The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 11, 1922, Image 1

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    turning Herald
'iomiihi' mi vi:ivi:hi.,
Member of the Associated Press.
I'lriii'iilli Inn- No, ;I7I.
) Troops Arrive at Her -
.... , c- i m
inRton. biiiRiUmcn Not
to Strike; Clerks Quit
(U'.utii uoi w:i
KOHUVII.I.i:, Cniif , July , i
William Woaldiike guard for
llin Purl fit dull i:ri'iH whose
einplo)ea uro Mrlklni: with
kllUpllll'll. .IB WOlllllll-lt Wlll'll
seven rlUulilmta tvitro fired nt
lilm Inn! night iin he MnlKnl
ttio platfnim.
Tori:K.. Kiiim . July Two-
hundred imiIuii.iI KiKiritim-ii iirrlvml
it llerliigton today In gunnl the
Itnrk Island nliuin niul tin- water
'main lending to tin- bIhii
IIOANOAICi:. Vn . July 1 1 A gen
oral Birlku isou railway chirks, sta
tion miititurrra nud might Inuiilters
w rnlltil nn ib Nurfnlli ft Weal
urii railroad today
I'llK'Atlo. July II llotlwny in
tinlini'ii will not strike fur ton pn
aunt, urrorillni; to announcement
bj their President. U W. Unit, today
Machine culm weio ordered posted u
ivery enlr.iltrn o tint railroad alinps
today v. Ik.-ii ii rriivvd of striker ami
sympathiser lii'i:nn gathering
r.itviirnmriit Mood ready today to
assist In tliu ti pri'Mrtlon of liny dis
order In tint ulrlkn of Hid rallwa)
HhniMiu'n which woiilil Inti'rfi'rn with
tramipnrlnlliiii of iiiiiIIh or ntonuirnt
of liilurstnlo ccliilncrrti. Attnrnrj
(louural DitUKhurty nuthorlroil tho
ippolniiuntt of n miniuur of iUiut
NUWCASTI.I.. Cnllf . A KliorUfa
po4it U nci'klun four mini who hlew
nwnynn uli'.ht.lnch ilr.iln plpn on a
Suuthurii 1'aclflc tank Ihto
J. J. Miller, local .wiit fur tilt'
Simthcni I'aclflr. Itl toilay that
Infnrinntlou reaching liltu
official rliuniiL'U wax that tlu Htrllio
Hltiiatlou U t'oimlili'ralily icllmisl
nxci'jit In n fow plan's, ami that
thcrn M'l'liu In hu a luUutiili'rKtauil
ttiK ratiHuil from nrronootw rutuorn
afloat. Miller milil Hint C. IIobh.
iuniitt.'r iiii'cluiiilr of thu Simula illvl
Minn, In iiuotuil an iniiUIn,; tint fol
low III); stntcuiuiit iim niiuliiK from
tho general luiiniiKer:
"It comuti to my utti'iitlon that
tilrUcvrn tmil lliolr pahl liMilcrn nro
HpromltiiK fal"o propaiMiiila to tho
I'lfucl that our nhopnalt iiiimi now
at work will hn illnil.iivil l.ttiT on
hy turn now on utrlko NntliliiK
roulil do farther fi mil tlu truth
Our ihopirafl t'initoi'M havo my
proiulmi that thoro will not ho at
any tlmo nuy umlnrxlamllui; or
ni;rccniPiit reachml with nnyhnily
tlmt' will itfiilro tlii'lr illBiilatic
niiuit hy men now on utrlku. You
h.ivo my UHHiirnnni that Hhoprraft
cmilocH who remain loyal ami
llitibu who rnltirn to moi vlco In ro
Hpouao In my notlropf July :, anil
'now Khopi'raft uinploye:i, will poi.
Ilvnly ho proturluil aciliiHl iIIh
pliKomunt at nil lime. So tint
our present I'mployuH will havo a
rloar uniliiutamlltiK nn to their
nunorll)" rlRliln."
wi:.iiii:it i'itt)ii.iiii, nn:s
Tho l'ycio-SloriniiKriili at ln-
derwooilH riitirmur
cy Iiiih leiiinleil but
lit tlo eliiiiii;n In
li,ii'omi)trle "(invtH
in o, iiUIioiikIi a
Hllglit lino took
plain thin moi'iilng.
Colitlliiliilion o f
preuout weather
eoutliiiiiilloiiH may
hu uxppclnil, proh.
ably Hllghtly warm.
KorcciiHt for next
lieura: Fair mid warm.
Tho Tycoa locordlug thonnomo
tor leitlHturml maximum and mini
mum tiimiHirutiii'i'H today iih follows
, J-ow
.More Money nnd Shorter Hours Demanded; Many of
Finest Hnrcms Left Unguarded
C'ONSTANTINOI'LK, July 11. Harem attendants,
including cmii'lis and others, have struck for more money
and .shorter hours. Many of the finest harems are left
'. "10 'sln'l0,,'s '1H''st lMJlt the 2'1-hour day and uncens
l'n V11'1 l,R,y ,,(? o(uired to keep on the women justify
jK..t(t. remuneration. Many protest that wages have nol
i been paid for over a year.
The fact is that the masters, mostly government offi
cials, Have not drawn their
llllll I I'llljM IllMC I'llll't. IllllUfS
IiiiIm ('mull SHiiKiiirti
AsMiilntlnti hhmluil
"Kliiuintli trout, r,c "
Tl'la wn tlip Information
ni.totilahed lliu members o
Stall) Kftllllt tOIIIIUlSslUll wlll'll
Kluiirril iirr thu iih'iiii rnnl nt
Whl 1 1) Pullran hotel etcnlay.
mu iijiiiiiiisbiiiiiit nun mint1
(ianiii Wiirilen lliirnhilutf onlereil
flail, fouinl tho ini'iin hail not min
imi Ilium, then ailviieil tint hotel
mawiKeniPtit Hut tliu i.tuln kvn
wen- IioIiik olateil. (i.unu Warden
Ktoul Hworo to u romplaliit In tho
jiutliM rourt this inurnliiK and Mnn
nKer .McdliuiLi of the hotel np
ponrnl ami pled t;nllly to
iliarKen. Action wan defer te. I hy
JuKtlcn (ialiatren until thu clrcum-
utancen Mirriiiindliu: the arrival of
(lull nn tho hotel menu I'ouhl hu
further InwMlKati'il.
Thu fine for the offenre. nrrnril
Iiik to law. la from HZ to l&uu, or
liiiprliiunient, or hoth.
In IIiIh eaie. It appenra, -thoro
wern fhi) nlleKi'il vlolatlona. In
three Inatauri-H the hotel rhef fried
hotel patrona' fUh not hearlliK taca,
m in provided hy law. The other
alleged vlolnllnua innslnted of tho
flnh hidnt: offered on tho menu and
of heliiK Mild nt a prlre.
('oiiiternatlou waa Treated anions
litemtiern of ttie Sportatnen'M anno-.
rl.itlnu when tho affair heenmo
known Tho iiKaorlatlou Hum en
deavored to uphotil thu flnh anil
Knme Iuvvk. and to haw Ihla happen
Juat when n many ueceaaary Im
provement were to ho naked of the
commlHnlou rami) ax a xhocK," mem
hera a.ild
y:leo-lnii of Time for (Jeiliiim 'ali
l',i)ineiiK TIioukIiI riooalilii
1'AltlS. July 11 A moratorium
on (iermaiiy'a rnxh payment for
the remainder of this year Is
thnur.hl In rlrrle chwo tit tho top
ni allium entnmliixiou hk iulto proh
ahlo iin a result of Hid conference
toilay between Dr. Kixher, chairman
of tho German win' roinmlKalon, and
nil incmhcm of tlie i'omml.islou.
LONDON, July II -Premier Pun
c.i I ro of Franco probably will bo In
vited to I .on il on for iIIsciishIuii with
Lloyd (leorKD on rep.iratloiirt iih a
fueled by the present condUlnna In
J,.oi'atloii of t'liaiiiilollhlili Itiittlo to
Ito Xiimcil IjiIit
NMW VOItK, July 1 1. .luck
Dompsey and Harry WIIIm (IiioiicIi
their maiiiiKors lo'day Hlgned a con
trai't to box for tho vvoild'a chain,
plonulilp, tlmt) and place to ho named
later. .
('Alt I'AIti: IKillT US
TACO.MA, Wash., July II. As
part of Alii) or Fawcott'it fight for
lower ear fare.i, thu eomuil today
Itrauti'd n fraiKiiluu for 12 IG-pas.t-eiigur
biiHHea to a'onipetfi with the
Htreet railway on a five emit faru
IiiihIh. Cur faru now Is 10 coiKhi
Davii Woidon and tleorgo Prlno,
loiileiifod to lliroii yeaiH mid hU
moiitliH, rospoctlvoly, In tlw ntato
penitential y, worn taken to Salem
this morning by Deputy Sheriff
llpit. llnwlilipj and Uj C, Low,
salaries for months.
Oirii.lon Will Hi- .Mm U.I !) .fin.
lill I'liigtam ' lllli-llil) im,ii
Tint 100th (oiim.m mint forum meet
I UK will ho (elehriilod hy a Nperlal
program nt (ln chamber (if commerre
Wednehilliy noon niul lilt effort will
In mndu to make It nnu of the big
meeting of tint jrtir. according to
Surrutnry Stevenson. II. I). Morten,
son of the IVIIcan liny t.uiuliiT
. company will hu principal speaker.
v,.,ri,. uitt i. i i..i
hy thu Hurry Ilorel orclieatrn and
u mule iiuurtetti) rompoaed of Or
duo. II. Mallett. W. W. Hotilhwell.
W, A. Wloat a mi It. I'mieraon. Jtrx
(Minrlcn Wood Kherleln will nrcom
pnny on tin1 plnno
,Tho forum wna orRiinlted In July.
1 120. nud from n mrdet lieclnnliiK
tho wecklyatteiulanri) haa Increaaed
durlnK tho Inat (lx months to an nv-
itmru attendanrc of fi5 persoiiH, vrltl,
nviiral nieetlnKa KOln over the
rcntnry innrk
On compnrltiK nntea with a uumlior
of nolRhhorlnc o:nmunltlea, Ituiud
Ihk llrddlnK. .Niedford nnd Anhl.tnd.
It wna found thnt tho Klnmath cham
ber bad out) of thu bent attended
forums In tlilti dlalrlct.
An effort la beliiR mode to have all
tho tourlatH atoppliiK nt tho local
hotela nttend the proKritm tomorrow,
In order thnt thov mlKht set a kooiI
M.impln of Klamath county xplrlt.
Stpvcuaon a.ild.
Mklyoii Count) Super Ivirw .Krco
to Mnlnteiiaiirc Crew
Auiwer wna received hy tho cham
ber of commerce yesterday from the
SlaVlyou county road auporvlaors
that a maintenance crow" will bo
malntnlncil on tho Topay road from
tho atato Hue aouthward. Stones
will bo removed from tho road nnd
hnlea filled. With a almllar crew
working on thu Oregon aldo of tho
ntato line, It In believed motorlati
will have lees c.iubo fir
-ci "Til T5rV I r?- lSS'i
Xrtv Vork Hcl IMntn Drnlrr Hctit
Aolilo 7M,IMM) for l'lirHM'j
Movement I I'lipnlar
NKW VOItK, July II Ho that
children of tho amall towna may have
n iKjtter thnnco to piny, Wlllnni K.
Ilnnnon, n Now Vork rrnl filato
denlor, hna not aalde n foundation of
Any town of loaa than 10,000 pop.
ulatlon can avail Itxelf of part of thin
fund for tho purchaan of a play
Conceived In l.nhnncn, 0 the
movement him aprvad until It la na
tional. In tho followniK article
written for NIJA Servke, Hnrmon
tulla why he nlnrted It.
I'n-nlilent of (lie Harmon I'ounitntlnn
I wna horn In n very reapcctahle,
mill-western community.
When I wna 10 or 12 yenra old. I
was no worao than other hoys of my
ojjo. Wo played In nlleya, Wo plckod
up empty whlakoy bottles and sold
them to tho saloons for two cents
apiece. Wo sjot the fnlsc IiIch that
to bo a real man one must be renl
touRh. .
It took years of hard discipline to
ihanKO this view. It has not been
chanced yet nmonR many boys of
today. Tho condition Is particularly
bad in tho smaller towns.
The way to correct It la hy ISn do.
velopment of playkrounds.
After many yca'ra' ronnecllon with
social and phllanfhroplc entcrprlsea.
I concluded that tlio Rift of land Is
u Rift eternal, Bo I dovlaed n plan to
ludp small cities and towns acqulro
land for permanent playgrounds.
Klrat by conductlnc campnlcns for
funds or hondlnpc elections In towns
of 15,000 or lew within 250 mile
of Now York.
Second, by contributing 10 per
cent of tho coat of tho land, contribu
tions being limited to $C0O, In com
munities of 10,000 or under
Third, hy purchnslnp the land and
leaslnc It to towns of .".,000 or less
for n period of five to ten years.
At first It I was hard to get the
Hinafl twns Interested.
Hut our success Is spreading. Moro
than 50 communities have mdo ap
plication, and the number .s Increas
ing rapidly
My son and two daughters Join my
wlfo and mo at fortnightly confer
ences to decide frni tho working out
of our plans. Thus our children aro
being educated In soclnl conscious
ness. That's something that I missed as
a boy. But I hope other boys will
get It In wholesome contact In prop
erly supervised playgrounds the
country over.
Colored Defendant Is Found
Guilty of Killing After
All Night Session
After an nil night deliberation, a
verdict of manslaughter was return
ed by the Jury at 7:30 this mornlxS
In tho caso of Walter I.'jwls, eolcred,
charged with tho killing of Ocorgo
J, Nichols on tho night of May 1,
Arguments of counsel were con
cluded at 6:20 last evening. Court
then adjourning until 7:30 In tbo
cvcnlrfK at which tlmo tho Instruc
tions were given to the Jury hy the
iourl, and tho Jury entered upon
their deliberations at 8:10. At 11
o'clock the Jury made a request of
tho court for the penally posslbte
under tho charge of manslaughter,
which Instruction was given them.
They again retired for deliberation,
and did not reach a verdict until af
ter breakfast this morning. The
Jury was composed of S. A, Wlilto,
C. IJ. Johnson, It. II. Amlckc, Bert
Cook, Hoy Durbln, Arthur Illllyard.
A. II. Tlndcll. C. J. Qulgley. W. W.
Flnley. Jay Scods, Kd. Taylor and
J. U. Sparretorn. S. A White was
Tlmo for passing of sentence was
fixed by tho court nt 1 Oo'clock Fri
day. Ixswls was remanded to the
custody of tho sheriff nnd was again
placed In Jail.
Tho trial occupied three full days
and-ono night commencing July 7,
and closing at 8:00 o'clock this
morning when tho Jury was discharg
Kxcopt for tbo possible trial of tho
caso cf State vs. Sims on a theft
charge, on July H. no other Jury
cases will bo tried before the Septem
her term, opening Tuesday Septem
bcr 5.
HOSTON, July 11. Miss Marlyn
Miller, morlo stnr and leading wom
an In "Sally," which Is having a run
here, will be married during the first
week In August to Jack PtcVford.
brother of Mary Plckford, and him.
self a movie star. In Hollywood. This
waa announced by Miss Miller's sis.
tcr, Claire, who said that Marilyn
would leave Doston as soon as "Sal
ly" closea, would go to New York to
elect bcr trousseau and would then
start for Los Angeles.
Maxmllllan HarC - Berlin pub
licist and Litter feu of militarism
and reaction. Is In a serious condi
tion from an attack mada on him
by thugs who nro bltoved to havo
ben associated with thoao nha
asiaiilnated Dr. Walter1 Rithsniu,
Oerman foreign mlnlitcr
ilnnw CominNsloners Hold lufor-'
mat UIcUMod Willi Memlwrs
of HporUmen's AMocUtlon
Assurances that desired Improve
ments in Klamath fish hatcheries will
bo forthcoming were given tho Klam
ath Sportsmen's association by mem
bers of tho state gamo commission,
who arrived hero by motor from
Lakevlcw yesterday and ntter.dcd a
meeting ofihu association last night.
Tho commissioners present were: ,1.
N. Flelschncr, chairman: Oco. H.
Kelly and M. A. Lynch, nnd A. K.
urhhduff, state gamo warden. They
lett this morning for Mcdford, en
roulo to Salem.
Tlccausc of tho unannounced ar
rival of tho commissioners, no en
tertainment was offered tho visitors
as had been planned by the associa
tion. Informal discussion was held
during the evening when tho pro
posals of tbo association wcro pre
sented. Announcement of tho con.
templatcd Improvements In this coun
ty will be mado later, members of
tbo commission said.
Laborrr Will Ho Paid W l'cr Day;
Effective Ht.trtliiR July 1
Wages of laborers working for
the city were Increased from 3.50
to $4 per day by the city council
last night. Tho Increase is ef
fectlvo starting July 1.
M. M. Obenchnln was appointed
paving Inspector and 11. K. Hun
sacker, street superintendent, was
named temporary cement Inspector.
Tho ordlnanco authorizing tho
mayor to sign a coutract with tho
Warren Construction company for
tbo paving wont to thu third read
ing. The street commlMeo wag author
ized to procuro cinders nnd oil to
repair portions of Oregon avenue.
Permits granted were: Napoleon
Hamel, to conduct Ha in el apart
ments nt Fifth and Pine; Mrs. Hosu
MrDanlcls. to conduct a hoarding
house, at 616 Pine; to C. II. Under
wood, for repairs to shed nt rear
of pharmacy.
.Ucud Chamber Itefusen to Attend
Proposed Confcrriico
Through rofusul of thu -SciiS
chamber of eommorco to attend a
Joint conference of commercial bod
ies o( extern and southorn Ore
gon, at Bend next Saturday, called
by tho Ontario commercial club for
tho ptlrposo of discussing tho rail
road unmerger ultuatlon, tbo con
ference haa boon callod off. This
information wbb received hero from
Ontario today. An effort will bo
mado to hold tho conforonco In On
tario, but it appears no representa
tives will bo proaont from Demi or
Klamath Falls.
WASHINGTON. July 11. Con
structlon charges on govorum'unt Ir
rigation projects would bo extended
io 40 annual payments dating from
tho time ot public notice, with cre
dits tor past payments, under a
bill introduced by geastor Borah, and
referred to the senate Irrigation com.
m wests
Offers Received from Med-
ford and Pendleton;
Mcctinr; Called
L'nlens Klamath Falls acts quick
ly tho Illy Itodeo association will
sell out either to Mcdford or to
Pendleton, both of vhlch havo mado
This was tho statement today of
J. J. Furbor. a member of tho com
mltteo appointed last fall to perfect
a fair ground association. Tho plan
laid nt that tlmo camo to naught, duu
to tho adverse business cnndltlons,
nnd tho matter wax dropped. In
terest was revived yesterday, how
ever, when tho niy association nd
vlscd tho chamber of eommorco of
tho offers received hut said Klamath
would bo given first chnnco to ac
quire tho association, or to mako
sorao arrangements which would as
suro an annual rodeo In Klamath
An open meeting of business men
haa been called for 8 o'clock tomor
row evening at tho chamber of eom
morco when a decision will !?o mado.
Fitrbcr said ho had already gained
assurances rom a number of busi
ness men that tiiey would toko stocR
In n rodeo association. Ho belloTCft
that 100 men, each taking an nvor
ago of 1100 of stock, could swine
tho proposition.- Ho urges a largo
attendnnco ot tho mooting tomorrow
ao that the organization can bu
launched and plans latd for fttturu
Mcdford has acquired fair groundit
and Is anxious to procure tho Dty
rodeo, nnd to this end made a propo
sltlon to tho Ply peoplo nt Yroka on
July 1. when thn rodeo was hold
there. Simllur advances wero mado
by Pendleton representatives.
It Is foil by thoso who aro Inter
ested in promoting a rodeo hero that
tho business brought to IhU city
through an annual performance
would far outweigh tho organization
costs, and thnt every business houso
In tho city would benefit. This bo.
lief Is horn out, thoy say, by tho
Yreka show, which attracted a largo
gathering of peoplo from nil parts of
northern California Jid jsonthorn
Oregon, and by tho Fort Klamath
round-up. which nlso proved to ho a
magnet for hundreds.
It is understood that tho Illy Ho
deo association la willing to enter
Into an ngrccmcut to stage thu roduo
hero each year, or to soil out Its on-
tiro holdings, and that lit event tho
former offer woro accepted tho as
sociation would purchuso u portion
of tho stock ot tho holding company.
1(10 l'ouiul PuUoncil on Klumatli
Indian Rcoervntlou, Ilcpoi ts Show
PORTLAND, July 11. About 100
polaoned coyotes woro fouud on
Klamath Indian reservation, result
InE from work dono last wlntor, ac
cording to tho j'uim report of Stan
ley (5. Jowott of the U. S. biological
Predatory animals Wiled In tho
slnto during tho month Included 860
coyotus and bobcalu, pS badgors, 156
porcupines und 1 1 (.Isuults. This was
accomplished by 2l men working a
total of 772 days.
During tho month thoro waa con
siderable progress mado In securing
co-oporatlvo campaigns In suvoral
counties in casturn Oregon, working
tn connection with tho county agents
und livestock iwso)iatlon8, Theao
campaigns will start In Soptombor.
Tnt. ..
Huff Lose lit' Mill Hound
on Technical Humkout
NEW YOniC, July 11. Jqo Lyttfh
Togalqed tho bantamwo! jclmsi-.
ploushlpifrofli j.ohnny ISuftftn tech-1
ulcaLXjtjioel'out'.ln.'tho, K'ijii'Jrouiia '
Hero last iikui. .tVfJUSMrJa , u
" - T
itxtttnyt iti:po
i t.
POjlTLAND, Juljt, 11.
esga nnd buttor, Htdndy,
. .tsyj.ii. , i
ii 1
. J i
.. i.t
. t