The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 06, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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" TinmonAr, irtrtv a, met.
P.itffi Pout'
! Personal Mention
lir K. (1, Hlmrm, u welMiiinwn
pliynlrlnn (if Onlilnml, Cnllfnniln.
ulio mihhIh IiIh niiiniiiiT vnnitlmis nt
Itocky I'ulnt lit mi iillunipt to I a rut n
trout which will nurpnot tlio ono
rnunht hy Dr. Syken Inst cnr, Is
lmck nRnln, Imvliij; iiiishoiI tlmniRli
Kliuunlli KnIU tho first of tho voul.
Kn-il Slromliori; nrrlvi-d litut ntalit
from Knit KrnnclHCo nnil In a Kiiost
nt tho Whllu l'ollciin Imtcl.
Alhort (1. DiUnim mill A. Ilulclilii
mm, of tho Ihvluiiull limiticr com
jinny, nro In town tmlny HttcndlnR
to himlliOHR nffnlri". Tluv nro reK
littort'il nt tho Whlto IVIIrnii hol.
II. II. Hurt, of Sncriimutito. In
horn In tho Intrreat of the Hurt then
trn JitillilliiR which l under conntruc
lion nt tho cornrr of SpvomIIi nnil
Mnln ittrootK.
Mr. and Mr. ". T. Salve nro hack
In Klnmntli KnIU onco more visiting
with Iholr old frlonild nml rnliillvoit.
Thry will ho hero for novornl ilnyn.
..Mr. nml Mm. John Hojlo nnil
ilniiRhtom, Gertrude nnd MiirRiicrltp.
ncfonijinnlod hy Mm. Twyln KorBU
Min, rolurncd last night from Dia
mond lako whoro they have boon
on mi ntttlng for tho pant fow days.
Mr. and Mrs. D. It. Crump loft
thin mornlnKvfor Lamm' mill whore
I hoy oxpoct to mako their future
Mr. A. J. Voj-o roturnod tht
mnrnliiR to Slwnn after a week'
visit hero.
(leorgo Wntl and Charles Do t.ap
loft early tht morning for tho Keno
(otinlrj wliero they will ond the
day looklnK over tho ranches there.
Mnmhors of a motor iiarly from
I'ortlnrtd, Dan Duffun and family
nnd O. L. Smith and family, who
havo been vlnltlnu here nt tho homo
of Mr. and Mrs. H. h. Clrlfflth. ro
turned lo their homo this morning.
Ma Crater lake, taking Mrs. Griffith
with thorn for a three week's visit.
.Mr. W. 0. Coomb and Helen
Johns nro Klamath Falls visitors
this weelc from Rend.
"Tlhs long spell of hot weather Is
drying up tho spring jilanting of
grain, and tho farmers around Dairy
aro longing Mr a good rain Btorm,"
said Itoss Sutton, who shopped with
local merchants yesterday.
Mrs. M. a .Lester It in Klamath
Palls for n few days from her homo
In Weed, California.
Tho Satvntlon Army lni.lot hold
n plrnle on tho Fourth for their
.Sunday school nt Long lake I
Miss l.vobn Aipli'inlo was In
town making iiurchimv from tho.
local meirhnnts for llrook Farm,!
In Swan Lake alley. i
.Mm. Ora Floinmlng nnd daughter
Helen are here from l'ortlaud for
an extended visit with .Mrs. Klein
iiiIiik'k sister, Mrs. H. J. Miittoon.
nnd family.
Three ilne beetle )ireoiitlon
crews left today for n six weeks
rrul?e for tho purpoo of locating
tho Infested districts. In order that !
there will he no delay In stationing
camps this fall. A crow of four
men. J. K. Patterson, Ivan Houston,
I.. C. Ih'Carlow and A. C. Duffy,
left for tho district between Klam
ath Fall nnd Ashland. Another
group left for the reservation. They
were F. I'. Keene. F. M. llo.leit
hammer, O. J. Hague nnd Fied
.umhriiin. The men who will work
the niy timber aro It. 0 Wle. Ken
neth Terry, D. Fpton and West.
do you moan to. toll mo this hoar
livery stahlojs whoro they mako out
marriage llioinet mid everything,
tv, Oregon, In tho City of Klamath
Falls, Oregon, nt tho hour of t!
o'clock I', M on said date proceed
to noil at public auction, lo tho high-
When I tell her os Dili hour li lln,,i ,,Uir for cash, nil 'of the right,
..!.... .ill.. ....... II I ...... I. I ...-. ...'.111. .....I 1.......... .. .1... II 41
IVl kills s. 11 ttttllt .
I'p to n lato hour this nftortiooii
evidence was still being taken In
tho l'wrklns orsus the rrodm-eiV
Milk association, case but It m ex!
IH'ded that the case would go to the!
Jur till nfteiuooii or evening !
jilmr nho miiji well I would nee tiny
iniiu In klngdoirr coino first hefmir
. 1 would sign onto any Iheiiso writ In
J there.
Well ed. right hoar Is where I
miiko a mistake when I tell her nil
light but If ul I linen In Klitninlli
foaN the hiiiiii m the gouts mire
has got a lot to be thankful for. You I
no how wlinon Is oil, and If ou eani
Miller , Mueeil
An order of Judginent. (1. W. Mill,
or ngnlnst Marlon Smeed, was Issued
In the circuit court this morning.
Cook . Miilo-.kor without cost to either
side was Issued hy tho court today
In the case of Mrs. Madeline Cook
torsos ! 11. Medesker
'get my old Job back In Oshkosh on
I might let mo no. I.lfo ulut no sinner
cure with me no nioar.
Yours as
A Married Mini
or siii'itiiT's sai.i: o
l!l'l'l'TlltV -
r. s. !i:ts into Titeriti.i:
I Nollco Is hereby given that under ; ,, , '-" '0" .V ,',"'
and by virtue of a Writ of Execution ' r , ' ' ! '"
title nnd luii'ivst of tho snld 1., (I
Mill In nnd lo tho following ilciorlli
ed leal pi'iiperiy, to-wit.
The Northeast uuarler, the
North half of th Noithwest
Uiiiiiler. tho Houthonst imnrtor
of the Northwest tiunrier of Sec
tion Five;
ANo. the Northeast iiunrtor of
Section i:ight. the Went one
half of tho Southwest iiu.tiler
of Section Four. th(l West half
of the Northwest iti.trter of
Soiilon Nino, nil In Towiishln
Thlrty-tliteo South. Ilauge
I'loien Fast of the Willamette
Metldlan, Klaiualli County, Oio
gou or so niiiiii thoreof ns limy bo neees
sary to satisfy tho Judginent rend
ered In tho nbou entitled cause on
the 3rd day of January. I '.i ., which
said Judgment Is for tho sum of
two iiioiisaud One-llundreil Thirty-
rs. with Inter-
ht Per cent per
(Continued from rago 1)
Shakespeare with a humorous
twist will bo soon at tho Star thea
tre ror 2 days, beginning Friday,
when the new Will Itogers picture.
"Doubling for Itomeo." s shown. In
this Goldwyn picture, which was
written hy l'lmer nice and directed
hy Clarence Hadger, all tho sub
titles were written by Will Uogers.
He Is nationally known as nn original
humorist, and his titles are said to
be tho funniest parodies on Shakes
peare ever written.
Many remarkably fine settings In
"Doubling for Homco," such as tho
ballroom nnd balcony scenes, were
designed by Cedrlc (llbhons of tho
Ooldwyn art department.
Al Mnrshall wiis n county scat vis
itor from his ranch near Olcno yes
terday afternoon.
J. V Minor, wlni has Iweji here
for tho past month, left this 'mornliiK
for his homo in Cupertino. California,
where they will remain until the
hot weather Is past. Miner Is a
heavy timber owner with large hold
ings In Klamath county nnd Mends
u jinrt of oxory summer here.
J. S. Kent arrived last night from
San, Krnnclsco and Is looking nfter
business affairs hero today.
W. II. nnmos. a fanner from tho
Algoma tounlry, Is attending to busi
ness affairs hero today.
B. It. Hentley, tornierly local mun-
If you were n pretty and neglected
young wife what would you do If a
middle-aged and designing widow
took advantage of your husband's In-
; terest In his work to try to win him
from yeu: This Is the problem that
forms tho hauls for a delightful com
edy In "Sauce for tho Ooose." In
whlrh Constance Talmadco will be nt
the Strand theatre tonight.
Constance Taltnadge Is n comedlen-1
no xvhu knows tho valuo of a sure
light touch In spontaneous fun-mnk-lug,
and she more than fulfills tho
Iiojh;s and exjiectatlons of her many,
iidmlrera by her delightful tntiri'rt- '
tatlon of Kitty Constable In this '
Play. ,
The story Is from tho successful '
play by Oeraldlno Ilnnncr and Hutch I
eson Iloyd, adapted hy Julia Craw-;
ford Ivers. .Ilrlefly It relates how-
Main ' St cort hso. and I and
missus head for It Well Kd,
find this hldg. alright and I nail a
feller which is passing nnd ust him
Is this It. He says yon this
Is It alright and ' if I live I
to ho 100 (one hundred) I hope never
to boo no such out rago perpetuated
on this grate county llkt) this, t says ,
what do you mean and ho says why
tho pepul vole for tho hot spgs. cort
hse. nnd a lot of dumbells sets up n
awful howl and want the ct. hso.
somewhere else nnd start to build
It here. Well I says they build It 1
see and ho gets hot nml says build
It hell this hoar oddyflro Is not noth
ing but a peanut stand nnd off ho
Well Ed you see I get a lot of In
formation by nstlng jiepul about tho
eddyflres so I thinks I will take a
look at the place xvhleh Is working
at being n crt. hso. So t and the
misses go lit the wooden hldg. nnd
tho missus says we do not want to
rent no hoarse and why do wo come
In hear. Well I tell her this Is the
ct. hse. and not no eddyflco nnd 1,
want to glvo It tho o. o. Hut you
no how wlmen Is ed. nnd I could '
no mako her believe this Is no ct.
hse. and out xve go.
When wo get outside nnd get a
whiff of air onco moar tho missus
takes a look at this ct- hse and says
.1.1 ..f It......... .... .!. .. " "" Vlhlllll ll.l III
,.'.... u ... ..-,vii ivn nm v i'iiii.' til l) l,l,,
J Klamath. In tho case of 'I.. O. Mills. ,,," ,. .
Plaintiff, vs. D, O Wllllains. IJo- .,.nl lhl11 M)l '' uf JW- "
I feu da nt ". which s.ild Writ of Kxe-J1'--
'cutlon was ilntvd tho 21st day of1 , , .... .' '')"
,. Febiii.try. I!2i. I will, on the 12th i St,,Vr,.f"r. K ll'i'i".1. '. ('!'"",.' 0r"
11,0 day of July. 1322. nt tho front door' "' m UT ' HAWKINS. Deputy
we or i nil I'ourt House of K imiiith ruiin . J S.l . -J-. K. .!
Constance Talmadge
"Sauce for the Goose"
If you don't want to laugh your head off, stay at
home. Another ''Constance" picture.
Jack Hoxie in "Cyclone Bliti"
Also "Country Store" Night
Admission 10c and 20c
Show Start at .6:30
ngcr for tho Wcitcrn Union, has a c "" Constable, u young writer. Is
cepted a position with tho Danncr w"rkln- tA on I-1 book. "Wont
Mnmr romnanv. aD' Struggles.- Mrs. Alloway. a
Motor company
Albert Moorland, who Is attending
Heald's Huslness collegu In Oakland
this sumnior, drove to Klamath Falls
to spend tho Fourth. He was ac
companied by Sam Hecves, also a stu
dent at Heald's who will visit his
undo. Judge Uunnell, and other rela
tives in tho county. They villi tart
on Iholr return trip to Oakland Fri
day morning accompanied by Mrs.
Frank Moorland and Donald and Dor
othy Moorland, who will remain In
tho bay cities for somo time.
lrn. B. A. Itutherford, who lives
on Keno road two and one-half miles
from town, believes that previous to
hor recent return to tho ranch, after
it year's nbsence, moonshiners used
hor chicken liouso for manufacturing
operations. She was led to this be
lluf when sho found a hole indicating
a barrel, probably of maBh, had been
hurled thero, ns well as other evi
dences of Illicit operatlotiB. Sro
hojies that hereafter tho moonshiners
will conflno their efforts to their
own premises. Mrs. Itutherford
hays potatoes uro doing woll out her
Fred need of Junction City, Cal
ifornia, accompanied by his mother,
Mrs. Mary II. need, and two sisters,
Mrs. C. M. McCollum and Mrs. Jos
cjilt Mathews, all of Dorrls, were
In town this morning visiting with
relatives and frlonds.
Bd Vannlco and family have re
turned from Grants Pass, where
they spent the Fourth with Frank
Vannlco and family.
widow, takes an interest In his work ;
nnd Kitty, tho young wife, remarks
that tho widow is struggling to land
John. When Mrs. Alloway goes too
far In her designs, Kitty concocts a
clever retaliatory plan of her own,
covers the widow with confusion and
wins her husband back.
Memories Will Llvo When You
Say It With
Flowers for every occasion
Klamath Flower Shop
H.U Slain Street. Phono 580
Open Sunday D to 1
Week dajs, 8 a. in, to S p. m.
Four celebrated child players of
tho screen Stanley Ooethals, Gcr
nldlno Condon, Francis Carpenter
and May Garacl appear In the sup
porting cast for Allco Lake In her
latest Metro special, a Dallas Fitz
gerald production of W. Carey Won
derly's story, "The Infamous Miss
ncvell." This plcturo will bo shown
at tho Liberty theatre tonight.
When you read of a now Prlscll
la Dean plcturo, you remember at
onco "Outslda Tho Law," "Iteputa
tlon." "Conflict," and other unfor
gettable pictures In which she prov
ed her tltlo of "Tho most dynamic
actress on tho screen." "Wild Honey"
adds to her reputation, as Lady Viv
lenne, a haughty English sneioty
girl, becomes lost on tho South Afri
can desert. Her final rescue by a
young ongineer brings tho first amo
tions of ovo sho has over felt. Then
Alio is confronted with the informa
tion that hor sweetheart's llfo h In
danger from a flood caused by a dy
namited dam. She becomes a cavo
woman, fighting for tho llfo of hor
man. Tho romarkablo climax of this
plcturo will bring you to yo'ur foot
with pumping heart and batod
breath. "Wild Honoy" comes to tho
Liberty Friday and Saturday.
isSP' $fe
vv iintswv HI ii m
WmvMm C Ik
("own .Voed Green. 1'eotl
As tho Koaaou of short jiastures
ajiproaches, dairy cows In tho flush
of milk jiroductlon will need supple
mental feed. Green clover or nats
and vetch cut anil foil dally, sllago,
or grnln will sujijily tho need satis
factorily. If grain Is used, nothing
is better than bnrloy or oats or a
mixture of these grains. A silo filled
with cluvur or oats and vetch In tho
early summer will furnish good croon
feed for the rest of tho suueou.
A conveniently located de
partment in which is a full
line of Eastman Cameras
r(gv and Kodaks, and all sorts of
J' nlint wrii m1iis cttiittlimo !
equipment are to be found.
A friendly and competent
stiles service, through which
it is intended that the cus
tomer shall get all the in
formation necessary for the
best use of the articles pur
chased. And many interesting (somo
of them exclusive) features
which are briefly described
Unused Films are Returnable
Our customers are always urged to take plenty of films along on their out
ing trips. Money is promptly and cheerfully refunded on unused rolls that
are returned within a reasonable time. iAssw.rv-.;cr.'i--..
Cameras Loaned No Charge!
We have a supply of $3.50 Eastman Cameras to loan as an accommodation
to our customers. There is no charge; a deposit of the price is all that is
necessary. Full amount refunded if the camera is returned within 15 days.
Guaranteed Developing and Printing
That is the hjasis upon which we do th is work. If the prints are not right,
we will make them right. Our developing and printing plant is manned by
experts and modernly equipjped. Films left before 9 in the morning arq
ready at 5 in the afternoon. j
Films Dated Far Ahead
The films you buy at Underwoods bear a dating for efficient use many
months ahead of the date of purchase. You simply can't get anything but
fresh films in our store.
Kodak Albums
A liecessary adjunct to a Kodaking equipment; the only way to preserve
the pictures you prize and cherish. The prices start at $1.00, bound and
loose-leaf styles.
(iprwootfi Pharmac Y
Here are Some Pictures
of Mr. Brown
WHEN he was 20
yenrs old, he wits
thin ntul slender with it
36inch chest. When lie
...... Ill .r.,ir oil! lir U'llM
squared out nnd hud n 1 chest. When he V
wn- 50 years old, he hnd
become quite stout; his
.chest wits 44 inches.
Neither his arms, his legs,
ttor-his body were longer
at 50 yrnrs thnn nt 20 -'
venrs old. At 20 he wore a slim uti
ml ttt 50 yenrs it stout.
5me Chut"
'ftM.t RiuUr Jin
Same Trunk
P'iiIji Stout-
si A A
I. it A 40-. 4 '
wCP J)
ion suit, at 30 n rej-ulnr
Here is a
Joke on
Mr, Brown
Mr. Brown was u shor.
fnt man. Mr.Smithwuj
a tall slim man, and Mr.
Jones was just between
them. They ull meat
tired 40. inch chest, llut
Urown hud u 60-Inch
trunk und Smith hud a
rH-inch trunk.
One duy, because they all wore 40-incli cheit suits, the suits
got mixed. Figure 3 shows Mr. Drown in Mr. Smith's suit.
It is all right in the chest but too long Figure 1 shows Mr.
Smith in Mr. Brown's suit which is too short. When they
traded back Figure 2 shows Mr. Smith and Figure 4 shows
Mr. Brown, each in his own suit. This shows that a stout
man cannot wear a slim man's suit even if the chest measure
is the some in each, -tf--, make genuine stouts (large
around) and genuine slims (small around). Right in trunk
and right in chest, and no other underwear manufacturers do so.
yVS. 11
(I --r ril
If I wH
Other manufacturers cut the legs off of Jones suit und tell
Brown it fits him, but the trunk is too long for Brown and
Tits him about as Smith's suit fits Drown 'in Figure 3 only the
legs would be cut off shorter ns shown in Figure 2, so as to
fit Mr. Brown's legs. The body and arms' would still be too
long. -6-yi-. -, insist that a man's trunk or body meusure is
more important thnn the chest meusure as shown in Figures
1 and 3. Always insist on your trunk being measurcc.
Full Length
Full Length
Half Sleeve
Half Sleeve
--fr--r make nine sizes and each size in slims, regulars
and stouts 27 sizes, and then these are made in variation of
long sleeves, short sleeves, long leg and leg. 56 sizes in
one style of garment. S-frrr don't believe in making the
man fit' the suit, but in mmhing thm tuit tit th man.
"&-ylr- quality since 1876 is known from ocean to ocean.
What you want is quality, fit and wear. That's what wt
give you when we sell you -ifwy,.
"I Aint Mad at Nobody"
1 he Bootery
Chas. P. Maguire
713 Main Street