i U:' w t A u. u l if V ' -. I IV". IWl I t. t, JVLt M, IMi. Li .A, .-: THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Two TI Evening Herald TttTKKw WhlriltaV Company of KltfcMk Mil, at 119 Klghth ttreat. Mr at to pettotf lea at Kta Ik Valla, Or., for traaiaiMloa ts -milt 'i ncaai-msa ... I I i II fi Willi I -OF TH ASSOCIATED PMMM mV WMlHt' PtMi ;ti sxeltilra-I1-!' to tin uh 'tor pahllea tUft.at all aawrdllipatcha. cradlta) to IM Wat' othnrwlia cfeilted la thlb'tfaito aid alae th Ideal mwi uKa aartla. - 0 yyymtlY, Jtii)V atf.oua. c MIRROR OF LIFE? LET'S HAVE TRUTH 1TV is lira to stop this practice or making meat a target for abuto !hd nilarapreiimitatlon. Thiv plan of pack on and livestock .producers to unite In "a campaign to rcestab-' lUh meat In the public esteem Is both timely and sensible. , t For year ps'tent medlclno faYers, health faddists, reckloss thcorlata and other spreaders 'of .dietary hokum hare run rampant Id their, attacks on meat. .And, producers of other, foods have nought to get a, larger hold on the popular, appetite by running down meat. So-called meat' sub stitutes galarn tiara been foisted on the gullible consumer. ,And lu' putting all, "tali cTtr, a tot of pure fiction, baa been uttered about meat. The meat, producers bare allowed this sniping, warfare to go on until meat has, oaea undermined In the popular estimation; so much so that the annual jper capita, consumption of meat In this country has fallen oft nearly thirty pounds since 1900. 3lost. of this loss has been sustained by the, beat producers. A great staple farm, Industry has been dona a grave Injury. ,Th! public, should be told the truth about meat, particularly beef. And the, truth is that meat, is an essential and thoroughly healthful part of the white mauls diet. It has been, .the foremost food .of the blg-boaed, strong-bodied and vlgor-J ous.raeet that bare written the hia- UryfOt the modern world. The , pioneer did, not subdue this. country on a diet' of saeat substitutes, aor did the Englishman put a third of the world vaster the away of his institutions on. a diet of vegetable atewa or nuf rjllets''or. the4hr tide of the picture look to the Hlnda and the Chinaman. But after .all. what better argu ment for meat is there than a thick steak, done to that perfect turn ,,wblca brlags out little plashes of the rich Juice; or, mayhap smother ed in oalona or garnished with CreoU sauce T A substitute for that? Ilardly!, Nor ti .there any for a big. Juicy roast, flanked on .each side, by well-browned potatoes and with a turoen of gravy handy. When a man's hungry he wants something that stloks to big ribs. And meat does that better than anything that the human race has found, la several million years of pretty ardent searching. Meat Is u man's food. Country Gentleman. EVERETT TRUE By CONDO Jh N rtitfiually Intelligent child recently deprived' by tta parents or its arcustbmed perusal "of a yel low newspaper, turned to the- ex pedtent of getting up a newspaper of Its own. The first copy, done In pencil, showed on Its front page ten Illustrated stories of violent crimes of all sorts. This was the child's Idea of a newspaper aa gleaned from actual experlcnto. Can anyone doubt that this men tal reaction Is natural, and that It is a consequence to lo expected from the nature of the news print ed by the average sensational Jour nal? An editor .will excuse the printing of crime news on the ground that tt Is the function of a newspaper to hold up the mirror of life and show it for whatever It' la. Such logic la faulty. vltr starts with a wrong premise and reasons to a wrong conclusion. The plethora of crime news that decorates the front page Is not a true repre sentation of life, but only a selec tion of Ita worst features deliberate-' ly paraded to view. ' A study of psychology reveal the tendency toward Imitation and auto-suggestion. The thought re produces the things It feeds, upon. The sense at moral shock at crlmo la dulled br repeated familiarity and' the sentiment awakened Is no longer that of repulsion, but Is of ten one of attraction, particularly with a certain type of mind. Hence, the crime-purveying newspaper U not so' much holding the mirror up to life, as It is helpln to create the Incidents which it delights to 'publish. Life Is not a welter of crime. Nature always produces mora beau-J ,tlful things thsu Ugly ones. Oc .caalonal monstrosities are born, but nney are the rare exception. Even bankers testify that people are nor mally honest. The dishonest ones are In the minority. Tbo world Is made up of actions and reactions, 'all of them intensely Interesting to the inquiring mind, and most of them, comparatively speaking, are good. For one disfiguring canker, nature produces a million beauti ful, flowers. For one, bad action in life there are a million good oaes. Where Is the editor Justified In picking out all the bad things to publish, and then, calling It a mir ror, .of life T Ban Francisco Jour nal. , ' t puk&os Tke rms ocd MetvDasT. il IT MUSSJSS UP MY HAlR To MUCH l VoLtt CoT TO QBT OWG. OF THo9te CoCiJP-SPiSNteiNQ gOUt fMz NTS 1'. i iCTfiKHiMpe'iTPiiKi Turtcr -n-i i kica.s cost nfeo muci-j horvcy 1 . thsR-S's e5tvovjc.tt vuu9 arc.KiN. inoun iee any- --sJalgsigagagagaHsBP-- ' Tb'' " gagagagasssssssssf -T iErBgdN wJ 4i- Rt-HT " I 1eessssMsMgasgtsMaassssssaajsssaaMaasssslM . , , .-.., ..rJ LzJMe"a.eandles. atwaza frtsh. nl' ways gooa, always guaranteed. Cur rln says so. 10 MMRT LR1VK 80METHI.VG De'dbroke (roused by his wife) rWaat's that you say, a burglar? Mrs. Dedbroke Yea. Fancy a burglar calling on us! Dedbroke Let blm climb In: ftben I'll give a yell and It mar make, him. drop something he ha) stolen, elsqwbere. . . . Coanly Court Proceedings 'W. II. Ross, supplies, Janitor, 11.96. W. II. Ross, suppling, 19.00. 'Cal. Ore, l'ower Co. I.obr (arm, 113.75. Cat. Oreg. l'ower Co, courthouse, SC1.4S. J.. K. Sullivan, Jitney, 115100. II. C. Simmers, work. $12.98. J. l,.8p.irrotorn, supplies, 110.80. I i. a. .iiunruu : .-ill, niiiini'i, Janitor. I coo- Ktatldard Oil Co., Hupplloit, IU.3T.. service, Stnr.ilaril Oil Co., supplies, '23.07.- v service, Murkut lload Claims nllowcil nml . warrants drawn: sheriff, I Keller Ilroa., work, LatiRelt Vat. Mkt. ltd.. H.7:i. Olass Sl Prudhommo Co.. supplies, I K. C. Htucky. servlco, Lnngull a. clerk, 13.31. .Mkt. ltd.. 1 K; Sugarman, supplies, poor farm, ! Htl Accident Comm. Insuraiicu. $3.J5. .Midland, $73.11). Comet Electric Co.. supplies, Jan-' State Accident Comm. Insurance, ttor, 111.00. v. .' Lnngell, $17.10. Sacred Heart Acadamy, esrvoe, ' State Accident Comm., Insurance, county poor, $17.00. ,'oe. lii.st. State Library, supplies, bdiool' lleruld Pub. Co.. pub. notice, l.uii- Supt., $3.01. ,nell Val. .Mkt. It.. $7.00. Reckard Auto Service, service, ' . H. Hrn-.n, supplies, Lnnxell school SUPR. $21.00. , Vol. Mkt. IM.. I7.no. Chlloquln Hotel, meals, ..lection, 'Hndard Oil Co.. supplies. Ijingell f00. Val. Mkt. Rd.. $12.22. II. avM. C. Co.. siimmes. school . """"'" """ ..". "uim'"'. imbllrntlnn of said mil Ire tielng tipnu the 10th dny ot May, 1929, nml the Inst publication being upon tbo .lint dny or May, 1923. duo proof of the publication of siifd notice linvliig been tiled with the rlerk of this court mum tlio 1st day of Juno, IP22: that In nml by snld notice nil per sons Interested were ordered nml dir ected to file exceptions to nil or nny part of said Commissioners Report on or before the 12th day ot Juno, A, I). 1922; And it appearing to the court that no person or persons In terested In the lands within the snld Meadows Driilungo District or In nuy or the matters contained lu snld re- I port nppenred to object or file nny exreptloim or other tlemllim In thin matter, after ti full Investlitutlnn of till mntters nml tlilngx presented by mild Commissioners Rupert nml the "I'laiis for Reiiiimntlon" of the Mid Meadows Draliunto District nml (bo estimate of the cost of mild recla mation nml the court IiiivIiik iniidn nml entered Its finding of (act nml conclusions of law herein ami IioIiik fully ndvlsed In the premise iik to What decree It should enter. It Is therefore hereby Ordered, Adjudged nml Decreed that the Re port of Commissioners of the Mea dows DrnlnnKo District as (lied In these prneeodltiK bo, nnd the same Is hereby approved and continued, . i.tt.l (It., li.lt.tu ul,lil,i III.. Iiiiitmlnrv I .1,1' ,.(.. n...lll, ...'. . ........... f t ;of the Meadows Drainage District will ho benefited In the amount and. to the extent set forth III said Com missioners' report with no resultlmt daimlKo, except as noted In said re-j port; Ami It Is further ordered and do-, creed that the "Plans for lteclama-1 Hon.," of the lauds of the district J as adopted by tint Hoard of Super-1 visors, Is nlso approved uml confirm-, eit bv the court; ami the clerk of this ' court Is hereby directed to enter this decree upon the Journal of this court and to transmit u certified ropy of I same and u copy of the "Commis sioners' Report" to the secretary of, Hoard of Supervisors of Moudowx dralnnite district nnd ulso file with the Recorder of Klamath County. Oregon a certified copy of this do-, creo nnd report of said commission-1 ers. J Done and dated In open court this 12th day or June A. I).. 1922. . It. II. Ilunuell, County Jmltte. Hurrolt Short, County Commission-' or. Asa Kordyi'o,( County Commix sinner. Whereupon Court Adjourned unlit Friday, June t. 1922. . ' II. II. III'NNKI.I.. Countr JudRe I luminal, short. ' Co. Commissioner. ' ASA l'ORDVCK. Co. Commissioner Don't Ml to red the Herald CUulfiad Adi. At the Ice Caves Dance Saturday Night Exploration Party Sunday Accommodations For All Good Music - - - Good Meals Party will be taken into new caves Spend the Week-End at Bear Foot Ice Caves STAR THEATRE TODAY Mary Roberts Rinehurdt'a Famous Story "The Glorious Fool" With RlfcHARD DIX and HELEN CHADWICK ll n mined)' Unit l dllfcreiit lliim iiiijiIiImk pirtloml) oIiomii nml Jim ulll Kiiiily rnliiy It Tomorrow DOROTHY ,DALTON in "THE WO MAN WHO WALKED ALONE" Brunswickf phonographs sell best when coaipafed with other makes. Curria'a for; drugs. 20 WftH FI.NIHH Ootbamltall , understand the town you ,caie from figures In a recent novel., Was the author born there? visitor ves; antf. if be ever shows up again he'll die there'. If you own a phonograph leave your name and address, with us and receivA free a regular sited package of steel 'phonograph 'needle's. Cur ria'a for drugs. 20 'm . .Currln'a seh 34 different odors In perfumes. Currln's tor drugs. 20 rmm. '.fi -m wy fv uer Curria'a personally guarantee each and every Garden, Court toilet pre paration. Currln's for drugs.- 20 MHOKiE SAYS' ' aaataasMBasvstiisMawsBBaissMiiiSM I iHfo. jNUMMiKt1 MAtAM, -M0UTBMOW. 1MNL,AMLMir.tMf WIUllfi.AMSTftKO OT " '-' " mnui Ui'.t.MiLrr' riJ3ITTilV ! ' w Jw . wvmom ummsma 1 n-yniysmsai nm. aasti j- Itit I fi HDL tssssssssssssHssssagsgsK aJaUluklaW &A$ 'AcUU'oV')it'tlMS.'M4i ,ctff .;,Fer nlM litm lUwrUtkMlM. Ik lrtoiUif, tiW.J.UiMti4llmr pr- wSM Vtt tttt tt&M Vm UM' or Unw. .H'OSM.W Mi fill imiMtii.' I Uim. fl.iO. MoMf. Uck U'avt sstWM. wL.n puAkMM toara. ' - - ttirxih' for Drugt Klamath Falls Oregon KgXHBg3 U" J "'nrf 11 H v I'm i'i. When you 'want your" eyei examined, your broken lenses duplicated or frames repaired, look for the , ' gP: Dig tyes sign, 709 Main. , Qlasses 'ground. Immediate service Dr. GofcU fhoaei.iOfc. iwlfr, Kee. MI-JI 7M Mala Suut.. I4.XS Drummond l'rlnt Shop, supplies, clerk I1.G0. . ""I Ml Hannen supplies court house, 10.45. Drummond l'rlnt .Shop, supplies. assessor, $21. CO. Drummond l'rlnt Stioii,- supplies, clerk, I6.00. ''Irwin Hodson Co.,-supplies, clerk, $107:9C. 0.K. Transfer Co., service, treas urer, .$5.00. Reckard Auto Service, service, school Stipt., $14.00. Roblnson-Ilourso & Newell, nudit book.. $450,00. , Ijikesldu Lumber Co., supplies, $4.80." . , K. A. liond, state seuler. $13.r,'). County Road Cliilms ullowed ami warrants drawn: Lee Cornish, time, $04, CO. Cbas. It. House, service, 1139.85. Tom Moore, work. 1112.94. Oxceto Welding Works, servico, $74.00. T. K. Wallls. supplies, $14.C0. 'Illy Mercantile Co., supplies, $C.l.r,. Standard Oil Co., supplies, 119.35. State Accident Comm., Insurance, $101.27. O.'S. Campbell, teams. $111.00. O. 8. Campbell, work', $73.81. 'Leland Harris, work, $8.07. L. W. Campbell, work. $C0.2C, Fred dale, .work, $35.90." A. K. Gale, work, $04.90. Lakeside Lbr. Co., supplies, $9.75. 41m Edsall, work, $23.20. Baldwin Hardware Co., Hiipplles, $s:7c. Dig Masln Lbr. Co., supplies, $0.20. Ualdwln Hardware Co., supplies, $28.50. The Klactrlc Shop, supplies, $3.95. Oregon Slate Ilway. Comm., ma chinery, $3C84. , Lanitoll Vol. .Mkt. ltd.. $8.33. Din Hasln Lbr. Co., supplies, Mid land Mkt. ltd., $1C,. .",5. Ed Miller.jwaik.Langell.Val. Mkt. ltd.. $10.00. " Library Claims allowed and war rants drawn: Ualdwln llardwnre Co., supplies, $1.50. Pacific Tol. & To!. Co,, service, $4.00. - Cal. Ore. Power Co., servico, $0.30. In the Matter of tho Tlejiort of Com missioners n l hoi n ted to assess ben- "eflts and damages If any. to the' lands within Meadows Drainage , District, Klamath County, 1'riiln), June III, 111:14 t Ccurt Met Pursuant to Ailjmiru-' ment, when were nresent' It. II Itiiu nell, County JudRe; llurrell Hlmrt and Asn Fordyre, County Commis-, sinners. The IoIIowIiik proreedlnr.s , were bad: , 1 Current Kxpensn Claim allowed Whitman Drug Co.. supplies poor ' farti, 124.5,-,. Itoad Cluliim allowed and warrants drawn ns follews: i Oscar Cornish, time. $76.81. , l.ee Cornish, time, S70.N9. Harry Dixon, time. $48.40. I'rrrln Dixon, time. $48.40, Walter Stewart, time. 148,40. Jas, Adklns. time. $48.40. Mln Lovelndy time. $128.11. Hoy Dtxon, time. $17.97. Whereupon Court AslJourne,i until Saturday, June 17th.. 1922. II. H. Bunnell. County Judge. lrtJlltlKLL SHOUT. Co. Commissioner. ASA FOItnVOB. Now on this dny this matter com- c ii'. ' """"!."" ,1 T. (Continued on Pane Three) InK on to bo heard upon the repprt of the commissioners heretofore nn- pointed by this court to Inspect tlie nKH. ol,K,lt rlph, k, ,!,,(, ands within the Meadows Drnlni.Ko ,,,,, r,K,ltt currln's for driiKs. 20 District and to assess benefits and damages aKalnst the said lands un der tho "Plan of Reclamation" here tofore filed In this court; And It ap pearing to the court that the Com missioners herein nppolnted by this court In this matter to-wlt: Don J. Zumwalt. D. W. Ityan and J. W. Ut ter duly qualified as such under their appointment and filed with the clerk In this court their oath of office and entered upon tho discharge of their duties us such commissioners as the law In all respects required; and It appearing to the court that said com missioners have made, signed and fil ed tho report of their actions as such commissioners, which "said report filed with the clerk of this court upon tho Cth day ot May A. I), 1922, and that after nnld report was filed tho clerk of this court gavo duo and legal notice of thq filing of said ro port by publication In tho Kvanlng Herald a newspaper printed and pub lished In Klamath County, Oregon for a period of four weeks the first' At Ihe LIBERTY Today U1.1t eieiiltir a pimped nudN'iii'e ruriiiin ! V. jii- Orxy's ureal sinry "The Last Trafl" Oue of the best nllrnctlniis we have ever played nnd Juntly mi. fur this fine Wer.teru Mury U on,) of the best .J lie tlrey ever penned, uml the capable nut bended by Mnurlre I'lynn anil supported by Kvi Novak, Wallare lleery and ItoMemury Tlieby liaudlt-d It In a wuy that left no ihnuro for adverse cilllrlmu The final slmwlnit of "The Uiit Trull" Is tonight. Friday Dainty Marie Provost in "KISSED" and the Twelfth chapter of "With Stanley in Africa." Coming Sunday William Farnum in "PERJURY To His Majesty the Baby Baby is entitled to the best in the world. Why not give it to him? UA The Best in LINKVILLE IN YE OLDE TIMES SSBBBS- (Mtallror' 14;, HsssKaw. wiiri3smwAak Mlm . jmm(mmiimx& s B11K1 IiW triMCNTHe toWTWrCHMAH lW JCPHBNWICK5 COMC- . isimi rmart inc. ou.vuc. Baby Buggies and Go-Carts 1 can be seen on my 'floors. Come and look them over. tt f . s Buggies Ranging From j$5 to $60 Perkins' furniture Jouse "FURNISHERS OF HAPPY HOMES" 127 South 6th St. ' Klamath Fulle, Oregon 9 A MLr: mmm NKH KnW,VlY onc pie JNM.fssN4.n Wj,f )$ lj ;r iaisiiiisssWssslssjaj -r ,f sr !M ul . t n-ji. :. W'.'JMu. -?- - !' - IWfligr wjBHssajpM.i, to.