The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 25, 1922, Page Page Six, Image 6

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.Personal Mention
word hiu been rrcelvcil hero
from A. 11, Colllnt, ownor of tho
Klrst National linnk liulMlnjt, tliat '
lie !h now In tho nutomohllo lul-
nca in I'ortervllle, California. Ho
pujra thai ho likes hit now orctipX-J
(Ion ntitl homo very much nmt that ,
hn rxpecin to mnko Klnmnth Kail n
vlnlt In tho nonr future.
Mr. Aiul Mr. J. !: McAullffu aro
In town toilay from lliolr ranch !
nrnr Kort Klnmnth. Mrs. McAullffc
recently rctnrnod from n trip $.
t'hlftttrn U'hut-n mIim ttlaltml n'lflt rnln
Mlm Mnrjorlo CuttltiK, who lins
liocn' hero for tho greater pnrt Of n
month, n the liouso Kiiot of Mrs.
If. W. IlrlilRfJnl. will lenvo tomor
row morning for her homo In Snn
Mr. A. Shelar was a pnwoiiKor on
the mornliic train lion nil for Ashlnml
and, Montague, where sho will vlalt
for overnl week before returning
o her home here.
Mr. . I Culbertson, who ha
heon here for lx weeks n the puet
of her nlofls. Mm. l. I.. Truax, left
thin niornltiK for Fresno, California,
whnrn ho will visit with her on lie
foro returning to her homo In tho
Lieutenant Colonel Iloger S. Filch,
n member of the general staff corp.
nan hern recently looking over tho
main road and highway from a
military landpolnU Colonel Fitch l
a nnphow ofOeneral Canbr, who was
killed hero during tho Modoc war. It
I hlw;ravo In tlio Itva bed that 1
marked by a rroH.
Mm. Mary Larson and ller, Mm.
tlno, aro hero ,from Torlland for an
oxtended visit with Mm. CaMon'
son, Oscar LaMon.
Mrs. William Weedon left yester
day for Ashland where slio will spend
three weeks visiting with relative
and from there she will go on to
Sacnmento for a short visit with
friends there.
Ira Roberts was a visitor this
morning from his ranch near Olene.
Jonah Sparks, a farmer In tho vat
toy south ot town, was here this
Lacking Inclination to push a car
tfp bill from Antelope valley Into
tqwn, A. It. Wilson, of tho Wilson
Abstract company, walked Into town
bright and early this morning.
C. II. Underwood loft this morn
ing wjth tho Intention of driving Mrs.
Hnderwood, Mrs. W O. Smith and
Mm. Tarker l'crry, who Is vlslttn-s
hero from Portland, to the I-a'b o
tbo Woods. Underwood will return
tonight and tho ladles will remain at
the lako for tho remainder of tho
week. Mrs. Terry was accompanied
" by her son, who will also stay over
at tho summer camp.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. I'rathcr wcro
visitors at Crater lake this week-end
from Klamath Falls. Tbey thought
the) lake particularly fine 'as the
weather proved Ideal and It was pos
sible to seo the lako at its bluest.
Mm. H. E. Peyton, ot Benton, 111.,
Is lioro for an extended visit with
nor two sons, Wlllard and Oscar Toy-ton.
whoro they will enjoy a week' .out
ing. Mr. and Mrs. James Perry loft
this morning for Weed, California,
whoro they will make their future
home. They will bo followed to
morrow morning by their daughter,
Jean. It t with a greardoal of re
Krent Hint their many friends renl
lio that Klamath Fall I to lose
n family which has called, (hit city
home for so many year.
J Mrs. Frank Corpenlng. ui-com-pnnlcd
by '.Mrs. I. J. Clark, her
sIstiT-ln-lrtvv, who Is visiting hero
from I.oulxlnnn, made n trip Into
town yesterday afternoon from
Olene where the Corpenlng operate'
tbn store and hotel.
Frank Obenchnln accompanied by W. I). Parker left tlih morning U, R. Hymn and grandson, Clln-1 Fred AppleRnio mid Chrl drill
Frank Jr., left yesterday afternoon' for San Francisco whoro he will' ton, nnd llosoo llarkiurMt mnilo n worn nullity sent IiiinIih'sm vlsliurs
for Illy after two day npent (tore upend tho next two weokx attend-i trip Into town yewlonlny from their yitprdny afternoon front Hwnn
on business. I lug to hitlneis connected with the miicIioh near Olenu. lake, '
V. 11. nn.l II. V. lllnekstnnn urn Klttllinlh Uevelopmont company. I jilqi Annei nrlscnll loft this Mr. nti.l Mm. A K.illiui. nrnntl.
touilst visitors hero today from) Mr. nnd Mr Curtl Modrlck mid) morning for Illy whnrn she, wll vis- until Mnlln folk, were In town this' 1. W Tower w n roiiniy mt
Lo Angoles. They 'nro registered family spout tho wok-oml here It with her ulster, Mrs. I!, 0. (llv- morning ntlonilliiK to iiiRliin nf- husliieis visitor hern lodiiy from hli
from their home at Cltll )Uln. an. for the next ow wucks.
at tho Whltn Pelican hotel.
fal rt
Mr. V, M, Palmer was it p.n
songor oil tho morning train hound
for llorrln whnrn hIio will vlult with
Mi. Clifford Huvllln for Mm tniM
homo neur Knno,
Matt Kgan, of the Algoma Lum
ber company, I a business visitor
here today. I
LOST Starting crank. Ileo car, be-
I twecn Mill nddltlnn school and
Standard oil service station. J. A.
Tucker. Leave at Standard Oil ser
vice station. "i.'5.2f.
FOR KENT Large room, water,
own entrance, 103 Pine St. 35-31
FOR SALE A few extra good While
Leghorn hens, grlttlo strain. K. H.
Thomas. 2R-2T
onto trailer, first class condition.
Phone 49SJ3. 35-26
J. K. Endow & Co.
your patronage.
Furnished ono room cabin. Colon
ial Rooms, 11 Ih near Main. 25-27
Will sacrifice my home If sold at
once. Now, five room, bath, cellar,
fireplace, bulIMn features. Small
payment, balance like, rent. Address
M., Herald office. 33-27
TOR SALE Doublo barrcll shot-gun
and flno leather case. Cheap, call
SIS Lincoln. V 35-26
Placo order with J. E. Enders &
Co., for your futuro needs In can
ning fruit. 3&-29
WANTED A Berkshire or Poland
China boar pig, not over 3 months
old. State price to Edward Freuer,
Olene, Or., Seven Springs' ranch. 35.
FOR RENT 3 room furnished apt.
Phono 373J. 36-31
. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Stcmwell
nrcnmpanlud Ault to his home
rtead near Odessa this morning
WILL TRADE 20 aero fruit farm. 5
acres In bearing cherries, on paved
highway near Roseburg, 7 room mod
ern homo. Prefer 40-C0 acre good al
falfa land near Klamath Fall. Must
be closo to school. Write P. F. Kills
meter, caro county agent's offlco,
Klamath Fulls. 25-26
New shipment of the popular 25c
coffee arrived nt J. E. Enders & Co.
John Fylllng will bo here ono week
more. Now Is your chanco to have
your piano tuned at pre-war prices.
Leato orders at Klamath Falls
Music House, 122 S. Sixth St. Phone
125. 25
Memories Will Lire When You
Say It With
Flowers for every occasion
Klamath Flower Shop
834 Main Street. Phone. B0
Open Sundays 9 to 1
Week days, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Zane Grey's
Most Powerful Picture
"Desert Gold"
With an all star cast E. K. LINCOLN, W. Jan:
son Butt, Walter Long, Margery ,Wilson, Eileen
Percy, Russell Timpson, Arthur Morrison, Edward
Coxen, FVank Tanning, Frank Brownlee, William
Bainbridge. This is Zane Grey's masterpiece.
Once, seen never forgotten.
If Sympathy Was
Money, H
. J. Winters
Troubles Would Be Over, (or Everybody
Is Sorry That Predictions Came True!
Old Friends Flocked to remind Distressed Jeweler that they knew he would come
to grief when he started new building. Twas nice and neighborly, wasn't it?
' But sympathy isn't legal tender, and Winters' Creditors Must Be Pajd.
Fate of 20-year-old business depends upon action of Klamath County
people. Plan of Auction Sale is Announced by Finance Com-
w pany in charge. Starting next Thursday Night, Winters'
fine stock goes on the Auction Block for what it will
bring. Interesting details follow.
THERE is a. man in Klamath Falls who can under
stand, how a dead Irishman must feel while at
tending his own wake. AH yesterday afternoon, H. J.
Winters; received friends who bemoaned his enter
prise in building a business block that is a credit to
the city, reminded him how they had predicted trou
ble and 'cautioned' him never to do it again.
a I WAS a fi,eat party kind of cheered Mr. Wjn-
ters' falling spirits, made him feel that being a
Napoleon of finance had its pleasant side and
spumed him on to demonstrate that a man is not
dead until buried in 'Free America.' N
YfTrllLE the 'party' was in progress we went
through the Winters' stock,' listed the Dia
monds and the Watches, counted the fine Commun
ity Silverware and took stock of the beautiful Cut
Glass, the Silver Plated Tea Sets, and other Hollow
I wish that every reader of this newspaper could
have been with us here and could get a realiza
tion of the wonderful stock carried by Mr. Winters.
The writer has been handling jewelry stocks for
years and can truthfully say that the Winters stock
is a better assortment, for its size, than he has ever
TAKE the Diamond stock for instance. They are
all of the fine color, well cut nnd mounted in the
very latest mountings. And the prices they are lower
than you can buy the same quality of Diamonds else
where in this part of the countiy. Maybe, Winters'
troubles might be traced to his low prices.
AND. the Watches. There are watches for the
workingman, for the professional man, for the
young boy. Watches of sturdy strength and finest
timekeeping qualities for the worker and slim, fash
ionable time pieces for the business man, .Several
trays are filled with exquisite little bracelet watches
for Milady. Some are engraved and there are many
of the new shapes in watches that are more than orna
ments. They are tiny pieces of mechanism that will
keep time accurately and continuously.
SHOW cases are filled with hundreds of useful jew
elry articles, such as chains in solid gold and M
k. gold filled all made by the best makers in Ameri
ca, knives for men, cuff links, ear rings, bracelets, ev
erything that you would find ih a fine store HkTWm
ters AND the Community silver, guaranteed for GO
years service, in the popular patterns, togeth
er with a lot of the famous Rogers' 1S-17 Silverplate
that has been standard for a half-century.
WHY waste your time. No use to tell about the
leather goods, the Ivory toilet articles, the Cut
Glass, the Silver Tea Sets and Ilollbw ware. Most of
you know the slock better than I do anyway.
SUCH a shame! I hate to be a party to this Auction
Sale. II. J. Winters' has worked twenty years
to build up this stock and I expect to sell most of it
in twenty hours.
HERE are the horrible details. Starting next
Thursday night at seven thirty we are going to
offer any. article that you may call for, and a good
many that you never thought of. What they bring
depends upon your good selves. You set the price and
it's going to bo snappy too. Nothing but the 'Septem
ber Morn' truth will be told about any article and tho
result rests with you. Eveiy evening will see a repe
tition of the sacrifice until the lady at the cash reg
ister says "enough" and it will be over.
IT'S going to be a lot of fun for you while it lasts and
a bitter dose for H. J. Winters, but he don't count .
because he was "advised" not to be progreasive,
wasn't he?
Come in and look over the goods you aro inter
ested in any time. There is a 'family entrance'
through the Sweet Shop ,next door and we are never ,
too busy to show any article in the stock. Nothing
will be sold, but you aro priviledged to look at any
article'you may be interested in. ' '.,'' '
I Thank You.
ARTHUR H. ALLEN, for the
Merchant Finance Company, Liquidating
Coming Thursday
Catherine Calyert in
"Romance of the Underworld"
Vaudeville Sunday
.... , t i
rAuJon 10c.and20c
Show Start at G:30
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