The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 17, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Page Two
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The Evening Herald
ir n. MtmiiH..Kaunr tan it ii!iiiMiir
4,1 - , '. wiiikio aiiiiTUiii .unnngcr
Published dfltlr excoot Sunday, hi
Tho Herald Publishing Company of
Klnmnth I'alln, at 119 eighth street. '
Kttterod nt tho pnslofflco nt Klam
ath. Falls, Ore., for trnnnmlsslon
through tlio innfls ai second'class
nutter. I
HW M1WfH-lllnlM.I. I i llli. .,
rE83 I
. Tho Associated J?itua It qxcIusIto
ly entitled td the tiso. for puhllan-.
(Ion o' Ml news ilhintrlio, credited
to It, or m I othcrwlw creditor. In
llil.l pnpor nnrl also tho Iol.iI ncwi
pUhllHhcd byre In
KATVItDAY, JULY in, tosa
rfLUSS tliq unforaccn . occurs,
Klamath county u destined fori
a season or unusual prosperity. It u
tip to nil of tin to guard against any
Inirutllnc happenings that would In
terfere with tho development of our'
inutunl IntcroMs. ,
Thcro Is no longer any question
thnt tho worst of our depression In
over. Haulers, farmers ami busi
ness men all admit It. Private ami'
public pa) rolls nro dally Increasing
and th- Improemont In tho not ,
thlrlv .Invn nhout.1 t,n flrnnnrllnnnf-'
to tho Baln ot tho past thirty.
Thnro In no longer any excuso for
tho man ho r,ofuian to soo prospoA
ity. It Is not Just around tho coruor
It Is hero, l.nqclclnc for ndmlttancu.
nnd tho onjy mistake wo can make
is n umorouo narnng or mo uoor. ir
j ...... . .. &
wo nreet tho visitor with open arms,
nhandon tho Idea that oach dollar
wo ctt hojd of Is the latt wu will
over rco. and spend Judiciously all wo
ran afford to spend, with an cyo to
uwnrlnr vilxn rnFi.n,i vitt umn '
" . ---. ...v.. ..... .. ....avvwM
b" oji firm ground acnln.
Wo nro not adrocatlnR en orcy of
oxtravacanco In this. Hut wo do bo
bcltcvo IhW panicky hoarding should
cease, thai. money withdrawn from
circulation by the fearful aheuld be
used to pay Just debts, to tlaanco
lecltlmnto' enterprise, and to pro
vide neceBltlcs that inaijy have boen '
dome without for too past year, to'
tho detriment of themselves
pnf 1
inair mmiiiBD . jjC(,
wo hollcvo that every dollar spnl , f r
should bo spent,ln Klamath If we'WANTKI
Give tho Ifonw tawn n etauee the re-
suits bt Ito BRtiMr will' bo
j.nsinc. j. , , a4
Onr tjlnoa. l.oalth'yuealorj
iai i "" .is-
flou mo sua wm. ciiaiinum o wim,,. - j-22 .
as u ouBinoBB wen. ciiw on iia iaat i
ii'ju m noiiib niMH'ii uu ino oiis;in
ii.. n -.i.i,....(i .vf .. .r. i
. - .... ... . ... i
Change points out! , Ith Is
i itreat dec! lfko nhmleal -R'1I bo-
i( irreat ilccl llku tilivuleal -a-1I Ii.
. .
Jnir. i
Phrtltlnns WS told their im-
tlnnla thii Ihhlr hpsllli was tih'ir.l'"8"
orably uffeeted'when they Bflroras?
I'd or toloratoe deorreacd tiouaMa
similarly tho reoplo who lk In n
iHsconrrcei! v-ay nbout-bmlnesn helj. ;?f w ,(h yy, Fof farther Infor
lo rnnhfl bnatewi-wor:. . mutton immlre at Heraljt office. l"tf
AceordIns'fVowl!0folk. the cotui'
try la tlrrtfltwlffjim suffering fr
hard tltaoa. Tlipy will rarely admit
that conditions nro good. Always
"thcro Is tomotlilnj; tho rant tar. And
nt.tlmos whoa thcro la coaalderable
itneraplO)mont, thoy omphaeiau the
bad cundltlons and mtil.o them out
jituch wonjo than they really nro.
'Kcn nt tho rok of tho unem
ployment that oxltted latt year, tho
great majority of people wero at
work, nnd business was going on a
E.oodvd0',l ft usual There npvor was
n tlmo yet whon there woro not
good opportunltlon for ambitious ami
enterprising nnd hard worhlng peo. I
Plo. ' I
Tho condition of twalnem jlepeds 1
larrfely oil Uio ,afo 'of mind of tho f
Ijiwhwaa" men.i3oji)5 nro njwayw
Jj'opgfnl. and Uqy-)mvo fulth to bo-'
Uovo that by ;i Ilitlo uioro i.rils(
euce, by usltss Auo'i" brains a little
jnoro, anjT Bpeiu'ng jlcss time In
play, thoyanBocuro plenty of bust
And It usunll)'t
Huth (noplo nro nn Inspjratbrj to
all wHU, vbom they ejom,o In contact
A'ftor tajklp,? v,llh rtom, people foj
Ijko branfhlng out end dolng'thlngs
themselves, and they roustlliflo cen
ters of nctlvlty from which spread'
Influences tlal promote, prosperity,
People rpml loo much about do
jirtselon und dliKirganlwitlon In l'ur
nje, nnd thlijlf Unit tbjs nfccsarlly
la'oiins .that thoro must bo sUgni)
lion n thin country, Hut nil through
Jhjn p'oriml. Uurnpo hud bought. Just
'ilboui ijio tmiuo (jiuyitlly pt roods n
"Ixifuro tho wcr.
wo ba.e lms,Ii)ps troublpa thcjy-i
nro inrgely tho i-ult of mT uwn
intstuitfyi, nnd 9 caijt enroHicon by
tnlleJpV o? dolormlnathn nnd oop-
v 1 (
Jj TV JlCnilcni 4 i'l) pny UlY Ik'"'
.. ...I... i.iv frtfi.. Mirmlilrllt. 14.90
t )c, " -
' I' 1 1. " r '
Jj,r'?wtei'--lliUoper heap crop I?
v w' . - $lpai! (Vm J61- W9 con80".
Vl -? -..XersiavClMfUlcd s vw yoi'
fVK V?l
uaft s3fc
fifiy MS. & II T
.li-V' i
- .xj- j
SH--. ' J - - --? VTJt s W' Ul
-0' ' yl "fflP 7A'Z.S
tSft.' i m . r
.H.r '
j;wt Tit! iicric lrkrR- c-AMr cur s.cno
cot.T this K'RNv'
WAN'THD Men to do bottle. wnh-
IukMusI Ik! nblo t.f ilrlw truck.
lMU I)alrr'
rth and
Klamnth !
, r
nn o.n.eni.i n.MN mr nlnr
-u.t .r..M ...... ,', . .f . , ....mi,, i
e Tiuiiin
will a thw
umicriayiiiK nirpi'io, t-ic.
tr. centstwo for 25 wnts
liMt. HernW off leo.
-.. .. . . I
' II
. .
WANTHI) wood clean rap. siXiasu. Murf than ever.
enUi n pound at tho Herald of-
"" il"
wantKD Furnished btti-room with
sleeping porch, llunnlng wntor,
llrablo. Address P. O. lime -
' li-12
j FOR SALB Old papers for packing,
undorlaylug carijets. otc. lluadlo ,
IB tents, two for 2u conu wniio iri) .
last. Herald office. 17-21 ,
7"... .. ii 7. T
FOH SLfr- 20 aew. I mile toi
Madford Modern bulldlnga. crops.
ElgBl aerea of alfalfa. sWKk. Pay,
rnwt down, balanco easy tsrmK' ,-"'" ' " " ' "" -" . therefore It Is ordred that nil i monl. when wer prew-nt: It. II lluii
Forced sala. J. Ptrw. 11. 1. Box P. JusnJu Ta)lor of Fort Klamath will , "iBSLor 'J " T nM -n ..n.v i,i... i. n hr .i
V AW c iioou Clean ra. i
conu a pound at the Hanoi of-
. .mnr. t- -i-
Ill liu? im.ij ,.1 .
-.. .... .. I ! .. A.M.... ...
'" "" "" ' VT'-j ft " 7"s
.t,r-,!L!lLT - -- '- '
lot wither m pavemoHt or ojaao."
1...i s . !..-. a re....
i "", Z.J. a.A V ,,7 .v
.l?d,rrr gi,!1
i. . :
..... .. .. t . .. . ..,.! M
roil a.i.K. uiit papcm lur i-tviMh.,
uniUrlaytiiu cariteW. etc. .Uundlu
XtfttW $ " "'i ,
, '
1UVL. .ll.i.11,1 l4V. . - 1
.. . ... '
U'ANTEDi-CltMd tluan rags. x
u nound ai ino uormm. oi-
ffice. t.. ' 17-24
tTItn -LV
. knnMi
LNUrACTUIlKK ifta well-
knnrii bigb rHde aotoinobili-
-rliirti luu been on sale for many.
wra innti m rnrnnntAtlVi. In
'1 S I' '
V.AmjD -1
. etd-hand
To triulu for fifty .ar-
riHTkora 'ami cKalrw
What have you? Perklne Furnltulc
Houso , ' 17-22
WANTKp-wAifrl or woman to work
nt RMky Point resort, can wok-
rp Transfer. Main t Klama
fhim.- i 11
- - --
W -trah I IeW-P.eoev el t
Mt jtV' piiabed. x
p?icrican G
maf-, v ' -i'-sr.
mB3&MSWm -A -i-fe
r - 'f Ife - JJeC'sV" UfflVlssssV
- This photograph was taken immediately after M'ff,"" "
(KW and prominent socially In .nany c ties, mwr led D;o
FabrhUo Colonna, son ot Trlnco Colonna of Rome, nt Genoa. ,
VlVJ-ll- -to
Ill HI .Ka suu
M,-mm sw&
.i-i i i j .rii. -. i
r . jtiWrjBs
-W jfl.'J - J'tM rtW;' .
MT . w cr
Personal Mention
V. V Hopka ot Sacramento,
owner of two hututvs corners nt
y:ihi!i and .Vain. U looldiiK utter
),,, ln,erP, )im.. Hophu sa the'Sfhool Unit I'lun uud th.. proVI-dons
.! . ....,.., ... ... i. ... , of thaptur 2t of tho .Sesiiloii ljws
" " i.i.ii.. u-..v r ureon Tor l'J21 effectlo In said
''r,tt,"'" ' lhl Klamath Is on Klamath County nod In full forto
llhi r;e of bis developments, nndnnd effect herein and this court ha-
.nr;d MUll.lllll iin -11V .,ii, l ,tl
that I
.... , ., .. .....ilnic herelofor.t purituaut lo lw up'
w !'"' ""'", ,"",""
ho Is a '
jjianllti, UoosUr,
Mr nnd Mrs. Frank Ketch
W. Ituilck possod throiiKh this .
rny 0ay miroiile to their home In
Lai0Vrw fr0in Crania Pas where '
.,..,... . ....... ,
nay Mttn; uiiiivjii uuaiiivy.
J. M. Dauaan, Portland contract-'.iuirin
or ,f , attndanee on tho trial of
"" Q " "? ...
formcrl? of "
Clt. la here from Los Angeles for
tj,B , ( , ,
. .. , .
leave r.t the utd of the wook for ,
wiwi mn nu inu until row i;
,0 ,
. . 4 ... . .... ,
tch to the condition of
'tu huBktoUiriT crop. They will
.itw iwkwkk mm )m nu'TO "
r onulpmant ami vxuuet to
rnd iwo wcka cm tho trip Thls'lrlcts nnd said Joint dlstrlU res-
.1. Mra. HwulltoV. 31.t annual trip "' .-( l"!?! I". "r" '"J0.' .
"f '",,
to l'hleerrr woantaln. She has
n.errhHi a mmwi'h outing of j
tte sort dartni: lae porlod. '
Eugene's combined bank deposits
.g .
al'.'n t'
322 57 ur more than '
Vn Qflfl ..... .hA. IllIU in-i
"-""' ' " - "
I.RT UUSTKlt Lead )ou to an "easy
pUtu to 'trade. Perkins. 17-22 I
WILL 1I5.DB For wcond-hSnd ,
drapers. Phone 41 -W 17-22
NL'KI) SMALL Btoves and he:itr.
Will trade lor same. Phono ll-W
-. .. ----- -
lUUDIIW Callfornlo Clown .Mb
BaMiia at Dreaifihuid l4VlIIon Fri-
oiy JiUhU Daa't Jiiles this dance. 17
- ., .,,. , '. ,hm, .1 .,.-
WILL TJtAUK For almost an)thlng
0f -vnluo. Park ns.
.... - .1- - ,..
iiavis a CUMTU.V1KK lor n rou.
white and Hue bull dog. What
have you? Perkins Fnralturu House, I
Phono -U-W. 17-22 j
' "' " " ' '
Weds Pi'ircc
i&:hk!&i.u f
.yvfizar -fri?
Illy Ilrprcscntnthc lo 1'ivsent l'ro
IHnlj 98,00 Ilatswl
Tho third meetln of tho fair
sroSiml association w ho held In
tho chamber of commeico at S
o'clock tonight when representatives
from tho Illy Hound-up association
will present' a definite proposal.
Tho loinmlltcea h'o raised 'ibout
J JS.000 ot tho reiiulied $15,000, It
1 un s.ild today. A report on tho
threa tdtvii under cotisldoratlou will
also bo made h tho (ommltteo ap
pointed for (hit purpose
msi i oils aim: iMriu:ssi:n
"Tho Merrill and JIalln section
Is tho Illicit bit of coiutr) wo limo
neon durliiR -l,00i)v mllos of lrel
by auto In Utah, Nevada nuu wost-i
crtt Colorado," 5as tho dceltratlon
today ot V. M. Cornell who. with
his brother 1. 0 nrrhod hero from
Alberta. Canada, U Tito D.illei
California hlnbway So Impretni'd
.iro tho Cornell brothers with Klam.
nth rounty that they ro plannliiK
on remnlnlni: hern permnni'iitly.
They are camped In J ho auto e.imp
County Court Proceedings
Now- on th la Judicial du) of tho
li'RUlar Moy torm ot tho County
Coui t for Klnmnth County, iltnto of
. Oivfcoii thin court haInx herotofori
pursiinut to Ian declared tho County
nursiiant to law declared tho County
pniutid a Heard of Directors In and
for wild County School Dlstrltt mid ,
(It apiw.trlliK to the satisfaction of tills
court that said Hoard of
uo .a. ....... .... i. .,..,.. I
rurittlenltn: uccontlng to law. und It.
farther npFeurliiB to tho court from
! statute ot UroRon that all pro
iert real and perjonal heretofore be-
i iniifini ... ,tii i.Mi,ii i .iii inirti .
'. .. .. .. , .i.ii -.--
..n,i lulut .n.trlcis boroto-
fori eltlni: within Klamath Co
,haU bofonu. ,iroptri) of thu County i
Sch ol Dlairlct of Klamath County.
Oroxon and lfo subject to tho coytrol I
of tho District School llonrd of sa'd
County School District of said Klam-,
.... ceuniv: I
n u. ,uatU now 0., ,mnil as hprc-,
toforc bolonglng to each and nil of. foiiwinpDrofl,1iKH uro
th Mchnd and third e.ais districts '" f"",w"C proct.-ui ngs wore
and Joint districts beratoforo cxlu-' Current Kxpouv Claims all
Ing In Klamath County, Oregon bo I nnd clerk ordered to draw war
transferred aud the clerks nnd hoirdsfnx follews:
(Uiuri' UUH'ilKtilK IU rutii uuu i w
,iw. ....j,.,,! .... ,i,ifli , n ilUtrlrl-
th Mchnd w ,1 5'd -"''
J- ,Jn"' K,a ', County 0roRon
transferred aud tr.o eiorxs nnn ioirusTnx roiiows
of said second nnd third class ll-1
MmI llir Ver to tho Hoard of Dlree-
lira of ii.ld County riel.ool District of
B LVU t lltMlll tlMUSiui t rs
aiainain wrauu. w.lhui. .... y n
i...(u. ..w. . .
lSni(t. . . . . ..
Aad It Is furllu r ordeml thai lite.
-"un) - un;r rem i i "" '" "
r.......d ..r ..ri . ia' mJi.
dlVtriClH .
reercueiy a curiuiuu.ropy in uu Cu, uipplles. court house. $;tr..l5.
ordsr directing that they comply Drummond Print Shop, supplies,
Ihorowlth. I,,t. ntty.. $I6.r.O.
' Dated nt Klamath Falls, Oregon I Drummond Print Shop, supplies,
thlsMh day of Juno A. D. 11112. dim ntty . $1 r.O.
In illu Mutter of u .'doting Phuo of r'al -Orei:. Power Co. supplies.
School Unit II "d.
,0-v on thli 5t!i day of June. 1322, i
tli. jiIjwwi matter coming on for neir-.
ing uid determluntloii by the Coon-)
ty c.Virt and it mipenrliig that the ,
Count) Court shall designate nud
furnlali suluihle iiite'ing piaco lor
tho County School I'nlt noani in
ulilih raid boird should meet, holil
'its j;oslgn8 and transact Us uoces-
mn- l.iiilnehi: nnd It auttetirlng to
Uho cntlsfadlon of this court that tho
county eourtroonl In tho court houso
Int Klitinath Falls. Oregon. Is tho
most nu ta 1 10 nni rnnveinuiii. nu
n ceJalblo plnco for tho fald Heard:
Now Thorrfori- It Is burnby Ordered
by this court; that tho County
, , , ,iUOurt itoom ni 1110 1.0111117 in
Houso nt Klnmntli FaimrDregoii noitioii, $r,.oo
linil the same Is hereby deslgnntod
an thu oftl lal room nud meeting
placo of tho said Count) I'nlt School
Hoard and all mooting of sild board
ato hereby ordered to lo held In
riIiI room.
Done In open court tho duy nnd
dale above npei-lfled.
1-Mlo.l Juno ',. 1022.
Fa tho Matter of tho Application ofifnrm. $3.00.
Mrs 'A. M IIiikIioh. for nlhifl
Allowed In ll.c sum of Twenty Dol-
lnrs par month until Ihe furliier or
der of this court commencing with
Juno l.t, 1022.
Dated ibis Juno Mil . 1022,
In the Mutter or tho Application of
ilrs, Cora Mabel Peel for widow
It uppoarlng to he oiirt (hut the supt. $7.0.
said Mrs. Cora Mabel Peel nsJJIng W. O. Smith Co., supplies, treas.
at Ilonnnza, Oregon In tho mollier of$8.7fi.
three children u3d(T Iho no of slx-i W.'O. Smith Co., election. $111.7..
teei jfiru. whoso iininon and ages w O. Smith, Co., aunplloi, sheriff,
are- ' '$'3r..2.'..
Lee i: I'ool, bnr,n fJopt. r., IflOS , W, O. Smith Co. supplies, tax' tol
I.01111 F Peel born Sopt f.. 1208 ! $223,00.
Until ll Poo), born Dee, 23, 1 r. O. Smith Co, supplies, clerk,
117 ,, $32 25.
And I iitltlH to n widow pentilon I W. O, Smith, supplies, chool supt.
to nvi'it In iho mipport uud main- $1,80.
fi innco of herself nnd uh children I W. O. Smith Co., supplies, assessor,
vlioso names, ages and tbi) lyuouui
vhlch should bo nllowod be nlloved
10 omh ro month nro us fcillovva
Uio Him of twenty-flvo dollar por
eolith for tho thruo.
I' Is thuroforo Ordered und Ad-'
11 )od that the said Mrs Cora Mnbiil
Peel bo nud sho Is hereby allowed the
sum of $25,00 per month until the
further order of this court,
Dated JumJ 5. 1922. ,
I'l tho Matter of tho Application of
Mrs A M0010, for relluf ,
Disposition of (,nso. ntjtomd Jiinrj,
1922. iiilmltt'-ii to tho benefit of tho
minify Infirmary.
Win reiipun Court Adjourned until
Saluidny, .limn 10. I 'i:!
Countv .Tiidgo.
nnnui:w bhoiit,
Co. Cominlsslonor,
. Co. Commlmjloucr,
Snturtiy, Juno 10th IDiM
Court Met Pursuant to Adjourn
ment, when were prosenl: It. ll. Hun
noil. County JudKo. Ilurroll Hltort,
and Asa Kordyco, County Commis
sioners, The follow InR proceedings
wcra hud:
Current Kxpenso Claims allowed
and warrants drnwn as follow u:
Acme Motor Co., supplies, poor
farm, $20.00.
Acme Motor Co,, supplies, poor
farm, $2.60. ,
li. U,
.. ii.
$10. so.
i. I.
I.. I..
1.. I..
ii. I..
li. Ii.
$4. .SO
I.. I..
$0 10.
J I. Stuart, iiunrd Jail. $12.00
Jlleo. TuRtiot, Riiurd Jail, $30 00
C. If., express, 47c.
Jautea Hid), mlleaite, ahorltt'H of
file. $a 00
MtnhrilH ,t U'lliks, supplies, elee-
tiou, $r..Tn. ' .
Iteikiinl Auto Senlco Jllney, elec
tion, $0 r.i).
Cub Jltuey Sirlce, Jitney, school
supt $1(7.25.
Lakeside Co,, supplies, iiec
It Ion, Jl.liD.
I Club Cafe, meaH. election, $38 10
() IV) ton, supplies, county poor,
Itoail Claims allowed and warrants
drawn .
(leo. S lloyd work. J37.30.
(leo S. lloyd. work, $7r..t.
Ilnrmini Tioll. work. SU2.UI.
Aento Mi lor Co.. supplliis, $"09. 20
Acme Motor Co., supplies. $
ii . i.
A mlffler. work. $111.72.
liny Hllfflir, work, f Srt.lrt.
John eiinpuinn, work, $17. .la
II Clmpuinn. work. $Hi.r0.
i: (Sordon. work, $27.00.
.1 Connelly work, $I7.U.
J. Conai-lly. work. $50.94.
Market road Claims nllowed fiiid
warrants drawn.
Vcme Motor Co . supplies LanRUII
Vnllcv Markot Itond. $12 30.
Whereupon Court Adjourned until
Monday, Juno 12th 1923.
County JiiiIrii
County Commissioner.
County Commissioner
Mond.i), .lune I'Jlli Ut-Jfl
Conn Mt Pursuant to Adjourn-
AM'Kon)C(., County Commissioners
mt.. ii t T..- !..... .. ... ..!
" iwiwiiie iiuiuihiiiirh wuiu iiuu
current Kxp.m. Claims allowed
,,, rlork ori(ir0l, ,0 ,,rftw wttrrantD
j. u. An.icniiin. idnrilun. sis. no.
urroughi Adding Machine Co.
r"l''-"'''' c,,ai,,y "f,lc!als. 5S--
nurroiighs Adding Mnchlnu Co
MUplllCH, $7.20.
Kllham Hlntlonery Co., supplies,
iUHtlcu rollr, ih.SS.
t'ndorwood Phurmncy, supplies.
frierk. $2.00
I( i: fiV
in, 'Jitney, sheriff.
i in nn
I'.rlfl T.,1.,1.1,.,11,. A
sorvlto. $2G.25.
Humid Pub. Civ., publication
ourt prcd.. 2;.&r..
', ii. McLaren, service, Juvenile
,-.,f ,., $,-, on
Uuhurts k. Hunhii. supplies, eler-
Kllham Stationery Co.
F. M.
Cleaves, meals.
. Hi. 11- Drill- Co.. suotitles. ussosaor.
20c. .
O Larson supplies
v.. 1. I'liur,
Clay Wilson, guard Jail, $28.00.
F. M. Lucas, suppllos, surveyor,
l$R.OO. v
1 Clris V. DeLap, canvassing olec-
PnVorvonda Pharmacy, Niipplles,
clerk, $Hi.0r.. .
L L. Low, travollng oxpeuse,
A. I.. Wlshnrd, supplies, niirvc)nr,
Star Drug Co , supplies, poor farm,
Frank Trnnkford siipidles, ioor,
Frank Frnnkford, court
$a 00
O. Peyton Co., wood, poor farm,
S. J. Tucker, meals, election,
(iluss fi Prudhommo Co., supplies,
clerk, $2,10.
U O. Smith Co., suppIlcH, Kihool
' O
W. O.
Smith, supplies,
Smith, Hiippllos,
Smith, supplies,
OIubs Prudhommo Co , uupplle.1,
trcus., $73 72.
(Hum & Prudhomino Co , jiiippllui,
dlst. ntty.. $20.29.
Western L'nlon Tel. Co., service,
' court houso, $1,23
L, Arnott, Jitney, siierlff,
1$ 1,00.
' Star Diuj Co, supplies,
I Driimmoud Print Shop. Hupiilles,
clork, I3M0.
Drummond Print Shop, Hiipiilleu,
elert:, $3.70.
"Dniminond Print Shop., H.upplea,
JUHtlte, $8.50. " '
Tho Multlb'iapli Slioi, out'illoi5,
Hcio on Delayed Honeymoon
ntchard O'.V'cll. New Verli stale's crcatMt war hrro. was teo luy
helping his buddies fUht for ljtlrr conrtlttens to i:o en n honrymouti
when weililcf lait year. Ho bo itntponc! It Until tlm WsMblnl War
Veterans mt In fan l'rnn.lpco. IfcrsJie l with Ids bill. Of :S
Qfrmsus O'Ncll. rlnsUi lan.l. d kltu.l il'oiin.l.i four .i r.ia '
At Ihe LIBERTY today
11 ' 1 - a m iii s ! a 1 11 1
Two extremes in Mow York lifs shown iin
'The Pkything
of Broadway"
In which beautiful Juslinc Joluilonu atnrs.
.'."nowlay "LITrF.E EVA ASCENDS" .1 story of
Uncle Tom's Cabin
the steliar role.
Reining Vedncefny Zone Grsy't "The Last Trail"
wirjVfM'rivH''-,-t3C?-a.g 8P''-
"Ik Wosderfal fling" ,
fid 11 miiiMiip Inn ring fir ll -"flrt lime lln vtoudrtfiil thing nf
lnve llien 11 .wife lieJiit-hmk. n lint lr)ing In inlln Uuu lenrs
lliil ionic wl en hbe l.iiov, . ifiHl Inr'rt U but 11 miliLige fur liHiiie),
Si mm ' vwiiii! ilul In'll
Alco a Splendid Mock Sonnctl Comedy
xan&irwsvixzzasixzsKysxri ,;T?tra
Are the Rest Recommendation of
..a -a. c
'Ihl'i liKlltutl'ui nfferM 11 tlimoiiHli, iiuttel, .utit M.inil.tiil
ir.C'ii nt 11 ! ultliln r.mtt nf iin- hlli kiIiihiI m ulinile.
It (ffcr trululiiK' for lollcMluto dogreoa In:
Vgrivulttiro Mlmm
Comment! I'hmiiiaiy
niikiiivrrliu: mid :ie:hanle Aim Vocation it IMiiratiuu
Forecli) 'neiiiliiil l.'iurlnenrliiK
liniiin LVounmUs Tdllltury Heliincv and TuUlts
It offers lrulnluK aljii In- The lichgol (f Minlr, Phynlnil
FduciiMon, liidiihtilnl .loiiimilUm,
I'-dl 'linn iijuuu Kept inbCi lf,
For clicujais of liiformatloii nnd llliiHtnitod Imoklul wrll'o to
Thu Registrar, Oregon Anricultural College,
Corvullis, Oregon '
fc- "---
Lkux t. ... j. j ..-. a tf,TTLTrsn"
Wf lfcH-B If !!. 1
ourvi'yor, $l),Sr...
Link Klver Shop, seivku, 1 1lt,
Ifunllnn Photo simp, iwrtffco, uliur.
Kl'imntli Co Abst. CO, iii.i!j.8ll
Hiiiveyor, jaoo. '
.1a111111u 1.11, ivuil ui, hill) ijlos,
lissiwpiv $2,50
(iliimi & PiiiiIIkiiiiiiiii Co, suppiliei,
niioiiii, i 1 iu
(IIuijh H Prndlioiiiiuu Co,, auuiilloe Co . ijeivlco. f lo.fift, ' ,
,.' iV'l; ,. - I P'Wrio Telophoiio U Telegraiili
(lliiea .- Prudhommo Co. -iipjilli."..iei v lie, 'JLfirt, " 'UUbn"m
,,dh,,,,1mo Co, supply JZ VMZt
with Gnrcth Hughes in
1 1 1
fllw c Priidhommi. c . 1mm.11.v4.
clerk, $32S 90
lleUur ileyt stnre, hupplles, poor
farm, x 10.72
' 2" .
Kwmiiin Dm ('n, tiiiiillon, roudi.
' "V 1
mini' 'lump nine n ToloKriipli
Co, senile, oIfliiii, $11 lo.
I'.ulfle Telo'pliono rfr ;rulegraiili
if -
y ' v '