-i a TBUItfiDAV, JULY in, 1023 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Trigo Two 14 Cv HI W W u f r i F 11; 1 M 11 The Evening Herald P. K. HOUMC-lMltor and PublUhrr II. It, UH.ti........... City Kdltor I'. G Nlrklo. AilvcrtlliiR Malinger y rubtlihod Aally except Sunday, by Tho Herald Publishing Company of Klnmntli Kntls, nt ll'J I'lghth street, Entered nt tbo pnetofflce at Klam nth Kails. Ore-., for transmission through tbo walls ng sccond-clnss matter! MCM11BR 01' TltK AS30CIATE11 Pitnss Tho Associated I'rcst li ojccluslvo-j lr entitled to tbo tine tor publics-1 lion of "It nowg tlnpatclips credited i td It, or not otherwise credited In this )mrer, nnd also tho local uaws published boreln. 1 " TIIITHSDAV, .ll'I.V l., 11122 SOW TO REAP R KMKMUEU t!ie old school loader story of tho runner tind tho lark. The old lark knew Hint na lew; as uncles and cousin, friends nnd neighbor, were de fended on ror help, tho Krnln would po uncut nnd her nest would not bo molested Hut when the farmer nnd his con' rolled up their ( shirt sleet e. and whetted their nlcklos, tho lark told her offspring It was time to seek other iunr lers. Opportunity I ripe for hanost In Klamath county, but we must nql depend upon our Oregon cous ins nnd California neighbors to gar i.er our crop. Tlicy havo business of their own to attend to, -and, ghing tlieni full,, crodlt, they are attending to It dlllpcntly. ' Wo can profit by tliolr example., rnd can hopo'to get help from them - us long ns our Intdrosls and theirs llo along parallel lines. ' Dut when It comes to reaping benefits In our own field ot op pottunlty, wo will lime to furnish tbo sickles and tho arms to wield Ihpm. Plainly cpiaklns It Is u time to spend ell tbo money wo ran and u.-.o nil tho energy nrallablc to In-. tared tho world In tbo possibilities of Klamath. Kvery dollar spent in obtaining publicity for Klimatb is a dollar wbioly Invested not "donated" or "contributed" but INVESTED, with us near a certainty that It will re turn two or hye dollars on b4 investment i anything offers In tbo realm of business Investment. Wo b.io no golj brick proposi tion to roll. We do not deal In future,' but wo have the tangible .iluesv In land nnd resources to offer the settler of today. And r addition wo havo tho is suranco of two great railways, that In tfco event that olthor acquire. tbo Central Pacific )tem, tho lines in this territory will be ex tended. In nny event p are promised a main line, urn! tacltly promttcj a tormlnal point on a transcontinental s8lem. There aro thousands of families In tbo congealed centers of tbs east, equipped with n-ell capital, who wo.nl J sro In ubnt we have to of fer a bcut en-sent opportunity They wpuld welcome the chance to rcttlc on tbo Inndspf tho Klam ath" basin. . productive from tho t.tart. and u)nn tho railway ilc M'((ipmeut romcj, us comu It will In tlmu, 'they would got tbo de served eompcusatlon of .tho pion eering eiuplro builders. Thin Is no tlroq for biding our light under u tnibiol. Wq havo a potential empire In our hand iloro laptlal and more workers aro uucded to develop It Uy letting tbo 'ori lutow what wo hao to nffor Xrotu Jobs at tho present t mo for n thousand pairs of hands to enterprises that will appeal to tho Investor seeking a Mfo field In which to tot his wealth to work ing wo huto hometlilug to Interest nirii, and women of many diversi fied, tluucs. Tbo i.iqvcincutMii Northern Cali fornia Is designed to benefit Cali fornia, .jiot Oregon. We. may ex pact bcnoflti from It, certainly, for' a percentago of people, attracted to vley, Northern California will over flow into southern Oregon, nut, nt that, no onlj clean1 among tho stubblo, ulniru others i havo ronped tho bulk of tbo liar-' vest. Wo, say uif.iln tbat If Klamath la ' to get tbo full advantages to which J v,p ere entitled, w0 must spend our own monoy and eombluo ocry oupco of community energy to ud ort)ao (fip pocslbllltlo.s of Klamath. ,Wo havo too loug pursued u' ppllcy of letting other do the sow ing, in. tbo hopo that some of the seodi woujd full In Klamath hoII nnd wo wpnld reap mi uudesgril and J unproportlonato benerlt. That policy has novur worked and never will. Only ns we sow wisely, maj bQ expect (o eaf lately. FRIDAY AT THE LIBERTY -N",2ijtN""B"VV? kssssssswk kkk1vttSwilJ0tfliSSJflj VtfCB?N .r" v ,41 JkkkkkkkkKBBBkBSi '. r i JV m''iSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsB'l'BHH ..- jw". ? CsssssssssssssssssssssssmHkkV V' JcaBilsassssssssslsssssllsssW RH ry C. MYEMS end PAULINE STAKK.IE "rrictTvwri'ccrt. im jung- authur! court XSMLMAM ro.t WCCUCTION Special Prices For Mark Train's "CONNECTICUT YANKEE" Children Adult? ... , Children Adults ... AFTERNOONS EVENINGS .10 CenU .35 Cento .25 Cento .55 Cento ,- 1 tt i - .- i. - V- tiuitcrr rC9eitf- WHITE HOSE Pure' Silk . . WHITE CLOTH STRAP PUMP Was $6.70, now White pumps Keds , HIGH TOP OUTING BOOTS Moccas.n Toe Hot weather searches out tender spots on your fcpt. ,Wp hnve the relief. , m THE BOOTERY CHAS. P. MAGUIRE 713 MAIN ST. $1.25 $4.35 $3.35 $8.00 -wF-rm Sacred Heart Academy I!orilli!g and l)i f",Iiocl for Hoys nnd OlrH. Abund ant .vliole'ioiuo fqoij and Il"gular Hours I'creonul Super- Mb on with IiLnallko conditions , School Will Open Sept 5, 1922 Tor nforii'iitlon (all en r write, hlrtll.lt .SUT.ItlOlt. Klamath KhIIj, Ore. 'l.M iJ -vv ... ICE CREAM 1 QUART OF ICE CREAM CONTAINS AS MUCH NOURISHMENT AS i'z, pounds of Steak, 145 pounds Bens, 4 pounds of Peas, 4 pounds Potatoes or 14 Eggs Substitute Ice dream for other foods this hot weath er and get away from that hot stove , Don't forget we ttill make YUM YUM-fte best ew Klamath Falls Creamery I '"I', JH " " - i , r, 'SJ; Persoul Meition Mrs. o, A. Kramo after a mnrn weeks llt In th east roturnt',1 homo last night. She attended the Tatli animal commencement of llololt Unl. erslty nt Uelolt, Wisconsin, of which sh Is mi nlumnno. Mrs Kraitso also lilted with her mother who reildet In Uelolt Wllllnm M. Uunciui loft joslorduy mornltiK for Portland where ho will deolo tho next fow dn)s to bust iiess affairs. Mrs It, 1C. Itanium left yesterday, morning for llerkeley whore nho will Join her husband. They will make tholr future homo In Callfornlu. Wulter llannon has accepted a pos. Itlon with tho Algomn lumber com puny for tho remainder or his sum mer neat Ion. Uiltcr (5. West. Klaninth Indian agent. Is In lon todsy ultendliiK.1 to business aftnlrs, i Mrs. James Moore arrived tasli night from Corning, California for n ' Msll with her brothers, l.enn mid Charles Lewis. Taut Keller and Henry llljalck aro In town for n few das from tho In dlnn lands bordering on the Upper Klamath lake, where they havo been doing work for tho California Oregon Tower compony. V. T. Dulley Is a county scat 1st. tor from his ranch In tho Upper lake region today. Ho is hero to pun chaso supplies and to get men for tho haying season. I'rollmlnary.operatlons hnui begun on South Ulvcrsldo avenue In pre paration for tho paving which will be laid this summer. I), 11. Campbell Is In town today ror a brief stay from his en nip on Spring creek. i Mr. and Mrs. J O. McCnvlc. Mr and Mrs. l S. Saioot and Mri. I). K. Walker Smoot aro members of n par ty of tourists that arrhed Inst night from San Francisco. They are reg istered at tbo Whlto rellcan. I Mr. nnd Mr, K. J, llulgln nnd son William 1. Uulglii airUed Inst night and will bo hero tor the next wook or so fishing nnd mijopltig an outing nt tho resorts around Upper Klamath lake, 1'hlllp I,. Wotnor Is loglstorod nt tho Whlto I'ollciiii hotel today from Honolulu. t Mr. and Mis, OaWd S, Steal n nnd David l. Kteanm mo UllorH hero from Portland, Tlioj are at lint Whlto l'ellcC Miss Albortlnn Nltxihelm lotiuti od this morning from Kirk whore shi has been for tho past Wook us tho kuottl ot Mr and Mrs. V, J, Daley. Mr, mid Mis, William (Itinong, ne. eompanlod by Dr. nnd Mrs. J, Fnlk. nor, who urn visiting hero front Toxnrkana, Texas, will lenwt In tho morning In their car for n month's trip through Washington nnd llrltlnh Columbia. Mrs. Knlkner h (Ihnung'H mother and will bo hero for some time after their return. . ' EKXHa i iirfli WKKl) LUIt. CO. VS. IIAIIT HKOS Three causex for action aggre gating I4484.1C, being foreclosure of material Hens, were filed In the circuit court thl morning by tho Weed Lumber company against II. II. Hnrt. W 8. Ilnrt, ot nl. Tho J material Is alleged to havo been ' furnished by tho lumber company I tor the Hart Druthers' building, under construction at the comer ot Main and Seventh streets. I'rospcrlly wilt come back as soon i as they lake tho peak ot high prlcow out ot tbo way New York Tribune l.tfo will never bo lomforl.iblo for tho pedestrlnu until bu Invent some kind of dlgulso that will uiakn him resemble u tack St Joseph Nown Prcs. Vacation Comforts Ladies' Hiking Boots In colors and widths. 12 and 15-inch heights. Essential for your outing trips. Take along a pair of Cool Comfy. Pumps and Oxfords Hosiery to Match See Our Bargain Counter Houston & Jester 515 Main Street !f- u IW s't 'liiJ jBMaBajawajaaMBMaHaBaBaBjaBBBBtBkv. I TisTtI I We Are Selling Many PIANOS What is the reason that we are selling go many pianos that we have to hire other auto trucks to assist in deliveries? We will concede of course that our quality, reasonable prices, low first payments and terms have something to do with it, but the real reason you would never guess. , We figure that when times arc "great" that people are always specu lating, buying higher juiced cars than they need, are generally restless and arc spending most of their time trying to get rich quick, while now sensible people are thinking more on how to get the most enjoyment out of their homes and daily life. , Many people have so long selfishly neglected getting ii piano for the children that they seem to have all realized the fact at the same time with the result that our business is very good. All parents owe their children a piano and we earnestly ask you to' drop into the store and tell us your wants if we haven't the piuno you want at the price you want to pay we will get It for you. Earl Shepherd Co. - f tanos, Victrolas, Radio Outfits Phone 282-J. 507 Main St. ro n. d. o. nit t'rw.rrvVv7tKM'tfW', , 7- W t -'-, I, , ' tri-.ift. . J PHSJBflSSJpHHIWM0VMIlMi(lt,k,MHlf ' aqBBBBlllBISBBBrW--SW..ii, n ,, t ' BBBMFCjyiiM 1 1 " 'I ( KmkWLjffifcii-'' U HHBnf BBBBBBBBBBH BBBBBgpBJpBBW 4 11 BBBBBatBBPBBBaT , r ' T . H , V.H.J -,H) fttf-,k ,lf .4,,,,, ,, ,., I J