The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 25, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Pars TKr ob
Question Puzzles News
papermen; John D. Now
Talks to Reporters
TAIIIIYTOWN, N. Y, .Inly a.'..
Ik John I). Ilipckfollor, piiniliii: tliu
liiillim Hiiiiiiiii'r of It In llfn on IiIh
vast CHliiln In lliu I'ncunlko IiIIIh,
at liiHt letting ilnwn t ho hunters
ho Iiiim always raised against photo
grnpliurM ami reporters?
'Ill Ik lit it iiiohU(iii wlililt lias
been Interesting III" no witpu per jirci
fomtlmi Fjtfr slum lliu world's rich
out limn, on it riiccnl Htintliiy, pur
milled iiiitu ru men lit snap Itl in In
lliclr heart's iiuiti'iit aflcr they had
L'linnriiluil lo follow him Into liureli
Tor service,
Itnckefntler, who bear tho
reputation of being onu of tliu most
ruincnt-nliy nion In America, limy
tin hitcomln morn lenluit In liln
uttltudn lowuril plioloitrnplmrH, lint
ii m ytt tin Iiiim given no Imllnttloii
n( taking reporters Into hli confi
dence. An effort lo Interview Mr. Rock
efeller on (ho recent mcislon of liln
K41li birthday unnlvorsiity mntlo,
n n imunl, throiiKh n third parly rep
resenting tho household drought
the response "Impossible." An no
reporters it et lutva succeeded In
storming thn woll-guurtled cut of
tint llockfcller home, tliu modern
Croi'mii koph uitlntervlcweil.
Kvult to liU follow towiiHinun thn
llttlo man. nllKhl of frnmo, whit
appears In itiliUuiiniior In leather
waistcoat, ovuconl ami muffler, I
wry much of nn i'iiIkiuh.
Tnrrylown piilnlii out to each vl-
Itor tho homo of John I). Itockofol-
Inr, urge tho lltor to gu up mill
i inn wIiito Itnckefefler IIm'X, talk
' continuity ohout Jtocl.efi Her hut
, rarely 'see him IMclf.
Very milium tlo Tnrr)towun got
Do You Awake
Tired and Weak?
Know the Joy of Restful
Sloop by Taking
Ironixod Yoait
Do ou arise In the morning at unrr
freshed when you retired? Arc
body, brain and -nerve all run down?
, This .terrible, wmkneu which ulllxu
to many may bo blamed jm the lack of
itaminc nntl iron In modern food.
Supply these Invigorating elements by
taking two pleasant lahlt tn of Ironizcd
Ycait three tlmis n day. i:rr)imu
know thalyaunt N a wonder (til build
er of strength ami energy. Hut Iron
lied Ycait embodies a new secret pro
rets, known as "ironlratlon," which
enable the nut to produce its remlti
twice as quickly. It tones up the exeat
lul organs, ooollics tho worn-out
rtcrtcs and mikes ou feel like n new
person. Get Imnlied Yeait today and
take n new Iciso on life, or to try It
entirely free, almply mall poitcard .for
Famous 3-Day Trial Treatment. Ad
dress IronUcd Yeast Co., Dept. W,
Atlanta, Ca. IronUcd Yeast Is recom
mended and guaranteed by all cood
Tomorrow Night
Dreamland Pavilion
Read the Advertisement in the
lower right hand corner of page
two of next Thursday's Issue.
Initliln lliu Kudu which guard tho
bin liomit bilk in llii) .hljlil. Oncn
In ii w li Hit tliity noil .Iiiim ), i lima
downtown mill nit In hdi uiiichlnn
whlln a cliiuiffiiiit room Into it bank
or ii tiloio-hut Tnrrytowu ulinust
never IiiIIih tn Itn rloliiHt cltluii. Ho
coinrn nntl i;ooH tlntrii In iixcllc-
HKiiit whllu liovltt iiowntiMui, and
tllKt'iiHHltin iilltirwarilit . Anili'llint l
nil of Tarrytown'ri claim on Hit ioitt
fit tn on h. illlruii. ,
llvnr tint (i tin) nil It I in: folchrit
lid hht K4lli lilrtlulny, Tnrrytovu
Inn bt'tiii Kenthlui: over 'lliu iiiim
lion of who U IU oldest i Itliun.
'I Intro Ih iiii iiH'Ktlon a m to Iho inont
fiimniiH. (
An itiiclt'iit who ttltrt In front of
tho IiIk Inirdwiirit utoio, just around
thn (ornor from thn ntallii,C!ncod
i'H firnt plncn to John I). Thn nil
tlcnt mlmllH hn Ih unly H3,
Hut nn I tit 11 11 rt Iiiim assorted his
cninilfathiir Is 88 and ttttiro Ih a
furiiiur who InyH claim to 00. HtlU,
nvrii In tfin faco of oiIiIh, Tarry
(own utaiidH luyully huhliul ItH prone
Int'iit cltlron, anil unnouncoii to tho
world that IIh oldust cltlznn today
In noun other than tliu man who
iiitntii oil famous.
Hut thn town malntultiH that Mr.
l(ockiifolliirU still u yomiKstor In
"Any man who plnyu Kolf ns fru
iiiontly as ho does," hi'Kau onu clt
linn, when hu was Interrupted with
a iiicnt1ou an to whether John I)'
prlvalu HnkH were ruKular nIio.
"Certainly It Is, but John I), goes
nrounil It slowly," replied thn cltl-
xiiii, but another Tarry tow nor
broke In with n denial.
"It In not! It Li only about four
holes of a normal course And John
Sad Reunion
t.cnh diver and Tluth, her 18-month-olJ
Uk who Ma abajj.
dotted In a twamp near Cony
liUmil. T(o mother, under arrest,
was taken to tht hospital to which
(ha child was New York
police aflcr mosquitoes had at
tacked It.
I), taltoit tlireo hours to maku two
of 'mil."
I. tut hut not leant, In Tnrrytown'H
vltiwixilnl townrdn ItH IcadliiK cltl
ron Ii thy, tradition of tho dim on,
thn day, of tlayti for tho hoys and
i;lrln, HpitHinodlcally, John 1). Hock
efelhir kIvo ipjcnnt pioies away to
ihllilrcn. How did It Atari?
Thren Hlorlns ao current:
Number ono-r-Threo bon, many
yuarH ago, walked up thn hill,
climbed tho stone wall, went up to
tho porch ntid saw Mr. Rockefel
ler. They nuked him for a dlmo and KOt It. Hlncn then,, It
In Haiti, tlin oil intiRiiutu has hold hla
yearly pnrty.
Number two A hoy wan stand
ing downtown when tint Ilockofol
ler inaihlno drovo up. A package
dropped out. Tho boy Kot a dime,
and John I). Rockefeller col an In
spiration which ho has followed
over since.
Number three A lad was .lost.
Ilo wauilcri'd onto tho Rockefeller
myttory links. Tho oil kltiff saw
him. Ho took him Into tho house,
cavo him a dlmo and sent him
homo, And tho 10 cent party
prniiK from that.
Whutnvor tho cause, "Dlmo Day"
has boromo to the youth of Tarry
town n day apart, ranking with
ChrlHtmns and tho Fourth of July.
Wo havo paid off noarly a billion
dollars of tho war debt already, but
you know how It In with anything
you buy on Installments. American
Letters from the People
""-" - - - -1- -ri-rrvT, i-,-inrii -,-r mnrrmjii.
Hhoulil Klamntli bounty Adroento the
Count)- Unit I'lan for Fish and
Uanio Control?
Thlstls a subjedt of Mtal Interest
to ocry sportsman. Klamath county
Is Rlftod with wonderful lakes and
stroums wheru trout abound In great
numbers. With modern methods of
fish culture tho erg take could bo
run up to many millions, and with
sufficient hatchery facilities locally
nntl under our own control tbeso
millions of fish would ho planted In
our own waters and n non-resident
fishing llccnso would bo worth con
siderable money. If tho fishing win
sufficiently good thcro would bo no
trouble In attracting plenty of out
siders to pay tho hill and, Incidental
ly, stlmulafo tho tourist trndo thai
so many cl Ic organizations are, work
ing for. Tor thoso residing hero, tho
cost would1 rbo almost nil and Micro
would bo dozens of fish whero lhcro
now is one.
At-TirMont our natural resource
nlottg-lhltt lino nro being used ttr tho
advantage of certain olhor portions
Of the stato and to our disadvantage,
' Thuro Is no doubt that artificial
spawning and propagation of fish
will give many times tho number fit
riitli tliatlmtch and survive) to, reach
maturity than does tho natural mo
thod, but when tho artificial method
Is used to supply tho other fellow and
deplete our streams and lakes tho
percentage- docs not work no woll
This Is precisely tho situation wo
aro faco to faco wltb'at tho present
time. Wo furnish iho eggs but tho
othor follow gels tho fish. Tho taking
of ten to twenty million eggs annual
ly In Klamath county would not bo a
difficult thing nor very oxponstvo,
.but tho planting of that number of
fish nnnunlly would furnish unba
k llorablo sport and food values for
our own people It would bo so good
that peoplo outside of Klamath coun
ty would bo glad to buy a non-resident
Klamath county llccnso and fur
nish tho major portion of tho cost of
tho fish culture
In fact, if tho local streams wero
roplantcd as they should bo It would
bo only a matter of about throo yoars
till thoro would bet ao many eggs
available that thoy could bo sold to
othor loss fortunato localities in
roasonablo numbors without Jeopard
ising our own supnly.
Xb for other game-, surely no body
of men mooting In Portland aro bo
woll Inforraod or Intorosted In our
gnmo as wo nro. Surely Klamnth-
county sportsmen would know bo-
foro nnyono olso when tho door sup
ply was falling short and would want
addod protection it necessary. When
tho pheasants become sufficiently
tumorous to warrant an open season
it would bo natural to expect that a
ranchor on the .Merrill road would
know moro about It than a body of
men that coma from Portland ancj
look us over to tho extont of riding
from -tho White Pelican hotol to (he
First National bank. It the present
system U continued the least that we
should havo ia a member on the com
mission; or, lacking that, knock the
racks out of every stream and lot
nature tako ita course.
Wo havo mon hero that know Just
as much about gamo protection and
flslt culturo as any one connected
with tho stato department, am local
men would bo interested in our fish
and game, not the ther follows.
Local men aro sufficiently Intorestod
and hnrdy enough to pack lnt.o an egg
aaEKiZBaBffP .t T. I !?- -?iiiji wdJ&y!Z .M 'JUtt
( BWjWB U&JZrJl "T.,f Vxfib'B
Hy NL'A Henrlro
NORMAN, Okla., July 25. Can
science aotro tho mystery of the new
Anttgonlsh a ghostlcss haunted
house a spaoky "flro homo"
Whoro sheets burst into flames as
one gotH Into bed
And wash rags start burning when
raised to tho faco?
That's what J, L. Wagoner, farm
er hero, says happened In his Iiouso.
And mombors of his family bear out
his story.
Farmers around Norman attribute
thoso ghostly happenings to tho su
pernatural. Dut authorities aro seek
ing n scientific cxpldna'Uon thus far
without .success. V.
In two days thcru worol2 fires
nil of mysterious origin.
Tho first occurred when Wagon
er's wlfo opened a clothes closet. .V
flash of flamo sink Into her face.
Soxernl hours later tho root of the
honso stnrtod burning.
Thn farmer picked up a wash clopi
inking station on skis or snow shoes
while tho stato waits until It enti mf
dono with gasoline oun though. at
that Unto the years work is ooY
with, l.ocnl authorities would at
least mako tin honest otfurt to fur
nish decent boots to tho man that
had to stand in Ico cotd water all
day spawning fish, brt tho stato Is
vory salng a theso matters and Is
making nn excellent .showing In In
creasing bank balance.
Think It oer nnd work for which
ever planyou feel bonotlts our
county most.
, .i J. J. Klj'ItUER.
, ")
(Duo to n typographical urror." tho
noma Comot Kloctrlc company was
omitted esjerday from tho follow
ing letter)
Kdltor Hbrald:
Tho Klamath Falls Cubs' baseball
club and baseball fans of Klamath
Falls wish to announco through
Manager Ilakor of the Cubs that tho
kindness of tho Comet Kloctrlc com
pany In furnishing scoro cards at
tho gamo Sunday was highly appre
ciated. Wishing you success,
Klamath Ilasoball Fans,
KlaiuathCubs' Ilasoball Club.
Uy AL DAKGR, Manager.
4 m
WARNING I Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.,
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians
over 22 years and proved safe by millions for i
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache '- Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache ' Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only ''Bayer" package wtyich contains proper directions.
Hamly "I)ayerM bows of 13 tablots Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggist.
At'ltla l Ue traJy tuarU ct Doj-tr HntfMture ot UioeftlnrMe,rr of 8allojllce'4' l k
to wash his face. Dut the cloth be
gan to burn!
lied Sheets In Flame
That night, tho linen on his bed
turnod Into n sheet of flame! Tho
family ran from tho house.
Tho next day thoy rotnrned. The
mystorlous blues broke out snow.
Sheriff Wl If. Newblock throw a
guard around tho place. Kvory person
who entered or'left the house was
nut the mystory wasn't solved.
A chemist from the University of
Oklahoma took a hand. Ha Is endeav
oring to find a liquid solution that
Is combustlblo when It dries.
Ho hasn't found It yet.
So Farmer Wagoner still Is haunt
ed by fear that tho mysterious fires
may start again at any time.
Peoplo hereabouts are recalling
tho famous haunted houso at Antt
gonlsh, N. S., where similar pheno
mena wero roported.' 'jj
When you want your eye
examined, your broken lenses ,
duplicated or frames rehired,
look for tho
Big Eyes
sigo, 709 Main.
Glasses ground. Immediate
Dr. Goble
Phone: Ofc. 1U3-W, Re. 83W
700 Main
vllfclwi akiaw Jj ti M
pit I
t Zls
S.lpnf Pmnnn
ST &-:rurmiL
aWaaa ' M
May we quote you
Piano, Phonograph, Radio Owfiite
Phone 282- J. 807 Mala St
I i(g f JjRw8BvC3jBBBBBBBaaBH
BBBaaaaaav DBBtaasaaBBBaBBBa'
?'' m 'vrBw "vaBjT
aw. ajBjBJJjr
si Great Shoe The Florsheim.
hi Loyal as a bank account.
---, Gives you pleasure, cornfort,
improved appearance plus an ac
tual cash saving because .of less
frequent buying.
. Wow S0
K. Sugarman
It May
Be Cold
So Get Your Winter's :
It Is Cheaper Now
10 Cords, Green SUb
Blockweed, Sinffle Lead
Bleckweed. Double JLoesl
TKabo am flia inwAat
in several years.
we-aavise our cuwomers w.Duy now, Mt
-r-. .. a.AA awa. .. AM.j im ..- jte-'",T ..
yve guamnveu uiree ucr uuru m'
,,mnJ nloou An -n k.
ers prices on smaller
We are selling Un
other dealers one Tnere Is a rsfjctfaoevi WW
uiiim i
Q. Pevton
419, Main St. s ,
T U f "j , i.liT-
Rrmiarif o f
J.-jfCm. ,t . j?
If yourpiojwlii iiltiit
AA - V.:a. --t-J-a
1 '. -'Vr'.l. M,' ii
utcu rci, viii wnjujwmm
by having m iMtfa
Player, tttf "&
Piano brings the world'f
best music into ; your,
home; plays, the latost
popular song hits for you
and enables you to hold
your little -informal daner
parties at a moment's no
tice. T
figures and terms?
' h
1 WW.
nrloaai miniavl it arnnsl '
i .., fl'
mUi! Imt -At- J --
loads. ,1 ,v'r,45t
- loads of .skhf-tsw'1;''
vi.,. ,
k-t. iiamUm
i JWtrMkimL !
w.'c r
1 .
' 4l
' J-
'. y -
e - r- ,
h A v