rSpwJ??oITSrvni!I vinuM ? I . ...,, Jf,- Tpjl-I IHKolw'. ""rwrw " '.' .jA 'wwiip;,, .- m y r -- --r ' i-' iwf Vit . - t BMBBBlBBW4 V I? w - A'BtaBBMsW" BbWbIbWbib j ThcOffte rct BV JONICB 1 H uMfet j .- n- i LIGMT..ttXK8.AND.lUJr.H hattli: cnv of kdwAhdh THE .EVENING. HERALD, KLAMATH EALL3QREU0W (Continued from Pace 1) A t , A HOTHOl'SK POKT A colnunlst sat In Ills 24 room And 'rrcJlrg1iTovVfnt Whin1 Iro, Kor lio linnkcrod to Bins ' , 0 posies nnd'snrlwc But coat of Ico cotfcred his lyre. 'JtVmcJicd, in Velvet IMgUsh But I'lnln Tn (i Intent.'.,' My wife havlng'toft1 my boarding plnco I will not bo responsible for tier hell rnlslpff. Won Stokes, 1 - ' Wnkley, Ky. t. Wnkloy, Ky., rress, fc Xo Effort. "Did you moko your complaint to the boss, oil you.sald you would?" Yeah.''1 "Huh! Ho didn't pay anymore at tanllon than Judge Landla docs to a denunciation by congress f" According to an expert, at tho ago of 30 tho'avcrago girt Is looVIng for th-ldeal man; nt 23 for tho real mas; at 30 for tho man. k KLtXJV OK XKWSIMPKR FAMK ' A Reeling hour you're worth an i inky "play" A tcotlng hour .rage Ono Is mostly . 'you Another smell nnd you are tucked , i away; Thi palhs'of glory lead but to Page Two! should bo compelled to bo Incomornt cd and fllo n public accounting of wnere Its money corner from and how It Is spent. "I Introduced such n bill Into tho Now Jcrsoy lcglslnturo and It was promptly squelchod. I'm going to do it again aimed nt tho Anll-Saloon League If I get to tho United Blntcs senate." Controlling "pernicious lobbies," sayj i:dwnrds.Js. as. Important as con trolling campaign expenditures. And ono of bis plalform planks Is "antl. Nowberrylsnu" Others are reduction of Income taxes, control by tho states rather than tho federal government, or funds spent for public health, child hygiene, and public roads. Kiys Unrest tn IUkiio Tho main Issue, howover, Is pro hlbltlon. Oovernor Kd wards calls it "the llvest thing that ever hnppcn. cd." "I'm against Ihe hypocritical situ ation that has been created," 'ho sa)s, "It's a deceit. Ilaslcally, tho un rest In this country Is duo to prohl billon. It has not reduced crime bu has Increased It. rafxo Font1 determined tu hnvn them changed so us to mako them posslblo of enforco ncnt." w . s aovemor Kdwards' friends bro making rousldnrnblo political eapllal oul ol th'nl'lact that ho is politically wot, and pursonally dry, whllo they rhargo tlfnt Senator Kretlnghuysou Is porsonnily wet although ho voted .dry. "New Jersoy," says IMuard, "Is no welter than other state. We're frank about It, though, and tho oth ers nro nfrald to bo." EVERE1XTRUE i i- W t k i' OO-Hoo, fHI?S.O,Bl?i&M( S: GO' HOOJ) How a-s You By COND.O WW GRANT C C. SPEAKER of Itnllroatl ('onimltteo Will Prtent Findings i:. J, (irnnt, manager of thu At. gomu lumber company ulll speak nt tho chamber of commerce forum Wednesday on tho present railroad situation and Its effects on Klnmnth county, i (Irani Is chairman of the chamber of commerce committee appointed to Interview the officials of the South ern and Western Pacific nnd to se cure all nvnllable information on tho He ranclsco ')' T' fr 3BBBBBflr JL r& jM fir Wm i Jv iSFVTs mm mSmMmzL: 'situation ns It affects tho county. t . has just returned from San Franc Where bu bad n lnni mnln.H.., .. 1.1. un. ... I " "",. v..v a -.i v 1,1111 it i . . Want " "nileMlood Wm. Sproule. president of the South- ...... . ,.v.u r ,,u one in respect ror.crn Pacific, niK! Sproulo's statement. law and Its enforcement. It Is be cause 1 nm conMnced that public opinion makes It Impossible to en fyco many existing laws that l am In regard to railroad development In this section will bo given to tho mem bers of tho chamber at tho meeting tomorrow. IA'AtfMBAAf-MBtfMai 1 CLASSIFIED ADS " mmm a a m is MISCELLANEOUS t WANTED Boy's second-hand, bi cycle, 18-Inch frame. Cash If favor able. Phono 53CM. 2f-"G WANTED TO BUY Two good so-cond-hand trunks. Must bo cheap. Box 2H Herald office. 24-26 y Auk Diid? He Knows Willie Willis "Pa, what do they mean wnen tncy say a woman Is dressed In tho height of fashion?" Papa Willis "About an inch aboro the knees, my son." r Kliook AO Over Cook (explaining her late arrival) 1 'ad to go Into a drug store, mum. 1 were trcmbtln' like a aspcrln. Coxlo says folks thct dream of tomorrow, always find a today thct wakes 'em upv ' "About tho only difference be tween children and us grown ups Is that wo weigh moro and ain't so hap py." notes Tom Martin. .. am Ho ran his boat upon a reef And badly Jammed tho hull. It didn't hurt tho oarsman's head, Altho It split his scull. FOn ItENT, 8AL.B. OR TRADE Ono or tWO C-room hnllina iili.l... cd, bath, light nnd water. Also two lots CO ft. on pavement. 150 x 140 ft. In Falrvlcw add. 1 sell nr Irnrtn part or all for acreage on highway or ' " luau, ur nairy cows, car or smal ler house. Call owner G45M. 24-25 wwwhwwwhww i. mm m w 11-. , I B . . tm. t TU 1 55 I . -Tiki F? klSURQAM ROAXJOSTlrACl aTATOt4 I our. Nrexr sececTtou Witt- uis -Div.ori,ue BY TMe CHN a.lSXsr.s. rttSMBCSrS- OP. fTHfT FMMOVJS BACK VRO 5NTGftTAINepS ! ALClGHT, L6T 'G'R C5.0 ;; 4 I I ui j ml In uiiituriMHsiMl riilnis Urn per iod of tliu iiloiUier, J I In immlorly do llnentlimM ii JJ)AIjJjMejj)vlrlii,'.i, Uiggi'd IhiiiohI)' nnd fniirlenMiioHS, (OUIiIimI wHli riHui I for women nnd teiiileniemi Uir rlillilren, mo t tin do lhtlit of cniliitlM't IImuihiiiiiIh, wlin llllNO mCMim lllll) fllltllflll H'lllllMH, lino (trey bus iilil liriiltnliul to puliii nuiflli'l nnd llliilliyi IiiiIimuI, Iio Iiiih thk i,im:in v When Viola Dnnn, ilm fiiPi'limllni; Metro star, comes to the Ulmily riioittm tudiiy In hor nuw plrtuiu! rulluil "Seelng's llelliiliiiti" hIio u III lIiiuiiUo.I the dinnmtli' elmiient with nppor In u role Hint exuelly sulmlno mi'iiu aklll. un Is mlitmiemt by her iiliiuiint, eharinlng peisniinllly. It , ilm furl Hint nit nf bin giout iitoilen Is Just tho type of part Hint .Miss i lend tlitnsnhcA im umillly In iidiil" D.iim p)ii)h ho well, iinil her many ' tnthui for Iho motion plilurn mienii. frlouilK will fxi delighted with hor iivtliig In this new eoiueily-drniiiu. MNs Dnnn ennrls Iho rolo of Dlnnii Webster, n millionaire orplinn. Dlitnn mid hor iAi til's suitor nro obliged to peso ui miiriled when, on their wny V.iiiio (Iroy's iiiiiHtei'iileoo, "liosnrt dold" will bo shown limlglit nl Tim fUmiiil ST.Mt THIMTIIi: (Jeoigo Ado Is Aiiioileu'ii foromoiil liiuk t" Uio city they nto nbligeil In tiuiiiorlst, for mmv ji-iiim ho Iiiih put up nt Iho town's only hotel A ' i.eon willing for iho IomiIIiii; iiiitun fo wiIidm later, when slio returiiM to rlini uml nowMpiipers her homo, nho finds it frlejid or hei .Mi, now In- hns willlnn u story brother who hud been n guest ut the j dirert for the srrenii. And, whnl'H blitel wheii she liml stopped there, j more, ho toU ibornteil on tho Mfoniir- Sio InfomiM lilm Hint she Is not mar rlcd. hut before sho hnn n elnuiro to explain further, ho tullii hi r Hint ho will safeguard her "secret." Ai fur in ho Is roueerneil "seolng's believ ing " nii; sTiiAXD The pelHil.iUly of ZiuivTin.v Is not mi lU'i'ldeiil Of nil luiliortmii wrllersiOgl 1 1 lo, wtnlo niiM of tho titles, mid wnrled with the dlreclnr through' out Hie malting. "Our Lending Clllcu" Is n rhur nrtorlNtle Ado story, full of genuine humor and feeling, nod nu Ideal hi blelo for "The (lood l.urli Hlnr." 'tile oust Inrludort I.0I1I Wilson, Tliooilotti Itolierls, (lily Oilier, I'lum, liml Klhol Wnle of fiction he atone has truly riiugiit' This Isiest I'uiniiioiiiii picture will the spirit of the Wst and hns pur- li wliimu nt TI10 Htnr lonlgbl. vlco office Lnkclow, Oregon and receive reward. SS-31 BINDER TWINE nt J. W. u-r. whse. on Spring St. Prlco 19c per lb. Special discount to Farm Bureau memoers. Phono 557-J. 20-26 FOR SAL.K 000 feet 121 N. 11th St. C-S cable. tt AN TED Walter or waitress and chalmbonnald. Phono Eagle Ridge Tavern. " 3lt' FOR SALE 1000 feet C-S 121 N. llth St, cable, tf FURNITURE FOR SALE Full slia oeu.,springs.iory dresser, kitch en range, all tn good condition. Pric ed reasonable. Call 51R after 7 p. m. 24-25 FOR SALE Electric range, piano, tewing machine, rugs and Victrola. Some other household articles. Call afternoons 1129 Lincoln or phone 17R. ' 24-26 WANTED Five or six room furnish ed or partly furnished modern house for tho winter. Will leaaa ir aesirea. mono 326. 24-29 ARCADE TRANSFER Will more you .,in,llme' nywhere. Reasonable. 8C9-J, -t FOR RENT Housekeeping Apts. 39 High and 52 Main. Phone 15. 21tf FOR SALE Wheeler & Wilson sew ing machine. Prlco reasonable. N. B. Drew, 601 Main St. 21tf A REAL BARGAIN GUARANTEED Ono 1921 Ford, 5 passenger touring. BUIck Sales & Sorvlco Co. 21tf WANTED Housckcopor. Would prc- iva outtivuuu who count mnv mmn nights. Apply room 3. Swanson "lag. 25-29 WANTED Two .passengers to sliaro expense to Portland br nuin ti 3W. 24-2C Inijiosslble Questions - I ran tuno n violin, but pleaso tclren mo now to make a tuna fish. , wVl' J0,.'!0 ,r'cd . government control of almost all public utilities except thos bootlegger'.' f - ij Amos Tash sas usually tho young nller stnrtln' In u bank at the bot tom, as 'spendln tho soon hour ylayln' ,rhu, an pool won' both- wed with tho cares o' the presidents fege. 4 FOR RENT Strictly modern threo room unfurnished nnartment In atone building at 125.00. No child- There's, threo nnlmals that are rarer than thqJOodp Prohibition; a y si bit store; und tho toiler that work- hI hlmsolf to death. n " ' " BV A. s A tu-A.'jtiA-d'f'hiiii:i'f P"i:! l i vjL0. U t,i't u U U 0 l IE ' t . 1 , Two room partly furnished eottnm at $12.50. One largo room cottago nicely fur nished at 110,00. Four room cottago near high school at $15.00. Four room bungalow near depot at $20.00. Flvo room strictly modern home with outbuildings In best part of Mills Addn. at $30.00. This Is a dandy. Four rooms with bath near Fair- view school at $15.00. nvo room modern house on Wall St., new and clean, at $25.00. Four room houso on Main St.. near ,u. b. canal at tiz.&o. Strictly modern flvo room houso on Wantland Ave., at $26.00, New and modern four room fur nished houso with bath, on pavement at $30.00. C1IILQOTK & SMITH 727 Main 8L' 1 , Phono OO ..24-26.... FOR SALE Span of horses, har ness and wagon. J. P. Hogan, Klamath Superior Inundry. 21-25 FOR SALIT-Oood paying business. French Hand Laundry. 21-27 FOR RBNT Two und threo room furnished apartments anil small houso. Closo In. Tel 342W. 24-25 WANTED $1600 for 2 years, pay 8 for same. Security first mort gage on furnished homo and lot close In. Inqulro box B. F., Herald office. 9-23 .MEN WAXTUD! For service as Rallrojd Machinists Bollcrinnkors Blacksmiths' Electricians Sheet Metal Workers . Pipe Fitters Copper Smiths Car Repairers Tinners Car Inspector Helpers oil1 classes. Under strike conditions best ex plained 'by Chairman Bun W. Hoorcr of tho U. S. R. R. Labor Board, In his statement of July First roadlng as follews: "In this caso tho conflict Is not between tho employer and the op pressed employees. Thu pcoplo of this country through, an uct of con- gresi signed by President Wilson es tablished a tribunal to decide (utnll tlous which nro submitted to It In a proper manner over such dispute. It Is tlio decisions of this tribunal ugnlnst which the shop crafts are striking. Regardless of any tiuestlon of the rlKht of men to strike tho men who tnko strikers places nro merely accepting wage and working condi tions prescribed by 11 government tribunal and are purformlng 11 public sen Ire. They nro not accepting tho w.iges rtnd working renditions which 1111 empIo)er Is tr)lng to Impose, For this reuson public centiliter and full Roivrnment power wilt protect the men who remain In their positions, nnd now men who may enman " ' Adequate provisions bnvo been 1 mndo for the full protection nf nil, now emplo)ees thu same ns old em ployees who have remained loyally, at work. Applicants should apply! to thu office of the Superintendent at Portland Union Station, or tn the nsslstnnt Superintendent at Rose burg. .1. 11., (Sen. Mgr. Southern Piirlflc. Jyco j BZtXZCaffCMMMBfeMABajB; OLD TIME FARMERS MARKET DAY AT THE PUBLIC MARKET NEXT .SATURDAY. COME ALL YE FARM ERS AND MAKE IT A REAL MARKET DAY. ,i B.HWWBinWIHB FOR SALE 26 ncros, 1 mile to Mcdford. Modern bulldlnes. croon. Eight acres of alfalfa, stock. Pay ment down, balance easy terms. Forced salo. J. Petorson, It. 1. Box 8, Mcdford. 17-27 FOR SALE Old papers, suitable, for underlying linoleum, carpot, etc., wrapping and packing. Ten cent), a large bundle, Herald office. tt a b fTMODE8TO. Cal.. Julyi 8C What feru considered rocord. price .for Hot- Mela cutlte wero pald hero this , Hunlh for a registered 'bull und a registered cow, j Tho H;ldmjtrd-irolsteu Dairies, or jfctlorafiihjioldto Jh,p PatoU. .stock nn of0cvnoiuqw,o,c.. Wrls.,J(B prise 0 Klpfc Regis Alcortra Prllly for utyvur nuuu j-u 11 uuigu, UOrOS itryman. sold his nrizn winning iw, Ava Modetifjihgerverd,-2ud.-for f.OOFred KartaooV,otSn Frfn- K0- rIHWHH5JMM"S;Mftr 11m stockfarBi of Lankersblnu U irchoser of the cow,. l.,haa a record itterfafaad 27,- it milk for 366 days. so also has a record of 31 pounds .huUer-fut 4i70t poads of milk r''sve.'(Us. 'A? dauahUr recently !V,jf:tnyjAW'a'phayiiMllp aa a .iradueertitlie Chicago dairy show iM :WHrtfe ,'lMr way .'i m aarpaas ine araaaat world's record. FOR SALE Two wagons, cablo.pul leys and haying tools. Tel. 342W. . 24-26 FOR SALE One '16 Dodge touring car;' Ono '7Dodgo touring car;' two-'20 Dodge touring curs; ono '21 Oakland Six. II. B. Wakeflold, 422 Klamath Ave. . 22-25 I Logging Shoos repaired. Frost, Sixth St., off .Main. Jack Ctf. FOR SALE Chevrolet Main St. truck. 910 22-28 WANTEH-HTlIrl or woman to work nt Rocky Point resort., Call West- orn Transfor. 419 Main St. KlnmaUi Falls. 17 tfA roit SALE 5 ton auto truck, $1000. Will cost $1000 to nut in good repair. D'wlnnoll Lumber Co. Macdoel, Calif. ,19-25 $25.00 REWARD for roturn of ono blanket roll with contents named, ono pair or cord riding trousers, threo blankuts and miscellaneous clothing. Lost between Illy, Oregon, and Iikevlew on flunday. July 16, 192,2. Roturn to II. 8. Forest Sor- Square: Deal KIDNEY PILLS Valuable foV inflammation of the kidneys or bladder, Pain in the Back or Groins. '" 1 These Kidney Pills, containing Huehu and juniper with other valuable kidney tonics, ex ert a strong tendency to restore the organs to health', vigorous action. Price 65 cents Sold by BIG POWER ybr BIG TRUCKS L. SU ARE DEAL T "-. DRUG STORE Arrow Sign Ghe Gasoline ofQuqlily If you w.nt to keep your truck trouble-proof, feed it "Red Crown" and nothing che. Tho quality of "Red Crown" is nlwayn tlio Bnme, whenever nnd wheruvcryou buy it. It vjpori.'ca rapidly nml uniformly in tho car buretor. And it is consumed com ptciely in tho combustion cham bers, converting its licntuniti into power at tlio driving wheels. That means a better avcniRo milKaRe, und n aweeter-runnini: engine. Fill at tho Red Crown Hign nt Service Stutionn, garnKea, and other dcalorn. STANDARt) OIL COMPANY n - DOINGS OF THE DUFFS . HE WAS OUT OF LUCK avr-i 1 x icE-awrBBUttk. LMKlOak .if VAKAKJ a ai aia.1 BY ALLMAN sure 1 oa. WHAT HAPPNEO TO HIM Y iryeWiid?! HAW JJefo lli$''6Vb ". 108 'pounds. 1 IT SEEMS AS THOUGH HE TOOK A FEW NIPS OWP EVEWIN AMD THOUGHT HE'D PLKi A JOKE ON SOMEBODY HE STUCK HIS HEAD INTO . BULLDOG SALOON AND HOLLERED (amd THEM -J r (iTHEV AtU S, FCED?7 T -i 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 .. - vjPi..on-nr yHI WWSSHmk IM' CLEM. VOL) DOM'T SEEM WeU,VOL WCLL',OtDTIMER,HnHmB ffl TO BE V00RSELF ToDAV' DEMemrbo r J not swcwiLV .1 , 1 J , y TTwVireLTX: If mi yVi m ';-a L-rI r m xwr "- n ! rf JkW' yV fA kw j HBBfcll l I wS7r tt52?Tj "5 ' " I (WS ' ua' SF t aaiai r-'i! o.Mi .ccjl' . .vfti 'ir.v- n .! ' ' a A 41 ' , , 1 '; -n- fn1, ttc.-'i " ' i .- ' .. . u Lii iCi tirstih ". n A '.V ' "J ' " : " M Ml ... -"-; trrkixMhzm:is!sr!- . . i AJ !Jmtl!m. t.