The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 11, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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TUESDAY, .1U1A' ii, 102a ,
Fiitfo Four
? H
; 1
it '
Personal Mention
Mm. It two Hon In llrnlton nnd noun,
J)nlo and Don, linvo arrived lioro from
l'liiiiimn, California, wliero they hnvo
been mnklng tholr homo for tho past
year or moro. Mrs. Ilrnltnn, who
owns iiruporty hero
homo In Klanmth
on. Tho hoy loft today for hr
Mr. mid Mrs. J. F. Oooller nc
com pan ted hy thplr daughter, Mrs.
Ilor Orcm. will lcavn tomorrow In
limit mr fr Pnrllnmt nn.l ttivnitt., !
on mi extruded vnrntlon.
W. 11. Tower, of Itedl.indi, nml
Henry IJ. Tower of Palo Alio. Call
fornln, nre tourist!- hero 0.1 j fish
Ins exposition this weo'i. They stnp.
pod over nt tho White Pollenn hotel
rats iruon i s. lovett
rimli'iimu of 1 I'. S.toli-ui lltiitiii'i Uli' for Huilmw, lii'prci"lon. Method
I or (x.ucctiiijt miuie Money Deelmvil lnclcntlfle nml linnip 'nm.
(Iteprlutcil from Suit lathe Tribune of Mmvli Sil, Kill'..)
"I wish t could giro you a real .high that farmer!. In many
. will make' her , ",,.,, " " " 'optimistic story rrmrdbiR business Hies, roul
" """" mr last night heforo no In on up l!vr '..., .. .... . . . ,
Falls from "" ,ak0 for their juration oiu'iik fcomU Ion..." ald Judge 1 obor S land and
could nol afford to own (heir
wore literally forfeiting
Twenty-four Klamnih county poo-
Lovett, chairman of tho board of It.
Otoy ranch, near Dorrls for 11 vWl ! i. ..i.. ...,.. . .. ' I director of tho Union Pacific Sys- "tlallroads are feeling It even
..... I1 tlJl'Jl-U till OHIIIIK 111 llll- l.ilYH I . ...... . ... I
1 Hods thli weok-ond nml aro outhus-
with Ihclr grandparents.
Mm ...! Ym. t-..l. - -.... 1. .
' " "" ' "X- "'"; lasllc In their praise of the food 1
known resident of Dorrls nre hero. tnmhhA nt tho camp, and were I
filH lint ilnll .HnHill.iM l. Il..k .if '
.... ... ui., i.i- i.K ... ,.r im thrlltoil wjth the sceneiy which the
liva lied hnvo to offer Anions
with headquarters In
city, on hi arrival In
It. II. Cook, of I'ndcrwood Phnr
mncy. left today on hi vnrntlon, ex
pecting to lie nl Knglp itlilro for the
greater part of the time.
Mrs. John lenders returned ypr
(erilay nftcrnoon from Ahland ;inj
Medford where she ln been lnr.
the Fourth with relntlwi an I
Fred Srhnllock loft this morning
for Portland where he will b ocru-
the visitor were: Mles Minnie Hnr-
iium. Pearl Collins. Francis Kllloll
and .Inunltn Howe, who mmlo up one
party from town, nml (Jiiorgo Wnl
ion nnd daughter. Kntherlno and
llestrlce. who wore there from their
Merrill homo a were .Mr and Mr.
Now, more heavily; ami. of couri". this
Salt moan that II nitiM ultimately be
t.ako yesterday morning. borne by tho country' busings.
"Hnslne generally throughout Tho total taxes paid by (ho Union
tho country Is. 1 believe, Improving. Pacific System ton yean ngo that
but n. reflected by railroad trnf- K for the year 1911 amounted
flc, tho rate of Improvement ! to H. ISO, 09.1, while tho taxeg paid
very slo. I believe, however, that for 1921 were J12.53C.073. Of
III will bo practically continuous, ' this latter amount $3,830,576 wai
I though certainly without any boom, I paid to tho federal government,
nt least until crop are mmlo undi whereas, only J27t,Us federal lax
moved. I os were paid ten years ago; nnd,
"The great damper upon busl-iof course, there Is room for saying
'nnkslcy. the small son of "".: , " -- . -. - -
.Mrs George TanKslov of'ac,, u" r,",r" of prosperity In the comparison because It win. In
lon.'su'ffered n broken arm!. ,hls country U atl-' ' am 'surej effect, a war tax. Hut excluding
Klimr Onilm-ann ntnl nirti
.. ...i....i . 1. - -.... ...... r .... t.i 1 i.t 1 ..1...1..1 .a...
t.l.ti.1 T-.m1.-1.,.. !... ...ft I JIV" rUVITHI ilUII ill I irtMlL5i UirM.llllH l II IS PIIUIIKI Ur VAVIliUlU Hi III
iiinnen;, u- OIIHlll P'l l I
Mr. and
Mill ml.tlf 1
.........,,,,...,.,, , . . . . . . .. .. .
jieopic generally il() not reaiixe mo, tin reuerai uxailon, tnc sinio ami
lierlousness of this aspect of the, other municipal (axes alone. In no
situation, lluslnes Is carried on. wise chargeable to tho war. In
fo r profit; men undertake new on- creased In ten years from $3,905,
terprlses, employ labor and take ( 939 In 1911 to JS. 705, 497 in 1921,
the rliks. for profit; It Is largely or 123 pcr cent.
in-,, ,or ,e nrxi iew j.ds Sunday while riding hi blcjclo
nuer uusinoss nunirs. c Nl,rthn, of .,(, J,,,,,, ,r(v.l
... .,. 11011. or 1.0s AHHi.M, arnv- ;,.,,. rrt,n,Ilt,V0 r thl. Ca.
od here yesterday for tin purpose fornn l)ranch of a ,arp( u,, am,
of attending to huslne-i Mnnecto.l cofftf n0l0 whJc , KIima1
with property hero, and k ft on IiH , KalH ,., n,Kl ttIll u, Rm,t of
return trip thl mornla.. Mr ,, M, ,. . ,,(-,r...
.1. .V. Waters, special nsor.t for lh Tno ,,. " h ,-,'. Vresi cild ln """rprlses carried on by. a railroad t
Sun Insuarnce company. her. fom, ..-.,.,.. .. tt.,n n,i. lh. ' othew. that affords most employ-' porlnnco hi
the surplu wealth of the rich, In-
In building or planning to build
ho Imiulry of prime tin-
has always been, how
.st.h Tin:.'iiii:
(iasolluo enrrle Cluulrn May it
long way In "tins. Oil mid Wntor"
by nioloroKlo. iiulomoblto mid irro
plane One of the most melting In
cldent of tho lory I., when ho ha
to steal 11 rldo on tho outlaw' ma
chine, 'hitching on" to tho Hp.ue tire
carried In tho rear of the ear
"(In. Oil nnd Wntui" will-be tho
special fe.ituro nt the Slur Umalro
tonight. It markH tho latent of tho
liny release through First National
Charlotte PMiro, who played I ho
leading feminine role In "The Hani
Htormer," It soon Susie .lonet, the
winsome daughter of the hotel pro
prietor, whoso muoroilH glance ciiuto
the tnr many n of serii.uti
lark of concentration upon, his offl-'
i IClINIIICi: At Klamath lalh. July
I 10, 1922, to Mr nml Mis ln
Iciiiiblie. 11 son, weight 10 pouiul".
named llowmd IJ.irl
.llli )!' TII.MS
Wo divdio to oxpm'sk our almoio
nppioelatlou of and gratltmlo fin
the lompllhy nnd aid extended lit
ut In the lost of 1I111 beloved liil"
baud, son and brother, mid for the
many bountiful floral pieces le
re hod.
MltS. C. I. IlKCICAItlt.
Morcliniulinc tlitit yon
can buy nt the
Tin: i.iiikiitv
In "(llst House," her'latost prrt
durilon, Viola Dana lint to portray
the role of Joy Duval, who. 011 her
u editing day. find thul her hus
band. Hilly Norton, believe her to! Ku(;eno l0 gel new I
be a notorious crook Ho trlet lo J ,.,.,,, mi-irtmont house
persuade her to gho up her life of,
Shallow Citllhiilliiii Iti'Ht
Corn mid point" cultivation xhnulil
ho Just deep oniiugh lo kill the weed
mid not rut off Iho feeding loott of
the plant Where potaloet me li
rlgated or grown by il'lge- ciilluri'
deeper rultlvatlou neross.iry to throw
up tho rlilge. but for general leel
rulturo of the Willamette x.illey mid
tho iinlrrlgaleil illstrlct shallow cul
ture I to lie preferred
suite con-
Ilerkelcy this week
company uusines. bem mtm.(I 0 ,,, oI(, (Unrte on
P. L. Mcnefce. who Is roancted 1 collRCr avenue.
..111. tt. Un.l.i. T tl.n . Im
...u. .u.u .....urn ,.u..... .,..,...,. .. Si iPXlortl ninck, pxaminer. left
nero irom I'ino itiugo louay n a
loohng '"ftei" J management of Jack Kimball have I ,nenl for ',bor out,,,c ot agrlrul-j much will It ram net per mllo toi
I been moved to tho old oua'rter ,.n " mo'1 '""'' '? That l. to!
'Income surtaxes which tuke halt pay Interett on tho money requlr
of the profit u man makes, while ed to build It $1000. $2000,
1 --. . .. -.. -, A.tA. - -...-
,1.1- ...i . 1.1.. .. .... 1 ieavinc mm 10 suner me oss aioue. ,iuee or more pur miic; r.xpcc-
combined business and pleasure trip 1 supplies for the Pine beetle cimti at !na" 'akn tnc ncarl oul ot nan tatlon of not carnlugs of $2000 per
Mr. nnd Mrs, Charles DoLap nml j .1,-11 nolm I of the men who have hitherto ere-, mile, which It equal to 5 per cent
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd I)e!.np wer
members of a party wiili.'i left thtt'
Morning for Crater Ink-'
J. J. Parker, local nc.n: for he
American Kxprcss company. Is prouj-'
ly' dlsplajlne' a banner which nn
mninccs that this division of tho big I
western division, after American Kx-
press rompany, Is winner of Mi"i
John nnd J 00 Hamilton, who hx-'
been hero from Sacranwino lo (H-jLeavItt at 10 o'clock this morning cj pulley of the government.
lend the funeral of th"l" b'othor
P L. Hamilton, will lcavo tomorrow
nornlDg en their return to the Cali
fornia city..
Mrs. C. J. Williamson, who Is here
visiting her parents, Mr. nn.l Mr II.
Orcm. Is out In tho counlrv for n
few Uas with Mr. and Mrs Ira
Orcm. '
K. T. Iletts, n lumberman from
atcd the country's buslurs. A man Ion $40,000 per mile, I probably
'generally risk, his whole fortune 'more than was counted on In tho
whrn be rngages In business and, original plans for most ot tho rail
.therefore he ha had u notion that, road mileage built lu this rountry
' ho Is entitled to most ot the pro- "Yet thcro are states In the
i fit. Younger men who have hoped 1 Union wliero tho state and muni
; by great energy, new enterprise; clpal taxation average more than
and Inltlatlvo to accumulate a for- $2000 pcr mile for single-track
inM-iK-or . Hatiiaker, ot al ( tuno 8CC tnal possibility dwindling' railroads. Kxprcsscd In another I
Testimony was taken boforuludgel as excessive surtaxes become a fix- way; such railroads must earn net
and pay over (0 the state and Its
municipalities a sura annually, as
taxation, equivalent to C per cent
in me mortgage foreclosure case or "Then, too, the processes of com
W. II. Casebcer against S. C Hamnk-1 mo ,en,e ecm to bo reversed In
cr et nl.. Involving lands In sections 1
our basis of taxation. Instead ot n
on moro than $40,000 per mile of
railroad before having a dollar to
pay as Interest on money required
16. 22. 27 and 3(. In township 10 ofjVrmlum on enterprise and Indus
this county. Attorne) O. C (5lhbs!,rr by , lowcr ta, on carni,i than
and Arthur 1). Hay of Lakevlew a invested Income. Just the opposite, to build thu railroads. And tho end
peared as attorneys for Casebeer, I ls tno aw- A gaIary or a profll ma,0j 1, not yclt for ,hc municipal mn-
anu nono ui inu ueicnaania appear
ing, they wero declared In default.
Tho mortgage was originally' for
crime, but she think that ho ha
gone mad mid trlet to hooIIio him
They alo to bo gliosis at 11 ball in
the Hotel Koullworth, but Hilly, Mill
believing that hi wife I the notor
lout Angel Face Ann, see 11 picture
of Swag Sulllvmi. the con woman'
husband, who I In prlnoti.
Viola Dana enacts the
rolo lu this, her gayest, comedy ol
aihonturo mid hilarious complication
which is to bo shown at the Liberty
theatre tonight
"The Sheik of Aruhy." with the
famous II. 11. WmVor 11s the ro
mantic desert chief, will be shown
at tho Liberty theatre on Wednes
day This latest of the ever popular
Sheik storloM la 11 thrilling rouimiro
of the desert lands "Where a man
Is either white or Hlow -both ns to
tho idler ot hi faro mid tho color
of hi soul."
Telegram lo erect new
121 N. I tth St
feet 5-S
l'Olf SAI.K Two show cases nnd I
Cury safe. Inquire l).t -ti port Ji-w-i
I'll ) o...... . . .
WANTED .Someone to tit i.irp.'t
nig on shares. X Y V. Herald
IIOO.M AM) (IIOAIID. 39 Iho week
or by da), till. I'lne St Phone
ni."..V. 11-13
Square Deal
Drug Store
Toilet Article
Patent Medicines
Lentltor Goods
Rubber Gooda
Pocket Knives
SbnviiiK Supplies
Kodnlts nnd Supplies
Furniture Polish
Stationery of nil
llnir Nets
llnud Tinted Pictures
Baby Foods, etc.
Auto Polish
Fountain Pens
Also ninny other ar
ticles too numerous
to mention
We also fill
Try This Drug Store
Oakland. California. It lit KlimathJ $3,000, given In 1917. $1000 ol
Falls for a'ftw days this veek. He
Is a guest at the Whtto Pelican
Mr. and Mrs. 0. A.'McCurthy werui
week-end visitors at filmnond lake,
a trip which is particularly worth
while according to thoe who have
been thcro this and other years,
prize for tho lowest percentage of
claims for tho first quarter of thl
year. Parfter says that ho Ii not
claiming all the honors fur the com
pany, but shares them with the ship
per as well, who made this record
possible. At tho beglnnlil;; of tho
campaign several meetings of the
chamber of commerce wor devoted
to tho subject.
which had been paid on tho princi
Uikr-lilo Not Affertiil
hy personal effort Is taxed maximum chines grinding out bonds to be
rato under the provision for sur- snapped up for tax-exempt Invest
taxes, while capital escapee the tax
altogether by being Invested In mu
nicipal securities. Tho result Is not
only a sense of Injustice suffered
and discouragement in the Indi;
Suit brought yesterday by the vidual relying upon hi own efforts.
First National bank against the hut an orgy of recklessness and cx
Klamath Pine Manufacturing com-) travagance In munlclpil cxpendl
pany. Lakeside Lumhor company 1 lures unparalled in history, t0 sup
and H. M. and John Acklcy for col- Ply bond8 for tax-exempt invest
lection on a promissory note for! mont of capital. These huge sums
$t2D and $150 attorney fees, docs are not only going Into tax-exempt
not affect the present Lakeside securities, shifting the burden of
company, but Is against the old taxation to Industry, but are being
corporation, according to Jack ' withdrawn from Investment ln In
dustrlal enterprises of all sorts that
employ labor, and In the building
Have You Got One?
Hoof against Art Hoof, was set for ' ,
hearing before Judge Lcavltt this 1
nfliirnnnn. ft... .I..fnni1nn Art .
ln,vi hn ,vi.i., ....,,, 'othor -xlravagance., which
,...... ........ ,.......,..., ,.'........ ... .
default for want of an appearance.
ORIENTAL Saperatitlon?
Ptrhspi so but at ltut an
Interesting relic of Asiade Antiq
uity. Alleged by the Chinese to
be almost uncanny in its power
to brlnr to the wearer, GOOD
LUCK Health, Happiness,
Prosperity, and Lone Life.
Thle odd loollnc rtnr cltet great la
trtett whin olixrvrd on your nngtr.
An unuiual eft. Drop into our nor
todmy end aik to lit thl odd
Trial of the divorce tase of I'ear I of ,.hJT f?r. h0U9lDt:. the ''!P!0-..
....,,. ... '" luut is not an not uy nan.
I Tax-exempt bond issues by village.
town, city, county nnd mate, with
I wasteful habits, are Increasing stato
and municipal taxation to an ex-
I IJitdroth . ftMlrrliinil tent tbat 1. lruy alarming. I rend
. Demanding payment of $31C.4S en a press dispatch recently wherein
I a note dated July 7, 1920, a. Lin-'one state's taxes had become so
' droth filed n case In tho circuit court i
this morning against Oust Sodcr-
I lund. Attorney's fees of $75 and In-
I terest on the note of 10 ure asked 1
in the Judgment.
ment of money that ought to ho
employed In private Industry, aro
still in full swing nnd the tax rate
Js climbing accordingly.
"The country ought lo take Its
bearing,, before some of its vital
interests go on the rocks. How un
fortunate Is tno delusion that we
can make tho rich pay all the tax
es! I agree that taxes should he
paid In proportion to the ability
of the payer, hut we havo added
to that prlnclplown progressive ra
tio that l economically rulnlous,
and the danger is that we as a peo
ple will become very poor nnd eco
nomically weak and emaciated lie
fore we correctly diagnose our caso
jtatid find out what It the matter
with us, Jt Is hard for those of
Uh who haven't much, to bellove
that we can suffor from the goug
ing of a rich man by the govern
ment. V ought to ponder Ills
marck's statement that 'Socialism
can make rich men poor, hut it can
never make a poor man rich.' "
Tin: srit.M
Clara Kimball Young will appear'
nt tho Strand theatre tonight In "The
Savage Woman," from rranrols
Curel's "l-a Klllo Sauvagii," adapted
for the screen by Knthryn Htunrt. Is
a role vastly different from nuy
which Mist Young lint beforo rhos-1
en for tho screen, tukes this cele-l
hrntod star away from her usual ru
dely play nnd shows her to excep
tional ndwmtaKo us Hence, daugh
ter of a French trader, dorollct In
YVJien her father leaps to his
death tho girl wnnderri away and
finds herself In tliiTTiilns of an old
palace nice belongltig to Iho Queen'
of Shelia. Here h!ih Is mistaken for
the reincarnated queen herself, nnd
desired by the native prince at his
bride, she Is frightened, nml blinds
him with the flashes from her mir
ror while she makes her etcape
Fleeing once more, sire Is shot by a
French explorer, l.erlnr, who IiIiiiIb
up the slight wound nnd struck with
her dusky beauty, taTtes her back to
Hero Iteuee Is happy until she
learns two unheard of things- See
It tonight
$.'0 Itl.'U'AltL'i for Information
Iiik to recover of 2 rlflet and 2
! illicit guns ta'.teu from Flint creek.
Hanger, Diamond l-ike in
April or Ma- Information will be
held strictly confidential. I.'d John
sou. Modoc I 'Hint. Ore ll-ir.
WANTHD engineer and oilier help
for lath mill. Addrets C II Miller.
Aspgroe, Oregon 11-1
FOIl IIIAT l-'iir.nthed npntln..
Four mums, hath le. int; n.r Ii
on ii.rner. Mb and Jefferson I'lion.
273 W 11-H'
LOST JlroMii laffetn bell. egterdm
Phone 211
FOIl IICNT- Desirable. fron n.i.i.,
103 Pine Si II IT
Aj tT
Shipment of
i J Mid-Summer Hats
in Straws and Felts
just arrivei
(From tho N'ntlonal Trestle Uoard
OF KING WEARING Organ of Masonry I
RADIO RECEIVER, The C.rand Master of California
bus Joined, with those of Iowa and
OAKLAND, Cul.. July II Jack , . , , , ,
Dempsey. world's heavyweight cham-Texa.unU olher irt-"."n
...... ..... ... ... .... . 1 nountTng an orKanlzatlen that some.
mi 1 . ...
viGl 1 52
Has One For You
Headquarters for the
Lucky Wedding Rings
plon, suld here recently that
would like to engage in u ring bat
1 tie every week.
' "I'd llku notlilng better," Dump
I sey added, "than to take on a nutn-
I ber of fighters, one right after an
In despicable propaganda, have
sought lo connect with Masonry It
should not need tho pronouncement
of these authorities to convince tho
people that tho very nature of the
other, if possible I'd llku to meet , Ku Klux K,an ' ullor,y fa'r,!,sn uml
Watch Inspector for the S.
P. and O. C. & E. R. R.
Something new in
No trouble to show goods
most of tho men I boxed oq my
way to tho top. It would be the best
kind of training for me."
Thu champion oxpressed u desire
to meet Dili Ilruiinun, Jess Wlllurd
und Georges Carpentler 'in emcees
bioii. Ho expressed pleasure when he
learned that ho would meet Urenuan
Labor Da)'.
Dempsey, during his recent visit
to California, worked out dally, "I
am still a little overweight," he
apologized when here. "Hut J plan
to come down shortly. Ilelug heavy
gives mo something to train off."
Vaudeville work does not tult
Dempsey, "it was a tiresome grind
hud I'm glad to get uway from it,"
ho said, "five shows 11 duy, no fresh
air, and tho old grease paint uud
everything. It sure got my goat uud
I wouldn't go buck to it for any
"A lot of people have told me I
was a good actor, I'm hero to say that
I'm not and know it. Fighting Is my
business and I'm willing to box 'em
as fast us the promote! sot them
I repugnant to the real Mason. Many
of the brothers may have Joined such
society, unaware of Its meaning. Hut
110W they must choose between the
two. And that 0110 who may prefer,'
the nlght-rldlng and disguised asso
ciation will benefit Masonry by leav
ing. "Freemasonry," says Orand Mas
ter Ilurko, "stands for law and order
and decent government. It stands
now and always and openly for tho
orderly conduct of society, and for
the upholding of tho lawful and regu
lar administration of tho legal pro
cesseH of our courts." Tie contrast's
It thus with the Ku Klux: "Its prac
tical woiklng.1 appear to be to Inter
fere with the orderly and lawful ad-
I ministration of tho processes of our
courts, a society that skulks and
' strikes In tho dark, under rover of
masks, an organization so un-American
and un-Masonlc as to merit the
disapproval of all thoughtful, law
abiding, order-loving men." Further
tho Grand Master has stated, be
yond his edict, that Masons who aro
Klansmen "must get out of either one
order or tho other. Tho oath of the
Ku Klux Kian absolutely subverts
everything that Masons aro taught us
their first and highest duties." One
may wonder at times It sumo of the
outrage committed have not been
the work of Agents Provocateur, nnd
If some of the lurid stories told nre
not part of an adverse propaganda.
Dut that law can bo flouted hy any,
and blamo thus attached to others,
only serves to provo the danger, Thu
connection ot Masonry with this so
ciety was seized upon In certain guar
tern and spread with avidity. It Li
well tbat Grand Masters aro thus
.emphatic In dissociating' Mauoury
from any such untanglomcnt, and in
making plain to tho world thu't the
great fraternity is in tho open in all
Memories Will Llvo When You
Say It With
Flowers for ovory occasion
Klamath Flower Shop
Hl Main ritrcct. Phono S8D
Open Bundayu 9 to 1
Wcok days, 8 a. in. to 8 p. m.
rooAK Work
I Leave Your Films
before 9 O'clocK-Your
AM; Pictures are ready at" S
jT -v Cs
. MAIN f,T
nngerwooas nsmSH
I puhit ,r J
Jl ,
Potato 1'laiitn ltogm-il
Any dlscusod potato plautH, sick
ly, weak or otherwise unsatisfactory,
should I'" dug out, taken off tho field
and destroyed, as promptly as thoy
uppear. If this measure Is followed
through tho scuson ft will help ma
tcrially In liinventlni.' snreail or no.
Overcurliiff Knolls liny ,
Much good liny Is spoiled each
year hy being left too long lu tho
swath, windrow or shock, A very
much bettor quality of baled hay or
loose may be had by curing tho buy
out as rapidly ns possible to light.
It may then be baled up with butter
molsuro content and bettor color nnd
When imi uunt your oyuH
examined, your broken lenses
duplicated or frame repaired,
look for thu
Big Eyes
sign, 70!) Main,
Ulussut ground. Iiuuiedlatu
Dr. Goble
Phene: Ore. tilii-W, lies, ,'1,'ll-J
701) Main
whkhk EVKitrnoDY amtn
Presents W
'The Savage Woman"
Scenario by Kathryn Stuart
From the celebrated novel, "La Fillb Sauvage"
By Francois Curel
Good Comedy
Show Starts at 6:30
Admission 10c and 20c
hajo diseases,