n- $ ct- flATtmOAV, JULY J i 02fl THE EVENING HERALD, K13CMATR PAULS, OREGON ti? Four .x - I I .1 M ;o 3&EHW& oat nml It wns iilnntieil to show the llfo In tlio wllilrriiot'i Tor ntmoinhnro. Just n nvnrythliiK wnn Im rendition , :i InrRo nrl'tlv hour titnliliil In front ' f tht rninoin, iiprfonmM n fiv Diamond lnko whcro thoy will ifrjvotn tho next fow ilnyn to Rolttup ittiw vlmvs nt tlu ItiUo nml .surrotimlliiR country. Mr nml Mrs ('. II I'liilrruoml, nr , stuntH In loi"liix with Ills nnttiro j romtuiiili'il li Mr I'liuVrwioil mini, Koclnlly thing Imvo licon uniiMi. lrtscnt Mr nml "Mm .1 V (Sool- l,n,l l",",'l "t t cnnteni i.iiiro, Mrs. NVttto Uokki. of Aliiniotlii Cull nlly iulet tho pint week In Klntu- ler nml mm Hrnl Air ami Mm U A I atniarontty wlttimii nny iiiiltrnrion I foriiln. Mr. . t ClmmM-rlln. nml nth Knlls. Thoro Imvo boon tho.Wlrlz. Mr nml Mrs. K II. Dnnti.nr ! llllU m' ''"'I 1,0l, iturn-il In one ilmiRhtor. (Veil, will I.io tiiniurniw ununl nlchnlcs, fuw wnldliiRHinnil ilntiRhter, Kilnn, Mr nml m,. Iieoiio or ".No l)ofom " lor Cnitor InU I. K. a. CuiiimliiKC. iliitiKhti-r. Mmcnri't "nf' " '"Kiny luonso.t wniiiinivo ,m8. nml son, Chnrles, Mr. nml Mrs It K Wnttcnlmrj;, Mrs Kllon I'lol mill son, Olenti, Dr. nml Mrs. 1.. I.. Tmiix nml Mrs. Tniax's mint. Mrs. Culhortson, Mrs. Jumps MiCluro nml grnmlson, Hubert CallnKtivr, Mr. mm Mrs. S i:. Mnrtln nml Mrs. Martin's mother. Mrs. It.unsliy At n qtilot homo MOilillllK In Wooiltaml last Sumlny, Mls K.uv tnnlny for AMilnml whoro thoy will lnko In tlio Fourth of July rolohrn (Ion. I lurry 1. Copo, Hpoolhl np.unt for tho llnrtfoi'il InKiirmit'o i'oiiiiiin, It hoio f id in fluii Prnurlsi'o on unit torn of liiisliii'ss. From horn ho will do on to l.uUnvlow. The nxpi'Utltn lommittiMi of tho si.ii I two or imbllo In'iiltli unrxlen mtt In tho chiiiul'oi or lOiiimoti'o looms on this bit or nntiir.il history which he I It.. Moo. of "Tlio Woman' Stnro," Tlitimluv ommiIiik nml iIIsiiishimI bail filmed, mill icuM It ns mi Iniror-j will lonxo tho first, of tho w!i for iilnns hv which tho imlillc is to bo Hint part of tho story. It was nocos-. Snn Krmii'lico, whom ho will nt(iml mnilo rnmlllm with thovoik of tho snry to mlil n scono showlUK Diilirmi. to mutton of Inisluoss. tirKunliiillmi as a liun toil in.ui, honrliiK a nolso ami Mrs. WJIhiir ArnoM, who Inn boon , m thliikliiK tbo mouiHOil polloo woro horo for tho past throo wii'K lslt on his train, boeonios fearful, but i ln with lolntlxes nml trlemls. left on another scene shown that tlio beartho niornhiK train for her hnmo In was the rniiso of his rrlKbt. I'ortlmiil. , I C A. Mi'Intyro nml family nrrivoil , l,llli:itTV SI'MIAY last nlKht from Siinlii CIiim. Calif, nlo Vlrcll becanin tho brlile of l.ols KMon Dennis. lloth are' Fox photopluy stiirrliiK Ohm Ion well known In nud about Klamath , (Huck) Jones, has boon booked for Falls. The bride niailo her home , tbo Liberty Sumlny H Is tho first hero nil ilurltiR her girlhood, and , picture since tbo popular Huck for tho pat few year has boon mi . abandoned that name and win for- Instructor In tlio domestic science ' mnlly christened t harles. department ot the public schools. Mr. Dennis wag a rancher In tho Illy section for a number of years before movliiK Into Klamath Falls Tho story ns written by Jacques J accord with Oharles Jones In mind, ami It Is said he has provided the star with plenty of scope for At present ho Is In business In " display ot his dash mid darlnK Madison, California, and It Is there they expect to make their home. Mrs. Virgil, who accompanied her daughter on the trip to Woodland, hart cone on to San Francisco and Los Angeles fo ran extended visit. Mrs. Ilyron Noud entertained Thursday afternoon at cards for a number ot friends'. At the close ot tho games dainty refreshments were served by the hostess to the fol-l lowing guests: Mesdames Our Kckwnll, M. LavenlkiO. V. Hob orison, T. McDonald, John Llnman. M. McAndrews. D. II. Crump, El mer Hosklns, nert Igle. C. A. Pat terson, Charles Magulro and Miss nMrgaret Magulro. Mrs. T. II. McDonald gave a de lightful farewell party this after noon for Mrs. D. 11. Crump. Tho lonowing guests were present: Mesdames Elmer Hosklns. O. W, Hobcrtson, nert Igle. C. A. Patter son, John Llnman, M. McAndrows, M, Jaccard ulno proparod tho scenario and directed tho production'. TRe star apiears In tho roll of n Texas ranger boarjnc ho cor nomen "Dynamite'' Stevo borsey. Dorsey Is called upon to llvo up to tho namo when ho rides through n roiuty ruled and terrorised by n croaked sheriff. Without awaiting reinforcements, proceeding" accord. Ing to tho first law of tho rangers, ho starts right In cleaning up the situation. It Is said he not only rides with death, but at It, Into It nml through It. Sunday at tho Libert)'. Personal Mention "ISIiIIiir With Death," Wllllnm d nro. guests nt the Whlto Ivllean I...1 ... Mm l..l. .... 1.. ...I '.. . .mi. .muihi.i l' in i-u;iiiiTl"i! with tbo rallro.iii lompany. Mr nml Mrs It. 11. Murray nro heio for a brief visit troni their homo In lli-ud. L. M. King Is another Klnmath Falls visitor hero this week-end from "end. . A. Tyler, a nronilneni '.i.n.kfpl of Astoria. Is a business visitor hero today. He Is stopping nt ire White Pelican. M. I. niotchly, proprietor of La Vogue stores, returned last uigSl from n trip to New York. K. S. Dunn and II. F. Domhoff. nnd club meetings on tho social calendar. Tho Portland Oiegonlan of Wed nesday gavo tho following nccount of tho charming wedding of Mrs. (lotdcn Lincoln and Dr. Harold M. Ilrown of Sheridan, Wyoming, nt Portland, Juno 2S: Mrs. Qotdun Lincoln mid Dr. Harold M. Drown of .Sheridan, Wy oming were married last Wednes day nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Itlrhnrd Tnlboy. 644 East Fifty-first street North. The ceremony was performed nt 7 n. m. by P.o (?eo. 11. Van Waters. The bridal coupto was unattended beneath a bower of pink nud white rose.". Interspersed with forns mid arranged In mi arch way. Tall baskets of syrlnga were on each side. The brldo was nttlred In n navy bluo potret twill suit with beaded Jade green blouse and n black hat. Following the service, th0 wed ding party motored to Crown Point rhalet, whcro tho wedding break fast wnu sorved. Table decorations or syrlnga and ocean spray were very effective. CiuesU were Mr. mid Mrs. V. N. Derby of Salem, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Derby and daughters Marian and Catherine, Mrs. Nell Derby Collins, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. F. Tt. Talboy, Marian and Garner Talboy. alt of Portland. Mrs. A. D. Pierce and Mis Ollvo Pierce aro two charming eastern womon who nr0 visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Pike In Pollcan City, from their home In Ilhodn Island. Mrs. Plercn Is Mr. Pike' sister, while Miss Pierce Is hor slster-ln-law. They will be hero for tho greater part of tho summon Mr. and Mrs. Pike with their guests will drive to Crater lake for the Fourth. ' The Auction Ilrldgc cjub wau en tertained on Thursday of this week nt the homo of Mm. H. E. Wright. 225 North First street. Mrs. Ho ram .Manning wm a charm ing J I out im to the Leisure Hour bridge club on Tuesday of this weuk nt her home on Conger avenue The meeting of tho club was particular ly Interesting In that It was the last me m mu season. ous noiellst. I.eroy Scott, will , , -Mr J,n'' " Ed Cur wen-, Mrs. II. II llallaglier mid children shown at the Star thwitro. for to Kuexts at the Hall hotel night on ; have nrrlved liiimc this morning from Ono uf tho most enjoyable f fairs J da) s. beginning Sunday. j this t'1,,r wn' t0 California f mm In- , Cottonwood. California where thoy or the week was the bargo party thrilling picture, the power of u lead. v,JU-- Tl,,,' ""I'00' " vl"11 "'" Mr-! haw been Mslllng with reliillws nud hponsored by Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. tr of the underworld Is seen to reach Courfs mother In Martlni.i 'friends Mr th- past few weeks iins on ounuaj. ine large unrg-Mni.i me very halls of justice Polltl. Mr nnd Mrs It E Stlr.-in. : tl... Mrs John Knders auompankd by ill I'lrM Not. . .loll) Seeking to recmiT mi two prom issory notes, of .V.,. ami linn res pecthe, nml asking for $IM I'tor ne)ii fees, the First Natlon.il buiil, of this city filed suit )esterday In tho circuit court iihiiIiisi Coin M i Jolly. Civok h, .XIiHlenkru Mrs Miiilollno Oook tiled suit )es terdny In tho circuit court' UKnlnst (1. It, Medeskea, seeking to haw the latter ousted fro mrnrtaln premises In Merrill known ns tho "P.hodrc Ilrook Farm, tho ranch home or Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Applegate. will be tho scene or a gathering of friends from Klamath Falls on the Fourth. Mr. nnd Mrs. D V. Kuy yendall and family, Mrs. Jennie Hum nnd Mrs. Oeorge Daldwln. Miss Lavenlk. Quy Eckwall, Charles Maud Baldwin. Mr and Mrs. John Magulre and Miss Margaret Ma- McCall, and families will enjoy the Rulre. hospitality of the Applegates. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Martin and ClKCll U'lfh MIM Mtirflln (i.,lln !...,!. daughter. Vlvlnn and Dorothea, will ,)f whm ' ' place," conlendlng that Medeskea cn both of Pittsburgh, and Jnrk Howard l"r,,ll ,n, a ,pa"" w"n n"r wlilc'i ho of nend, who are all connected with "o has violated. Sim asks that he one or tho larger lumber companies I I'-'V the costs or the litigation. or Eastern Oregon, arrived hero Inst night nnd nro stopping ror a couple of days at tho White Pelican hotel. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. (1. Van llellen havo purchased tho John Thorsen homo at 701 Jefferson street. Mrs. dene Hammond nnd daugh ter wero rounty seat visitors hero today from their homo near Merrill. Mrs. Peter lloure. of Olene, was In town making purrahses from local merchnnts this morning, Mrs. C. L. Jamison has moved from 737 Pacific Terrace to the Sun set apartment house whero sho will make her home In the future. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Worden left yesterday on their return trip to Portland after a week spent horo visiting with old friends and rela tlves. Miss Margaret Foster arrived the first of the week from San Fran return from Chlloqiiiu this evening I tacatlmi with tlinir aunt. Mrs. Silas tiii: sT.ut .i, .. -""." " " " Obenchaln. They expect to bo at the Mr and Mrs, A J. Vow and f.-nll 01),Iu.niU ranfh , f son. Joe. are hero from bls,r,,. 1 Vy ,,. Rrlir Ji(m ()f or Mr. nml Mrs. Leslie llogers nud family will b-aw tomorrow for Illy Thomu-s vs. lUrllng Pursiinnt to stiupulatlon or coun sel ror both parlies, formal order or dismissal was entered hv Judge Leavltt this morning In the rnm of HiTt 0. Thomns, ns ndmlnlstr.t'.nr of tho rstato of John M. Noo, deceased against It. L. Darling, Involving tho alleged wrongful conversion of pel soiinl property ot tho estate. BIRTH RECORD ANDEIISON At Miller Hilt, Juno .10. 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Anderson, a boy; weight 7'4 pounds. NOTICE Wo will bo closed from Saturday 4:30 p, in. until Wednesday morn ing 7 a. m., July We're going fish ing. PEOPLES WHSB 30-1 firaiit, Puss Work to Bturt on p.icklnK plant of Oregon drowers' association. will return then' within f'iw ly ' Claude Clopton Is a ni'Mity reiu ' Catholic Citizenship (Tlili In tlio Second of u Seiles of Paid AdvnrllsoiuniilHl ('nil Yon .lu-tlry TIhimi Who AHiiik the ritliilil or Ontliollcs by , .MASS OF II.V.V yPOTATIO.NM from scnlll'red meinbors ot mi orgaulriitloii which In the llnllod Slates nloiio bus nearly twenty iiiIIIIoiih ot iidherentM, eHpeclnlly when such iiiotutlons urn almost Invuilably gnilili'd, iiilsliijer preted, or nt best me but tho private vlnw.-i ot InilUlilunls? When )ou wish to know what the Amerlciin Onustllulloii ntiinds for. do Jim go to Mr Itiullriil, Hev Ormik or Mrs Anll-AmeilcmiT No. not when them nro iiilliihle ilimiuels to consult. Should not Ibo eltltmishlp of I'utholli's be juilr.i'd by 1 tin consistent conduct nnd uniform patilotlsm or tho grout majority, minor I Mint the mt" ilei'ds nt an occiiNlonul Individual Is It tint leally criminal to In vent tlitltliuiH limitations nud liilineloils fake until to blacken III" iltlrctishlp of Cntholli' clllri'iis' ll mil irlmlmil, then hn deiili:' null' such conduct ' el thU Ih lielug done evety day In Oregon. A Ml HI' IIIIASIir I.NSI'AM'i: ot this 1,1ml Is the I'AKi: OATH nscrllied to the KiiIkIiIs of .'" Iiimhus; HiiiusiiuiIk of coies Imvo been circulated In Oiegoii Hid von lend this fnko out li. nud did ou think It genuine'' It so, ou weie groiu'l.v ili'celveil. tiii: rtui: , or c oath bus been etpiiKi'd and comli'liilieil III Congress; that Is how It got Into the Congii'Ksloual lleiord. not liecausii It huh line, but be luilKii It im u fake. It has been cotiilcmin'il In uialiy coiirtH In the United Stales nml Ciimidii: g, In Plilliuleliihla, Pa, In the Quarter Sessions Court, hi the ease of Coiumonwe.illh of Pennsylvania vs. Olmrles Mcgoucgnl mid Clarence II Stage, Jan. nil, till I; ugiilu, Water-villi-. Mlmi , In the case of Statu or Minnesota vs A M Morrison nud llarfleld E. Morilson. July 2I. 1HI4, uguln, St. Johns. New foundland. In the DlMrlrt C'llllll before JuilKo KiiIkIiI nKulnt Charles A Swift In these anil In virions oilier courts, ilefend auts were round KUllly ot ilrrulatlliK the false, fictitious, FAKE OAII. During the war the campaign ot vl IUIr.it Ion reached n low ebb. Lately In Oregon and elsewhere It has been revived with added Impetus, In October. 1914, the business men of Indianapolis, Ind , ap pointed a. committee of Non-Calhiillcs, who Investigated and con demned tho Imposture In the strongest terms Surely sumo of our repreientatlvo Klamath Fulls Nnn-Ciithiillrs ought to b willing to make u similar Investigation, It nny of them think this oath Is genuine. In the same month tho Mnsons of Los Angeles mmln n search ing Inquiry, and they reported the so-rnlled O ilh to be n malicious forgery Surely the Masons of Klamath Falls would b" willing In show the namo spirit of fairness. If nny of them iluuhl that this oath Is a fake. tiii: pake k. of oath Is a most drastlr Instance if a tlinusaml nud one similar forgeries and mlsreprot.eulntlnti. From thU one draw your n con clusions Spare does not permit replying to nil. llelnw Is THE HEAL OIII.KMTION which the Knights of Cotuinluis take. From the day tho order was rounded, there never linn been a word In the ritual, cere monlal, promises or proceedings or tho Order that ronfllrts with this "I swear to support the Constitution of the t'nlled Stales. 1 pledge myself, ns a Catholic rltlien and Knight of Columbus', to enlighten myself fully upon my duties ns a rlllmn and to consci entiously perform such duties entirely In the Interest of my coun try nnd regardlesK of all personal consequences I ptedgn myself to do nil In my power to preserve the Integrity and purity of Ibo ballot ami to promote reverence and respect for law nnd older I promise to prnrtlco my religion openly and consistently but with out ostentation and to so conduct myself In public affairs and In the exercise or public virtue as to retlert nothing but credit upon our Holy Church and to the end that alio may flourish and our country prosper to the greiter honor nnd glory lit Mod " Foregoing Is the obligation which the Ooiigrciilonul Commit tee, tho various courts nud the Masons verified IIEV 111(111 MAHBIIALL lleud McKltiley-Huiiiluon Mr nnd Mrs. It E Wallenberg mill t expect to leave lii their car loinnr -The Nig,,, KoM..-a new ,MAvfn " "" "" " ""'" i v! hero they r.S"''.',! tllT "1" "'U0 f,,t" "' lMr lrf"T """'" '""' '" "",,,y Slodrmnarrom,hepenor.hef,!''-' da,K. IL , Uully. '""" "'""""' Mrs F W UVuliiii, who has been hern fur the pust few da) nhopplng returned this morning to her homo nt Eiigle Itldge which carried tho guests over the Upper Klamath lake to Eagle Ridge and Hocky Point was made comfort able with largo awnings and deck chairs. Tbo guest list follows- Mr. nnd Mrs. J, E. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs, II. E. ,Poltr and daughter Ilorthu, Win. O. Wood, E. E. Harpbam, Mr. nnd Mrs, L. E. Rodger, Mr. and Mm. Colvln, Miss Florence Porter, Mrs. W. F. Wyant, Mr. and Mrs. fi. II, Coiad, Mr. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. O. D, Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Pope, Miss Etbolwyn O'Fla herty, Mist Amy Sraeltt, F. C. Nlcklo. .Mr. and Mrs. F. n. Soulo and Mr. nud Mrs. H. II. Hill. J- Tho University or Oregon, and the Oregon Agricultural students mot last night at a joint banquet at a local (onfoctlonory honoring tho presidents, of tho two state Institu tions, P. C. Campbell, or Eugene, and Dr. Kerr of Corvallls, who stopped hero on their return rrom Lakovlew whoro thoy met with the Dr. Dally Million Dollar Fund, board. Tho students of tho university and collego enjoyed tho usual friendly rivalry which exists whenover tho two got together. Last night It took tho form of songs botween courses nnd npponrod In tho after dinner speeches. Futuro plans of tho two Institutions wero Informally discus--Bed and a general outllno of present policies wero given for tho benefit ot graduates who have not been with their Alma Mater for some tlino, Tho Ladles club of Elks will not moot on Tuesday, July 4, but have postponed their social gathering until July 11 instead, My. Jennie Hum was hostess on Tuesday to the Happy Hour club. Plans wero discussed for a picnic which will bo held at Chlloquln in ' the near future. Sunday the Ait Noodle Work club ontortiilncd at JtB minimi dluiior for the husbands nml fumllles of tho club members. Tho dinner this year was held ut tho Houston cuinp on Spring creek, mid was ut tended STKAXD Sf.VDAY Mitchell Lewis Is a star becauso he wanted to be a star. From very early childhood the stage always had a certain attraction for Mr. Lewis. Ills father had an otflro In a building In Syracuso where a certain theatrical company used to hold their rehear sals, Mr. Lewis, who was then fond ly known as "Mitch" used to bang around and watch tho rehearsals. Ho thought It would bo rather nlco to be an actor. Witness the birth of the stage "bug," a peculiar bug which zoologists have not yet placed Into any particular class. He got Is first Job as an "Indian Brownie" with "Palmer Cox's Brow nies." Ilut ho grew so fast that ho played tho part ot tho giant betoro tho show closed. Later ho played with Favcrsham for three years In "Tho Two Orphans"; "The Squaw Man" with Fred Terry In England; "Everywoman"; "The Chinese Hon eymoon"; "Tho Servant In tbo House"; "Tho Nigger," and with Nnzliunvn In "'Option Shoals," cat Hemes are the pawns of the ' Stlnsou studio, left this morning for;. Miss Minnie Lie Freeman left yes mighty character who controls thimi s ujiui-iiii.i ji. i iuiumiuuh i I through fear nnd through u secret organization of cut-throats and rob bers. However, the leader of this gang Is undone by u woman, u fact that has often occurred In reality. Lon Chancy, who will bo remem bered for his remarkable characteri sation of a lawless thug In the Gold wyn production of "The Penalty," has the leading part In "Tho NlghJ Rose." All the other leading parts aro filled by such sterling players as Lcatrico Joy,, Beatty Schade, Edytbo Chapman, John Bowers, Cul len Landls, Maurlco B. Flyn and Richard Tucker. Wallace Worsley directed the plcturo. 'Could Christ Have Come Earlier?1' Sermon Subject at I CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday, July 2, 11 A.M. I A cordial welcome to all to each service Union Service, 8 P.M. Methodiat Church Sermon Topic "Practicing the Presence of God" TONIGHT AT THE STRAND xt- WHKIUi EVERYBODY OOM SOKE OV THE H0DKINS0X rEATDSJM "The Gringo Devil" with Wm. Steele and Carlyn Wagner LHIEIITY TO.NK.HT M'lillu milking ono of the scunes for "No Defense," which will bo shown nt 'ho Liberty theatre tuduy, an out sider crowned before tho ctimnru mid imt'lo such mi Imprcs&iui! with Direc tor William Duncnu. who ulen htars In the .pioductlou Jliat this uctor'h woik was Included In tho film. Tho location used was a natch of by 30 poonle. Tho following wore thicket in the open country of tho The Big Alaskan Feature "Code of the Yukon" starring Mitchell Lewis In a fighting, loving, daring rolu In a drama of power and ro mance. Heartache mid mlncry followed by Joy nnd understand ing. "Code of the Yukon" Is u gripping and fascinating tulo of the life or a Canuck with n northwestern setting Urban's Movie Chats, and Vaudeville Movies Charley Chaplin Comedy. Admission 10c-20c. Continuous Show, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 TAKE A KODAK WITH YOU Vacation days are here. Keep a record of the KW"1 times with pictures. We have a complete lin eof Eastman Kodaks. Hrownics may lie had from $2.00 up and Kodaks from $6.50 to $50.00. We'll be glud to show them to you at any time, and instinct you as to their operation, so that your very first pictures will be good ones. Out of town patrons may have the latest Kodak Catalogue upon request. We Loan Kodaks FREE We will supply you with a Brownie, which you are priv ileged to use two weeks abso lutely FREE. Inquire at our Kodak counter. If you are going for a vacation or to Fort Klamath for the cele bration why not avail yourself of this offer? An Unusual Bargain A customer of ours wishes to dis pose of a Vest Pocket Kodak, hav ing purchased a larger model. It is equipped with rapid rectili near lens, is in first class condi tion and has suede leather case. Price $5.00 (The price of the same outfit, new, is $9.50.) Take Plenty of Films Always take several rolls of film with you. If you have any left we will take them back and refund the price. Bring Them to Us for Developing Our Kodak department will secure snappy, brilliant nrints from vmir film m'in Unm to us for finishing. Films left before 9 a. m. are ready at 5 n. m. that afternoon. Until further notice our store will be open evenings until 8 o'clock. liutewtfi W Pharnarv Ml KLAMATH FALLS OREGON is -WHKE PARTICULAR PEOPLE Igyjfff V BUY TMtlR DRUGS 3SJ I i K J ' !$u