The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 15, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Pngo Four
MfttmArfntXAn, itm
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kiJ-ss!" JfcsnlBsasssal Jfc ,UJr
Mrs, 0. Peyton wan hostess on
Thursday nl itii elaborate luncheon
lit which rover wore- tniil lor ll
, giiexls, Thn room were made
bower-llkn by large IiowIr of moun
tain llltf ii ml the table wo cen
tered with tlio Piuno blossoms. A
dollgliljul afternoon wan passed
with needlework. The guest list
follows; MVsdnmes J. J, Parker,
It. E. Smith, Wlllnrd Peyton. Nate
Otlorlieln, K. E. Magec, X T. Wird!
Mnrgnret Pitts, L. Jarobs. Fred
Ingworson, Nolllo Cantrnl, Gertrude
Moore, .tolm Jiawsnn, Al Graham,
II. I,. Cook ii nil the hostess,
()n Thursday" ntternoon Mn.
Horace Manning wns hoslcss for
tint Ml, I'll ill's Episcopal guild nt
her houro on Conger avenue. The
Indies decided nt this meeting to
spqnsor n cooked food sale to be
held Saturday, July 22, In the ol'd
First Stnlo and Savings bank build.
ingi Tlio proceeds of thn sale. It
was decided, should go In part to
the bnnd association and part to
the children's playground. The
following committee was appointed
to take charge of tlie affair: Mrs,
f rVB. Martin chairman; Mesdames
Horace Mnnnlng. G It.. Wright, F.
s.1. Wllile, Charles Martin. Hattle
Reedy, Carry,, Brown C. M. Ram
shy, and Miss Florence Pflenger.
A short business meotlng his
been called for 'Tuesday by the
Ladles' Elks club, it was announced
today. All members arc requested
to be' present.
names, stunts, races and other
sports nrc to be Indulged In at
Anderson's ramp on Spring creek,
liy the Pacific Telephone and Tele
graph employes Sunday when they
Tiold their annual picnic. 'Prlics
are to bo donated by city mer
chants for winners In tha races and
games. A big picnic luncheon will
lib prepared ilnd taken from here
for the revels. Several officials
of tho company will be here from
Eugcno ii nil employes of the com
pany lire plnnnlng on attending
from' the Ashland, Medford and
Oram's Puss branches. About
fifty persons aro expected to be
on hand at the picnic grounds Sun
May when tho fun begins.
Ono of tho most Interesting and
enjoyublo affairs of tho week was
tho children's party given by Oert
rtido and Marguerite, small daugh
ters yf Mr. and Mrs. John C.
County Court Proceedings
f Saliinlny, June :, 1022
, Court met pursuant to adjourn
muiit, whop were present: n. H. Bun
nell, County Judge, llurrcll Short and
t Asa Fordycu, County Commissioners,
tho following proceedings were had:
Current Expense Claims allowed
nnd warrants ordered drawn as fol fel fol
eows: ' '
Itotlflcltl Cash grocery, supplies,
poor farm, $10.60.
John Arnold, supplies, co. poor,
Robert Fryrear, board, county
fioor. $30C.2S.
Itobert Fryrear, salary and Tonne,
$120.00. - '
Geo'. Jennings, surveying, $86.16.
Clarcnco -lirawley, surveying,
J. II. Iteod, surveying, S30S.K.
F. Tanner, surveying, $199.75.
G. M. Iluymond, transcript, Dlst.
Atty., $8C.8S.
Geo, C. North, election, $6.00.
"V'm. .Chrmann, election, $6.00.
Geo', llagelsteln, election, $0.00,
Itaymond Cox, election, $6.00.
John n. llagelsteln, election, $6.00.
J. M. Kzoll, election, $6.00.
Tom Dixon, election, $6.00.
' Klmer Applegate, election, $6.00.
Lawrence Kzell, election, $6.00.
Wm. Molhase' election, $6.00.
W, M. Skeen, election, $6.00.
J), Ilowman, election, $6.00.
-F. W. Strowbrldge, election,
(ieii. M. Strowbrldge, election,
Jii.uO. '
W. Itoark, election, $6.00.
II. S. Odon, .election, $6.00,
A l.. Michael, election, $6.00.
JolTn A. Jones, election, $6.00.
Vornko-Jonoa. election, $6.00.
Lucy A. Welch, election, $6.00.
Chns, Flackus, election, $6.00.
J, M. Anderson, election, $6.00.
J. P. Calahan, election, f6.00.
JesKo N. Drew, election, $6.00. s
J. G. Wight, oleotlon, $6.00.
Karl Wllklus. election. $6.00.
Louis Alt. election, $6.00.
Arvld K. Hakenson, election,
i:ila Wllklns, election, $6.00.
Frank Wood, election, $6.00.
C. W, Rl 11)011801), election, $6.00.
C. JI. O'Urlon, election, 6i00.
Frank McDonald, election. $6.00.
Wm. L. Slmonson, election, $.00.
Kllzabeth Slmonnon, election,
$0.00. i
K, W. Wllkonson, election. $6. Oft.
II, K. Wlnnard election. 16.00.
It. O. Cowley, election, $0.00.
W, D. Campbell," election, $6.00
W, D. Punkey, election. $60.-
J. O. llnmakor, election, $'6,00.
Lurretn Horn, election. $6.00.
K. I. Hold, 'election. $6.00.
John S. Horn, election, $6.00.
M, J. Nichols, election. $6.00.
Dewey Horn, election, $6.00.
ChiiB. Ager, election, $6.00.
James 1 Jory, election, 16.00.
U. 11, Pattoraon. election, $6.00.
W, 11. .Wynant, ieloctlon, $6,00. .
, Geo, 13, Furdori election, $6,00.
Doyle, .honoring, Miterr George
and Tlmmle heed, who arc here,
from Stan .Francisco vlsltlnK at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Clain
mon. The afternoon waV devoted
to games played out under the
trees at the. Doyle home on Conger
avenue, and late In tho day a won
derful luncheon was served. The
gues list Included: Marlon Tel
ford, mil nnd Vernon Kuykendall,
Armon nnd Holland Ulrlch, Crrll
Humphrey, Oeorgo njl Tlmmle
Heed and dertrnde jfd Marguerite
A carefree Joyous crowd was tn
attendance at the Happy Hour
Needlework club's picnic at An
derson's camp on Spring creek last
Sunday, when the ladles entertain
ed for their husbands and families.
Game and races wee Indulged In
and It Is reported by those present
that tho fat woman's race pre
cipitated In by Mm. J. J. Keller
and Mrs. It. A. Emmltt was a riot
of fun. Mrs. Keller won alt prites
In this event. Present were: Mrs.
Jennie Hum. Mr. and Mrs. O. M.
Hector, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sum
mers, Mr. and Mrs. John Keller,
Mr. aud Mrs. W. P. Johnson and-
son Fred, Mr. and Mrs. George
Humphrey, Mr. and Mr. W. J.
Stelnmeti, ;Mr. 'and Mrs. n. J.
Sheets and daughter Vivian. Mr.
and Mrs. It. A. Emmltt. Mr and
Mrs. Ed Propst, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
nichardton and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs: George Dlehn, and the host
and hostess of tho affair, Mr. and
Mrs. Curtis Hedrlch and children.
The regular monthly meeting 01
the W. C. T. V. wilt b0 held In the
parlors of the Presbyterian church,
Thursday, July 19, at 2:30. Im
portant business- will be brought
before the members, as the union
will adjourn until September. At
'the close of the business session
there will be a short social hour
and refreshments will be served by
the committee In charge of the
meeting. ,
Another social function of the
Happy Hour club was an afternoon
at Mrs. TV. J. StelnmeU' home
Tuesday. The time was pleasant
ly spent in conversation 0id fancy
work Delicious refreshments were
served a the close of the luncheon.
Guests -present besides the Tegular
member were: Mesdames O. L.
Brown, William Saunders and C.
M. Q'.Vell.
John A. Koontz, election, $6.00.
J. S. McClellan, election. $6.00. '
n. C. Short, election. $6.00.
Elsie H.. Case.. election, $6.00.
Jajr A. Falrclo, election, -96.00.
C. Bowman, election, $6.00.
C. A. Barrows, election, $6.00.
William Walker, election. $6.00.
Fred Stukel, election, $6.00.
Uurr Wcitbrook. election, $6.00.
A. Kalln'a, election, $6,00.
J. A. Cardwell; election, $6.00.
Antone, Pretasek, election, $6.00.
Joseph -Zurapfe, election. $6.00.
' E. D. Smith, election, $6.00. "
W. H. Ilrock, election. $6.00.
M. M. Thomas, election, $6.00.
Mrs. Kato Drock. election, $6.00.
Chas. Thomas, election, $6.00.
F. C. Howard, election, $6.00.
C. G. Hunt, election, $6.00.
T O. Hague, election. $6.00.
W. E. Bowdoln, election. $6.00
Christine Murdoch, clectlcu. $6.00.
C. Leon Lewis, olectlon, $6.00.
John Sbephard. election, $6.00,
G. J. Hllyard, election, $6.00.
A. n. Campbell, election, $6.00.
D. Ellis Young, election, $6100.
II. Reeder, election, 46.00.
II. Snowgoose, "election, $6.00.
C. V. Nelson, election, $6.00.
L. W. Anderson, election,' $6.00.
Margaret Crank, election, $6.00.
Mrs. Clara lleach, election, $6.00.
Margaret Ilrldgcford, Blectlon
. Mabel S. Hlbbcrt, election, $6.00.
Anna Harrison, election, $6.00.
Marie II. Pike, election, $6.00.
Myrtle Pel), election, $6.00.
K. L. -Moore, election, $6:00.
J. 11. Van Meter, election, $6.00.
F. n. Kester, election, $6.00,
II. H. noberts, election, $6.00.
Levi J. Griffith, election, $6.00.
- A. K. Bensloger, election, $6.00.
T. n. Patterson, election, $6.00.
C. A. Grubb, election, $6.00
Fred L. Applegate, election, $6.00.
L. G. Stiles, election, $6.00.
C. WWarren. election, $'6.00.
Mrs. D. G. Givan, election, $6.00.
Mrs. J. C. Edsall, election, $6.00.
Mary E. Garrett, election, $6,00,
Geo. 8. noyd, olectlon, $6.00,
J. II. Hobbs, election, $6.00.
Will XV. Adams, election, $6.00.
Geo, J. Wlton,. election, $6.00.
Catherine L. Merrltt, election,
. .Mary W. Of field, election. $6.00,
- W. L. Fraln, election, $6.00.
Major Spencer, election, $6.00,
Margaret S. Spencer, election,
64)0. '
rerry iiamuion, election, ib.uo. ,
Mrs. W. L- Fraln, election, $6.00.
C. J. McCollum, election, $6.00.
W, E. Gordon, election, $6.00.
Paul V. Brown, election, 6.00. '
P. J. Bowling, election, $8.00,
Bruce Oray, election, $6.00.
E. M. Leever, election, $6.00.
E. R. Cardwell, election, $6.00.
K.N. Posaeroy, election, $6.00.
Mmle Loevor, eloctlon, $6.00.
Anna Hickman, election $'3,oo.t
Roy Hickman,' election, $3.00.
Lewie Pankey, election, $3.00. ,
B. E. Wolfprd, election, $6.00.
Prod C. Lancell, olectlon, $6.00,
Bridal Garb Is Simple
vm ewtca'a bride will pick a UafW gown ct soft Mtla, heavy area
w itoUTon with few ersatnents. Drooping aid -panels give oddity and
-"-n to this cm
PAIHS. niack and white
gandle Is the very "mart
for the older woman when she
goes forth to a tea on one of thce
warm afternoons. When all's said,
there Is nothing more chic thanj
black and white and organdie thlil
searon seems to be the Ideal ex-'
presslon of tho vogue for the col-1
ors. All-over designs of embroid
ery In black spirals that meander
hither and yon arc favorites. For
younger women there Is a wonder-1
ful rhade of blue, such its that,
which glorifies Chinese porcelain.'
Then is likewise a quaint blending i tension to anything but beauty. It
of apricot and peach glow pink. Is of exceedingly fine wool, woven '
iso lovely that It Ilex upon n white j
PARIS It Is on the ParlstennC) blouse as lightly as a mist of hello-1
that the black crepe dc.chlne tall-, trope, sold or apple green. This i
leur reaches perfection. 8hc has! sweater Is thn slip-on type with I
hot made the mistake of gowning! a slight V-neck. '
herself In a simple, long suit of -
this roft material, and letting it go) NEW YOnK Almost ,any cos-
ai max. t iseij nne nas aatiea ini
necessary touch of ruffles and
gay waist coat. The ruffles arc
like something out of tho dlrectolre
period, often of burnt Ivory net or
lace, and plentifully employed not
only down the front of the blouse'
but also Inside the cuffs of tho
coat sleeves. ""
LONDON The shepherd's plaid
hat Is a novelty. It Is made of
straw and Is a neat, small cbapeau
Intended to be worn with a tailored
M. it. Hutto, election, 16.00.
Frank Coburn. ejection, $6.00.
Mae J. Ankeny, election, $3.00.
Jc8sIo Momyer, election, $'3.00.
Stella Sheets, election, $3.00.
Minnie Ulrlch, election, $3.00.
Mary R. McClure, election, $3.00.
Chas. R. Baldwin, election, $3.00.
John C. Clegborn. election.- $3.00.
J. F. Goeller. election, $3.00.
Myrtle M, Crystal, election, $3.00.
H. E. Gets, election, $-3.00.
W. 8. Slough, election, $6.00.
Alice Z. Goeller, election, $3.00.
Helen 'P. Thomas, election, $3.T)0.
M. V. Slough, eelctlon, $3.00.
M. E. Ball, election, $3.00.
Fred Bueslng. election, $3.00.
Mrs. H. M. Ackley, election, $3.00,
Mrs. L. G. Hoagland, election,
Louisa E. Humphrey, i electlrh,
Frank B. Robinson, election,
J. A. Houston, election, $3.00.
Mlnnlo R, Rarnum. election, $6.00,
Anna L. Bean, election. $6.00.
Frank Ward, flection, $3.00.
J. W. Hnnsaker, 'election. $3.00.
Luclle Barnes, election, $3.00,
R...T.naldwln, electlon7r3.00.
R. A. Kmmltt, election, $.1.00.
Margaret J. Wlthrow, election
Flora M. Hayden, election, $3.00.
Ella E. Houston, election. $3.00.
Hbnry Bagby, election, $3.00.
Ivy p. Propst, election, $3.00.
Clara Catkins, election. $3.00.
Minnie Thresher,' election, $3.00.
Ruth Boule, election. $'3.00.
S. T. Summers, election, $3.00.
Charmlon ' Johnson, election,
Ivy (!. Propst; election, $3.00.
Jennie, Evans, election, $3.00,
Adeline. Cofcr, election, $3.00.
Katberlne House, election, $3,00.
Anna Anderson, electron, 413.00.
G. G. Stagg, election, $'3.00.
Mrs. Mlna Edmonds, election,
$3.00. ' '
Lottie, L. Curren. election. $3.00.
H. P. Thomas, election, $3.00.
Agnes E. Orem, election, $6.00.
J. O. Reardsley, election, $3,00.
Rosa B. Thomas, election, $3,00.
Enima M. Llnfesty. election. $6.00.
E. M. Cbllcote, election, $3.00.
Nellie Beckley, election, $-3:00.
Geo. D. Grlzzlo, election, $3.00.
Ida Grimes, election, $3.00.
Jas. E. Howie, election, $3.00.
Mrs. H. M- Poole, election, $3.00.
'Elmer Lewln, election, $3.00.
Nellie Sandbam, election, $3.00.
G. G. Johnson, election, $3.00,
W, I. Nicholson, election, $3.00.
Nettle Newbanks, election, $3.00. ,
Mollie Beldlng, election, $'3.00.
Elda R. Offleld, olectlon, $3.00
suit or frock. So well
does the
i straw Imitate fabric that n second
look Is necessary to make sure that
tho hat Is not covered with u bit
of shepherd's plaid suiting.
NEW YOllK It scarcely seemed
possible In this era of sport sweat
ers that anything new In sweaters
could ho Imagined. Huf someone
has Imagined a novelty to good pur
pose and the proof of the Imag
ining appears In a Fifth avenue
window. Long a sweators ceased
to be Wraps and became ornaments.
Thh newest sweater makes no pre-
tume may be matched In tho little
crush silk short hats which are so
universally becoming. they are
comparatively Inexpensive, so that
two or threo of them added to n
summer wardrobe are not a shock'
Ing extravagance. For motoring or
for use on any occasion when It Is
necessary to havo a hat that clings
snugly to the hair It would be dif
ficult to find anything better.
They have, too, the added charm of
being dressy enough for wear In
a restaurant or on a roof. -
Jerry Sleek, election, $0.00.
W. A. Delzell, election, $6.00.
Frances E. Boyd, election, $6.00.
Anna C. Brockenbrough, election,
$6.00 ,
Anna L. Holden, election, $6.00.
Maude K. Wills, election, $ 6.00.
Anna C. Hawkins, election. $6.00,
Laura Miller, election, $6.00.
Mrs. M. Statin, election. $6.00.
Melissa Hammel, election, $6.U0.
Llllle A. Herrlngton, .election,
Goldn Flnnell, election, $6,00.
Nannie Cantrall. election, $0.00.
11. It. Yancy, ulectlon, $15,00.
Lucllo Heifer, election, $6.00.
County noad Claims allowed and
warrants drawn as follews:
Frank Peel. work. $6.49.
Earl Vlcory, work, $3.. ill.
II. F. Vlcory. work, $6.90.
It. It. It. Gsrugo, supplies, $123,13,
It. II. It Garage, supplies, $SC.3.',.
It. It, It, Garage, etipplles, $0S.fir,,
n. It. It. Garage, supplies, $,:!. r0.
It. R, It. Guragu, supplies, $22.00.
It. R. It. Garage, supplies, $153.20.'
It. It. It. Garage, supplies. $7.80.
Oscar Cornish, timo, $20.97.
Leo' Cornish, tlmo, $20.97.
Roy Dixon, tlmo, $11.98.
Pcrrln Dixon, time, $10.77. ,
Walter Stewart, time, $7.18.
JumoK Atkins, work,- $.17.44.
Harry. Dixon, work, $10,77.
Mln Lovelady, work. $18.98.
Roy Holt, work, $74.19.
Roy Vernon, wrok, $43.08.
Morgan Smith, work. '$'68.21.
Roy .Holt, work, $174.00..
Reed, Auto Supply Co., supplies, '
Henry A. Nltchlem, work, $9.77.
Ernest Nlchloth, work $19.47,
Acme Motor Co., supplies, $21. 0C.
Herman Trott, work, $86.40.
Basil Hall, work, $61.03.
Union Oil Co., -supplies, $63.30.
E. C. Stuckey, work, $1.30.
Illg Basin Lumber Co., supplies,
nig Basin Lumber Co., supplies.
Lakeside Lumber Co., supplies,
F. WI)old. buppIIob, $17,015.
O. K. Blacksmith Shop, xorvlco,
Lakeside Lumber Co.. supplies,
$17.r.5. ,
M. n. Sponcer, work, $1.79.
Ii. P. Vlcory, tlmo, LangolbVal-
ley Murkot noad, $625.00.
Ear Vlcory, tlmo, Langell Vulloy
Murket Itoad, $174.41.'
A. Bell, work Langell Valley Mar- '
ket noad, $10.77.
Bon Crapser, work, Lancell Val
ley Market Itoad, $16,15,
It. A. Maxwell, work, l.niigoll Vnl.
ley Market Rond, $14.30.
Geo. Klllntt, work, Langell Val
ley Market Road, 07. ON.
ill. K. Vlcory, account. Langell
Valley Market noad, $160.77.
O. K. Itlarksmlth Shop supplies,
Lnngell Valley Market Itoml, .:!. !U.
I Ills: llasln Lumber Co., supplies,
Poo Valley, Market ltond, $.1,711.
Itlg llasln Lumber Co., supplies,
Poo Valley Market, Rouil, $l(i..;r..
, High School Claims allowed mid
warrants drawn ns follews:
notion (loon, milnry, $
J. II. Iteese, salary, $180.07.
E. II. Ileauchamp, Hillary, $Ull.tt7
1 Evelyn Applegate, Hiilnry. $ I fill. 00
ltachel Solomon, salary, $Hil,ti7.
i Elisabeth Key", salary, J Ml. 07
Wanda llrown, salary. $110.00.
I Howard Wines, salary. $ 130.00.
W, S. Kelsilever, salary Janitor,
, $110.00.
I In the Matter of tho Application of
John Arnold, for relief.
Itellet allowed In the nlini of !
$10. 10, this :ird day of dune. 1022 I
In (bo Matter of the Application
of Frank Allaire, for relief
Allowed the benefit of poor farm
Kills :ird tiny of, June. 1022.
Whereupon Court Adjourned until
Monday, Juno lith., 1022.
; County Judge
Co. Commissioner
Co. Commissioner.
Monday, June .till.. H'-"J
Court Met Pursuant to Adjourn
ment, when were present. It. II. Uun
Hell, County Judge; llurrell Short
nnd Asa Fordyre, County Commis
sioner, the following proceedings
were hitd!
Current Expense Cl.ilms allowed
ntiii warrants drawn us follews:
F. II. Mills, attorney fee-. t'Uin.OO
1 W. II. MePherrln, rent hall, elee
I tlou. $10.00.
It. K. Wright, clerk .IU. Ally.
' $K..00.
Zolla S. Jones, clerk, dlst. ally .
'ellit Jones, clerk dlst. ntty.,
Mrs. A. M. Hughes, county aid.
$20.00. '
l.ydla I.. Frlcke. salary. $12,100.
I C. J. McCnllnni. election. 1.011
! Owl Cafe, election. $7.00. .
EII.I Wllklns, election. $7. (in.
I P. J. Howling, election. $ lit HI).
Illg llasln Lumber Co . election.
i Geo, M. Strowbrldse, election,
. $10.90.
John Koontz, election, $0.70,
, Major Sixmcer, election, $
Anton 1'etrai.ok, election, $6.10.
Margaret Crank, election. $2.10.
Kittle i:. Puckett. election. $7 .10
I Ethel M. Pickett, election. $7..'.n
M. Dobrey. election. $ft.00.
Mrs. It. II. Yiinry, election, $17 n
C. E. Hunt, election. I .'..on
J. T. Perkins, election. 117 7...
Henry Cox. election, $4.40
Frunk Coburn. election. $N.mi. .
Marl II. Pike, elrilon, $1.00.
Thus. I). Young, election, $
If. II. Itoborts. election, $11 in.
J. F. Mugiilm, election, $7..'.0. '
With a
What can
s. '
. - -
Win Ciininliell. election. $..'.'
H. I,. Cinmbletl, election, $7 fill
Jesse N. Drew, election, $71.00,
John A. Jones, oleotlon, $4. Oil
T, O. Hague, eleitlon, $1.00
.1. T. Perkins, electliin. $7. ML
Lewis Punkey, olectlon, l nu
ll K, Wolford, election. $1.00
Fred Lllligell, election, $1.00
Mrs, M llutto, eletclou, $1 IMI.
Frank t'ohurii, election, $1 Oil.
Wm. Campbell, election, $1 Oil
, Thus, tlruekoii, election, $7.00
Thus llnrkley, election. $2.00
Etta M Kllgore, election, $7. CO
E. It Crniiilnll, election, IS (lit
CIiiih. Thomas, election. $20 on
Wm. riinnnnu. election, fi l
Frank Nichols, election, Jfi.tin
Johho N Drew, election, $. 20
John Koontz, election, $V, no
Chlluiiulii Hotel, election, $! 00
I'lilon Taxi Service, eleillun, $.'. nil
Mrs. J. W. Stlnson, elerilon, $2 rm
St. Paul Episcopal llulld. eleitlon
L. (1 Htllcx. election. $1 In.
J. II HiiIiIin, election, $1 in
' C. W Warren, election. $1 mi
Mrs. II (llviin. election, II Mi
Mrs .1. C- Edsall. election. II 'n
Mrs V T. tlmrell, election. II f.n
Geo. S lloyd. election, II Ml
Illy Opera House Co., election
E. It. Cnrdwell. elrctlon. $i!.n
E. J. tJiwrence. eliiitlou, IIU'MI
Ilex Cafe, election. $11.30.
Mrs Grace Hunt, election, ill 2.
K. t. Hold, el, .(linn. 7.r.ll. '
John Hhep.ird, idertlon. K, mi
W. E. Ilow'doln. printing, election,
l.od It. Del.tip, oxpreu,
r.!c. .
W ti. llrown. erecting
election, $'.3 M.
The .1. K GUI Co.. supplies.
veor. ISO III.
Leopold ft Voi'lpel Co . repair,
hiirvejor. $r.s.nn.
Corn M Peel, widow pension,
, l.ukevlew Abstract Co . supplies.
nmeinor. $ 1 2, !mi
I County t'lalius allowed nod
warrants drown
I E. M. I.eeer. work. I'JSS SI.
drover Cherry, work, l7o.nn
Hoy Smith, work. i!i5 II.
Marcus llrower. work. $3", fl.O
Hay- Loosley. work. 132 31.
Jtol. Ilrewer. work. $3.. '.in.
II. A. Mnmiry. work, $66 40
Er It. Cnrdwell. work. $!...9
I ltusi, L.'eXer, work. $10.77
1 G W. Ileavlln. workk. till n'.t
I Art I li'iiv Hit. work. $7.1 s.
1 llarrv Ileavlln. work. $3 f.H
Ilnrold Ileavlln. work. $3 f.O
1 I'nlon Bridge Co. work on bridge.
$4r.n oo
I Gilbert work. 1 1 SO 03
, Otto Basins, work. $.51 00
Tom Kartell, work. $I,0.2I
, Jim l.'dsall. work. II 15 26
I E W Whetstone, work. $102 31
Frank I owcrv, work, IK" 'Jft.
. Victor Miller, work. $IK 4.5
Merrill Wallls. work. 171 So
i Elmer Lowery. work. $.".2. or.
Carl Kiil.ner. work. $73. Mi
Mike Wallls. Mirk. $90 m;
John lli'iidersou. work $17 ''
Daly Givan. wtrk, $2101
Geo. S. Boyd. work. $37 '!.
Herman Trott. work. J 1 1 3.5
a Store
Rush of Business
Early and late the store has been crowded and hut
few have left without making purchases.
You know the store. This is no romance.
..Why this rush of business?
YOU tlo to duplicate this rush for
own merchandise business?
The answer is simple. This is i: ,
The Herald is prepared to furnish, SEKVICR.ln its
advertisers and help them get results.
Phone 88 and a representative of this paper will
5 promptly call on you, not merely to accept your
order for space, but tp assist you to K-'t in
creased business for your store. ,
Modern Amazon
a tjaaaaaaajiSBaaaasv
bbbbbLbbbbbbbbbV bbbbbbbbbbbbbW J
I Like the Amazons of old, womrii
In the south of China arc irady to
;o to wac, bUtntted like the one
lUie.V Tlii')' aio nt the lenient
'which l mipiwOlni.-.tha.Cautuli
J E Euders ft Co curry (he miml
op-to-dale line of staple grorelles
ill the Inwest pi Ires I 1-21 llie
feny WlM'inti.iir. work. $21. Rl.
I. II Hlilen. work. IIS 9S
Market ltn.ul Clalius allowed nnd
warrants drawn
J II Short, wt.rli, 1'oe Volley Mar
ket Bend. $0.3-1 '
Ur M.Pnll. work. Poo Vitllev
1 Market Itoad. 13 '.'J
Library Claims nltowe.i and war
rant drawn
Irene i: Xodersun. cash adv.
piKtar.e. Ii no
Irene i: AiidTHnii, cns( adv
Jitney. It Mi
Irene E Auitersou, salaiy, lino no
Houghton. MKIIIn Co. lllille,,
1 3. OH
lti J K. GUI Co, supplies,
I 123 S'l
In the Matter of the Transferrlui:
I I'unils nf H hoi.) llNtrlrls to ('null
I ty School Dlxlrlit Fnd.
.'..-: - .imutl