- V7 . -- t,"'T ' ' 0 i"4- J'1 ifiitfo Five THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 1 . HATVMIaV, .IDI.V aa, IAS. TT Crater Lake Stage Office Ticli te alfo for sale at White Pelican Hotel, Hall Hotel, Reed Auto Supply Co., Metropolitan Garage Mini: !"" lUinuulli l'n I In H it m nrrlvn I'rntnr Luke In Hum fur In,,, i. I.iiv" Criiltr l.uln I p in. urihn Klamath Knlln In linn i dinner Alnn cniiiieitlou (nun C'mli-r Luke in Mi'ilfrinl. Packard Twin Sixes used exclusively VCOES Useful Style M. i, ii i diit iUn trlinnilntx? MI !' firtimnii iiliimlnum fnri il ulii ii yiiiini warm you Juit t.Un it oiT ur hat und Mr uu a Hilt.. I.re t Mi KanmiJ UJon. Niw Vol I. lnrUd It. If on .Wvur Have llrforr Do il Thin Wk! I lilnk iiliuiil vuiir !;! nir j-'in ii i Ih ii lllllc lli1ii(, lull II i.iirvly mil riiini' lltnuilir ir II' i-n'l i-Iulil! Il il liimU nr piilld or N liitl nml liivit or llii' mrliit kI tlic inliric. Vi' ii'iilinl thin i-Iv yinr ujtii. Vinl !' ci;iiril n "..irli'i' tlint lllinll'l mi; mi'liil nt nil lluit li.vn'l (ui lini, lir.it y i;nU lllllt Mllll't Mini. I li.il fjiiilrr iiiiniiilhitily iniitli' Irii-iiil ull oxer Ainrric.i. Our Milrn tin liir (int tir Imw- f?riiwii liihliT limit liny Hurler r.ilrh In llrr loimlry. Tins week Wilill wo 'mt iiuiti In thin rltj In lunnv uli-nil Iory (.'in lrr. I4IHI1I htlll Cft till OMT tlllll mi' ilinilii)iiif: llirm in nil nlli-e, ciiIiiih nml liriri'H. Ii'h llir limt- fur you lit liny Ituriin unii pUr jour Ii'i'.h llic ii'ii'li'Kl (jnrlrr rimi lull llicy i'mt Kiii'W. If you liiuo iihimI liirlr lirfnrr-wi" ilim'l ih-imI Iii It'll ynii'lo iiki- Yin iifulii. Vin Kiiiiu you niii'l '! " lii'llri' Kiirtrr. IVOHY CAKTKII CO. Ni'v OrlrtuiH, l.n, rumuuum vja&mxxa Kvviy iuvh tt tftirlvr! " ' fe $& ALGOMA A InrRi' ttiuuli of Prmik AiIiiiii'h 1 nil In Piikhi'iI llironi'li Ihtii limt Wl'l'll Minn UiTiriiil" I'm roliiriH'il friim Anil ltt nl Hliurn nImi Iiiiii lici'ii on ii ' Vlhll Mr nml Mm Win I'liriniui wi'iil In ('lillniiilii Hiimliiy lo vIhH tlii'lr iIiiiikIiIit. Mm I Diivlilnon. Id'lNiliiM'r llrim n ri liuvlni; iiill" ii Mi of troiilili' In ilrlllliiK lln'lr ui'll, iii ttii'y IniN" lilt mini" linril uillmtiiniK ill fill fid wlilrli llin nil ItiK In iiiinhln lo pi'iii'lniln Tliny lm' iiioimI lln'lr ilrlll to iinnttn'r loriiiloii lo m'ii If I In')' run r.i'i ii pi'Vimr I H A MiiHlcm ui'iii, lo Klainulli 1 I'lilln Wi'ilni'Hiliiy lo lniliK.nl IhihI- lll'NH Mr nml Mm John IIukiUIIi'ii wi'iit lo KpriiKijn rlir lo look nt lln'lr r.illl" wlihli lin" lii'i'ii piihltircil lllIT" SHASTA VIEWS 'lllli mill Weilliemlliy i-VelllllK V,aM I the henvlenl rallifull III tllln nerllon 'for itiiiuy )earn at Ihln nennon ami It 1 run clit a lurK" porllou of III" al- fulfil in Ih" nliork Dry ranrhern I Ihllik It In llin niu I iik of their wheat i roll hut In ii 111 Hi lull' to henellt the r)n iiri- While (' M Klrkpalrlik v.an n lllli: tin- mower on the Mule plare a few ilnpn iiko hln team herauii friiihieiieil ami ran nwiiy. ciiliii: ihroiiRh n lre team wliere th mn-rhlin- nlii)nl. They wern uiikIiI out In Ihe panlure where one trleil In no nil nun Kill- nf ihu JlinlluT tree anil Ihe ulher i hine thn npponltn- ' nld-. Hut ii Ihe nerkyoke v.un nllll iiillntheil in the harnenn I hey illit nut I k any further. The only ilaiunKi- wan to Ihe ImiRiii- ivf Ihe mower i wlilrh wan liroken , Dick nml ltn I'lckett anil Jnhiil j l.lnkey were llirky ennilKll to ne a i rar I' ml of iiiulen lo n California lnij-i er hint week They were piirrllimeil for ii LirKe ranch where trarturn hud prnvi-il iinnailnfnciory Hiimliiy evenlnK Mm C. W Miller ami children Lena. I.elha, Thorn nml I .lurk, nf Kliiinnlli Kulln hroiiKhl I Mlller'H inolher. Mm C C. Miller. In vlnlt at J U llulleyn nml with other , frlendn In thin hi'MIoii lleury Krupkn whole homo In In ', ihe vicinity of Uiniii" lllver In hark 1 here for n few weekn and In linyltiK. Held In very M-iirre nut Oils way mid Ihu women and Klrln kre "hark In thn mowem and raken" iikiiIii. Mr. and Mm. (I W Myem nml I ilniMliinr,' V.u. anil hi ii llyron, with c.illem ul John llalley'ii Tuesday eveiUiiK. Mm. Miller rellinied Willi llieni lo ihelr California lionu-t for n,A few dnyn 1 p It I r'riuik Otioimui niiii family lire en i JiiMiik it new Chevrolet car I Mr. Miir-Mrn. I!. I.. Illllolt of Kla- imith Kalln were lHltlni; Ihelr ranch homo here Humlay lunl. I July 28 in the date net for thn iilKnliiR of lliu innlrnci between thn i:overniu(int und III" Malln and Shim-I lu View Irrigation dlntrlcln, If thin rarrien u win put miner irriKiui.in "' , piimpliiK nbout in.niio nrren nf uie. henl laud In Klamalli iniilily and III" I inoflt free from ulknll und front. A reiiaun Inker of iiiitiiinohllii imfflo op tho now lilchwuy wan In Miilln Wi-dnenday and tho iiumbor of ....... . r. .,.u ioa i. ,. I '"" "l " " """ '-" derntood a rnnniinc Ih tukeu nnco a month for llireo inonthn by tho nlulo. , lo nucerlnln thn .ivemRO Imfdt' the lilKliwny :il.lfU8Ti:il. My doB. naya f lb. Sju-clul dlncoi.nt to Farm lureau want lo trndo follow lilm. p.r.r'membi.rH. Phono 5S7-J- -(-g IUIHTI you kliin 17-22 (Tel IViilil Malli. I'JlUO) Bruised Reed .. Smoking Flax Chamber of Commerce R,ooma Sunday Morning at 10:30 Sot mon lly H. J. MEYER, Pastor LUTHERAN CHURCH CLASSIFIED ADS MISCELLANEOUS WANTICI) Waller (ir waitress nml chiiliiihoriiinld, Phunn IIuk'h ItldKn Tnvurri. :tlf AUCAIH; THANHKlt Will move you aiiytlinu, niiy whore. Itnanotiablii SOU. I. 7lf L. I'OII HAI.I'.--nOO feet r.-H inble ! 121 N lllli Ht , If IWANTIJD - flnoil clean niKH. nix I tents ii piiiiinl lit Hi" Herald of- fin- I7-21 POII HAI.IJ -Old papers for piirlfliiR, iimlcrliiyliiK iiirpi'iH. r lliinilln IT, ri'liln. tun fur 2T, ri'iitx whllo tlmy limt llirnlil offlni 17-21 T WANTIID- (looil rli'iin riir". nix i nth ii iiniiiiil nt III" IIithIiI of- fr". 17-24 1 ' lly wlilrh in rlnht lii'foro yon to huy I'OII HAM: -Olio Ilioiiniiinl 2 montlmniiK hint miiki-n of hIioiih nt lircatly olil rhlckinn. J. W. Diipny. a iiiIIi-h riiliiri'd prliiH J K. Kiiilurn A Co nut on Merrill lilKhwiiy. 1 K-2 1 i 20-22 roi'M) .lleiweoii riillininln nml Kirk, iiiiii iiiitomohlln liemlllKlit leiiH. Owner run Imvn niitito nt Her- nlil iifflin hy pnyliiK mtn rout lh-21 I'OII HAM: -Olil pupem for piu-klnc, i iniilerluyliiK rnrpeiH, elf. numlli), luri'iim, imimr i,. mini mi ono ,r r ( uri J-iIlnt Iroillierii, limt lli-rolil off In-. l-2-i ihreo hlnnkeiM nml mlncellniii-oiin rlilhltiK. I.oxl l.elween Illy, On-Knii, WA.S"n:i)- (limil rli-nn niKH, nlx,m ,aki.lnw on HiiuiUy. July 1. .iiiilln a poiiiiil in urn lieniin oi- llre. 1 1-1 l ! I'OII HAM: Auto trailer In flrnt I riiinn Binii'. rtiii)r iv, wi.-K"" .. -i ........ ..f. 1.......... Ave. i:i-22 tiii: MAS'iTArrmii-.u ,,t n w..ii.j knov.il IiIkIi thiIh ntitouiohlle whlrh ha-i hern on mile for many yearn wmiin n reprenMiiailve In Miiiuiii niii'l i or iiinner iniorv WA.STi:!) To irailn for fifty nor-oiul-liaml roekern ami chiilrn. Wliat hme )ou7 I'orklim riirnlttile llounn 17-22 I.KT UIMTCIl I.eail you o an eany plare lo truije. I'erklnn. 17-22 WIM. .TItADi: Tor itrennern. Phono i 1-W nernnil-hnnil 17-22 (Ni:i:i) HMAM. Htnw-H mill henlern. , Will trade for name l'honn 41-W WIM, TIlADi: .Kor alinnnt imyihlni; of value, perklnn, 17-22 IIAVP. A CPHTOMi:it for n red. white mid lilil" hull dog. What havn you? I'erklnn Furniture Ilnum-. Plioiiu 41-W. 17-22 ' KOIl SAM: 1000 121 N. lllh Ht. feet t-S ratilo tt While nliuen nt half prlre. Several liroken linen to choone from.. J. i:. I.'udern A Co. 20-22 I J. i:. Kndern A Co. carry the henl nnnorted htock of grorerlen In Klam ath County at thu lowent prlren 20-22 IIOAItl) AND I Phono 37f..W IIOOM lly week, fill-. Plnu. 20.22 V etiarniiieeil u pi-rfeci 'It litlio ,liel makii of nlioen, J. ('- i;. Liiiiern til 20-22 ,.0 SAI.U -Cheap. koiiiI piano Phono '.'i;u-j. 20- KOIl HAM: Iteinlnulon .10-30 pump rifle, Kood nlKht, A-l cuiidltlon, $10.00 Spot Cinh ll.mket (Irocery. K22 Klamath .We 21-24 KOIt ItKNT -llounekeeplni! Aptn. 39 IllKh nml T.2 Main. Phone iT.r.-W. 21lt KOIt SA I. Ii Wheeler Wllnon sew llIK llllichllie Price rennollilblii. .V, II. Drew. iioi Main Si. 2ltf Itn.M. IIAIKSAIN (H'AHASTKKI) Ono lt2t Vord, 5 p.mseliRer tourliiK. Ilulck H.ili-ti & Service Co 2111 KOIl ItKNT Three room limine Pnrllv furnlulinil i-lilkil In. Illsn two ri nl, , hmiM-keopliiK room, funilnln'd. Iimujrii 1113 Pine. l"'i' f'08'"- 21-22 K()U HAM: pan of ne.iH iiud wiiroii, J liomen, bar- P. IIokiiii, Kl.unath Superior Iniimlrj, 21-2.'i WANTIM) llund Irnner rrcnrli 1U .,y. 'A N 4th St. 21-24 ; ; Hill HAI.U tillOll payniK lliininunn. French Hand Laundry. 21-27 KOIl HAM: Two uruy mnros. 4 nml f' ''"" old. weight about 14 M Pounds. Half Porchlron, brokoi. Hox 134, llemld omen, 21-24 WANTBD Prfsltlon a ntenoKm. unor or prooireancr. i-iiunw n-r-C 21-22 MINnnil TWINR ut J. T. Kornn' whno. on SprliiK St. Price tao per Nena: nut puiimpatiox iso- l,ATKI THACT (Publlhlier) Puhlle IiiiiI Sale llepallmi'lil of The Interior, II. H. Lund offlco ut Lakovlow, Oro. " July 12 1022 NOTICK In hiirii'by Kl'cn that, an directed by the Commissioner ot thu (li'iiorul Land office, under , provl- Blrtna of Sec. 245R,' It. H., purmiant to llio application ot Lester C. Wlsh- nrd, Sorlal No. 01Ui2U, wo will of- for nt public sale, to tho highest bidder, but ut not Icsh tlinu 3.00 per acre, at 11:00 o'clock A. M., oil tho nth day of September, next, at thin office, tho following tract ot land: 8104 8WV4. Sec. , T. 40 H. II. 13 i: V, Mv ((.'OIllalllMK i 40 hntia " I The oajo will pot bo kepi oucu,j Aswfynjuj I.orkIhk Hnneii repaired .Turk Front, Hlxlli HI , off Main, fitf. I roil HAM:- 2d iirren, I mill! In 1 ti...w 1 ... .1 ...ii. ,-wuiurii. iijiif-ru ijiiiiihiikn, crops, I.'IkIu acres of iilfulfu, ntork Pay-, nimit down, haliilirn finny lermn. ' I'nned mile .1. Peterson, It. I, llox H, Mnlfnnl. 17-27 I . KOH KALI: Ilraim nnw piano Can' I Ihi Iimifiht very cheap, (loml easy 'InrniN I'rinik II, Itolilnnon. 321; ' in. 17-2! i - FOIl HAM-: Olil tmnern for packlnc iliiiliTliiyliiK carpels, t'tr Handle IR renin, two or 2." reintH wlilln Duty , hint IfcmM if(lm. 1721 j 'Ot'NH I'Olt HAM 12 K1IIIK" Klllll- I ii r, I on iiiilotiiiitle nliot iKUii. 13S,, ulno .10-30 Wlnclii'Hlpr rnrliliii- Ron MrNvuly nf Moi-n nlorc. 20-22 A vn 1 1 yoiimi'lvMi of III" otiporliili- poll HAM: OM pupem. miltuhli) for titiilrrlyltiK lliinleimi. rrnl. etr . wriippliiR nml pniklmt. Tun rriil, a rK immlle, llirnlil offln. if 2,-,.oo IICWAIIII for return of ono hinnkei roll Willi rontenln iiniiiiil, j22 lleiurn lo I'. H. Kiin-nt Her- vln- offlre, Uikevlew, On-ROii nml fill itlVll rf.u'tiril ln-.1l .. .. . ... .. i f( HAI.IJ IIO I rilierpiller, i ,i ) nl i irnrl.M Termn. Ilnliim-ll l.tiuilier I'ii , Miinliu-I, Cal. 1K-2I' - .cm HAMJt'ouipleli- rurnlnlilnKa fr r, rooinn. Indiiilliii: electric rniiKf nud plnno nil nnoil ronillilon , 217-11. aflernooiiH. or ra 1129 Lincoln ill-22 I'OII HAI.I Two wnuenn: 1000 feet '.-S In mill", pulleya ami hayliiK HiulH. I'lioin. 312-W. 20-22' KOIt ItKNT Two and thren room npiirtinenln. Alno hiiiiiII hotim CIiiKit In I'liuui 312-W. 20-22 WANTi:i) !lrl or woman lo work nt llncky Point rennrt. Call Went- lern Traunfnr 41!i Main Ht. Klamni j.-(1s 17 if roil HAI.i: n ton nuto trurk. $1000. Will cunt 11000 to put In K,,, r0ialr. Dwlmiull l.timlii-r Co. Mucilool. Calif 13-23 WANTI'.n JK-00 for 2 yonw, pay H for name. Security flrnt mort- r.it... nn liirnlulinil lifimn nml Int rtrin III. Imiulro hox II. P., Ilcrnld office. 1U-23 i mi:.v waxti:i Tor nervlio an Itallroad Machlnlnln llollnruiiiki-ra lllncknnillhn Klerlrlrlnni Sheet Mei.il Wnrkern Pipn Kitlim Copper Hmllht Car Itepnlrfra Tliumrn Car Innpectnr.i llelpem ill clannes. I'lider stl'lko cnndltlnnn hent ( :" :: is a "1"'?.;.," i ilati.ttwinl nf .luK Pint r,.1i!!nr u-l I tollewn: "in thli ean mo coniuct w unii liviwrrii llii i'Hlili' t' unii tiiu i" iirstuuM.1 ..h.i.l..t.-.w rii iwHiiiln it ,.. . ,.-.- 1 ).. . , 1- !-i..'v i.. Ihln lonntry. thrmiRh nn art of con KrniM nlRned by Prenldent WUnmi en tabllnlieil n tribunal lo derldu rondl tloiin which nro submitted to It In n proper manner over such dlnputn. It In the derlnlons of thin tribunal iiKiilnnt which tho nhnp rrnftn are ntrlkltiR. Hi'Kardlesn of any iiuentlnn of th rlubl of men to ntrlkn thu men who take Htrlkern plaren arn merely aicnptliiK waxen nml wnrklm; rondl tlonny priinrrlhed by n Rovernmniit tribunal and arc performliiR u public nervlcn, Tliey nro not ncceptliiR tho w-iRe:i and wnrkinR romlillonn which nn employer In trylni; to Iniposo. For thin reason nubile mitillmer- ami full j Rovnrnment power will protect tho ninii who remain. In thrlr uoaltloim ant1 nn-f men who may roinfi'n." Ailoiiuutu provlsloiiH hawi been mndn for tho full protection of nil now cmplnioes tho name ns old em-ployi-rn who have remained loyally nt work. Applicants nhould apply lo Ihu office of thn Superintendent ut Portland Union Station, nr to tho nnalHtnnt Superintendent at Hose biirK. j. ir. nvr.it, (Sen. Mr. Hiiullieiu Pacific. Jy C-0 but will bo declared closed when Hi oSo present at tho hour named havn reuned blddlRn. The person mukliiR tho highest bid will bo re fill I red to Immediately pay t thn Her ceivor tno amount tnereor. Any persoitH clnimlnt: mlv.rnoly Iho above-described land unj ndvltol lo tun their claims, or objections, on or Ibeforo thq time deslRiinted for snlo. i-v r. Lignt, HfKisier. J 15 22 29 AS 12 10 CALL FOR III OS llldn for alterations on Central nml lUvorslrtu Schools, lu uccord- iiiuo with blue prints nml spuclfl-, canons in tno nanus ot i.'iias. iionn boom, will be received hv the Clerk or Ulst. No. 1 up to 3 P, M, Tuosdny, July 2B. 1923. IDA II. MOMYKIl. Clork School District No. Nn I I 20-21-22-2 ( . - r unii No colltto athtcto dlaphya totter form In puttlnr the shot (ban Hilda Curtli. 8de took part In Ui recent wwntn'n athletic meet at .Oakland. Cat., held by tho A. A. U. Tom Sims VXiXT A nickel Isn't an K.ood n n illm'1 Imt It ien to rliurcii in on- oflen. One ilny .mt ui.-ek it man tindcr-l lood what n train mller nalil After mlxlnir IninliiCKn nml nlenn- urn himlnenn never lookn the en me. Another noolely crook )ian ln-en IiiiiikIiI. Home peoplo are not known ;, ,,, th v ' ..... .,.,,,' ' - tw t-i.inr ni " " I,,("" "p0 a fI e""? "1,t throiiKli n hole In n ncrren ' i:nirv fam v tree Jinn nome crooked liranclien. No matter what hnppenn, nome liiely nlwiiyi knew it would. The honeymoon ends when the furniture Morn collector lioKlnn. In Africa native Rlrln want Amer can rlolhen. Somchcdy In koIiik to Ret nnnburned. Women arc nfn. but every bar ber'n mirror neen nnmo funny thlnRn. Maybe thene reTnrmers could stop the flnh from bltlni; on Sunday Loin nf n la torn fall down on the job becauno they don't learn the himlnenn from thn Rround up. So many women uro nhnntlni; thejr husband the men arc ReitlnR afraid in takii nut Inniirnnce. Why In It nearly all rich mpn look like 20 centn All you have to do to Ret a crowd I to follow ymfln find out which way ' tint ivnu'il lu itnltiP. People with the bliiRcnt hounen j don't need ihem tho mom. It taken all klndn of pooplo to make a world, but only ono kind to ruin It. Somo jjeoplo enjoy a vacation; others npend the time wrllliiR homo. Our ambition in to bo no rich we don't li'nvn to pay our bill. THE. JERRYSCOPE lly JKllllY OWnS (In the Ori'Kon Voter) lint weather Muff In on nsnlii. And nail pornplrim; Kentn - " - co"-in Of tenipcrattirtvi lutenne, I They runn old bo I for all his find, ,lav fevor ,lrcky i,Patl . , , .i.i. ( Aim unsiuKCti uurifi. And wlom-rwurnt, biinionn on tho feet. Ami They knock because tho forest flren, Have chocked thu air with nmnke, And blotted nut the nun and moon, And nay that life's a Joke; They mourn thn fields of oats and priinen All shriveled mi Ihelr ntemn. Where once they Rrew lu morning dew Tao farmer's dliilemn. They J.iw aliout tho womon folks, And call the whole n-x flirts llernunn they roll their nocks, und Without wool underskirts, lu their heydey the ulrls were ahy. And Rondn were not no thin; Hut now they're on That fair Yvonne In really mndo of skin. When we wore young wn lived for years Down where the cactus srows. Where horny toads nro under font And inutility water tlows; . Where heat Is he.it, and wind In wind, ,, And wind storms nro n curno; II makes you yell Tliat prlesteraft'.i hell Can't be so nwful worso. Jlollovo us, senile Orogon Wllh warm days how and then, Spaced oft by cool and purple nlRhts, Is blessed ot all men; We'll gladly stnnd tho smnko and akeets, And undressed maids, and thirst, Ilocauso wo know, Oh, don't we though, mhJBm IWo'ro tar oft from the wont, OA . ropAK Work ILeaveYour Filtrv5 x l before 9 OciooK-Your A.M. Picmres am nnjjcrM PhariMy Wv, KLAMATH FALLS OREGON tfS I Yi WHERC PARTICULAR PCOPLr. OUY THUIR DRUGS 1 PU?ITY IfcraM damnified ads pay yoo, 1 Oct rcnulta by usmu cmsi aitn. NU BONE CORSETS Mieli: lo )our MeiiHiiri. (iil.ir.inlceil Mrs. Rose Randall .121 .leffi-r-on Si. I'lionr 277-W CHIROPRACTORS llltH.MAM.irrTA MAI.MnT Offlrc mrr I'mlerwimilV Till & Main Phone .i:t-J FOR SALE l'nl fur. I ran nliow oii many, nil uihmI. Will traile. Wlmt lime. joti. I'orrril Knle. IIIkIiI. prlu-. Offlro 210 llroml HI. hi:i: hick S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Veterinary KitrKinn 412 H. Rlli St. 'hone DR. C A. RAMBO ' Dentist i. o. o. p. nuiiiiiac PHONK a I FRED WESTERFEiD Dentist v Pbe 4S4-W X-llAV liARORATORIRii lomU ninVC KlamaUi Pail Ladies' Shoe Repairing Finn Ifeel Work mill llnnrl-Si'nrir Holes Jack Frost Kfxth Klrrrt, Ju-t off Main Diamonds, Gold Bought Reliable Estimates G. GRAMER 71.1 SelllnK llldR. Portland, Ore. New York Life Ins. Co. V. V.. HCllKK. IDA MOMVKIt i:. HLllKK, llrslilcnt IIK 'OMYI ARcnts All Sew York I.lfo Policy Hold, ers nrv elcoino to our urn ire DR. H. J. WINTERS Graduate and Htate Rrtlftetcd OPTICIAN Nlaeteen years here In basinet We grind and fit Glasses Duplicate broken Glasses Prompt Service limt Equipped Optical Htore la Houiliern Oregon 714 Main Street W. E. & J. E. Patterson CO.VritAL'IINti ; PAIN'TKIIH Pnlnla, Olla ami Variiltti Olio' H. Hlxlli Ht., JKlniiitli Falln Ph0Br,&H8-j IniBt U to SjSU WOOD Blockwood Limbwood N Bodywood Green Slabs F. FRANKFORD WOOD AND HAY. 628 Malu 81. Phono 72 rtftr. raacW a-t" A DR. F. R. GODDARD OHTKI'OATIIIO I'HYHK.IAN AND HUlUIKO.'y Offlrt nml I. O. Itxilrnri I'lionr Mil O. K. TRMI'I.R Klamath Falls Plumbmg A Heatin Co. ' ' J. H. LAfULSOV, I'rop. Itli A Pine HI. I'limom- .11.1-11 Ml J. C CLEGHORN CIVII, KNOINNM s AMI HUltVKYOR rtinnfi IBS-J IM il. Rtvoral V ' i DR. J. & GOBLE OITOMKTRIHT OPTICIAN 70i Mala Ht, pbon ISt-W W fit and grind 1mm. DuM cate brokea lne. repair framM. I. O. O. F. I'rfinprrlly Uelx-knli, KM; mrrta Flrlt anil Thl.-il TRHrilayi Kwaiisa Kncampmrnt 4, mreU each Tiimday Klamath limine 1.17; mett each Friday KLAMATH POST No. I. American Legion- meet In the basomont of the new eourlnouM on Mala Street on the first aad (third Tuesdays of each tnontb. , Ex-iervleo men are Invited to at lund the mcfltlngi. j Dr Fred Wettorfeld. Commander. II. i:. Celt. Post Adjutant aid Ba llot and Kinptoyment commlttaa. When You Have Dirty Clothes If you .yvlll call the Klamath Hand Laundry IIS South Uth St. "Phono G7S-W They will wash, darn, Iron and return to you. NEW CITY LAUNDRY!" Flnlnlinl Work Flat Work Hooch Dry "I'm Your DuiU In Oar MuoV PIIONK IS I Corner Main and Concer Under New Management TheMaiin Hotel Meals Now Served Tee Cream and other re freshments at all hours G. R. MOSS Klamath Exchange Tj pen i iters, Adding Marhiiirn Cmli IteRMern Clwnnl.Mtf- pnlreil nml Iteliliill. Winters BIdg. ' KalKfurlliiii Oiiaraali-eil NORTON'S AUTO STAGE Klamath Falls TO Bend Leavo Klamath Falls 7:30 a. m. Mondays, Wednesdays and ' Fri days from Union Stage offlco. Arrive lleml 5:30 p. tu. 4 lie turn next day, iJpiPBfe I SHOWCARDS M Fred Leonctti I at Sugarman's ,',, i 1 ? , ! A .u -"f,i "hl i " "-v J" .. ll , , .:&:i Ai i.i !.! - -H''"',.,,