The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 22, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Page Four
i "
olOlri JLFi Mr
0. W. White was tho honor guest the day. Tlio
nt n fnrowoll dinner nt the. homo of Mario Collier,
Mr. and Mrs. y. A. DeI-.cU on Wed- Catherine llrowbnhpr.
A. I., t.onvltt. H. K. Murtlock, H.
K. Mo'myer, Charles Martin,, Wilbur
A. Jones, Splker, Qeorgo Hnldwin,
Jonnlo Horn and Miss Maud Nalil
win. Miss Dorothy Oelrell entertained
The Office Cat
Slumping' Hither
r llrlght Hey: ! say, dnd, I enn do
something yon cm'tdol"
J-'nthor: "Wlint Iff It?"
Hoy Cull says If radio activity con
tinues n tnnn will ha nfrnld to go o
Bleep lost lila ilrcnms bo broadcast-cd.
TIki biggest baseball star of nil
Ih somotlmcs figured cheesy.
And that's because ho nlways makes
Tho hardest plays look easy.
In QiieMlonnblo Society
First Ouc'st: Thl Is-n pretty cheap
family. Just look at tho nakklns, all
patched and darned,
Sorond (Jurst: Ye, nnd besides
thnt they borrowed them from me.
nosdny nlRht, previous to his depart
ure on Thursday morning tor rasa
denn. Present were: Mk'os Mar
Jorlo Jennie, Dorothy Delxell and Al
ma Lawrenco; Tom.dllllle, John and
Charles Dclzell. Mr. and Mr. C. I.
Uouortmuul son, Innls, Mr. and Mr.
Oscar Shlve nnd daughter Helen, Mr.
anil Mrs. Victor Olsen, Joo White,
Atlcoit White, flcorgo Whlto and
Mrs. Ilrookfleld. '
Wednesday afternoon little Mnry'
Thomas, diughtor ot Mr. nnd Mr.
Ilert C. Thomns, entertained for a
number of her friends with n small
lawn party. The afternoon
tloeller, Jr., nnd
llrowne, Harry
(leorge Duncan, .
Next Tuesday nflcruoon tho
Hnppy Hour club will meet nt the
homo ot Mr. Lawrence Kuconlch,
43S North Klghth street.
A icry enjoyable afternoon was
given on I'rldny by tho Past Mat-
frons club of the Kastern Star lodge.!
honoring Mrs. 12. II. Heainos, a
visiting member from San Kran
clo. A chnncc dlnnor was crv-l
ed. each l.-rfly bringing some one1
, ilisu a her sh.ire of the repast
was, The club met at tho llaldwln hotel
ltttlo ciiimIa u-nre
Mamnfot itnuEott ' "l "" l"frmiil evening on Tuesday
nnrnllir' ,or llpr """ISO gUCSI, .HISS Alllllt
pasied with games and stories and
refreshments Were scrod lato lu
n usual. Pjwent .were: Me-
dames 13, It. Iteamcs, Frank Ward,1
I-awrenro ot Medford, who passed
I several weeks here. Tho guests
were: MNses Klli.thelli Mauulug,
Margaret Johnson, Katherluo III
rlch, Marian Worlley, Itutti New
ton, the guest ot honor and the
At tho regular business meeting
ot tho Ladles' Klks club Inst Tiics
day tho sum of 120 was oted by
tho ladles for the children's play
ground fund. After tho business of
the club was cared for the re
mainder of the afternoon was de-
I vuieii in uritigc. .Mrs. J .. kiiioii
was winner of the high score prise.
Tuesday afternoon II. N. Moe
, 4k SrfmjwtXvrJS P
' 1 Tl jfl.T7iKJlgV7Jj
PollPemoii of the king'
Whnl n romantic, flavor tho words
hnvo when one considers tho far
flung regions of tho earth willed tiro
pntrolled by the "Hoyal Mounted,"
those straight-shooting, iiulck-thlnk-lug,
fearless servants of law nnd or
der. Thorn haVe been numerous pic
tures which provided hereole roles
for northwestern mounted policemen,
but hero comes ope thnt shows tho
South African constnbntnry, n body
of men said to bo as brave nnd per
sistent as their brother officers ot
tho north.
This Paramount picture Is "The
Woman Who Walked Alone," a
George Melford production featuring
Dorothv n.iltou, nt the Slur today
Milton Sills N lending mail, unit Wan
da Haw ley has mi Important place In
tho cast, which includes John David
daii Iiiih oer rhmiged In Iho Html
traellvu frump who Is now his wife.
Thoru Is hut nun Inevitable result In
sight- n divorce which wilt free thu
huslmtiit from tho Uiinltrnctlvu crea
ture who Is rutled his wlfo nnd which
will lu tin n lcno tho wife broken
heat ted How idio finally pinfllH
fioui a si'eno In uu amateur tlientrl
inl show which idio wIIiiosnoiI, und
Hiiceeeds lu not only winning liuelt
tlio liimliaud'H ne, but itctMitlly fine-
es him to woo her nil over iigulii,'
makes u Hlory full nf thrills null mis
(Continued from Paga 1)
Tim Kml f n Perfect Diiy
Hcru lies thu body of Simon Shlnn,
Who would persist In' "cutting In."
Tho day ho met n flvc-ton truck
Poor Simon sura was But ot luck.
Shop by Da light
"Do our drug etoro shopping
early, girlie." ,
"I just heard our druggist say nl
tratos aro going up."
I "ring.
A dolesccnt;
P rctllly
P nlnted,
K ffeinlmito
It ogue.
riooo nt Work
Clins. Clzok says a tailor's dultos
ore always pressing.
Coxlo says from the attendance
records of lodges clubs .frnlcrnatles,
an' other grown up organizations. It
looks liko tho American youngster
wur a national orphan.
class) :
New l)cflnllm
Prof. (Incnglnccrlng
"Wlint Is a drylock?"
Studo (In rear): "A physician
who won't glvo out prescriptions."
Pittsburg is planning .100 tennis
courts on vacant lots.
Wjondcr what has become of tho
vacant lot gardeners?
o( Made
"My!" said tho drug department
clerk as ho laid down tho morning
paper. "HaBn't this prohibition law
mado u lot of crooks?"
"No," said tho chanco cuttomer,
"not mado thorn', merely showed us
who thoy are." '
Jack Frost hopes that tho next
fow months will seo tho Invention of
n dovlco for running tho lawn mower
by radio.
netting .III Set , '
' A ..villi... nl.if.4 tt.nllll.nil III.,'
tllkll,,lh , ',,-, lllHIl1l ,u
driiKRlst. after filling n proscription.
"If this Is not tho real stuff," ro-
piled tho :iitoiiiu(l, '"you might uif
well le,t mo huvo u pnrkugo of head
ncliu powders."
An actress sugHsts thnt inun wear
riirsols. Does fclio mean to IiikIiiu
iito that men aro not btralght-laced
enough, or thnt thoy nood lacing? Or
Is b)io merely trying to get men in n
tight placo?
Teacher: What Ih tho order of tho
Jehnny: Wull Harry coinos first,
thou mo, then Vllllo, and then tho
J. K, Hnders & Co. pays tho high
est prico for farm produce. 20-22
-t.ttl It
'Memories will Live When You
Say It With
Plowora for every occasion
Klimaih Flower Shop
MA Main BttML Ioe BM
Open 8umdy,;toi j
Week darn. 8 n. w. to S'y. n.
Kt. .
j Jo remove y V
cream. turn j-
imcoivredtop fiy
downward and If &4'sS
Yjip Itfjb press with
ScSJpisiS' both thumbs I
Si " bottom y
V as shown f
in cut. f
You can cat our ice cream safely. It
s pastuerized before freezing and all cans
are sterilized with steam before filling.
We invite inspection any time.
Come in and see where and under what
conditions our butter and ice cream are
made. Don't forget your Sunday gallon.
Klamath Falls Creamery
1248 Main St.
Phone 74
closed. his store nnd entertained forLon, cimrles Ogle, Mnbel Van Huron,
Special Round Trip
To Various Resorts t
lC-day tkt. 3-mo. tkt.
on sale Kr. on sale
and Sat. ,da!ly.
San Francisco $17.75 $21.25
Oakland 17.50 21.00
Los Angeles via Stockton 33.25 40.00
Long Beach via Stockton 34.25 41.00
Santa Cruz 21.50 25.75
Portland 21.75 26.00
Monterey 22.75 27.50 .
Pacific Grove via S. P. 22.75 27.50
Paso Robles via S. F 26.00 31.75
Monterey via S. F 22.75 27.50
Truckee 19.75 23.75
Proportionately low fares to many other points.
Last Sale Date September 30th.
Return Limit October 31st.
Kjivy riding coaches.
Smooth road-bed
Convenient schedules
All travel comforts
.Service, r.iln or shlno
For full particulars, call on
J. J. MILLER, Agent -
Southern Pacific Lines
employees of tho establishment
with a boating party nnd picnic on
the Upper Klamath lake. The
party went by motor boat to tho
Skillet Handle whore they swum
and Inter (Partook ot nn elaborate
picnic luncheon. Kollwolng U tho
list of guests: Mr. nud Mrs. W.
W. McNeally, and daughter, Ituth,
Mr. und Mrs. II. N. Moe. Mrs. Krel
Schallock, Mrs. Sydney Abbott, Mr
ltuby Johnson, Mrs. Frank Wllion,
Misses Minnie Walker, Dorothy
Jollify nnd Kllzahcth Sullivan.
Miss K.i) o West and Miss Kiln
belli Sullivan enturtalned a num
ber of friends at dinner Wednes
day evening. They were: Mm
W. P McMillan, Floyd McMillan
Kenneth Klnuhn, Kntherlne Urow
baker and tho hosteucs.
Mrs K. M. Ilubb was hostejs on
Thursday noon to a small group of
friends at u charming luncheon.
Present were: Mrs. Charles L.
Moore. Mrs. Phillip S. Popo and
Mrs. Glenn Jester.
and "Lofty" Flnn.
l.r.Ulli:it DKALKItS Sl'J,H)KT
(Continued frcm ugu one)
Tho feature of tho program nt tho
Starnil theatre tonight will bo "The
Marionettes." n brilliant comedy
drama starring Clara Kimball Youiir,
who Is supposed by n superb cast of
screen favorites. Miss Young really
portrays two characters In tho play.
thi: i.iiiKttTY
"The mini; of the l.ash" Is nt Iho
Liberty Iheatio today und local film
dexoti'es nro promised n decided treat
In ihn splendid net log of Miss Pau
line Frederick, who appears lu tho
1 lending role,
! "Perjury," u Wllllnm Fox super
' Hperlal whli h was the talk of New-
York while running al n prominent
. Itrotilwny theatre, will romn to the
Liberty theatre Sunday for u two
j days' run. It piesont Wllllnm Far
I mini In iv iole similar lu seernl es
sential respects In that of Jean Val
' Jean In Victor Hugo' "Les Miser
allies, " lu which this fatuous emu-
tlolint screen star inmle n treuieudnus
I hit
' tre-gnes. during
Hon or Jurors to fill special venires,
I'liuld select hiii'Ii Jurymen out of nud
finiu tho memheis lining nnthliouml
not lo'niM'iil tlm Identity or sorrels o
Us inoiulims, tieaiiou, riipn und wil
ful murder alnlln exivpK'il, Mil I il
fiulldulnut Intent lining hniehiufli't'
iipeelfli'.illy net nut, limy, anil eneh of
Ihniu wilfully mill fimnliileully enu
M'ImmI mid iniisplreil tngelher to rlr
cjilaln n petition In nud throughout
Jiicliuon (iiiinty, nsldiig for Ihn recall
of Iho plaintiff, ('. II. Tnrrlll, lis
ulinilff of Jiiclisou comity, Oiegnn,"
Tim ilorumeut then sols forth Ihn
fluaiiiltil I'tmitlllnu of Jackson nun
ly ri'latlvn( to funds, mid ludehted
iiiuis. nnd taxatloiir und fuilher as as
eorts: "That If the said lei-all elerllou Is
held the expenditure tlieietoie will
ramie said Jackson coiiul), nud Ihn
' Ml. l.l .t.if Illlll f 'til.lll,.,.,. tM.l.nll 1U
"'III llt't.'IMII.Hfc , ,,,.l,l,liJ I III, IV, "
iimnly rlerk, to l6lntu tho terms nnd
litovlnlniis nf said sertlon X nnd XI
of nrllrln XI of Iho Constitution ot
the States of Oregon lu that It will
i main nn niblltlnual liability nud
Indebtedness of said rMinty of Jack
sou, whb h tngelher with Us present
i... ,. ... . i. ...
Now York nloMTi niiV thon-n,u'u,,p,l,,uw' ""'"H"' ' iw nonunu
tlio run nf Vr- inutltI tlllni sslu l0 IM ('""" "'
liirt.' 1st tlm uintVrttinlt tin l' III rul ' f',n'lu
Jll J III M" - ! iiviHI II J
that Wllllnm Fnriium surpassed nil! It Is nlso alleged "that grave, Irrr
former efforts lu the expression nf , luralit,. nnd Irreinedlal Injury und
njthough both characters are of the ,lm!U, eiuntlon. They predli ted that I ilainngo wllkrnsult unto Jackson
same person. Sho nppears first nn a' n,(l gripping photodram.i will estnh-1 county tnxpajers, from "holding
slovenly wlfo who, through her rnre- u,, n,f ,rrmainiilly as otto of tho fraudulent and unlawful election "
lessness In dress and personal up- (-tussles of the screen.
penrunto, bus entirely nllenated thei The cast 'of "IVrJiiri" lucliules
liusb.ind'H nffectlons. As she linen j s.illy Crutn. W11II.110 Krsklno. John
him to distraction she resorts to an Webb Dllllnn. Frank Slmiinnn. I'ninl.
kinds of devices except tho right one. Jnyner, (Iran- La Veil, (illbert llnnti
to win him hack. Ho lu turn wonders) y and AlVnrt .Mann. Hairy Mlllarilo
how the charming girt of lourtshlp directed the produi'llon
Tho follow lug signed tho nppllrn-
lion as attorneys and iiiiiusel llrlggs
mid Hi Iggs of Aslilninl, (!. II. Watson
of Hold Hill: Idmnis mid lleaius.
Porter J Neff. (leorge M. Huberts,
lius Newbury nnd II. F. Lindas ot
servo the public efficiently," etc?
"When the Suothcrn Pacific talks
about abandonment of lino closing
of shops and refusing to buy timber,
do they really expect thinking pco
plo to regard such talk seriously?
"The various commercial bodies
In Oregon should be ablo to assist
In the proper solution of this ques
tion without humbling tlicmsolrcs by
taking programrao from Mr. Alex
ander ot San Francisco.
"Oregon frequently comments
upon tho great railroad development
and sorvlco enjoyed by Washington,
nnd as an extensive user ot samo we
arc sustained to admit thnt the fa
vorable comment Is Justified. Atten
tion Is challenged to the fact that
Washington Is not committing Us
destiny to Mr. Alexander of tho San J
Francisco chamber of commorce, and
wn would hnznrd the guess that ho
has not presumed to send n single
onn of his letters to a Washington
"Hut of what does Washington's
'railroad systom largely consist?
"Noto tlm Washington map! Ob
servo tho railroads operated In that
stato by tho several companies In
Joint and common usa.
"Lot us do, some thinking on our
own nccount nnd nvnll oursolvos of
this opportunity for Joint operation
by two railroads bct-.vijen Portland
and Francisco, nnd nccompllsh railroad dovelopinnnt. Thor
I prompt, efficient mid competitive
I transportation Hervkn resulting from
Joint operation would then obtnlu lu
Oregon and California, its well as lu
Washington," '
Ho Was Willing
Wlfe: Do you object to my hav
ing $200 u month for spending
Hub: Certainly not, if you can
find It nnywhnro.
Dodge Brothers
Yoti will realize, the moment you sec this coupe, tiovA
perfectly it fulfills a very real need.
It was designed nnd built by Dodge Brothers in
response to that need long-standing nrtd often
expressed by people in nil parts of the world.
With Dodge Brothers chassis as a starting point, it
only remained to create a coupe body which would
unite the usual coupe refinements with greater light'
new, hafdihood and economy. '
The world now knows how this was accomplished.
An entirely new precedent in closedar construction
was established. The body is built of steel. ,
)-1 J ""
Moreover, the deep comfortable seal is upholstered
in genuine leather. The doors are exceptionally wide.,
The rear compartment will hold n small steamer
trunk nnd other luggage. The enamel, baked on the
steel nt high temperature is readily restored, after
hard usage, to its original lustre.'
1 '
In every detail the car reflects the purposc'of thej
buildersto mnkeit n practical enr of universal appeal.
'120 Klamath Ave.
Kmm ' r , .vv 'm HE MA0E A SOOD i
mtmn 'MmM mfo iJiZ, JTITJaIi m &UV I"6 CHEAPEST T- yW, - SOMirTHIMG CHEAP, ON - THE
iEL! . 4 . "WWrnm1 m.uTaT. STRAW HAT THEV HAVE ) fff , IN ASTRAWHATyMIRr?oC,3TO
r , IfalW BvJ J? ROLLtft. THI5 MAKES THE THIRD 0 0 Wfi t -rrrn VODR LEFT?