,t iv. w Pngo Flvo THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MOMMY, JjCTiY V f !l J2 17, IMv ' A . TqmSims cjCxt They iniy tililmmy orlnliintoil In Ittinnlii (lut a tuiiulry down nml nvmyhoily ciihni'h II. Hi I.iiii In Iuim it :i;i-yeur.nld ki'iiii.I. iiinlliiir, W'n iloii'l uxpurl any of llii' iwililtm In linlluvn t li In. Hiipur In Mltunl, I'ln., Iiiim it liioiul initllni: slnHoti. It iiniii'i'li'ii with in olhoi I'lnrldn ntnlluii W .1 II. K'leiy limn iHiiini nii'ii hi n a .lii'iir Hliiii llii-y i iuim. in'iir Our lili'ii nf tuck In tut n ItiimtliiM nut I" Inn ii mi iiiotlli Mmiy n ilniini In m tilKhtimito with her inuhu-iip nir. A hoy fnllnwn In IiIn fnthm'H font Mli'l" by laldlij: tiflnr IiIh iniil'liiT. A unman enn't iiiiikn a fmil out of a man but nhn ran prmn hn U out1 I'rlrra am iIiumi on i'UT)tliln;t ''V (ipl hat v" buy Thn rnllriild utrlkn ddl hi Rimd.! On llionii laki'ii off ilnnr llni'i vlirro train ii fatiiierii i;ot inort Mum work Tin') pui I'vrrythlnt; on t Klrl who won't put much on licmc-lf. 'Ilirewliw: cold water r.rlii n iuim Inln hot w-atnr All a fle.t linn lo do lo r.et bin bark mrntt'hiul In bllo ilos. Tltiii-n am bnllrr and bnlb'r nmipn nr dpi'iilui; .'nit niimlcliiiin ran r." bark lo llirlr trade Tlmro Im't any larntlou In, Ih" "i arhnol of experience. roiiptu r.n lo thn povli' to fontet everihlUK and Mime even ferret mil lo talk. , Very few women h.iien nrr men: There In n nhortar." nf nptlmlil Don't titioiit iitiy WVini twu flnliKrineu inret, tln rerordtnx iiurhI wrlleit nhorlhauil Aerar man ran't line but cmo woman." W . (linrKv No. not nil thv nieraise iiiwi'a pay . " I Yon iifleii hfi- n Klrl who wiitildn I know her lilln.l If II wan uiaile up 1 hi Hi urn only ITiiO i:kmoi left. Whi-re wilt wn Ret oar janitor net w Inler ItCAIi MiTici: or mm: or .vr.vi i: in tiii: cocntv coi'irr ok tiik HTATi: OK Olli:i!(N l'Olt KLAM ATH COUNT V In Ibft Mutler of the IMatn of Hie lihen W Turner, duceaned Niillin la hereby Khun Unit pur- Kuani tn mi order of tlm nlxiin en-1 lllli'd loiirl, inailo and eutured on ' July 10, 11122, tho iinderiilKued nil-1 mluUtrutor of tho atbvo mentioned , eMiite, from nndiiiftcr AiiKum 21, i I1U2, raid .iiliuiiilairnlnr will fell ai inhale hlli ical properly beloiiKluc lo .ilil ehtute. ilenrrlbed an, .lUlu.ilo lit Klamath Count). 'Kim. Lola r. nml 7 of lllock I of HolllHter Adillllon lo the rlly of, Klamnth Kalln, Orecnn, luKnlher with cortnlu furnlnhliiK therein. Iho wholu thereof count ItuttiiR a roumliiK or iipnriiuent hoime. ti.ilil anlo will ImiiiiiiiIo tn tho Men- ut bidder for rnnli. or p.irt.riiHh nml Dated Julv 17. 19 It. C. OHOKHIIIX'K. AilmlulNlmlor of thn UMalo of Sin phen ". Turner. DeieiiHinl .1 17 21 III- A 7 14 ci r.tTio.N IN Tin: COUNTV COUItT OK tiii: STATU OI OltKOON KOU KLA.M ATII COUNTV In tho Mnlior of thn Kntnlu of Sam uul Wolf Neat, ileceuneil To tloorKo W. Neat Hhutiklnml. in tiii: nami: oi OI' OltKOON, Von um herub) rllud . lialalicn erniM, aunjori in ronnrmn- lieu, juiirii miim ' '' "J " -"" " ,," .i,, i. f Vii.. lint n iblleallon Hon by iho rntirt. loniejanrn lo bo tho Slain of Oreiton. for U itinnll f Ih il uls of t ' 'W."''0" iimiIu by ndmlnlHtrator'a deed, rou-, County, will, iho mmI of nald roiirt ' thlu umi no ''Vi fh Sad Hl In loyliiR to i.urrhuHer nil rlRht. Iltle, affixed. Ihln ir.il, day of July. 1922. a Id. . ' f'.J ff1 ,1" um. Inlereiit, owned or pon.e,. by ! C. It IH. LAI. ,.,. . th Ua, Juno A.U U-f . Mill il.Mi.uM.il. in H.i... pie.ueen .u u.o ,.-,,,.., , vn ,' , .,, 1rnJ '., ,.nswpr ,',r 1111(1 ,IT IH .Mtlllll I ,11,1,1.,. .,..v..... , I...1. ... ( ..'-1(( , nnu renuiren in nppenr nenuu "T ,Hlxili Street, until I mi an nbovo oiilltled iiiiirt ut tlm c,",ri July. 1922, to tho hour of room inoiooi, in inn wiy "i iiiui ii Kail... Kh.uu.lh County. Oreioh. "'' 2lnt day or aiiruhi. Ia2. nt 3 o'clock , II il.. .,l I i,.n In lllllIU' rUUHO.I "' If nnv um lime, why nn order ihould "".i i . - ',..." ,.i not bo entered by wild court uutlior ixliiK M, II, Hpoucur. udmlulHtrator of nalil eHlato. lo mill nt private anlo for 1'itHh or upon tot ma Iho follow ing leal pioporly IioIoiirIiik to aald euttilo; Hltualo In Klnnmlh County, Oro Kotii CnmmiincliiB nt a point w''1"" tho Houiti Hun of tlm north h'Uf of tlm north eaut iiiurtur of tho iiinlli ui'hi uniiMor of Hoctldll in Towmthlii 39 South Huiiro 9 i:,mt of tlm Wllliimutto Morldlan, Intel nerl.1 tfm weiil lino of Iho mild NKUI of tho HWM of Setllon 9. thonto north '40 rods, thence oast 233 foot inoio or ioh in uiu mm hoieloforu nold to William Ilruwn, iru nold to William iiruwn, IllOIICO Wll um III, ill triuH Bdld in J. II, Mro ,'W uiHiili lino of tho Htild nvrh linlf of NHU of HWi'i. tlioiuo wont 179 foot miio or Iobh lo tho pluto of .UoislnuliiK. ImlnB n part of Hectlou 5 Townnhlp an Houlh Itnimo 0 Kail iif Iho W'llliiinotlo.Moildlan, contttliihiK "I"' nt l!.!l 'Uctew, ' WltnosB tlio Uoiioittblo R, II. nuii ,-"" r nrnnn ninani inrtrinmrninnnfinn nfm CLASSIFIED ADS wwwwwi wwwwwrwwwwwwif MISCELLANEOUS WANTKD-Walter or wn 1 1 runt ami ehnlmborinnld. I'liuini L'nglo HI)ko Tavnrii. :itf AltCADi; TltANIUdHl Will move )(tn nnytliuu, nnywhnru, Itonsonnh n OOy-J. 71f KOI I HAM: -Hi himil of heavy log Ithu; liiiii'ifd, I'lmt lIiikm Hliiijni Ail ilri'HH, M .1 Nyhnil, Urenn Sprlnc, N)hart rump 7-l.S l'Olt HUNT Ciiiiipli'lnly futnlnhi'il it I'll rl nn nt, ,yo Apia, Oth ami lllilh Ilia. 'iVIi'phomi 7lf KOIl IIAI.lJ-llHlfl r-'i n. nth Kt feut r,-n cahli). It Ioi:kIiik IIIhii'ii ropalrrd. I'roiit, KUth Kt off Main. Jutk fitf labln If Hill HAM. i.iny foiit r..H I 'i I N I ltd Kt. l'Olt HAI.li U Ion Maxuoll trul at a liurnulii. Klamnth 1'alln Aulo Co Til Main HI l.'l If, . . . . . . -I l'Olt Un.N'T 1 loom fiirtilnlieil AM. l'hoiit 73-1. ' 11.17 inm hai.k Duo rebuilt Chevrolet bun. alao nun good iiillo trailer. Call on or phono H I,. Rlllott, HiiKar- iiiiiii lliillilliic phono ISO. 11-18 I.OHT Two crny coldlnrii, onn al moat white, Vlr.lH "hunt IHOO each; rnnched mnnen, llewunl fur Information or return tn the O. K, ti'irn, Klaninlh I'iiIIji I'hono InforiuA tlou o I'ort Kuiuninm, Klntnnlhl ARiimy. 14-20 I KOU KAI.i: -Auto earn Clean up mile, fnw of the bent It'll, forfeit lo get awa. Hen Dirk, offlrn S10 llroad III ir,.7 KOIl HAM: llulhllliR loin Cahlna. i:a innncy Her Dick. I'lil llroad III 1.-.-I7" WANTCD '-thwil rellabln woninii In I keep hoiKo and rare for two rht lit-1 u. rhiio f, .1 1 -J IU9 roti l'Olt SAM: Modem, elulit room hniiHe, two lota, femeil lilt; icnr den. Iianinieul, Mcrecn pun hex, lawn, rmi'buiihe nliade I rein, barn chick en hniiHo olio hlo-k from Kalrvlaw nclioul , llcut lew of tho city All for Ctcnn. Call HIT Wordun Ami. 1R.I7 WANTIID A imed ear. ferred. Call lO-f-ll Dodae pro-15-18 WA.S'fi:!) Tn buy or- trade fur Knod two icated rig. Hot C. II. Herald. 15-21" I UK lll.o I i!tuiii rmiT.'iiiuii i"i ... ...,k.n II . ....!..... ... two ram men. lea, Willi bath. WirjRo '"'"" :i3'' '"l nun mini i KOU HAt.i: lo head of dairy cows. Quarter of mite went Stukln llrliUu, llo.iley ninth l.'-20 iWANTKD Mini ullti H-uoih in haul liunlM-r n( (NdllrrV .Mill. I'lumc I l.l -i:f. I,VIH LOAN WANTKIK- S00 on reul Into Hecurlty. Addreiia llox : Klu math Pall. 15-21 en 17. l'Olt SAI.IJ Oil Tit AUK Now room Iiihiihi for ten urrea uml up, i-lono to hlRhway or Knod road; Or will nell for miinll p.i)inent down unit pln terina In ault I'hono f.lS-.M, IS-17 -, - -- - ' I I'ol NO Diamond rlnK on ulrretn nt Klamath I'allH Owner may bjivn Oro-'oainii by ldeiillf)lni; ami palnK for .ad Call ut K K. K. Hlore. la-li KOU HAI.K Complelo lurnmniiiRn lor ." ronnia, InclmllnR oloclrlu rtiiiRo nnd piano, all Reed condition. I'hono 217-lt. ntternoonH. or cull ..... ,.....,.. . I I m J i.iiii iiiu Deputy, " ' I 17 21 31 A 7 II 'xenci: . . ill Nntlco InvltliiK I'lilH fur il"" nml wot It, on linproM'iilenlH of Sthool (irouuiK laliiR of HldewsilkM. plac- Iiir of urliH le. Healed hldn or propoHiilH will bive- ruiwui ii) in" 'H'i ...- irii.t Nn 1. K nniutli nwiH, uro 14-18 I .. .... ... .";... ,. ',..... . nlintfi ..ul lilml milt within hlx woekn I.e.1... ';;;; fr , fun'.l.hl.m r m.torl.l.."',, (VinorodVan attorned foen'. r thu rAT.:,;;;!l0i1,1rn:;1 r,J.r,rwii!,tBi.'!: !!' r ,u f0,u n,ul atatawe,"ta flc ; (-,, Cnriohooiu, .1H So o'cioel m 'a certified check or Hidden. Ilond ',., ltim)im, , n t bid or pro- ... ..in -...I ,.. -ri'iiniliiillV ponai win no ii''!"!"" v ..- each bid. nalil check in uo paauni iu, Ida II. Mom j or. clerk. Thw owners rohorvo tho rlulit toi niiiiiU nny or reject till bld or pro- poiinlH. A.ldniHH nil hldn o Idn H. Mom yer. Work Hohool Dlot. tiiT. 1. Klmn nth Kail. Oregon. IB-li "'" ' HIIMMONH i i:i.iiry Xo. iwa i in tiii: cinuutT court ok tiii: STATU OK OltKOON KOU Kl.AM- 4nMI pnllNTV. u.wnimniitn-Hnn Jonatilii Hunk, n. eomoratlou. and Um Htnnnilaui Land mid AOiirnci i,niui'iiiir. MwtM,.wMi inni..nffu v. ! It. lllbhord nnd JOi- " " ... . tt .... M MHM.nlllll1lt ' i .. '' ,' r, ,inil Jol n Hal- -;r t t iimiiuttu ...... jimjii ffiB ft AS HIUHII. hl -Avlfe,. Tllr AHOVK- NAMKD DHKHNDANTfl! Van nro lioiehy aumuioimil unilrO (itilreil in appear mid 'tumwdr tlm cyiiU'lnlut HU'U nBtiltist you In Um nrwirirK r ifri ir-nn ii- r vw wwnwrwwwwfw ywWIWWIWiHWi KIIIINIHIIKD ONi: i: Itnnin rilifnn 11 ih ifiir Main lJ.17 ColOlllllI llODIIIM A IIAIHIAIN Undorivood rislmlll lypowrllnr, Hlnndnrd, a 14-Inch rnrrlngo. Klamath Kxchnugu. Wltu turn DlilK. J 1-20 WANTIIli -I'artmir In ii good pay ll.K lillHlllCliH, IJox 2K3, city. H-17 KOIl 8AM It'lw lioat nnd klgl.nr. In r.oinl (omlltlon, tonntlmr- Or miinrni. Call Hloio Mean, Wy- nmiia illinium jz-ib- l'Olt KlfNl' lli'ilnihlo 1MJ IMnu Kt VAN"rl:i) Mini to mill, am) il.'llvcr (luod man $100 and board or mon, llox KM, rlty 14-17' KOIl HAM: -Old imperii, imltiiblo for liliiji'rl)'lii llnoliinin, rnrpnl, etc, urnpiilnit and parhlni;, Tim cent, u lurno liliiidlu, llnraM offlr tt KiMtNriiMii: i'oii ham: run iro, miIm4 mm Hprlnp.ii, IVnry ilri'imiT, ; lillnliiit loom nit In nnk. riiK. I'rlitui rnrnonnlilc I'lionn Cl.ll. 15-17' UA,'Ti;i) A wniunn to do CoojilliR Call or vVrlto V M Hheelian (it Klrkfnrd, Or.-. 1CI8 .... - - .... KOIl RAI.C 1017 KportK model Hud- ami, c.oyil rubber, In cood romll- tlon. Cull 2RI-.M nltor r, p. m. 15-1S mi:n vanvti:d: Kor dervlm um t Itnllroad ituclilntntu liollertnnkurii llUckkinllhs Mcetrlclana Sheet Mulul Wurknrn l'lp Kllteral Cnppi r Hin I til Car llepalrura TlnnnrH ' - Car Inipertnra llclpera-ioll claneii. Under vlrlko rimililloua bet ex plained by Chairman Ifrn W. Iliinper o Hie V H lllt Labor Hoard. In 1il atnlemenl of July I'lral fcadliis an folle'A: "In thin cane thn rontllct In nol betweon tho employer nml tho np nrefjed nmiilnreei, Thn peoplo of ibU emintry. throuah tin ai t of con- irreiW (iRnriMiy iTnnifai nnoi - H. 1 .It .-It .. .11. In ..,. II. . . . .- I, ti.ii.... .- inmiBiieii n iriuuiiiu m uv.wv "ii lions which nrd nuhmttted In It In n prorer mnnnr oicr auch dispute. Jt In the dnclnlnna or th'i tribunal Hu. .. Ull. ,1... ulimt rl-iftll iiro M'rknK ,,.Knrie of uny ijnonllon f ihnrlKlu of men to alrlko tho men who tako MtrlKern plaren am merely nrceptltiK wnRea'iind worklnn condl tlnnn prefcrlbcd by Rovnrnmenl trlbunul nml are irfermlnt: a public nenlco. Tlioy oro not ncccptlnR tbo wdkpb nnd worklnr; romfltiona which nn nmplojer Ii trying to lmpoe. Knr lh! reason public nentlmcnt and full nincrnment power wjll proiqct the won who remain In their ponltlonn nml n.cw men who may come In " Adequate provlnlona have brcri mado fnr thn full protection of nil new-onipliijeen tho k.iiiio nn old em ploiea who hao remained loyally n work. Applicant ihonlfl apply to the oltlco nf the Hupnrlnlenilent lit I'nrllind Union Rlullnn, or lo the amlntant I5ui;erlnli!nilcnt at Itone bun;. .i. ir. nvi:it. (.'en. lr. Southern I'.ulfle. Jy B-fi othoru Inn plead, within tiiusaiu iimo, I tho plalntlffn-wlll npply to thr Court lf"" the relief irnyed for In tholr .rnmphiliit, to-wlt, for JudRinent uKalnut too nam iioionminus, .. u. Hlbliovd nml Jos Hlbbord. bin wife, lliiMH'i linn mi iin ! i ""( and John linlslRsr Jr. and Mary , hh NfQ fnr , gllm nf 0)0. TI,nusaml jrtdiara ($1,000.00.). with Interest thereon from tlm .list day of )(,cpl,or A. I). 1021 n( Iho rnto of it47o por annum: nod for tho addition al mint of one-uunurea unn nny ...'.v..., , r And for n leered or nis conn, no- tlnrlnu tlifctnwUMn: ej upjn uld lco - niitnliit to 'bo ii moilRttRo nnd 'fnri.plniilii th.. mnrtftai which trust "r0' 'l," 'TnoaRoro 01011,0 fol KJ'Xd rW IOW lllh ""U nn l,l""il " ' Thu Woat half oi (ho Northwoat quarlor nhd Um Wnt half of tho SoutiiWKat intaiior or mocuoii Thlrt)ifour (34 J, Townnhlp Thlr-ty-nlno (9) jiouth. HanRo TwolVo (;2). Hast of tho Wlllaniottq Mor-IdlnnrcontnlnlnirOno-ilnndrcd nnd Sixty (ISO) ncreg of laud, uioro or nn,d orilcrluK thut tho ajir property bo mild by tho Sheriff of Klamath Cou)U'y, OroROii, lil th6' manner' by law: In cases of this kind provided nnd thut tho proceeds of such sale u applied riHRT: Tov tho" paynlent of tho co.itu nn( exporiOH qt te'ealdi nalo and tlio costs und expenses of this suit! Second; To tho.puymont of thoso niuinuth' or tiip ujunupt fo,r itch they i.hk JudKumut heroin; Til I ItD: That, tbo halauro, If uny thoro bo. ho duiHiullcd'wIth tho Clerk" of this Court for thoso entitled to It, Thnl thn")mirnn de'enV Hint'nt wich iialo nnyipntly. l" Utl" ull muv heriuiio tho nuri;mior of any pan or all of eata red I propuity, ami do- r :r- .. rri'd Hint imniriliittciy upon wo pur rliwnj of wld property Itiu sheriff ii hnl I iarr tlin purchaser Into cum Idotn positcslnon of tlm property no purrhnsi'd Tli n I llin Court ntno decree nml do rlnro Hint pliilntlffs'.llon upon all of ."' ''II real property, hy vlrtno of t !nltl mortgago aforesaid, I prior In. Hum "nil superior In right to any rlc.lil, tltln, intnroHt, estiilo or lien of tin) nalil di fondants. C It. Illlihord atiil .Ii'hhIo Illlihord, lil wife, and John llnNlger Jr. and Mury llnlslger, hli wlfn, or any person or persons i Induing or In ilalin under thn said defendant or ultlinr or any of them; Ami "1 no ibjrrco that all porton (Induing or to t Iuim hy, through, or under tho nalil ilcfi inlaiiti), nml , tlio ilcfomlanln IbcmKOlvfti, Ahull bo for- TIT birroil ami forncioii'ii or all llielr rlKlit, title, oilaiH, luwrvn ami, Hen at law or In onnlty, nml all f.'llllty of irilinnpllon In, lo iiihI upon i"imy oi innnnpuon in, 10 n;in uponi llii. nul.l r..t i.nmnrlv i.ml ,.irv nnrl ami piricl thoroof, and tbnt plnln - tl(fM mny hao hitch oilier unit fur- Mm r..ll,if na In nxlltlv ahntl , nln relli'f mi .,i tiiIk Hmninnii.' 1 14 Hiii.tl.iinl our- im.nl l n ,,nl,,p n' III.. llmmrnMn . I. i.n,.vin .1,1,1 f ih.. frrit Court of th,.' Male of Orei;on, for Kliiiiiiilli Cnnnlv. whleh oritur In date I Jine 20th, A. D 1322. 1) V KUVKKNDAM, Atlnmcy for, I'lalntlffn. ! O Aililnr- I.ooiuIh ltulldInK, .yia-nnih Call". Oregon f ai! -Jv 1-10.17-21. ?l A 7 rr iit ui nuuiiifiii ijuin ivi m o.-tuvu ... NOPICK. OK KI.VAI, ACCOIWT tTownnhln 41 South, Itanico 12 Eaut IN Till: COI'NTV COUItT OK TUB .of tho WlllameUe Morldlan within HTATI OK OitL'OON KOU KLAM-'jIi boundarlcn of ald District. ATII COUNTY. ' . 1 Said idoetlc-n mu.t bo held and tho. In tLu Matu r of the Ijttnto nf rexult thereof determined nnd do fleorce Deal, Doceatfd. .elared In all repectn an noarly aa Notlrc In her'oliy rtivrin that I filed tiractlcnt In ronformlty with tho pro- my f'::?l nrro-int and report nn ad - mtrtlHtrnirlx of thn potato of (leerRe Dell. d'Ceemjil, nid trf!lilioopntllleil Olven by order of thi Hoard of Court hnn fixed tlm hour of 10 o'clock J Dlrectora of tho Slinnta View Irrlun In the forenoon of nr.turda) tho 5th j Hon Dlntijct this tho 10th day of ilar nf Auciif. 1D21. nn Iho tlmo.l ji nn. A ! 1022. nnd the Cnunlj Coint rnon nf tho; I'onnty ('ouri-Jti Die fniirinoitai or Klamath Counlv. Oreirnn. In the City Of Klamnth I'nllc. jia the place when nnd where any pprnon may prcfjit any nnji-ctmn or nxcep;:on lo any- thlni: ih'rnln rnntnlned, or to nny- thin done la tho matter of the nalil (Ktnto by me nn admlnlntratrlx, and Ul Hi" I'lin mm' anu ih.ico ino Kniu Court will finaliy'Hcttle nalil final acrount. Thin nntlco In kItpii purnunnt tn nn order of tbo Honorable It. II. Ilun licll, .llldjre nf tho .iibolo entitled Court, m.iile o nthf 1( day of July: 122 nnd' Ih" flrnt publication of n!d notlcn la made nn llonday, tho :trd day of July, 1D22. and tho lat piibll'.iitloii on Monday, tho niot day of July, 1022, AlJlCB I COIlKKItV. (Korimirly Alice I. DaH Administratrix of fho nald Kntate j r.-in-i7-S4.3i. ' . hOlMONH Fiilly Xo. 11.11 IN Till: CIIICUIT C4IUHT OI' TIIK fcTVTK OK OltKOOX, Tor. KLAM ATH rou.vrv Itflxcc.i M, Wll.inn, nnd I.oruliio LanKntroth nnd K. K., I'ortor. I'laln lifts. TH. Arthur Vernon, Vera Vornon, Mary M. Hanson nnd C. It. I'axnou and Jano Dee I'nxton, hjs ,'lfo, D; fendantr. To Arthur Vprnon, Vera Vornon, Mury M. llanion, C. II. 1'axson nnd Jano Dee I'axnon, wife of C. II, I'nxsou, defendant' In the tiamo of tho State of Oregen: You nro hereby required to ap pear pud answer Iho roinpl.ilut fil ed nrf.iluat )ou tn tho nbovo entitled rourt und rnuso within sir. weeks from tho first publication of this summons, which rfnto Is tho l'-Hli day of June, 1922, 'ami If )ou fall so to iippenr ami ziuawer. the pblnlfffK will imply to the court for tho relief iira)i it for In unit! complaint, to-wlt: for a Judcinent for thu mm nf liion. uo npil lulerrht thereon "nt tho rate of olKht per cent per annum from March I .Tin, 117. for the sum or suri.uo tnxca paid by plaintiffs, on tho land hereinafter described, for 1150.00 at lornejn fees nnd for costs und dis bursements heroin, for jha foreclos ure, of n trust do"d mndo nnd rtxecut td to thn folInwIiiR deserlbed real estate, sltuntQ in Klamath County, Stntn or OroRon. to-wlt:' Thn pant half of tho rnllHieant (jtjnrtor or sertlou 23, tho northwest qmirter nt Iho uorlliwcsC quarter of teiton 2Ii, tho northeast quarter of the tiorlhcaft quarter of section 2G hit In township 3S. booth ofmrnto ten east of tho WIlIani'Hto Meridian, ntnrrof nale" or SiltinifriPe-rtrnnn; tho appllratlon of tho proceeds iir said s.ilMo the payment of said JifaRtneut. This summons Is served on you by publication by order of tho Hon. A Ii. ItcnvJIt, JiiiIro o tho nloo en titled court, which snld order was mndo nnd entered on tlio 17th day of .liluo, 1922, and tho tlmo prescrib ed thi'.-olu for ptibllcatton of said at innnx Is six f6) wecKs aticresslvo- ly. beKtunine with thn Usuo'of Juno 19. 1322. that belnc tlw unto oi ino trst .J)llcutlon thereof und endhiR with thn Imiuo of July 31. 1922. tnnt bolnR the ilato of t,ho last publication IhT.iot. , '. niCNNKK. .MANNIN0 AOANONn, Hesldonce nnd nddiess nMorlran Na tional Ilauk Hide, KUoMtH Falls. Oreaon. X w L.jrQiLTKn.&j.c.aiifen. ItcHldence nnd addiesi. OreKon City, Clackautns county, OrcK0.il. Attorneys for. plaintiffs. . t n an t..i.. n n 9.o, ,,'-. iiiiip i'-i:ii iiiiiyiium'ii.J.'iii I! IU UUL XJ ' ' J U.X. J1U ' ' A'llTICK 'ji HI'i:CIAIi 110.1) AND CJkNTH.lCT EIKCTHX SHASTA 11KW IIUIIOATIO.V, DISTHICT Notice la hereby nlveli that a bpo- cIaL election will bo hold on Friday, 28th day of Julr 1938. At tho heroin- nfiorsbedflod pollliyf place In Shas tnWtow Irrigation DUtrlrt Klamath County, Oregon, to dctermlna wheth er bond or said District' In tho mm ot Ouo Hundred Twenty Thousand uoilara (lisc.uuo.uu; sunn ny lesueu tor tUo purpo'so or providing; funds for nrocurlnc necoasary roclumatlon woilts. ncqulrlnR tho necessary pro porty and rlRhts tlio'rofgr, ror Iho puriliase lnd neiinlultloi; or caijuls, w4tdr rls'ilB. and for work und ion- !tructlon. and for otherwise, earry- nB out tho provision, of law. and for lm turlliftr purpose or lollnjj upon too roimwini; ituesuun. " ; aiuiu tbo snweia viow irrigation District of Klnmnlli County, Orcijon outer Into n contract with (liij Unitoil HtatnH of America for a water right for tlio 1 11 ii (In of ml lil District whnroln n;id whereby thn maximum ninounl to lin pa lil for unlit water right In to ho thirty-four dollars por ucrn for e-ncli nml orory IrrJgnl'lo ncro within boundaries of tho unlit District and an annual operation and mnalennncc chnrgo dual to onn-hhlf of tho ncro rhargn assessed against tho land of thu Klamath Project and an rrjult ithlo proportion of any cxncivio Incur red by the United tttat'.i In regulating tho wator level of Upper Klamath Iiko nml tho proportionate part of tho cost or ndilltlonal ilrninngo upon i thn Klamath I'rnjcrt mndo necessary hy thn InrroaHPil wepaKo Upon thh1 Klamath Troloct catmoil by the J worn iirniiurn ir in iui ruiiii,1(.i,i not. rxccMiuiK, niiH.jTir, in huiuhk per aero for wich dralnnRO.' Tho poIIh aliall ho op'neil at olcht . " i'""" "" v -i" ; ",.. O I loi K Oil till) NIOMlllIK Of till TlCO tlon' nni1 lm kc'11 'cn u".1" ,l?" o'clock In the fiUfrrlooii, whtn .tho KllinP lllUKt llfl CIOIICII . At (inch nletlliim tho Inllota ahull conUiln tho Tiordn "I10ND3 VK8" I llltll "HONDft NO," anil the WOnlll 'CONTKACT WITH TIIK IIN'ITKD 'HJATS - VKS" and Willi HIP. I'M rr 'CONTHACTt HTATi:8 J (NO." I "'o Hoard of Dlrectora have upo-i elflod the follow Inic polling blaro ln "',1 lrlct '"' Hctlon Th KlinaU Vlnw School lloinfj located; approxlnialply In the Southeant nuar- vlHloni of law povernlnR tho election! 0f offlctra. f C, M. KHlKPATItlCK, l'rcaldcnt. O IMIUNT. HAItHV WIUSON. Hoard of Director. t Attmt: o V.. Hunt, ':0crctary, j nf, jy 3, 10. 17, 24 .netici: sri:ri.i, hoxh ani cont.cT i:i.i:CTION .MAM.V IIIIIKIA- . TIOX DISTHICT 4 Notice Is hereby Riven that a spe cial election will be held on Friday. tho 2nth day of July 1922, at the hereinafter specified poUInc place In llalln lrrleatlon District. Klamath County. Oreiton. lo dntcrmlnn whtth- Icr bonds of said District Ju tho sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars t?i 00,000.00) (shall bo Issued for tho purpose of providing fumia for pro- cnrlni: nccensary reclamation worns. acqulrlns.tho ncceary property and rights thereto;, for purchaao and nc- qulsltlon of c.tnats, water rlchts. ntifl j for work am: construction, ana tor otherwlso cnrrjInK out the provisions of law. nnd for tho further purpose of otlng .upon tho follorrlnR ques ques teon: I "Shall tho Malln IrrlRutlon Dis trict of Klamath County, Oregon en ter Into a contract wltu tnn unneo StatK of America for a water right for tho lands of said District wherein and whereby the maximum amount Oh en by order of thu Hoar J or bo 34.00 per aero for each" and ocry Irrlcnble aero within the boun daries of the said District anil nil annual operation jipd ttr.iln'rtuince cburRo equal to onu-nnlt tlu- aero charRo assessed against tho lands of flio Klamath I'rojcct and an eqult- nble proDortlon of any expense -Incur rod by the United States In regulating tho water lei el of tipper itiammn Lakti and the proportionate part of tho i'oU of iuIilltloii.il drnlnnRe upon tho Klamath I'rojcct nfado necessary by tho IncrcHhCd beepngo upon tho Klamath project caused by tho work proxldcd for Jit said contract, not exceeding, howuvcr, tcu dollars por ncro for such drainage." Tho polls shall bo opened at eight o'clock on tho morning of the elec tion. nndNbo kept open until five o'clock In tho afternoon, -when tho same must be closed. . At such election, tho ballots shall contain tho words "IIONIK3 YES" nnd "I10NDS NO.", and tho words "CONTItACT WITH TIIK UNITKD STATUS YKS" dnd "CONTHACT WITH TIIK UNITKD STATES SO." Tli., Hoard of Directors hnie spe cified the follow Iiir polling place In snld District for said electien: Tho ltcsldcnco of John Spolek, located approximately In tho South halt of Southeast quarter nf Section 14, Township 41 South. Ilango 12 Host of tho Willamette Morldlan within tho boundaries of tho said Malln Ir rigation. District. Snld vloetton must bo held nnd tho result thereof determined nnd -do-dared iu all respects as nearly lit ttrnctlral In conformity with tho pro visions of law gocrnlng tho election or officers. (liven gy order of Hkj Hoard of Directors of tho Malln Irrigation District this tho Cth day of June, A. D. 1022;. K. M. HUlin, President, C. It. HKARDSLKY, . FKANK 1.AMPI.OT. Hoard 'of Directors. Atteef M. il. Stastny, ' Secretary.. 26 Jy3. 10. 17. 34 ST swrr t'OUNTV TIlKAHL'ltllfN NOTIt'K Notlco -la hereby ghou that thoro nro funds In iho County Treasury for tho redemption of Klamath Coun ty Iloii Warranto protosted on or bo toro May 31st, 1322. Mntorest on tho sumo will ceasa from, this date, ' Dated nt Klamath Tulls, Oregon, thlo XMi (Jay of Julv, X D. 1922. O. K. VAN niPEH. 13-18 Jnc County Treasurer. YoUNTVn. thkahUhkh's notice Notlco "la horoby glvou t,hat thoro nro fundsln tho County Treasury for Ua',-rodmuitlun of Langoll Val ley rrigatlonWarrnnl wotcstcd on or boforoAuKUut 4th. 1321. ' f lUtotcstVon thu tiamo ivlll touso from this !dnto',', Dutod utNKlotnutli Fall3. Oregon, thb Uth day of.Julv.,Ai D. 1922, . K.i VAN Hlt'KH, t3-l Hit Count) Troasuror. .rJ . LirrivJ r IX rO0AK m v I I Leave Your Filttvp Before 9 O'clocK-Your A.M Pictures are Ffv KLAMATH FALLS OREGON r7 VHCRC PARTICULAR PEOPLE ' U -- iURtxa: n-Y DUy-THEIF? DRUGS Iforald classified ads pay yog. ' Uet rexnlti by unmg class aila. 1 NU BONE CORSETS Made to your MeoMir,, (('ilnriinli'eil Mrs. Rose. Randall .",21 JffferRon Kf. Ilione 277-W CHIROPRACTORS I)1W. MAM.irTT A MAI.T.KTT Offleo mor t'nilerwooil'a 'III &. Main I'lionc .1.1D--I FOR SALE I'mciI Cnr. I r.indiow jou many, nil sikhI. Will trade Wli.it ImiH jou. l'nrrril Hale. Itljlit prlri... Office U-IO Hronil Ht. KKK DICK S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Vrtrrlnnrj Kureon 412 H. (1th HI. I'lione ,"3-.l DR. C A.RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. P. n.ilMIng I'HOMK 91 FRED VESTERFELD Dentist I'bouc 4.11-W X-ltAT liAHOrHTOUIEH loomla ihok. KUaaUi ViU Ladies' Shoe Repairing Clue Hii Wmk nml Unuil-Sciicdl .Soles Jack Froat Sixth Street, Juit off Main Diamonds, Gold Bought Reliable Estimates a CRAMER" 713 Selling Hldg. Portland, Ore. New York Life Ins. Co. P. i:. HL'ltKi:, IDA MOMYKIt Kc-ildciit AgvnlM All Xviv York Ufo Poilry Hold ers u.-o wolcomo to our services DR. H. J. WINTERS Oriloat and State Hpjl-tercd . , -OPTICIAN Ntnatesn years here In basinets We print and Jit Glasses Duplicate broken Glasses !- . -V prompt Serilrf Ilot Kiiiliprl OpIlrAl Hlure In Moutbem Oregon 714 Main Street W. E. & J. E. Patterson ONTHACriXO PAINTI.'ltM - 'i. , ,,(1rlu(s Oil nml y,iriili li:lO H. WlMli Ht.. Klriinnlli I'iill. ' I n i ' iv . I'hone ftH-J-J from U lo A:U rdOD h Blockwodd Mmbwoot? Bodywood Green Slabs F. FRANKFORD WOOD AND HAY 032 Main St. Phnio 72 'krJkiC, WORK 1) ready & 3 ITl DR. F. R- GODDARD OiiiiroATiiio rirVHfciAn, AND NUnOROJf Oftlrr Mid Itmldenre I'donra Ml I. O. O. K. TKMI'LK ' KJamalh Falls Plumbjiif A Hatinf Co. lJs . MflKHOX ,-Vrop. llli Alil'lne HI. rhmimr nifi-R ft - - J. C CLECHdjlN . CIVII, F.SOINKW A.NDlJjL'UVCrOK. 'v , iMMitif. ii-j ,it n. sui DR, J. G. C0BLE.r OiH-ojucmiHT ovrictij. 170 Ifala Bt. Vhat tjdj W4 fit i and grlDd glassia, piivJ eat tirokea Unses. rtpalr frsUMM. , ;! . A., O. O.-F.' i" rronjwTlty Itrfickah, lAf 'nfetim First anil Thlni ThwHilay '' l.'wniina f.'orsmpnirnt 4fl. rnch Tuciwlajr j hlamain lKn I7J mertS TrlcU, K1.A MATH, P03T. J&. I American Legion rnatta In the basemeat Of'tse now conrtUodse, m 'Mala Street on the .first .,mad iblrd Tnen'lay "t "'ch' Month.. Cx-rvlco men, are InTltH t at .fund the meetings- '- j ' Dr Fred Wosterfeld. CoBUaSMer. Ii: K. Hett, Post Adjnuat as4 Aa , lief aid trmploymeni constltlaajT 1 T When i Yo HUT Dirtr Clothed - If you w'nieall iM'-" Klamath Hand Lmtniirf 11 3-South 3th 8t. . Pho8ST-W Ther wilt wash, -darn, iroa-aad return 10- yoa, v tv ' i cu NEW CITY LAyNDJtY rialsrird Work Flat Work r - Roaafe OiT x .--. "Pat Yoar Dda bkiOm1fm9f I'HONK IH, " , Cnrart JMaln .sad Cuff ... , X ' " " . Under New TheMali TSrpnls Wntv RirvH' Ice Cream arfrl 'oilier t freshrnents!ailhU " hoiiBOjX" G. R. MOSS w Klamath ' L J , Exchange Tjpowilm?, ' Addlnu tMaOdnes t'asli ItoKlMei-H Cleaned, lie ILilrcU ami ltfjiulli. Winters Bldg. " K-tlNfaitlou (luuraateetl NORTON'S? AUTO STAGE Klamath Fall's" XQ " Bend ( i.u.lio Kliiiunth KjHi,";Uo a, m. aiiinuajM, wonnesaays ana rn dnVj from Union Btago bflicor Arrive Hciid C:30 p.7in. Re turn "neit day, " " "" SHOWC r at Sugnnnan'tf '; if I' 'VV y P5P V Wk nUdtel "jSBri . i.iTL rZir km l"f 7 3 i i . fi M UkJ9 w 1 . fcl & v kmh . h' ft , ti k ipi &w VfP ';. r.t I. JTA