The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 13, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    ' Piiro Four
TIILIISDAV, Jlfl.Y 1.1, 1MB.
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Till-! NT.Ut
Wlintovrr lo cnn ro nlil of Mr.
llny'H itnflclmirlrn -mill wo hnve
Htlll In hear of tliem Itirls nf n stnito
oT 'humor In ccitnlnl not onu ot
tliitiii. Hi- ciilhiiiitH through ovory
role Willi n In cozy olmlllonry (tint
cannot lio nfroriuil. The rommly
.twlrtls Hint lid iortryn in liln mnn
iil'rlnin mill r;ngn nro qultn Rriitilrm.
Tln'y. nro part of llio ntnr lilmnclf.
r TliV rcntnrk In prompted lty hU
lntt n'rforinnnti, "Oln, Oil nnd
Wnlor," the l'lwl National ntlrae
Hun that npmd nt tlu Stnr tlir.i.
Ho ycsliTduy. I'tilllm wnno of Kay's
nior6 roponl plrtnrcs thin cnrrlev
driuim with Iln comody, tcllltirc ni
Whrn )on wnnl your pyo
ixnmlnod, nur brofcon Ipiisps
duplh-ntPd nr-trnniM repaired,
look for tho
Big Eyes
Mrh, 709 Main.
(llnnsps ground. Immediate
Dr. Goble
IMiiinr: Of.-. i:ut-W, lt-. iwil.j
701) Mnln
utory of Rccrct nervlce, work along
tho Mexican border.
Murk Twnln'n humor l Inrgply
tinned upon Incongruity nnd contrast.
"A Connctlcut Ynnkco In Tvlng Ar
thnr's Court," which In coming to
tho Liberty tliontro on Krldny, is
crnmined with oxniuples. It Is snld to
bo tho funnlpst thing Twnln over
wroto, yet It contains n carefully ren.
Honed, nrgumpnt.
Mnrk nnvor wan at a low for nn
nniwcr. One day ho wns telling n
group of frleudfl about a wonderful
lnko ho had wen In Colorado.
"Tho writer In en clear." he nald,
"thnt you could nee a ten-cent pleco
on tho bottom nt n depth of one hun
dred fathom."
A otony silence followed. Mnrk
gtanced around.
"Well," he nald, "I nsMirv you
that If you threw n ten-dollar bill
Into the lake It could plainly be een
nn the surface."
Tonight tho theatre going peoplo
will have the benefit of seeing ono
ot the best William S. Hart pictures
over produced. "The Lone Avenger.
This picture Is n 100 per cent "west
ern plcture..showlng Itart nt his best,
n cyclone of cowboys, hard riding and
thrill. If ou like action nnd real
western scenes don't miss this plc
turo tonight, also n beautiful scenic
nnd n good comedy.
Tomorrow, "The Way of n Worn
nn." ono of Norma Talmndge's big
gest stnrrlng successes, theatregoers
will readily reeognlto tho famous
play on which It was founded, "Nan
cy Leo." by Hugcnu Walter, for It
closely follows the story which has
thrilled countless thousands on the
spoken Stage. Tho picture with Its
varied scenes of Southern plantation
life and of New York gayety will be
shown nt the Strand for the first
lime, nlso Country Store night.
Nothing agrees with a grouch, mil
even what he ents.
Llfo Is short enough without get
ting off street cars backward.
Hot thoro aren't any cuss wonts
a tax collector hasn't heard.
When It comes to safety, the grade
crossing has n low grade.
Our objection to the office hoy los
ing sleep Is that he tries to find It
at the office.
Motors nro like men. When n
motor knocks there's something
wrong with It.
Maybe Ireland Is fighting nbout
paying herself on Indemnity.
So many awful things nro happen
Ing It Is hard to pick out any certain
one to worry about.
Sometimes wo wonder bow the
band knows It has passed us so It
ran start playing.
roMMissinXKiis Attn
(Continued from Faca 1)
When ft man Isn't contented with
his lot he builds a fllllne station
J nn it.
....... .
effect of the decision. Manifestly
tho commission cannot consider
such request. It Is also request-
I ed to exercise promptly Its pow
1 era under the Interstate commerce
act, particularly the provisions of
j section .
' "On August 3. 102 1. the coin-
i mission adopted a tentative plan
for tho consolidation of tho rail
I way properties of the United
Stntes Into n limited number of
) system. It said at that time that
I the tentative plan yas put forward
I "In order to elicit a full record
I upon which the plan to be ulti
mately' adopted' can rest." Tho
commission has recently conducted
n hearing concerning the carriers
In the southeastern region, and
Its work has been planned In such'
a way and Its engagements are
such that hearings with- reference
to carriers In the west nre not like
ly to bo held beforo October. The
dates and places of thoso Interest
ed ample opportunity to prepare
their evidence. It Is suggested that
the energies of those Interested b
directed along that line Instead of
sending telegrams! lotlora and i evo
lutions to tho commission at (bis
tme.' Such expressions cannot be
made n pari of tho record and
cnn bo of no assistance to the
commission In dealing with the
The vital nllegnttous In the com
plaint filed In this case were Hint
the Central Pacific railroad from
Sacramento, California, to Ogilen,
Utah, wheA It connected with the
Union 1'nclflc rallioad and the Den
ver and Hlo (Irando railread: and the
Southom Pacific from Sacramento to
Kl I'nso, Texas, thence to New Or
leans, where It connected with a boat
lino through the tlulf of Mexico audi
the Atlantic ocean to New Yory city.
were actually competing lines, and
unified operation and control. I
brought nbout by long time leases, i
was a xlolatlon of the untl-trust laws.
Upon tills theory the rase was
argued, and the supreme court re-1
orsod the United States district'
court for the district of IMah and
directed the unmerglng and separa
tion of the Central Pacific and South-'
em Pacific lino for the purpose of
restoring nnd roUvlng actual rompe-J
tltlou between- these transcontinen
tal lines, i
The vital part of Hie deuce lends
us follows
"Vio direct that a decree be en-i
tered Havering the coin ml by the
Southern Paclfle or Urn Cnnliiil iv. !
clfle bv slock ownership or bj
lease Hut, In accomplishing this
pill pose, hii fni' ns compatible
thciowltti, the mortgage lieu us
sorted III the brief filed for the
Central Trust lempiiti shall lie
"In addition, the soseral lerml
mil Hues nnd cnt-uffii leading to
San Kraiiclsroiav which bae been
coiisti uctod or acquired during the
unified routiol of tho two hjhIhiuu
for the purpose of affording tilled
or onoiicut access to the bay
mid to.tho principal terminal fa
cllltles about tho li.iy should be
dealt with, either bv way of ap
portionment orliy provisions for
joint or common use, In such milli
ner as will secure to biilh compan
ies such full, couxetileut ami readv
access to the bay ami to terminal
faillltles thereon (bat enth coin
pan) will be able freely to com
poto with the other, to nerve Hie
public efficiently, and to accom
pll'li to purpose of the legisla
tion under which it was ionstriii'1
ed And a like curse should be
pursued III dealing with Hie Hues
extending from San Kr.uuisco lm
In Siiciaineutii and tu
Oieiton "
'I'o the end Hint an IIPPIOPH
ale decree mil) be flamed the dls
met couit may unit iilioubl lnliiKj
In additional puilleii whenever
Hint may become nihlunhlo In ex '
eiiitlug our dlieetlous
Nudolmnu Dcclnrca t lu
Ciui't Help PrnisiiiH Tan
lnc for Etulintr HUn Suvcn
Yearo of Stomach Trou
ble Gnin 1 1 Pound
Wife Ih Alno Benefited
After a man has mi.iiH u Imiu
and as mutli an I linxc li- i.m loud
ly help pniUlniT till' Hi.' 1l III" Hl'it
restored him lii health." said M
Nudelmiin, III Hw M IMillitinl
Ote who opernleii an iillio Mug" be
tweeii I'lirlliind and Niuu'oinor
I'or six or seven years I iciffer
ed leirlbh fi inn stoma tumble
Mv appetite got illUMI III Illmonl mull
mf mid the k'.ii and pallia li mv
xtiinineli iiliiHiiil drove in" illiilia'ileil.
I also stiffi'i ed from couiitliiatlon aiul
had awful beailaches I hail thulium
Hhiii In my legs and feel en bad I
loiild Inn dly iltlvo my own clu nnd
was ho lienoil'i mid upset life wnn
simply miserable.
"IHii Taubic bun Imllt me tip elmen
lioumls In weight ami put me In lift
best of Ift'nllli aitnlii. I rim eat any
thing I until without iiiiv dlMcoinfoit.
am mi longer woirled with poiihIIpii.
Hon ol liPlliliichnii ami the llmum.V
Usui linn enlliel) dlsnppimiod My
wife Iiiih ulso ti(len Taitlln' with
hi. n.llil lesillts It leiliilnly Is n
great nipillcliio."
Tanbii- la nobl lit nil good, itlilg-gl"ts
In Hie roiinlo' they nre Hiiesbluil
wlieiit aiul In town the) ii i i tin iibIi
lug wild onls
mnt iJ -7
Unusual Sale of
For Tomorrow and Saturday
Including a complete stock of
sizes in Women's Keds, narrow
and wide widths.
America's Smartest Summer Shoes
All white and white with black
or brown leather trimming. Low
heels, composition flexible Sum- '
mer soles, wear guaranteed. A
revelation in shoe making a at
most moderate cost when priced
in the regular way at $5,00 and
$5.50 the pair.
For Tomorrow ad Saturday
We offer the entire lot consisting
of some 150 pairs as a July spe
cial, your choice, the pair,
Only $0
Others priced from
$1.98 to $2.49
Values to $4.00
407-411-415 Main Stret, Klamath Falls
Tt tw Quoilyrar
A Remarkable New Cord
Tire at a Popular Price
Here is a big, sturdy, long-wearing
new tire built to satisfy the
buyer on every point of mile
age, quality and price.
It is designed especially for the
man who wants the essential
advantages of cord tire perform
ance at the lowest possible price.
It is designed to offer the buyer a
quality product at a price even
lower than he has formerly paid for
a "Ions discount" tire. It has a different
tread from the famous Goodyear All
Weather Tread Cord a new tread with a
deep, clean-cut, cog-like pattern and its
selling price ranges from.20 to 25 less.
This new tire is the Goodyear Cross-Rib
Tread Cord.
Like the All -Weather Tread Cord it is liber
ally oversize in all straight-side sizes, the
4-4-inch tire, for example, actually measur
ing: nearly 5 inches.
P5 III c
IE 3 I ll
Like the All-Weather Tread
Cord, its foundation is genuine
high-grade long-Maple cotton.
Like the All-Weather Tread
Cord, it embodies the efficient
group-ply construction, a Good
year patent.
Like the All -Weather Tread Cord.
it is the product of an experienced
company which has a world-wide
reputation to safeguard.
Look at the prices of the ncwGoodvear
Cross-Rib Tread Cord, listed below.
Compare these prices with net prices you
arc asked to pay for "long discount" tires
of unknown reputation and value.
Why take a chance on such tires? you
know it doesn't pay.
You can get tnenew Goodyear Cross-Rib
Tread Cord, as well as the famous All
WeathcrTread Cord, from anyof theGood
ycar Service Station Dealers listed here.
Compare these prices with NET prices you are asked to pay for "long discount " tires
30x3)iaiachu,ZL$l3b 31x4 Straight Side $23.50 34x4 Straight Side $27.35 34x4KStraightSide$J2.95
30x3tfStrj,ttS-ide$15.85 32x4 StnughtSidc$25.45 32x4KStraiehtS:(e$31.45 3Jxj Straight Side $39. 10
32x3;;Stra'ghtS;dc$19.75 33x4 Straight Side $26.80 3Jx4ji'StraightSide $32.15 35x5 Straight Side $4 1.05
'TUlfjfitti tuluJt mtnujdilurtr'i txtitt tut
Goodyear Crott-Rib Tread Cord Tires are alto made in 6, 7 and 8 inch t'nttfor trucks
Get Your
Goodyear Tires and
at the
Klamath Falls Auto Co.
224 Main St
Phone 246-R
Ford Repairing
Parts and Accessories
Supplies Gas
Oils and Greases
Service Station
Cars For Hire Without Drivers h
Open nights until 12 o'clock v !
Home of the t
Tires, Oils and Accessories
931 Klamath Ave. Phone 212
Klamath Falls, Oregon
W. t