Pnorci Th'ron THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Saturday, jui.v h, niau. By Our Country Editors LONE PINE Mm Itulllrr riuiiii mil to .Mm HlltU'llHOII H lit Hill)' II 111 ll, Mill HIlHI'NMI II NWIM III low II ulili Mm y I : I It'll III lllll llllliplllll MlM HIOM'II- hiiii mill Mm) Klli'ii intiinii'il liiinin Miimliiy I'M'iilm; 'Urn lioyH mill ijlrlii plr. luli hidd n iim'iiIIih: hi tlin IIiii'hIiii; iiiiiiIi Hut iinlii), July I l.oiihut unit .liiyio llli;fiinl ucin u Klmiiiitli I'nllrt lluliiiitiiy mIiiiiiImk II. P. O'Cu - mni Minx Dolaii hpttill Hiiinlny nt tlin KIkit riuiiii .Minilt Ml iniHiiiiii uth'iiili'ii tlir plmli' nt tlin niIiimiI i;iiiiiiiiIii on I Mr mni Mih ('ml Minim wt'iil lo I'uttm lido HuimIii). intiiriiliin Mon day 'I ln 1:111111111 lm)M iii)nl for tlin iluum nt tlin Hi lirnliinr I1.1111 Hnl 11 1 itny 11 1 it li t ICmiuith Klkcr IntlpiM liln umlc Dr. Kiillhiin iiilthiiln iMituiiii'H Iiimi WI'lill l. C (ii'iTlmiii mni fn 111 II y Hii'iil Urn Ith "Itli Mr mill Mm llovwr ut l.uit llhi r 1I.1111 Mr. mni MrN Hum) Hli'iimii iini ilillilrmi mii'iit tint I'oiiith Willi Mr mni Mrtt Hum Cumuli ALGOMA Mini (lei l lldn Cot left Hllllllll) fur Anhlniiil to lnl ten IIiikkIhIIi 11, mid I r 111 11 MiCulllnter Mr. mid Mih I'i.-iI llncilnlleii went to (linntii I'jinn In Cmtir luliit lo upend the rourtli (Julie n ntimtier of c nt n piniKil lllliiUKll here Hllllllll)- to upend lilt' I'niittli ut Curt niiiliiMlh 'Die re crnpH in thin xnlley ure in full lilooni, mid IiiiIIcuIIoiih urn for ,1 Kimd 1 rop llitwurd IIiiii'h wood-nhed liurueil down lint week mid iilmont liurueil liln tur (leu K'ednli'Mi laid d H A Mnii tern Moud.ty. Mr. PeturHlleiier iiiiun mer from Anhliiiid uhete he In worklni; 011 the hlrliwii) lln IliteiidH lo ko limk In 11 few dn)l H A MiiHleiH mid f.unll) Willi to Kurt t In li lo upend the Cm! r tli Alfulfti hnyliiK hait nturled In IliU 11lley Mr mid Mm (ieoiKo llnrrlnou went In ("niter Like 10 upend the Courtli A 1i)iIi;(' riir turned oer nt Al KUtliii point, ttpllllui: nil the oil, hut none of the mrtip.itilii were hurt SHASTA VIEW C M Klrkputtlik mid fiiinll) upeiit Hie rourtli ut the home or It C Mntrt where we uiulerntiind there uiih Millie II K'ltlierllli: of lu'iipli llii)inr. Illter the in the order of the tin) 1 Courtli of Jul nlilMiiiKli.linnir in ji vi'fV much hiiMror . Hiiimt liei'nn rultliiK limt wiek I It'll ry Coril mid wife mid miii .Mm mid lieorce HtrowlirltlKe'H two ihlldreii of Kl.unuth I'iiIIk ttpi" : Crl d.iy nlKht nt the home of Allien (il'iivrtnii. C .M. Klrkpatrlik mid II V. Wll mill were III Klnill.lth I'lillti one illl) liiht week to ntteild n lueellni; of the ICIuiiintli lrrli;utlon dlnlriit where the ttiiliject of the mm hern liikluu over the dlHtrlfl fiom the Kttern inellt "IIH illii IIHKi'd lint 110 definite di'ilnliin wiik urrhed ut Tint euli rliiliiiueiil idu'ii ut the Miilln hull I'rldny eveuliiK h ITflrry lloiel'H iniiHlr rlimH of Kl.iiunlli I'iiIIk wiiH M'ly Hindi euoed li) 11 l.irne liiliuher of people .Mr. mid Mth Martin CliriHiDiiseu ill live from Klmniith Culln Crldu) ufteiiiooii mid Hpeut the nlKht with Mih ChrlHtemieu'M iilHter Mrn II C U'IIhoii mid f.imlly 11ml Huluiduy iiiuriilm; uftir iiiIIIuk n mioihei hIn ter. Mm C M Klrkputrid.. left for l.ojultou, C11I where Mr ChilNieiiHen I1...1 woik .lollii llolilk, tlm filtiioilH cmdelier of the .Matin H11II1111 Jiihi loiupleteil a fine lltMe IiiiukiiIiiw on liln ninth Mm Hollo Klrl.pulili k Hluili'il liiHt WOOD GREEN SLABS mo tint 1I1 en pint woinl thut inonuy will hny, mni It In rc.illy rooiI find. Tho prim wo 11 ro iitotliiR In ii'ilulnly cry low, nml mukog your miiiiuil fnul hill for u homo with two iitnvPa 11 hiiiuII Item. 10 Cords, $35.00 Dry Slab, Cord, $6.00 Wo ii ro prupured to supply our cus toiners with BLOCK WOOD Double Load, $8.00 CouHiilt with ti8 on your ycur'a uup ply of fuel, our 12 )ouni' oxpurlonvo 1'inililen tin to hu of rum xurvlcu to joii, uiul (lily udvluo la frco to you. O. PEYTON & CO. 419 Main. Phono C3C 'lliurHilny fm I.iim Atuti'liiH wlinni nlin nii'(tii 10 NpuMil tint wtxl fmv iniiiitliii nt Ilin liiinin or her nun ('liiinin unit Wll IHIHt llr lll'llllll Will 1)11)11 OVll In tlm "Hiimiy mm Hi " Wlilln iimiii wi'iu In MirlniiH illr- I'ltlllllN fllllll till lll'ltlllll til llpt'llll lint rourtli, thurit with It Iniirlnit turn mill two trmlui uirrloil mm loo ii'oin fiom Mnllti mni I lie unmount I111; 1 (iiiii ) ry to Win llnyt rtprlriK on liiymil 11101 til nt 11 whom tlm ilny whn moNt I'lijoynlily hM'ii A (Inn plnilc llllllMT WlIM UlTM'll lii tint tool llllllllll o( tlin ilii" tlnilii'r nflrr wlili li tint Imyti wi'iit In liutlilm; In th I1I1: 110111I 'Ilin liii'ii liiTiiiint i'iy I'lilliimliiHtli' imir iilti'lilni: iiuoltM, or riithor wllvt-r iliilliirn iin limy fnrci't to lirlnt: tlm linrnit nIiim'h A "Iiik of-witr" win iilimiil Ih'Iwim'ii tin' town nii'ii mill fiirini'iH. 1I10 liilti r lii'lni: h milium 'Ilin jiHiiii: mini, m mil 1 1 hum, mni I111I I m nlmi tool. 11 lurn nl HiIh nport FACTS A few years ill?0 1 walked into a Mutual Life Insurance office and .said to the manager. "I .should like to take out a policy that will kKv my t daughter one hundred dol-! lars a month an lon as she lives. I want to arrange it in sucn a manner mat sue cannot lose the income, and ' so no d skunk can net it away from her. Can you fix up a policy like that for me 7 The manager said he jould, and added that he wished more men would have their insurance paya-1 bio in that manner. ' Last year the man died, ' and the company began sending Mary a one-hun-1 tired-dollar check each month. After she had re ceived five checks, a man called at the office and said he was acting in Mary's in terest. He wanted to know what kind of a policy that was, anyway. He didn't approve of it. Mary had decided she wanted the in surance paid to ner in a lump sum; and he would mvest II SO HUH It WOUKl return than she was getting. J The manager said : "My friend, Mary's father asked ' me to get a policy that ( would pay her one hundred dollars a month as long as site lived, and to lix it up so no d skunk could ' got it away from her. That's what we have done." Mary is still getting her check for one hundred dol- I a is a month. 1 Have You a Daughter? Perhaps you have a daughter? How fine a I thing for a father to create ( a lifelong safeguard for her j who now may be only , "father's little girl"! For Her, For Them, For ' You! You belive in life insur ' ance. Translate your belief ' into action, now. You could not lie down at night in peace, if your property were not insured, although it will ! probably never burn. A life, however, must end, ' and you know that it may end soon and suddenly. Do ! not lie down another night yourself uninsured or un- derinsured. It won't take long, or require a burden some payment to put a Life Income contract into your hands if you are insura ble. "Safety first!": and last and all the time! for her, for them, and for yon! ASIC GEO. C. tlLRICH "Tho l.lfo limiuuiao Mini" Dluttlct Muiiuuor for TIIK MUTUAL lilKIJ 'Tho Flrnt Amorlcuu l.lfo lnuuruiii'u Company" Office 111 South nth St. IMmnoi .173-W und 373-11 maw&iWki6mkmmniWkmttmkMkmAi&ktWkm0mmJkk0k'mm'kim CLASSIFIED ADS Imvvwmwvwwwwvwwwmwmvvvvvvvvvv MISCELLANEOUS roil HAM: Ithlimlitiidt-r rnfrli'uru toi I. Ik n niiw, III! Hill N 1 1 Hi HI. 7-1 nut hmnt- Piii-iii.iu..i iiii.i 11 Lunula AplH, I2li N. Dili Ht 7-10 Hiiinlny uxriirNloii to KiikIm Itldw i mni Kocky I'olnt rivn lioiltM of I Komi fUlilnK. limit Iimvi'k "liinilliii: I nt H 11 111 7-S I I'Olt HUNT Hlnnpliii: room for KWitlomitu. limit iriinoiialiln ll!f, I'ltnt I'lioim SUV 7-H K(JU HAf.K Ml lii-nil of In-nvy lo;. Illlii; horni-ti Klritt cIiihn hIiiiPi- Ad-dn-Nii, M J Nyliurl, (irvi u Kprlnu, N tiurt Ciiinp 7-1 It I'Oll KCNT- Complittidy lurnliilii'il npurtiui'iit, l.yln Aptti , dtli mid High HIM Telephone 7tf WANTKI) Wotnmi to mni for three ililldnm .Mum hit rellnlile Cull ut I111U1 houne, Klmmith KiiIIh. 7-10 VANTi:i Woman to mm for ihlld from I to to p in lii'iiilre 201 MlrhlKiin Ami 7-H I.okkIiik Hhoi'M repnlrnl Jack Kront, With Hi , off Main. litf I.OHT Onn Iir.xfi Kenton Cord lire, mounted on rim, hetweeu Kl.ininth KnllH und Crater Ijike l.mlKe lie. turn to It It It 1:11 rune Itewnrd KOH Itll.NT Coinfortnhle dleeplnn room. IteilNONIihle .IZfi H Citll Ht i;.s Prosperity Talks No. Klamath Falls Bidp Your Own City Jk You Help Yourself n?P iiiMyiiMM III.OCKH I'Oll Hnlc, Ti on pur rord .1 .S (llitlirlc 0-12 CAN'Ainr.H run hai.i: ('nil ri Itowt Ht ';-K I, I'Oll HUNT :i room fiirulHhi'd I'"1""' '"'mini r.Of, N Dili Ht C-H j mi:n iv.imcii! Cor HervUo us llallioinl MinJilnlHts llolleililllkeril lll.iekmultliH CleilrinmiH HI t Metal WorkiTi I I'lpn Otteri, I Cojipir Huilt'oi j Cur Itepilrom 'illl II em I Car liinpictoiM llelperM (ill i Ihhm H I I inter Hlrlke (ouilltloiiK henl ex. I plained hy ciinlriunn lion V. Ilooier of tho C H It. It l.ilmr Hoard, In hln Ktntenieut of duly CI rut rcuilinc iik follow m "In tli It une the (onfllet In not hetweeu the emil(i)(.r nml the op pritHHi'il euiployieii Tint p"iiplu of thin (oiintry tiirniiKli an art of ion KreKii Hli'iiei) hv I'MHldent WIIhoii en tiilillMhei) n irlhuna) to deildii rondl tloiiH whlrh militultteil to It In u propi r inaunei oter miicIi dlnpute It Ih the (1'tIhIiiiii of thin trihunal jiKiiltiHt whlili the nhop rmltH are utrlkltiK, II cardletiH of any iiuentloii of the rlclit f men to xlrlk" the men who (like dtrlkerft platen are merely fi'coptliiK waKL'H und working lotull- 6. KSL. t!7 "tff sdrnr 1 ' "2i '!. N. vrw iESfT -n & s m&"j v .im 'Sl f , fc-. ' jjp W9j; WSSBr UA Blow Below the Belt" livery dollar that you send out of Klamath Falls for goods that may had here is a blow at the growth of your home city a foul "blow below the belt!" These thoughtless out-of-town purchases in the aggregate are keeping many people, maybe your friends and neigh hoi's, out of employment. The greater the volume of business done by our home concerns, m all lines, the greater will be the volume of money kept in Klamath Falls, the greater the number of people employed here. The business houses of other cities contribute nothing to the mainten ance of Klamath Falls institutions. They sell nothing that .cannot be bought in this city. Whether it be a pair of shoes, a dress, or anything else that money will buyyour home merchant can get it for you MOKE SA1TSFACTORILY than the out-of-town concern. i Purchases from your merchant MUST be satisfactory, he is always here, ready to MAKE GOOD while you may have little chance to get satisfactory adjustment of a complaint from a far-off, distant house. If vou get your income from Klamath industries, or if you are in any way dependent on Klamath Falls, BE LOYAL. Don't Hit Below the Belt Spend vour money in Klamath Falls and be known among your fellow men as a true citizen of YOUR OME TOW& v i For Prosperity Buy More Build Now Work More Earn More. tlonit prrnfrlbcil by n Rovornmrnt trlliiinnl ntul urn performing n putillr Bfirlto Tliny nrn not nccf-ptlnir tlm wnj;i'H mill worklni; condition wlilch (in t'liiployer In trying lo liupoito. Kor thin rciiHon pulillc Hmillmrnt nml full KOVfrtiuifint pouiT will protect tliu mmi who rrmiiln In their position nml now men who tuny tomo In " Ailr riiat provlnlonH Imva Icon mndn for tlm full protection of nil nuw wnployw'H tlm name nn old cm pluycm wlio hnvo remained loyally ut work. AppllcnntH Miould apply to tlm officii of tlm Hup'Tlntcml'Tit ut I'orllnnil 1'iilnii Hlatlon, or to tlin ninlKtnnt Superintendent nt Hone liuri;. .f. If. OVCIt, (Sen. Mfjr, S'Mitlirrn Pinlflr. J) 5-'5 COIt HAI.KA-l WorkliiKiunn'H ho-' t". A?, hnlrooinM f .ii ii li room,l kill In li. lobby, e(r. Will tuko Houlh-j ern Ciillfnriilii rial entnle as part' p.Oiuent. Addrcxs 1310 Main Ht .-..12 WANTKI) 2 kooiI motor truck, efiulpped for loKClnn. to take rmi- trnct for neaion. flood road, three quartern mile haul. Hco Marlon Nino or phono 2.1-C-3. .-S, Old papers hnvo n multitude of limn benldeK packing, urapplni; or rnrpet iinderlnylni; Itli; bundle (.eiit, two for 2." tenta, llarnld of fice :,. WANTKI) Walter or waltrcua anil rnaiiniicrmniu. 1'uono Laeio xidRoi Tax cm. 3tf ARCADK TRANSFHR Will more you I anytime, anywhere. Rranonahlo ' 6CB-J. 7tf i Think Ho w You Can Help Wv.1.. HaJ ''"J 'if '!. itii." Tlilo xptitu paid for hy the liil'eU ni'6! mi'ii of Klam.itli Calls fur tliu ... 4 x bcuufit of tho community. WILI, HKI.Ii on torma of nothlnR down 11 nd tin. 00 per month, or trndn for Portland lot, tho fallowing propnrty Lot 2, Illock C on Spring ntroi;t and corner lot on Wnll nml Cnnul, nil cli-nr. O. K. 1'iirnniiH. -tlfl Allsky IlulldlnK, Portland, Oregon R-8 KOK HAM-: 117 Hoick, flrnt flnnn condition Hou Kox Itcnncr, 701 I Uh Ht. 1-3 VOIl BALK Ota pnprM, tultnlilo for underlylnR llnolaum, carpet, etc , wrapping and packing. Tun cont, n tnrRo uunato, iicraia oiiice tt KUItNITUItn REI'AIRKI) Upliol nterod nod reflnlnliod mnttrcton renovated All Turk KiinrnnteeJ. W V. Uotiart, I'hono 478-W. 12- Jy Under New Management Malin Hotel Meals Now Served Ice Cream and other re freshments at all hours G. R. MOSS When You Have Dirty Clothes If you will call tbo Klamath Hand Laundry 119 South 9th St. Phono C73-W They will wash, darn, Iron and return to you. 1 Klamath Falls Grow - I III I ! .tHHni.irf.Hi IMM KtAMATH POST No. .,.( American l.olon mhIi I In the baRotnent ot tk now courthoui on Mill Htreet on the first Md third Tuoednyn ot each month. Kx-nervlco mon are lovlted to at land tho mootlnns. l)r Fred Wontarfeld, Commander. 11. I). Ootz, 1'ont AdJuUnt and IU lief and Employment comralttM. I. O. O. F. rropcrltr Itclii'knli, 10 1 1 mctf Flrnt and Third Thiirfuliijra IJiTaunn ICnrnmpmrnt 40, mecta rncti Turnilny KUmatb liodno 1117; tnecla each Friday DR. H. J. WINTERS Graduate and Htate Regtttarci OPTICIAN Nineteen yonra hore In baslntfla We grind and fit Glasses Duplicate broken Glasses Prompt Hcrvlc Deaf Equipped Optical Htora la Boatliera Oregoa 714 Main Street J. C CLEGHORN CIVIL RNaiNEIEII AND HimVKYOR Pnone 193-J 1M . Klrtwll DR. J. G. GOBLE OPTOMETRIST OPTIClAH 70 Haia BC Plum. lStW Wa (It and grind glaaaea, DaahV eata broken lenaet, repair (raaut. FRED WESTERFELD Dentist riMMMI 4JM-W X.RAY liABORATORIRfl Leomla Bldg. KUaaaUk FaHa DR.CX.RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. P. UnUdlM PHONB 1 Klamath Falb Plumhkf & Heating Co. 1171 MAUI ST. PBOmi MSW PEOPLES WAREHOUSE SUtb and R. R. Spmr Whie. Phone, 5!!-W Res. Phone, 16-W Storage Our Specialty Right now wo oro ready for your wool. Drlag it In. day or night. Oar rate ' Right TRV US NEW CITY LAUNDRY Flnblinl Work Flat Work Rough Dry 'Put Toar Dada la Oar "a' PHO.N'K 154 CoraT Mala aad Coagar W. E. & J. E. Patterson CONTRACTINQ PAlNTKItS Paint, Olle and Varalah 03U H. Sixth St., Klamath Falls Phone BMS-J from 0 (o 5:10 New York Life Ins. Co. 1. K. 11UHKK, IDA MOMVKK ltcsltlcut Agonts All Ni'ti York Life Policy Hold, era uro welcome to our ncrTlcea Diamonds, Gold Bought Reliable Estimates G. GRAMER 7l:i HelllUB IIIdK. l'ortlaml, Oro. DR. F. R. GODDARD OSTKPOATinO PHYfHCUH AND SURGEON Office aad Realdeaea Phoaea M L O. O. V. TEMPIiB SHOWCARDS Fred Leonetti at Sugarnum's 1 &'i i . :- ? .& i t .