&hv Meraifl OFFICIAL PAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY AND OF KLAMATH FALLS .WEATHER FORECAST IOMHIIT AMI lltllMV IWIII, tO.SiiMTII WARM Member of the Atwociutud Press. l-'IfliM'iitli Vi'iir. Nit IlilT!!. KLAMATH FALLH.OHL'OON, 'I III II.MMY, JI'I.V l!, IIUKJ. I'ltlOH FIVH CKNTH OF 75 III ATTACK ON IT Numerous Strikebreakers and Guards Injured; Four Are Missing oitovn.i.i:. cniir, July 1:1 liiiirniiN iilrllii'lirimliiTH uinl gtiiirdn th Injured, Mivnil mirlniiiil) nml mm probably fn Hilly, wlirn iilmut 25 men. h Unit Inln (dm n "inly Imlii) In iiiiliiiiiolillrii, charged (tin Weitl rrn 1'inlflp rcundluiunn. Tim nt tmicrn then motored nwa)' Four guards iiiIIiik urn believed In hno ni'ii Hdnnppcd, t'lllt'AtlO, July 13,- II. M Jewell, lender nt lli utrlklng mIiiiiiiii'h, nml nil International prcfddcntn of Dm nlmp rriiflM, today wired reply In I'ri'nlili'tit 1 1 nrilliift'M pmcl.imiitlun mi Ih" nlrlkn idtuntlon. They i burred ttuit tin' rullrnmln hnvn nut III nil up In tli" truusportiillnn nil, nml (lint Mrlkern walked nut bcrimim ilm wjik en fixed liv Ilm Inlmr liiiiint iti' In iitntlnn of pro fnlnnt nt tin truimpurtntlnn art Tli" striker In hlnlnl Hint no Interruption of inm ini'rri' of Intcrfcrcnru In tli" mull Ii.im Iiitii caue, hy mi) unlawful uct py the shopmen. Tim lidi-griuu lulil "ii i'li luli-rfiT-in" in Ilm railroad' ullempl In up itiiIk with lin ompelcnt workmen Jewell nml tt In uniliit"B reiterated tlii'lr ili'Hlrn In tOMijicriit" mi tiny offort being for P"Ui", tun that up In th" present tlni" tlm rail i'Xi-cii- llvi'M liiul refused t n t tlm in- ptuycen' reprcsentnlh c. Such utllon n that taken liy Pres ident Hunting In tlm rnal strTio In riiKKcnleil liy tli" new inuvn of the shop rrnft lender. I)i:NISON, Tex.. July 13. Two limn wcro beaten a n it carried Into tlm country liy n band of 20, which allocked tho Frisco shops ut Wurman. KANSAS CITY, July 13. P. A. KnlKlit of thn railway carmen today (nil tho Associated Press hi) believed tlm Missouri Pacific wreck hero Inst night In which flvo wem klllcil w.w dun to a dufect In thn nlr rouplltiKn. AUo Hint tho untiiu conilltloii wna roil pmihllil" fur tlm rcc'ut Hncklflnnil wmck lu'nr Wichita. IIAI.TIMOUK. July 13. rim llnl. tlmiirn & Ohio tmlny unnuiinctnl tho illKcmiltnunnru of clRht pnmionKor trnliiH ununlly cnrrjlnj; innllii, KACIIA.MIINTO. July 13.- Appll viiitlun for u ri'MrnlnlnK onler en- JoluliiK tho Nhopmvn from Inter forliiK with tho movumont of tralmt w.-ih fllcil In thn fcilorul court here tmlny liy tho Snutliorn Pacific WA8IIIN0TON. July 13. S. II. CrlHler, Hiiperliitemlont of railway iniill nnrvlco ut Bi. I.oulx. roporteil In teleRraius to 1'oatiuiiHter (ieneral WorltH toilay that 3000 tnlleH of rail way mull mirvlco on Ilm Wnliiuh railway worn not lioltiK operatml. Crlulur uililoil that thn fiml Hltuntlon van norloUH bernimo or Ihd npparent Inipomlblllty of gottlni; coal moved nor fnrolRii llnoa from tho ihIiich for uiio by tho rnad. WASIIIMJTOX, July III. VoM. jiuutcr (ieneral Work notlflcil Ih-cn lik-nt HnnlliiK Hint ouriiy h1k.hcI Unit n HiornUHlJy orxnnUnl fleet of no,(MM( motor velilrlcs ruulil Im mail llled ultliln ill Imur hliuulil Hi" hliopmeii'H Htrlkn further Interfcro with Ilm iiihIIh, In mnny Innluncon, It was kiiIiI, pimtul InHpoctorH had fU"d t' vorlfy rnporlH annt to tho dopartmunt liy rullwuy offlclulH, In Mlimourl and I.oulMlunu, It wiib oxplttlnod, Inspoc lom hud found u Ioks Horlous nltuu Hon than liiul btioii rnportnd to thorn. ItOSr.VII.MJ, IMncor t'o July 13. T, P. Monro, npoclnl iiroiU of tho Kouthorn 1'aclflo doclarod tmlny Hint Wllllmn WoHtluko, nulflo Fruit Kx pruHH (?UHrd, who wiih shot In tho rlRht arm and hud a bullet Kruzo liln choHt Kondny night wiih woundodl liy HhotM flrod from u hill north of tho rullrond ynrda by Htrlkors. Mooro'H Intorvlow rovonlod that tho hill Is nltuatod uliout thrco-auur-tern of a ratio north of tho Icing wtu Hon, whom men wero ut'work Icing fruit cqrn, ' I When Striking HHHIHHsVflMI sVHHHHHHMbsmmmV sWHVHH '" w fflflSHSf?J2iWWi Il'XsmmmivBnmsma'aBmmmmmnammnmmmwamanT -B M HaiammmmmjMtfi. yiltsfii.v! , X'sml LHflViprWapRVBIAU TBy'BB Tl .1 1'i ! L& 4T I Bflj marntf wSBmVSaaaaEaaYjv'lk ? Is&laaSmVsVv BBflT m JHil BlLlBw JraW CflaWl MEfmaalmV ivmasmV aakhaJsmMaVBalrjKfl JmVllmaaVaaaH:slaaaavmV ElV'aaymw BBBBWBBbTBBbW'4 SH This picture of striking railway shop workers leaving their jobs in the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul shops, Chicago, is typical of similar scenes throughout the country as thousands of workers obeyed union strike orders. While enthusiastic demonstrations like this were common, not the slightest disorder was reported from any quarter. MILK PRICE RAISE DUE TO NO PROFIT DAIRYMAN ASSERTS IIiiIiiis ShIiI To l(a" Slum n ls In Snilin IikIiiiii "; Iinli'iion U 'llnrn t'rnt I'rr Viiurt Im rruiii nf milk prlrc-M nii iiuiincril )i"ilrriliiy, which kih-m Into nffiTt Hiituriliiy, July IT., ni in:nl" IH'd'miliry lii'iiuinn Ilm ilulrli'K Iiiimi liooli iiperntliu: ultlmiit prntll uinl, In Mini" limliinri'H, nt u loi. Thin li iKienllni: in O. I.. Ilolllil.iy of tlm llulllilny il.ilry, unn nf thn fKin rrn nf tlm iinuuiitiriiiiiont. Otln-r nIriiith Moto Miller Hill dairy, I'rrtnliim il.ilry anil .Mountain Ylnw lUlry. , Tlii liuronim In from In ri'iitu In 13 fmiK per MHiitt, with prnjior tlnmit" Inrn'.i.''" fur lurcer iimiitl tli'H nf lioth milk nml cri'.un, nml In "hi'l'Miil,, prlio. Tlm .Mountain Vlnw iTnlry prlron will Im 14 riintn por iii.irl, mm icnt nliimi tho prli'on nf Hi" oilier ilnlrlm. Spokmm It Slniuliiril llollliluy Htlil tlm ilnlrli'i h.ul tnkcu Kukniiii iin tho ulninlarU for flxltiK prlrrri lien. Thin wnn Im ciiiu" thn cuuilltlmiH nrn nlmlljr tin to fiinl iniulltlniiM. Conilltlnim hern huulil nut Im euiupnreil with llimn of Mrilfuril nml other placed wheru ii lower nltltuile unit mlhler cllmittu reiluccH the cuxt of feci! I m: ealtlo, III) nalil. With tho exception of ono or two mnaller ilalrlen, tho prlco iiil.in In Kcnnrul. WOMAN HIT BY AUTO Mix. W. Miller Sii-lalils IiiJuiIcn .h Mii I)'ii'n llov I'lictiiry Utrurk by u b.icklut: niitomotill" JuhI iih Him loft Ilm box factory nf thn Klamath l.umbor K llux conipany nt SblppliiKlun ut r u'cluck estenlay iiflemoon, MrH. W. Miller, 33, u fac lory einplo)!', wiih brought to tho Klnmnth (lelicnil liiHpltnl hern Kiif ferliiK from a h(iero hcalp lacorallou nml bruUi't mi Ilm loft Hlinuldnr. HuHpltuI uulhurltlcH hiiIiI thn Injuries worn not Horloun. Mm, Miller rn iililnH nt tlm Star rooniM with hor itniiKlitnr. Her liuubaud Is oinpo)ed on n r.iiuh near HiIh city. FISH FOOD EXPENSIVE 9UI,U()ti Spent Hy fnllfornUi Tor Yiiuiik Trout nml Saliium HACUAMI.'NTO. July 13. -FIhIi fond to Keep thn buby (lout anil hiiI mini ullut thill tho California fluh uiid K'Him lommlH.sloii In propugutltiR for thu lament of Hporttuueu (ohIu $21, 000 u year, tlenrKo Keale, exucutlvo officer of tho commission, mild In u recent uddri'HH Jmre. .TrnHportll Hon of thu fish earn In which thoso finny wardn nf thu Htuto urn mouxl to their brook mid litkn huiuua couIh $1(1,000 u year, Im Hiild, JI,OIUA IN COUHT 1.03 ANUKI.KS, July 13. (llorln HwaiiKiin, film nctrusa, will appear In court Imro tomorrow to untrwor churgos UKaliiHt hor and hor mothor of umlro Intluenco In con nection with tho will of tho Into Mntthow r. HurnB, tho ncroBs' stop-fathor. HolntlvoH nro contest np tho will; " Rail Shopmen Laid STATE ROAD HEADS ' ARRIVE TONIGHT; TO HOLD MEET FRIDAY! i IwikVlleu Itout,. IJin-Mloi, Will Im INciimiI; l)ltrlit Hriirt'M'iit iilhi'i Tit Alti-inl A telicr.un frinu Medford Init.-iy aihlni'd Hie ibninber nf imiinmrrn that tlm Hlutn hlchwiiy luinmlnnlou. em will arrlMi hero thlx evenlni; by mntur from Med'nnl. Tlm party will Inclml" It A. Month nf i:tiK"iic. chair man; W. II. Ilarrall nf lleppuer, J. II. Yeon of Portland, Secretary rtny A. Klein nml three. Portland newspaper men, (lovcrnnr Olcntt, who iicrom. panled thu party suuHiwiird, N nn longer with Ilium. It In planned to hiild a meeting In thn thamlicr nf eiminieri" tomorrow forenoon fur tin purpoMi of illixnu hIiir Hio prop"tMii',i routes from here In Uikevlow, uver which rmiKldernble rivalry him ilewluped In tlm illx trlrlH affected ItepresentntlM'H from Illy, Ilnnnuz.i mid other plaies have been Invited to be present. Secretary Steienhon said nn pre. parnllonn had been made for n meet. Inn thin ecnlui; but Hint It was prob able thn meinbeni of tho party would bu K'lests of lioiinr nt the bund con. rerl nml dunce to be rIvcii nt tho pa vilion. .ti'To n.wiiiT rsi:s ikhi.m: PASADK.VA. ('ill. July 13 An uutnmoblli) bandit who sti-aln hor.iei Is being sought by local poll'". I In ptolo ii hor" belonging to M. Soils of this city recently, urcordlng to of ficers who Investigated tho dlsap pearanco nf tlm atilnml, mid trucks about thu corral Indicated Im wan op erating from nn uutumublle. Down Tools I I riass xi:w ni'i: mm: rOUTI.ANI), July 13 - I'orllund In to iiinntruct u third pip" llim to carry Itn illy water! from Hull Itun lake to tlm municipal waur nysiem. T)l( ,,,, a, ,,., ,,.nKu, lake to tlm municipal watxr nyHtem mid will cost nbnul T3 noo.noo Work will be ktnrted next "car (!. o, i. Mi:irrs I'OltTI.AND. July II. Itopubll i.in stiito central (omniltteo In mi'Ctliu: hem today In plan a campaign. TOUT ISTHE NI6HT! Band Music, Confetti, Flowers, Pretty Girls, Moonlight, 'ncverything a Mardl Gras Hand music, confetti, flowers, pretty girls to dance with 'ncverything that's the inside information of what to expect at the first band concert and dance at the open air pavilion tonight. A llttlo Mardl Crns turned loose In Klamath Falls, and not such a llttlo ono cither, for tonight's fcto will nttrnct everyone In town. Vosslr, foino time during tho evening It's n safe wager, every nble-bodled person In town can hojbon before turning It over to tho successfully paged In tho vicinity ot P.lghth and Klamath. Thowomen's nuxlllnry, under di rection ot Mr. Clmrles Wood Khortclii, look bold today and will make barrels ot punch nnd rustic nil tho confetti, streamers, Shasta ilalnlet! und toy balloons In tho city to loud n leal fentho appearance. HIS FAVORITE POSE LETTERS SWAMP ! COMMON ON NAIL IMIEHbUi! Efforts Held Useless; Peo ple Advised To Await Hearing in October WASIIINOTO.V, July 13. Ilcfusal of thu Interstate commerce) commis sion to kIvo heed to thousand of telegrams nml letters dealing with varloiiH plinsun of fho recent un merger iIitImIoii of tho U, S. su premo court In contained In n state ment Issued today. Tho commis sion points out that a hearing In tho matter In to bo held, not before Oc tober, and suggests that the energies of tbosu Interested bo directed nlong that line, un tho expressions being received cannot bo made a part ot tho record nnd nro of no nld. Tho full text of thn statcrhent fol io wh: "During tho past ten dnys tho commission has rceclvcd many telegrams, Icttem nnd copies of resolutions from various Individu als chnmbcrn of commorce, labor organizations, and others, with ref erence to tho recent decision ot tho Hupromu court of tho United States affecting thu Southern Pacific and Central Pacific railroads. Home usk Hint thu commission seek to have tlm decree of tho supremo court withheld; others that It In voke legislation to counteract tho (Continued to Paso 4) Starting at S:30 tho band will give an hour's concert, long enough to satisfy everyono that tho city can't get along without tho kind ot music thoy are nblo to furnish. Then they will start tho terpilchor- ean program and play sovcral num orchestra. Klamath Falls has a band, and thero will bo no ono In Klamath Falls who docs not know that Klamath Falls has a good band, a band any city would bo proud to support, beforo tho night la over; yes Indeed, beforo tho night Is fairly started. Just wait and see! IlOV, 7, KIM.KD, OTIinit.4 j HKKIOL'HI.V INJt'ltl.'l) IX j IXXHH.VO TltAI.V AfVIIMI.VT h OIIANDK, July 13. WII- ! Ham Pnlmcr, aged seven, wan i killed, James Palmer hln fnthnr, Mrs, l'cto Mcngns nnd Leonard , Leslie seriously but not faintly , hurt last night when n car broko loose from a logging trnln ' of thn Ooorgo Palmer Lumber compony nnd was wrecked near Vincent, Oregon. Other persons on the car escaped Injury. OREGON CROPS ARE FURTHER JDEPLETED BY JUNE DRY SPELL Kitlnuitrs Fall Ilelow Thtw of Irfi.t Heiuwih Winter W1iit With- MnmU Weather llHtcr POIITI.A.VU, July 13. Unusually dry weather over tho greater part of tho stato during tho month ol Juno, following similar conditions during May preceding, has further reduced tho 1822 crop prospects from tho be low average cstlmotcn of a month ago according to Information gathered by F. h. Kent, agricultural statistician for tho U. S. department of agri culture. Winter wheat appears to havo withstood tho dry season than any of tho other grain crops. In tho western, part of tho stato It appenrs probablo that tho crop will make about an average yield per acre. Tho samo Is true of most of tho eastern part of tho state, although Wasco and Sherman" counties report a pros pect way below normal. Conditions of tho Oregon crop on July 1. was estimated nt S5 per cent of normal, compared with 90 per cent on Juno 1, 100 per cent July 1. 1021. and a ten year July 1 avcrago of 91. Pro scnt conditions Indicate u probablo state production of 17.84G.000 bush els, compared with a final estimate ot 20,862,000 bushels produced In 1921, and five year average ot H,; 867.000 busnois. - - Thn" tTriitp;? state wlnler'whw'i condition on July 1 was estimated nt 77.0 per cent compared with S1.9 per cent, on Juno 1, with 77.2 per cent July 1. 1921. nnd a ten year ner ago condition of 81.0 per cent. The July 1. 1922 condition Indicates a probablo crop of 509.27C.000 bush els. Tho final cstlmato for 1921 was 587,032,000 bushels, and tho five year average, 650.950,000 bushels. Spring Wlicat Pet-lines The conldtlon of Oregou spring wheat on July 1. 1922, was cstlma- ted at 70.0 per cent, a decitno o. 15 points during tho month of June. Reports stato that somo of tho spring seeding has already been "worked Into summer fallow." Much ot tho acreago will probably not bo worth cutting for grain. Last year's July 1 condition condition was 92, nnd the ten year avcrago Is SS. Tho July 1. 1922 condition Indicates a probablo crop of nbout 3,000.000 bushels. Tho United States spring wheat condition on July 1. 1022. w cs" mated nt 83.7 per cent of normal. Indicating a probablo production of nbout 247.66d.00O bushels, compared with tho 1921 final cstlmato of207. 861.000 bushols, and tho flvo year av- crago of 243,600,000 bushels. Tho continued dry weather In Juno caused a drop In tho estimated condition of oats from 92 per cent Juno 1, to 70 per cent on July 1. This Indicates probablo crop of nbout 7,209,000 bushols. Fall sown oats, of which thero Is a larger acreage than usual, nro In much better con dition thau tho spring seeding. Tho 1921 crop was estimated nt 8,701,000 bushols. nnd tho flvo year avcrago Is 9,733,000 bushels, nnd tho flvo year avcrago Is 9,735,000 bushols. Tho United States oat crop condi tion dropped during Juno from 85.5 to 74.4 por cent, Indicating n lrob nblo filial production of l,186,2i. 000 bushels compared with 1,061, 000,000 bushels tu 1921, mid a Ilvo year average production of 1, 374, 382,000 bushols, - "FI.U" (1KTS HATS SANTA ANA, Cal.. July 13. In fluenza la currying off tho rut pop ulation ot Santa Ana, nccordfng to W. Wl Chnndlor, In charge ot tho city's rodent extermination campaign. Ho predicted that tho dlsouso would reduco tho numbor of rates by GO per cent within a month. . FRMUS IK.UIACK, Till: HAGUK LONDON. July 13. Lloyd Gcorgo told the houso of commons toJay that ho was afraid a doadlock had occur red at Tho Haguo, but that ho had no Information that tho conforonco on Russian affairs had brokon down. LAUNCH PLANS TO HAVE FAIfl GROUNDS HERE $2,000 Subscribed at Meet;' Permanent Location Is Being Sought Today ' t If Klamath docs not havo perman. ent fair .grounds It will not Vb tho fault of thoso who attended tho meet ing In tho chamber ot commerce last evening when $2,000 was subscrib ed ax a started. Tho meeting resulted In appoint ment of II. N. Moo, A. M. Collier and U K. Wright nn a committee to find a sultnbto location, and J. D. Cham bers, Fred Houston, J. E, Swanson, John Knders, K. Sugnrman and C. H. Underwood as n cnmmltteo to Inter vlow businessmen today to determlnn their attltudo toward promotion of tho falf ground nsso'latlon. Ttsut committees wilt report nt a meotlng In tho chamber nt commerce tomor row evening. A corporation with capital stock of 825,000 was perfected last year, It was brought out, r.o that the neces sary stops now aro to procure a lo cation and sell stock. Tbo aals ot about J 15.000 ot stock at this lino will suffice, It was decided. Tbo meeting last night resulted from tho request of tho Illy Rodeo association to reach a decision! o3 tho poposltlon of entering Into an agreement with the association which would assuro a rodeo hero each year. A representative of tho Illy associa tion present said a meeting would bo hold In Illy Sunday when a Atflnlte proposal would bo drafted for Mr sentatlcn to tho local association. 9T rrfinaM nn.onl lift IA tnAMllflv WMIVA Vivjurilrnou.j' InJlitflljOJliat U snouiu do pusnea io compicmion ana that fair grounds should bo available for next season. SHOW LESS BREAKAGE Campaign of Kxprnii Company For Oiro In I'nckinjc Wins Out The campaign waged hero last fall for better caro In packing goods for shipment has borno fruit. Of tbo awards mado to tbo four divisions ot tho American Kx press company which won tho best records for having tho least number of damage claims for to first quarter ot 1922, ono went to tho division that Includes Klamath Falls. J. J. Farkor, local agent, has on display a banner awarded this offlco for tho Important part It play ed In tbo campaign. "Proud as wo nro of this record, wo aro wllllug to share tbo t.nor with tho shippers, without whoso co operation llttlo could avo been ac complished." said Parker. "Business men nnd tho chamber of commerco mado possible tbo great saving this record signifies'. "Not only does tho oxpress com pany savu a vafet sum ot monenwhon tho porcentago ot claims Is small, but tbo shipper profits by It as well. Ills goods nrrlvo at tholr destina tion on tlmo and In good condition, thus doing away with tbo delay and dissatisfaction which results from having to turn In a claim for lost or spoiled goods. "Tho aim ot this division, which Includes Ashland, northern Califor nia and Novada, Is to keep up Its good record no that It will not bo necessary to relinquish tho banner." .UUtKlTT RF.TOBT V PORTLAND, July 13. Cattlo and hogs steady, shuop1 '81.00 lowor, bprlng lambs $9.00 to 110.00. Eggs Irregular, butter firm. WL'ATHint I'llOllAHlUTlKt Tho Cyclo-Stormagraph at Un derwood's Pharma cy rocorded a slight rlso la baro motrlc pressure this muralBi, which It continued might indicate cool er weather tomor row. As tha chungo has beta small a contlntia tlon of prestat weather condltloas) la nrnbubla Forocast tor next 34 heurs: Fair and warm. Thn Tvens rocordlns thermemata registered maximum and salataaai' temporuturoB today as tOJiews: IilSu Low H i '"t"f"t!l &T Iff 'hi f A V life w M , T t:.: 'Xf-