U .'"': PresTBfS!' THE EVENING HEPBEP, KEXMATH FALLS, OREGON r! futimv, xmx ai, i V- , 5i re ;t. "( P L The Office Cat IIY JUNIUN Haul Telling The now stimuli wnn mi Irullifiil ns uutild hi., rim ftrnt ntllur nitki'd lo Hf hi.r mlMlroift. "Mitt's not n(, nomtt. wnn tlit answer. VI will ulnt Iim bmkT intlmit Hid ciillnr. "I 'lnii't Imiiw, iniiiii, slut's nut mini! nut ytt." TIm Infiilllhltt Patient: Wlint hIiiiII I iln for liMtiiiiiilu, ilnctiir?" Physician: "L'very evciiltiK keep rMalltiK In yeurself: "I inn a nlc.lit wiilrlitiinii, I iim nlclil wiitrhimui, I mil a nlr.lit wtitrliiiian." H. (!. tlriii'Bli.ifk nii)M admit tin. only llilni: that inn In. nit lit tn (iIunIi rllnlilmiH In u rinsed car In Unit tin KuritKi nierhunle likes tn use iIiimii fur a towel. It In tint front that ro m In a Fi illicit Imx I linl liriN I'aunt'il most of i in r jinn h Mlclit. AiIiiiIh-i IIiaI Iln: Villi lull Ht lltlVi. neon sumo Irnlt In mi. tn admire or ytiti wouldn't hao married tut. Hhi: I did your tiiililliin nerru In waiillm: tn li' my husband. Here' a Willi ril)in CiiiiiIih Inr It was a ciiM unil wintry nlclit A man stood hii tint iilrret IIM ni'.eil .')'' worn full ul tears Ami lili shoes with full of feet. Th liny stood on tlni burning dock inn fro I with all In blisters, tit. burned tin. (inly pants lit. hail Anil had to wear liM sister's. Lakeside News. , Wo Have It .Vow "Dnbbs U creating a tempest In n teapot." "lln'il better law off that home, brow Mtuff." St. Peter tm1 liail n busy tiny nntl Onhrlt'l linil nut loafed any himself. Throng liiul lsltod natit ntnl boon looked itvtr. Tlinm. whti hail answer fit tht'lr questionnaires successfully nntl satisfactorily worn mlinltttMl Ktir others It wan "going ilown' Finally when tlu honk worn about to ho closed fur tint tlay, an Html Hint liiul belongs tt n newspaper man when on earth ramu puffing ulnng "Wlint'll wn tlo with lilm- lh" bonks am practically closed fur tint tlay?" nkIiI Peter to Oiihrlct. llefnrn !o brlid liail any limit to annwir, tint shade of tlm Jniirtiallnt tlmlilly spoke up: "Von might label nut 'Too Lute to ClnHiiIfy,' ami lot mo In anyway." Hot Weather Saps Vitality Ironlzad Yeast Will Raster it Quickly Do you feel nil "dragged out"? Can't sleep? Appetite pourr Doc ordinary mental or physical rmtlnn leave yon exhausted? Do you wake up fccllnir "nil In"? Thews aie dangerous a mp touts. For they Indicate, that Ihu heat U saprliiK your energy, strength and resistance, nml leaviuH you wsy prey (or all torts ol fcickness. The thine to do. If you want to over como fatigue, and huild energy ul once U to take two lionized Yeait tablets with each meal. Then watch the results. Ilcforo you know it that exhausted fecl Init will havo completely disappeared. You will be ablu tu tackle nil kinds of hard woilt nntl actually aijoyit. You t 111 be amnirdnt the. wonderful chango it will liHutr (ct it today. To try lionictl Uwt in Ircly free bimply mail p - ' ' ' Imiudiis IlDay Test. Addim Ironuvd Yeast IV, I)cpt. 94, Atlanta, Ga. lionized Ycat U recom mended and uuarnnltcd by all good druguiita. Momorles Will Mvo When You Say It With Flowers Flowers for ovory occasion Klamath Flower Shop 8at Mnln Btivet. Phone 680 Open Sundays 9 to 1 Week dayi, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. THU HTIt.NI I'lirnniiiln tin Kitrimy llm ni'iilnctiid wlfn In '"I'liti Miirliiiinlti'ii," plnyml by Clnrii Klinliiill Vtinni:, which will bu hIiowii nt Hut lltrniiil tlii'iilnt tunlKlil. Ih it rtiiirrirturlxiit Imi In whleh thin lllflcil iiL'trcNit clvi'ii fri'ii ruin to tint pi'dilliir tnliiulii fur wbli'li lilm Iuih lii'i'iiinii riniiiiiiN "Tim Mnrlnnt'tli'H" ilnulii with llm tniiiHfnrimitlon of n ilnwily wlft, (Uirvmil hiIiuuIimI mill riiuntry bni, who hnvlm; throiiKh bur nii'tili'iutni'iiK of puritiiiiiil iippfiir. mint, lout bur liUNbmid'ii lyiivi, ! turmliii'H o win It buck iikiiIii. Krom mi iiiinttructlv'i frump with pomonal niirroiiiulliiKN iih tlriib in Imrin'lf, Him MUtlilnnly lilntmnnii nut Inlo n i;ny no rlnl InittiTfiily, nml httr iiurruuiul Iiikk tuUtt mi u mulmiiurpliuHlK nn rninplfltt iih ficr uwn. An mi In tivltiibltt rt'Hiilt bt'r liuibiiml Ik iimrr tluiii itviT iittructfil to lu'r. nml Htmd-tlfi-M wlifii Im r'iillZfH how nttiir ho rmnit to IiikcIiu; bur. Minn Yiiiitir'h pnrlrnyiil of tlm rhryiutllH wlfn In unit of thn mum Intt'ri'iitliiK rnU'H nIu Iiiim iivnr rrt'iitfil. Thn nuppnrlliiK ciihI Ih ul tint IiIiiIu'hi oritur. Mint Inrlinlcn mich well-known ncrrcn fitvorltfM int fTiirllHit tllbrn. N'IkiiI llarrlf. Klurnnc AtkliiH nml IMwIii Kimball. Till: HTAIt What 'n an onlliiary itni'ak-tlili'f In n woman briitt cniiuitli to fiirn t lit taiuiTit without n trnmor! Ko whi'ii Wmula llawlvy walked Into Inr llollywoutl Imnm Hut utluT iiflcnmiiii nrrnmpanlftl by two clrl frli'inlH, nml hoard ikiIhh timtalrn, wlut illiln'l faint away, or miyihlui HAVE YOU NOTICED What Johnson and Johnson of New Brunswick 'Says of the Druggist? "CONSIDER THE DRUGGIST" lit In mnrit than a merchant a rolleRe-tralncd hrlculltt, an lnillpeimalil,i Kuanllan of health, a man wtitxp life-work U Hit. nafety und pleamiru of hlri com munity, tu appreciation, why not inaku thU your motto. "ALWAYS THY TIIK DIllIO STOKK KlllST"? ThU U a Real Dru "Wt me iiiiIiuii SQUARE DEAL At tlie Shcii of WARNING ! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Jtnyer" boxen of 12 Ublcli Alo bottlei of 21 and 100 DrugjUU. iifliU U tin trad mark of Dij-tr Utnufoctura of UonuorllrtcMrittr of iJllcjllcocM DOINGS OF THE DUFFS VMjpgjjA 'jrqigjl, iLT sHiyj i guess mr. dobbs and) I I were vougoimgtoI mo. just a "All 'for goodmcss skyWWl llkij It, Klin (Unruly coiimmntluil Imr unnnrviid rumpanlonn to nllnnco, walki'il to tint 'ptionit and Rtiuiinuriid tlm piillcn. Tht'ii Hint look her IiiihI tuwmllltn llltln milniniitln out of n di'itk-ilriiwiir mid miirt'ht'il upHlnlrn. AI I m it 1 1 ii winy Iiiih n kiioiI purl In "Tlm Woman Who Walked Aloiifi," lint (It'iin: M'llfuril I'armiiounl pro dm Hon which will open at thn Hlnr tliiintrn (oilay. Iturothy Diiltun In featured mul Milton Hill In Icaillni; mnii, m Tin: i.incitTv "If tlicrn In nellilni: but llm rnrnrm of llm In u klmi, thnrn'M tiotlilui; to It worth bavltiK," iiuyn Marin lre- VOHt. Tlm obHiirvntlon Ih npropon Imr Int- ml I'lilvcritnl plcturt.., "KIhhimI," rom Iiik to thn Liberty theatre, today. Tlm Htory In nil about kliutoK, one ItlriH and a fnw othcrH, "Til" nyi'H, and prnmiurn of tint' bnniln, tlm nlectrlcnl rurrrnl of fI' Iiik that flow HiroiiKli air from onn tn tlm oilier Ih Hut tlilnn that coimtH In n klHH," Hint ndtlH. "Hlmply thn prfinurn of II ih upon 1 1 pit In not worth havltif-; It In purely pbyHlrnl. meniiH nothliiK and brlncN no bappl nt'NH. If you want to klitH Hiimt'onn anil ilenlre them to rnrof-nlzp It iih hiivlui: a Int of value, Nity u lot about It with your pyo flrnt." IvIkkck have from tlmn limueinor I ii I been .tint Hiibjort of poptiiN, liallnilH nntl crHityN, but never heforo Iuin u motion plcturt) hern filmed with lliein fnrnlHhliiK nil thn material for tlm Htory, tint title and thn comedy action. Will wit net) Klioied?" .Miwn! Currln'N nidi 34 different odorti In ierfum'N. Currln'H for iIpiikh. 2t m J. V.. Kiuleri & Co. opproclalo your palronaKo. 14-20 Inc. Store to m'mi' Jim" DRUG STORE tile Arrow -, BfcfS '' III M. JUm ... ...l ' , k w S I. Personal Mention A. I', HeairifH nrrlveil bnro yim tnnlay from Medfnrd to attend clr cult Miurt thin menilm: when Hut nrnuineqt of London and IIcoIUhIi Anntiriilico cnrporntlnti nualnitt the California Oregon l'ownr company wnn liuld. A number of officials of tlm Cali fornia . Ori'Kon I'owor compnny nr rlviid Into yeNlerdny afternoon and thin mornlnc In order lo bn preiti'nt at tlm arKUinenl held In thn circuit rourt. Tbny wer: I'n'il II. McKen, W. (J. Drew and K. K. Innrum all of Mndford and Hammond IMiloRcr of Ban FranclHfo. Mrn. Ira Orom won n county noat vlNltor yi.'Ntertlay from Imr ranch honin on tint hill road to Merrill. Mr. and Mrn. (I. II. Chamber and Mr. and Mrn. W. K. IIInncII and family arc a party of tmirlntn who Htnppod over at thn Whllo 1'ellcan hotel liiHt tilcht on their way from DuiiHmuIr to Crater lake. Thn pnMnnxi'r travel to Crater lake n IncreanlnR nt n rapid rain ncconlliiK tn thn hotel mnnnKPM and HlnKn men. S'early overy tlay nIx or morn tourlHtH take thn ftlaK'i for tlm park, lienlilen tlm numnrouH prl vntn rnrn which ilally drlvn through on their way north. UlrRUBtfd with labor troubles and Rencrnl condltloiiN In thn cant. Mr. and Mm. Krunk VatiRhn will arrlvo here tonight for nn Indcfln Ho vlntt with their daughter. Mr. It. J. KhcctN, and family. Mr. and .Mm. Vaughn aro rutlilentii nt Kan nan City, Khmta. K. M. Hotlcnhamex, a member of tbo beetle ramp In area number 2, arrived In town last night with K. I'. Keen, who wa Injured when hi homo fell with him noma tlmo yesterday. Keen ha been In charge of thn ramp until thn accident yes terday. John Sargent will arrlvo hero 'to night from Topeka, Kannsii, for a visit with Mm. Lulu Sargent, and with Mr. and Mm, A. M. Worden und duughter, Margaret. Mr. Sar gant In Npecl.1l representallvn for thn lledfonl Stone company on tho I'aclfic cnant. While hero ho will vlull Crater lako and other points of Intereat throughout tho county. Xrcd Howton and C. II. Under wood, who havo been out "rough ing It" for tho past week, returned homo last night. A. K. Ilelde, who has been In Klamath FalU attending tho trial of Frank Ward vs. Klamath county, left this morning for Lon Angeles. Mark llanna is here from Port land to Join lils wlfo who has been hero this summer with her mother, Mrs. L. P. Montgomery. A. N. Wysoni;, traveling for the Kllham company, Is In Klamath on a combined business and pleasure trip. Ilcfore "returning to Portland bo will visit Spring creek and Crater lake. (Jeorgo Walton, cashier of tho Merrill bank, Is a business visitor llioro today. Mr. F. A. Sutton is noro mis wick-end attending to business. Mr. nml Mrs. Joo Posplsll uro back In town after two weeks' spent visiting with friends In tho MUHn section. Mr. and Mm. A. M. Heaver and family of Portland, accompanied by Mrs. Heaver of Ashland, spent two days hero on their way homo from Crater luko. They loft yes terday for Ashlnnit accompanied by Mrs. Nato Ottorblen, who will visit with her mother, Mm. A. L. Harvey for a fow days. Mrs. F. U. Patrick, who has beon spending week at tho summer homo of Mr. aud Mrs. J. A. Gordon, returned homo from Lake o tho Woods last night. Mrs. Gordon and daughter, Hopo, also canto Into town yestreday. Drugs: nought right, kept right, sold right. Currln's for drugs. 20 m IT MAY A moonshlno drink, WheroVr you grab It, Muy euro you ot Thn drinking habit. OLIVIA "SPEEDWAY" W DEAF TO HEAD Newly Developed Science Will Prove Boon, Writer Believes LONDON, July 21. Wlrolnss, with all tho manifold benefits already to Itrt credit may enable tho deaf to hear, thinks a writer In tbo current number of tho Medical PresN, If ro cint experiments with wireless tela phony cotnn up to expectation, ho de clares, then thero Is little need lor thn deaf to glvo up hope, for by ineanit of "thermionic" valves tho very deaf havo been enabled to hear. Thn author records tho casa of n man of CO who bad been denf for many years, no deaf that ho could only hear tbo shouted voice. Never theless hn experimented with wlro less telephony. It occurred to him that by Increasing thn number of thermionic valves In his receiver ho might thereby ralso tha sound to a degree of Intensity to bo heard eas ily. This lie tlld, working up grad ually until ho had fivo thermionic valves In his apparatus, with tbo re sult that. ho can now hear his friends In Paris morti. plainly .Uion be can a person sitting In tho room besldo him. Also his hearing for the ordi nary voice has bcoomo tnoro acute. Tho Marconi company's jixpcrti'flro 426 Main St Our Quality Is First ALPINE MILK Case 48 Tall Cans, $5.25 - Case 96 Small Cans, $5.15 Until we sell the unsold part of a car of Alpine Milk which we have just unloaded we will make free delivery of milk at above price, which is a price you should not overlook if ou use milk. Fancy Small Ilroom .... Fancy MiiUum Ilroom ... Fancy Iirge ltroom Pancake Flour, Mick (iridium Flour, wick ,.$i ..10 .. .7 ,. .M) .70 . J30 . M . till Corn Mcnl, Nick ... ItolUil Oatx, Mick - (iridium Crocker, lb 4 K lb". Ctrahiuu Crackers i)H Ibt. Koiln Crackrin :?i lb. Itov Know Flakes.... Sob Crockcm, lb. .... .- 10 lb. Pall Puro Ltinl .1 Ih. Pall Piiro iJiril ...'..... 10 lbs. Dark Kara 3 Hn. Dark Knrti 5 lbs. Light Kuro Fumy Candy, 11 'II lbs'. Fancy Ginger Htutpn.... it Ibi. Fancy Mlxtl Cookies Fancy KultctI Peanuts, lb. y tkg. Ginger Wufcn ........ a pkgs. PaHuin Creams S pkgs. Fig Sultanas 2 pkg. Ctiocolato Kclairn.... S pkpi. Fancy MUetl (okles a kgs. Animal Cookies .... '.73 .M '.OO M4 tM.-i .OS .HO .43 AX .i)0 .no .0.1 .30 .23 .23 23 .23 .23 .13 Don't forget we make deliveries at the small charge of 10c for each 'de livery, "not each article," which merely covers the cost of delivery to us.. We are glad to send C. O. D. orders. Don't hesitate to call phone 34. tislni; n vnlvo similar to tbo ther mionic on their "bonnphono" nn In Btrument for Imparting sounds to tint brnln by means of tho bony pnrtN , of thn cranium. It has onnbled n i largif number of pnrsotm to hoar who hitherto worn deaf. Thought baa been glvnn In Kng land to n unlvorsnl longungo for In ternational radio communication, but no definite conclusion! yet havo been reached. Questioned on thin subject flod .frny Isnacs, head of thn Marconi wireless system, said hn did not think Ksperanto would do. "Hut, nt tho nnmo time," hn added, "wo aro j keeping In view In connection, with inu nciiuui.) now tinner consiuoration for tho ;stablIahmont of wifeless broadcasting stations, tho possibility of teaching languages by wlreloss telephony. I.thlnk thin will b.n high ly Important part of tho nducallonal action of our broadcasting programs. Ono foresees tho engagement of emi nent professors of languages Tor the purposo of wireless tuition." inJSTEfl.nUSTKR. My dog, says. It you want to trado follow him. Per kins. 17-33 Tho Springfield Itcpublican as sorts that In Turkey tho domlnahco of man over woman Is still preach ed. It Is preached In tho' American home, but tho audlenco goes on dominating Loulsvjllo .Courlor- Journal If you own- a phonograph Icaro your namo and address. with us and rccolvo freo a regular sized package of steel phonograph needles. Cur rln's for drugs. 20 SANTF0RD& COMPANY Klamath r' ; 2 pkg. Vanilla Wafers ....a J23 Package Crnckern ........... .10 2 Miiitll Know Flakes ........ JiZ Ijtrso pkR. Snow Flake.... JJO 1 1). Uoltlrn West Coffee.... .J!! it IbM. Golden West Coffee 1J23 1 lb. Itoynl Club Coffee.... .40 a lb, lloyul Club Coffee.... 1.13 1 lb. M. J. II. Coffee 44 a lbs. M. J. II. Coffco ... 1.30 1 lb. IIIII'h Coffee 43 2H lbs. IIIII'h Coffee 1.03 1 lb. Folger' . Coffee 4:1 2 !b. Folger'8 Coffee .. .03 11 lbs. Cane Sugar ............ 1.00 Corn FlukeN, pkg, ... 10 Post Toils tlcn, pkg. ... 10 2 pkgti. Shreadcil Wlieut 23 Plut botUo Van Cunip'a Catsup .23 1 lb. Ghiradelll'M Chocolate. .Uil 3 lbs. Ghlrudelli'ii Chocolate .OO 1 lb. Crescent Baking Powder .28 it lbs. Crescent Iluktug Powder 73 I TRTSULPHUR6N IN EGZENH SKIN -Wn Jdttlo nml Orrrcomm Troubln Almost Over Might Any breaking out of the skin, won fiery, Itching eczema, c-.n bo quickly ovcrcomo by npplylnff Montho-Sul-phur, declares n noted skin spoclust, Hccnuso of Itu germ destroying prop erties, this sulphur preparation In stantly brings eosn from skin Irrl tatlon, snqtliM and heals thn eczomn right up and leaves tho skin danr and smooth. It seldom falls to rellnvo tho, tor ment without dolny. flufferors from skin trouble should obtain ,a smnll Jnr of Montho-Sulphur from any good druggist and use It Iko cold cronm. Adv. Frnnzcns candles, always fresh, al ways good, always guaranteed. Cur rln saya so. 20 YKT TIIKV'IIF. FHIKNDH A conductor and a brnkoman on a railroad differ ns to tho propor pronunciation of a station named Kurclla. The conductor calls You're a liar! You'ro a liar! The brakeman ells You really arel Yon really are! And tho train ' passongors look, la Vain for a tight. Topics of thn Day Flints. WT3 TRADE Tor what nionoy thoro in In also we like to trade. Per kins. 17-za Falls, Oregon S lbs. Crescent Baking Powder .0 Van Camp's Pork ft Beans .10 IS oz. Royal Baking PowdVr-43 2H lbs. Koyal Baking Pom dor 1.40 3 lbM. Itoyal Baking Powder . 8.83 2H lbs. Calumet Baking Powder ( ...................... 5 lbs. Calumet Baking' Powder y............. yun Cnrup'u Hiu AH kinds, can ,.;.., Meil. Voa Camp'H Spaghetti Larg Van Camp's Spog. .70 i .1.33 .10 .10 .IS Cltriu Wash i'owder .......... 3 Scu Foam A3 Old Butch Cleanser 10 All Laundry Soap, bar ........ -OS Bull Durham Tobacco M 2 cans Velvet .................... JU Lucky Strike Cigarettes 13 Chesterfield Cigarettes .. .13 Fancy Peanut Butter, lb. .... JM BYALLMAN mz Our Price Is Less ' f ',, .- " ',! 1 J. - J.,1 v M Ai i . as J rf-5S. .' K . r, !'. A v. fl oX 'w . V '