-'.- rWirtty hwmy Atl s '! OFFICIAL fAPER Or , KLAMATH COUNTY AND OF KLAMATH FALLS j -JA 3te Uwtnn$ Mtvatb l WEATHER-FORECAST TONHIHT I'AIII, MAITIIIMV I'AIH AMI MMU.ril Member of the Associated Press. KLAMATH FA M.H.OHKUON, 1 IKHMV, July 7, l2. much FivK cmm I'lrirniiti Venr. No. :II7. r m sue id DEATH BENEATH D. L. Hamilton Is Victim of Accident When Brakes Fail to Hold Portions or III" IhiiIv llti'rull) nmk 'il liy ncitlilliin wuler fnini tin' rmllii Kir nf IiIh fl-lun Murk Inek, which lurimd over mi tli Swan liV rniiill lain )esnrdy wlii'ii tlm liinkei fllll'll to lllll'l, Dllllll'" I.'" ll.lllllllnll.l 12, iriirk ilrlvor for tl Kru" l.iim) Imr company, died In it h"i'l hoipi'il hirn in inu Kiln initriilm:. I While HiiiiiIIIiiii wiih ahum imuI no linn witnessed lln' lirrlilriil, II wun believed Hii tniRlim Hiulli',1 mill that Im liml attempted I" 1"'M '" Imuvy irmk It)- barhliiR II Inlu im embank-, nmnl. Tim irtii'k mined backward I Into ihi. illirli. however, nml turned ., i - ..i t.i... I,,,. 'lllllU"l'l) IM'T, IUMIIIIII, mill n nth lli mIii'I iiiIi whem h" wits uu nlil In e-ip" 111" ImlllliK I'T frmii lln y-M III Hi" radiator nip. II" wnn discovered wllliln in ur ir. inliiuli'M In ii rnnrlou condition liy ii passer-by, who summoned nl.l mid succeeded III extricating him. nml nluirlly nfterwnrd wim taken In car In ii Incnl hospital. Hamilton owned ,!" "'rk nml hail recently inlnri'il Into n lumber haullm; rnnlrnrt with tlm Kriisn Hiiwmlll. Mill imiplo)"" ir" said to Imvn staled Hint llnmlllon had previously liml Iroubln holding tli" truck mi ih" grade. ln" t tin '" illtlon of tli" brake. WJmn Hi" no clili'iit occiin-il Ii" was comliir, from llio milt with ii load "f tiimli'T llitmlllini In survived by wft.ow nml lo sons. Xiirval, amd It irJ Ulltull URi'd 13. " ri'nl'l" it It-'"-Main; n mother. Mm. KlltabeH. H-m-Ittun of HiIk rltr; two slsten. Mm. II J Winter uml Mm I Heti.arl. of thl illy mul llv" brother', two renldliiR In Sacramento and "'i'- I" New llrunswick. PERKINS WINS ACTION Jill) llrluiii Wnllil for I'liilnlllf for Sum of UI.MI.'Jii ' Afti-r 4 nilnilti't ilelllnTiilloii lh' Jury nliiriifd n MTdkt In fioor of tho pliilnilff W. i: ivrklnn for Hi" hiiiii of ir.r.l'.'(i tiKiiliiKt Hi" I'ro ilnnim Milk asHurluHnii. u lorpom Hon, roiiiiltlni; fnim thr mill hroiicht hy rcrklim to rolled n 2inni not., n n final puyiiit'iit on th" city Milk depot whlrh Iip rlnlniK ho nold In llio nnnncliitlnn on 3nry 1. U2 f"r .i... ..i tr. nml ruri'lvlni: $3.01)0 lllii nuiib hi ,". - ' In earth nml Hi" nolo for Hi" h.il- linro. Th" nmioPlotliiii "t "P " "" ler-rlnlm conlendlnR thut nrroiinlH nml romlltloim of llm luiHlneKH wero mlHrepreiieiiti'il by IVrklim. hnd nnkod it JudRiiiPnt f $21.t2 nfnl rontn A rout lilll n f 104 35 wiih filed by I'erklnn, which In H h" entered five il.iyn nfler Ihn entry of JmlKiiient. nn lenn Home obJectloiiH nro nffored by th" oppoHlni; party. PAVING STARTS SOON LnlMir rroblem Only Hetrlment In i:rly 'niiiilptlou of Work I'nvliu; of 10 rlty unllii will bo Blurted by tlm Warren ConRlrmtlon rompiiny nn noon im lnhor Im oblnlned mid In hoped nil tho work will hnvo been rnnipletod by Into full, iircord Iiik to V, 0. Rmltli, chiilrninn of tlm Hlrent roiiiinltteii of tho rlty council. UoproHenlntlvnti of th" compiiny nro hero nuikliiK propiiriitlouH. Tho Inbor prohlem MppiirellHy In n nerloiiH omi, not only hero but '!" whoro on tlm co.-mt, nffoclliiK nl intuit uvory liuliiBtry. Ah Hiifflclont moil rnniiot bo olmilned horn, tho Wurrnii compimy will b" forced to omploy men clmiwhorn. vi:vnu:it i'imhiaiuiathw No thniifo In harometila eondU iioiih miH ni'i'ii in coVded by tlm t!y clo-HloriuiiKriiph ut Underwiiod'rt I'hiir imicy mid ii rim. tlnuiitlon of pi li ne lit wiiiillier cm' dlllons tuny bo looliod for, KoreiiiHt for next 24 beurn: Kulr mid wuriii. Tho Tyvutf riicord' Inn ilinriiiiinmler reelHtorod imuliuum uml minimum I II maML toiiipornturuH tmiiiy, uh roiiewti: , itlgh i i Low ,,.,....,. y u Cute, Bah Jove! ?y '&J i' t -nfe.; r v . v,Wi I AKwi 'V- J Minn Heather Thatcher. London oclety dil, wenm a monoUo nt tha fw: Tliat'a ciual tlchU for ou. HUNDRED MILLION TO BE SPENT FOR ROADS DURING YEAR i:prniiiiiiiT win r.i'kuii iyiimi .p- pioirhitliui of IS.VI.OOO.tHHI; OH'KOII CVU IkTNN.IHIII WAHIIIN'CTON. July 7 -Approxl-mnlely $ I oo.ono.uon will Im hp-iiI for K""d rond riiimlriirllmi IhroiiKh. mil tlm iiiulilry diirliu: lh fluent yenr uhlib becmi July I. Till will Iim broiiRbl nbolil by tin' lotltllimi Hon of fiilenil iild for rond under recent iiiilhorliitliiii of an iipproprm Him of iilmoNt $r.n,ono.oo for dl trlbiillon iiineiu: tho ievcr.il Mntei Wilder lb" comllllotiN of the aid each mul" miml mnirli lh i.um nlloted It. At Hi" nam" time, th" pon'.offlrn appropriation bill hIbihM by 1'renldenl HnrdliiK June IS. authorized appro priation r tfi.'i.ouo.oun for tlm uiim purpoK". I" b" I'xpeinli'd durlnK tin' IIhchI )ear bi'RllililliR J'lly ' I'1-3' ami $;. '1,000.0101 for tlm MiireodliiK fluriil eur Th" londUloim are tho .iiiiii for. .nil- Hire" c,ini, nml will hrlnp th" '"tnl amount expended dur. IllK III" period. If th" Mlae adhere to Dm ntlpul.itloilH nml expend like iiuuiN. in I3hii.ouo.iion Th" fumlH ulll be iidminllered by the Kcrrelnry of iiRrlculliire throilRh tlm bureiiu of Itooil rn.'iil" Ii In enllliliili'il that the JltlO.nno.. 00i nppropilated will result In the ciiiiHirtirtlon of morn than 25.000 miles "f Hi-id. which, lidded to iho Irt.Ouu mil" that are expere, to re milt from prevloui fedurnl npproprla HoiiM. mnki'H u total of 71.000 mllen, or neatly lit per cent of the .Mi niated Uu.nuo mllen of Reed road on tin' )imii of ffdoral-ald roads HOW helllR until I. I'lniiB for tho proposed system hae ujready been received by the bureau of Reed roads from all but elcht hliiles, mid the stato Hatiiiis are be Iiir co-ordlnuted t that when Joined toRelher they lll servo Iho best In. teresls of the whole country In th" moantlmo only projects certain to ho on th" proposed system are belitR miliroved. Of tlm apportionment to bo miido I to tlm MirloiiH states for tho fln.al year which boRaii July '. OreRon will receive ITSK.HII. California t,-l r.4l,:ia'.t mid WashfiiBlmi S7S5.S.OI1. TO PROBE R'v SERVICE Surey l'limne.l to lhtennlim l.f fectH of Sclieillil" flmiiRO In order to deiermlno whothor Iho most benefit to tho city Ilea In Ihn train roIiir on to KlrU nflor ar ilval hero or In rcwmiptlon tit tlm local from hero to Kirk, n survoy will bo mado by tho merchnnta bu reau by meana ot countlnc dally for two weeks tho number of pas Hi'iiRem Rolnc throilRh tit nlfsht and tho number arilvliu: from tho north In tho niorului;. This action was decided by tho moi chants' bureau lust nlRht nml resulted from a number of com plaints huvliiB been received ulnco tho schodulo w.irf chaiiRed, tho com plaints boliiR based on tho belief that eoiiBldmnblti business ha been lout to tho city. On tho other hand, otbuiH bellovo'thnt as tho schodulo permits shoppers fnim tho north ern purl of tho county to spend tho day hero, lotuiuliiK tho sumo day, and bad effects of tho chmiRo aro in ii in thnu offuset. Tli run biiHlncss men will bo ap pointed to tindortakn tho survey! and futuio action ot Iho Imrouu will depend upon their flmlliiRH. Tho cbiuiRo In schedule wiih mad" by tho Boutliorn l'ncltlo without consultlnK tho chamber of coni murcu or thu murcliuiits' bureau, It wits said, ' ' L 1 O . CO. FILES REPLY IN SUIT 101 1 Denies Charge: of County , That Title to Property Is WronRfully Held I ! lit I of th" rlliUK.'S oillliillmil III liie n.'llon broiiRhi by Klamath i.mn- ty iiriiIiiM Die Klamath Detidnp- i iiieul roinpaiiy In relaln IMI.' In lll.iil. lit. sll or ihn Hot Springs iniitlliiiiiBi' structure, thai t tin K, I), rnmpnnv lias wroni;f'i!!y retained Ihn ,roperly by wlilnlrawlni; tin esirnw iiRreenieiit Ik roulnliie.l I an answer filed in the elrriiu court .hero by ('. I' Hloii", uttorney for th" company. Tlm answer Is based mi Hie slate incut that the r.impany executed 11 deeil lo lb" county for lllork In on luly. Hill, on tli.' express otiilt tlnn that llm couuly Hlioubl com pinto within fl" years ilinreafier n courthouse and thereafter use such property for that purpotn, ami (all Iiir lo do so that lllorl; 10 would re vert to tlm company. It Is charred that the county ceased work on the bullilliiR In Octobnr 1011 and no more work was dnnn for six years, and that the bulldinR was abandon ed, unfinished and iiuproturied and exposed to llio elemniy. And fur ther, that from time to limn thu com. pnny executed mid placed In escrow other deeds wiih a time limit and that county ha failed to comply with the Hum specified. On May I. IMS, It Is stated, the company Ra" the county two year-' addltlomil time nml that the county failed to comply - flh this., anil coin plulrd iho Main street bulldliiR at a cod of JUT. niiu in 1U20 mid 11' 21 the county made some atleuipts lo levy for the rompletitlou of tlm Hot SprlllRS bulldliiR, but imt suffi cient lu protect the bulldliiR from the elements It Is ali-n alleRed that tho rompnny tmier nKri-ed to extend the Hmo be) nml .May I. liijo. mid stated thai ito additional time would bo ulloiind. and thai failure was throilRh no fault of the company. On April 21, 11)22 tlm Do.elopment company I'.iu- tlm county uutlco ot foifelturo, ami ill' to that Hum was wllllnc mul ahln to carry out their part of the escrow iiKreemenl, it H stuted. It Is further contended by the De velopment company that after lettluc a lontrart for llm lllock .15 court house that It demanded and received a deed from llm county on April 12, (Continued to 1'aRo 2) (PASTT CFCUirOJlTEE III! KZxzr -Sxv h l&Fs wanton v smzSj --..rrCrz-z ""1L k, r zr-rM WSt .. CONGRESS NOT TO I ADJOURN UNTIL VET BONUS BILL IS LAW I'iiiiiiIhh U Mmlo liy Sciuilcir Me ! l hiiiIk-i' to Ik-lit ir of I'rllllim I Willi .Million SIl-iiiiIiiii-i , I w amiinw i w. , imj - ll. t .lllk'llfl'Mkf II f l..lu -? Tbero will Im no iidjourniiient of Mini;ri'"H until tlm soldiers cnmpeii sallou ll 1 1 has been made a Inw. Ii will Im taken till and disposed of under speclul iiRrci'innut as hooii hh tin- lurlff bill Is 'iuvkiiI. This promlsu was mad" today by Ketiator .MiX'umbcr, cbnlrmati of tin; fliiani.) rommlttco. lo Mrs. II. It Hmlth or Whitman, Mass., who do llwre.l a third petition bearlnR a million slRiiatures for tbn ennct inent of Dm bonus bill. WAHIIINHTO.V. I) C . July 7.--The rcpiibllrnn move to enforco a rloturn en tho administration tariff bill failed loday In Ihn senate. Tho veto on llm motion lo enforco the exIstliiR rule was 45 in 35, or nlno leM than tbn required two-third majority. LEWIS TRIAL STARTS Jury Itrlnt- llr.mn In Cakt- "f "! nie.1 Man (linrKi'il Willi Klllluit At 10 o'clock this mornliiR tho trial ot Wm. I.nwjs' colored. rharRcd wiih llm kllllnr ofjOeorRn J Nich ols on th" nlrthl ot May 1, opened and up lo noon six Untntlvo Jur ors had been taken, subject to bclnc excused on preemptory challenRen hy ellber tho stalo or th" defenKP The r.'Riilnr panel of Jurors was exhaust ed before tbn noon hour and the court ordered a special venire of 1C additional Jurors. Duo to tlm nature of tho case tho" court ordered that the Jury be In charRM of the bailiff at all times dur InR tlm trial, lo the extent of keep Iiir tlm Jury toRotkcr In sleeplns quarters provided for them, as well as all their meals must ho but) to KOther ilnd accompanied by the court bailiff. Klve Jurors were excused by the court on (halleiiKes for cause sub mltied by counsel. Several of the Jurors i'Xiiim'iI on this k round staled that they did not bellevu lu cupltul putilshmi'iit mid would not return a verdict provided Tor It. It Is expected that a Jury will be obtained lalo today, but this is not rerl.iiu dun to Hi" Reuernl familiarity of thu case by reason of th" Rflier.il publicity Riven to It at tlm time of Its occurrence. i:w wiistiiit.v r.sio.N mat) (.'. T. Van Ness, for two years man KKer of thu Medford office of tho Western t'liton, hat been appointed mumiRcr of tho local office, huceeed. Iiir H. I.. Huntley, reslRiied. Vuu Ness Is accouiiauled by his family uml expects to remain permanent ly. CIVILIZATION '& I Eon T Trap Ends Lives of Rathie and Kerby in Peniten tiary This Morning HALHM, July 7. John Hathlo and lllvln D. Kerby hunReil loday In the Main poultontlary ut Halem for their part In the murder of Hherlft Til Taylor of I'endlcton two yearn ago. Hathlo entered the death cell at S:28 and the trap wan sprunr at 8:30 He was declared dead at 8:44, Derby followed Hathlo to the scaf fold ut 8: i"3 and tho trap dropped nt 8:51. Ho was declared dead at fcon, Itathlc and Kerby, who lost a two year fiRht to escape execution, wcro cool and collected to the last and mounted tho 13 stepi to the scaffold without assistance. Hathlo, who dressed with caro and atn a hearty breakfast, when asked by Warden Lewis If he had anything to say, re plied from Scaffeld: "I know I am Innocent ot the crime for which I am haiiRlnR. I pray God to forr.lvo thu men who sentenced me. I for Klvo everybody. I have no hard feel Incs toward anyone." Hathlo slept soundly during the nlRht but was the most nervous ot thu two after entering the death chamber. Kerby was perfectly com posed ai ho mounted tho scaffold. Tho only Indication ot nervousness was shown during tho night when ho rnso from bed twice and paced tho cell.. He ute a hearty break fast and chewed Rum ai ho dropped. When asked by thu warden If ho hud any statement to make, Kerby replied:: "No sir." Futher noche, assistant paitor of St. Joseph's church, whispered to Kerby and Ker by added: "1 am Innocent, as every body knows." Kerby's parents left for their homo near Yakima an hour beforo tho ex ecution. About 40 witnessed the ex ccutlou. Two men fainted. HAIL CLL'HKS KTltlKB SVHACL'SK, N. Y.. July 7. Tho rallwa) clerks of thu New York Ceutrul lines have voted to strike. Lackawaua Clerks' have already taken similar action. TOl'KlvA, Kans., July ".A state warrant was Issued today against T. Hunting, presldont. and Thomas llillyery, secretary of tho Federated Shops Crafts union ot Topeku, charging violation ot tho Kansas Industrial court act In call ing tho shopmen's strike. x m -clHe: : -.- -.jn JIILDERMESS AHO I peftce - sAreTV N 1 UN 1 mil m " f ? rvM . SAfBTV V JaUaaVftJaaB Governor Louts F. Hsrt oC 'Washington labors with ahoral Ito help clear away Juno snow.. drifts as Mt. nanlcr National Park, Seattle, opens. P. S. Seeks Job on Herald He Gives Editor Advice Dear Kd: Well I Is thinking of going Into the newspaper game which looks to mo like It was a easy way to get hold of a llttlo Jack each wk. without no work. So I have a talk he other day with tho editor of Tho Evening Herald which Is the name of the newspaper hear and I tell him I want to Job wrltelng. This editor says havo you had any wrltelng experience and I tell him no only what I get marking pieces In tho laundry at Oshkosh which Is work that takes a good head on ac count If you arc not careful you mark a pair ot ktds panties so they go to some gent which wares larger ones. Well Ed. the editor says what makes you think you can be a news. paper man and t tell him that Is easy because I read your paper every day and I do not sen where tbeys any trick. In wrltelng that -kJnd.fftaff. Besides, I tell him. I see lots of times where I could have did hotter write Ing. This editor says he wants to give his readers what they want tvod would explain to him how ho could Improve tho paper, which I do, I tell him In" tho 1st. place you should print from 14 (fourteen) to 2S (twentyelRht) pages llko papers In thu cities so a man can sit down and enjoy the paper all evening. Ho says do you realize that means en. ourIi advertising to carry that many pages but I show him where ho Is wrong as paper Is comparatively cheep and all ho bad to do Is to raise Hjo selling price to 10 (ten cents) and see how much moar money ho would take In. Well tho editor says theys most likely something to what I tell him and that gives Mm a Idear. This (dear Is that theys a lot ot peoplo around town which knows all about tho newspaper business and ho wilt form them into a board ot ensures and make me the head of It. M Mi would ho to klnda act as advisor to tho paper and to confer with this board onco and a while. That strikes me rlfiht whero I live Ed and I a)"s when do I start to wk. Ho says you start rlfiht away or nt least Just as soon ns tho cort bo. fight Is settled and theys only 1 (ono) In town. Ho says tho reason ho has to walto for that 1 because If you got hot springers and main street ofs on this board tho board would not bo no board atall but would all chawed up Into sawdust. W11 Ed. I give my boss nollco that I quit as soon as this fight Is over as I get mo another Job and ho acts white about it and says all right when that, happens glyo you a ex tra months pay. So you see things is looking up for mo and when you como out I might get you a job ou the board helping to get out this newspaper with a tut pay chk. each week and nothing to do atall, Yours as sefoar, VUIU SPACE. Newspaper wrltor. MAKKKT IlF.rOItT PORTLAND, July 7. Cattlo and hogs steady. Sheep SI hlgbor on lambs and wethers. Spring lambs' $10, to plO.50, Eggs and butter steady, - HKKKtt CHOI' IXSUKAXrti WASHINGTON, July 7. Iuvcstl gatlou by n Joint congressional com mission ot tho 'udvlsablllty ot pro viding federal crop Insurance for farmers wus proposed in a resolution today by Senator McNnry, Orogon. L GUT-OFF SEEMS TO BE GERTJUN Construction Is Promise'd by Both Lines; $12,000,- 000 to Be Expended Tho completion ot tho so-called Natron cut-oft, making thn Klam ath Falls district tributary to Port land, and giving western Oregon a new and more direct lino to Han Francisco and other California towns, Is apparently assured for this state, no matter what may bn tho ultimate outcomo ot tho pres ent fight betweon tho Southern Pa cific and tho Union Pacific systems for tho control ot tho Central Pa cific lines, says tho Orcgonlan. Officials ot both tho .Southern Pacific and Union Pacific systems havo pledged thomselvcs to thn couplolion ot tbo cut-off In casn they ihould gain possession of tlm i Central Pacific. At tho tamo tlmn It was declared by railroad men that. If tho Central Pacific should bo mado independent ot the other two lines, it 'could not operate In Oregon territory successfully with out the completion of the cut-off. , Outlay Is Assured As a consoquenco tho expcndltum ot at least $12,000,000 In railroad construction In Oregon, tho amount required to compteto. tho cut-off. Is apparently assured. In addition to a pledge to complote the Natron cut-off, Southern- Pacltio officials hare llkewlso declared that, It' they should be glvon the, control of tbn Central -Psxlfle lfner,,'""toer "wbulif also complete a strotcb of line be tween Klamath Falls and Wcstwood Junction, California, thus linking up with tho Central Pacific lino leading to Ogdcn, Utah, On tho other hand, the Union Pa cific has declared that, In case it should rccelvo b0 control of thu lines In controversy, In addition to tho completion of tho cut-off, It would extend line. through central Oregon. Just what this latter would mean U not definitely known. I loud lU'Run In 1005 Tho Natron cut-off is a portion ot the Central Pacific system th possession of which Is now- contest ed .and It construction wbh orig inally started In 1905, a lino being extended at that Hmo through from Weed, California, northward ft Klamath Falls and later to Kirk, In Klamath county. In 1907 work was started on tho northern end of tho proposed lino, which extends through Natron as far as Oakrldge, Oregon, thus connecting up with Springfield and the Southern Pa cific lines operating In tho WU lametto valley. In 1913, when the suit was start ed to dlssolvo tho morger oxlstlnic betwoen tho Southorn Pacific and tho Central Pacific, work on tho cut-off was stopped. There still re mains about 90 miles ot tho lino to bo constructed In order to complete tho cut-off, which avoids the Sis klyou mountains and gives an easy grade route between tho Willamette valley and California points, $ll,.TO0,00O Spent Already The work so far completed on the cut-oft cost In tho neighbor hood ot $11,500,000, and the South ern Pacific officials estimate that It would requlro an additional $12, 000,000 to comploto It. Tho lino which the Southern Pa cific proposes to put In from Klam ath Falls southward, connecting up with tho lino between Ban Fran cisco and Ogdcn. has a link ot about 70 miles still uncompleted. This uncompleted portion lies be twon Klamath Falls and Wcstwood Junction. Tho complotlon ot that and ot tho cut-off would glvo a now route for aondlng freight orig inating In western Oregon points eastwurd via Ogdon. No uctlou can bo expected on any ot this construction work until the matter ot a rehearing in tho United States supremo court has been set tled and tho Interstate commerce commission has had a chance to act on .Its plan tor tho grouping of rail ways ot tbo country, Dirdite Is Ordered Tho United States supreme court rocently found that the merger of (Continued to Fase 4). w T N - ' k 1? 4n jMfc 1 f tJ-" r- j V M' - pv