The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 19, 1922, Image 1

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    "". .
Wqs .iEimttttg Iteratf
Member of tho Associated Press.
ririiTiitti Vfiic.iia77.
PctilioiiH Out For Special
Election for One Mill
Special Tnx Levy
I'olllloiis fur a special election In
I'liiMM.'i'llnti with ih" ii-r.iiliir i'Iit
Hun In November (r the purpose
of Mitlm: on it tipirliil tux levy of
inn' mill for uir'tuio of fair
grounds ! ili county nr' helm;
circulated today hy u number of
business men. Th pet Ilium will
In circulated In nil purls uf Iho
count) until mm signature have
been nlitnlliuil.
TI1I1 movo In on conjunction with
tint effort helm: iiiiiiIii In obtain 11
fiilr Krouiul, for which over 17.000
hud been subscribed wllhlii tho past
fw ilnya
It In tho plan of tho pctltloiierV
first to purchase one of tho mivitiiI
tract under consideration In ntder
Hi Imvo u fulr ground mailable for
thin full. Uteri to tninnfi'r tho laud
In tlm iniinty when lln lefy In
ruined ti Hi- thin would miioiint
to a iloiutlon In Iho romit)- of tin
uiiiotinl iilru.nly subscribed, II In
pointed out Ihitl tho liiti'stiuriit
would hrlmt ritnriiH In tho fntuio
thioiiKh ciiiouragoiiienl of furm tie-
wdopincut throughout tho rotiiity.
Tho mio mill lo y would rcillct up
proxlpmtely U'
With Iho exception of tho rout of
printing tho ballots, mi extra x
pens,, unulil ho Iticiirrcil beciuio of
Iho flection being iicTr fn
connection with I lie general vH'C
tlun. ' i
Indication nro (lint tho IhihIiicmi
imi'M of tho rlty nro lined tip mild
Im'IiIiiiI thlit movo m (luaiiro n fair
giound. Approval him iiIko Iicom
Chen hy County Agent Henderson,
' ity C'luh Agent Sexton ami
t!lilo Bradley ami It. II. Bradbury
of tho fair Inunl. It. II. Wilson,
tho Ihlnl of tlm lioaril, bus
li'fl tho county.
Tho plamt a outlined Inclmlo
pi'riuam'iit IiiiIIiIIiikh whero every
tort of exhibit tan ho housed, raeo
track, ami oi'iy foaturo.
I'ruvlnlfiiiH will ho niiiilo for Mag
Iiik a rmli'o In conjunction with tho
Illy Itoilco association.
While other Ini'ffoctunl attempt
havo pri'Vlou.tiy been mailo towitnl
obtaining a permanent fair ground,
tint present oiiu seems in hiivii gain
oil a momentum thai will coo tho
plant realized. Wlillo tlm existing
Klamath Fair (Inniuit association,
Incorporated last fall, will not havo
sufficient funds to comploto pur
elm mi of tho Krouiul, It Ih planned
In make a partial payment an noon
at tho site Ih choieu ho that It will
ho possible to tnKo a fair thin fall.
Nearly every Hloro In tho rlty
will display tho potltlmiH for nig
natiiro and workers will ho nnini'il
In all pnrtK of tho county. It wax
said. Tho petitions must bo pic
smiled to tho county court not later
than Annual 20,
Tho petition follows;
To tho llnnorahlu County Court
of Klamath County, Oregen:
Wo, tho undersigned, registered
voters of Klamath County, Oregon,
ri'Hpoctfully petition your Honor
ablo lloily to call u Mpecliil elec
tion for tho purposo of submitting
to tho Ic'K'il noUth of Klamath
County, Oregon, tho iiichiIoii of
authorizing tho County Court of
Klamath County, Ori'Knu, to lovy u
Himcliil tax of oiio mill on all tax
libit) property of Klamath County,
Ori'Kon, n h Iiihi ciualUi)il, tho
monoy nhtalnalilo from such lovy
to ho unod iiml applied for tho pur
pose of purchasing lnndB In Klnin
nth County, OreKun, for a County
Fair Hlto, and for making Improve
moiilH anil hotturiuoiiH thoioou.
ProjrrwMvo OimUilnlo WIiin in .e
lii'iiskn Prliuary i:iecllon
OMAHA, July IS. It. II. Ilowoll,
piotirt'tiHlvo I'opuhllcan wiih nomlim
toil In yoritorday'ii stntuwIiUr prltnmy
for llnltoil filuteH itonator ovor Con
Kii'iiflinau Alhurt W. .lofforlos, con
H'rvatlvo, Ilowoll, who iloclari'tl for
tho farm hlno mul iiRiilnxt Iho Bhlp
itubHldy had rocolvi'tl 21,fi,l3 votOH
w'liun 8111 of tho Htntu'n IU23 lrn
clnois rnpnrtoil compared with K,
C(IC for Jufforloa, . ,
':'!.J.tClxlf(,s:Jbi'i., - '
i Pipe George Harvey's fjray topper! Ain't it the
hen's cackle? Kx-President Tuft (on Harvey's left) and
Mrs. Taft went to sec (tcorge Washington's home at Sul
! grave manor, England, but the ambassador's hat detract-
ed their attention considerably.
Atliiiftien: of IVopIo To Count) i
'lliroiiuli Turin PrrlmllcnN
Will ll Aim
Tho hlotrlllK lOinmlltee of the
I'hiimber of comment' annual caiu-i
p,ilr.u held tin ni'iotiil mt'eUiiR laKt
lilKhl to hllilKct the i'H'nilltlirc-t
for tho comhiK )ar nnd to inako
reailinlininiUi on hoiiio of tho hud
Kit HtlbntrlptlotiH matin illirltlK tho
ryprKunluillon a ago.
It hail been dorliled to M-t umIiIc
Iho :rr nnnititl-'tlu'f if tho chum
her of roiniuerco for ntlmlulMtratlnu
exptllM'. bpvlliK tho budget ruh
hcrlplloiM to take raro of ipcclal
nclltltleti comlui; up durlm; tho jear
mid obligation already made.
The romuillti'ii illsctlMed nt
the plan of lalnllli: on advert LtlliR
fund In cnujunrtlou with tho c.iin
palKU. It wan decldetl not to not
a defliillo amount, hut to tine nil
tint fiiudH available fur Ihl.t pur
piHu ami to croup tho advorllalutt
In farm p.ipcri and other period
icals that will reach tho clan of
people that would h attracted to
thU locality.
Only Clniiiihei' AiherlNlui;
It wiih hroiiKht out that Iho rhnm
her of commerce wan tint only In
Ktltutlon In tho county HeudliiK out
ndvcrtlxlni; matter, ami that tho
fundi for advertUIni: ptirpiiKCii ilur
lnK tho pant year woro far Inadu
itiato to do Juittlco to IIiIh work.
Tho opportunities in Klamath county
In tho way of labor, dairying po
talt crowliiB. Ilvoslock, an well an
tourlatM nttractlotm, will ho cot forth
In nu mlvortlclni; campalcn that tho
committee fceln will ho effoctlvo In
countor-halancliiB kohio of tho nil
vorco rt'portrt ttat havo been cent
out hIiico Iho flrct of tho year.
Tluwo prem'iit at tho iiicoIIiik
lant nlKht went: J. K. West, chair
man; J. A. (loidon, W. O. Smith,
11. n. Hmllli. .M. l. Kvaim nnd It.
(1. Oroccbeck,
i.idimm i:sc.pus
SHANGHAI, China, July 18.
David Llghtnor, oriented hero u fow
laya ago on Portland, Oiogon churg
oh Hint ho haft violated tho narcotlCH
law, today cut bin wuy through tho
celling mid roof of tho American'
1'onnuliilo piUoii mid cam pod.
Tlm Cyclo-Slormugrapli nt Undor-
--" -v w"d Pharmacy
'.f y .continue to regis-
A H ter only minor
!C. tf eliillilrnH In ffm
oetrlo lUVBHuro In-
k2k, dlcatlug a contln-
4Lau uanco ot present
f'jJS' wentlior eomlltlona,
A uliap fall took
place early thin
afternoon hut tho
movement la not
jet well eonugh do-
-J fined to indicate
uny market! change. Should tho
downward movement continue cith
er wind or rain will follow tonight.
Forecast tor next 2 1 heura:
Fair ami warm.
Tho Tyros recording thermom
oter roglHtorod maximum nnd mini
mum today ua follews:
High - 80
Low ......., M
hie S7
. r. X.
ll.illolk 'I.. Ilo Scut (lot To Mnii
beii of I liaiuhcr of Cominrrro
A referendum nu iho national hoI
iller holiUH will ho taken hy tho cham
ber of toinni'Tto In order to ilelerm
luo what tho ITnTlmoiit of tho mom
hertt Ih on tho boiiux (tiesllun.
Thin referendum Ih belnc taken In
reitponao to a rciUii from tlm Amer
ican l.cfilou for tho board of direr
torH to Hi'tid reiolutloiiK to On-con
representatlveH In WaKhliiKton. aak
Iiik them to UHo their lufluencu to
piuH tho tioiiuit hill, pointing out that
It hait been Introduced In lint cm
ato nnd panned hy tho Iiouko of rep
rosontathe. Tli) dlreclorn hellevn that an ex
presslon from tho memhemhlp Hltould
ho taken before It attempted to cpenk
tho Hentlment of tho commuutly nu
tho bonun leRlclntlou, and hallotc
will ho nt' lit out within two or Ihreo
ilnyn nnkliiK for an exprecclon fa
vonihlo or iik.iIiihi the bono a ques
l'Oirri.AND.. July 19. The leach
em' Institute will ho held In Klam
ath crunty on Septemher (5 to S, ac
cording to nnnounrement today hy J,
A. Churchill, stale superintendent nt
POHTIUNI), 'July 1. Cnltlo
slow, hogK steady, sheep alow. Put
ter nnd egRH steady.
'v 'Mt' jx'1 tu1 jiT'i f yp " r rm i1ayyjawajajaaajaagT3sj -JtTyiS?"""T5!?
I'M't'lilrnt Akko Aid In I'rotrrtlnic
Uirkcrfj Iti'pllfH To Pirn
Pour Inlit Wliltr llonxo
WASHINdTO.V, July 'J. Ilopllcvt
from covet noru of toal producing
ntati'H, cHlh'd on yesterday hy Presi
dent llardlm: to cooperate with ttnj
federal Rorerntiient In protectlnK
mines where operations havo re
sinned, ht-Kau today to pour Into
the while house Most of tlm gov
crnnrH said they would support tho
federal policy If uny emergency
should nrlsti and outlined their
I'Iuiih went forward to put the
government In a position to fulfill
Hie pletlKO of "every nssLstanco at
Its command." Klven hy tho presi
dent In telegrams to the novo mors
of 28 coal states In which they wcro
culled upon by the executlvo to pro
vide necessary safeguards to men
willing to resume work.
ItAI.Cinil, July 19. Qovcrnor
Morrison of North 'Carolina tele
graphed President Harding today tils
lofusal to cooperate with tho fed
ernl government In protecting the
milieu. Morrison lidded that ho con
sidered tho whole policy of national
or stain Intervention In labor dis
putes unwise.
I 'opinio imtl II Member of Crriv
of KIiik C)ru Aie Itenrued
SAN KltANClSCO. Calif., July
13. The schooner King Cyrus, from
Honolulu to (iray'n Harbor, is
ktrnnded on Point Chchal, Wash.,
nnd Captain A. K. Hotcndul and 11
members of the crew wcro removed
'hy Ih'u S.1V0M
rn'ttt Wjstpprt, accord;
'Jorv,,ty tnVcar-
Ins to word
diner Mill company, owners of tho
vessel. Tho King Cyrus went
ushore wlillo In tow ot tho tup
John Cudahy and may ho a total
Oct Mou To He Itemlcml After UO
I.'i)n Alloueil for Itrlefw
Trial before Judge Sklpworth ot
tho case of JKrank Ward against
Klamath county was concluded nt
3:30 yctserday afternoon. Judge
Sklpworth announced that 30 days
will bo allowed for filing ot briefs
In tho caso after the transcript I
prepared, nftor which ho will render
a decision nt the earliest posslblo
Judge Sklpworth left by motor for
Kugene, via llend, nccompanlod by
his son, Harold.
this m
n. f. mam,
Oregon Lines Crippled By
Rail Walkout; Appeal
Issued by A. F. of L.
BPOKANB, July 19. Cancella
tion of six Northern Pacific trains,
effective today, botwoen Spokane
and I.ewlHton, Idaho, Walla Walla
to Pasco, Wash., and Pasco to
Pendleton, was tho strike develop
ment today.
WASHINGTON, July 1. An ap
peal wag Issued today by tbe exe
cutlvo council of tho American
Federation of Labor to "all work
er everywhere to support tho rail
road workers "In their efforts to
secure a Just settlement of the
railroad shops trade dispute."
Ilakcrsflcld local Brotherhood of
Locomotive Fireman and Knglnomcn
telegraphed W. C. Carter, president
of tho order, that strike conditions
here are going from bad to worso
nnd that sentiment favors a walkout
rather than to work with engines
that aro unsafe and with non-union
repaired engines and cars.
Geary' Harlow and G. K. Manacll
Held on Federal Liquor Charge
A raid last nlg
fleers at 10 Ma
alu afreet resulted In
tho, arrest of Geary Harlow and G.E.
Mansoll and confiscation of ono quart
bottlo and a gallon Jug partially till
ed with alleged moonshine. Three
women were taken, ono of whom was
cald to bo tho wife of Mansell, but
all woro released, Tho mon aro
held on a federal liquor charge.
Mansell claimed to havo recently
come from San Francisco. Harlow
Is a former offender, tho pollco say.
Tho raid was conducted by Sheriff
Low, Deputies Barnes, C. C. Low and
Hawkins, Walter G. West, Indian
agent, and Patrolman Brandenburg.
PORTLAND, July 19. Tho pub
lic service commission today began
a hearing on tho proposod abandon
ment of tho Oregon Trunk between
South Junction and Metolluc. Mad
ras and 3lecca opposing tbe proposal.
m ' ' '"$ am
Forum Kpeakri1 Sron Opportunity
For Ilia; Development Here;
Colonization Dbirur '
"Your county has tho most un
developed resources of any county
In the Mate," F. S. Ilramwell, for
mcr Immigration agent for tho
Union Pacific, told the chambor of
commerco forum today.
Ilramwell spoko on colonization,
drawing on his long cfperlenco In
tho line. Ho advised against tho
uo of letters and phamplotc to
attract settlers, raying that money
so used was wasted. Ho also ad
vised against Importing groups from
foreign lands, pointing out that
settlers of this type wcro Inclined
to Ifve to themselves' rather 'than
to become Americanized,
uScitwJttrretWom.' aanoaced
commencement ot tho 30-day
"knockers' holiday," with Earl
Whltlock as chairman. Ha told tho
forum that the principal idea ot
tbe holiday was to gain publicity
for Klamath county, as well as to
discourage tho practlco of knock
ing rather than boosting tho county.
Tho Rev. A. L. Rice presided
at the forum which was fairly well
Iter. A. It. Ilice Tells of Accom
plishments at rrvebyterion Meet
"Local Presbyterians nnd all
young peoplo of tho 'vicinity will bo
interested In the fast that tho Pres
byterian synod ot Oregon has dedi
cated a building at the edgo of tho
campus ot tho Oregon Agricultural
lollego at Corvallls to house tho work
.ot tho student pastor" cald tho Rev.
A. L. Rice ot thlc city who has Just
returned from the annual meeting
of the Oregon Synod at Corvallls,
July 10 to 14.
The synod Is tho largest gathering
ot Presbyterian during tho year and
adopts policies for tho Presbyterian
churches ot tho Btato., Tho synod ap
pointed a committee representing all
intorcsts involved to study tho edu
cational problems of Presbyterians
In tbe state, especially with reference
to Albany collego, Thlc committee
will roport next year. Meanwhile
the college will contlnuo In operation,
athough tho Presldont, Dr. A. M.
Williams, lias resigned,
Tho state agricultural collego was
host of tho synod, President Kerr
being a Presbyterian elder. Ho gavo
tho synod and tho corresponding
woman's organization,- u dinner lu
tho homo economics building Wed
nesday ovanlng. Tho school und
tho synod Joined In a scries of loc
turcs each day at 11 o'clock.
Anions tho better known spcakors
present wcro Dr. C. C. Huys of Johns
town, l'a., moderator of gonoral as
sembly, Dr. Joseph A. Vance of De
troit. Mich., Dr. Chas. H. McDouald
nnd Dr.. F. E. Stockwell, ot Now
York, und Rev. A. F. McGarrah, who
locturod on stewardship, a subject
which will engage tbe attention of
every Presbyterian church purlng
tho coming year.
'Rev. D. F. Harper, Sunday school
missionary In Pendleton county, was
moderator. Synod noxt year will
moot In Eugene in July.
8ALEM, July 19, Tho governor's
friends horo havo startod a movo to
raise a fund for oxponscs in tho re
count suit, ,
fflt PRIM '
Farm Bloc Head Says Move
c Is in Accord With Pop
ular Government
Jfty HARllY n. HUNT
WASHINGTON, July 19. Exten
sion of tho primary law, rather than
Its repeal, must bo iccurod If pop
ular government Is to bo perpetuated,
says Senator Arthur Capper, republi
can, of Kansas,, bead ot tho farm
block and recognized as a national
progressive Icqjler.
Evidences ot a careful, systematic
propaganda to underrolno public con
fidence In stato primary lawn with a
view to bringing about their repeal
and a return to the selection of can
didates by party conventions is seen
under the recent criticism of pri
maries by Presldont Harding. Secre
tary ot War Weeks and Senator Wat
con of Indiana.
"1 cannot go along with tho presi
dent, Weeks and Watson." Capper '
declare. "Instead ot abolishing o
limiting the primary, It must be ex
tended. "I hopo to sec tbe day when nom
inations for president wilt be by pop
ular primary. When the day comes,
wo shalf bo getting on toward a real
ly popular government. The peoplo
must havo moro volco, not less voice,
In their government and in tho selec
tion ot men who make and adminis
ter tho laws.
Xntloeud CoMUUecMea First
"Ono ot tho Xlrst steps la extending
tho primary SkoiTJ'Ve selection of
national committeemen by popular
vote. That would give tbe rank and
file of tho parties a voice. It has
none now.
"Of course tbe reason for tho dis
satisfaction of 'party leaders' with
the primaries is not hard to find.
Rcculte of recent primary eloctlons
In which tho people havo rojectod
'organization' candidates and nomin
ated men of their own cholco, has
upset them.
"They blame Iho system. Yet tho
fact that tho primary gavo tho vot
ers a chance to namo thjtr own
cholco Instead of having a hand
picked organization candidate forced
on them lstthe best possible endorse
ment ot th'o primary principle.
"It tho peoplo aro not to hare a
voice I ntho nomination of their can
didates for office, why should they
have a voice In their election?
"If popular elections" nro to stand,
(Continued to rage 4)
Wcntwootl Sceao of Miootlng Affray
Following Poker Game
WESTWOOD, Calif.. July 19.
Ono man is dying another Is In it
very crave condition nnd two moro
are in tho hospital with, aerloua
bullet wounds, as a result ot a
shooting affray rising out ot a
poker gamo, which occurred nero
last ntght.
The man expected to die Is Sam
uel Bazguez, who was shot through
tho lungs, and the other YlctlmB
Francisco Conyeio. whose spinal
cord wus severed by a bullet, .whlca
will paralyze mm lor me.
Joe Fernandez, shot through the
neck and leg.
Rafael Sau, wounded In the hip.
Tho troublo arose when Baigues
and Conyego, who are believed to
havo lost money in the poker game,
obtained guns and masks and re
turned to hold up the othor players
In a shod behind ! Cedar street,
where the game was going oa.
Mrs. Salinas, crossing the alley, saw
tho holdup in r ogress and raised
an alarm, which resulted ta tho
summoning of&Oeputy Sheriff Jim
Small by some boys.
Stationing Tom Coyle, who had
run to the spot with him, at the
window, Small ordered the parti
cipants to como out, Razgues casse
out, gun poised, so Small shot hiat,
an Inch above the heart. Tho
shooting outside caused the
held up to draw guns snd, l tbe
subsequent shooting the other thre
men fell, and see usIdeNtsftotl
playors escaped. Deputy thffitt
Small was Unhurt, fjfjf.',
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