In WKDNKSDAV, JULY 12, IBM THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Two The Evening Herald K. R. ODIilL.JCdMo aad FrtUatier H. ft. Htti?i-..-....i ;...CHrHUtor K. O, Nirkle Advertising MJuutffer Published dally except flundar. bi Tho Herald Publishing Company of Kiatnam Fans, ot lis Eigntn street. Entered at tho poatofflco at Klaa ath Falls, Oro., for transmission through tlio mall ai second'Crasi matter. MKMUKll OK TUB ASSOCIATED 1'IIESS Tbn Associated Press" In' exclusive ly entitled to the use for public tlon of nil news dlapatche. credited to It, or not otherwise credited In thla paper, and also the local nows publlahod herein. wkonkshay, .uri.v m, naa THE FORUM LUNCH Klamath Falls Cubs .iflajypeatty, Sunday Managc'rUl rfaki of -thnK!F. Cubs baseball team announces that bla star aggregation will not appear hero Sunday ns previous arrange ments had been nindn to play Heat ly. Tho Cubi lost to Harris on July 9 dun to tho strong wind and dual, tlaknr aald, giving tho team astand Ing of two defeats ami ono victory, Manager Haker hat had hit team out for practice every evening this week, howeVcr, and believes he la certain to win hereafter. Ho says the Cubi will play Oorrls on llU diamond July 3.1 with the following lineup: Jack French, e; King Price, p Hclmar Robertson, st J Hill Per rlllard. 2nd.: Otis Wilson. 3M. Dow, aJ; Homer Oarlch. rf : John ny Shlnar, rf.; Kenneth Mvers, If . Clyde Walah. sub. NEW-TODAY Kv Tm FOR SALE 10A0 131 N. 11th 8t. feet G-8 cable, tf Personal Mention Ft -ri i 'v w. v FOR SALE Ono rebuilt Chevrolet hug, nlao one Reed auto trailer. Call on or phono K. 1.. Elliott, Sugar man Uulldlng, phono 120. 12 Try tho drug store aaya no, first. Currln 12 A VINO eaten rait with an Arab tlio stranger Is safe from molestation. From olden tlnui men who hae broken broid together bavo hel, It bas.i treachery und ills honor to turn against each other These are the basic Ideas of the forum luncheon. Antagonism disap pears when men pet their feet under the same dining tabic Today It the hundredth anniver sary "of the Klamath county foruni luncheon. It Is hard to estimate ilin frwtil flint itincn tititttl ru,l atm rli . . . . . , . ... ...I required, and which was hecom iiitMiiH imvu uiinu in iinnsiNi; uumu i . . . ...... iMiin, ,i..rt,n.ii.. i....u ihS,BB TTOgttorr to his health. ,., , ..... prompted the resignation. , Mr I IMKI'lll 111 HI" I tfllllllUIIII, P. O. INSPECTOR QUITS KUniey i-Nf&ftrr tWmlnate lJ ,Vcars In jGovriimrii.tSf r Ice Terminating a continuous period ot 22 years In tho United Statea postal service. Stanley L. Kidder, ofRoseburg .has reigned his po sition of postofflce loapoctor. ef fective as of July 1, this year. A desire to discontinue (aJ'routlnn of constant traveling, which his dudei ,1 Tho Ico cream social which was to bo Riven Thursday evening by tho Epworth League of tho" M. R. church has been postponed until a later date. IS Fresh typhoid pltal Pharmacy, streets. propli) lactic. lion Fourth and Pine 3 12-1 a Mosquitoes refuse to ussoclato with you If )ou uso I'urola Mosquito cream. Currln eajs so. 12 WANTKD At omall mill once, sawyer for See Kltts at Dairy. 12 We outfit big and Uttto shavers, Currtn's for drugs. 12 The Ice cream social which was to bo given Thursday evening by the Knworth League of tho M. E. church has been postponed until a later date. 13 Fresh tvnhoid nronhvlactlc. Hos pital Pharmacy, Fourth and Pine streets. 12-13 Tho editor of tho Rend Press re cently naked himself "Why Is a Forum Luncheon," and proceeded to annwer bis query ns follews: A luncheon foruni Is becauso man Is as he Is. Let us elucidate don't you re member from your Anthropology, Enthnology and Sociology theso truths? "Man Is a group animal" "man Is a social nnlmal." "Yon learned also that when a man la not In a group not sociable, hn Is nftlmes a mighty lotusomo anl num. Tho staid old business man Is after all but a boy on stilts and many are tho times when things seem to go all vrong when nrldo Is wounded and the heart burns when ever) thing Is ns bluo ns Indigo, Kidder baa ifslon regarding ' his future made no definite de- busi ness plans, these being deferred until the close of a vacation, which Is being spent this month. During his visits hero oVer a period of many years, Kidder has Cnrrln's bavo 311 varieties of fare powders. Currln for drugs. 12 FOR RKNT 3 room furnished upt, and 2 front sleeping rooms. 419 N. 10th St. Phono 342-W. 12-H Fresh typhoid prophylactic. Hos pital Pharmacy. Fourth and Tine streets. 12-13 Currln's hava 43 kinds of Talcum powders. Currln's for drugs. 12 LOST Diamond shape fraternity pin set In pearls and rubles. Kind acquired a wldo circle of friends' r return 'to Paul Daltnn, who will regret bis -reslgnallon, 273-W. Heward. phone in Currln's sell 31 kinds of hair ton Ics. Currln's for drugs. 12 unKitTYyrunAV Everybody .knows,' ,,tbjit Mark Twain's real name wis Samuel Cle'mens, but the origin of his fa- it I. then that the tiaNl,0U, P-namo Is not so generally tery of moral reslstanco Is about, known. America's greatest humor- ten twenty nmUhe light shines but 1st, whoso comic romance. "A Con- K iLl&l?'? Vankec In "., Arthur's In a hundred different ways. Court- Produced as a special film Mnn is a croun animal. Even he-1 comes to the. Liberty theatre on Frl- foro tho tlmo of man, we find thatl(aya'(iri,t won repimtlon by writing n,h0aVi,e,ar,n0e7r,o0rdkenrow, ?&) . P-pW who l.ved on .iaDi5i,iii nrer, ana 11 was lining that he should choose a nom-de- Cnrrln's have ono drug service, Tho best-. Currln's for drugs. 12 LOST Monday atlemoon, either on Pelican Ray road or Caledonia Mania road, onebeddlng roll, wrap ped In black tarpaulin. Finder leave word at Ackley llros. Lmbr. 'Co. 12-M" Currln's sell 77 kinds of faco creams and lotions. Currln'a for drugs. IS WANTKD TO TRADE For second hand car. Hox 483, Klamath Falls. 12-13 . plume associated PHois of the strength of tho group thoy found mat liy uinuing uumwiTin luftviu or thoy could survive,:, thai all wus well with the individual only In proportion m all was well with tlio group. Their reason, however, fnr rrnlllllnc was Dlirely selfish. Wicn Adum nnd Kvo moved Into ',. .. r..l.. nf fMnn thMV tnMlnh.l liiu viuiutii " -" "' :." I .1.. o.,-r .. A .U . .U- d tho snial human group. '""- "" " "" "i i"" reatest of all social societies, water was "Uy the mark twain." There'a a good hamo". said Cle mens. "Mark Twain." And that Is the name by which the world knows him. Strawberries and Public Market now. cherries at the 12 Currln's sell five Currln's fcr drugs. kinds of dyes, 12 with the river river boats, In taking soundings, used a jargon of their own, which , Clemens knew Uenarato. Call Steve Means. Wy Ono of their most frequent !nema landing. 12-18 FOR BALE Row boat and kicker, In 'good condition, together or NAtvin Cross, Wfoll-ktiown mer chant from Illy, was In town es tnrdny nfternnon nttoiiillnp to mat ters ot business P. Tuckctt was n count) sent vial, tor yesterday from Chlloquln, W. K. ltrown, who Is connected with the Fort Klamath Meadows company, left for tho Port )esler day after several da)s spent hero looking sffter business affairs, tleorge Watt left this morning for Dnnsmulr, Calltornla, where he will meet Mrs. Watt nud his daughter, (eraldlne, and sou I'om, who ure driving to Klamath Falls from Han Francisco Thev oxpett to visit hero fur the remainder of I bo summer. Alfred Collier, who has been In town for (ho past few da)s In search of men to work In his mill In Swan lake, returned this afternoon. He expects to he In town ugsln tho of tho week. William Zeh, foreman of urea two of tho plno het'tle survey, Is In town today from the reservation t tor supplies for his camp. Miss Esther Calkins .has accepted a position with the Pelican Hay lumber company In their offlcn at Pelican City. John Mt Moore, who was at one time connected with tho First Na llonal bank of thU- city, but who for the past few )iars has made bis homo In Los Angeles, arrived hero last night for a visit with Ills moth er, Mrs. Mary Monro Dr. F, P. Nourso, accompanied hv Mrs. Nourse, Is spending a week In Klamath Falls, and on visits to tho surrounding country, from their home In Lewlstnn, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs P. W. Foster of Portland arrived here last night nml arn enjoying a quiet rest for .i few days. A party of tourists from Ktnn, Cali fornia aro registered at tho Wlillo Pelican hotel today. They uret Mm. Agnes i:. Calloway, Miss Dolores Calloway. Frank bt llradley and Pete Walls. II. Miller, .traveling passenger agent for tho Southern Pacific, Is hero on company business this week, ( Paul Hilton, who wsh In town yesterday for a fow linurs, has re turned to the Doak much, where the beetle camp in Is situated (1 forgo Hlggs, who has been at tending the University of Oregon for the past four years, has returned home utter n six weeks summer ses sion, which made It possible for III mi to complete his senior credits A group of California Oregon Power company officials au'ompauled h) their wives arrived In town )es terday nnd will devote tho remtilmlor of the week to Inspecting the ion torn here The members of tho party uro Mr. and Mrs John D McKee of San Francisco, Mr and Mrs Paul McKee, P t) Crawford and Ihm.ild ltun)ard, of Medfonl ItuiDitrd, of Medtord Mr and Mrs C It Jordan aro In tho city today from theh homo at Chlloquln. J. S Hall Is another Chlloqitlu res ident who In hero iittendlng to busi ness affairs tndu) The ladles of tho St. Paul's Cpls- (opul (iulld will bold their regular bi-monthly meeting at tho homo of Mrs. Horace Manning, .137 Conger avenue, tomorrow afternoon at 2 3D Tho Woman's Missionary Moty of the .Christian church will meet Thursday afternoon, at 2 3D with Mrs. J M. Evans, 725 High str A social afternoon Is plnnned and all luilles Interested are Invited to at tend and to bring their fani) worV T, W I.evlsee, u prominent farmer of the Fort Klumnth country, was In tho crtiuty seat )esterduy making purchases from local merchants Major Spen?, (who operates u furm near Topsy grade, was u ill) business visitor hero toady l.eland Cox of Dorrls, California, under went a major operation at the Warren Hunt hospital today (leorgo Mustoe, an emplope of the Krusn Lumber company, met with an accident )eslerday when a cog rolled over him He Is being treated at tho Warren Hunt hospital VVMfVVMVMsiMMVM STARBEAMS Being Some Reasons Whv Wn Solicit nnd Merit Your Drug and Drug Sundries Patronnge Wo konw Hint wo cannot continue to increase this business unless we ojvo the people an honest, square deal. . It makes no difference whether you buy a .sponge or a hook, a hox of Haas' fresh chocolates or a pack of chewing gum, a man's size lather brush or a biush for baby's silken locks wo want you to bo satisfied so that you will come again. We take a personal interest in this business and in the patronage of our customers. Let thi.s be an urgent, standing request that If any time you feel that the article that you bought has not given the full value expected you will give us the pleasure of personally adjusting your complaint. More wo cannot do and we would not do less. STAR DRUG CO The Roxall Store ! Ctli and Mulu Street ! Mll. OltDUIS FILLED PltmiPri.V ! Consult us about drugs, our long eyperlence U at )our si-rvlio Cur rln says so 12 TWO STEAMERS AIKIISi: SEATTLE. July 12 -Tho steam ers Northland and Willamette ran ashrre In a fog this mnrn'ng in the Straits of Juan Do Fura It Is expected both bouts will bo flo.itnl fmntf.uf which has endured and which shall over remain. To mnko the shade leaves turn their broad sides to tho sun. In ono groat elualcr; tho combination of tho Ilttlo brooks makes tho ilghtv river which blips to form tho ocean, a snowflake which alone would quliklv milt, but with oth ers forms the hugu drift that will slall stool trjlns nnd so. In nil things, as with mnn, wo find that strength -ritH onlv In unity RIVER HTEAWKRS Ill'RV All Currln preparations are guar anteed without hesitation, or umita tlon. Currln's for drugs. 12 C.IRL'H A RM-BROKEN Evelyn Reckley, 12-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. L. 12. JDcckley of this city, was tho victim LEWISTON, Ida.. July Tho river steamers Spokane and Lew. j of an accident Saturday at Illy when Iston. owned by tho Oregon-Washing-'a saddle turned with her an? she The luncheon forum Is no now ton Railroad & Navigation company,! was thrown from tbn horse shit was Idea. English literal uro discusses each valued at $.'.0,0i)0, burned at riding and her right arm broken. tho various groups as itnthureil the(r docks early today. The orfgln' She was rushed to this rlty wlieni tho each weo' at Mm homo of Charles ,.,..,, I. , , , nnd Mary l-nmh. Our own grand. P' t ' ' unknown. Injury was attended. fnthers hud thulr croons that nth- -- ercd each day around tlio vlIlao, move, or in Urn evening at tho llitlo red school or tbo old tavern.; The luncheon for'im is .not n now Idea. It is merelv the pendulum; swinging nacK u m I'm smrw, fullv conceived Idos which makes" nosslblo the coin'n together of men for tho establishment oi a letter understandlne an under-,- siiinillni; which begets confidence' i which makes for n hunnler and better commercial nnd social life. Count Tolstoy ono of tho great-1 est diplomats und democrats of all times, as hu sut in his library dis covered a stranger In Tils gardonr nnd turning to his Knulluh secre tory said: "I hato "that man." When uskud why ho hated the strunger ho remarked: "I hate him I ftlmnlv hiiimi.L I iln nrtl Ifiinw him" I wonder how mutiy of us hayolj formed a hatred for tho fellow that wo do not know hatred which lias melted nnd thawed away entirely under tho warm aunt or acquaintanceship and under- nlni..lli.a4 In n ..f. nt.l mt,.ll IUUIIU1UK l & ll hu viu HUHq that tho thing wo do not under-1 stand wo oppnsu, Tho luncheon forum is tho one big emnns for hotter Individual and hotter com munity understanding, and conso quently tho grant modern -means for community progress Tho luncheon forum idea la des. lined to play n great part in tho progress, tho advancement of American life, becauso it teaches i mnn to think deeply and act in - linlHnn. PriiRlititnt Ifnnllnir In u f messago transmitted to the prcsU dent of Hawaii, stated that now, as never before, men must think. Our commercial club forum is tho nest of wurinth prnpiieating real constructive accomplishment fnr our rltv nud community. It 1 tho heart of tho (ommunltv where in one hundrod par cent In) ally nnd integrity uro. inculcated In a' stronger measure In the minds of busy business men, Lot us give It added support; for, wo get nut of anything returns in measure to that which wo put into It, Practice makes porfect, Fourteen j; oases wore stolon during tho first game played by Sing Sine convicts. Columbia Record. frVsjaM Ww,1!u surfer .I " JXT "" Beginning July 15 "Iktm airCre Prices Will be as Follews: Retail Deliveries on Route 1 pint tovtfilyHwr tint :. !:.....:.:...$ .08 1 quart juilk daily, per quart 13 2 quarts milk daily, per quart 13 3 quarts rrjHk daily, per quart 12' 4 quarts milk daily, per quart 12 1 gallop milk dflijy, in can 45 V4 pint table cream, , per Vi pint 12Vi VL pint tahle cream, per Vl pint -.23 lpint table cream, pev pint ,..: : 40 Vi p,int wtiipprrjgjcreani, per y. pint 15 M pint vv$pnng ?rejm, per pint 28 1 pint'whippiDg cream, per pint 50 1 glonerrajjor jskim milk 20 COUNTER SALES 1 quart milk ....:, .'.::.' .: $ .13 1 pint milk 08 Vj.pint table cream 13 j pint table cream 25 1 pint table cream .". 45 1 'quart .tafjile, cram 80 Vt.piritnippipg .cream 15 VL pint whipping cream 30 1 pint whipping cream 55 1 quart whipping crpam 95 The Mountain 'View Dairy prices will be one cent above the stated prices. MOUNTAIN VIEW DAIRY MJLfcERt flILL DAIRY PREMIUM DAIRY . HOLLIDAY DAIRY JTi THE MflEltTY H II Warner, the famous English actor, a horseman of rare ability, has an uncanny power over horses, Tho wltdost of tho breed recognlxe him as their master Uirxl bcnmo gentio in his hands. Ahmed II. a horso of famous Arabian ancestor., on which be does somn marvelous riding In "Tho Sholk of Araby. ' which comes to the Liberty theatre today came 10 hi in as a result of this power. Ahmed was the only un manageable horse In a string of fa mous horses owned by thi Maharajah of Aurangtob and his evil dlsposl tlon was corrupting the other horses The Maharajah was worried and when Warner offered to bet him the value of the horse against tho horse that he rould tamo him, hv eagerly accepted. Warner won. To, no Is the vital thing In a pho nograph, Ilrunswlrks, have a wonder ful tone. Hearing l believing. Cur rln sas so 12 STAR THEATRE TODAY CHARLES RAY in "GAS, OIL and WATER" Auto .(wi'illiiif In tlio'lilglit, lrplniif tvlilrrlmt iivrrtirnil. Motor r)rl" inuring down Hi,, tinnli r, nud I Imrlri Itii) niiirliig new Inilglik nnd nru llirllls In ntiutbir Mint liU Introl plume. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Wallace Reid and EUie Ferguson in "FOREVER" Another 1 .Special i' THE HTAR While vrlumcs have already been written of tho valuable services ren dered by tbn aeroplane in the pre vention of forels fires, mall delivery and emerfency calls, It remains tor Charles Ray, popular film star, to demonstrate through one of his pic tures how tho flying muihlnu bus proven an inviiluahlo aid to the gov ernment's secret service. In "Mas, Oil and Water," tho current attrac tion at tho Star theatre, Ray foils tho plans of smugglers along the Mexican border by code signals painted on tho rhnf of a hotel. An airplane passing overhead for the especial purposo of catching this message. Charlotte Fierce Is leading wom an for Ray In this picture, which will bo at tho Star tonight. Our Quality Is First SANTFORD & CO. 426 Main St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Our Price It Less Saturday, July 15 THE STRAND Clara Kimball Young will appear at tho Strand theatro for tho las) tlmo In "Tho .Savage Woman" from Francois Carol's "La Flllo fiuuvuge," adapted for tho screen by Kathryn Stuart, is a role vastly different from any which Clara Kimball Young tins before chosen for fho screen. When her father leaps to his death tho girl wanders away and finds her self in thi ruins of an old palace once belonging to tho Queen of Hhehu. Here she In mistaken for tho rein carnated queon herself, and desired by tho natlvo prjrtta as his bride, she is frightened, and binds him with the flashes from or mirror wlillo, she makes nor oscapo. Fleeing once moro, sho Is shot by a French ex-' plornr This plcturo must bo seen to appreciate) It, Tomorrow W,1Ulam 8. Hart will appear in ono of tho best western pictures he has eyor ODcoar In, "The Lope Avenger," ' Cash Our Grocery Store will open for business, hantlling a full line of 1' grade merchandise. Thi.s store is individually owned and operated, having no connection whatever with any other firm or individual in Klamath County. We will sell all merchandise strictly for cash regardless, which will enable us to give you the lowest possible price and insure you against paying any bad accounts. Delivery The prices we quote are for merphandise taken at our store. We will furnish delivery for those wishing delivery, making a charge of 10c for each delivery, "not each article." You pay for no delivery seivice you do not receive. Guaranteed We guarantee every article sold by us to be as represented and satisfactory or we will refund you full purchase price upon return of merchandise to our store in the same condition as re ceived by you perishable merchandise must be returned im mediately if'money is to be refunded. In case of spoiled canned goods or merchandise that must be opened to ascertain if spoiled, return the spoiled merchandise to our store immediately and we will refund purchase price. .a To You We invite every man, woman and child to come in our store and inspect our merchandise and prices, regardless of whether you make any purchases or not. If our line of mer chandise as a whole is not satisfactory we will be glad indeed to sell you such articles as are satisfactory we do not expect you to purchase merchandise which is unsatisfactory to you simply because we have it. 'i -j . j. )