lv t',Ill!I.16iWj 1 WEATHER FORECAST 'IOVIMHT AND 'llll'IMIMV, I'.tlH &fa iEuettfrw Mvmlb - . OFFICIAL PAPER Of KLAMATH COUNTY AN0 OF. KLAMATH FALLS I'lfh I'lilli em-.Vn, IIII7I, Member of the Associated Press. KLAMATH FALLH.OKKfiO., Vi:iMMIMV, Jt'l.V iTt.TTli!'-'. KUINUTH GIVEN ' PUBLICiTr IN . Si FRANCISCO In Seclusion T. A. Stevenson's Telegram I To Mnyor Rolph Brings Newspaper Article Klamath may nm ho iiUnped ' In on Hid California bunnler move HU'lit Inil Hint In Knltitm: valuable free iiilvcrllnliiK f i her iiltuiptfi A few mill (tin more pin know there In ii Klamath riiiinly mill lliul Ilic mildem thereof am IIvm 'iniugh in rrntit connection w tlli I In- Ridden slain le-wlres Oil Mnuil.iy Herrelnry Mnelison if lln i-hiiiuhfr nf riinuiietii' ntiC llln follow Iiik telcKnilii t ,Myr llollih. Jr.. of Hun Francisco- sssEyy sbSb BBH pPv iiBjpJBjav Bx! -BxBBBBBBBxBJ iWKM. IS ' nine afteh ClOWII STAY .16-Year-Old Helen McCal lum Mysteriously Disappears lOLCOTT'S COURSE I IN RECOUNT TO BE I DECIDED SATURDAY ';i i-inor'N AllonmjH To Until fun., fi-nrm- In I'orlliuiil To I'lmi 1'iif urn Anion mug mi curat IVry Hopkins Joco. probably thn mil lalkiclnf woman en twt rontlnrnU, ayn Mnt will remain In. iti-HnUidy In her U Angulet lione tllio Mill build Hunter la Lo Ai.-KtU. May n imk ihut jmi remnvv li liiinrliuiry linn impiiniuiii; Miiiiinth niuiily, Ori-gun, from mm mini mi. mini ( ilrt In imir , routerteil mmeiurnt tu tirliiK li " fore till' HiirM dm iiiUiiiit.iKik up Luiiilieiiiiiin tiMw.. (Hlm, niuitiiHiliN mm tiurn.tlntiH ic Hit i l'otKi'i I'.H, I'm.I,I..Mi mnl li P'Tlor I iillfuriilii CiWiirnla get ,.. . ,' ,, u f uur V.u,I ""'' 1'" I'I"iIihiIU IlllllllUUh hi. ate in il llhtslrill I"., i ui jiiii wo inn nun yon in niniii nnii i.ui MHlliillIi' inn in sults of tlm miiteiiieul hum holm; suppurteil hy puhllc-iiiliiileil i. 'IK nf .ill llin tttrltury iinrlli of tin Tuliiu hupls Morn power in Hi" iiioiumi'iii Til" ti'li'cruin ai.irril In Tues day' KltlUllller IIHlIlT (till lle.ll. till Oregon Sail! We Cant J."t llii'iii lloont fit Kluiiialh County. Jimt tin) mill California's Jlnnler. Wimls To tin Ailmllli'it To Northern I'nrt nf Htule " Tlint niliiiUnli)ii nf Klamutli to tin lioimtur movement In liupnt slide wan not nkNcrti'il In tlm nc ioiiiinii)liiK nrtlrli'. nnr did tlm wrlliT ilwi'll nn Dial phase of tlm ' iiiirMlniC Tli attlrlo, tu' T.irl, fol low h: HAN I'ltANf'Irtro, July I a The iil)slerlntls illftappearmiio nf sixteen enr olil llnli-u .MrCnlliim nf I'da. liiinn while she was i'ii route from Chlloquln, Oregon, to Imr homo nti Jiiim 22, Ihih Iml in ii search liy tlm pollen of Hip day cities. On that ilntn xlm wired to Imr fiillii-r. .Inliii .Mcf'alliiiii, 717 F nt.. I'i'liiliima, mii)Iiik nlin wniilil ar rhi til limim nn tlm fnllniTii; ilay. Tlin Inli'Kram wan miit frnm WVpiI, t'allfnrnia No wont aim Imi'ii mcnlvnil from Imr kIikk limn Tlm fnllowliiR tiny Imr triltikk arrhcil lionm Tor four iiiiiiiIIih prior In Imr " illmippiiraiKn ih Klrl iuiil Imnn ' ' IIIIijk Imr mini. Mr Ionian, In tin' Uncoil low ii "" Tlm falln'r cniiin to Hnn Kniiirltmo (ii't )Oiir I'm no tlm lilK StiliiKM.". uM nlKllt Hint I iltn.l llm ii.Hlli.i- HAI.KM, Jiily 12 rioicrnnr ON (olt'M nm mo In th" primary i-liTtlori Hinii-Hi, lnHlltiilii in lichnlf of Cliurli'H Hull, will In. ilrrl.lftl m n coiifuri'iito of Olcoti'H ntiarnyn nt I'ortlniul tomorrow, n( Itoy Hhli'liln, Olrott'd iitlorimy, today. Tlio governor In nllowml until Sat. nrdny nli.'lit to flln nnnwer umlnr tlm xtlpulallori IIiiU'h attnnmyB fllci today KAILYUAKDS mum ur ib or 1,000 Gets His Men ( MEALS BY SOLAR HEAT Sun refill (Vmkrr,' I lnlallrl Af Alt. U'llMin OWrrntfiry KLAMATH DECLARED FACE TO FACE WITH BIG DEVELOPMENTS nrciil II 1 1 iipi'iilti'r ai tin forum lutirlmim nf thn rlinnilmr nf i oiniimrr.' tndiiy Mil lilii III rnuiily I filer wiin oik iI.'vi.Iopiiii'nlK. .i Mr-iin In I't-f alutiiA h :i putli ii'in.i'11. mill nn cltlti'iia xlinuld for-, fat hiT. Ki'i lid. pi'H) prtdili'um fnrurr mull Knini- tliiu pri'Vloim tu Imr dm- pri-piui. in unit,. ih,.r ,.riM oppor-! uppiarano. hIii had i'Jpri'iimd n wlnh tn .'iitnr honpltnl trnlntiiK lati xturt lorally iMoili.tiin'ii. rlili.f.m )ri Katlmrlrn. Clui'iitmrl. iiollin llllllllri'dtll IHMilli unman, wlm .it nnm Ht.irlnil : Ni'iirrh It l li.'ll.'tid III" Kill tll.iy pnHHllily Mum. rrjclmd H.i ii I'miiflnrii Hut to fan. why nlm xhoulil not him. miiiIIihipiI In Imr! Nnrtlmrn C.illfor In r.i'itlni: ln'oml Tin. (iri'.ili'r nla movi'timnt liuiindK Vi'iilnrday Klamath i-ouniy. On. Jiixt atrnH tin. Hlali. llim. n IIm miIi i. I,i Imnnl In u iilnlnlhi n cri'l that tli Hlati huiindary loiildll'l ho plllli'il up hy thn roolH. I'ur Klamath I'hIIh. Ill, tnr: tin (In-aliT .Vorllmru Callforuhi hrnnd, wantN to nn! in nn tin. movi'ini'iit Inn, Thin. linwnMT, U only a umiill part of Urn fri'o mlvi-rt lnliir Ktmu- utli Iiiin Kiiliii'd ri'fi'iilly. Tlm ntory of r-'runk V. HiiiIhiiii'n Cr.itiT l.nko ilniili Wiin widely printed hy mant iinWNpapi'rH IorpiIht with phturpN of tin cup nw'tinli'tt him hy local IiiinIiu.h.'i iiimi. Thri'i. mi'tropolltan papcra K.ic ronnldi'rahli. pari to tin. Hlory. In addition to llihr, llm .'larrami'iito linn rpri'iitly puhlliihi'd pliotoKraplii kIiouIiik Klamath K.illi IS ji'iiri ni;o and today, pUlurliiK ilio Krowili of (in. (ty (hat pprlod. NEW STORE TO OPEN Nmilfni-il .V Cnmpaiij IMnhlMiiil Hi'i'iitli llialn of OiiMi'rlit Anothnr i.ldi'iKi. that Klamath Fall.. In conl,pr,., a ,,K hul..,'N ., ' "" ,," ""' . . i..w.. u -),,. i M""'1 M "'" w'f Inl'io I"! com ,,PWK,crv;., ,,. , !"""" "'" '""' -"' that tho Htri-Pt hy Hantford & tonip.iny, thin (unit if n lli'cniMn nf a ino tliuiMT IndiMlry mlmipir tho ppiik of iho mniki't. h nalil. and hudiii'ini In nnu' ilropplnK off in omi. extent Mont ri,,r, r wr iIpuuiiiIh for liuiiioillatit dcllvpry, with f.v nnli'rii fur futiim ilidlvpry. ' Production coMM lirn hlnfi. and ultORi'lhir llm luiulmr hiiKliirnii m pri-HPir N juiffi'rlni; n nIIrIu ,,.. i.ii-miiiii, iiHii'tiiHl llm npnnlier J , alil In. wan hoppful of a fall n. nowPtiT. nint thn tiiiiu of tni iimrimsliin millrely npllinlitli- Mint plant forre.. hi n.ih, nrp RntwrjitK i-oiiNtaiitly. 1 1 1 ,u, ro,. pany. I' na).. )s oppratliic ut iihoiii tuii-ihlriU normal capacity aiiil'i-xpicu tn In. nn n normal IunIn In thirty dayn. I al 1'inp.iuiiii'la c, A handicap to f.ii,.r rpmiiupllon of full operation N ttlw propaKanda hi-liiK Mirpail on tin. oiiinIiIp hy a fow radicals, who urn illNcouranliiK worki'M from roinlnK hprn, luiorl liiK that tlm Ktrlkp Ih Ht 111 M pr(). icrpia mid thi'ri'foro nil who tako Jolii will ho hlriKi'-liri'akcrii. 1'o-oppr.illou In lilllliiK- UiIh uii- truth was mkoil hy tin. Hpvakor. Ilo ih'clari'd it was dolni; a Rrwit ili'il of harm. llnforrlnK to Hip Mrlko. ho 'do. ijnri'd It had Iippii unique. In K falrui'KK and luck of vloloncn and i prhi compliment to (ho Htrlklnn (i'iiiiln)i'Ort for maliitnluliiK an or- lily hoarliu; durliiK tlm Iouk iIIh. VuIp. Hi. renfflrmi'd tim nttlludo of tin. oppralnrH to ho a deslro to 'ki'pp hniim and waKiM on llm name I'AHAUKXA. Caf, July 12. Thi thri'i. Hiiian mi-alu of mankind may noon hi" prpparnil hy Milar heat ulono, accordlnK to Dr. Charli-N (Iri'i-loy Ab bot, noti-d nitrophynlclsi of Woiili liiKton. I). C. whowlll rontlnun ex. perlmi'MH nt thn Mhiint Wilson ohnpr ntor, ni-nr Iiitp. with IiIn "iiolar lonkpr." an urniiigeiimut of rpflcc. torn mid jnitm: All tin- tooklnK for hlmii'U and hU Klaff wan tmutly .ind niipntliliiRly iionu with thin dp- vim durliiK a prcMoun nojourii on till) IllOUIIt.llll. . Tlm iipparutuit luntalh-d on Mount WIInuii.' mid Or. Abbot, tust about l.'uo, nut a Kroat ileal wIiph it In con hid. 'red that thuro In no additional coat for fiml and that Ihix particu lar milar looker wax mudu oupcclally for thi'Hi. I'xpi'rimi'iilii Uuuutlty pro duction Hliould lower thi" coat materially.- 1 Man Shot; Deputy Mar shals Among Number; May Call Troops DAI.I.AK, Tox., July 12. J. V Plkn, wan gpvpriily shot anil a dozen otrmrH, notni- of thm deputy United HlatCB marahaU euardlnn tho ill noiirl Kantian & Toxag Rhopn at Dcnl non, wore kidnapped snd taken to thn woodii nml beaten by a mob of 1000 nt Deiilnon enrly today, accord lnK to report to the railroad's jtcn pral offlcoN horn. "Tho railroad com. pany In expected Jo nsk tho governor for troopn. flBBBBBBBBL, BAND MOW NT1 CHICAGO, July 12. A program for a solution of the rallroad'!iop mcn'N fitrlke wan drawn up today by Chairman Hen W. Hooper of Point as a boldun man. Sixclat Actnt a. T. McCarthy o( the! American Railway Ezpnra tracked f'Uctd pottal robbtra throughout' country and finally Mixed In' iw York thrM aald to b Involved' a natlon-wlda looting ct malW GREAT INTEREST IS APPARENT IN PLANS FOR ANNUAL RODEO Maay Ktprctccl To At trad Mretlii- tho railroad labor board after cou-1 ' lit Chamber Toolnht; Illy l(W CITY HAS ONE LESS IK'II) Wilson, t.'oloml, .Mnkc Ab rupt Ihparturo 1'or Tnlnt IU-.ich Hctiool for nurri'K. Hit father nli Jncti'il Imcatiiii. of Imr oilth. A march of Iwnplt.ils haw Imeli iniiilo hut no train of her waw found Klin In dn.crlliml nn u Rlrl, of pm. J Klamuth KalU' population wun dc pimnpiiii'luR uiiinrancp tAt tin time' crpiuoil by oun thin morning due to tlm wired her futlmr nlm. I believed I t A to han had ).5 In her poiieKsloii No rnaiioii In known why ho mlKht wlnh to remain away from homo. Hi dispatches hat been .'nt to point nloiiK tin railroad hut nnnn of thriit haH hroiiKht an ntiKWcr that mlKht lend to the findiiiK of tho Klrl. ItlllTISII TO KCI'AV LOAN LONDON. July 12 Tlaiu for ro pa Inr; tho llrillah loan to America in ii lump sum noon hy means of n loan to In rained In KiiKland nml America, I reported by tin KvenliiK New. ix)Vi:it unions WASHINOTON. July 12. Klmcr Dover, of Taconia, wan reported to have renlKiii'd an amMant necretnry of tho treaHtiry. tho abrupt dop.irtiuo of one Dolly waison, lolored. iirii unknown, who departed for part unknown dun to thn illcocrjr on her prpinlse of four bottle of moonshine. Thn dlncoMiry rninn whpn tho Jury In tho casu nf Wtilipr Lewfn, colored, on trial for slaylnu (.porRO Nichols, vIhUi'iI the hcenn of tho crime., I.owln hump, which ndjoln that of Dolly Watson, near Fourth nnd Walnut. Ciller or I'ollco Wilson and l'atrol mun McLourIiIIii madn luosllKatlon when thi find wu roporti'd. Dolly then made n visit to her attorney, followed hy n chat with District At torney llrowpr, after which aim wan ald lo havo decided to pcnd tho remainder of tho summer nt l'alm Ilearh. She did not announrti when sho would return. "Oooil riddance." was tho brier com men t or the pollco when her Ru nway became known. ference with hopmvn'a leader, and wall submitted to railroad executives. Hooper' proKrum, representing the minimum acceptable, to tbo niriKitiR shopmen, to be sub mitted to tho shopmen' leader McMeiilman, the labor member or tho counter proposal. CHICAGO. July 12. Uallroad ex ecutives thU ufternoon In confer ence with Hooper nald they nould Klve their anwer "later." Hooper 4ld the chief purpose lu meeting; tbo executive was to urraiiRO u conrer eticu between them and Juwcll, tbo atrlko leader, and he Indicated tho exerutlrcs attitude was disappoint Inc. i Hooper' conferenco was aald to hare been the res aft of a ltKuLfnUle telephone conversation last night be tweim President Harding and W. L. McMcnlman, teh labor member or the railroad labor board., HOSKVILLK. Placer Co., July 12. Sensational charcc or peonage ngalnst the Southern Pacific were filed yesterday with tho st.ito com- mission of labor, where. It la alleged that IS men aro being held In tho yards here, and rorced to aid In Icing car. The men. It Is alleged, aro boboes, and were taken rrom train passing throURh Kosevlllo. Tho railroad com pany told them they either would havo to go to work or go to Jail. They accepted work. It U alleged, without knowing they were going In upon a strike Job. As soon as they learned rrMfilHtitr To lie Great Interest has here In thu Hodeo awoclstlon to agreement under -which could be staged hero each year and It appear- that an organization will be formed hero for ttut purpose, according lo thdio Interested In the, proposal. Representative or the issocbv Hon will arrlvo hero Irom Dly to day to attend the meeting to bo held In tho chamber or commerce room at 8 o'clock this evening. They' will be authorised to present derintto proposals. "This appear to be an oppor tunity to bring thousands of peo H.Jnjnorthy rt Om consideration "pie heroVach ycaT',and 'f TJeHeve of every business man In this city,' wan tho opinion or Secretary Stevenson or tb0 chamber or com merce. SHAKErt INDIANS MEET Conferenco At ClilliKjuIn Attt-noctl Hy .'M From Two State (Continued to Fag 3) TWO WEEKS OFF lielliK thn Noveiilh of u chain of store The other six uro loiated III westurn Ori'Kon ami' thimiKh llm Wlllauiet I" uilley. ThlH Ntoni will hn run nn Imlli a "niHli ami carry" mid a delivery sy Inm, Thn delivery innt will In. Minall hut will iio( hiixu to ho paid If tho piirchUHiir ilueH not not didherr. Thn opening day Ih ttet for K.itur day, July " I r., mid ilmt day will he I'Himrliilly ilinoted to HltorH wheth. or they heromo iiirchiiHora or not. wiarin:it i'iioiiaiii.itu:h Tho Cyclu-HlormiiKriipli nt Un . vi. i'-) iiorwiiiidH Phat'iiin - 'f v iiiiKiiiiy nil it iik preHHilio this iiftm' noon nlthoiiKli tliu nut I'hniiKii iilncu the report of ye- tot day, Ih iiiuuII, In illrutloiiH point to ii coiitiiiiianco of liroHenl wimllint' nilldltlllllH, Forecaiit, for noxt 24 bourn; Fiilr nnd warm. Tho Tycon rocorillng thormometor ruKlntnroil maximum and minimum luiiiimruluriiH today, nu follewH: m "QM employer- desire w.m to mko liourH ii short mid wiirpn iu high a poHtlhlo under competltho con- llltlollK. 0iium'n I'nineinei- One of the Krent iiuiHtlou hii foio Khimiith Full nt piPient, said Morteimon, M llm uillway tiltuutlou. lie rxpriwed u pernounl preferenco rr rontluiiatloii of thn Southern ami Central Pacific luorKor. An iinmerKliiR, lm Mild, would bring no iiclual (ompetlllon to Klnmath FiiIIh, hut would ho "meiuly n rhiuiKO of inastelH" It would "lonftiKii nml corrupt" tho existing! Southorii Pacific HyHtem to no real ' llllvaUtllKO for Mil., i, ,.! v.... I r.."... r ur suippciH it would menu car nhort rzrrrzr WELL OLW orvttriit THE BOSS lOLD WE To Take mV vacaTTon HexT weeK X., .; OH SID! ISN'T TAT SPienDiO?, now you cam PainTTme Porch AMD FlK JUNIOR'S bicycle and put up The Trellis AMD clean op The BASEMENT ano gbT The furnace n' SHAPE FORWINTeR ano Fix ThaT leak in The Poop ano- roKisierrt u ....,, ,, n gj" ' """ iiiiier uiKuiiviiniagPii. u it weio u iiuiiHtloii of Kottlng n rompetliiK road that was heforo tho community, tho speaker mild ho would fuvor u movement that would hi lug competition hut hu Buv no Booil nud many ovll posslbllltlcH that would nrlso If thn went through.) Tho speaker also illscusnod ro rorestatlon, which ho iiBsertod was ii big question Mr KlaniAth. Ho urged tho need or roiest flic pra- HlRh Low .no .on unmergor (Continued on Pngo Threo) ' - -r " coT The weEos in I i Think i'ui?av& ( ' iWl i THe backyard I f The CHiLORert wiTh T!?f -jf -'. , I sAHO HOfiTHECABDeN j Yoo WHH-6 i Golo J WHO TH oAM I ano ciisan THe v,sirMdlhsaOR HILL'S TfiJUIti" bbW' ibVFvSiL v BBBBbVI) VlJsBbV W JIbM VHJim2al TyTJ j3Cbti Thirty-five Indians of tho Klam ath reservation and or Washington reservation attended tho Indian Shaker church conference at Chllo Quln on July C, called nt the re quest of the Klamath Indians for tbo purpose of divorcing the Chllo quln church from tbo Jurisdiction of the Oregon corporation, declared to be fraudulent. Sargent Drown, head elder of tho Chlloquln Shaker church, said some schemer had formed tho Oregon church corporation under falsa pre tenses. It was decided at tho con ference, ho said, to extend tho legitimate Washington corporation to Oregon nnd to afflllato with It tho Chlloquln church, Tbo sltua tlon was fully explained at the con ferenco by. Bishop Peter Heck or Oakvlllo, Wash., and-Alex TIcco or Toppenlsh, Wash., leading worker In the church. Tho Iter. Dan Hart Is pastor ot tho Chlloquln church, which has a membership or to or 50. According to Sargent Drown. members or tho Shakor church es chew drinking, smoking, gambling and other similar habit, and do not attend tho movies. "Wo live according to word rrom above," said Drown. IS GIVEN HELP BY BOX PUNTS Klamath Lumber & Bx and Big Lakes PUslfa Aid; Others Volunteer ir everybody .rallies to tho band Riipport as strongly nn tho bo fac tories aro coming In, (hero Is so doubt that Klamath Falls will bars a band this summer. O. A. Kraune of tho Klamath Lum ber and nog company started the bo factory contributions by volunteer. Ing to takri a dollar ticket for each of tho factory employees to Thursday Evening's dance and concert, ' " M. s. West pledged the Big Lakes Vox compony would Mil Into TIe aasl ether plants aro expected to fetta their example, according tor A. L. WUhard, chairman oj the chamber of I'rr-K-nt" commerce band committee. hi), Mrs. A. F. Glover, wnrklnv tnl&. .. . -. -.. been aroused handed, sold over fSO worth of Ho of the Dly kctH up to today. rTtCch some Thl" '" encouraging, aald Wlshard, n rodeo ad the support or those who have enseJ thn lapisortance or the move ment Is highly appreciated. But tbo campaign need mora general tup port to make It tho success It should be. It tho attempt to maintain a a band raits thl time. It will prob ably be years before tt can be re vived and therefore It Is urged that everybody get In and help; sot hav ing tho success or failure of the haai In tho hands or a few extra wtutas workers. As the band Idea beeossM swart familiar to the "public, eathasiasai develops rapidly la propertlea aa tha 'benefltYtocDme pvareat; -i In looking about for musicians to Increase the band membership. Chairman Wlshard has discovered aa amazing amount OX Interest In Klam ath Falls. Ho has saved only tho most promising answers and hat a stack of letter several Inches high from musicians -who want to locato here ir tho band is sta'rted. They1 aro men or all professions and trade from banker to laborer, mostly fam ily men 'of tho permanent citizen class, any of whom, would bo a dis tinct asset to tbo community. It even ono or these families would locate hero permanently it would more than compensate for the season's cost of maintaining a band. Wlshard points bnt. Add the en llvonlng Influence ot a weekly band concert on the buslnesa district; tbo pleasure derived by the crowd and tho publicity that the city will get from a class A band and the argument In Its favor Is overwhelms Ing, declare Its supporters. The mombers or the band, 14 of whom aro permanent residents, ask no compensation for their services whllo playing tor tho public concerts and on general occasions, and tbo total cost Is estimated at 1150 a month tor the summer season to pay the director and provide mnslo nnd incidentals. RUSS PARLEY FAILS (ronfen-nie At Tho Hagae Whi Sot let Delegates Without Resmtta iTRUCK LEAVES GRADE jPrvM'iico of Mind 8au- Diiter For Standard Oil Company A big Stundard Oil company truck, driven by Charlie Swift, went over grade on tho road between hero and Algonia yesterday ufternoon, when the atearlng gear broko and tho driv er lost control of tho machine, Swirt had presanco or mind cnoiugh to Jump before tho truck went over tbo bank and escaped nny Injuries. Aside from a fow dents tho truck. was notvbndly damaged. m V, S, PACKS IIKFIC3T ' TkMnAuM WASHINGTON, July 12. Gov. ernmnnt faces n not deficit of $425,. 000,000 for tho current fiscal year, Prcsldont Harding Informod federal executives in a business mooting to AaK t j THK HAGUE, July 18. Th conference with representatives oC soviet Russia broke down today, without any apparent hope of a' further meeting. Maxim Lltvinofr, the Rtuslaa delegate, said on leaving the eoa rorence that further meetings wera unlikely as non-Russians Insisted, upon tho Russians .making promises regarding proper! compeasstloa und giving guarantees which wera impossible, until tho Russian kuesf what credit and loans would bt granted. r Lltvinofr added that the Genoa non-aggrosslon pact would bold for, on0 month after the last asettlag, GERMANY MUST PAY, Installment oa ne,0, Kxpected Next. Maths I PARIS. July a. Germsay will pajr 132,000,000 or tbo f60,0Mlt faltj marks duo next Saturday, th rt parationa commissions deJ4d Uds Tho balance Is (o bo aald fa drs unu coai. 1 1 I ill 'fr'i ' 4 ' w . , W'