'.;k7iii..ki, Pig Twfl THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON i iif.iV' l'H. 1 I t f,. SIMMS I' 'f J P. S. Learnt Game Laws ' ' He Alto Gett Big Idea LINKVILLE IN YE OLDE TIMES - -M4- !-- T " ' I Pa- .$& ,-' WVv . . Viv' 'WWMMf JULY M, IMS. r rH' :;.- j , i - '-' k ' . - ', -, ' ' j a m .iMiinfl ,' ' f S aVB HIHUHI i ' li'WWiU I PaV aneast m a ate8W8BMSyBWWWBB8jjSBBnBjS MB IMS ...... " V -. mv - i !$. I'v . f " , "&jM j',; hMkM daily Bsaaat Bandar, ay fit HmM Fabuaning OMifMr at antawa raiiavai iiv aigaia aire. MMeltlKI VMtatfeM M KM tssFrffclNbiV t tntSMilMtM HU " -friftgf r MWBYatnVlQrv THIj AMOCUTBD Ta AajBBUtad.Jraaa la aidaHm ly ApM tc.tMLM fr paaUan Hae itf MHiMHUk, credited ta Ktttf4at ttherwlee credits la MM aad also' tii local aewa S.l3 " 'U -b "'!' .!' TITMBMr, -4CLT M, 1 1 W fc, S t r- Ajj0.iJP, . t " ' rrvjr Journal) Tlll:aaawitr ot"lB Klamath Chamber of Commerce has written to Mayor James Rolph of Baa! Francisco tho following letter: v A- "May .we ask that you remove the Imaginary Ma separating -Klamath eoBBty.'Oregon,' from California, and admit1-aate yoiir concerted move mrat ta' brlBg before the world the advaatafee.aaportaaltie' and atlrac ryB.ef.gwBe4or California? Califor nia gatatjractlcally all of curbusl aeaa,BBd,B)thoagh. we are not a phy sical part of yoa, we arewlth you In pirlt tad can visualise the results of he aevemeat now being supported If pabllc spirited rltliena of all the rrlterr north ef'the 'lTae)iaH lioro 'power to the novfamti" ' LBonie'iaoBths'atoa baetneM aen'a curatea waa inAutl&ftjm .rort te'ad, to BoatherBrbrAon and to ' Klaawth fathi. The'Portlandera Were eopedlto trarel Tla Weed, Cal., ea thtlr way to Klamath Falls, a dla Uaeeef 5I7'mlim. ai compared with 414 atlW from a8an Franclsfo to KMaMth Falli. " Their Ifaaad, that freight shipped frmJSaTrrBelMo ta deltrered In natoh'rlM two' days to a week aooMr 'thin freight shipped tfrom FOrtlaad,.tTBey'foad that paaseagor tMirM'ia aaout'lS hoars leas from mk. rraaeUro. that telegraph mee awjaa trmi1 PortWildWo KJamatt film1 ararwHfdarjMh-Ban Fraa ifM adrtBt isj maclsco newi BjMMra'.lMTe ih adraBUge of Port kMd aewapamirs la arriving In KImh affc rails' aftir Uarlar the presses. Thar fmradr toorthat KlamatV rails la raatis'U oae of the " Urgast. JratgM' arodaerthg autlaaa la the late MrteMttat poHUad. 'BW,:TsryJal'Ta4age was ba the aide of SaWrranclaeo la getting tho basiaeeH'of'-Klamath 'wurity.' ' Had the 'Natron'-'eut-ofr been com pleted a4,Uf tJwfof tho Pertland: ex etf raWth IlsUaeo to Klamath Tails wsU.kaM Maax.rdacedV froav W- to nipaBius(a,djeroce, At, aearly S0O,mlle. The time of travel, "both of fra4ghft,aadj puaengers, .would ave boor! afaaimbyfl-two. Evry-U., I ar.eiaaMBjNMa)(taiasaUe twospoiais 5 wJHfM',M?OAB0a.,prorUoiately.ra: A 5i?l;,w3thlo,Klama,tk hanahaaiBrw;prompUor- mr. f orUand el.tfsea, nowj realdfat In gaa rraneUso, to exflalm: . !Ott0m,h Oregvwilong are . yoa goiac u.atani ihr aad. sMiyour waaetaaptartaBltles-remain un- dsvoiaH..TiaUl your own communi- two ws)t.t tai Join (In the optimism aaasaat,hiiiwsa. ofccoafJnuBltlesla adjolatag UteaT'.'. ', ' 'HkwiJoaglUa the ease of Klamath pFalta until the Natron cut-offi la r'bat.iVaU):thtveat occurs "a. great psrtiaBt alhi!orgoi iwUli belaag ' to thta state Ib nama-oaly.' f&i 4.1. - X$' ikT t.? fP!ftM!i '-4R4MhbB Mtbgfl .,!...'! -- '- 'J .za iiii 'BjajT! TJTOrTt?' aamaBBBBh aakn am avBauaii t it i.(-2 zt " II i iii MlJi I u tTi "UilL "V v infill dT A v. h ir'' - - -v Hs .! lW - ' 4'4a0irf 7 -... iiyamnv, C ' v.mj saai. VrffiM W V i? " ' t iUgamnmCTMiK. SmaBBBmV "flaiua'-' JsmmnflaBk' '-I'i? v' ' " lVtt''Uenafia?i taBBBBBBBBBBBVllBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVi BBBftTaBBBlBBBBBBBBBBV PrwHlstork R-lk DIacer r 4 in Nortliern Part Of Intuit Cwftimti. KDMOTON, Alta, July IS. -In a valley- oftka'far northern section of Hrltisk Oram Ma,', close to tha'Takoa boroW.V .whkh It Is bellereds . was never ieforovlslted bya white man. Prak''PeTty mining engineer of Vanfwayer.j'has dlscoverod the to malaaot mastodons that oaco roamed Norttieta Canada. The location of the valley.la not marked on maps, hut It Is north' and wosOef tho headwaters of ihriBdHyTlver, ladlaaa will not travel fthregh tho valloy, beUevlak It to he hsMHtted by the giant aalmaU whoseM they hava'aaewi IwMltMt) ta the boaea there are roatarteta In the sanditone and shale of aomo 'other pre-hhrtorlA aeaater: these -ro clearly deflaed, mark nhowtag that the maker of the tracha-waa a three-toed animal. Tha bones, which are of great alio are not fossilised but are In a state of excellent preaertatloa. nip boats and sections of the spina were fonmi .by perry, who believes tnat oy excavation specimens M tnaeh histor ic value, could be inearthed. Perry,- a recent visitor here, spent 14 years la the far northern terltory In the o.uett of mlaersts, two pack, doga being hta companions, teitereaneea nor pack horses can he used U'tata access 10 iae aismci, where these remaku were fouad. and so far the only mtnaer of travelling has been to live on the gam, MlnE dogs to pack the camp equipment on their back's. It requires u year to make thejonrsey la this way, knt an airplane. could cover the distance In a f aw 'trars. -rrrrr A man can Inherit dollars but not sease., Tariff .boosts, wool and, the strike booata. coal. It .will be easy to kee coo) next wlater. A transparent .Palm Beach, ault shows you What, kind of a man ,he Is. Funny thlagr happen. One store Is adwrtlalBg pettlceaU.- f"Myatary la 'BMrdar,a: Death" headttno." Intorvleir tho cook.' -Two" old horse'trider didn't have as maay thttgi to He' about-as the mo dern auto swapper.' - A speeder, doesn't break any ree-orda-geUtsg outof thehospiui. With Mt "ml Won thlnn'at home thab(arejflBoito worry nbout some paapw'ko up with tha Chinese war. "thOaaHobk Is brighter.' We saw a inaa "buy" ' disiar. basket. fo'u "BeHon? see ' a bootlegger draak. 4 a - . .Tia man. always Urnlng. p his bom mlgh,aa3irtlf(tTO,!P h'toe. iiecoaaja' atlaghat everyone eUe.wan'u; happinf b setting .what yoa.waaC ; , r .RockAfeller.ssys he jnsde bis first doU'r..Millnr. geese, Meral: Find- something w,sll geese. . - i . j WheiaiBa',offltstart out. to seek 4 man It usually finds blm romlng.io meet It. ! " 1 ' ,Canda)ho a larger percentage ct home, owners than, any .other naUfin. W"ara'hordaieTflp prospef Ityj any; Tm v The mllleanlumwlll be here when a ekuratrbvMidrawa i aa big a crowd an a fire Bell. ITkaboat can 'gat by with loafiag on tho johby pretending Bel.(ll urlng out something One' half ttie world doesn't know .why tho other halt IWes. You never have to go -to any trou ble'to find treuble: spriigIlaXe Mrs., OlVverKteney; of.tOleBe,4on flunday visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. a. Williams. ! M,r, and Mrs;' Frank Stewart gave tn:aarty Saturday1" lg'ht 'in bono of tbelr son Kenneth's' sixteenth birth-j-.NJ' .'rhoMiiinitiiit' Twerer Bud CheyBO, Voia CJioyae, Kenaetb dor den.Cster Oorden, -Walter Folsomi ErnW' Folsomlrene' FoUomlRuby ichreiner, Ethel' Bchrelner, Stella keVreiaer. tfr'and hfrs. Dan Knylor. ''.yleo aBdf'Oebrglfl bwsob ahd naua ana. marie w;roie - Mr, arlaoa, M theownor of a n?w ri!ftt'f .VMrf.nJMrVM MMk and Ugtter, DHa.4la'oa.Mrs. F. 0. Williams nnday.) -(-ii wl n i H KMmit tha faraasra -In tl neigh baabjiad ra;tkpaHk Jtaylng. I . WASH BLOUSES I ' In white and colore; tip to 4rl I I ' $4.95 for $1.95 ' I it's PLiicnm Mwict , mm success to nun HXEaBBmttBBmW 3bbbbbbbbbbbHP .gsssssssssMssssssssssssssssnV gPtaigglBBBBBH aBMiH'IPK BgSSSSSSSsHP : V' gsssP'risss' ' nVLssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssW sssCssssssV.V ' ''ITvlilgsssssssssssssssssssssssssl l'ag--Br' ll mfkMm-M A?X ' rssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssV-Bmmv(r-!amgamV',A ' - '.JaT-. f jgaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmW' esaSakjBBBBBBmnV 'jP liV 3HQHik" ViF' ' tBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmT gaBBmBBBBBBBBBm t Tf? eaSBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrW aBaBBBBBBBBBB itimmmmmmmmmmWr. aBBBmmmmmmmmmmmm' TittmmmmmmmmmmVmw "efmmmmmmmmmraagaV' r.'mmmmmmmmmmKmmmmm 3HPP' 'Mr&glglgHglHh assssK Jl gagaHGgaLBBmH ft:jU&. " 14 IPbbssBbssssssssssssssI' Jammmmmcri.tJf' " FrmmmVummmmmmmmv miiimisBMk'.'.1 f'lBBBBBBTlgammmmmmm Jl gsssssssssssssTaST'l l'J '. PJslVIHSil mgsssssnigsBl" W1-) l ,, r-jf50sSilP!3i BBBBBBBKBBL.r''.' .iji 'I'VffriUJr' HX1 11; Ty srwfdy sssssssssssKaFKr'K ' -JXtM jT .dagamnBV Vi' tJtJ.J0 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsVkSBBBw 1. 1 . TSi vO 'TgamPsiaamti taSaW X k1. asssm v 7aBaBge"sV Mil. A.Nn.MllH. THOMAS TWn'I.K IIOVNK i nov 01 boons i : .. nv CHICAGO, July -A wife's raltltin iter mate, her fortitude anav ......jiH.'..il....aln.: , .k .n 1 .,,.,.... . . . all adversity to brlnu her husband .fame--6afa tho ktory behind tho story i of is nuw book that probably win nv us auiniir a lunuiiu in ruui- tlea. Thomas Tomplo Hoyno wrote the book.Uut Mrs. Hoyno published It, helping to operate a liny Job press t. ' -i. ., :. ociween inrai iimwi For preo years sho had tried to have regular publishers print tho1 book, flut they refused. , stantlal dwelling on his farm nesr Tlin book "Speculation" attacks Warden, some or the popular Isms of llm day I . it. Cordon, lumber grader at In tho field of economics and politics. Hie McC'ollum mllf.-ls at Worden for ' "It's too bold a mlrrorlnic 'of u week harvesting, facts," Mrs. Hoyne says jmlillsliors I J. J. McCollum left Monday for told h'er.r j tli Upper lako country on an np- Hoyne himself bucamo Mlscourag- pralsoment trip. eu Ho was willing to abandon Ills lit-' lxn Cliapmon and Una Uwln q'rary hnibltlona. ,"' Kla"'al" Ful", aro onJoy,D " . But Mrs. Hoyne kept her coiirago, ouUn ,n tl,U v,e,n,t5r' . . pawneu her Jewelry and other valu.l Cliarlca Shur, ncphow of A. W. ables and camped on tho front door Hhur Is visiting the latter having steps or iho'publlshcrH' homos wlth-'como across tha continent from Pen jut success. i J.nsylvanla by automobile. ' Tho going bocame harder. Tlmy' School directors aro building a moved Into a one-room liomo.'offlcn.rottairii In tho school yard at War iind prliitlBgtmUbllshnient. fdon for n.home for Instructors while "Wo'lj put thatbook on tlin mur-Jteaclilne In this district, aMgssssBsBsssssmAaBmafBBai A 4, ' 1 ' ''' . i il BBBaaasBBBBBaBBmaBBBBsBsBBBWssaBMsmmi IgasssapsMgTJagBBaegBmTgg .- . -.T THE jj LIBERTY TONIGflT 1 A' Clover Voudnv.llle Sketch " mill: tinnnnriri n nniPB WW I.Ulf Ii' ! ssmal MM M aaaal . asLaT. MM- M I in LL1 1 LR LftlUUI Featitrlng J Kronklyn Kirk, baritone. This act wjll bo given be tween shows, Wo wljl have our regular program consisting of "SEEING'S BELIEVING" ' Storrthg Viola Dana and also a good comedy. i , .v Wednesday The special, "SCHOOL DAYS" .. , starring WESLEY BARRY ke't If wo have to die In thu attempt," said tho wife. And she started running off the book, sect on by.t'Ctlon on a small j- ' " ' ""....:.. ,.u ....... ' , WORDEN 11. W. JTowbr ant) family wero guests at'lhb II. F. Downing home Sunday aflcfnoon I .-r . . . - n ii. K. unapman is in uranis iih taxing treatment lor oyo irouoic n, II. Jones Is completing a sub- 'i- ?7 BkV' '. ''" Dear Kd: Well. KM, I and "tho mis sus has been fishing uunln nndt whilst I will not Inko oft my lid to no other county on earth when It comes to fishing I find It Is n lot moar easy to catch tho fish than It Is to eat them If you nro slopping nt n hotel. Its URo this, Kd, 1 and the missus hint n room at Kngln Ridge, and get n boat nnd RO fishing. Wo cot us n boatload and as ktbe hotel prop, enn wit have the fish cooked for supper. Tho' prop sayR sure only you first have got to attend to n ow little for malities. Says I what do you mean and the n-op says In the 1st place you have got to got a nffydavlt (hat you raiight tlin fish and then a tag from tlio game warden to put on tlin fish befoar hn can bu cooked. Well, what do you no about that, IM. Says I, wbut do you mean, a nf fydavlt. My missus hear will teTl you I catch tho fish and ns for getting a tag from tho ganm wariAn, why this fish Is past taking any Interest In nny kid games tike playing tag. The prop, says thats all right but Its the Inw nnd no ones to blame Gut the law yers. Well, ynu no mo. Kd, how 1 am when t get soar. Says I, all right and I hops Into my llsxlo and heats It foro Klamath Falls and drags a . p. away from his bed and board and gels thu nffydavlt, Than t look up tho game, warden but hn Is aver to l.akovlew. Well, Kd. I am not to lie daunted so I start for takevlow which Is oanly 100 (nnn hundred) miles and I have not gono' over a few miles when I j meat thu Kami) wardon comelng back,' Says 1, now dears tho fish fork over, tho tog, Hn has a tag on him all' right and says nno scent please. I hand ovor a 10 (ten dollar) bill and he gots soar and says what do you think I urn a bank or something, Welt, Kd, tho snort and long of Is tho g. w, can not bust tho Mil and I will not trust him with It and ho will not trust run with the tag. Hnj saye Its tho Isw and I got to have my I scent befoar I break loio of a tag,, So hack we go to K. F. and all tho stoars'ls closed and no chanct to got, thu'ehange. Then I got a Idear and glvo tho g. w a check for one cent wjilcli ho says ho will tako a chanct on If 1 let him hold my watch, which I do, Tho deed Is done ami I beat It back for Kagle It Id no to cook my fish. ' ''Vfell, Kd, you no how womon Is, 426 Main Our Quality la ' Firtt Peaches and Tomatoes for Canning i i In tke next day or two we will commence to receive both tomatoes and peaches which we will be able to sell reasonable enough for' canning. Come in and see the quality and price. Fanry Small lironra ftO Fancy Med. IJroom 75 Fanry aVge Ilroom 1.00 10 Ib. Sack Cane Sugar Oil OS Ib. Hack Cane Sugar ....1.83 AO lb. Hack Cane Sugar 4.4ft 100 lb. Hack Cms Httgar...J.70 4H Tall Cans Milk 8JW 2 No, II H Cans l'ruiu-s JBft 4 lbs. filled Oats V 100 l,g. liars Whlto Wonder HHip 440 100 I. liars nieechbig Hoa JOO "l. itars Crystal White Hoap -...4J Fancy Calif. Hire, lb OO Small Cal. Whlli Deans, lb... .10 Fancy Marwronl, lb 10 Fancy 1,1m, Jleans, Ib 1ft Fancy rranat Hotter, lb .90 a) lb, Mix Koda Crackers .ftO 894 lb. llox Haow Flakes 0 4H lb, llox araham Crack era , -72 11 lbs. Cane Hugar. 1.00 Fancy Halted I'MUiuts, Ib JIO It os. Royal Haklng- Powder .40 Sis lbs. Royal Uaklng Pow clcr - ..,i.S0 5 lb. Royal Itoklng PowtlFr..aJM CorniMenl, Hck M Gal. Htaa Fanry Hoi Id Pack Tonuttoos ..... ,7ft ft lbs. Dark Karo .v. -M, 10 lbs. Park Kara 70 When you patronize ut you pay 'for. no. uncollected-account fcecaute we tell, for rtrkUy-Mtl-when' yeu patrenize a credU ttore it it tlifferent." , We deliver to your retidence for tke amall charge of ten centt for each delivery. . ' 1 f&i&&j&&2ir BBZSSSZF&GftiTtSt 'z.r ansr -b u- "zy . ... and If It wan not Hint I Knt In have someone m tin Un work around homo 1 would have beat It for Iteno toduy. After all my trouble, Kd, which I look Just to show people something, why the missus goes out In the kitchen and rooks tho fish herself, Tho missus gives mo Dm hoarse ImurIi nnd the way I get It the penplo around thn hotel Is also llrli. Ing In get some funny stuff off there chests. Hut you no how I am, Kd, nnd these people better not k i;ny with n man of my stamp. Howsoever, Kd, I gets me a Idear out or It which ought to pay mo enough Jack for my troubles, .My Ideur Is this, Kd, Hint I will Ret STAR THEATRE TODAY Tliomn .MrUliMn, l,o Wlln runt TliriMlorr ltiiVr1) In "OUR LEADING CITIZEN" Their Istest plcturo. Coming Thursday Anita Stewart in "THE WOMAN HE MARRIED" SANTFORD & COMPANY St Klamath ft lbs. Mgtit Kant 40 10 His. Light Kant 7ft Funcy ('mly, Ib 110 ft lit. Fresh (linger Haaps ftO ft Ib. Pall 1'uro Lanl 0ft 10 Ib. Pall Pare iJiry IJM Odlden IUkI Pancake Flour Hack - 70 (iolriea Itori (Jraliam, Hack.... .4A l.urky Xlrlke Clgnrrftra...... ,1ft Cliestetfli'ld Cigarettes One Kleven figaretles Ilorsrstioe .Tobacco, l'lug... Ptiiind ('(la Dlsln Quera .15 Am .74 .HO ,1H ,IH ,ao Fancy (3ams Fancy. Hlirimp , nalsions Ilran Pint Weowm Oil ... n Quart WcNMtn OU ......... Half (isl. Wesson Oil.., M lbs. 'C'rlseo ....'.'.. 0 lbs. (Vro i , 4 lb., Haow Drift ........'.. .. fta .1.00 .1JW a.ao ....A to ....1.7.1 DevUed ia m ion. Niow iipn largo t'un Mbby Mrat - l.arae. Hoxcm Matchea... Ijirao Phgi Mrd fleast'...?.. lArge Pk, Tafhxa ...... Magta yeast v .. 4i .. .18 .. '.! .. ,0s .. .OH veust. 1'iMtn Urge Pkg Wheat Flakes r .m Largo Pkg, Pancake Flour.. .M lMrg Pkg. Rolled Oata -W fl PkgsJ OrapdPNats I, Z. 'JW Phone :34i IV SK iWBaAteswAW.tMwcovsj.ru 't - """" " vLiinvMWj a. t fBri. wain Minn taRs printed which Is Just as Reed as tho regular ones and when a bird wants n fish I say how murh world do you rravu fish. Kltber he pays inn fore n tnR or no fish, Hows that for u darb, Kli, IM? I get you u Job ilnlni: the snmn at llorky I'nltil ami " '"'" " ilennup. Yrs, us liefo.-ir run. si'.xcK, flsll tuRRer SlllCe Colette) llryntl bus eipressed his belief that miracles are Mill pos sible, It's easier lo understand bis three tries lit the presidency, Mar lon Slnr. Falli, Oregon Cereal PoMum ... 90 I'kgi. Piiffril Hire ., .IW a Pbg. Puffed Wieat t.a.1 Kagle Hwr(. ClKtrolatn JM , IliikiTx Premium Cliorolate, lb, (,.,... ,,, ,40 Jello, Pkg ia HerxticyN Cocoa MO Makers Citnla ... ,8ft Pint .llotUo .Van Camaw 'taB ., JW HhmMetl Wlteat .... .8ft t'oru Flaken lu Post Toastlm ,i. 10 8 Pkg. A II Hoda .an H Pkg. Kag; llroakfaat Tr .87' H lb.tjaMR Tea ..'... JM Itoyal Club Coffee, lb 40 S lbs, It. Club Coffee, LIS Fancy A0-4O Prunes, lb,.,.... .80 I Ib. Ohlradelll's Chocolatn.... Jag 8 IbN. Ohlradelll'N Chocolate...! 'I Ib. Hill (Virfoo 48 H lbs. HIHs Oof fan t.M 1 Ib. Crescent lUktaft Pow- Ww MwiMiiiHHMtMitti aM lbs, Crrsorat Baking Pow s r ... 4... I..: 78 ft lbs. Crescent Itaklag Pow- lr v - - l'tOt' Fancy Hauerkruut, Can 88 Van Camaa Houps, any Ulalsia Old Dutch Cleanser 1ft, Crystal WWto Hoas ,0ft; Fels Nabtk , 7. P Our Price It Lett 4 4 0 .. ?-. ( 1 1' tH i ' ir. I u .l '.'i"'i,r.;,:.' MJ. 1 ! " KJiM ITV.'A 'Tt. W. - ' .