The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 22, 1922, Image 1

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    p Y. ',jv
i i
Mht lEttenmg Wtmtb
y y
Member of the 'Associated Press.
ririiwiiiii win-. .No, iiitHo,
pRien mm oRTi '
Controversy Grows Bitter;
Citizens Oppose K. K. K.
Rccnll of Sheriff
Meilfoiil liuslno-m iiikii nf lilith
hIiiihIIih: hem jimlerdiiy nulil
, IM. Kit Klin K In n riclil In
.Mcilfiinl liml divided the town
lulu fiiriliniH miK ImiIiik ii
hlllriHHH Mali iin wit never
llllllHII t KlnillltlllH HMlrlllllllHlt
rmitrmniay, I'teu m fraternal
unli'i of highest -minding w.m
thteiiteiieil with iIIxmpIiiIIoii.
they "alii They express tho
hope liml Klaniiitli woiilil no!
innll ilio vlnm n( the liiimlril
order In sprc-iul In (IiIk rum
MKDKnttl). July 2J. Application
for ii ti liijiitirilmi against tin- riiiinty
ilcrk In enjoin It I in (rum holding lint
special riTnll election iikuIiim Slier-
ff Charles i:. Torrlll on Saturday.
July 2'Jlh, wim fll.'d Into W-'dm-sdny
afternoon, liml nti order wat signed
liy JiiiIki I' M Calkins. hoIIIiik Hi"'
Into fur tlio hearing neyt Wi'dm-s-ilny
Tin' iliirtllunut. which In 1 1 type
written pages In length, attacks tlu
ViMtlly nf (I loitloti. I In- vnllillty
of tlin expenditure of between trtnoil
mill Meno of county funds for tlin
tmrMini in withdraw names of sign
ers nf tin- recall petitions, when p
liienlcd In writing In lo ho, nml
charges Hint lhi power behind tint
recall moir-im-nt Is tin Kti Kins
Thu plaintiffs In tln nppllrntlon
nre. mimed a (. K. Tirrlll, W. ('.
Daley nml all others who might de
sire In ln Joined im parties plaintiff."
Daley In n pioneer farniT of tho
KiiKln Point district nml n heavy
Thn ilnpiiliilntitH iih nnliicil, n-ililn
front tho rotttity clerk, urn I). M.
Lowe, recall candidate for thn slwr
Iffn offlro. the Hnv. W. Jmlnon Old
field, pastor of Hi'- Congregational
ihitrch nt ANhlaml John J. lloog, n klenglo of tho lornl klan,
George Iv-irson, n lornl carpenter.
Clay Walker, a former Meilforil po
liceman. Ilowaril lllll. an orrhnrdlst,
W. I Hughe, proprietor of a vul
canising plant In thin rlly, anil It L.
Hay ami Thomas II. doodle.
The purposes ami motived nf tin?
recnll, which havo been labelled liy
Hh jiroponenlH mi n 'rlKliteoiiN move
ment." ami a "wet mnl ilry flKht."
nro net forth In paragraph three of
thn ilin timeiit, an follows'
"That prior In the clmihtllon of
the prutiiiiileil recall petition heroin
nftnr net out a iinturluiiH Hecret poli
tician organization known iih thn Kit
Klux Klau li tid het'ii furineil In Jack
hoii county, Oregon. That nmonrc
other purpniK'H thn nalil nocloly hail
cmiHplreil to Hcrnrivtlio hit ret control
thrniiKli tint nluctl if It n niemhern
In tlin varlniiH puhllc offlceti In nalil
county. That cnlndilent with tlin
v formntlon of hiiIiI Hiiclety rertaln iicIh
nml nutriiKefl of nioh loliuiro worn
perpetralml tipiiu thn iiormiim of ill
verri rltUoim nf Haiti couiiti, kiiIiI ho
rlely roinntonly ami oponely IihIiik
clmrKt'il with ri'HpoiiHlhlllty thorofor.
That nt ail I linn It wait generally
kunwii mul unilnrstooil that u ;:raml
Jury wan to ho RUinmnueil In Inrt'itl
etiln hiiIiI nulriiKi'H mul thn nrtlvlllcH
of until Horloly, That thn ilefnnilnnta
1). M. I.nwn, W. JtulHon Ohlflolil John
J. Hnncnlraat, OnnrRn Ivernon, Clay
Walker, Howard Hill, It. I-. Hid;
ThotnnH R. Oomllu mid V. 1). lliiRlrtiH,
nml each of them, wnro nt all Union
tnontlniieil liereln, mid now nro mom
liera nf Hiild soclnty. That on nr
ntinut May notli. tlin nald liiflt iiatnnd
ilnfnnilanlH, tnKother with illvora and
min dry ntlior pornonH wlinmi names
to tho plnlntlffn lioinln nro ttnknnwn,
with thu Intont dtiHlro nud purpoao
nf perpotratliiK n fraud upon tho
plalnlirfH liornln, mid upon tlin loRnl
.TaikHon cnlinty, (XruRon, mid with
thn Intent tn frauduloutly dnprlvu
lilalntlff, 0. R. Torrlll, of lila office,
mid frmtdulontly usurp tmnio to n
inomhor of hhIiI snerot socloty mid
with thn Intont to nlmtruct JtiBtlen In
imld county, tlioy wall knowing Hint
thn wild Bliorlft'a offlco In tho uoloc-
(Couttiuod to Pngo 4),
Society Awaits Gould Bride
m ;l' 7 Wat :Z,:
Tho announcement of the marriage in Paris of
George Jay Gould to Vere Sinclair, former musical com-
J etly actress, caused a stir in New York society. The first
Mrs. Gould, formerly Edith Kingdon, the actress, drop-
icd dead last. November while pnlying golf with her hus-
i )and at their country home, Georgian Court, Lakewood,
N. J. Members of the Gould family are said to have
registered no opposition to the marriage.
OF TWO RAILROADS V ltn-f.ll llecbiie lift In-
Ii'M'oIh of (Irecmi l.ln In t'niiiM"-
lllltn Lines In Hlato
Derhirlui: that thn best Interests
of OrcRon lie In thu unmerRer of thn
Central mid Southern 1'arlflc lines,
mid polntliiR mi nrcusliiR flttRer tit
thn Han Krnurlsco rlinmbnr of com
merce for Its Htnnd fur thn Southern
Pacific and iiKalnst thn uiiinorRur,
thn Portland firm of Dant . HuhsoII.
luinher dealera nre brniidrastlnK
their views by letter mid by ndver
tUement Thn follow InR letter was
received by Thn Herald teday:
'n urn extensively eiiRaRcd In
OreRon mid other western Htnteit In
thn tllhtilbutlun of lumber mid tim
ber products Wo depend, In tho
iniiln. upon railroads for trauspur
liitlnti. Mom i.illroiids In a com
munity mean morn transportation,
morn cunt mid mnrn service.
"Nuw cuiiies .Mr. Whllam' M. Alex
ander, president of Sail Francisco
chamber of rominercn. with a circu
lar letter to OrcRon shlppeirt and
liuslnehH men tellliiR tlicm that It
isn't Riiiid for them to han two rail
roads to California; that OreRon
should help Smi KrmilHcu hold thn
(Vutrul Parlfle mid Southern Pa
) trie us. nun operatlliR unit, the
Pulled Stales, with a declsluu of thn
supreme court HiistiilulnR II, to tho
contrary not it ItliHinmlliiR.
"How does tlin San Francisco
chamber of rominercn happen to bo
ho suddenly mid passionately con
cerned for tho coinmorclnl welfare
nf OrcRiiii?
"Isn't this thn answer?
"All Southern Pacific rnnds lend to
San Francisco. For years thn Smith
em Pacific, tins nlenclled thn Central
Parlflo "Southern Pacific" and oper.
nted It as a part of tho Southern
Pacific "unit."
"If tlin Southern 1'nclflo bo com
polled tn sell thn Central Pacific, and
(ho two ronds, by Joint use nf each
othor's tracks, ouornlo. botweon
Portland mid San Francisco ns siir
nested by thn doclslnn of tho supremo
court thoro will ho tin Independent
nml competing Central Pacific In
both California mid Oregon territory,
mid this Mr. Aloxnnder erronoouslyl
thinks would bo to the dlsndvniitiiRO
of San Francisco.
"As wo understand It, tho govern
ment tins been sustained by tho su
premo cour( 'u ltB contention that
tho Central Pacific was built to form,
with the Southern Pacific, a contin
uous military mid postal road across
tho country; that It advanced to this
same Central Parlfle millions In gov
ernment bnniN and vast last Rrants
with thn agreement that thu Central
Pacific wnulil nnt discriminate
against the I'nlnn Pacific, nml that
thn Southern boiiRht control or tho
Central with kunw ledge of this obll
Ration; that It has been the policy
of the Southern Pacific to Ignoro this
obligation mid divert thn Central's
traffic to the Southern's long linn
whereby It might obtain lOOCr nf
thn trnnsportatlnu revenues.
"With this record, will (bo pcoplo
of Oregon make common causo with
San Francisco chamber of commcre,
nr wilt tlmy say that thn government
Is doing Its duty In protecting Inter
ests of national concern and In en
forcing u contract made, for national
benefit mid protection?
"Will Oregon, at thu request of the
San Francisco (hamher of commerce,
pass up this opportunity whereby two
railroads may be required to operate
through western Oreguu Instead of
"Will the people nf Oregon listen
with patlemo to thn assertions of the
Southern Padflc that It will be eut
nff nt tho stain line and dismember
ed, when thn supreme court deci
sion protects It, but says It must so
operate with the Central Pacific,
whereby "euch company will bo able
freely to compote with thu oilier, to
(Continued tn IMgo 4)
Mrs, Hiiiilett Ijiurn Otlen Passe
At Age of 07 Years
Mrs. Harriett Kaura Oden, wlfo
of H. S. Oden, ploneur resident of
Klamath county residing on the
Dairy vend about 18 miles oust of
this city, died at her homo this
morning after an illness or flvo years
duration ut, tlio ago of 67. Mrs. Odon
had lived nn tho same ranch for 34
years, during which tlmo sho acquir
ed n wide" circle of frlonds through
out tho' county.
She Is survlvod by her husband,
and three sons and three daughters:
Phillip Odon of Dairy, Mrs. Dolla E.
iCnrlo of Kurokii; Wndo Odon ot
llono; Mrs. Klsn Doau ot , Dairy;
mid Qorttld Oden and Zelma Welmer
ot this city,
Funeral sorvlces will bo hold In
Whltlock's chapel at 10,-30 a, m.
Tuesday, July 24, .
I Km ry KrlritMin Hulrliln on Mncl
i .. .. .. . ... .... .-
i line jiniirii iiii'-niionN iin
i , Mourned Tn IIoiim-IioM f
Hltatitlnic "Onoiihyo all"' Harry
KrlniRcm. rl, for two ycnrii n fnrm
hnnd on thn HazUlno ranch 12 ml Ion
nnuth of thlit city nn thn Merrill
roml, about 0 o'clock yenlonlay ovon'
InK "tilled hln llf hr drinking a pint
of fnrmald'hydn. Iln wan ruhiid to
a local liONpltal whern he rxplred a
hnlMioiir later.
KrlniHon hud been acting In a
peculiar manner for tlin pant wcok
nr no, It wait Raid. About o'clock
yeiterday nvctiltiR ho rodn hlit horo
to tho runcli door wlmru ho Raid to
P. A (iondncnr, In charRn of tlio
ranch- "My father was n I-utlicran
I milliliter; I want to die."
Member of tho LiiUHC-hohl i
1 ed that KrlniRon ,,,,mnd In
1 way and Mhoilld lit taken t
! KrluiHun riido hlit Jinmo to t
In a bad
to town.
tho barn
where he. dlMinouiiteil and entered.
Then en inn the cry! and thono In the
limine niMheil out jo the barn. Thuy
fiiund that KrlniHorj hnj drank about
a pint of fornialdelivdn from a iiunti
Hty kept on hand disinfect rccUh.
Krliimon wait Ul married mid tlio
only known relntlv Ik a winter, Mm,
i: Ulciiimur. of 1 Innion. Orc6on.
County Coroner Wl Itlock dispatched
a U-tcKram to licr.liut had received
uo mmner, '
1 l:l Volumes of Fiction Arc Added
I To Shelve; AtteniUnce Good
! Tho city library has purchased and
I placed nn Its su'clvcs 13 new books
of fiction by popular writers. This
addition brings tho number of books
In tho library up to 3500, Mrs.
French, librarian, also reports that
tho attendanco has, remained very
good for tho summit months.
Thn list of new'lbooks follews:
Rila or Ingeslde, ly Montgomery,
Tho Pralrlo Wife, Pralrlo Mother and
Pralrlo Child, by Stringer; Illg Pe
ter, by Marshall; Custard Cup,
ingston; Aprllly, Abbett: Illuo Cir
cle, Jordan; In tho Morning of
Time, Roberts; Contrary Mary, nail
ey: Oentlo Julia, Tarklngton; Oreat
Prince Sham, Oppenhvlm, and Whlto
Desert, Hooper.
League of Nations Arts on Pales
tine and Syrian Question
LONDON'. July 22. The Pales
tine nnd Syrian mandates wero ap
proved today by tho council ot the
league ot nations with tho under
standing that they tako effect soon
as Franco and Italy reach an agree
ment nn certain minor details.
Tho council announced that It is
encouraged by tho reported willing
ness of the reparations commission
to suspend Its claims against Aus
tria for 20 years to lot Austria re
gain her financial foothold. Austria
thus may pledge her customs duties,
salt monopoly and other ussests as
security for loans.
cvySoyltlLsKwI. Itotro atr
Repaint Uuderwny on Section lie
twevu Rocky Point nnd Cherry t
Improvement of tho road between
Rocky Point and Cherry creek Is
proceeding iiuder a crow tn charge
ot Jud Short, Is tho word brought
by J. J. Furber, recently returned
from a trip through that section.
Furber says tho rocks aro being re
moved from the road and othor re
pairs made, Including a bridge over
Dry Rock creek, throe miles this
side ot Cherry creek. It Is prob
able that the road will bo straight
oned and otherwlso improved, Short
told Furbor.
fim: fish dynamiter
RED 11LUFF, Toharaa Co., July 22.
A ploa ot guilty to a chargo ot
dynamiting fish was mado by Joseph
R. Long, stockman, residing near
Jelly's Ferry, before Superior Judgo
John H. Ellison here yestordny, Ho
wns finod $200, which he paid.
WASHINGTON, July 22. Tho
Santa' F railroad's plana lo secure
construction of an additional main
track lino botweon El Dorado and El
llnor, Kun were approved today by
tho interstate commorco commission,
Tlio project will coat ?2,017,0O0.
Dead Engineer It Blamed;
Michigan Central Averts
Strike of 8,000
SPRINOKIKM), Mo.. July 22.
Klvn peron wore killed and lovcral
Injured thin mornlnR when tho east
bound Krlitco asscnRcr train struck
tho Frliico paititnnKcr train west
bound In a bead en collision at Lo
Kan, MlKNOtirl, 2.' miles west of
SprlnRfleld, Mo., apparent miscon
struction of orders by Engineer Hlnir.
who was killed, was reported by
railroad officials as tho causo of the
HI'KINOPIKMJ,. Mo., July 22.
In addition to KnRlnccr RlnK of
S.ipulpa, Okla., dead In wreck were
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hammer of
fltoutland, Missouri, and two small
sisters of Mrs, Hammer..
DETROIT. July 22. Thu Michi
gan Ccntarl averted a strike of
9,000 maintenance .of way men by
signing a wago agreement restoring
tho scalo effective beforo July 1,
with the eight-hour day established,
tho over tlmo rate to bo fixed by
CHICAGO, July 22. Tho threat
ened strlko of 7,300 clerks of the
Chicago and Northwestern R. R. has
been postponed tor the tlmo being
at toast, according to reports to tho
labor board. Tbo company was re
ported to havo made some conces
Religious Issue In Politic Baa
ard; Officers Elected
CORVALLI8, July 22. The itato
editorial association today adopted
resolutions condemning the dragging
nf religious issues into politics, urg
ed wider uso ot Oregon manufactured
products nnd endorsed a movoment
for a Homer Davenport memorial.
Elbert Dcdo of Cottago Orovo was
re-elected president; Hal E. Hots ot
Oregon City, secretary; E. II. Pot
man of Albany was elected vice
president: Threa now members wero
elected to tho board of directers:
Clydo M. McKay, Dcnd Press; J. D.
Tomlson, Hood River Glacier; Bert
U. Dates, News Rovlow, Roioburg.
Benefit To (i rowers Declared Omit;
Attack Mado liy Democrats
WASHINGTON, July 22. Tho
33c u pound duty on scoured wool
proposed In administration tariff bill
would enable wool producers to maki
an average, profit of 10 per cent a
your over n period of flvo years, Sen
ator llursum, republican, Nuw Mex
ico, declared today In scuato oponlng
debato on the wool schedule.
In opening the democratic attack,
Senator Walsh. Massachusetts, de
clared the duty proposed was tho
highest over levied on raw wool and
said- It could bo shown that tho cost
to wool manufacturers nt a 33c rate
would be $72,000,000 annually,
WASHINGTON, July 22. Attor
ney General Daughterly announced
today that tho department of justice
would sotul to tho senato tomorrow
tho roports of its inquiry Into the re
cent steel mergers.
PORTLAND. July 32. Livestock
mid eggs steady, butter unsettled.
Tho Cyclo-Stormagraph at tin-
aerwood a J'narma
cy has registered
but slight changes
today but tbo tend
ency Is downward.
Indications are
that prosent weath
er conditions will
prevail tomerrow:
Forecast for nest
24 heurs:
Fair and warm.
Tho Tycos record
ItiK thermometer
roguiorea maximum and minimum
temporaturos today as follews:
High - 8 4
Low ......,.,.61
5 .
Mediation Fails
Lord Mayor CNeM vainly a4iM
;to medial betwstn Ftm Stat
'and republican (acttam.Mera th
Iprcaent sanfulosry. ,-!
'.Svblla trek m- '
Not it I Editor anil Author Prflr-t
Governor Allen; HIio-ti Hniy-
pnthy For Striker-)
TOPEKA. Kansas, July 22. The
arrest of William Allen White of Em
poria, author and editor, for display
ing a poster sympathizing with strlk
ing railroad shopmen, probably will
be made today. Governor Henry J.
Allen announced following a report
from Judgo McDermott of the Indus
trial court following his pilgrimage
to Emporia and his failure to per
suade White to remove tho poster
from bis newspaper offlco window.
, A test case to determine wheUierr
display of the poster Is In violation
of tho Kansas supremo court act
will follow Whlto's arrest. Mean
while, the governor stated, "strike
cards will have to come down from
every window In Kansas."
TOPEKA, Kan., July 22. "Henry
and me," the one Governor J. Al
len and the othor William Allen
White, closo friends for many
years, fellow travelers, both with
national reputations as publicists
and .'editors, co-workers overseas
during the World war, and two ot
tho chief political leaders of Kan
sas, today differed materially. The
Kansas court ot Industrial rela
tions, ot which Governor Allen was
tho chief sponsor wns the point ot
Posted Placard
Mr. White, publisher ot the Em
poria Gazette, rising to a point ot
personal privilege, posted tn tho
window ot his newspaper offlco a
placard espousing the causo ot tho
striking railway shopmen and ex
pressing sympathy for their an
nounced stand for "living wages
uud fair working conditions."
Mr. Whlto bad been told that the
state attorney general had ruled
that such displays wero In viola
tion of tho Industrial and anti
syndicalist! laws.
"Tho order of tho Industrial court
Is un Infamous Infraction ot the
right of free press and freo speech,"
Mr. Whlto asserted. Ho proclaimed
49 per cent sympathy with the
strikers and said he would add
otio per cent a day as long as the
strlko was continued.
"Wo all know Bill," said Gov
ernor Allen. th "Henry" of Mr.
Whlto's book, "Ihe mnrtlal adven
tures ot Henry and mo," written
after their return from overseas.
"It ho Insists on being tunny we
will havo to do something about
Salem Members Assessed 913 Each
To Defray Recount Costa
SALEM, July 22. Salem mombers
ot tho Ku Klux Klan aro being asses
sod 15 each to help flnanco the pro
posed recount for Charles Hall, ac
cording to a circular letter sent to
Klansmen with instruttons to "road
and then burn," a copy ot which was
glvou out today by tho governor's of
flco. Tho appeal declared Hall tho
'true nnd legal republican nomi
nee." '
That's the Schedule for To
Night; Public Execution
Will Be Staged J
Hero lies the bones
Of William Crockor;
Had lots of dough
But was born a knocker.
High treason! Trial br moon
light; Then ah, ha! See the TIN
Han squirm!
Thus will end the career ot a
knocker who will stand trial tonight
nt tho corner nf Sixth and Main, the
opening gun In thn chamber of com
merce "knockers' holiday." At least,
we'nre so Informed by tho following
letter uddrossed to Phil Space, caro ,
of The Herald;
My dear Phil: .
Consider this a gracious and
earnest request tor you to be pre
sent nt tho trial ot a local knocker
charged with high treason tonight
promptly at 8:45 at 6th and Main
Suggest that you leave all your
Jack at home ns you novcr can tell
what can happen at an execution
such as will tako place tonight. If
tho misses Is not In the habit of
fainting when sho sees blood, you
might bring her along. But we do
not euro to hare anybody distract
from the arranged program and
would dislike very much to have a
number of ladles fainting and tak
ing all the glory from our knocker.
With kindest -V'TSonal regard
to you and the U;'ius I bef to
subscribe, i .
wccplngly and walL'air youra,
irall;"lr yo
ContmtuleU(m.-ia h-m
publicity through the news column
of The Herald because he vn tna
ware ot the present address ot Dead
Ejq Dick:
Dear Dcd-Eye:
Well, old scout, I sea by your let
ter whero you nre goltis; to have a
execution ot ono of these knockers
which grows on every bush in K. F.
and that you wish for ay present at
tho fateful movement. Tho mlwes she
can not como because she says al
though sho has not got no objections
to seeing one ot these birds kick oft
sho docs not like to see them squirm
and besides tho last time she iaw a
execution tho rope brake and tho
bird which was being executed got op
and sworo something fearful, not
even making no apologies to the la
dles present.
Well, anyhow, 1 will be present Id
so you need not worry if this knocker
gets hard fore you no me, Ed, hoar
I am when a bird gets hard. Every
body Bays why Mr. SpaSj I did not
no you wero such a stern man and
I smile a klndcly smile and say my
flrend my hart Is soft only I have
no uso for vllllans being mora on the
hero lino myself.
Well. Ed. I would not miss this
hero execution for nothing and you-,
can count on my presents. Besides I
wnnt to got some Idcura for my own
trip which will bo foro to hlro out aa
u knocker cxtcrmlnater In other
towns. And you need not worry, nona
about by bringing my Jack with me
tonight, Dcd-Eyo, because I have nfit
got no Jack on hand at present oa
ace. tho missus was the first one UP
this morning. Bollovo it or not, Dod
Eye, It thoys street ears in tnU
burg old Phil would not have been
nblo to ride this morning except on
his dogs. Howsoever If you see a'
damo breezing along the street with
unow lid why like as not thats ajf
Yra. rcsplly,
W. C. Van Eraon and W., A,
Wlest will prosecute oa a charge
ot high treason and the accused
will be defended by Dr. K. O.
Johnson. Earl Whltlock will
side as judge and the Jury will" ha
selected from members of the aud
ience Tho name ot the person found
guilty ot falling to root for kla
home town was bttag withheld to
day in the interest t ,lWr.
was being closely guat4efiy em
bers ot the loeal noli,' assisted If
the fire department. He wilt t
brought aefore the puWc ifcortlr
.(Continued oa Paga TX'-
' f .