The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 17, 1922, Image 1

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lEuenmn Hrrald
Momber of the Arisociated Press.
ririri'iilh Venr ,, 11:17a,
MKXIMV, JULY 17, 1112'J,
Trial of Court House Case
Marked By Smnll Attend
uncc; DouKnn on Stand i
Tllnl nf I lin iiiitn uf I'niiil, Ward i
UKlllllHt Kltlllllith tnutlty to determine
w ti It It Ik tln legal toiirttmiiHii nlriir j
turn wn started before Judge Kklt-1
worth nf Kiirmiiii In Hni cliciiti cniirl '
In Urn Main ulri'i'i inurllmiiKii hero,
this morning. A feature ti( the Irliil '
In Dm Imk nf llteiesl In Urn rum
iin ovldeiired liy (lid eoiiipiiruthely
(mall muilliiT of "pi'ilntniH 'pre-
Ill tilt) iihiiIiik of the trial attor
ney fur llin uiuiity asked (ur n stipu
lation between oiiiihi'I in liulil Irliil
In Hi" Main street structure there
rniitrnlloti being that Hint In' nut III"
legal tourthuueo nihl I n itioslton
n( llin legality n( llin trial might be
rnlm'il Inter. Tlu stipulation wits
i: run I i'il by Judge SklpwuHh niiil wits
t'Mliri-ii Into.
J. M. Doug.iii nt Portland, builder
n tlni Main ulri'i'i
tlm llrnt wltniHM railed He IrMI
lli'ld ii h In the rul uf tho ulriiclnie
iiinl tlm iu I of iiinuili'iiiiK JiiIIh In
till and In the Hot Spring ntrtH'tlire
The i tint In tho former wiinld be
)20.IIUI) iinletta thu romity had relU
which niilld b-i lined, wlilrh wiuild
ledum the runt f.'i.ntMl ir Slo.nnn.
The cikI in the latter line, be
tboiiKht. woiilil be prohlhlthii due to
tlm iiu''hmi- (or tompletluK ajmi
iillmr iMirtlomi of Hm bulldltiK. In
' iliulliir Hcnm uiut mi elttv.itor,
V. I 1', vlre prrhldent of the
Klamath eveloiunetil rouipnny tentl
fled to enrrtlp etlennloii entered Into
with llm (.'utility. Hu raid that M'V
eral time etleimloim hail been cr.tnt
eil. mid Hint the laHt eiteiikliui wan
to .May, I I'll), notice beliiK mtm'iI on
the rotillly on Al'rll 12. I '.':'' that
no mnru exleiulutiH would ln r: rant
ed. I''H lentliiiuny iniul" It tip
pear the preiut trial abo In
I'linled thnt of Hie iiuu of Klamnth
riiuiity iiRnlmit i'iu Klamath Develop
ment company. Instituted by the
county reiently. llm Hiillent fe.itureH
of both omen beliu; flo.iely luterw liv
en. An hour wan In Introdui'
Iiik by cnuiiHi'l fur tlm plaintiff of a
uiHitnlllC'ltil liianit of ret'oriN perlalu
I ni; to tho tune. Inrlndliii; llm tiKree
meiitH with llm Klamath Develop
ment company.
It'lH I'Xpii'leil the trial will bu ton
i'linled lain Tliemliiy.
Alturiie)H for Tranl; Ward nru II.
M. Maniilur. and ('. I. Hlune. nml for
tlm (-utility hhniii Hmlih of Portland
anil II. I.. i:illott.
Uullko tho laHt trial here, which
i wiik held In Hit' toiiucll rhtimber of
llm city hall, few bpoiatorn were
priHiint nt thu trial Unlay, imllrnl
lm; a marked fiilllin; off In Intereitt
In thu (utirthuiiHii (uutrouirxy.
l'Oim.AND. July 17. Thu 211th
miiiuul cunMinllnu of tho American
IliHtltuto of Hanking opened hero to
day. with delegates present from nil
parts, of thu country. Unhurt; II.
Liicko, of Detroit, president called
llio first liUHllieHH Hesslnu to order
mid delivered lilit annual report, fol
lowing tlm optuilui; formalities. Illch
urd W. Hill. Koertitary,' gao bis ro
pott, niiil llm t'oiiveiillou then latllli li
ed Into Its regulitr IiiimIiiohi,
wuatiiku i'iuhiaiui.itiiA
Thn Cyclo-Storniiiginith nt Umlur-
I wooii a i-iiui iimi-y
'conllnues to regis-
ter li ery tivuii
preusiirii, although
hIiicu 1 1 o'Liuck
1 this morning thu
tendency Iiiih beuu
Hlightly ilownwiinl,
CtinililluiiH nro fa-
vurnlilo foi tliiin-
KoruciiHt for next
21 Meurn:
Continued fair and warm.
Tho TycoK ret-'ordlni; tboi'iiioinolor
ruglutorml mux I mum mid 'minimum
tomparatureu today, nu (ollewu:
J ft
JL. 'M
F - .A - H
I vy
Ready for Suzanne
tip JR
Molln njnrtcJt Mnllory, thoutli
dctcntc-l recently in thn .Mlddleicx
tournament li Urn-bind, nays rlio'a
nuru nlio'll defeat Huranno Lcngltn
fr tlto Kureproi lunntj utlo nt
Ciiniiin'" .lurj Iti'tiniit Vrnlltli
After lliain.illc liuiueol;
lli'iilli Sii'lie Itrliiliil
i.iiN A.M.i.i.hh. Jiiiy 17 -mo ,,.,,, ,.nland with runnliiK
hammer murder of .Mr. Alberta , rK1l( ,, KlaU,1( an, H n Bteam
Meadowit. 2U-) nai -olil widow, wan ' , ,., iiIir.i..i m Snn Kriin-
ruurlbiiiHM w,'1l':'rK,',1 " MrH- .('lar'' ,',""l", ,0,jcl.rii. f tlm t'lifen Pa.lfle now talteH
, m, ui. a iiiii-i n jii.i' iiiiuiKiiiK n
ilr.nnaile limiicht In whltli
I'uHRle Ciillee repeated the
of llm death hitiiii.
I.O.S AN(!i:i.i:S, July 17
'" ",nl "' r" "' """'"i iinierepan-
elen In the Htory of Mr. PeKKT
Caffeit who told offlrem that
nlm wan llm linens to uu attack
Mvitdowit, 20 j ear old widow, hy Mm.
Clnrn Phllllpt, under arrent In Tiir-
Htm, Arl which resulted In-tho-Ur-tHoulhorn
.......'.. .I.....I. ..ffl.... I... ....I I....I I..m
mern tleatli. uillierH iiiehtiKiitinR
! tin. tfikit aluilil imikt (if tmlMl' rllprL
lug etcr) aiiglu of her htnlement.
The officers' refused to make
known llm lemilt of Ihulr lmctlicn
Hun but declnri'd there wilt lm lm
Imrtnut rhnuges In tlm situation be
fore the luiuest, which will 'ho held
A leporl reaching the sheriff's of
fice that it man bail
id also wathc-j
a hlllsldn near
ed the sbolng from
the lonely road where Mrs. Menu-
own' body was found early VeiInps-
day evening was itilrkly checked by ;
deputies mid found to be lm orrect.
Thu man. said to boa Mexican, who
nui iieiuiiir. i'"" ii-i " i".n.. "1Himv iiiiiii-y h itKainsl wasieiui tiu-
tlm billing, was found by the uffl
ii'iw, but from their Investigation
they said they wVro satisfied lm did
not witness the attack nnd knew
nothing concerning It.
I'red A. Trenialn mid Geiiora Tro
initio, father mid sister of thu slain
woman, were brought to tlm sher
iffs oldie fur interrogation lain to
day. Although refusing to disclose
tlm Information furnished by Hid
fat her mid daughter, olflrers Mild fol
lowing llm ronfereiito Hint they had
some iloubt as to tho truth of tho
ihnrgiy uf Inllmiicy between A. I..
Phillips, hiiHb.iuil of Mrs. Clara Phil
l!w and Mrs. Meadows uh aliened to
luivo been made by Mrs. Philips to
Mrs. Ciiffen prior to tho nllnrk Upon
MlH. MeatloWH.
Tho offlcoiH left to Inlorvlow
neighbors residing near thu Phillips
lioine. In an iittompt to illsrover, tlluy
said, whether llm Inllmiicy charges
"were not tho result of limro gossip."
It was learned nt the sheriff's of
tlto that Phillips, an oil prumnter, Is
well-known nniiing oil men in Texas,
who huvo offeied him tlnuiielnl lib
llinniwell Keckx to Collecl tin,000
nml Niiil, Kill I'roin l,i nai Concern
Suit wan filed In thn circuit court
this morning by Frank 0. Urain
well, us statu bank Kuporliitoiulunt,
against tho Klmimth Livestock
Mortgage Loan company for col
lection uf promissory note In thu
iiinouiit of ir.,000 mid J 3 :i . 4 0 0 .
alleged tn Imvu heen gJVou thu
Flist Statu & Savings bunk beforo
It becamt) Insolvent. Attornoy fees
of SI, GOO and SS.OOp aro asked.
It Is alleged tlio notes weio oxo
cuted on Buptemhur la, 1021, nnd
that no portion of thorn over was
paid, liotlt wore for six mouths
Ju4 .bear Intorosj nt QljUt por tJ,
Unmcrgcr Question Discussed From Varjous Stand
points By S. P. and U. P. Advocates
MiriiiimV iMi'ii'ir
HAN FUANCIHCO, July 17. 'llio HAN' FUANCIHCOJuly 17. Het.n
imlillc Interest In Hid test liy which (or Philips of CnloMiIo aiid.Bciiator
tin) fioutlmrii PnrlflrContral PnHftp ' (.a,.r j KnniinK InlrodutWri In the
problom will ultimately m tmlvct,
Miiv Tlinlt'ii. ftirmnr tirf'Hhlmit of tint'
j railroad rommlsslon of fallfi.rnln.
tiihl mi'iiiliiTH of tho Run I'raticlxf i
I Klnctrlcnl l)nvnliiiiiiiiiit t.i'iii;uu nt u
i i i .... .ii..
. " "- I .mi in-iii i. ..inij.
I nil llllllli.ill I fillllllinniiin ill i iiii-
fnrnlii ili.a-lili'tl In l'ji:i iitulor tlm
1 pri'Mldi'iicy of John M. INIili'iiian (hat
1 tlio liarliiK of tlm Cintral Pacific
j iroiiTtli'n from Hid Houthnrn I'.i-
i If r would rli-arly lm iiciilnnt tlm In-
i i... k. I-..I f rnlt
tcruiilH of llin pi'iiplii of C.illfornln,"
j mi Id Mr. Thi'H'ii. "Hnth illNincnilicr-
1 innlil, tlm coiiiiiiIkkIoii, foiinil, would
not nii'rcly hnvn n tundi'iicy to In-
i cri'umi nili'H lint almi would ratine flu-
lil)'N, lllNHI'H. IIICIIIIVrinll'flCCH nml (Iff
I ItniN ili'torloratlon of tlio ihtvIci', Imili
' frulKht tl ml pilHHfllKtT. TIli'iMt roll
ilmloiiH vmti' Hiiunil In lUl.'l and
, tlioy itru initially houiiiI loday.
Thu l.'nloti I'.irlflc'rt part III llilri
! matter lum licretoforo rorelved Inad-
eitinto roiiBlilrratlon. Tho Union
Pacific already ha n line from Oxden
tn Aticeli-H nml nnother line (loin
j,,,, (;, inillr Oplen line iiwity
fruiii the Huutliein Patlllf thu n
ferine Kan Pram Imcii, and abto taken
u way Central I'arlfle lltuM up the
Sacramento ami down tlm Jtm
(illu valley, tlm Union Pacific will
completely dominate the Irnmpiirta
Hon nltuatluu of the I'atlfle ciiiihI.
"With the I'iiIom Pacific at Alt-
-.tdeii, the t'nlrn Pacific at Kan Kran
litid, thu Santa Ke. tlm Wentern Pa
cific ami what would l left of the
Pacific would be complete-j
-t I ll. ....1.1 1...... n
ly tivershaduwetl. 'Vn would lmo n
Mltuntlou not merely ngalnst thu pub
lic lliterett of the I'atiflc coant but
nlmi directly In the fa ' of t
portalluii act of P20 which pro-
vbles for a llmltctl number of strong
railroad systems cnmpetlng with iMfe
tmnther nn lernm of substantial '
eiiuallty. i
"While It is easy fur a
u,(.h , lT).K , ,r,.,lk lnt ,, ter-I
r,r). t ,,,,,1(0 prmnlses to spend'
,iim.,k r .iniiarH . wu must rcmom
hvr ,nBt ((( tll0 ,,rrSPIU umo no such
,IXp,.tilltures ran be mado without
., ,nMMit of tlio lliternlatd com-
lia.rco ,.o,ilsHlon. that the cummlh-j
plication of expenditures mid that In
(Continued on Page C)
( W0NDESF0L J fa:SoF L
iwrov pacific
I'lilH'il HtutcH Ki'liiitiirtlVuml pcitl
" '""" u""r 'yw "
, wirliic tlm I'lifiinncnt of thu u
prmnn court ilccrforln Hid Ontral
I.. ... .. .i ......
., ,...!- ' . .
i caciiir-noiiiiii'rn ratiiio
.. ..
i,ini, nrcoriiini; to tn annotinroniQiii
Iiitii today hy Fred (JjAllicarn, went-i-rn
rotiimcil for tlm' Union Pacific
Ittillroad rompiiny.
TIiuki) t'otltloiiH, A Hiram Haiti hlx
ili.;r.iplilc mlvkcH ntiowcd, catim
from wliluly Hi'paratotl polntH In (,'i)l
orado and KntiHiiM. Thi'y uri;i'l tlm
carrylm: out of tlm dctruo of llm hu
prt'tnu roiirt on tlm efound that tlm
ni'p.iratltui of tlm Central 1'aclflc
from Koutlivrn I'atiflu tonirol would
iniikn II iiohmIIiIii for tlm Central l'n-
cltli' to hu Joined to tlio Union I'a-
itient, followlni; Kreaier volumo of clflc program dealgnatcd to end thu
traffic, of niTVlcu on tlm Union Pa-, coal and rail striken Is understood
clflc trancontliieatnt lino (ravcntlng ' to have been (llncussed today at a
tlioso BlalPH. , j whlto houKo conference by I'rosl-
"Thu pt'oplu of iliemi mlildlc- dent Harding, Governor Sprouln,
western htnlcH who am iiupporllng Senator Pepper and Attornoy Gun
thu xtipremu t.itrt." tmld Athvarn oral Alter of Pennsylvania. No
"give expression to another motlvu announcement was made as to the
which may Interest tlm plu of Cat- nature of thu proposals.
Ifornla. It Is their hope, tin It Is thulr
expresned wish, that central oti'tl WASHINGTON, July 17. Tho In
northern California will bu drawn tlmatlon was given In well-informed
lulu closer Intercut with tho states govermentnl circles today that tho
e.iHt of thu ruckle. Under present administration Is preparing to tako
conditions prodiiuTH and riinkuincr drastic action within 48 hours In tho
. of the great iigrUultural states of tbucoajtrlko. The president was rep
j inlddle-weat Imvu cany nud efficient , resciiied ns being of tho opinion that
, traffic relations with southern Call- j as the miners representatives refused
fnrula nnd with Oregon and Wash- government arbitration and tho bl
Ington, but they nru under harmful tumlnous operators arc undecided on
restraint In their traffic dealings with
central and northern California.
..Ti.,,.. W0Ud nku to hau their ur-
tirlclal and unnatural restrulnts,
elliu'lnnted, restra'ttt that at present
cniuii inn ir ,.tt.rcH,.(, for t,0 purpoMi of aid
lm Trmiv ( , - tM(j Soull,rll'i. loilg
,)cKhl ,UUl iirj0S1, ,ll0 cot,,ent u-
way uf Its Sunset route. This ls'whj
th(y ((ro ,.,,. tll.Ir reprcscnta-:
n collJ.ri!Illl t ,ani, fl)r 10 up.'j
holtllng of the Htiprome court's. In
i..riir.tniliuiM of the Inw and its find
lllKH a8 , ,m, fact.
POUTI.ANI), July 17. Cattlo
s;,5i 0M ueak lowcr; ,,rlm0
Ml. SO to 12.00. Sheep
weak. Kggs steady., Hutter 3 cents
higher, extra cubes 4M0, ono
prints 40.
I Fill:
Workers Attacked By Large
Number of Men; Portion
of Plant Burned
WHIJKMNO, W. Vn July 17
Hhcrlft H. II. Duvnll ami 12 other
poriionii wcro klllotl and 2C In
jured In n fight at tho Standard
inlno of tlio Illchland Coal com
pany, two mile from WcllaburR,
this morning, accordlnc to a tele
phono iimitnaKO.
Tho mine, which ha heen work-
Iiik on an open nhon tiaslR, wnn
reported to have been attacked by
u largu party of men from over
thu I'ennnylvunln lino. After tho
flcht they burned a portion of tho
WASHINGTON, July 17. A ape-
accepting such proposnl, public In-
tii rest demanded Itnmcdlatu reopen
ing of the mines. Tho president Is
prepared to direct mine operators to
rtopen tho mines at onco under pro
tection of federL.troops with tho
American flag at thef entrance of
Very mine oporuted. Tho samo meth
od must bo used In tho railroad
itrlko If conditions do not Improve,
t was ald.
Lost Illver Giants met ono of their
first defeats on their homo grounds
Sunday afternoon by the crack local
IC C. team beforo a largo crowd.
(hi mo wus featured by heavy hit
ting mid good fielding on both sides.
K. C. team has added strength to
their team by udillng bcveral now
mi in
Poet Statesman
e ''l4
Oerhart Ilauptmann, German
pot nnil friend of rrmtdent
Ktwrt. In tyjlntj croomed in a
prMlintlal candldato In event
Cbcrt dxn no on fir rj-cl'tlon.
Hollilny To lie DecfHretl; Fnvorlto
Spurt of Jinny To lb; Jlntlo
Unpopular One Hero I
A two months' knockers'
This Is tho proposal of Secretary together.
Stevenson of tho chamber of com- "There has been soma slight u!
merco. and plans aro being laid for order and a fovr scabs have been
dealing with thono cltUens whose hurt," said Dobs. "This has been
favorite sport Is knocking tho city, tho extent; of tho vlolencrv lint It
tho county or Its Institutions. hai been sufficient to,,fcflng to tho
Tho plans will cmbraco a kan- strikers what they fought for In
garoo court with competent legal tbc lato "World war."
talent on tho bench, n vigilance Tho federal government nn
committee, private detectives, spec- nounccs through tho department of
lal police and polico matrons. Krcn Justlco that It will aland for no
tho boy scouts may bo called upon.) trifling on tho part ot the itrikcru
"Any person, black or white, J and that If ncccs-sary armed forcos
mnlo or female, old or young, over- will bo cmployotl nt onco tor their
heard knocking, attempting to, suppression,
knock, threatening to knock, of I
oven contemplating doing so, will' WASHINGTON' July 17. Super
bo .aamaarlly dealt with," declared Intcndent of Uallway Mall Sorvlco
Stevenson. ,-. I llaUrat of Chicago, notified Post?
"For two months tho ban will'.
on. During that period nn hon-i
effort vlll bo mado to euro tho
afflicted. At tho end ot 60 days,
If tho euro does not 'tako,' other
.... .
measure will bo considered."
Stevenson says the tlmo has ar
rived when a halt must be called
on knocking and for tho citizens to
learn that In this case every knock
Is not n boost. Ho believes that
It pcoplo cannot say something good
about tho town or coiinty that they
ahould Bay nothing at all.
A definite date for commence
ment ot n moratorium on knocking
will bo announced at an early date,
probably In connection with a. for
um meeting.
100 Citient Ilcrommendccl For
JIi-inbcrhJit Ily Committee
Approximately 400 citizens of
Klamath county were recommended
for membership In tho Klamath
county chamber of commcrco by A.
M. Collier and U. M. llubb, members
of tho prospects committee, for an
nual membership campaign.
Tho Instructions given llubb and
Collier by tho campaign commlttco
wore to dotermlno whether tho pros
pect Is financially nblo to Invest an
nually S25.U0 In building up, his
homo community and whether ho
would derlvo $25 worth ot returns
from thu Investment. On these quail
fictitious tho committee, has select
ed tho prospects for tho teams to
work on mid from their report It Is
uvldeut that tho organization will bo
ubly financed mul adequately sup
ported to muku It thu spokesman for
thu county In asking for roads, rail
roads, bottlers, tourlbts, industries,
lower freight rates, cooperation, Irri
gation reclamation and other needed
Tho two commilteea will meot In
tho chamber roomt tomoirow oven
lug to budget tho year's finances nnd
to rato tho now prospocts on ;i basis
of their Investment In tho commun
ity mid tho benefits to bo derlvod
from thu orgunlzcd efforts ot nil tho
public spirited citizens of tho county.
Au army of team workers will b,o
mobilized during tho week to "sell"
tho chamber to tlioso ot thu 400 who
uro not ahead lined up with tho
Tho thormomoter nt Under-
wood Pharmacy reached tho 100
murk at throo o'clock this after-
noon, tho hottest day of tho sea-
Government Issues Ultima
turn; Eugene Debs Takes
Up Strikers' Causo
CHICAGO, July 17. Pcaco pros
pects In tho railroad strlko woro
dimmed today by tho addition ot
approximately 100,000 (strikers.
Walkouts scheduled today Included
75,000 malntcnanco of way work
ers In tho Now York switching
nrn.i. 10.000 niters, stationary flro-
j men and engineers throughout tho
country, anu cicrsif uuu iruiiib
! handlers on various sections.
CHICAGO, July 17. Kngeno V.
Dobs, leader ot tho groat Amcrl-
can railway union strlko of 1894,
today Issued a statement to strlk-
)ng railroad men and other uinonhl
that tho tlmo has como for tho
rank and fllo to unlto and strlko
! together, voto together and fight
mast3??UYh Work U'day thrtrf
Burlington tratn left thn""t.S;cil,
' yesterday at La Villa, Iowa, and that
t striking coal miners and shopmen's
... . .. ..
sympatutzers refused to permit"
wrecking crows to clear tho tracks,
thereby delaying tho mall.
POHTLAND, Oro.. July 17. Ono-hundrcd-flfty
stationary engineers
and oilers struck ihero today, ac
cording to tho union, and 25 at La
Xcrto Cook Killed, Several la
M'ngcrs Injured in Ix-rullnirnt
SAVANAH. On., July 17. Tlvo
coaches ot tho Scabord fust mall,
New York to Jacksonville, overturn
ed this morning near Cox, Georgia.
A negro cook was killed And several
passongers injured, Tho train
struck n broken rail and flvo cars
were ditched.
Jlanngcrs of Sawmill lluscball liny
ors to Complete Organization
Organization of tho sawmill base
ball lcaguo will bo completed at
tho chambor of commorco tonight
when representatives of tho various
teams will meet to elect officers
nnd transact other business. A
board ot directors will bo namod
and a echodulo prepared.
Tho flrat game ot tho jsoason,
played on the Pelican Pay Lumbor
company grounds yesterday, result
ed In a 19 to 2 victory for tho
luttcr over tho Klamath Lumber &
Ubx company team.
Poker Is Game of Skill
Ruling Made By Justice
VANCOUVEU. U. C, July 17
ItulliiR that poker Is a garao ot
skill, Justice Itugglcs declared legal
a promlaory nolo given by O, II,
Mortis to Jock Muyvlllo for $260,
following a poker fe'utno at Ocean
Falls a year ugo. Morrla fatlod to
honor tho nolo and pleaded In
county court that poker being n
gumo ot vhuuee, tho noto was not
legal, Tho judgment followed ono
givon horo receutly by Justlco Cay
Icy, who tried a similar case grow
liijj out ot the samo poker gamo in
which Morris, tho defendant in tho
picsont action, successfully sued
for tho payment ot 400 due blot
(rout pnother player, j