Page TKrca THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON futunnAv, jijly is, ton J t? mrs i in i j Mrs. Lourn B. Downey, Author, Has Piece of Wool From Back of Famous Subject of Rhyme TACOMA, Wwili, July ir.. Mrn. I.nuru II. Downey lliiiffnlr, tociil i) til hor mill ilmimr of tlm north west, Iiiiii it JiIitu (if wool from tllll 11111X1 flllllllllll llllllll Hull IIVIT lived the IiiiiiIi reirjimiMhlii fur tlin rlillillinoil rhyme iiliout Mary uml her Hill" llllllll. Tim iilniill hunch nf won) rriini Mary's IiiiiiIi wu.'i handed down to .Mrs. Ilnrtlull, who linn u tiny hunk Hint Kiln tlm full history nf tlm i'ilnoiln uml explains how lln cele brated tivlnn happened In tultn such li liriilllllli'lit diirn In Jtivi'li lln llleruliilc. Tint IiiiiiIi rnntiilini flllMIII 1.1 lit" "MKItllll i.l.llj 11111 nf tlm I in r II In which tlm lit ml, w,m liiirn, iii.tti.i-... ,.r li... ....I. ... I it... .....1 Mary Intuit, nccnrilltii; to (In narrative, wtm oiin of a pair ofjll plxudu nlruk 1 1 1 tit with nidi iwlim. IIH mother IdcLed u nsldn fumi that Im wrotii tlm funmiiH mid refused to havit unythliiK to J Jlm-le on tlm subject and presented do with It. Mnry found It. to Mary. Tlm oies soon he with mill and mhII-iiIkIi Miirvi'd, ' nuim iiiitlonally known, mid liuKKt'd to luiwi It hroiiKht Into' .Mm llnrlletl, who owns tlm hook tin' house. There tlm wrapped It ami tlm hit of wool from tlm lainli. In a hliinlint and imurlKlieil It on1 win in mill, and r.ttnlp until It crew, lulu a r.i'uil pel mid an liisepuriihln i'oiiiiaiilnti. I Thru mm motiiliiK. Hie hook re riles, whin Mary and her brother' Nat with on thii way to nelmcit, By Our Country Editors MERRILL A Miry pleanant I'onrih waa Bpenl In Merrill tlty park Tlm peoplo lifRnii to cither at 10 n in until tiver 200 wuro iirem-iit. I'Iiikii and huutliiR rtre.mieil from the treeit and pliltforill. One flaK, over f.o )earit old, wan nhiiwn. inaile In miuth II 1 1 ii it Im at a hlmllur callierlni; when tlm piHipln hnlni: no flm; cm to e.ither and iiijiiIh mln I'I.ik lit proper ty of Mm J uiiell.' nf Merrill At noon Mm. Jlnneiln of Merrill. At noon ly tlm nddrKH hy It. '. ( of I kiioi! lliliiK to t-nt. from rhlrken and halnd to pin mid take, mined raf.- lerlu Htyln to whlih nvnr) hotly tllil . JilMlrt.. Mri Wiiodhoim.. mid MrH , Thoina ittil.1 dellflouH In. irt'iuii mill lenioiiade. Hi., nverplua of tlm pro. reKiln rii to help III tlm park. A ery fine pi..rm w,.h kIv,,,, In tlm Mfter- iliioii mm nan i'lljoeii ny (ill enperiai ly the addreHit hy Mr. (IroMnlterk of Khimath I'allK. tinmen followed for the children In whlrh many of the older fnlkH took part. Hark rareti. threo lee rareti, fat mt'ii'M rareH, Klrlit mid hoyN raced, hanchull mid other Kamt'it. Kvoryltody went homo feel InK limy had mi eiijoyahlit Ktinrth. It In hoped tlmro will ho electric IlKhtit In tlin pari; In tlm near fit turf. Mr. mid MrH. T II. Ithoileit nndJ BARGAIN FOR SALE Two large marcs and two heavy horses. Apply ALBERT DUHME White Pelican Hotel Or at O. K. Feed Barn, 412 S. Sixth St. SKATING RINK Open AftumoonH 3 Open 12 v o ii I n k ' lo r. to 9 Scandinavian Hull Coolcnt Jtluco Mn (own. Under now mumw;omoiit. SAM HlANm Mt;r. Memories Wilt Uvo When You Say It With Flowers Flowors for ovory occaidon Klamath Flower Shop HIM Main Street. , Phono 080 Opon Sundays 9 to 1 Wook days, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. urn is real they found tlm IiiiiiIi following lliem. .Mnry desired to send It hiicli, hut Nut thought It would tin rum nimit to nee n IiiiiiIi In tlm srhiwl room, no tlm children n eiiiirngeil It In ronm. Helmut had not ynt opened, anil tlm lainli wan necrnleil In tlm Iwce, Imx-llkii uf fair Hint provided a ib'sk fur .Mnry Imfiini the teacher iiiiiari'il. HrllOlll WIIN IirilKri'NNllIK with liu iihiiiiI decorum when tlm lainli, cramped for room, Iimciiii to iitrllin ll.i hoofs on Hm hide or flm desk, mill thereby niiiilo known Hh pres imii! to tlm teacher, who, with so llfflcnlty, persuaded fii to ; I Olllltlllll. An It happened, .lolin lloulsono, Jr. a fri'iiliiiiiiii at Harvard, emim In vlull Hi, i u,.li..l il... i .l..u .....i I " "" "' M1FI., IIIIII IIIIJ IIIIII I" oim ff tlm Ih-hI known hlstor Ira I reenrch workers In tlm north west, Him has recently completed a hlMury of Him stole of Wash ington whli li dan Imtii adopted iih it (iiithook In tlm stnl" Jpuhllc school family of Oakland. California, have returned to Iheir homo after u visit with Mm Ithoden brother. V. K. Jlnnette. They were very favorahly Impressed with Klnmnth rnnnty. Mr, mid Mm, N. i:. W'oodhonso in ml i a trip to ItoKiio Ither Innt week. Tlm Merrill l.lhrnry rluh met nt tlm llhrary Tlitimilay July fi. Mm. li'ii. WrlKht mid Mm I, How man went hfislfsxes mid scr.rd dell floim n rre.-tm and, caki'. A ,.,r ttllH KV,. , ,,, ,,. , Mr ,, Mr, ,., Van S.'holrork ,),,, w jy uhm A ,.m)(1 crowil nttinded. Uanclnr; wa In. ,w.,, , ,. w,. m,, ,0. , rr,.lim ,, r!lK W(,r rv,., ,, n ,..,, , l!lV,. had mi tnjoyahl.. i.,.nluK. w ,." (.()nlm a KUmMh Kall lnltoron Tucmliiy, Mm. lid. Krnnlnr h npentlliiK tlm week Willi her Iiiih. hand nt Kirk. (leo. lVnliin wua In Klamath Kail on Tuendiiy. MIkk Mau, M. Carlvton Hpent tlm week In Merrill. Mr. and Mm. J. V. Ilankln havo returned from llendale, Oro. wliem they Hpent tlm week with their Ron. Velton llanklitH, nml MrH. HnskliiH. Iti.v. K. II. i:di:ar In In CorvnlllH, Ort'Kon to attend tho Synod of tho rrentiylorlan church. r.Mrt. (!eo. Thoina of I'nrll.ind In vIhIHiik at tlm humti of hvr ulster, Mm. Suit. MIhh Dorothy Ktlerhomt of Horkt ley In a nueut of tlm hoiuii of Mm, tinier Anderson. Kveryhody In huny haylnc around Merrill. It Im reported that men nro near en and hard In c't. KniHt Strmich, Krltx straiii'U nnd Mrn. Vrledo Wlinkn nro In Merrill from 1'ortland. UriiHt Stanch Ih tho fnthur of Mm. (leo. Thoina uml tho other nf tho parly urn her brother and Bister. They nro miiklnc tho trip hy ear mid expect to if turn hy way of Crater lake. "Mm, (ieo, Toliina of I'ortland la nlito vIhIHiir nt tho Thoma lioiiui In Merrill. Mr. nnd Mm. K. M, llubh wero In Merrill on Sunday, Mm. Krcil NooJ wan a Merrill v!b. tor on Sunday. Donald HedKOpath of Olondalo, Orennn, Ih In Merrill. Ho Ih stayliit DOINGS OF THE DUFFS HULLO, HELEN -GEE. I WORKED. HARD TODAV " r, 1 HElLQ,TOM- y I jo; h ' S , S ' . ' ' ' itl tlm lioim of lilu uliilvr', Mm. li, I. Wlilslnr. Mr. .Vnrwood wan n IiiiiiIih'hh vlid lor In Merrill on Monday. Mr, mid Mm. It. II. Anderson mid family Spent Hominy In Klamath Falln, tlm ituimtii of Mrs. Anderson's motliir, Mr a, Tlinn, Martin, LANGELLS VALLEY llnylni: Iiiih hern In full hwIiii: In (Im valley nIiko July 4th, ()ncar Campliidl arid crow nro ramped In tho Hwamp puttlni; up wild liny. Prank (Irolm Iiiih hern hayln nl Him rork No, I for Hid punt week, hut In mevlni: to Itlmtock No. '& lo put up IiIh wild hay. Lentur Wlnhard Ih iMittlni: lilu ryo for hay, and haiillm: and ntai lilni: It. H( linlilo hrotherii have nlnu heeu hayluc for Hm pant week. Tlm Walker hoya nro Btack- liu: their hay today. John Turner haa IiIh rye rut mid raked mid ready In ntarlc. Will Camphiill, ahly aHnUl eil hy IiIh hoii, PranrlH, Ih liaylnc CjriiH lirown Ih ruttlm; IiIh ryo with hi header, preparatory to maklni: hay. Clmido Nohln In helplni: him. l'Vl MrDonald Ullh a crew of two men, Ih puttlni: up wild hay, while A ('. Hiinnin Ih t'llttlliK MrDouald'H ryo A. II. (lain nnd l.enler llnnKH have Joined forceH In huyliiK HiIh year, (leorr.o Nohlo Ih liayltiK "t IiIh moiintiiln ninth. Dewey Horn and father himi heeu puttlni; up wild hay, HiIh week. I'elo Mcell reportn Im Ih ruttluK IiIh ryo. Frank Nlrh oln mid Mr. Mlnnln nro a I bo ruttlm: rye. ,Mm. A. K. Halo took dinner with Mrn, Will Cumphi'll, Kiiuduy. MIkh Wlnnlfred Wlnnnrd hnn rt turned homo from her teaching at 1'ortlaud, to Hpend tho Htnmmir with her parentH, Mr. mid Mm. II. K. Win uard. John Nnhln and hoii. Claud" havo heeu helplni; A. 1.'. Hale. Mr. and Mm. John Turner inuilc n IiuhIui'hh trip to Klamath Kall.t rrltlay Tho rourtli of Jul wan upent pleaii.'intly for moitt all In tho valley hy a picnic In the. nrovo near tho T. I-'. IIorkh' home. A lunch wan rrv eil after tlm pro cram and In tho af trrnoou tlm hoyH entertained nil by rldliiK rahen and huckliiK horren. Only one tunal) accident occurred to mar tlm eujoyment. Arthur T. Tappan halt been carry Im: dm United .Sta)in yinull kIiico July I. havlut: nerured tho contract for the next four yearn t-'red Hilton and Win. Cotton hroUKht their Hhet'p Into tho valley mid liae been ratiKliiK them nt tho tiawmlll place. Mm. Allila Dutunii, vho has been very 111 with pneumonia, In nhlo to ho up and nround In tho hoime. Win. and (!ono Wllkemon recent ly purchased n band of cattln and havo Juki returned from Dorrln whero they went lo recelvu them. Tlm ramp of the reclamation rcr vice nt I'pper I.aiik'cll valley Ih be ing fHtnbllidicd, SupidleH nro beliiR hauled up from Klamath Kails, a faint) dam Ih bolnt; built. Already nix or more families aro residing there. Mlm Violet dale visited In Klam ath 1'alln Thursday. Mr. II, K. Wlnuard ban returned from Klamath Kalln whero bIio was 111. Tho meat waou will co around tho valley on TucHilaH, horoaftcr ln'RlnnliiK on ouo Kldo omo trip, mid on tlm other nhlo next trip. Mr. ami Mm, Itoubon Vinson left fur ItuKiit) rhor to put up fruit. Oscar Campbell made u trip to Klamath Kalla Thursday. Ho went after hnyltiK supplies. WIIIIk iMnkey Iiiih been farming tho I., Ii. Tnmx placo this Hummer. Mr. mid Mm. A. II. Ilrown re turned from uu outing In Wlllumet tu valley from Woodburn, Oregon, and report tho fruit crop ory short, aa Ih iiIno tho grain u,nd huy, A. II. Noblo U iignlu In our midst, hnUug rami) from Alturas whero ho attended tho rodeo on July 4. Mm. II. J. Tlckuor attended tho Ladles Aid at Mm. Fordnoy'a Thurs day, J. 11. Cusoy anil family voro visit ing In Honauza, Sunday. Mm. Cathcrlno Ullllngsloy Is spending her vacation nt her homo In I.nugoll valley. 1 ISST gosh. m tired ( " ' S "fill - -v -' . II i canYcetmstmimcs (-H (If I. AND HUNGRY! J ( 5 A tfY I WANT A fSODO (Z)(T TO EAT AROUrO HERE, r-- -- I J - HI----I I V t y I ..iii I I i I I I'LLdUUUI AMCMI ! I i " fJiP 'iBCTj- II ' i nW P' -- . TJft if YOO- t?MoREADV lj j FIGHTING SCHU1 IDS FOUR MILLION DOLLAR RUSE FOR CHH SGROOL TFJCHERS nv nov nmiiovs CIIIUAdO, Juyl lfi. Jenne !' Arc of pi-dagocy' Mar i'a re l A llnliiv nt thin rllv linn eaniod tho till", , For 20 yearn iilm htm hern fight Ing fr hcIiooI tcarhern nil over tlm country. That'll why, to untold IhounnndH Him li known iih Hid "fighting Hchnol inarm." Tlm other day MIh.i Haley handed Clilcaiio' and high hcIiooI In Btructom a $l,onn,oOii yearly xalary Inrre.'iKii. iiow? Hy fighting for H. IVdem! Ion Of fldal I Her official title In hiiHlncHR rcprn j nenlatlvi! of tlm Chlrago tenchem fed-1 ration, an organization which Hh" ' (tilled In t'HlabllHliliig. j Her long ncrli'H of battles for bet ' ler pay and working rondltlnns i brought her Into nutlnhal promln euro. Whonover railed upon, hIio has Journeyed to San Francisco, Now ' York, Iloston and other cities to dl reel tlm fights of school teachers In those ptnrcs for a square deal. , And Margaret Naluy Just loves a good scrap. I've been In plenty of llmm," she says, "hut up to duto thcru's not a Hcralch uu me "For my tearhem," .Mlsi Hnloy has O T.v HELEN WAS ALL SET FOR HIM l PH "5T" iskv dps JH .UtIt(..rti:T A. HAI.KV forevworii mnrrlHge and- sacrificed other comforts, ' until freedom Is achieved freedom from fear of au The National ,LD SILVERSMITHS, in silver from cheaper imitations, marked the real thing "sterling." In a like manner, manufacture who stand back of their wares; identify them with trade-marks that are your guarantee of quality. By advertising these trade-marks, they focus on their products the searchlight of attention. Only GOOD goods, fairly priced, can flourish in this light of publicity. For no merchandise and no business can thrive under the weight of public condemnation. That is why a manufacturer, or a merchant, places the whole reputation of his business at stake every time he advertises. His goods must be as advertised. So, in looking through this paper, remember this: the man who spends his money to invite your consideration of his wares, backs upj his belief in his goods and leaves the final decision toyou''V,:,J '' It pays you to read the advertisements. It pays you to buy a'd vertised products. - Advertising is your protection 'Ihorlty .nd oho sayn, political domlnntloti," .VI ItiitlleH Ilo)iil "Tho fighting nchoolmarm" fig nros sho has been mixed In C(! major ongngementH and scoreH of minor scrimmages during her 20 yourn of constant vigil. Besides championing teachers, Miss Hnloy Is also Interested In, the uiiveiopmeni nnn weiiaro oi women gen'jrnlly. Sho was one of tho prime movers In tho nuffragu movement. "I want leathers to havo better pay and bettor working conditions be cause such things mean better teachers," nays Miss Haley. "And better teachers mean better children. 'It Is for tho children I nm really fighting. I lovo them oven If I haven't any of my own ns I wish I had." Merchant's Lunch On and after Monday next we will serve a Forty-Cent Merchant's Lunch OWL CAFE 427 Main St. Trade Mark order to help people tell pure ' ' N? . y- Saved From Mob When a mob of 3000 wthcrol bt ore th Jackson (Mich.) Jail Ororn Btraub. chnrrcil with tho brutal kill In of Allco Mallctt, social worker. wra scemtly spirited away to Lan lnir. Mich., after tear cas bomb, hrtd been thrown Into tho crowd ta disports It. via BYALLMAN .5W.. .I i'3 J