The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 21, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    WnlUn VrfjipJ. tfrfjyM -.
runny, mx si, inn.
j B5 '
r. C. Mlekfe....AdmiMmf
FabltshM daily XMt Sunday, by
Tka Herald FabHshlng Company" of
Klamath rtlli, itlll Eighth atrwt.
lMwtit tat iioatettlc at Ktaav
tarfraUa, Ore., for traimlaaloa
throng ,U,U a aacoad-claaa
. v f .
Tna AMeaJatM Pren weliltT
U nttUa dm. for'tabllftft.
tloa fit all aawa dlspatcha, er4JUd
to K.. tot othanrlM cradlteT la
tbli.aBr.,aadlM the local .aaws
pablltaad barela.
'pRtDAY, JU1V ai, 1
ADAM Elm, humble worker In a
Portland, restaurant io loved
the woodi lht ho built n quarter
mllo of trail In Macleay park. In
cluding mlnatur culverts, bridge
nnd buttresses a masterpiece of
engineering. Adam Kim built this
trail unasked, without compensa-
lion, without though of reward; built
It during the mo he was off shift
at the restaurant.
"I do this for pleasure It Is hard
work, I know, Rut. I am always In
the open and to me It Is an. outdoor
sport, also, I do It bccauo I love
Perhaps Adam Elm does not know,
but he also built the trail because
hcjs a good cltisen. Men of his
stamp are' of more value to a com
munlty oven than a park such as
bo sought to beautify, and are mora
Here's to Adam Elms everywhere!
I AT ?? s27 MA,N ST'
Jf In white and colors; up to I
1 $4.95 f.r $1.95 . I
j The Drug Store of-Service; Quality and Low Price
Haaa' Fresh Candy
Cliowcy tattles, Jolly gum drop, iiiolnssen chliw, honey nou
gats, chocolate creams. That 'a linns' Home Made .Specials. A
big fourteen ounce bov. for 6 Be.
No. 2 Brownie Camorn
An Kiisttmiii pioiliirt Aii)ono ran nmko good iI('Iiiiih wit li
u Hrownlo. Tn lies pldiiri:! iMlxII'S tiirhra. Tho price- now In
only $a.f.n.
"The Womi Wko Walked Alone" '
A Paramount Picture
A senratlrnal love-melodrama without a dull second. With lavish
gowns nnd settings, anil n fine supporting cant headed br Mil
ton Sills.
r - f
O UCCKSS Is a -turd not easily de-4
3 fined, doprfllng. nt It docs, al
most wholly upon tho point of vlow.
To one, success may mean tho ac
ildlsUlon "of money and property;'
whllo to another, success Is exem
plified In some great achievement,
such as ft- construction of a dam
in the. faco'nr great engineering dif
ficulties. Again, there are those
who see auccww fa a happy, well or
dered life, moderately spiced by the
good things represented by wealth.
Too many men have, awakened In
thewinter of their lives to find the
years devoted to the acquisition of
wealth, which to them spelled sue
cess, has been a iffofT&c wasted:
that something for which they have
BHDcoBscrousiy longed, ana which
they thought was money-wealth, has
slipped 'beyond the grasp and left
them empty handed. On the other
hand, the man who has achieved
some oatatandlng work" winning the
admiration of his feffow-men, may
realixe'that he, too, has In his zeal
for concrete results overlooked some
indefinable' element which he now
understands would have rounded out
his life and' spelled real auccess.
To the one who learns to live
'.each day so as io demand the res
pect, confidence and love of tita fellow-men;
who strive to give his best
to the. Vorld,v without demanding
more than his due; who cultivates
an understanding of people, rather
than the worship of money; to this
man, according to my mind, success
Is certain. In his .Ufa will be com
bined all thre elements achieve
ment, happiness, moderate -wealth.
apq uie joiner various, sometimes
elusive factors which go to make life
w,orth while, 8ucha manner of llv
InjrJSj t?i?nf ttri''tini9ce.
Liberty Theatre
Friday At The Liberty
A more than ordinary program with Dainty Ma
rio Prevent starring In n clever story entitled
"KISKD." In addition we show Chapter 13 of
"With Stanley In Africa" and a cartoon comedy,
"The Kcx and th0 Grapes." Lust but not least
Is tho latest Patbe llevlew that most wonderful
uf all short subjects.
Satuday At The Liberty
Dramatic Pauline Frederick In
tiii: MSII.'
Tin: htinu or
Sunday At The Liberty
The greatest slur of all. William Paritum,
bis latest screen triumph, "I'KIUt'HV."
,(From tho Portland Spectator)
fiHK efforts to deprlvo a man of
J his rights as a citizen because of
his religion Is dangerous, foolish,
and un-American. Heaven knows, wo
have little enough religion In the S
country' without penalizing by prac-.
Thermos Bottles
Keeps liquids cold 48 horn's.
Keeps liquids hot 24 hours.
Pint Bottles, brown ....$1.25
Pint Bottles, green $1.75
Pint Bottles, conn
gated $2.00
Quart Bottles, brown.. $2.50
Quart Bottles, green..$2.75
Quart Bottles, corru
gated $3.00
Pint Fillers $1.00
Quart Fillers ...$1.50
Metal Lunch Kit with
a Pint Bottle $2.75
Home Remedies l
Punic! Itubbln .ttroliol 7.1c
Annlge-iliiio llnliu, I'l-i-nrli . .7.1c
llrtmio HrlUi-r .. . tlr A IIOO
Ilronio Qulnlnt ... :tOe
California S)rup of l'ljr . . . OOc
Citrter'o l.lttlo Liter I'lIU U.V
PIvtclirr'N fuxtorln Ic
l)'s Kidney Pill 10'
Tanlnr ... ... .91.111
J.lnio Wulor, pint I.V
Muimolii Tablets ftl.OII
MuMcruli t :t.1c
.Mcntlioliitiim ,.'.. . .."UK- Ai Mr
I'L-o's Couuli Iti-titcdy :t.V
P.I0 Pile Olntim-nt . Hoc
PitM'. fold t'uuiHiund . :1V
I'lirimlax Wufn-u . :t(c
lllnkle'.s PUN, IINN .:t.1r
I'IiiUIi.imi'm Vegetable 1'iiiiniiihI I.U-1
I'Iiivx I'uukIi lUinrtly (1.1c
.luil Sult . . -. Mr
Sal llrpiitltn (lOr Jt llltr
f Sri fit for t"ortv4 .... ."!
Ptrcxom :Wc
Purctrnt Kpsom Hallo, miuiiiI ... :Wc
(uilr'N I'rptnmuiigiui 91.4.1
Fitlrjfoot Callous Itrloiiljr ....:r
Kniryfod Soft Corn Itemedy :t.V
FiUryfoot Ilunion Itemed) 91.00
- .
July Specials
50c Adhesive Plaster, 1 in. by 5 yds. v... $ .29
50c Harmony Liquid Shampoo $ .33
25c Puretest Zinc Stearate $ .19
(50c Uexall Liver Salts : $ .49
..(Jo Flashlight, 2 cell $1.35
S3.25 Tullar Whirling Spray . ... $1.98
One pound Cascade Linen Writing Paper
and fifty Envelopes, both for .. .$ .50
One 50c box of Jonteel Face Porolor and
one 25c Cake Jonteel Soap, both for . $ .50
Lemon Soup
A Imi il water mmii
to Hid fnco nnd lintiiln.
Iliat li l-Oclil
Limits llkn
it lemon. I'ih'U IIUo it IviiiiiiiiI, 3
en lies 2 fir.
Try Thig For Exccnsivc
Pcrtpirntion v
Pocket Knives
A real bargain. Big knives, little
knives, fat knives, thin knives. You'll find
one that will fit your 'pocket. The price
will fit your pocket book. While thev last
Slccctcr Skoot
KropH iuimiulti'8 nwiiy. Apply It to tlu fnrii mill
liaiuU ami iiii).iiiillos will not i'iinii near. Largo xltr
Fly O Snn
The new and powerful lusertlclilo spray tliut kllU
flli'.i, inoaqiittoH, niiitliii. ants, lied Ihikh ami other In
ncctH. Is not InurloiiH to huiuaiis. 1'lnt can . 7.V
llatlm iimler the iirniR. After
they am tlry apply Oilnriiiiu. Don't
ruli In. Il.ulin with dear unter In ,
tin IiiitiiIiik. You'll .notice a tllf
ferenee after the flrnl appllratliui
Toilet Articles
.Wiiiim Pun. I'oHiler 91,00
IVItrcci) Toolli PiiKii -Ah-
Klenii Tool h p,ii. no,. ,v y,Vi
Jain llli,. J'iim- I'liuilrr nor
loiilivl ItiniKi' . .1(1,.
MiiiU Talcum ;lle
Mai) (liiiilui Tub urn ... jt.ii
.Inliiixiu', ,ili) Toll inn j.v
I nte iil I'irp.iiiitliiiK n.iii
V' M-Spl . . . AIM
'lliH-c I'Iiiiht 'I'uli inn jia,.
Nri't Uipllaloi) , aii,.
tliloiiinii .. jAr
I liter I'liittrr I'mihii . . AOii
Mum, Miiiilniiiiit him
Nnilluulii (iiiiiii Aiir
silliiitiu's t-'ivikil Cirmu aim
l!lio)o VoiiMiIiik I'rniui OAr
Puiiil 'mllliii l 'i rum . itAn
I'loMlllii il.V
I'IiiiiiiiI l.lliir Vi'Keliil HI.7A
MuMrlril Coroamit Oil . AIM
llriplrlilo .... IIIM
ll.tiiilet-liir . . .. itAr A. IIIM
I'rpMiilrnt TimiIIi Piiir AOi:
Kiibiuii TimiiIi PiiKii. . . . . ...'toe
AukiIiik lA-niiiu IVrnm 91,00
Pjllit'iu Tootli PiiKtr .. UAo
tlcal disfranchisement and actual
disability the man who Is fortunato
enough to have some of any sort.;
Whatever menace thero may be to
the Institutions of this great coun-;f
try from the practice o any religion j
! smnil. inniMl. rAmnamil in tnnl
, .... , ---
fhttt l anniMiit In Iia mttnwt Ia
.n. .. W.'W.b,,. ... .MV V.-..U, . v . W.
overthrow the constitution In the r
name of another religion. lo'h.
. In the foundation of this country, j ' Mur,
no religion bad a monopoly , of thn( (tin yCar ...-. -..
patriots who gave their serviced and.ed an unbreakable hold on tho 1!..
Uvea to the common cause. Tho na- racing championship, However,
tlon'a crises have called, for heroic' Tommy Milton, who won the title
Vcnlda Hair Nets.
Cap and Fringe shapo
Slnglo or Double Mesh
lAc, S for aAc
Hair Nets
10c racli
Fifth and Main StreeU
i'oi:.vr,i pi:.s
Waleriuan "Ideal"
Wall! Tempoliit
WL'.r.ll to M7.00
i:erjlKiri I'l-nrlU
K l.KO nt M'-'.oo
Pnunlalli IVni Itep.ilroil
sssMihV. 4M.Ili OI(l)i:itS III.I.HD Pltt)MPTI.YAAAAA V J
In 1921, Is going to try to beat the
Callfornlan nt Cotatl nnd also sot up
, iibw rpconis ir io mniiinri-s,
ITOl -r t& f, A' i III .
,KUDUUv8' CaJiforaU Clown Jan
liable at, DreamUad pavilion KrMay
night." IKM't aalw this feace. la31
i I, 'f'T i " ' ii
1(4,O0l. PisOtRVJIUUtttyf. 1
HQ v ' Xlr am
t7a AkD
I l-aMaVTsJi'U
vliMRLWea? I
'i BBapAr' tk"i
b vi Kjsjavav
aaaw. Taw- . -
" jCsasB -
OR SAI.K Remington 30-30 pump
rifle, good sight. A-1 condition,
J0.0O. Spot Cash flasket Grocery,
.22 Klamath Ave.. 21-24
service and sacrifice from all our
cjlliena of all religions, and of none.
Are we becoming so strong nnd
reckless and Intolorant that wo are other drivurH to entr will bo
ready Io say to great bodies of our Uennle Hill, Harry Ham, another
cllltens .many of whom are de- California driver. Roncoe Sarles,
srendants of the founders of the Frank EIIott, Eddie Ilearne, nJo
nation that they must cease the Thomas, Ralph do Palma and Jerry!
practice pf their religious beliefs. Wenderllch, all well-known.
and adopt onrs, or profess none at! Partial destruction of the Hani
Ml on pain o'f such punishment as ( Francisco apcedway at San Carlos by
oarDanaos inuici on conquerea anu ire recently ieacs tuo uotati truck
subject peoples? j tho only automobile race coursu In
Y1Uk sort Of religion Is'prattlced. northern Callfornlaand It Is believed
and professed'' by Jhcse fellow cltl- that large crowds" will come here
zns or'ours who deny the rest of . from all parts of thin section fpr
'iis thV right to practice such rcll- te contests.
glon 9 wo may hRe thphapplnessj "
to profess? jls 'thero in 1 aiiy splrft ' f
of brotherly love of charity, of good .
will to men? DoeB It en loin Its fol-I T,' ,'1" ,a!rw
lowers. to'. love' tii'elr neighbors and P i i .y
comfort tho downtrodden? Dooi It
measure up to the Oollden Rule, of,
doing unto others what wo would
Tl 1T -f.. I y' f
FOR HUNT Housekeeping Apts. 39
High nnd r,2 Main. Phone 2S5-W,
i ' '-
FOR SAI.K Wheeler & Wilson sew
ing machine'. Prlco reasonable. N.
11. Drew, fiOl Main Ht. 21tf
To His Majesty the Baby
Baby it entitled to the best in the
world. Why not give it to him?.
Ono 1921 "Ford, 5 passenger
touring, llulck Ha I en Service Co.
FOR RUNT Three room house.
Partly furnished, close In, also two
room cabin and housekeeping room,
furnished. Inquire 1143 I'lnc.-I'honu
S68-R. 21-22
FOR SALE Span of horses, liar
ness and tragon, J, P. Ilojjun,
Klamath Superior laundry. 21-2'.
WANTED Hund Ironcr. French
Hand l.dy. 123 N, 4th Ht. 21-24
Bruised Reed
FOR HAI.E Wood puylng
French Hand laundry.
Chaipber of "Commerce
tho others nhould do. unto us? . I
Fair-minded cllUeris of all cIuhhcs
mid creeds roeent tho Injection of
tlicold'gt'caT fanait'eism Into politics.
The religious liberty tboy wish Io
unjoy for 'themselves, they are. will-,
tng tnsi meir neiguuors snau enjoy.
leretpfpjo,, they have heen a united.
coinmunuy, woraing ior mo uesi iii-i
teresis or me cuy anu hiaie. iney , .
ore eager to see contltiuod thai com- Sunday Morning at 10:30
jnualty sulrt, with which, wo cau ac. j
coiupllBhanythlug for the general'
isooa, ana forgaiung wiiii wo can
get nowhere "but 'd tlio i(ov.
l. . i
.V . . ' SW ''
t, 'h- tj t i rttl'
K,Mmwm MHmiiamm faaa
Habb a nrfaaalajMl mvUIom FrMnv
nlajlil. noaiHittlaa Uila ilaacr. ia-a
i FOR HALE Two gray ma'rci, 4 and
- years oiu. weight utiout 14C0
pounds. Half Perchlron, broken. Ilox
34, Herald office. 21-24 I
lluddiea' California Clown Juts I
uuDlcu ut Ureamluiid Pavilion to
ulKlit, Don't niltta this (luiice. 21
The Best in
Baby Buggies and Go-Carls
floors. Come
can bp seen on my
and look them over.
Sarin oil l)y.
H. J.VIEYPR, Pa.tor
WANTED Position as t atonagra.
plwr orf-proofreadeT." Phono 17-F-.
'--.- 21-22
v "The houo I have moved Into
Is by tho rallHuy."
, "Doesn't that disturb your
'stoop?" ,
"No. Tliey say th"ct 1 can get
usuil to It III u few ntghtH, und .o
Tor tho first weok or so I am loop
ing in a hotel." ' ' ,
' Ili'DIHW'" rallforwl"CToMn 4ax
Itublea nt Itai'amland Mvllloat Iklay
night, Uon't miss this dance, 18-21
Buggies Ranging From
$15 to $6d
Perkins' furniture jfouse
127 South 6th St.
Klamath Falls, Oregon
'tntfittfa-j-fw ' - rrtii tof ftyfj Avlf'l
1 "ttVut