. v r V x Pftgo ThroB THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WKDNESOAV, JV1.Y 1, 1K, X ts The Office Cat 1V JUNIUH Them In nllll n nt to do Mnilr.lit. 'iiiiil out In Kiiriiim. Aalu, Cliluu:i iinil Clillolfuiii, Kll II (Illl-H A hold peiimmlr), iln i try'ii prliln, Wlion mint destroyed inn ni'Vi r tut tutiili'il And lurk of peasantry, 'tin Hnld, In ii H lo hurt tlm limrlnt Iruiln lint Willi r I "up Tmii "I am nut i'iiIiir tn hme iinylliliu; In 1I11 with ynu," mild Km hid Uiihiii flnlil, ")niir fnllutr keeps 11 pawn broker nliiii," "Well," restored Matwl (Iiimliiian, "I'm nut Ruing In have iui)lliliii; to iluf wild you iillher I n itv your fn(V:r coming out nf It " liny Oreui says iiihi nf tlm inmit Inflatory llilnr.n nf IIiIh wot Id In Mum I ii It n pretty Klrl tlirnui;li 11 Mil Imik I'liK.'ir.riMi'iitn urn 11 gnml tlilliR lii'r.iiinii It allow iiiiiii to In' happy im tutu; iin limy inn Leap year used In rniiii' 1 wry fntir year, Iml In them day n' iiiiIihiim lillcn mill Mni'iiiti r nwry year In i'iii i sir In ii'iliNtrliuiN Amend Ii '"IIiIn hern Riild giime," remarked CnrtiiN Jin', "iitIi'n ii iiilr.lily re flnl'ln Influence " "lln)H ilini'l f I Kit t iin HUM Ii n they IIM'll In?" "Well, them In miiiik fighting Hut It nln'l rmialdcrcil nliilrtln tn draw n riiii In 11 irnwileil street without linllrrln riirii!" KrnH'il I'riiMTiMliiti A profiteer I.ny on IiIn Mor In tin' ki'1 our iiliioti'iin thirty le: ' Iln iIIimI tontcnt. I'nr ilu Kiiinrniiii'iit llml nnt donn what It threatened tn iln, Mn) tin mi many fellows want tn marry pretty movie girl because nf tor looking nt llii'lr 'picture tlwy Rut lint lilen that It won't mat much tO llri'NN 'em. (', A. lla)ili'n says thn doer In ii higher typo limn tlm knowor IIioukIiIn "f Mlilille.Agnl llnld-dniued mi 1ir.1t, tho young p.iHt inn liy; I'm nmlddliwigedRuy. A lliiKton iiri'iirlii r m 11 lot of folk iIoiIko llii'lr tiixrn In Joy rlilo .. In IiuIh, lint, of rotirim. IhxIn rIwi tlinu moro of 11 run for thtdr money fl , .1, T, IVrkln i.irt II'h nil ilslit I" I Midi" your wagon to n iitnr, lint not 9 to 11 movln Htnr. Ihey ilon't winy hitched long (iiHiiir.1i- S Joo tlm Plodder nay Iin mippiuioK Hint under tlm new r.ulln luw in In ' lorn will lio warned not lo but In 011 tlm roiiMiriuitlnn, 'I Iin "IrlNli (Mi'nIIoii" In rnililly KolllliK to lnr 'Tlow niiiny with ttliot cNtnrilny." oi'U.vs miei: Mini' M, K. Illilon, fornmrly ultli Urn IWium Hlinn rompiiny, Iiiih opdikhI tlm (Juullty HI100 Hlinp nt i'.V.l Main Nlri'i't wlilcli tin Iiiih (niulppi'il with now tnoilnru iiinrliiimr, InrltulliiR n ililMtltuiH liriinlinr, A fitaturn of tlm 11 mv Hlmp Ik 11 liullim' hhIIIiir room, IIUIHXIN' ('iillfoinlii CliiHil Jn lUlili'N nt llii'iunliiiiil imvllloii l'rlitii. IllKllt. Uon'l IiiInh IIiIh ilaiiio, 1H-1S1 m Herald clnnsltlml nda pay you. EVERETT TRUE Soap? yos,sftf., foH4T flR4 esTSETT Mr H hASCC, THtsRG'S A VER.V Cioot) SOAP, ANo H&Re'S iqNOTHCK - I ... . ?li. wHfi?fer-&-- -"""MfftS l1 -V Kiwra.- --I2z Z J ' ''4VL- 7 sryiainp'L MtH SOtOS CCCMVJ UATSR. l Nfnn K.r- iaixc.u Ti4f: uaoNr -V v-tVu.i . -i s vr t0(NC0lM2 Hi iKmk rz. .s l- - GIJSS OF SJLTS CLEANS KIDNEYS If tour llml. Ilin In nr lllmlilir HiilliciH )nii, ilrluk ns nf Niilrr Whin your kldnrya hurt mid our hark fi'ulN utirc. don t r'l anireil mid prori'cd to load your etomacli with 11 lot of drilKN lh.it i-xrlto tho klilliejM ntid Irrllaln the 1 ntlrn urliiar) trail Ki'i'P oiir kldimN ilean llko you ki-iip )uur Iiowi'In clean, hy fltiidiliiKJ iii'iii iiu 11 mini, minimal hiiin wlilili ri'inovrN tho hody n urinous wuatu mid ntlinulati'N them to their normnt nctl It Tlm funrtlnn of tho kldnii)H U to filler the liloud In 21 liuurM thty Ntrnln from it nno itrnlnN of arid and ate. mi wo iiiii rvadlly unilerntaud thn ltal Importance nf Ki'i'pliiK thn kill ney 11 artlu' Drink IiiIk of uhIit ou r.m't ilrluk too much, ulmi pet from any pliuniiacliit nliout four imncm of Jail H.iIIn, tuki' a tnhlenponfiil In 11 Klaus of water lieforn hroakfitht each morn Iiir fo m n diiya and your kidney n will net I tie Thl fnniniiH v.ilt In in. 1 do from tho ucld of Krapox mid lemon Juice, romhlmd with llthla, and hn hevn uni'd for KenerntlonH tn rlnnn and Mtlmulnto ctomc'd kldneyK, aim tn neutralize the nriitH In urine io It no loiiRer In a Miurrn of Irrlta-i Hon, tlitiN eiiitluK lilailder wenkneiiN ' M'ijm A Peg-Legged, Pet uH 1 ' Jmm iB l Urn V aw.L S 1m' 'K When an nuto riunhcd tho nt Alredulo of Teddy Ay res, Kan I'rnr Ci'ico. tho by pUndcd that Ibo doR bo uiVcd. And'hcro'a the do,wltll tuithcr lu that rtr.ua over his U-ifV, DOINGS OF THE DUFFS H GEE, I'D LIKE TO GkiTOPPTO GOTO THE BALL GAME THI3 AFTERNOON -I HATE To GIVE. THBsBOSS THAT OLD 5TALL ABOUT MV FUNERAL -HE'LL GET THINK OF SOMETHIMG MIGHT POT IT OVER - LET'3 3EB T. ai. V By CONDO PCe1 SS . tgrsvere. Mim-d Cooiciwo. Ap4V Mow, Tmsu, You . sy .... .,..Q 1 - - ."t. rvt". - m : y,(JV3 Jiid K11 1 In In limxpi'iiHlw, rnnnot In Jur imiki'i 11 di'llKhtful rffrrvrccrnt IHIila MHiT tlrlnk wlilili I'Vcryonii iln-iilil inko now mid then to ki'iip thi'lr klilimjM climn mid mthc Try tlilx ulmi keep up tho watur ilrlnkliiK, mid no iliiuht oit will womlnr what lifuimn of nur kidney toriihlu mid liitrkiii ho lAilv LONE PINE Mr and Mr. W. It llotkin of llremerton, WimhliiKtun, are IhIIIiik Mr llotkln'N tilMer, Mm. Bam Kn man. Uncle Clay Ilatllff i lulled l.mt week with IiIk nleco, Mrn. Jim Btuien mill. Criiiulpn Tallmati came up from HlNiion n few day a am 10 lnlt at MrN. June Tnllmnn'H. Kftln KIrit w.in homo Sundny from tho D.uIh rnnch. John Itntllff waa out from Merrill 11 few day iiro to lnlt his llttlo KrunddauRliter Mary lJlen Bteten- no.,. .i;' Mrn Dolan and MIm nMrlo Do Inn were calling on friend Monday. rendlolon Haricst aearon lias atartcil, crop catlinati'd at 4.C00, 000 Imshcli. K -.-vy -v J' ) -7- ." "-1 !2y wSkim uiBLiTNmn;iiiK7i I'M GOId' IM ANDTRV'TO POT OH OVER ON THE. BOSS - HOW PO YOU THINK lit COME OOTf SRANDMOTWiW WISE - IF I CAM ORIGINAL I NOW - r XXCM. E J J NEW TODAY WANTKI) flfiOO for 2 yenr. pny 8 for wiinii Knrurlty flrNt mort- i;iiku on furnlNlicil liomo 11 ml lot clonu In, lii'iulrt) Ikix II, !'., Ilunild nfflio. lfl-23 (IdoiI work, (iilck mirvlco nt Qual ity HI100 Hliop, M, H. Illilon, 1.-21 KOIt HUNT 3 room furnlHhod Apt, I'hono 27.1J, lti-21 KOIl HAM: Lot, rcnuonnljlii, 2?xl20 fi-ot on Multi Ht. N'uxt to Contral Imtfl. Term. C12 N. 9th Ht. 19 HIioon rnhullt whllo you wait. Qual ity Hhoo Hhop, 433 Main Bt. 19-21 I'Oll HAI.i: Auto trailer In Imt clnNii ilmpi. Apply HOT. OruKon Avo. 19-22 WANTKI) iMan to dork In Ntoro cnifN. 801 Main Ht. 19tf iinil do prumilni;. Mint hnvo refer- Ilrlnu your work to tho Qunllly Hhoo Hhop. 19-21 KOIt HAM: I'onr room modern hoilHO, fiirnUlicil Located on nlro lot noxllO ftct Nlco largo hnrn In rear, can ho uhimI iih gnrui:). l'rlio 2rj(J0. TcritlH. r13 N. Utll Ht. 13 IIiiiIiIIon' California Clown Jan llahlim at Dreamland Pavilion Krlday nlKht. Uon't mint this danco. 19 foil HAM: r ton nuto truck, 1 1000. win con tiooo to put in i;ood repair. Dwlnnoll Lumber Co. Macdool, Calif, 19-25 KOIt BALK Block In ralabllHliuil hiiHlncNN, 1 am leaving Klamath KnllN, and If you nro looklnK for n coiiNiTvatlvo linenlmint, with a Reed fitiiirn. Kin mn nt nnrn. Will Kelt In ainounlH of JHOO nr more. Frank MoorJuiul, 1J20 liNt Hi. mono siu W 19-20 I'Olt HALi: Six room modern houge. Completely furnished, located on nlco diriiiT lot, CSxllO feet on 9th Kt Lawn, alindii and fruit trcuM, Rnr iiro Tlila In a lotcly homo. I'rlco jn.r0'. TemiH 512 N. 9th Ht. 1U KOIt HALi: Kour room modem hniiNo, ery clono In, on paved Nlrect. 320 N 11th Ht. 19-21 Kl'ltNITUIti: FOR SALU HedN, prlnR. Ivory ilrecr, dlnlnR r.n., .1.1 Ifltrhnti rnnrn. fill In very Reed condition, prices low. Call 51- lt. after 7 p. m. u-J"' lono New warehoun) to ho built here. Hood Illtcr New planlnR mill nnd box factory noara completion. THE BOSS FS ( on Your ) I! Siberia Beauty JMntM '' Hero's a beauty of Siberia In fult ecnlnu nttlrc hnnd-carved Ivory beads, fntooid chin marks nnd hatr bound with scaltkln. Though only 17, she's mother of thrco children. OREGON BREVITIES Lakovlcw-"Modern brick thcator building being erected. t Ho'od Illvcr $15,000 creamery Is plaunedi Sherwood Now srango hall In under conatructlon. IirooklnRs Contract aecurcd for new hlRhway. linker Olho Lake road work underway. Monmouth HlRhway south of hero to be paved. Marshflcld Now concrete) (hos pital bclnR erected. HanRlolH 17,000 school building to bo erected. Milton Now union high school building to hato equipment. llakcr Modern apartment build ing under construction. Oregon City Several roads In Clackamas county to bo Improved. Kstacadn Jutkllng company has commenced canning operations. I.a Pine Survey started here for new railroad. Kugcno Work programing rapidly on Clovcrdalo highway. Are You the Man Who "Never Reads Advertisements?w Some men, who are neither blind nor illiterate, claim sincerely that they "never read advertisements." Yet, if you could investigate, in each case you would find that the man who "never reads advertise ments" Msed an advertised tooth paste or shaving cream or soap. If he owns an automobile it will be an advertised car. If you ask his opinion of any automobile he will reply in words that might have been lifted bodily from an advertisement of that automobile. Advertising has formed his opin ions to a great degree. He may. THE EVENING HERALD Covers the Klamath Field OUTGUESSED HIM 3AV. 0O53 JUST RECEIVED A PHONE MESSAGE THAT MV UMCie WAS HIT BV AH AUTOMOBILE AND VMS TAKEN TO THE HOSPITAL -CAN i GIT OFF TO GO AND SEE. 11IM0 .. JXl I WHV OF . - YOO CAN 'l 9&r Yoocango- I 133 ma "i L! m l-H pitlip tfbtyou fi Hit Vtit&A Oh, How They v m ? MJ2MH& i JM .LOsHlr 'jtLKmmfv't' ''iBaL- i-siisC3ajaaaajaj'-. flHPty lHHsHstiar!ILLaBTaK i aaawyi.iijr... Wmk asiiiiK ppppfipppBiaMaiMpppppppp ml t i7i lmJeWi ml (mi wlpyS'PiVfl Rooklca In tralnmr at Platuburc want to murdtr the bugler with baseball bata after ha rouaea them from the hay. but. oh boy! It ain't aa wort when you get out on th races Uk tboaa fallowa below and atw a pocketful of buU's-eyaa. j have received his information through others who obtained their knowledge from advertising. But l't is a fact that no man can escape the effect of advertising even if he does say he "never reads advertise ments." ' Not one of us ever reasoned out' entirely from his own mind that the earth is round. If we had not read it or heard it we would never have known it. In these days of good, truthful, helpful advertising to say, "I never read advertisements" is merely your way of saying, "I don't read all advertisements." THAT'S TOO BAD FOR YOO IN TWOWAVS - I HAVE A T COUPLE OF BOSSES HERE. ', TOR THE BALL GAMt WAS 1 GOING ToCIVftTOYOO- COURSE GO 9See Important Announcement by J. A. Folgcr and Company on page 6. Hate to Get Up! " ji v, '- ft BYALLMAN a lU uf, Mouiorlos Will Llvu Whon You Say It With Flowers Flowers (or ovory occaulon Klamath Flower Shop 884 Mula fltroot. Niono BSD Opon Sunilayn 0 to 1 Week days, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m, wmmmmmmmmmmmmmm s.t ' ? 3 ,', '!,t - - - - "" " -- mmJsW. MMMsMsssssssaasAsMBiwaasMaskasawsllllMssaaeaajaaasl