mwfWu(, . 'i trcj ' ift Page Two4 WWMMDAY, JULY 19, 1MB. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON a fi'-i VI Tht Evening Herald ("!"" "S1 Jb 1 111 fc. jr.?.t)IMttft..jMfertMac Maaacer FaMlahed dally aicept Buaday, Tha Herald Publishing Company- of XlaMta Palls, at IIS Eighth street. , mmU a ! a tatnea at Kla eW.TCasa Ora.i for transmission tM atalte a aaeoM-claas 5C2-L: 0 TUB ASSOCIATED PRIMA 'Tasj Aaaaetated Pratt la eteluslva U asrttUssTtej, te mr tor publics Ilea 1 all Bawa dlspatche. credited te'aU, Mt otberwUe credited lo abttitaaar.vaM alio the local news aailehed karate. - ' Wfcf!ft?anAY, Jt'i.v in, msj. DEBS' AGAIN v. EUOEKS. .V. DEBS, premier apostle of the exploded social title theory, fresh from the .Atlanta federal prison, In still tbo same troublesome character whose aatl governmental activities caused his , wartime incarceration. lie la jtow posint as chief leader of the striking railway workers, and la advising tbo rank and fllo to stick together, vote together and flgbt toajefier. IlU battle cry has a slalster ring. While- be would prohablr deny that he advocated' ttblence, there are maay men In' th organisations he addresses who will1 not catch the dittlactloa; taea to whom the word "tight" has bat one meaning, a brawl with weapon;, fists or dead- Her arms. we rranicry admit mat Debs' es pousal or the railway workers" cause prejudices as against It. He has always born an agitator and am antl. ' Whenever a ticklish time 0 arises In governmental affairs, ono can count apod' Eugene V. Debs hover ing in tbo offing like a 'bird or III omen, doing his worst to Inflame the sltaatlon, making trouble- for the men In control'-who are Seek ing a way but. The cause of the railway work ers and their employers Is on trial before tbe bar of public opinion, and it wjll be well and truly tried, without prejudice and without pas sion la the American spirit of sllty kMJJdtr. Force cannot initio any of thi issues Involved. The man who ad vocates force as subtly, yet as open ly, as does Debs, Is a dangerous foe of the republic. President Wilson, who sacrificed his strength for his country and who la honored in his broken age by all cltlxcns, regardless of their disagreement with the policies or his days of power, had Debs' meas ure, and dealt with "him as be Just ly deserved. Thrpugh tbe Hearst Sunday papers Debs Is relating bis prison experiences and carrying on a cam paign of cunning abuse of tbcfor mer chief magistrate, tbe man wh'u der.plto all Debs' power, did not temporise with him for a minute when Debs' activities menaced the welfare of tbe government in war. While Debs has, and will continue to have, jfcl followers, we fall to discern any of the qualities of true leadership, anything udmlrable, in the mass save perhaps his eternal persistence. We would not adtocato harsh measures, but we believe he is a menace and the nation would be better off, and bo would bo as well off,, If he were back In tbe federal prison at Atlanta. HAD A CUSTOMER the other day ror a set or secona-nana teeth, couldn't supply it as need all of the teeth I have now. maybe you could neip we out. Perkins 17-Zl MrCKIE SAYS W N. OtV MOAb MOVftN -mut ' KNOW YMATIO UO VMTH, OkVft JT TK ftALVN-j XWM AftkfNt POUT W,fb tUMOsftft VAW' TO FUTT NWa-Aty? tv X petcr otueYoNo cm hi HOADWOm ION MHWW. OOMKTb;! gf f UBBB nr '- , ,$ ii .p&f- . k !, WlnVt Lmmt Now? (FraW'kedford Mafl-Ttlbnne) a T- LEAST two democratic coua J ty coaamfttees have condemned Oovernor Oleott for Injortlng the re ligious Issues Into Oregon politics. In the words of a popular cartoenist: "Can you beat It?" One of two things Is truo either the. members of theso two commit tees aro deliberately attempting to deceive tho people for political pur poses, or they are too Ignorant of thtf political situation In Oregon to bn allowed at large, much less to bo allowed places of responsibility In any political organisation In thlsJ mate. Tho rnllgloua Issue was Injected Into Oregon politics nearly a year ago, by certain self-appointed secret society bosses of Multnomah county. Their plans were carefully laid. First a so-called "Apostate Nun" was sent throughout the state to stir tho peo ple up against tho Catholic church. Meetings were held la every county In the state, and the most lurid pic ture of the old-fashioned Papist men ace waa painted. This was followed up by a whis pering campaign, certain trusted em issaries were dispatched to every county In Oregon to see that the time-honored horror of Romanian were started a their way, and fi nally Just previous to tho primary election, at a given signal, every county la the stato waa flooded with printed pamphlets, charging tho Catholic church with every crime committed since the flood. . Realising that Governor Oleott waa opposed to the contemptible practice of stirring up religious prejudice for political gain, and that he was the strongest candi date opposing them, these same self appointed bosses of snivelling bigo try started, to undermine the gov ernor's support. They again re sorted to tbe .house to bouso and back-alley methods. Political heelers whispered the governor was a Catholic, that "5 per cent of his appointees were Catholics, that hi sister wss a CathollcNun and so on ad nauseam. This Is political history. Everyone at all on the Inside politically, knows It. , Not until the work bad been done, not -tintll the fata had been lighted for the final explosion,, not unto the poison had gone home did .Gov ernor Oleott aaaak; Taea ha cama out boldly aa aay true American la blat position should have coma out, net as a ptopeaaat 'of any church, but u in impartial ckam plan of all eharchaa; not aa an In jector or religious Jssaes, but aa' op ponent, aot as a champion of bigotry -and intolerance, but aa a champion of his state constitution) whlrh ha took oath as governor to defend, and as a champion of the Constitution ot the CsUted Stales, which guarantees to every cltlien the right to worship Ood according to the dictates of his own conscience. And for doing this, for having thp courage to oppose jhose, who did Inject the religious Issue, those who would sell their soul for a mess of political pottage, he is con demned by two democratic county committees for Injecting the religious issue into Oregon politics! Npw in all seriousness, and In all sobriety, and In all sanity, we ask you and you and you CAN YOU PEAT ITT , Of course, It Is quite possible to understand how anyone who favors Injecting, religion into politics, or who believes In reviving the A. P. A., or who wants to burn a Catholic In' oil every morning before break fast, should, be onposed to Oleott, but how anyone who detests tnis re Ijglous political horseplay, and the whole contemptible business, can op pose the governor, s more than we can understand, or we, believe any ono else. t Politics aro silly at best, nut ibis sort of thing passes from tbe realm of foolishness to the realm of mental -disorders. Politics has sim ply gone mad, ' ." " Ten Chicago women were Indict ed for election frauds. Who said they couldn't learn politics! Den ver Express. w Oil signs are being found In the Philippines. This proves tbeir claim for Independence js unjust. Oklahoma News., Americans la Oermany ssy they are charged too much. Oermans want them to feel at home. Clare land Press. , H China Js such a big country that (he correspondents hive ,to hire guides to "lead them to the war.-f-New York Tribune. t .saw, i " TRADINO FURNITURE Is Ilka trad- iag horses it gala Into (ha blood, daa't lat asa aava blood Dolsoalaa. , , " JPC-Ayrcvf T-7 V 1Br Wwr fW?S sCii iis ' WASH BLOUSES f In white antl colors; up to 1 j $4.95 for $1.95' ' I tMaa-gasBBi i i a i -i 1 -. I Sacred Heart Academy hoarding Ju ml Day School for Hoys and Olrls. Abund ant wholesome food and Regular Hours. Personal Super vision with homellko conditions. ' School Will Open Sept 5, 1922 For Information rail on or write, MKTKIt MJI'KHIOIt, Klamath Falls, Ore k&C e'ajakjtBsjttaaalBlWa1Baat Letters from (he People etjWaaasaMas Editor Herald: I have Just rvad n very Interesting article on roads for Klamath county by A. A. Saule. We will all admit that Klamath county's one greatest need is a good highway connecting with the Pacific highway over tho shortest practical route. It Is not likely that tbe highway commission will ever consider uvea a .10-30 pro position with the county to build a road down the Klamath river as. the coat ot this road would be entirely out of tho question aa compared to tho other routes now under construc tion. The question of an oil yoar road need not In anyway hlmlerstho early completion of tho (Ireen Spring route. with a hard aurfaro such as Is now on the Ashland end. This road can very easily be kept open all winter with very little work, as was done over the Siskiyou mountains where saow was over four feet deep last winter. It seems tp ma wlih only 1$ miles of road to btlld In order to got this all year outlet that tho chamber of commerce and the county court of Klamath county would gut behind this project and rush Its early com pletltlon this year. This road was kept open last win ter by the Kedford Klamath Freight line until February, but ror break down or their truck would havu con tinned almost all winter. At considerable expense this road was put In very good shape early In the season, but logging operations have practically destroyed It nt tho present time. Klamath county Is now getting thn best mall servlco then at nnytlmo In its history due to tho tniln con nections made at Ashland and Mud- ford by tho stages now operated over this road. ' Not forgetting this ai n scenic route, there Is nono In tho stato that will surpass It over tho Orcen Spring end of It. Yours Vry Truly, CIIAS. II. HOWARD. We appeal to tho discriminating public of Klamath Falls and KUm math county, who appreciate a per fect fit of .shoes, to patronize our shoo department. J. V.. Enders c Co. 14-20 Inc Bashful and Rare VtiU clouded tiger, presented tc j the London Zoo by tbo Prince otj Wales, is one of the rarest animals "la tbe collection and the most Uatid. He seldom comes out where tta public can ate him. E, T, Boatman, who has bad a large experience In some of tho most up-to-date shoe stores In Portland, Oregon, and who is a gentleman of pleaslag personality, is now with J. K. Naders ft Co. la tha shoe depart a- BBBBSBBBBBBB ment. 14-10 iac P. S. It After Knockers Hat Plan To Make Money Dear Kd: Well, Kd, I have got a Idear which Is good for alt tho Jack a man would wish even It bo had a li- (doien) wives and If you do not ncreo with mo, Ed, I will hand you thn Ivory dumbell. So keep our 11.98 (one ninety-right shirt) on whllM I ease this to you. "" Its thin way, Kd. It seems the chamber of rommersh sect. Is liven reading pieces In thn paper all ulinut theso hero naval hollydays nnd dls armthnmen hnllydays and he gets n Idear that whats good for tho world Is llkowlsu also good for Klamath cp. So ho takes a look around htm for something on which to pin the r . ... ', hollydny nnd whilst hn Is u looking ' hn romes acrost n couple n birds which Is giving the town a awful pan ning. Well, Kd, tha sort, goes bsck down to his chamber and writes down everything ho heres and thn more hn 'rites the moar the hair stands up on his baak SoMhon bo happen to glanct at newspaper nnd anee some thing about n hollyday and straight aways this Idear is born. Ho will do- 'claro a hollyday against knocking. says tho sect, to hlssclf, which hn de: ot only do ho do It but he like wise goes about It to hire a pollen forco and deotectlves which Is to round up all theso knockers, which theys a plenty of, what I moan, Ed. Oncet a week or so theys to bn n kangyroo court whore thn birds whlrb Is pinched Is tryed and gets 3U (thirty days) or thirty bucks you no that old linn, Kd. Does the point pcnnylrato your domo now. r.) Well, do not get soar, Kd, but you no what you wroto nbout my Inst Idear was not no complement and If you want In on this with mo you bet - ter can that Office Cat line, Now my Idear la this, Kd. Theys, hardly a town In tho country which It Is not Infested with these knock ers. likowisa the anty-knockers Is always In a sweet to get shot of them. So I will organlzo my own kangy roo court and foney police and hlro out to theso dlfforont towns. I get so much per knocker for each ono I catch working at It and HO (fifty per sent) on all the fines I drag down. If your cylinder Is hitting on all 1 (onn), Kd, even you can see where theys Jack In It. And I mako you cheer of police. Grind that up for hrulu food, eh Kd. Yrs. truloy, P. S cheef anty-kuockor. IlimitlFS' California (Town 4azs liable at Dreamland pavilion KrliUy night, . Don't mlsa this dance, 1H-2I F. Hill Hunter vs. Huddle Mi. VI.. i ' . Suit for- collection of $18,785,r,o on a note executed Jan. 2C, 1921, won filed In the circuit court by F. Hill Hunter against tho Saddle Mountain Lumber company, tho First Stato ft Savings bank by F. C, Dram woll and J. W. Siemens". Tho nolo Is secured by mortgage on 1C5 acres of land In Sec, 11, Town, 30, 8. R. 10 E, W.M., a sawmill and other equipment. Attorney fees of flCOO asked. Work guaranteed, Quality Shoe Shop. 19-81 J. E. Enders ft Co. pay tho high est price for farm products. 14-20 fWUjSUDUaCaaaaaaal " iStmf ". ' ' - . Personal Mention Sir. and Mrs, If. It Spooner nro hero for a few dnyn business unil pleasure trip. Spooner Is connected with the Union Oil company. Mr. nnd Mrs. It, S, White nro ntt tomobllo. tourists who nro making n 10 days stop In Klamuth Falls. Mrs. White Is connected with thn Cunningham company of Chlcnuo, Lawrence llorlou nnd Tom tlnr rett kero both county seat visitors )esterdy from their valley fitrnts. It. I... Swift was In tho city yes terday from l.annn'a mill nt Modoc Point. Marlon Nino drove In front the Nine llrothers mill In Swan lake val ley for the piirposn of nt'ternllng the l.eglon meeting last night. (I. I Htehlilns, engineer for the state highway, who has been III Ith pneumonia for some time, Is now able to sit up. Ho Is nt his home nt lO.'.tl Pine street. Max Weiss, of tho Army floods store, left this mnrnltiK for San Fran cisco on a business trip. William Marx, was n passenger on this morning's south bound train, on his way east. Ills first stop wild hn at ItalnRborough, Wisconsin, where ' hn will meet Mrs. Marx and his smnll i son, who ha been visiting there for the past mouth I Hoy llamuker arrived the first ot , the week from California for u visit ! with his mother, Mrs. Amanda i- I maker, of this city. W. 0. Durhtn, forost supervisor. , Is hero on business from his terrl-. tory nt Alturas. ' I Dan Wann, a merchunt nt Yalnsx, Is In toun today milking purchases Charles llerkwith lien Union are two I'orlluml buslneii men who nre registered at tho Whlto Poll-1 run hotel today N, II West nrcampanled by Mrs. West. Is hero frui Itiino, Nevada, for tho purpose of advertising tho Ne vada round-up. Tho first of thn week four cars filled with Kpvvurtli League mem- U.. 1Ar, tir Aalilntnl III flltelllt tllll ' ,.,,. . t,,,,,, ! League Institute which Is being lieltl , In that tlty. Tho putty Included . Mrs. John Yadon, Mrs J. II. I.lnfeh ty, Mr and Mrs L. K. Phelps, Mrs D. M. Smith and ilaUKbter, Cerlrudn, Arlln Wrrell, Mrs, P II. Cnfer and daughters, Helen nnd Iluth. Itev. aud Mrs. H. J. Chaney and two children. They left hefo early In th morning but Quo to car trouble did not ar- rho at Ashland until lain evunlng They will ramp In tho Ashland purk tintll the last of next week anil then roturn home, 1). M. Hml;h nnd F. II I Cofer accompanied their famlllm over and returned hern last night. , IIUBTBR.nUSTKR. My dog, says If you want to trndu follow him. Per kins. l7- ' M1H OF THAXKH u-.. uuh in ihimk mir many fri,,i,ils for their symuuthy. during the BJi hereuviiinmit of our beloved son and brothur, also for thn many lieauillill nuwL-rn, Kjk's c. MILS. P. C. CIIINTT.I.I. I). CIIIIISTIANHKN in ' 1 J. I. Endnrs & Co. I yur patronage. , approclato 14-2U Inc, THOl'OHTH IN PAKHINO Thcro Is nothing nhesd for tho man who forgets a promise. Happiness Is something that re quire pructlce. Dluff travels only to the end of tho road. Wise men must eat, and fooM must dine. Richmond Tlmes-DU-putch. La Grande Contract awarded to Improve .38 miles or highway, nuar hero. Astorlu Last stretch or pavo inont between hero and Seaside ncarlug completion. Kugeno Standard Oil company to erect flCOO warehouse here. Count 'Em! . XoyU Pratt, to whom tha frsckla jaaaaaptonshlp of NaahvUlt, Tsnn., Is conceded, now la claiming tha tMe of, tba.whoU gouth, "I aouldat have asora frsoUatlass ( had asr fabsjsaya. " aHr' rr -iaBaaaaaaaaaaf BBBr,t'; tvraasaBBBBBB? , Kat, . -rt?'' '!. aaaaaaaW Mt && I 'sdsaT Y' ,s. v asjr7 .asaw f saHsaaaaaaaaW j anaaaaaaaaaaaak QBSC caritml S LINKVILLE IN LftfM i 0 1 IP v - J& Ar.L" J tiT Kt'to' c ia' , IN Hii CLT MAiir tuiii'T IP ANT ITVyMiCKUri CAMB In L Don't fail to read the Open hotofj) ta ,- ( NEVfT1 gislJ I 5Ci .1 S StoMLg'l QUALITY SHOE SHOP M. S. BIDEN, Prop. 433 STAR THEATRE TODAY Mary Roberts Rinehardt'a Famoua Story "The Glorious Fool" With RICHARD DIX and HELEN CHADW1CK It'N it iniiii'ily tlmt Is illfirii-nl limn iiiijllilnu irvliml) kliiiMii iiml mi nlll Min-ly i-ujuy It. Friday DOROTHY DALTON in "THE WOMAN WHO WALKED ALONE." IWsaasaBjssjBjnssjsasissBssaC At the LIBERTY Today r Zane Grey's Celebrated Story of the Wcat "The Last Trail" A crashlnK. siiiiihIiIuk, stlrrltiK inovln,. drumatla plcturo ono of thu very best Zuno (Irny uvit ponned uud ho haii made Home Kitod onus, too. Note thn leadcm In tho cust Maurice Klynii, Kvn Novak, Wullaco.Iloirry and Itosmnnry Tlmhy all stars and In addition n number of other well known support, To mid lo tho pniKrum we will show the latest News of Tho Duy uud lo round nut the program Johnny lllnen ju "Torchy, Conies Thru" In another of thn fumoiiH "Tnrchy" sttirles, jimltim n fn enter tulnmeut of inorii than urdlnaiy value. Coming Sunday William JKifP vm :,$ 3 Sec Important Announcement by J. A. Polgcr and Company on page (i. "I YE OLDE TIMES k ' ,v-r Ws;? .rD V3 " 'triA-N .i' & rt-1 327 ' .TJZ?r. eway vuci:u r. uki suipmio. DdM to run W:kt -rotea; OM 1K hOQn 1UAJH , Herald Classified Ada. Today With now and latest improved machinery ready for any shoo work from tho .smallest repairs lo tho tnuking of high tfrade dress shoes to measure. Main St. Farnum in "PERJURY" 4 A V X. , "