frA? "V Page Kivo THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON wmw-muT, jui.v la, ism Crater Lake Stage Office Kt! I Auto Supply Co. or Metropolitan Garage Tickets aim) for Halo at White Pelican Hotel Mi ii li'uv, Klumnlh Fulls S ii in arrive ('mint l.iiko In Mm" fui in, n h line ('inter l.:iln 1 i in, nrilvii KIiiiiiiiIIi Fulls in iiiik' Tur ilh, in i A Inn cuiiucclinu ft tt ii crater l.n l In Modfnril, Packard Twin Sixes used exclusively iiarsrxat A3AX BLACK TREAD TIRES . WHi New Features CORD-ROAD KING -PARAGON Supreme in Appearance. Mileage, and Non-Skid Security REED AUTO SUPPLY 1 1 1 It Street CLASSIFIED ADS MISCELLANEOUS WAN'ti:i Waiter or wnltremi nml rhiiliiilii-riiiiild I'holi" KaKl" ItliU'.e Tnvein :itf I'lllt lit N't' III, Hie ffitivelllenl for two l.i in III- With liath. i;ariH'," and Itnti I'li'ni" .137 I l'i-t I FOlt hI.K -Clieup NIiii lllll" home on Conner ato I'lixnueut l'honi 14-J. Kt-12 ' I.ADY WOI I.Ik" wnHlilnr. to do1 III own linine. j.navi nt 20l Mlrhl-1 Bali Arc. in-la ( AltCAHK TltAN'KKKIl Will move you, nimimn, mnwliiT". Ite.iHiiiiatil" tJCS-J. 7tf KXI'KIIIK.NCKli KttriJo wIhIiph en-1 RHKOinmt. I'Iiobo 17-r-r.. 10-12 I W.VNTKU Kxporlniice,! hand Iroiier.; French Hand Laundry. 10-12 POIt HAM.' Hood p.iyliiK liutltnwH Krvnrli llaini Laundry. 123 N. Ill) Kt. o-ir, FOIt MAI.F. tr.O toiirt nf natural li- nt $ in half oV onn ton lots, hutf-ciit per pound In smaller Inta. mi itotitury.' Cull on or tele phono W. J. Ileirer tit SlilppliiKliiu.l on pavetni'lnt, nflor r,::tn p. in. Iti-Cl POIt KAt.K A I Worklncmati'N ho tel (3 liedruouiH I.iiikIi room, llUcheil. lol.hy. otr. Will Hike Soilth- orn Cnllforntn niiil Mtiiln iih part liuyiiimu, AddretM 1310 Miiltt St r..i. I'Olt HAI.H-I". Instil of henvy Iok i;lni; hnrseH. First (lass Hhap". Ad ilriNM, M. .1. Nyliait, lireeii Sprlui', Nyhnrt i'iiiiii. 7-IS FOIt llMNT Ciiiuplelely furnlsheil iipaiinii'iit. I.yln Apia , itli ami High His. Ti Ii phojie . 71 f WANTFD Skilled or unskilled hnv factory help, (inod wanes Apply nt nut' office or phono .70. Pelican Ilny l.ttihr Co. K-12 ' ' I'OU HALF 'I'wo Dhow cuse-i nml Cttl'j' HiUn. lliillro Davenport Jew- tilry Htoro. 11-13 WANTFIl tlnuieoue to Mil uirpet rnr.ii on shares. X Y . Herald 11-13 IIHO.M AND IIOAltll. ?! Hi" wetdt, or hy duy. lilU I'lti" St. Phono itTiVtt'. - 11-13 $Ti0 IICWAKD for luforinallon lead Inj.; to iicovery of 3 rllleH nml 2 nhol i'.iiii lultnu fioui Silent Creek cnltlii iniiKet' Htatlou, Diamond lako In Apt II or May. Information will ho hold Htilctly conflih iitlnl, KM, .lolin ikiii, Modon Point, Ore. Il-lf. WAKTIIU KllKlneer nuil other help ror lath mill. Addresa C. It. Miller. ANPKIOV". OI'eKOII. I l-lfi FOIt HKNT FurulHheii npai'tmeiitH. Four iooiiih, hath, tdeepliiK poich, on foriiei', Sin mid .lefferHiin. Phono 273-W. ll-l.T WANTIID Woninii to do rniMlrlim mid iillerlui; hair dnyH. D H M Clemilni; Co. titil Main St. 10tf County Court Proceedings Sill until)-, .May UOtli., 111 Coun Mm Pursuant to Adjourn ment, when were prcHimt: It, ill, liuuiiull, ('iiunty .linUm, llurrell fihiitt iftnl Ann Fordyco, County Com uiIhhIiiihiih, tlm fnllouliiK proceed luitii wdio hud: Itoml Claims nlloweil uml clerk or dered 10 lll'IIW Wllt'l'lllllH iih follewH: I'M. Forftui-, work, $ liun, 10. (I. PiirUnr, work, $l!i.7ri. Chun. FlnckUH, work, $2, no. It nuil lloml Claim allowed, Kupho mla J, Whrton, ilitht of wny, tnoo.oo. lu 111" matter of llio publication of I near Main I,oi:kIui: Shnet repaired. Jack rront. Sixth St , off Main. Otf. I'Olt ItCNT- Deilrnhl" front room. 103 I'lne St. 11-17' WNTi:i) (ilrl or woiuiiii to t lerk In hloro and cure ror lioolm Cull jni loir. III.OCKS I'Olt Sal", $.',.iin per cord. J. N. (iiilhrle. K-12' I'Olt lti:.NT :t room fornMied houne Imiulre Ml.', N. 'Jtli St. I"-1' I'Olt HAI.i: Old imperii, mllnble Mr iimlerblni; linoleum, carpet, etc., Krnpplni: nnd pniklnc. ten citit n lari;" tiuudlo. Ileruld ofllco tf .mils' w..ti:h: For serlro iih IMIlro.ui M.irhinlst.t llnlletnilil.ers lllai'ksmilhs Klectrli'iiim Sheet .Melul Worlti'rit Pipe Fitters Copper Smlilm Car llep.'Urers Tlnnern Car InsperlorM Helpers- .ill classes. luder Hlrlko foiidlllonH lieit ex plained hy Ciinlrinan lien W. Ilooprr tir Ih" I' S It It. I.ahor Hoard, In Ills siali'ineni or July First; as fflllflWH "In this rns Iho roiilllct Is not helween tlm employer nml Iho op pressed emplo)eert. Tlio ieOdo tf HiIh Miuntry, nn net of con iirtMt hIkiiiiI hv President Wilson talillHhed u trlhlllial to derldo cnnill tloni which tiro HUhmitted to It In u proper manner over such dlsputo. It l.i tlm declsloUH of HiIh trlhlllial iiKtiliiHt which tlm shop cmfin tiro tiirlliltit:. ItcKunllesH or nny qimMlon or tlm rlitlu of men to sttlko tlm men whli tnkii Htrll(ern idiiceM tiro merely iicceptltm wiiki'n mid wnrkltiB coudl tlotiH (irescrlhed hy n Kovernment trihuiiiil and urn performing u public service They nro not ni'riititliiR tlm wnceii nnd workltiK conditions which an employer Ih tryltiK to Impose. For this remain pulille sentiment nml full Kovnriiineiit power will ptolecl tlm men who romaln In their posltlotiH mnl now men who may como In." Adeipiat" provlslotiH hiivn hcon niiido for Ihn full protection of nil new oinployeeH the .Hani" iih old inn ployees who havii remnlnoil loyally nt work. AppllcanlH should apply to tlm officii nf tlm .Superintendent nt Portland I'tilon Station, or to tlm iiiislslinit Superintendent nt Unse bun:. .1, ii,, Ceil. Mki'. Sontliein I 'at I fie. ,ly r.i! County Pi'lntlm?. This matter comitiK u In hu heard on HiIh iltita piirRUiint to postpon inent from March 13, 1922, on mo tion of CommlHslnuer Fordyco the bid of tho Klamath Itccord I'uhllali Iiik Co,, wuh rejectml and tlm contract rot publication or thu county print Ini; for tlm year oudlni; Docembor 31, 1922, was awarded to Tho Herald Pub. Co. nt tlm rato Hpeciflud lu ItH bid of March 13, 192!!, .via: n cuiiIh pur lino per liiHortlon, ouch lino to ho 13 pi civ utuH wldo H point hIuk and face, nolld, and heading nf larger ly po to ho euthuntod to cotituln nn tunny linen iih tint typo fnen In n mill llpln nf 8 point Approved iih llio Hlli iluy of Miiy, I!I22 Klilered this Miiy 20lh 1!I22. In ilni .Mailer or tli" County Print- iih: On tliln IhI ilny of Mny, lt'22, HiIh matter coining m from ii coiitlnuniitn or March I.'!, 1 1)22 mill tint court tint lie! ii m HMllHtli',1 iik In tli" advisability of Din lolling or county prlntliiK nt tliln llui", It l HiiTt'forn hereby or doreil Hint tint Kiitnit liu continued un til Monday. Mny Mil.. 11(22 This Order oulereit iIiIh 2uth ilny . . .. . .. ' or .Mil), win iih or nut" .uny isi, IH22 Whereupon Court ndjoiirneil until Momlnv. Mny 22, I!i22 It. II limit" County Judge. County Cniumls- llurrell Hlioit, sinner Ami Fnnlym iilnner C only Coiuiuls- Moniluy, .Mil) l!'.', WZi. Court Met Pursuant to Adjourn iiiiint, when were present; It. II lltllinell, County .lililce. llurrell Short mid Am Fordyoo, County Com lilliiHluilers, the following proceed ings were hud Current KxpoiiHn CIllllllH warrants ilrawn iih follewH: .MrM. (Iriitn Anderson, $2H 00. nlloweil nutMliiK, MiirroiiRhH Adding Hiipplles, ,ic. Klllimti Hlnllotiery Co., HUppllen ' Mihool Sunt.. $2.7i! IJililcalliuial Silnnlv Co.. mninlleii. i ( $2 li.'l. World Hook Co., MupptleH, !Hr, iwjiii ifTKimon, trove ItlK exiietmo. II 41 r Mr, A. Owen Pun. Co., NiuinllfH. I uiirwilli.u i Irw In 114. KX. IIoiIhoii Co, Kllhmii Ktnlloiiery Co., ix.r.a. Drummoiid I'rlnt Shop, it: it. .Muttde Carleton, ctiHh ndv. poHtni:e. $3 4fi. i wytft ernunoti, ennh adv. pox lui:e. $20 r.o. Twylu I'entimon, irnvellni; en petmc, $S.!t0. In the Mutter of Hie County Aid ex. tended ,Mrn. Cnrl Martin. It nppenrlni: rrom Ihn letierH of Mm Curl Martin that hIii Ih with her huMiand In Santa lliirliurn, Calif . mid In tfot In neeii of County Aid Which V.IIH lieretorore exlendeil her; It Ih herehy Ordered that hikIi Coun ty Aid bn termlnnlvd nnd Cntinn Warrant No. 10371 ror the mini of IIS.ini ho rancclleil. Duteii thin 22ml day or Mny. 1H22 In the Matter or the KMnto of Mnry l.lherty, deceaneit. It appearltiK that Mury l.lherty Ih detenHeil and that h1i wuh n county chiirKo and hnn lert u mimll fHtate In Klamath County, Oregon which Milium lit) proliateil. ii u ttierefon herehy Ordered that thu clerk br itirecieii to rip, M,.jj p,.tltlon In pro- In full forco anil etrcct in iiamnin late without tharRlm; a fee for Comity, OreRoni mich (initiation. Now thereforo In tonformltv with Duli-ii IIiIh 22ml day or May. I 22 Mil" law nml the provisions thereof, In tlm Matter or thu Api1lialloii of ill Is herehy Ordered that the fol.- I'nlted HlnteH forest Service fur Inwlnc personn. all helnc thalnnen Teleihoile Mne. lor II'" respective pchool Ixiardi rx- It uppenrlnu rrom the petition of'lstltiK nt thu time wnld act and I'lan HiikIi II. Itmikln Supervisor of Crn-1 hecmnu i-ffi-cllvi', he nml limy are ter Forest Hint the Finest Innd each of them herehy Is appoint- Service ri-UfMM permission to con-led mid selected to serte us dlrec- striirt a udephomi lino tilonc thu tors of said county school district pro county road bcKlnnlm: at Fori Klnm. I lenmoro until the next annual school atli (JrcKon, uml riimilinr annroxl mutely 2h miles westerly iiIoiik whut is known us the West Hide Itoad. Fort Klamath. Ori'Kon. nml It ap pearing Hint suili telephum- lino In lii-nedelal to surh Forest Sort leu mid tlm residents of said nelKhhorhood, It Is therefore hereby i rilere, that such Forest Service bo permitted to construct hiicIi telephone line alone said county road ami to uo the same tor a period of 10 )ears ,,r until tli" turtlier onlers of this court Date, In open court this May 22 l!22. Whereupon Court Adjourned until Saturday, May 27th. 1P22. 11. II. Ilunnell, County Judi;e. llurrell Short, County Co Is- sinner. As.i Fonlyro County Comiuls sinner. Satunlay, May 27lh III2S! Court .Met I'ursiiant to Adjourn ment, when wero present: 11, II. Ilunnell, County Judge, llurrell Short and Amu Fordyco, County Com, mlsslonnm. thu following proceed- ' lugs were hud: I Current Kxpenso Claims allowed i nml wurruutH drawn iih follews: (I. C l.orunt, Hiipplles, poor farm, I $1.30. (! ('. I.orem, Hiipplles, roiirt house, $3.(10. (I. C. I.oronz, mpplles, poor farm, $;i.4:. TWO (I. C. I.oronz, supplies, poor farm, 11.00. 0. ( l.nreiu, r.upplles, poor farm, (14.00. Frank Sexton, (advertising) Club O, A, C, $500.00. County Itoad Claims allowed nml wananlH drawn: Union llrldgo Co,, work, Ilonanra hridRo, $450.00. Oscar Cornish, time. $in3.7S. l.oe Cornish, tlnm, $ir3,7S. Clayton Cornish, time. $9n.St, Hoy Dixon. Hum, $110.84. .1, F. McDonald, tlnm. $3. Ml, Porrln Dixon, time, $iiU.S0. Waller Stownit, Hum, $&7.4 4. C. K. Prlgmoro. time. $97.35. Hairy Dixon, lime, I4S.0S. (I, C, I.oronz, Hiipplles, $2,70. (1. C. I.oronz supplies, $2.00. (I. (J. Loronz, HiipplloH, $2,40. Market Itoad Claim allowed, 0. O. I.oronz, Hiipplles, nOe, In thn Matter of KxputiHo for Hoys mid (llrls for short course College, Corvnllis, Oregon. This mutter coming on oral nppllcntlon of Frank Soxtnn whereby It appears thnt It U proper for tlm county to appropriate nocossary funds to defray tlm ox pen bos of sev eral boys and girls of Klamnth Coun ty to attend a Hhort term given nt thn Oregon 'Agricultural College; It Is hereby Ordored that thu clork of this court draw u warrant on the current expotiHu fund mid charge ad vertising for the sum of $f00.00, to ho iHHued to Frank Sexton memhnr of Klamnth County Agricultural llur enu for hiicIi purpose. It is further ordored that mild Klamnth County Agricultural Iliiroiui lintip nti nccnttnt Ink or nil moneys expended ntiil to report In writing 1" tliln court liy I hi' rimt nf August, 1322. Dated In npoji Court (IiIh Miiy 27, 1922 'I'd flin Hum, County ('our', Klnmnlli ('iiitity Oregon Honllcineii. Tor Ill" nil iii of four- hundred mid fifty dollars we iigren to furnish nil Hi" iiorcssiiry IoiiIh, iMitlptuer)i, liihor, transportation or men mnl iiiiilut tho ti"'"nx:iry nltor ntfoiin mnl plnro I ho nulling (drips, ffllnn guard nml floor on the stent I. !. fix. ..i llftiitiiivii If la II iitlnrif Infill bridge nl lloniilizii i ,... ,1. mid mtrei'd thnt tli" county will fur- J n I nil nil the iieceNHiiry lumber nun liiirdwiirn delivered HI the bridge free or dint to int. i t'nltui llrldgo com tinny, lly A. V.. Kborhurl. Agent Accepted nml ordered, Mny 3, 1922 It. II. 11111111)01, County Midge, llurrell Hliort, County CoiiiiiiIh nloner Ami Fordyco, Cuutily Cnmtnls- , sinner In tho Matter of Canvnsslui; Hi" VoteH niKt on School full Plan. ' Now on thin Judicial day of tli" regular .Mny Term of the County Court for Klmnatli County. Stnte of Orelton. II UppelirlllK III the Court ihnt on th" Iftth. day or Mny. Ifi22,,ntl(1 ,, wm ,, ,.,)tlB,r,.( ,.Xcopt i In iiinrormlty with the previous tT'tum frim conlrnttorH nmerinlned ,iIit or HiIh court ti Hperlal election , )f, (experienced nml respoiiHlhl". : wuh held In Klmmitli county. orcKiui . -fie, f.nKth of the project to Im con Mnrhlnn Co , ror the purpoM- of tiiliinlttlne to Hie Rtrtif t( or Improved In npproxlmnt viiiiim or nail! It la ma Hi County th"!iv ion ,n,.. ,,n,i iti tii-i-iPitmi iin,n iiueHtlon or ndoptliiR the County I'nlt Ilnii for HlIioiiIii :m provided 1i' ('liuiiler 2'i of Iho Kennloni Law n of OreKou tor 12 1 ; And thin court hnv- Iiik luiiiiefllii'ely nr'er -n-! election to-w t. on trio zziiil oay 01 .mif i'i!2. i':invii.inei the vntcM cnl in Htidi Nlie 1(1 1 elertlon mill found thllt lr.71 voted were CIIHI in lavor oi uie inlfititlfifi of III" County I'tllt Ptnn ' .and ttrii; votei were cm- uunltim him Ii erection), !.2f. tnnn: C Incn Poroim nippllen.liidoptloii; the court hultiK round nnd 'Dmin Tile, 1,000 lin. rt i J.oohi It nppenrltu: to Hi" Katuriicllon or j Hlprnp, 2." cu. ydn.; Cruslied Uock or prlntliiK, I HiIh court that n majority or trcjurnvcl Hurfnrlni;, 47,000 ru. J'dn. ote (tint nrc in intor fii uinKinK Itho net nntnely Chapter 2fi of th", SeMHlon l.awi rf (irejton tor i:Jl ei - focilvi, In Hnhl Klmnatli County Now therefore, Thin Court herohy deilureH th" kuI'I nietmur" carried ami the nald Act, nnnfely, chapter 2f,r. or th" HedHlnn l.aH or OreRon ror 1921 In full force and elfect In Hillil Klninnth County Stntu nf Oregon. Dated Klamath I'.iIIh. Ori-emi. May 27. IU22. In th" Matter of Appolnllnc n Hoard of Dlrcctrrn for Ih" County School District of Klamnth County Ore gon pro-temporo until the next annunl nchool election. Now on HiIh the Judlrlnl day nf the ri-Riilur .May term of the 'outity Court for Klamath County. Orenon; thin mutter remlni: n to h" rntinld ered nnd HiIh court having hereto fore In accordance with law and pur Hiiant to a canvans of the votes there on dcclnred th" County School I'nlt Plan a provided tiy ctiaptcr .'i,a or the Session Lawn of Orcein for 1621 li'Ciltm to-wlt J. II. llesslR. of Fort Klamath. OreKou for northerly district ; (. S. Campbell 'f l'flla fr ''!lt,t erly district: C. J. McColltim of Worden. Ore Kim, westerly district: Anton Petrasel: nf Malln. OreRfn. for southerly district: It K. Ilradbtiry or ncniey urcRon. 'for central District I Dated Klamath iMnv "? lft?2 Fall. Oregon, ....... .. - Whereupon Court Adjourned until Monday May 29th.. 1922. It. II. Ilunnell. County Judg. llurrell Short, County Cummin Hloner. , . Asa Fordyco, County Commission er. .Monday, May '-M. 10--Court Met Pursuant to Adjourn ment, when were Present: It. II. Ilunnell, County JiuIko, llurrell Short uml Ahu Fordyco. County Conunls Hluners the following proceedings were hud: Current Kxpenso Clulms allowed and wiirrunts drawn as follews: Nettle Wnllen, wldnw pension, $10.00. Hose $10.00. floddurd, widow pension, M. Mayer, widow pension. C. Ady, widow pension, I Cnrrle $10.00. I.eonn $10.00. Mary K. Pearson, widow pension, Seeds, widow pension, $i7.r.o. Martha $10.00. Mailellmi Cook, widow pension, $40.00. ,, , Mary II. Williams, widow pension. !f20- .. , Wlnonn P. .Norm, winu i-'"iv. $10.00. , , Mary K. Johnson, widow pension, Junluttn Ta'llman, widow pension. Luhi H. Ilutchlns, widow pension, tar.. 00. I'.tlu M. KIlKoro, widow peiiHlon, $10,00, (lertrudo II. llrown. widow pension, $'10.00. , Ooldle K. Houston, widow pension, $10,00. Anna $10.00. llesslo $30.00. ( I nice $2.ri.00. Minnie $17.50. Mnry $40.00. Tona $10.00. M 11, Moore, widow ponslon, M. Dixon, widow pension, Johnson, widow pension, , Dlllnrd. widow pension, Pruett, widow pension, Hilton, widow pension, IcHeynolds, widow pension. $17.50, Isaliello Hoseltlne. widow pension, ii nn "?:"" . .-.. .. i.i... pension, MurKlirei Uiaris, iii'w ,ir. nn Mrs.'neno 11, l.nmmon. widow pon-i sloii. $K..0O. , Kate Taylor, county aid. $2..00, Kllznbelh Sennlnn, county aid, $25,00. - , 1 Ker.lnh OnotHI, county aid, J I r,00. Kllznhcth Orny, rmmty nld, lln.ftf) Nellie Wall, county "Id, $2r,.00 A Itutherrord, county nld, J20.n0 .Mnry Monro, i utility nld, IK,. 00. Kale Mark, (oitttty nld. 120.00 Dnrii Anderson, county aid, $10.00. Chtrn llowen, county nld, $30 00 Mth. i; I). I ,a mi; ford rouiity nld. I2.-.00. Martini KndeH, county nld, $2". 00. Mari;nret J. Vnileii, county nld, $20.00. f ' Marllia Marrow, ciiunty nld, $20.00. Anmi Marshall, county nld (Continued to I'HKt B) NOTICK TO CONTHACTOItS -Soul-' e, proposals for constructing or Im proving III" Klntnuth-Smid Creek Na tional Forest Itoad project located pnrlly within I lie Crater National Forest. Stiilo of Oregon, County rif Kin ninth, will ho received hy tin Die irlet engineer, lliironu or I'uhllcj ItoadH, U H Department of Agrlrul-1 lure, nt .tin I'ontorflio llldic, I'nrt-i Innd, Oregon, until 10 o'clock A. M. on tlm 2IM duy of July, I92Z, tit which I (fin, find iilncif tht.v u'lll hi (pulillcly opene,! mid rend The rfcht reKerveil 10 relert nnv nml nil lil.ln j,,f wi)rk nro npprnxlmntrdy nn rol Iowm. Clearing. 70 iiti-k; (Iriihhlni;, to ncre; Common Cxcavatlon, CO. 000 en. ydK. ; Hock Kxcnvatlon, 20, 000 cu yilB.; (irnder Work, ao,, sta Hoiih: rinlHhlnR, H.2 hiIIoh; Pipe Culvertd. I.K20 Itn. ft.; Clnnn A Con- 'rrete. T.'i ell villi CIukh C Concrete, is.-, ,, y,K., ItelnrordnK Steel, 7.000. iiriiitwla: Meet I Ileum I llnilllni? nnd ' tiio (jovcrnincni nni uvaliniilo lor loan to contractors on a rental linnln, ..(1ul Ipuienl iih listed In the siieclflcu HntiH. Contractors will stntn In hid tlm equipment that will he used iliir-' Ink' the construction ami tho mini mum tlnm required', Tlm estimated rentals will bo deducted from tlm total nf tlm construction Items and award will ho iniuln on bid to best advantnR" to tho (lovernment The work embraced In thin contract shall ho (ompletoii within 1J0 weather working ilayn follotvInK tho execution of tlm contract by tho necrotary rr ok rlcnltitre, Tho contract form and the maps, plans, specifications nnd esti mates nf quantities may hn examined hy responsible contractors nt tho followlnu addresses. Iluroau nf Pith- illc ItoadH, 310 Postofflco Hide . Port land. Ore.; Forest Supervisor, Med-, ford, Oregon. Plans and speclflr.v tlons will bo furnished contractors . who contcmplatn bidding, upon de-1 posit of n rortlfled check for $10.00 payable to tlm Secretary of Agrlcul turn of tlm Fulled States. Check will I ho held pendlnR return of plans and specifications. All propositi must h made nn rortns and In nieordanco with Instruction formlnu a part or the speiricallons uhne referred to anil must bo accompanied hy n pro posal guaranty In an amount ut least equal to flvo (.) per cent of the total amount nf tho proposal. C. II. PUnCKI.l.. District Fnclnoer. I J It 12 13 II 1 : NOTICi: TO CONTHACTOItS. Senl e, prrptxals for constructing or Im proving the Anna Creek. Section 2. National Forest Itoad project located nartly within tho Crater National Forest. Stale of Oregon. County nf Klamath, will ho received hv the District Ktiglnoer, llurenu of Public Heads, t'. S. Department of Aurl culture, at 310 Postofflce Illilg., Portland, Oregon, until 10 o'clock A. M. on tlm 21st day of July. 1922, nt which tlnm and place thoy will he publicly opened and road. The right It reserved to reject any nnd nil bldt and none will be considered except those from contractors ascertained to be experienced and responsible. Tho length of the project to be construct ed or Improved Is approximately 10.2 miles nnd the principal Item of work are approximately as fol lows' Common Kxcavatlon. l.'.OOO cu yds.; Finishing F.nrth Itoad, 1.." miles; Class A Concrete, no cu. vds.; Class C Concrete. 100 cu yds ; Keln rorclnc Steel, 13(000 pounds, 1 beams (Hauling and Krcctlnn), 12.5 tons; Culverts, 240 lin. ft.: ti Inch Porous Drain Tile, 500 Hn. ft.; Crushed HocR or (travel Surfacing 24,000 cu yds.; (Irnder Work, 273 stations The (lovernment hns available for loan to contractors on a rental basis, equipment ns listed In tho Hpeclflcn tlons. Contractors will state In bid (Im equipment thnt will be used dur ing tlm construction and the mini mum time required. The estimated rentals will be deducted from the tntul of thn construction Items uml award will be made on bid to host advantage to the Ooernment Tho work embraced In this contract shall be completed within 100 weather working duys following thu execution of tho contract by tho secretary of ag riculture, Tho contract form mid thu maps, plans, specifications uml esti mates of quantities may he examined hy responsible contractors at the following addresses: llurenu of Pub lic Heads. 310 Postofflco Illilg.. Port land, Ore.; Forest Supervisor, Mod ford, Oregon. Plans and specifica tions will be furnished contractors who contemplate bidding, upon de posit of n certified check for $10.00 payable to the Secretnry of Agricul ture of thu United States, Check will bo held ponding return of plans uml specifications. All proposals must ho made on forms and In accordance with Instructions forming a part nf the specifications above referred to nnd must be accompanied by' n pro posal guaranty In nn amount nt least equal to flvo (5) per cent of tho total amount of the proposal, C. II. PUHCEI.L. DlHtrlct KiiRlneer. J 11 12 13 14 15 , CHIROPRACTORS IIIIH. M.Uil.KTT & MAMJiTT Offlco over Underwood's 7th & Main Phone aiio-.l JS Kodak i Leave Your Filtts before 9 OclooK-Your A.MPictlis atie nnnerwooffs mrm W'v" KLAMATH FALLS OREGON frSIM V J WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE UUl f i r-wr-i i " ; r FOR SALE I'hi'iI ('nr. I run Mimvjou luiiiiy, nil koimI, U'lll trade. Ulint tune )on. I'orceil Hale. ltlKliti prlci-M. (If rice 'Jill IIhioiI St. si:i: hick S. CROUCH, D.V.M. V lerlmiry Kiiraemi 111! H. (1th HI. Plioui- .'-'-I ,1 DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. V. lliilldlM I'HONIS ! FRED WESTERFELD Dentist Plionn 4JM-W X-UAY L.IBOIIAI'ORIICH lomU ItldK. KUtnntb Fall Ladies' Shoe Repairing Finn Heel Work iinil lliinil-Kowril KoIih, Jack Frost Sixth Ktrrct, Just off Main v y Diamonds, Gold Bought Reliable Estimates G. GRAMER 713 KellliiK Hide Portland, Ore. New York Life Ins. Co. P. i:. ItL'ItKK, IDA MO.MVKIt Itrsldcnt AkcuIs All Xi-tf Vork l.lfo I'ollcj- HiM crs iiro Melcomo to our services DR. H. J. WINTERS (Jradaate 'Aid SUte lUgbrtcred OPTICIAN Nlaeteen yeara here to bnttneti We grind and fit Glasses Duplicate broken Glasses Prompt Service Ilt Equipped Optical Store In Southern Oregon 714 Main Street W. E. & J. E. Patterson COXTItACTlXa PAINTEILS Paints, Olli anil Vanilili lUll) H. HUttt 8t., Klamath 1'ulN Phone fWfJ.J from 0 to B:UO Eagle Ridge Tavern Opened June 15th Under New Management Reservations now being made for the Summer season, Dining room open to tho public ror lunch mid dinner parties by appointment. For rules address, Lessee F. M. Weston or Munagor II. W, Kilboiirne, formerly of the Hockwood' Hotel, Santa Hurburu, Cal ifornia. WOOD Blockwood Limbwood Bodywood Green Slabs I F. FRANKFORD WOOD AND HAY C22 Main St, Phono 72 Work R Kady a-t A P.M QUY THtlf? DRUGS rAgcTTTnn DR. F. R. GODDARD OHTi:i'OATIIIO PHVHK.1AM AMI HUIUIKON OrtlcK anil RcwMrare I'lionr t'JI I. O. O. V. TKMPI.K Klamath Fall Plumbing & Heating Co. I17B MAI.V HT. I'HONK S4S-W J. C. CLEGHORN CIVII, KMUINEKR AND HURVBYOR Pbm, ItM-J ISM H. RUrraMt ' DR. J. G. GOBLE OITOMETRMT OPTICTAH 70tt Mnl St. rboa IM-W Vfn fit and triad flaunt, Dujll- et hrokta Iimm, rtpilr tttmm. V I. O.. O. F. Prosprrlly Rfbrluli, 104 j wref 'First anil Third TliurJj Rtfauaa KDcampmmt 46, nerta each Tvcadajr Klamath Lodge 1S7; neta each Friday KLAMATH POST No. I, R American LorIod mti KHiB lu the basement of tha V nnw courtboute on, Mala , Street on tha tint and third Tuetdayi of each moath. Ux-icrTlc mea are Injlted to at tend the racetlDK- Dr Fred Weiterfold, Commaailar. II. K. Ooti. Post Adjutant and Ka lief and Employment commlttaa. When You Have Dirty Clothes If you will call tho Klamath Hand Laundry 119 South 9th St. Phono G73-W They mil wash, darn. Iron and return to you. NEW CITY LAUNDRY FIiiMiciI Work Flat Work Hough Dry "Put Tow Ihiila la Our HuoV I'HONK IRt Corner Mnln and Conger Under New Management The Malin Hotel Meals Now Served Ice Cream and other re freshments at all hours G. R. MOSS Klamath Exchange T)mmm Iters, Adding Marlilni-s t'nsli Itcglstct's (''leaned, He. paired anil Iteluillt. Winters Bldg. Satisfaction Cu.iraiitccd NORTON'S AUTO STAGE Klamath Falls TO Bend Leave, Klamath Fulls 7:30 n. m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days from Union Stage office. Arrive Hem! 5:30 p, m. He turn ;mxt day. SHOWCARDS Fred Leonetti at Sugarman's -1 j 1 4i M f.jj "i j H..