvorco bill passed by the last luglslaturo, eliminating short term features of tho prosont law, but maintaining In forco tbo six mouths roMdonce faction, nlno will nppenr on the bfillpj, LoMf Mrrta Lkfrue ' Lucky Escape, Say Police HA NUIKdO, Calif., July 26. Unique umong toruplalnta of Joit ur tide 1s tho one mado by an cinbar ramad vUllor horn taut week who said hi marriage llcemo had disap peared. Ifn asked Desk Sergeant Keno WlUon what to do, "Do" suld n (hnriin of old married policemen when Wllnon related thn story afterward, "Why thn poor sup don't know when he'n hml a narrow cicape. It soomed that after getting the llcomo, but bnforo having tho knot tied, they did ronaldcrablo riding around in tho bridegroom's small automobile, having tho comfortable feeling that ho bit of paper author ising the minister to make them ono was reposing In hubbyto-bc'a coat pocket on tho back acat. On discovering tho loss, thoy went over thn route thoy 'had travelled, but finally came to tho police station la despair. Tho sergeant advised them to get tho county clerk to luuo a certified duplicate, and thoy went their way happy. PJsUIKItMK.V (IKt l'LTIM.TUM TACOMA, July 26. Sixty Colum bia river fishermen who obtained a temporary Injunction recently agalnit the Washington state fisheries board, havo 48 hours to cease purso seining operations as n result of tho ruling of thrco feileral Judges Into )estvrday dissolving thu Injunction. MAHKKT ItKPOItT .PORTLAND.. July 26. Cattle steady at tlocll'no of GOc on cows late yesterday. IlogH steady, sheep strong, eggs and butter weak. i '''VS.' 1$i0 1X J .ASUMHuae J m, f I ejJJItj t V I Ui 'AHgKMn C 'rv KmBBES.3mKwBF JsHdnV saalslir. $3,000,400 RAISED Anmuat Habecrfted by 8,000 ffeatUe uiixen m live oaya ror mom " 8KATTLE, July 26 Approximate ly S000 Seattle residents rrebscrlbed a total of $3',000,000 in bonds to fi nanco the erection, of a new hotel here, sponsored by the chamber of comer co as a community cntorprlso It was announced at noon today when thn subscription campaign contud ed. Thu $3,000,000 was raised In five da. Originally It was planned to sell $2,750,000 In bonds lu five daya.Mt'arrea Company A but thu Itlxcus' commltleo of sales men met with such rcsponso that the drive wan ended today. Construction of thn hotel, which will bo built on leased ground owned by tho Univer sity of Washington, will begin with in four months ami tho building will bo completed In IS months, accord ing to present plans. CAL DRAWS WORKMEN Craftsmen Inttarrd to go Honth By 1UU Wivgo Offers TACOMA, Wash., July 2. Tho demand for building trades craft men In California bas rcsut'ed, In a shortage of theso workmen In western Washington, local contrac tors declare. It Is said that Call for nla contractora havo aent agents here and craftsmen have been in duced to go to California with pro mises of as '.much as $3 a day abovq union scale. 'Thoro Is a shortage In tbo building trades." It. M. Grant, speaking for local contracters re cently stated. "On many building Jobs hore men aro now being paid moro than tho scale, and dcsplto that fact higher wages still are lur ing them lo California, whero aa exceptional building movement Is underway." SPOILING THE FISHERMAN'S STRIKE Body Found Near Road' aide; Note Said to Indi cate Domectic Troubles DOItniB, July 26. David T, Well, 48, widely known farmer of this vlclnltarajwas found dead with a bullet thrMk his heart at one o'clock thletnornlng on the main road four miles west of here. A 11-25 calibre rifle nearby and aotac found on the Ifody Indicated suicide caused by worry over domestic troubles. The body waa found by the road ide , the TcBr of tl- wlg ranch by a trucJt dri,er for tB, We, ter Lumber company. It waa brought t0 Dorrl where an Inqvesa will be held today. The contenla of the notes left by Wells wore not made public, but It was understood that they re lated to recent domeatlc troubles. , Wells Is survived by a wife and 12 year-old son, both of Dorrls. STREET COST SAVED kfaJate ance la New Agieeaaeat Klamath Fall today escaped fu ture paving maintenance costs thru signing an agreement with the War ren Construction company which pro vide., that all repairs to tho par Ing for a period of years shall be borne by the company. The orig inal bid of the company called f-jr payment by the city of oae-flf'.h cent a yard a year for repairs. When It was pointed out by City Attor ney Duncan that It waa Illegal fir the city tQ-nrtfW1aiargwCMtrtct for anticipated repairs, a suaale- mentary agreement was drawn Paving Bend jPsSjBvnfl Paving bonda aold to the War ren Construction compaay' aad the First National bank -Sartre atgaed yeaterday and are ready for delivery upon payment of the amounta due. At tho council meeting Monday the Bend Concrete Pipe company was given permission to repair the old keg and pall factory on South Sixth atreet and to construct new gravel bunkers. A representative of this company recently stated that a permanent plant here was contemplated. A contract submitted to the coun cil by the California Oregoa Fow (Continued to Pf ) VV aaassan ' lire. EMe Graves, East Boston, Mass., 1 ready to mtet any fem inine welterweight In the United Itatee In the squared areas. SPEAKER HOLDS S. P. CONTROL WOULD BE ADVANTAGEOUS E. J. Grant Tell Forum Members Of His FlniK In TUIlruad t'nnicrjcrr Probo A comparatively small crowd heard the report of E. J. Grant on his Interview with William Sproulo. president of the Southern Pacific, at the chamber of commerco forum' to- Ur. Cat-Off Promised He said Sproule had promised Immediate completion of tho Nat ron 'cut-off from OakrTdgo to Klrlc if the Central Pacific lines were re tained, but would mako no definite promise regarding tho lino from Westwood, although asserting that It woutd bo built eventually. Should tho Westwood line be built, however, Sproulo said it would In hlV opinion not placo Klamath Falls' on a parity with Bend and Susanvillq on eastern lumber rates, tho longer haul still Justifying higher rates. Grant said that whllo ho was no partisan of tho Southern Pacific and had gono Into tbo situation prejudiced against that system be cause of local rate conditions) bo had becomo convinced that Klam ath Falls would bo better oft If the Southern Pacific retained, con trol of the Central Pacific at least of tho coast lines. Higher Rates Seen For Instance, ho said, tho dis memberment' of tho Southern Pa cific it tho Central Pacific lino from Tehama to tho stato lino pass ed into other bands would result In inconvonlonco of traffic move ment, add to car shortage and possibly bring higher rates. Grant expressed tho opinion that It would bo to thu udvantngo of Klamath county to tako a definite stand with tho Southoru Pacific In tho controversy. "WETS" DENY REPORTS Dct'laro Intoxication on lucre aso lu - H. V. Klnro Prohibition SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., July 20. Tho publlu of the Vnltod Slates and tho world at lurgo hai boon "dellbciatoly misinformed us 16 tho results ot prohibition lb' Sau Fran cisco" dud "thoro has'becn a do- cidcil x Incrcaso in tho number ot Inmates in stato corroctlvo institu tions slnco prohibition begau," tho grain trailo association of' tho San Francisco' chamber -of commerco said In resolutions made public here. - 4 Tho total monthly arrests In tho city for Intoxlcftlon havo. "steadily and raplftly Increased slnco tho first month ot prohibition" ,tho res olution said. Thoy contlnuod that not ouly bas thoro been an lncroaso la tho number ot Inmates lu atato prlsous, Insano asylums aatl' Institu tions for the foeble minded hut a decided, lacregse in. jjerjbus crjm,?. Maintenance of Way Group Opposea AMeapl to Die place 4444S HTItlKK Di-VKLOPMKNTM 400,000 malateaaaca of way men threatea to etrlhet Women attack aea-Tjalea; workers In Toledo. Pittsburg operators' aseeeta- ! ton seek parley wKh vlw to coal strike aettleaeat. DKTROIT, Mich., July If, -A threat that 400,000 malateaeace of way' men employed on the Nation's railroads will strike because of the alleged action of certata eastern mads In attempting to form coa-pany organizations to take the place of the International railroad brotherhoods,, and becauso of the actio of gaaraV employed by the railroads, waa sWi hero today at tho headquarters of the-' International brotherhood of main tenance of way employes aad rail way shop laborers. TOLUDO, Ohio., July 26, Forty women, wires and relatives of strik ing railway employes attacked a par ty of non-union railroad shopmen oa their way to work la the New Tork Central shops here today. Police re sponding to the call were met with a shower of bricks and stone which resulted in calling out the police re serves. Three patrol wagons rushed to tho scene with orders to arrest every woman la the vicinity. WfcM thn reserves arrived the waste had fled. No arrosts.were : nniDGEPORT, Ohlo.rJnly St. The Pittsburgh Veta Operators' as sociation, producing over one-third of the entire coal output of Ohio, announced today through Secretary 'Albasln that tho aatoctatloa bow stands ready to eater lato a confer ence with officials of the Ualted Mine workers, either for Ohio or for the central competitive field. with view to a termination of the strike. This Is tho first detlnito an nouncement of the wllllagaes of tho association, which employs from 20,000 to 19,109 men, to ea ter Into a conference oa thu basis. VALUED HOME DEAD Old SI Passe , After 11 Yean With Brans Eleven years of faithful service and a'usbful career were aaded with (he unexpected death from acute stomach trouble last alght of SI, tho 'faithful old horse ot the American Impress 'company. A rat, sleek colt, Bl was shipped to thls"elty from Caltforala 11 yean ago whetfdollvery service waa flrat Inau gurated bore by the express company. J. J. Turkcr, local ageat, drove M the first time he waa la harness aad Arthur Lcavltt, who was working tor tho company at that time, helped to train him ns a truck horse. Thu willingness aad reliability of SI won for hlnl a warm place in tho hearts ot tho express company em ployes and their sorrow aver tha loss was as ucuto as through a member ot thu family had passed oa. With tears lu his eyes, Parker this morning re lated tho caroer of his "pal." TOURISTS GIVEN AID. Portland Opeiu laformatkm VI-.IU.rs Urged to Kcaaaaa POUTLANPj ore., July il. Tho Portland chamber of cemmerej has opened an lr.formstlon '.booth at tbo municipal auto camp, whero gonerul lafcitnatloa rH4rdlajr e'.'.r Btuto will bo dispensed, ' aid- tha Oregon tcuT'st and Inferuiatloa bureau will assist In glvlag data 9t condition of highways, camp site und tourists hotels. , " . A card indog will he kept at alt tourists and theprtj0Ul4r"feawa . ot t,ho statewh'arU., tercHtcd. aad after hajfretara) la , ther homes Uehfwlllaaea ; o Ik&SSSmSJSMdZ 1 OregOB, . v' jn',,uvVVij-. W f . " .; jv . i sn tt.WJ?"S('