The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 15, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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BATUnDAY, avLY 111, 1MM
Prtgfl Two
The Evening Herald
F. n. bOVhKl.K&Hot na Publisher
ll It. HILL...... ......CIty ttlHor
1". C. Mettle.,.. i.AuvertlMng Manager
Published dally except 8unday, by
Tim MurolJ Publishing Company of
Klnmath Tails, At 110 Eighth street.
Knlcrtil nt tbo postofflco at Klam
nth Falls, Ore., (or transmission
through tho ruallf as second-class
Tho Associated Pros Is exctuslvo
1 untitled to the use for publica
tion 0t nil no Kg dlsptyrhe, credited
to It, or not otherwlso credited .In
tlil.i paper, nml nlao the local news
published herein.
KATUItUAV, JULY 15, 1022
v .
CCLBAR-CUT and convincing
rcasdns Arc Klven by tho
Presbyterian ministers of the state
for opposing the bill for compul
rory oducntlon, which tin stirred
up so much religion antagonism
In Orcr.on, nml brought to light all
would run rampant nnd unending
quarrels over the particular do
nomtnntlonnl quality of public
school Instruction would devejop.
Protestantism has no moro to
fenr than Catholicism from the
Abolition of dcmonlnnttonnt action),
nor any less.
11 Is a foolish attempt for tem
poral supremacy that must lead to
shipwreck of Christianity Itself It
pursued to Its ultimate goal, for
It would quench the scriptural torch
that has lighted the world for cen
turies In n pool of paternalistic
Harry Pidgion, Matter and Builder of 34-Foot Craft,
Arrives Safely At Papette
PAPEETE, Tnhlta, July 1C Pldgcon's boat Is a craft of the
It stands to reason that you
couldn't expect to get a Bahara on
the sea. Philadelphia Record.
Tho weakness of some of these. I
Infant Industries Is due to tho fact
that they nre In their dotage. Asho
vlllo Times.
Hooks on etiquette are painfully
silent concerning the gracefnl way
to scratch n mosquito bite In pub
lic I'alatka News.
the time-worn fanatical prejudices. Nothing left to take, apparently. ..hhl ... . ,, u h .
Illogical nml non-undcrstandable. In Marlon Star. malned four months exploring the
tho light of modern Intelligence,
but evidently rooted .deep In Ig
norance nml Intolerance and hard
to crndlccte. t
This 'odtiVutloual 'qurfsllon wa
tho basis for nil the. unpleasantness
developed In tho primary election.
VSeabtrd" type, 31 feet In length
and 10 feet, 9 Inches beam, And
J was built entirely by himself. Tho
finish and sturdlncss of Its con
struction have commanded tho Ad
miration of seafaring men nt Ta
hiti. The first question put by every
one who has mot-Ptdgeon has been
regarding his opportunities for
steep during his lonely voyngw.
ridgeon assured his questioners
that this was the least of his
troubles, as tho steadiness and sea
worthiness of his craft enabled him
to lash the tiller, after setting the
course, And allowing the boat to
take care of herself while he slept.
This voyage Is not Pldgeon's first
deep sea experience as he mnd n
similar voyage to Honolulu if 1920.
lie has essayed other adventures
nltfA Vnr aavim venrc ho nassed
I valleys and Interior plateaus and every summer In the remote moun-
HarrV Pldgedn, builder, master and
role navigator of the two-masted,
3-foot cuter "tslandor," who ac
quired a knowledge of navigation
from books without the aid of In
structor or practical experience,
atid then aot out alone from San
Pedro. Cal., on November 18, 1921.
nrrtved here safely May 21, 1922.
Ilia arrival set At rest newspaper
reports And beliefs of friends that
he had been lost At sea. As a mat
ter of fact his long sea Journey
was as rofo And full nt pleasant
thcUU as Ttobcrt LouM Stevenson's
famous '"Travels With a Donkey."
Ho arrived safety at the Island
lot N'ukuhlva, In the Marquesas
A lluckeye paper says soviet Rus-I arch,pplaKOi ar,er royage of 42
sla Is no longer able to help herself. I A B (ha, gUm, ,, ,e
Kodak Finishing
BantamweighU and
Managers Suspended !
By Ry. Commission ,
I '
N E V Y O It K July 16. Joe it
Lynch. bAinlnmwelght elininploit, ';
Johnny Duff, who lost tho tltlo to
the former Monday night, nml their i
managers, Kddle Mead nnd Uw
Diamond, today wero suspended by
tho New York slnto boxing com- '
mission until an Investigation In. i
made of tho contract under which ' !
they met.
Tho com mission acted on charges
that the tnto taw was violated
when they guaranteed Huff $30,000
to make the match nml nn addi
tional sum If he lost hi title. Tho
crowd was smaller than expected
and It Is related, Lynch must pay
$10,000 to make up the deficit.
The New Yoik law provides that
the boxers In any match may split
CO per cent of the gate receipts
I any way they choose, but prohibits
any guarantee.
No date has been net fur a hear
ing of the matter.
Our prints mo made on Velux
It Is now miii-iihriislnn. an
other K.ifemmrd for Velox
Materials that arc Kastiuaii-mado and mclhoiln tluit
3..nvti Plus the cxpor enco of nir
export "iiro k uan.ntios of flnwt qnwlitjf fmialUnK.
Films received before 9 a. m.
ready the same day at 5 p. m.
.Mull )ii'l' rilnix, nr bilii tbein I"
nili nml Mai" Hincl.
I...l l..t.t. !.. .. .... U-
uu,.. ,,..,, ,v -..v ..... t .r uk(ig numer0u photograph,
bought, but At the same time thcr0 Mrlj. ,n M he
looks a, though she was being badly d t0 tho ,4lana of Takaroa
sold.-Manlln nuUelln. j a he pUBOlB groBp and fnm
L . , ) there after voyage of five days
The. reason why One cant tell" .,. ,. .. . ..
developing a situation, that nar- cnUf(o are runnnB g0 h(m, foJ
rowly missed being n catastrophe nn.lllhnr. nefnrmrr. '
talnous country of northern llrltlslt
Columbia nnd Alaska hunting speci
mens ot rare mountain sheep for
the field museum At 'Chicago And
the Smithsonian museum at Wash-'
tngton, I
4iiJ which tgnlncd the state much
uucnvhblo notoriety to discourage W(J know , me brd lhl, nas
imiliipg nnd rcphlso Investors. o , Mr, d iUu
It Is pleasant after such a storm pIacC(1 on .ar grafter. Hattford
ro ticto tue clearing sky, to nmi Tjmt.
al.- JL- l.ltli.Ht 1rtt.d tt nun '
that the Intelligent lcadura ot one
tif tho advanced, chunlics of tho
The ben, tbo ten. the wide open
Mate repudlato nny connection with, (nrccr,nnK to the .shipping board)'
ilir llruptlUK movement. M.. yow. york Herald.
II proaRn4 belter understanding'
i.f th." duties ot tho churchman as
r utlon T the ktatc, as well as
i,otK u fine example of Christianity
that must redound to tbo ever
lastlnc credit of tho men whoso
tnindi nro broad enough and
hu.itl't Mir oni'Ugh to cmbraco all
tneds In the enveloping folds uf
IJic'r rbarlty. and hence must build
j larger followlnn and strengthen
(ho creed that I hey represent.
They exemplify our conception ot
tfco work of tho church, Itvery
church to Mind upon. thqpln
iTctlca llko tho lights along a
treacherous coast und shed Ahe
hnnrjs of charity and human un
dcretandlng Hint keep tho frailer
barka of humanity from grinding
up"3 tho rocks ot Ignorance and
Intol' rnnco.
Thlt, rather tSan creeping
tbrouc'i tbo slimy vallcya of petty
politic-! to gain by questionable
ends Mtao worldly advantage over
dlffcJlns creeds, and fanning the
ca'jfr of tho bigotry of other
ag" lute 'fresh fires of hate.
Tto child, every child, Is morn
tlitm Matter to be molded by one
uniform process. Kach tiny body
teat comes Into thlg world con
tains n 60ul. und the soul Is su
preme. In tho most distorted and
malformed ot bodies may live tbo
ntblctt spirit, and It must be of
tho spirit rather than the material
form of man that the Creator
npoakfl when He aaya Man was cre
ntcd la Ills own Image.
Tlicreforo overy eoul has the
Cod-given und Inalienable right to
unhampered development; cultlva
t fin; the Cod-like attributes of Its
liolng without Interference. ,
Tbo compuUory educational bill
1 uu abridgement of and Inter-1
foreuco with tbu Inherent rlghtx oti
tho Hndlvldunl; and as the mini-,
tcrlal resolution so clearly points'
out Is undoubtedly "un unjustlfl-1
nb luvusiou of the family uu-'
thorlty und threatens ultimately I
tho guuriiutees Ot our Auierclau
liberty." '
"J'bo child beloiiK-i to 'the parents
Inly v.'hosg hands It Is entrusted1
by lib Creator, and tbey must be.
unbwerubln for that trust. It 1st
.in theory,- mtin-
madu fur tbo exploitation of muiis
relflsh Interests, that would make
tho child tbo primary property of
the stnle. It Is (he policy at pater
nllsm. IN t.ii'-root ot r;ovIctUm,
mill ran uuvor flourUb in harmony'
with thu Umu-itMtcd theory of Am-i'.-Ji;iiii
'i tui'Jiol icconclla thu (Misting
; Idea .which such a
uwor-pliig ckungq of policy. It Is
Ht entcrlnK wdo for tho over-,
throw of tho American govern
mental syntom anil tlio subRtitutlanl
(if 1tin::;Iun suvfetlsni. I
Coiunon s;is.e dlctiites Ibo first.
cpftqluslon of tho ministerial rcso
Jutlon. and Uh truth 'fa obvloun.
Worn all denominational schools
nhoflshod, .thcro s Is no workablo
plan for Instituting religious edu
cation In voplnconicnt. For, the
existing Jealousy that creates the
movement for' tl(ft abolition ot pri
vate school religious instruction
Franco seems worse hit than Ccr-j
many by tho failure of tho German j
loan. d'hlladclphla Itccord. j
Apparently In Malife the primary.
cry was "Halo. Hale: tho gang's all
hero!" New York Tribune.
Chicago's Industrial troubles tends;
to show hi) wide llfforence 'be
tween labor and work. Indianapolis
Can't Romu ot those merger, ex
perts get bold of Ireland? Now
York Kvonlng Pest.
In sptto ot tho fact that financial
experts are saying business Is better,
It Is. New York Tribune.
Lots of people, would be fonder ot
spooks l'f they would play somo In
struments besides the tambcurtne.
New York American.
At times we fear that the old-timer's
contempt for the rising genera
tion Is heartily reciprocated. long
neach Telegram.
After a while, perhaps, the leaders
of certain unions will discover that
wages can not bo hoisted with bombs
Columbia lleford.
Tbe Mutual Lite
hsoraice Cmpvij
of New York
Letters fna Ibe People j
Crater lake picture, post cards and
picture novelties, t'lirrln's for drugs. :
Heck Have you decided what
you are going to cull the baby? t
I'eck Yes; I'm going to call him '
whatever my wf0 names him. - J
Uoston Transcript. !
The Company that
For Policy Holders
r To roUcy. Holders ak
For Policy Holdtrs
Than any other company
In tho world.
'Out Policies contain the best tha'
tbe science of Life Insurance
iSh"i ycO dcYlftVd.
AW anneal to the discriminating
public ot Klamath Falls and Klam- i
math county, who appreciate a per
fect fit of shoes, to patronize oum
shoo department. J. C. Knders A Co.
11-10 tncl
. t 1
"Tbe Life Insuranco Man"
District Manager
Office 111 South Ctb Sjt
Mudo to yoar Moawe
Mrs. Rose Randall
JrfferMin Ht. ffboM.77rW
Phcnci 373-W and 373-H
,f tf remove y
Y crcart.turn r
uncovered top ff'y
downward and if &4jr A
KV vi w V
VJiKx'&aV press with .1
4tSKsMtF thumbs',
VmH1 on bottom 'w
X shown f
. in cut. f
M K St &
1 JCi -
In the Sanitary. Way .
Ask for YUM YUM
Pat tip by the
Klamath Falls Cre
-,rn i i
! Yhat bigger more Importiuit pro
1 Jcct could bu accomplished for Klam
, uth, than a highway along the north
bank of Klamath river to thu state
,' line?
j Such a highway Is not a dream. It
' could bo built for less money than
I you think. We will hato a highway
to Kcno as part of Klamath Falls
Ashland highway. From Keno to
Chase's bridge about six miles will
also bo a part ot Ashland road but It
should not bo allowed to bo built;
over the spur of Saow mountain. It
should be built along the north bank
ot tho river, a water grade all year'
round road. From Chase's bridge on
for four talk's la surprlslnglv good
grade already conlsructed along tho
north bank of tbo Klamath. The
scenery along here Is unequalcd
rushing waters, pinnacle's, lofty pines
and cliffs, beautiful vistas nnd water
falls, scenic routo that dims tbo
Mcdford-Crater lako routo to noth
Twenty-two miles of this road as
you seo Is already built, at It were.
Eight or ten miles would put It In
Who says It cannot be done Steps
should be taken to get the old right-of-way
from Chase's bridge on and
In less than two years wo can have n
highway down tho Klamath.
You can Jump In your car any
day In the year and go on a water
grade road to the Pacific highway,
whero you can go ej)jal)y ,enHlly
north or south, or to the Pacific
ocean If you like. California as you
recall has appropriated $1,800,000
for o highway froai Hornbrook, down
the Klamath to tbe ocean.
A Klamath river Highway would
catch tbo tourist from both north
and south on both tbe Pacific and
ocean highways. It would bo the only
road between San Francisco and
Portland that would penetrate from
the ocean to tho great Inland em
pire. Tho Columbia river highway
will be challenged In Its grandeur
and majesty by this military, com
mcrclal, scenic drive from the sands
of the Pacific to tbe waters held
Currln'i sell nil standard makt's
of safety raiors, IS
NATl'ltAI, SI.'m'K.M'K.
Judge (Impaneling Jury) Su'
you'vo neither formed nor express-1
vil an opinion? ,
Talisman -No. your honor.
Judge Married, I suppose. j
Atlhe LIBERTY Tonight
The final showing of Mnrlc Twain's masterpiece
"A Connecticut Yankee"
in King Arthur's Court
One of the most unusual productions we have
.ever shown and one that will please you.
WV mrry your favorite safety ru
xor blades, t'lirrln's for drugs. I. I
o j
J. I'. Knders & Co. pay tho high
est prlcu for farm products. H-20
Inc. i
FOIt SALK Auto crs. Clean up
sale, few of tho best left, forced
to get away. Seo Ulck, office 2 to
Droad St. Ji-17 J
Miitliioo.s Children
Adults t
L Evoninjis Children
10 t'ont.s
!lf coiiUs
25 cutiLs
ff ci'iiLs
Popular Bert Lytell in
The Right That Failed
Let's ull boost to keep tho band.
uurrin says so. if, i
FOIt SAI.K Ilulldlug tots. Cabins. 'as
r-nsy money, Heo Dick, 210 llroad
Don't fio without music on your
outing, Como in und see our port
able suit case stylo phunogrtiphs.
Currln's for drugs. ir,
WANTKU flood reliable woman to
keep house and cam for two child
ren. Phno C3I-J. IS-,19
Wi follow tho best teachings of Ihn
profession of pharmacy. Currln's
for drugs, ir,
KOFI SAI.K Modern, eight room
house, two lots, fenced, nig gar
den, basement, screen porrhex, lawn, (
rosebushes shndn trees, barn chick
en house ono block from Falrvlnw
school. Host vlow of the city. All
for $3000, Can H7 Wnrilen Ave.
I .'.-IT
nrutiHWIck records, run smootbur,
sound better, last longer nnd cost
no moro than other kinds, Ciirrlu
says so. ir,
WANTKD A used eur. Dodge pre-1
rorreu. call io-K-11. I ..-is
In the summit of the snow roppea
Maxums-Crater lake.
Men of Klumath. aro you short
sighted? Why stauy you hero Idle?
Dulld this wonderful highway down
tbo north bank of the Klamath and
connect to the groat outside world.
Lot your commerce of lumber, dairy
products, hardy vegetables, go ilorn
a water, grade alt yoar road to thi
marts of tho worjd's'. Lot tho tourist
flow In for tho road would bo Irre
fllstlblo. Let prosperity rule.
Who wants to Jolq party to tako
somo pictures of this route and to
view tho road to tbo state lino?
Mosquitoes simply do not llko you
when you apply A. D. H, MohiUii lo
tion. Currln's for drugs. 1.'
WANTKD To buy or
good two seated rig.
trilili. for
11. ir I' II I
FOIt ItKNT Houso convenient for
two families, with buth, garage
und burn. Phone 337-J. 1 . -1 7 I
Wallace Reid and Elsie Ferguson in
Based on the Novel, "Peter IbheLson"
You would naturally expert to ' a plrture with tun noted
stars In the lradlng roles and jou mil not ,r disappointed when
you witness this production.
The best comedy this noted comedian has made.
"The Wonderiul Thing"
The greatest plctiiin that Norm i bus appeared In up to this Unit'.
You will see her III n plilure entirely different than liny other
previous succerses. Her lute! picture Hiii illit Through. ' which
has been declared lis the gieutett picture mini,, this year, will
have to bu wonderful to beat lliln one
. K. T. Hoatroan. wio has had u
tiirgo cxporlonco Is somo, of tbo most
up-to-date sboo stores In Portland.
Oregon, and bo Is av gentleman of
pleasing personality, is now with J.
K. Khdors ft Co. -Inthe shoe depart
ment. . , l-20
Novcrwcd B6 you'vo ' named
your tittle boy sfter yOiirs'elf ?
How Can you tedf wklcb ono your
wife Is addressing?
Longwed You beard her call
"Piter1, "darting?" Well, wait till
fyoM niar her ypil nt mo, Pont lad
Dally New.s.
Langs overyduy chocolates, full
pound fresh nnd gunrunluiid for . '.or. ...,,,.,,, ... , . ', i
Currln's for drugs, jr. rOUND Diamond ring on streets r
I in muiiiiiiii riniM, wwner may Imvii
FOIt SAI.K 10 head of dulry cows. Haino by Identifying und paying for
Cluarter of mllu west Htuklo Ilrldgo, !"'' ('a t K- ' ' Hr"' '17
Hosley ranch. 15-20
la'ltNITIUtK FOIt HALK-Full size
Tlmo to hurvest your coniH? Cur-1 .. ,'.oUK '" HP"KH, Ivory ilrcsHer.
rln's corn romovor Is w Idctul reap-' "'" "' "" "'k. rK. Prlus
cr , 15 I reasonable, Phono .11-11, .1-1 7 ,
Currln's Liver TiirnorM will put I'0.u HAI.K (.oinpli'to furiilsliliiKH
that luxy liver to -work. Currln says' ,or " rooms, 'Including nleclrlo
ho, ir ruiigo und piano, all good idiidltlou.
, iieiiii. -ii-ii, uiiuriiiMiiiH, or cum
H'ANTKD Mi4ii ultli teams li lmul,"-J LIIKOIII. 11-18
lumber at Collie
i t.Visi.
with tenuis lu Imulf"2' M'uln
ller'H Mill. .Hioni) ..,.,,..
WANTKD A womnn to tto cooking. '
Call or wiito C. ,M. Hlicelian at
Wo .carry a liberal ussortinont of K'rkford. Oro. in. 18 .
reasonably priced manicure goods, '
currin s ror drugs.
Quality, looks, und prices that get
repeat business and. eliminate com
petition. Wo have salary und ox-
ponse contract for good man In this
territory. Tho C. L. Smith Com
pany, ,10
LOAN WANTBD 1800 ou roal os
tate 'security. Address 11 ox 347.
Klamath Falls. lS-31x
room house for ten ucros and up,
close to highway or good road; or
will sftll for small payment down and
glyo terms to suit. Phono 64G-M,
FOIt HALK 1!I7 HiiortH model Hud-
sun, good rublmr, In good coinll
tlon. Cull am-.M after i! p. m. 1C-IH
Currln's for drugs, u modern uu.
to-datu drug store for well peoplu. 1.1
m i . .
Currln's have :7 proparatloiiH to
make your foot feel bettor. Cur
rln's for drugs, in
Wo will clean and refill your foun
tain pen froo of chargo. Currln'H for
drugs. ir,
It costs nothing to ask us about
drugs and wo may bo nblo to offer
somo helpful suggestions,! Wo nro
glnd to do it too, Currln snys ho, 10
When you want your eyes
examined, your broken Imiueri
tlupllciitud or fiume.H repaired,
look for thu
Big Eyes
i:li;i', 7e: Main.
til.Wicii crouiid. IniuPMllato
Dr. Goble
Plioiioi Dfe, i.., Hen.-llill.J
7011 Main, . ., ,
. j'J. "s ' .,
inu-'A. ' .. -j. " X ?,-,
hy S. i T . k.i:. -MJ A -a
BBLjato, ytii-A.',r