The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 05, 1922, Image 1

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Wtt Ittt entity Mtmtb
Member of the Associated Press.
I'lricrnlli Vi'iir. .Nil. tlltll.t,
ki.ama'iu fai.i.h, oitnio.v, vi:dm:simv, .inly .-, itiau
prices I1VM CKNTS)
TroRedv Occurs in Car Bor
rowed for Ride After
Dnncc nt Round-Up
Joseph Anthony Mi'llnnulil. ;i,
Min nf Mr mill Mm T i: Mi Doimlil.
fills Mil I ii hlrcul, with I ln vlillm i.f
il lilini'lJnr. tragedy near Fori Iflniil
Hill nliniit a Ml 'lti"liiy niiirniiii: i
wltnu Him nir n was drltlui: ltd Hie ,
iiiiul iiinl lauded tiiitlnin upw.irl in
ii Irrlitntioii illicit, pinning mum
MrDiniiilil underneath mill 'iiurn I
lillii In drown. Ills otn pri it t.iti, n i
young clrl, mlraritlotinly .'snipel
with inlniir lujiirli'it ,
McDiiniilil had lii'i'ti iiIIiiiiIIih: IIi'
ilnncu In lit Unit nlKlit in run KIiiiii
mil In imiiit'ctliiii with Urn round up
ami luiil borrowed dm mr, n Mx-r
lliiler llulek, friini IiIh friend, Howard
Dow, nl the Mi'ccu Taxi iH'nlv In
viting Hi" girl In (i(vnmi.iiiy Min
tin i (no drtvrti nnrlhunnl (rum
I'ori Klamntlt anil worn mturiilnp
when the nccldcut occurred in u ruT
vert nliuut ntte-hnlf mile north of
An nearly hi could In' iik irt.t lti.)
lit (oruiturit irri .Meli'ii.nlil whs
ilrlvliu: ut ii IiIkIi spend when r.n
.truck slight radio nt ruUnr: rn ren
ins; to thu rich! hMo nt Hi" rn.i.l for
7fi feel, llii'ii lo thn left Mill' .mil to Hi" rlKht rliln. lent lug tin 100 feet friini thn rultrrl 'I h tnrni'il mer nt least twice .ift.-r
tenting thn loiii! nii, landed tioitom
upward In thn .i!t. McDonald wu
pinned down liy thn luirlt of tin rn.-ir
seat whllo thn clrl managed lo x
trlrnto herself.
It win linlli'vnil llm'ar wan mining
III II IllKll "peril when It passed over
"llur iil?rt anil (tint 'McDonald, In
uttemir.lug ti n mi tfln tooi-hriiKi'.
nlu steeped mi tlii nrcolorator. A'-ei
lent lug thn mail thu nir triitelel V
feet iiinl ruin In thn !
tlm nir luiil skidded some dlstanc
Thn f-Irl summoned assistance nt
thn (ny Hickman residence nearby
iiinl Sheriff t.w. Will Wll
Him, l.iikn Wiilktr, H SleiimtiK unit
lliirolil Nichols i'm untitled unit
rushed to thu scuitn. Thn was
remitted friini Dm Ihi'h body with
grunt difficulty. , doctor wit mint
molted mill iirommiici'il (Ifo nxtlnrt.
Kxiimlnntlnii liy thn cnroni'r m
tenled that death wus causul by
drowning. Tim mil)' niinniit Injury
wnn ii broken left shoulder hl'iili'.
Tim body was taken to .S.ui I'riui
iIhi'ii thin nioriiliii; tor lutrliil, lie
rompaulud h- thn father iiinl mot h -
Young Mclloiinlil heeii taking
a premeille umrso ut Hi' IHittersliy
of California anil wns Hpetiilliu: Ihu
iiiltiiiner hum wllli IiIh parents, lie
tt nil u whin Urdu of friends hern.
111:1 fnllnir anil undo, Jon McDnn
nlil, am prnprlelorii of McD.inald'ii
lliothuin' pool hull of tins rlty.
.Men III k Si one of I'oiiiIIi of Jul)
Commuult) Plcnle
. Ne.illy lino persons attended Ihu
(oiuiiiuitlty plcnle at .Mnrflll oslur
day, according to local portions who
worn probonl, Tlm plcnlo wiih ar
runi;o,i for thu nnlnrlaiiimunt of
thoso who through form of clrcum
KtanciiH of profui onio npeut thu
Fourth of July at home.
A program of hoiirh, mrllutloim
mid niMretiseii 'win: iflvuit, II. (
(Irounhiick, loittl attorimy, ilnllitiud
' Ihu chief udilrnmi on "Tho Moaning
of Ihu American Flag to thu Indi
vidual OIIUoii." A haslse: illiin.'r wan
wi:.Tiii:it pitoii.itn.ini:s
Thu CyclifStormugraph at llnilur-
wooil'H Pitarmacy
has roglHtmud III
llo cIiiiiiim In bar
ometric proHHiirn
for tho past -IS
Iioiiih, Tlilti Ittdl
citoi ti c.-.iitlnuaniii
of preauiit Moathor
Fo.'iicpst fur next
H lioi'i'H.
Fair ui'd wiii'tu.
Tho Tycou m
cording thnrmnmo-
tor ruglstorod mnxlmum and mini
mum tumpnrtituros today as follews:
High !
Low 6 1
Maximum tompornturo
July 3 t OS
L iU'y, iH.l...."t.V't,Hti"l'7
Labor Preacher
J' , ""
Ilov. Wllllun KrfKj vtm ino only
ordnlnrt mlnlntor at Ilia American'
1'odcrutlon tif iJilor cunftrrnco in
Cincinnati It" nnvo ui hi church
Mvtrnl year ni:o nnd it now rluin
clal ecrrtnry of tho Uulldlnt; Trade
Council of Now Orlcont. v
:icni Out Hern i- A f filled l)
tinier nf .1. II. Iljrr, tfenrrnl
Miiiiukit iif1 S. r.
i;ieveu Southern Pacific nlioji
men on jitrllin In Ihlx clly will loin
their itrnlnrlty. peiiMlou and pans
prhllenen If lliey fall to return lo
work tomorrow mornlni;, acrordliu;
to a (iinlumi'iil hy J. II. Iiyur. Run
eral uiau.iKur of llin railway, nd
druimud lo utrlklui: employeii nt
different points on Ihu n-iitcm. Af
tor 7 n'rlnrk tomorrow mernlni:
th on" not at work will he' dropped
from thn payroll. Dyrr'n Htatemcnt
nnyn In part:
"You nr(. humhy called upon lo
return to nurvlrn promptly on )our
pruvloim recular axli;nmeiitH. Vou
huu no uuarrel with tho Koutliern
Pacific, tliernfory thin nlrlko Ik
iiKaltial tint rovm mount" liornimo the
I'nltvd Ktaten ll.illroad l.nhor hoard,
whom duclnlonn you protoul, Is the
r.overntnent iindnr thn law.
Thn flndllUTM nf tho hnatd will ho
upheld l'iy puhllc opinion, Your
nalarleil leaders nnd their families
will tint nuf for thn lois and priva
tions that will conio to mast of
thn rank and flt who fall In re
turn to thn norvlro and thoso who
nrn dear to them. I liellevo you
have lieell misled. ino ncted has
tily without full realization of the
Kran (onseiuencoH of your action,
and want to i:lvo you thu opportun
ity of correcting jour mlstako ho
torn others nrn employed to take
your former places.
Thoso who report for duty
promptly will havo their seniority,
pension and pass matur
ed without prejudice."
Of fliers Speedily Cml Allenipl lo
I'aliit Klaiiiatli ltd I
Although thn alisonce from tho
city of a largo sham of thn popu
lation resulted In little excitement
over tlm Fourth, at least thrcu pat
rons of thn nip tint rliiHM'.H and
Meant set forth Monday night to
celeliralo thn signing of thu Dorlar
ttllou ot llidupunduiim. Tlioiio worn
Oscar Amlnrsou, Kills Autonuoii and
Dan .Sullivan,
Amlnrsou mid Antoinoit wero
participants In a brawl at Sixth nnd
Klamath, Had Ihoy gouo tliolr ro
hpectho wii) a following tho arrival
on tho scunu of Chief Wilson, Pa
trolman IlriiiidenburK nnd Flro
Chluf Ambrose, nil might havo been
well. Aa It was, howevor, they at
tempted tn force unwulcoiiio atten
tions upon thn tlireo officers, and
wero Hperdlly landed in Jail for thn
night. Thuy woro released I ho fol
lowing in o in I n i; with flues ot 7. no
Dan Sullivan, a logger, and well
known to thn pollen forco through
fmiiiuut Hojoiirim In Jail, wnu ar
rested before ho had aciiulied moro
Ihiiu a fair ijtiirt and beforo thu
conceit Sullivan usually stngos
, .... i. ...... i ........ i.u i....n
I'lllltll no noillll liiwiu llinu uiiuu
block.i. Propel ly primed, Sulllvnn'tt
voice rnvurburates from thu Hot
SprlugH court hotiso to thu I.aku
aldo Inn. TO COXTKS'l'
SAI.KM, July C Circuit Judgo
Ulnghnm hns announced that ho
hits boon advised that Charles Hall
would file a contest for tho repub
lican nomination for uovonior to
day or tomorrow,
Critical Period Snid to Be
nt Hand; Maintenance
Men Remain at Jobs
( IIICAdO, July .'. -HtilkliiR
rinlvay Hhopmeli who walked out
hem I .it Halurday wnrn repurtdl
dr.fliiu: h.iili today In r.mupn of
unrerlatii nlze. Today wan con
i inlered Min tunilni: point of thu
"trlke of ;ifiU.0Hi) to too. ooii work-
AIUioiikIi renponilltiK lo mrlku
(ill generally hut .Saturday.
hut Halurday. rail-
road officials luxluleil today that
' many of Hi,, defertloiiH were due
to the iloulm tit thu men to tnko a
i holiday mer Ihu fourth of July.
I'reklit liandlerH, clerks and .Ma
i tliiiiary fltniuun and (ilium Joined
Hi" Mrlkllii: Hhopinun at ariou
I puliitH, altliinii:li fully nit inany
kIioph ruiorlri that Ihu inon went
niuinliiK to uorl; today.
HACKA.I:NT0, July 5. Twolvo
hundred and thlrty-ulnn Kouthern
Pacific liQii workers returned ti
day. Illvlflon Superintendent Almru
anuouncud There nrn . approxi
mately I'.r.OO on tlm ioIIk. At thn
Western I'jrlflc shops t iKlit out of
.100 returned, said Shop riuperlu
tendent Powell
rll.ATi:il, Mo. July 6. HtrlkltiK
shopinen vulii'it tho I'lilcaKii K- Al
ton nhops, dmiu out iion-imliiii men
hrnuRlit lo work, and wero holdliiK
thu shops this afternoon.
NIIW YOIIK. July .'..While
railroad nfflcl.ils lier, denied union
rnports that jiegroen were henK
emidoyed .1 strlftn hrcikcrs, thny
(Continued to 1'uku :)
lto rnctnry, CIom'iI SIihv Mnrtli,
OlMiatliijj Willi ill) llinploji'.l
Tho Illi; Lakes Ilox unnpaio's hox
factory hum, which has benn, closed
slnco .Ma rih 1, resumed operat'ons
this morning with ahout iu pernons
workliiR. A. J. Voye, itiiiii'ir.i''. aid
that he hoped within two we.-k the
plant would he runuliiR at rapacity,
employing 12' workers on one shift.
Part of tho plant cqulputont win
removed to Slsson, whurn tlu com
pany loaned a hox factory earlier In
Ihu (Mi.ihon. Maihluery to mplau'
(his has liecu partly Installed :ind
other material Is on tho way nnd
will til rlvai In a few days.
.liitliiH KriillMlmllt HIiIih Miid Will
llulll If Oiitml I'nilflc
Ih Itl'lllllieil
I'OIITI.ANI), Julr .'.. rurllior
ilufinllo imNttraiKi'ii t)iut thu Klnm-
...I. I...fl.. I.......... ....... .. .!.
i inn i' niin-i.iii'iiii iiiuu ui nil:
Koiithcrn P.vlflc H)nleni, known nn
thn Natron cutoff, will In; ciimplli;d
mid a inn miction madn with the f-'en-Irnl
I'uclfic'ii HarrMincnto-OKdnn
roulo in roon nx (ho right of thu
liouthern Pacific to hold thu Central
I'nclflr Hum Iiiih Ijiioii (itulillthed,
In conliilni.'il In n tulcgrnin from Jul-
I 1 ii h KruttHrhnlll, ihnlruinn of thn
Houthirii I'uilflr hourd. Tho lulu
cram follewH:
Thn nxiTiitlMi rommllli'O of thn
hoard of ill roi torn of thn Hntithcrn
I'.iilflc Kimpany ntithorlzcH iio to say
that thn Natron cutoff will ho cum
I'lotcil Iminnillatuly after our .rlKht
f " m"'1 ln" pl,ral I'acine iinnu
lliivu iM'L'n IIIIHliy fyiinwiiniicu uj iiiu
Interstate commcrco
liouhlu traiklniT nnd many other fa
cilities reijulreii for tlm puhllc scr
Un hao heeii halted liy Kovern-
int'tit ntt.uks upon our title.
'lids UdoRrnm has heen turned
over to thn committee of thu Port
land rhamher of commerce, which
Is preparing a statement to kuIiIo (he
ehaniher dlro tors In expressing
themselves on tho controversy be
tween thn Southern 'Pacific and
t'nloii Pacific system oxecutlves.
In propacanda put out similarly
hy tlm I'nlon Pacific exmutlves, ns
suranres have heen Riven tlm peo-
du of Oregon that as. If nnd when
the Central Pacific lines shall he
si'Kri'K.'iteil finally frot.t the Foutre
urn Pacific Hjstem and acquired hy
thn I'nlon Pacific, the latter will
complete thn Natron nttoff, com
menced hy thn Central P.fclflc, and
carry through Its program to pro
vide Central Oregon with railroad
facilities, liuludliiR a connection
from Cranu lo llcnd and from there
lo n point on thn KuKcne-Klnmath
Pulls Hue, duslRnated us the Nalron
cutoff. - -
Town In Modoc County Has Kiery-
tiling Hut Population
Al.Tl'llAS, Cnl... July .'..Out In
tho wilds of western Modoc county
n complete town, with everything but
population, Is being built nnd already
has been named "Mysteryvlllo" by
residents hero becauso tho promoter
of thu clly Is uncommunicative and
will not anuoiinro his purpose In put
ling up tho place.
Modern buildings nr" being erect
ed, an electric light plant installed
and arrangements mndn for n mov
ing picture theatre. Tho sit 3 Is in
thn heart of an Innuendo tract of
sugar pine timber and nut far dis
tant from a mill pond. It is thought
possibly lumber operations uro plnu
Stronghold of Republican
Forces Beteiged by
National Troops
DtJM.lN, Jujy .'.. Ilombardments
of buildings occupied hy republicans
remaining In thu Hnckvlllo street
stronghold ware resumed this after
noon following n few hours' lull. The
llannnam hotel, which had been one
of tho principal points of defense,
(aught fire shortly after midday, tho
flames spreading to adjoining build
ings on tho south. Shortly aftor the
flro was noticed what appeared to bo
a white flag was hung out, but when
tho troops and firemen approached
tho building they wero fired at and
tho supposed flngi was withdrawn.
National army forces then trained
an IS-pounder on tho llnmmnm ho
tel nnd on thn general postofflco
next door, where, tho main forces
of Irregulars wero supposed to bo
concentrated. Tho fircshman hotel
and other buildings In Saclcvlllo
street wero blazing furiously at 2
o'clock this afternoon.
It Is not known whether Lo Val
era and other republican leaders
wero still with the garrison.
HO Steamships nnd .11 American
Sailing VcshoIs Stay In Port
nlno American steamships nnd fifty
one American Balling vessel! bavo
been Idle from two to tweet) months
In ports of CuMfornlnr Oreeffn-auu"
Washington, tho result, according to
P. W. Itelyea, district managor of
tho United States shipping board, of
tho fact thut thcro is not enough
business nt present to keep tho ship
ping of tho world busy.
"Tho United States Is getting Its
sharo of what business there Is" said
Itelyea. "For foreign vessels are
tied up In their own countries.
"When business conditions becomo
normal, thcro will bo a great demand
for boats to carry cargoes. Tho
United Stated should prepare for this
by turning over shipping board ves
sels to prlvato owners and granting
them subsidies, that they may com
poto with foreign-owned shipping."
Thirty-one of those Idlo boats on
tho Pacific coast aro wooden sailing
craft, nnd thrco aro wooden steam
ers. Forelgu vessels aro being mov
ed Womptly, nltbough some carry
part cargoes and somo carry ballast.
BsmBiKBr 'iBssB
BBBBHsillllK 45. Bfl
VUr OfwnwwX. wU of Sir
Saaaar Orwwrood. Odtt Mcretarr
to Iralaacl, la rcocnU4 tmofflclai
lya on ot U moat tntcrssUnr
a&4 influential ptracntUUM to tta
Irlsa tantla.
Rermt Tet Kald to Kliow Wntrr
luro With One Kxccptlon;
Farther Tents Jliulo
Current rumors that typhoid I
prevalent In thU clly aro without
foundation, as tests of tho city wa
ter havo shown no typhoid norms,
City Health Officer Stowart said
Stewart said that whllo recent
tests had been excellent with ono
exception, farther tests arc being
mado to determine tbo qxact condi
tion of the wator, and until reports
rwlT.Qci the, onbllna, Artvsel.ta
boil all water used for drinking
No ezpento will bo spared, both
by tho city health department and
the "California Oregon Power com
pany, to protect tbo public from
Impure water, Stewart declared.
Question of Connecting Link With
Pacific Highway Settled
Klamath should support tho Weed
Klamath Falls road as tbo hex: per
manent connecting link with the Pa
cific highway according to tbo ua
Jorlty of members of tho chambor of
commerco participating In a road
discussion at tbo forum luncheon to
day; and tho board of director will
bo so informed tomorrow nt their
meeting and asked to taV.o stop to
socuro tho Improvement of tho road
from (ho Cullfornla statu lino to
Weed, through the California stato
highway commission.
Tho argument In faor of the
Weed road against tho Tousv grado
road Is that It Is more nearly on a
grado lovel, cutting out a drop ot
2000 feet from hero to Agcr nnd a
corresponding climb over several
ranges of hills to Weed; and n moro
direct route.
In tho road discussion it was sail1
by K. C. Croesbeck, president of tho
Automobile association, who favored
tbo Weed road, that It would take
sovoral jcars to sccuro Its develop
ment. Tho (ireeu Springs mouutuln
road Is practically impassablo, duo
to tho cutting effect ot heavy
trucks hauling logs over this emK
Tho best road into Klamath now
Is tho Agcr road, via Topsy grado, ho
said, and tho only road that wll! bo
of m"ih ufco this year.
This btatument was partly con
curred In by others who havo travel
ed tho thrco roads "lately, although
somo HpVlikora declared thu
road to Weed at present U uot had
Until Klamath county gets bol
ter roads, It was unanimously ngioud,
tbo bulk ot tourist travel will shun
Klamath Falls,
R. n. Hall stated thut n chuck on
travol on tho Pacific highway near
Dunsmulr tho othor day thuwod an
average of a car u mluuto over n
ten-hour porlod. That Klamath Fulls
gets very little of this travol Is be
yond quostlon.
A map of tbo Crutor lake routo
that is being distributed by tho man
agement of tho operating company In
Portland was oxblbltod. Roads and
hotol 'accomodations wero shown,
but neither Klamath Falls, Its ho
tols or any Tndlcatlon ot a road to
the lako othor than by way ot Med
ford appeared, on (ho map,
Weed Worker Slashes Hit
Wife's Throat, and Holds
Officers at Bay
WKKI), July C. Following an al
leged uttempt to murder his wifo
by cutting her throat nt an oarly
hour Sunday, Joo Sbarboro hold of
ficers and citizens at bay at his homo
In Shastlna, wounding nlno men, un
til a shot from tho gun ot a deputy
sheriff, who had managed to slip
Into tho homo, wounded tbo gunman
nnd closed tho battle, to,
Sbarboro, who barricaded himself v,
In his six-room homo, used r. shot-,
gun to keep tbo officers at a dis
tance. Tho windows. wero shot from
thn homo In tho votIoyn exchanged
by tho officers, who surrounded tbo
SulpliurJ Fume Full
After tho exchange ot volloyn Into
tho hotisa by thn-sheriff and hlit
pose had faIIedto"(lrlvo Sbarboro,
from cover or- to .cnuso him to sur-,
render an Ineffectual effort wan
mado to drlvt him out by sulphur
fumes. BuVntng sulphur wai thrown ,'
Into tho house, but to no avail.
It was not until after 1 o'clock
Sunday afternoon that a deputy
sheriff was able to slip Into tbo housn
and fouud Sbarboro crouched behind
a sewing machine. A shot from the
deputy's shotgun, which - womded
Sbarboro but slightly, put an end to
tho battle.
Sbarboro, according to tho officers s,
attempted tritfiko tho life of Mn.
Sbarboro, at. C;20 n. ra. Sunday. Ho
managed to "cut her throat, but a.
Kt;rtotn-vttT?(niaSVriforinf nctedr
Seven children then wero drlvon
fro tho heme.
Joseph Fortunate, a neighbor, who
attempted ttj pacify Sbarboro, was
shot In thcrback. Following tho
shooting It yfas believed Fortunato'H
right arm tfuuld bavo to bo ampu
tated. J
Shortly at'r this Weed officers ar
rived, led by Constablo Joseph Lock-
year, who attempted to rush Into tho
house. Loekyear was shot In tbo
Secn'OtIicrs Wounded
Soven othcrii who attempted to
overpower Sbarboro also woro slight
ly wounded Among tt'e? wero
George CalUoan, a hotel man, and
Luclnu Whjtb, a harbor.
Ily this tYmo Sbarboro had barri
caded himself nnd was successfully
resisting efforts to dislodge blm un
til tho arrival of Sheriff A. S. Calk-
fins from Yrekn at a o'clock.
Numerous volleys woro flrod ut tho
houi.0 in an effort to dislodge Sbar
boro, but these efforts fulled tho of
ficers' alleys being occasionally
nnswervd by Sbarboro.
It was not until thu deputy maiir
aged to slip Into tho houso and
wounded Sbarboro that tho battle was
Sbarboro until tho lumber workers'
strlko hero was employed by thu
Weed Lumber company. Slnco tho
Rtrlko was called ho has been Idle.
Ho Is bolluved deranged.
Sbarboro was treated In tho hos
pital here, and thon Tomovod to
Yroka, where bo probably will tin
oxiimlned to dctermiuu hid mental
Ordlniuici Will CJlv0 Mayor Fowe
to Sign 1'avliiK Contract
An ordinance authorising tho
mayor to enter a contract with tho
Warreu Construction company lor
paving was passed to tho second
reading by tho city council Mon
day night. Tho ordlnanco will
romo up for third roadlnif next'-'
An ordinance establishing nldo-
-wulk grades on tbo Bouth slda ot
Grant from Eighth to Ninth wett
to tho third roadlng.
Application of C, H. Uuderwood 1
to ropalr tho roof ot a shed at' thai
roar of Uudorwood'u pharmacy W,
refcrrod to tho flro committee.
PORTLAND, July 6. Cattle
woak. Hogs weak. Sheep steady.
Eggs steady, llutter 3c hlfkrt
tru casci 38o to 39c; prists ,4Sc,
Wheat U5 o fl.lf, ,lf aj.