f. ' ,' f'tv if''4 it T 1. msrnr, july in, 102a ' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pntfo St Ik t r as ;-. FRUIT NOT DELAYED CiUlfomU Hlilpmenln (Joing I)cpltc lUllrond Strike Eat HACUAMHNTO, July 13. Kresli fruit Ik kuIiir oast iih uhiiiiI In splln of lha strike, ncconlltip to nfflrluls off tho vnrloUH fruit conilinuli lo ll ny. They stated Hint eastern buy ors were a tittle slow nt bidding at Hip present time because of ttin Inndcquato shipping; facilities 1 ur ine tlio strike. Tho California Fruit Distributors' figures for dnlly shipment for July 7, S and 9 are: Tsrsr STRAND tec- WHKIIK KVKUtnODT OOK- nOMK OP TIIR 1IOIWINHOV KKATURKH ranches Plums ,'. Pears Total 1921 4 ... 118 . . 60 ,..: 1S2 1922 14 1.S6 209 MtCH JKWIXltV l'.CiaiMKI J I.OS ANOKI.KS. July 12 More than $1,000,000 worth of nutomo- bllcif, watches. Jewelry and other J articles remain In the custody of tho local pollco department because ( tho owners cannot properly Identify, what belongs to them, according to Pollco Statistician L. W. Lyons. "Only $800,972.72 worth of Mol un articles, out of the 1.S09. C 41.21 worth recovered from thieved during the past twelve months, have been returned to tho UWQCrii IU LiJUUB. .11 ,vi Alt-1 other million dollars' worth could ..- t...i ... . .. ..- I nnTC ucesi re i uracil u uiv ukuitb had kept a record of the number of their watches, cameras, guns- and other personal belongings." THURSDAY The big western feature WM. S. HART in "The Lone Avenger" The 100 per cent western showing Hart at his best. A cyclone of cowboys, hard riding, action and thrills. Also a beautiful scenic and good comedy. FRIDAY NORMA TALMADGE -in- "THE WAY OF WOMAN' And Country Store Admission 10c and 20c Show Starts at 6:30 KORMKR IIK8IOE.NT KILI.K1) News of tho death of Terry WII lard, 2!, from Injuries received whllo working In tho woods near Marshflcld, reached hero this morn Ing In a telegram to hU mother. Mrs. 8. C. Chlntcll. Vllard had made his home In Klamath Falls hlu co childhood until a few months a Co when ho went to Marshflcld to work for a lumber company there, hating been thrown out of work by the doting of the Klamath FalU milts. Details of tho accident have not bocn received by his family. ifo Is survived by his mother, Mrs. .Cbtntell and a step-father, and by sister, Aretha Chrlstcnson. The body will bo brought here for bur ial, the funeral havlug been set for Sunday afternoon. Hsrald dsssin4 ads y yoc NEW TODAY FOR 8AL.E J000 feet 121 N. 11th St. 5-8 cable, tf FOR SALE 4 room modern house. Take good car as part payment. Seo McDonald at Darbcr Shop. 117 S. 0th 8t. 13-15 FOR SALE 14 ton Maxwell truck at a bargain. Klamath Falls Auto Co. 224 Main St. 13-15 FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, bath and phone S12 N. 9th St. 13.15' FOR 8ALE Spau of logging horses. A, J. Manning, Klamath Falls. 13-15 WANTED To buy pigs. II. E. Christy, Do 387, city. 13-14 WANTED Cook for about thirty men. two rallca'froni town. Wom an prefcrrod. Apply employment bureau, Arcado Hotel. 13-15 FOR SALE Ono oak dresser, ono Gearlioat knitting machine, 12 Itbodo Island Rod pullets, one sani tary couch. Phono 23 9-W. 13-14 CANARIES FOR BALE Call 961 Rose St. 13-15 FOR SALE Flvo column Ilurroughs Adding machine. Holllday Dairy, 7th and Klamath, 13-15 Have You Had Typhoid? If you havo not, und If you have iiovor been vacclnutod against Ty phoid, you (or a member of your family) may bo tho next victim of a dlsoaeo that strikes uu unoxpectedly as tho hold-up man In tho night. i Don't watt until It is too luto Tike Typhoid Prophylactic Now Hospital Pharmacy At the LIBERTY Today THE . BIG SPECIAL MARK TWAIN'S YANKEE." DON'T MISS i THIS ONE A strange story of how a prt'tty filrl Rot mixed up In tho under urM a tale that Is unusual but posilble. The title, THE BLONDE VAMPIRE" doc not begin to do Justice U this ex tremely Interesting story. FRIDAY Special for Children On account of Friday being our rrc ulur dny to show "Stanley in Africa," anil not wUhlug to bar any child who Is following this ubnorblng xtory. wo will mnko n xpoclal price for alt children to "THE CONNECTICUT VANKKK" on Friday Afternoon for Ten Cents This Includes tho entire program. Fri day evening tho children's jrlce will bo , tuuuty.fivo cents. STAR THEATRE TODAY CHARLES RAY in "GAS, OIL and WATER" A great mystery drama of the Mexican border and it is Ray's latest production. TOMORROW Wallace Reid and Elsie Ferguson in "FOREVER" Based on the novel "Peter Ibbetson." Two great stars in a greater picture. Regular Prices One ' quality only the standard fer: all GoodrichTires i y Size or price cannot "modify the one quality Goodrich standard. You can buy any Goodrich Tire, Silvertown Cord or the popular 30 x 3 J4 clincher fabric, and know beyond a doubt that you are getting the same quality always It is this quality which has made Goodrich Tires unsur passed for dependability and durability in service, mileage and value. This principle has put the real meaning in the widely known Goodrich slogan of "best in the long run." Look for this Goodrich Tire sign over your tire dealer's store. It means satis faction in every transaction. THE D. F.GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY Akron, Ohio FABRICS TUBES SILVERTOWN CORDS ACCESSORIES NEWS OF RELIEF from Summer's Hottest FEATURES ' FRIDAY and SATURDAY MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUMMER SUITS AT THE LOWEST PRICE THIS SEASON Now, $19.85 Regular $25.00, $27.50 . Now, $23.85 Regular $30.00, $32.50 Tomerrow: Friday, and continuing Saturday, we offer Men's and Young Men's Suits at the lowest price this season. Jaunty sport models for the young men; patch pockets, half belt, plaited back models. Also thee-button, con servative, roomy models for the voider men. MEN'S STRAW HATS FEATURES ft for FRIDAY and SATURDAY We have taken our entire stock of Men's and Young Men's Straw Hats and placed them on extra special sale for two days Friday and Saturday. All this season's shapes and braids, plain or rough straws; sizes 6 to iy2 Now at a Price, $2.55 ?1 Regular $3.50 and $4.00 Now, $3.75 Regular $5.00 to $6.00 v -nil J K. SUGARMAN "I AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY" o i to I Fourth and Pine .: , . T 41.v flnmi JV"1' T" F