H" 'i -r f BATCmOAV, JULY IS, IMS. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Ptiftu Si m 1 tn t m $. i .A '. V. r. V W U 5 i h !L r ' FeriOBil Mention 'i- Mr. anil Mm, C. II. Webber nr rlvpd hero last night from Lnkc vlcw Ami loft on (ho morning train for Grants Pass, whero thoy wilt visit for aovoral weeks. Mrs. Dorothy Luce In expecting to leave Monday tor Lara Hot Springs, Nevada, where she will Tlslt with her mother for' tin In definite time, v Mrs. Helen Curry nnd brother, Tom McDonald, havo returned from Ban Francisco, where thoy went tor tho funeral of Joe McDonald. D. V. Kuykcndall and family are arranging for a trip to the coast and oxpect to !ene some time Sun day by car for Crescent City. J. J. Furber returned last night from tho Lake o' the Woods, where he took his family and settled them In thalr summer ramp. They ex peel to stay until berry time It all goes well. Ilor. It. T. Cooklngkam, mission ary to the Klamath Indians, was In town yostcrday attending to t business affairs from Williamson river bridge. "Wo have traveled' io Klamath Fals over the Canadian Pacific route, and visited. at Lake Louise and British Columbia, besides many other Interesting places, but none of them surpass, In beauty the view from Look-Out point on the Al goma road, right hero In Klamath oeaety," said Mrs. Grace Schyvcr lift before sho boarded tho train this wornlng to contlnuo her trip south. She Is traveling with her daughter. Miss Florence, and they have been here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fleet for the past few days, from their home In Chicago. Eetelle Marias, Thrcso Marias, Mrs. M. Selplo and Miss Marjorle 8elple are all registered from Fort land at the Whito Tellcan hotel today. They are touring tho coun try In search or the Interesting ccnlcspots of their state Sidney 8mythe. In charge or work for the Warren 5aAjuctlon company, arrived last night from Oakland. California, and will bo here to superintendent paving op erations. . I . Jack Wolfe, assistant manager for the Standard Oil company, left this saoralng for San Francisco and Oakland oft a two weeks' vacation trip. ' ft. C, Cook has returned from Eagle Ridge whero ho reports bo had some of tho finest fishing fit bis experience. He also brought back a great number of new -views of Upper Klamath lake and the surrounding country, 'J. J. Miller, Dr. L. D. Cass, V. V. Hedgepath and F. L. Holmes, travel ing auditor for the Southern Pacific railroad company, are planning a fishing trip for tomorrow. D. Iff. UcLemore was a. passenger on the outgoing train tbls'morning booked for Oakland, California. Mrs. J. J. Steiger left this morn ing for the south after a brief visit here with friends and relatives. Mrs. V. J. Daley, who recently moved to Kirk, came In on the train this morning expecting to spend the week-end here. '" ' Lyle Mills came In on the morn lug train. from'Cblloqulo whero ho has been spending several days at- ' tending to business affairs. p., E.LoosIey Is a visitor hero from Portland. Ho is registered at tho White Pelican hotel. Boyd Vaden, aged 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn D. Yadcn or Portland., arrivsaifhere fast night to spend tho summer with his grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. E. J. lioyd. Boyd Ya den was born in Klamath Falls and his parents have many warm friends here. J. A. Oordon T, A. Stevenson and others formed a motor party bound for Lake o' tho Woods this after noon. Mrs. H. D. L. Stewart loft today for Spring creek on an extended camping trip. Miss Myrtle Hayford Is a charm ing California girt, who is tho houso guest of Mrs. Irving H.'Illbbcrt of Pelican city. Miss Ifayford's homo is In Derkeloy. M. L. Johnson, deputy county as ecssor, has returned from bo vera I days spent In tho Sugar Pine moun tain region la the northern part of the county whero he was engaged on official business. F. P, Keen is back in tho plno beetle gontrol offices today fitter a week speat on tho reservation get ting castps established for tho lo cation ot the Infested areas. Mrs. 0. R. Bowman Is in town to day from her home at Chlloquln at loading io business and making pur chases, ' Mrs. Prce McCormack is a coun ty seat Visitor from her homo at Keaobl week-end. She Is a guest at tn hosts of her sister. Mrs. Jen Bit Hum, John F. Hesslg of Fort Klamath Is fending a couple of days here on iHJPfi Wjr IMttftfi . I W, L. Franc, who operates a ranch! ' AMM a-. ,..l .I--...- - - I luui iu'ay iiihuvi uruva lulu town I this morning nnd ntndo purchases Mllll IUIMI IIIITVIIHIUS. II. i:. llradhury In attending to i bushiest affairs hern today from his ranch lu lliu volley aoutX uf town. Anton Petrnsek ot Mntlu Is n county sent business visitor this week-end. C. J. McCollum Is in the city todny j from hli ranch near wonlcn looking after business matters. l.owls Alt wns a passenger on tho boat bound for Oilcosn this morn ing, where he will spend sovernl ilns looking after his ranch lands In ' ! that section. John Utter, a prominent Fort Klnmnth stockmnu, left this moru Ing for the Wood river valley after several das spent lu Klamath Falls. Ish dancer, played by Dolores Cus ttlnclll. "Finoru" will bo shown nl tho Star thentro tonight. It Is n tioorgo Klttaurlco production. Sunday afternoon and owning Nor ma Talmndgo will appear mi thn screen at tho Slur nnd It eor Con stance Tnlmndgo has a dangerous competitor for ijromtor placa as a screen comedienne It will bo her sis ter Norma. In tho same sort ot a story as "Tho Wonderful Thing." tha Associated National pictures production In which sho Is starring ns tho current attraction at tho Star theatre, lu thn first three reels ot "The Wonderful Thing" Nor ma Is delightfully amusing, and then In ttiu last two she tins n part more characteristic In tho emotional act ing -which no one 'can do quite ns well ns she. TIIK fTAIt A scer.u with tho much-sought punch was the fray between Wallace Held and Morftagu I.ovo In the Para mount picture "Forever." starring Elsie Ferguson and Wallace Rcld, when the two meet In the siago dressing room ot Dolores, the Span- Till: STUANI) Among the outstanding features ot "Tho Way of a Woman," the picture starring Norma Tntmadgc, which comes to the Strund theatre for tho lust time tonight. Is tho truly re markable out which supports tho fa mous movie queen, tt Is an aggrega tion ot plnjers, somo ot whom are stars In their own right, and are known tho world over, who has a de lightful role, and piny It In n man ner which sho has attained today. Miss Tnlmadge'g lending man is Special Round Trip VACATION RATES To Various Resorts KLAMATH FALLS TO 15-day tkt. 3-mo, tkt. on snlo Prl. on sale and Sat. daily San Francisco $17.75 $21.25 Oakland 17.50 21.00 Los Angeles via Stockton 33.25 40.00 Long Beach via Stockton 34.25 41.00 Santa Cruz 21.50 25.75 Portland : 21.75 26.00 Monterey '22.75 27.50 Pacific Grove via S. F 22.75 27.50 Paso Robles via S. F 26.00 31.75 Monterey via S. F 22.75 27.50 Truckee 19.75 23.75 Proportionately low fares to many other points. Last Sale Date September 30th. Return Limit October 31st. .TRAVEL COMFORTABLY BY RAIL Easy riding coaches. Smooth road-bed Convenient schedules All travel comforts Horvlce, rain or shine For full particulars, call on ' J. J. MILLER, Agent Southern Pacific Lines l jmmmmmmmmmmmn Boy! sJmJl He's jpHappy WOOD Is Cheater Tbtn Last Year BLOCK WOOD Ten Loads ..'. $50.00 GREEN SLABS Ten Cords , $35.00 16Inch Body and Tamarack at Bargain Prices Consult us before buying your winter wood. We buy and sell in large quantities with small profits. O. PEYTON & CO. 419 Main St Phone 535 Conway Tearlo who Is now starring In his own productions, nnd hns for onra been oito of tho screen's most popular lending' mau. .tol)im ltowlnml, who gained tamo lltiough her work for n whole senson lu "Tho l.lttlo Journey." mid lint sard Short, who appeared with Fay llnlntor tit her great llroadway nuc cess. "East Is West," play a comedy pnlr lu "Tho Why of n Woman" which gnlned I hem world-wild rec ognition. Sunday Clara Klmbnll Young In "Tho Claw." THE LI11KHTV Not even forgetting "Tho lllght of Way," It Is hard to recall a. llert l.y tell picture lu which tho star hns been seen to such advantage as In "Tho ttlght That Failed," his new Vnyard Velller production, which shows Sunday ut tho Liberty thea tre. Tho story, by J. IV Marquand, adapted to tho screen by l.enore Cot fee, Is n smashbang tale ot tha prlio ring, full of fresh observation and rhnractcrs tbnt nro now to screen ilotn. Mr. I.) toll ptas with debonair charm ns the "highbrow" prl to ripe hede: Virginia Vnlll brings beauty and distinction to the role of tho society girl engaged In nn unconven tional ceurtship: Oils Harlan, tho rotund veteran of tho Charles lloyt farces, Is a rollicking tippler of tho eld school; Do W1U Jennings Is dis tinguished and courtly as tho her oine's father; Max Davidson Is a Joy ous "lowbrow" champion, and I'hllo McCultough n ducorutlvo mid con vincing loiingo llturd, Thn photo, graphy Is by Arthur Murllnolll mid the nrt dlioctlon by A 1'. Mnntr. "A Connecticut Yiinliooo In King Arthur's t'oiirt." lit film form, Is showing ut tho Liberty llioalieo lo night as a special attraction. "A Coiinovllciilt lY'inkeeo" Ih tho modern Don Quixote, it Iuih done more than niiy other book or piny to prove that men are as cttlMilroiis today as they were In tho das "when knights wore bold." THE STItANO Tho Kompion picture which will bo shown at Tho Strand all day and evening Sunday Is entitled "Tho Claw" and Is based on Cynthia Stock ley's widely rend novel ot tho snino nnino. Tho story Is one of Cynthia Stock ley's masterful novels of African life, nnd concerns a girl who on being told that her NW-enthenrt In already married, breaks her engngemnnt Just ns tho sweetheart I ordered to quell' an uprising of natives. Soon ho Is reported killed nnd (ho girl Is on thn point of marrying another when she not only learns that bo Is not dead, but the story of his formor'mnrrlngeo Is false. In tho end thoy nro re united. See It at Tho Strand tomorrow AIAVAYS IMI'OHIMl "IIo'h niiih mi Imposing iiinii!" "AlwayH no, but on whom wat ho ImpoHlng when oti miA him, may I iisltV" M,IUN(1 MATTIES SMOOTH IIiihm -'I'll Im Is a piotty lough lit. lor IM' Just leeoUml Hit' II. .t till n ('InrK l'eiliiiiH It would mnoollt unit lot h in tt ro If I Hinnliiiiiici it nti- Ktamnth Falls Is remarkable for Its nice stores, nnd especially drug stores. Wo havo nothing nicer Ibun your store lu our town. This Is what n lady from 1'alo Alto, Califor nia said to us. Currln'a for drugs, i IS KraY STRAND I0C- WIIKKH EVKIIYIIODY flOICH- -VH HOME OF THE HODKINHON FKATUIIRN Kempson Picture Corporation prcsenLs Clara Kimball Young in 'Hie Claw" Clara Kimball Young is a remarkable .story of the African Vehlt. See how true love coiuiit'hs jealousy in "The Claw." See this wonderful ex position of "Reauty and the Beast" Clara Kim ball Young and her lion, tiger and elephant ad mirers of the African jungle. Admission 10c and 20c Show Starts at 6:30 L ,. ymr '.' ilk JL mv BS.TVhflL MORE drnMORE ! -se-i JU !& '.-fri ys rrf r27msi ry'".. rzrj& r-i';..' .a " ,$ A Frank Talk With the Workers ot Klamath Falls There is hardly any need to call your attention to the many difficulties our business firms have to face the problem of bringing down prices rthe hardships of slow collections the task of taking care of their organization the strenuous fight for business. The thing to do is HELP THEM with your enthusiastic coopera tion NOT to hinder them and add to their troubles with INDIK-pr-ncMrR, CARELESSNESS and SHIRKING ON YOUR JOB. We'bclicve that'home'-building is the cornerstone of prosperity. r We must, therefore, stand shoulder to shoulder in the develop- ' ment of the community spirit. We must realize that we most ' ' truly help ourselves when we help our neighbors. Let. us compete in service. This is the truest co-operation. Let us but emulate, not envy. Let us build up, not tear down. Let us take pride in our calling. Let us be boosters. REMEMBER your success depends upon the success of the firm you work for. If your concern should go out of business, you'd be out of a job and jobs as good as yours are SCARCE! IF YOU ARE A SALESMAN OR A SALESWOMAN put every ounce of headwork into selling more. i THINK HARD, and you'll find the answer to the difficulties you thought insurmountable! IF YOO DO CLERICAL WORK Concentrate on the job let greater CARE FULNESS do away with the mistakes which cost the firm DOLLARS TO MAKE GOOD. IF YOU DO MECHANICAL WORK SPEED UP the quantity of your production, and keep up the quality. You'll reap your REWARD, DON'T WORRY. FOR THE SAKE OF KLAMATH FALLS' PROSPER ITY, BUY NOW BUILD NOW WORK MORE EARN MORE KLAMATH FALLS! uste .Ul-L.L'.j KEfWPr JMy'liiiili i - v-p t Help Your Own City iou neip Your sen This space paid for by the business men of Klamath Falls for the benefit of the community. fitv JUr. ' .I-, iffiAr!-i " .l'i - .V "wwioHMMttaMjaMa