The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 28, 1922, Image 1

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', ,Wi'J'
X t
&t laitttmn literals
Member of th(! Associated Press.
Klfli-eiilh ciii-. .Nil. (lilllll,
KLAMATH TAI.I.H, OltKUON, MlM.ttliAl , .II'VI! 'M, iWJX.
rmcH fivk
Strahorn Declares Facilities.
Knsential to Obtain j
Financial Aid
.1 tint mo lung iik i ! Klamath I'.ilU
terminal of Dm O (' K V.. tty. Is
nut definitely mill rinully arranged
unit Itinii'il iivit In iliii riillroinl.
Jimt "ii long will tin' progress u( urn
structiiiti i if tlin Im slow, Mat
'il II C Hltiilintii, hi mi mldrons ut
I In' forum liitiilii'iin uf tlin rliiiiii
Iter n( fiimiucico nt iiiiiin tinlii)'.
Strnhnrn npiil.e ut miiiik li'UKtli
mi tlin iriii:rixi iiinl ilcvi'lniimi'til
ut tlin rnltrnad. reciting In mhiio do
lull III" difficulties cnutmclcil with
financing the mad ilnrlni; l tin pant
two ycnis. tin almi dwelt nt length
m tin- miIIiIIIi'h unil nlsti mi I In'
lii'iii'fllN already accomplished fur
this sectlnii.
Arriirillii In tin- speaker, there
urn nnw twelve nuwmllU lunitiMl
t rttinlut to tlin (i C i:. It)'
tlimlllK (lilt in it 31111,11011 fri't nf
lumlii'r ilnll)', iiml In nilillttnii Ho.
ino .acres nf hi ml huve Ih-.'I) Inrluil
ill In mi Irrigation illstrltt. cilnt
enci nf which itujii'tiili-nt mi t tic
new rullriMil
'I'll u t Hit cm Im riiintili'tiil
tn Hpriigue rlur within the next
fimr iiiniitliH if id,, terminal mutter
U iidimtcit at mice wan Sttiilinrn's
lnli'iiii'iit while it tint v ,.' four
K'irii in ii'iiililiiK Dm k.iiiii' imlnt
without lliu (iltiiiitlnii eli-nted up
That Silver Lake In lug to
airi'pt tin- new rnml ua mi mil let
fnr hilnliienn Mini nIiiimii. uml the
liillniiiil builder iiilvncilfd tlm
rhumlier nf imtimcrcn taking inllvc
Ini'iimiri'ii tit Hprniil u propaganda
fur llil. l) ilium .mil .it many nth
r plnu-n more nr lm trllnitui) In h Fulls
TIji. piiKi'tiliitlnn nf din Kihi-r
rnp In Frank W. 1 1 . I n if
luinl fnr driving tlm ilmt inilniiin
bile Inlii Iln- ninf Crater lake fn.
lowed nil Interesting ilcucrlpllini hy
Hudson of how ho miiilc iln. arilu-
rll'. "hlrh cnimui I tin.
r pail nf n week. MiiiIniiii uh Im will forever after Im a
Iwoitcr fnr Klmnnth Falls mnl tlm
Hand Creek rniili. to Orator lake.
'. I Huberts, president nf Dm
nicrriiaill H linriiiii, Hpnl.e nu ,,.
Ileiesn) of getting (hi' llllln I'll III l In
holler inililllliiii, mnl fnr lining
work iiNki'il iln' runporntliiii of dm
business men for tlm riiinnK Friday
afternoon, whin m .'. n'olnok each
business house w ,n imki., fr.
iiIhIi ihio iiiiiii for two hoiirit' work
nt Iho cmnp.
Tho lunrlmnii linlny wuh )h- nt.
Ii'llili'il iy linth ini'ii (mil woini'ii, Ihn
iiiiiiiIiit prxnoiK lii'iiii; Hour inn
(Jiiiiiiiii Slnlenieiic , Disliici-n Mil
lion .Mure Men Under AnnM
WASIIINdTON. I). (', Jiiii.i 28.
Oeriunny laid hefor'n the (leitoa rnti-fereiu-e
flcnii'rt Hhowlllg that there
urn today under iirniM In Kuropn
nearly n million mom soldiers than
tbero wer,i whtin It was on Ihn verge
or Iho world war In l'.U.T. Accoullng
In thn (lurmati atuli'ineni which has
rnachvd WiihIiIiikIoii thorn are now In
Knropo n grand total of 4,738, 000
iiiiiii under arum compared with :i,.
72H,fi1l lu thn year l!M:i.
l'OUTI,AM), Juno 2S. -Tlm high
way commlsHloii loduy oiiinei IiIiIn
for r. r. mlli'H of highway work In five
fniinllcK and for work on flwi In Mu
Tlm Cyi'lo-Stoi'inngrnpli nt llndur-
wood h I'hiiriuai-y
Iiiih recorded u fin
ing prcriHtiro dor
lug tho liiHt 2t
hour purlotl.
KoreciiHt for 'next
1 beurn:
Knlr, i-iiolur.
Tho Tycim re
I'ordliiK tberinniuo
tor roglHtnri-'il mux
iiitum and mini
mum tomporitttmiH,
toduy, iih followa;
High 8R
how .......v.nv......v 60
Alfred IJrr. Kuropcan driunttlo
critic, ay lio' dcucoviTtd a rrt
ctrcM In Martha Uryun AlUn,
hlthrrto unnotlccU Tlitattr aulld
'Inn-. I'li'piui'il fnr CnliMrlli linn
Vi' Ulnui Willi. Is lit Iti
Sliu-li'il 'IliU .siinniirr
I'Oim.AS'li. Jniif 2S Crati-r' Idilr.n U In Im i'iil.irn'il In
Ini'i'l Hit' ill liiiiiiiN nf Inrii'am'il
Innrlnt tinvi'l. uri erillni: In llnr V
IIiiiimt mnl iiKfiielnt i'it, who ri'ii'iit.
ly nriiilri'il Iln liml.'lry.
I'Iiiiih liavi- Ini'ii pri'parril for roti
Mtriirtlnti of ii niHV wIiik to tlm
iri'f."iit hiiililiiw:. Unlit nf nioiii.
iltiurrliil In tlm park. It will Im Urn
Im'CIiiiiIiiK of n r.ri'tit milinttintlnl
hnti'l Work nn lli wIiik will I
thin Miiniimr. Iml priilinhly will not
Im rnutpli'ti'il hi'fnri' miothrr m'.i
nun Whi'ti tin uIiik N flnlnhi'il.
It Kiln hnti'l InillilliiK wl Im
nwrliaiili'il mnl iniiii'
llnrlliK Ih" pi-rlnil nf rntintrili'
lion, tlin inuii:iKi:iin'tit plum thn imi
nf n l.i IK" limnhi'r of tout nittnk'i'i
for Kill-Hi hut wlmn Iln- htillilltiKa
r.. rninpli'li'il. tin' loiil iiroh.ihh
will Im inroil iiriiimntitli Tin-1
InilKi- will opi'ii mi July i fnr th
pri-m-lil hiMtott
Old Man Gloom Is Buried
Enemies View Corpse
SHAWM l. Klkl.i i June 2
Old Man (iliinm. niirni'unl.'.l l.y liln
eili-tul.n tiuiiii'li llnpi. lilailtieni..
Hood Cheer and 0itinlnm wan killed
III Shawnee da) befole )iwlerda) The
Shawnee Minis' club took iharge nf
bin nliM'MUli'n ntnl lb- Iniryliig of his
mennley old mrpn,, yenterday.
Knllowlng the regular liini'henn nf
the luh. the funeral services were
h"ld The ininlnter opened with the
customary nhlluary mid read II
In apprnprl.ilii funeral times, slating
that .liilm Itellyurher lilnniu. was (he
son nf Mr. and Mm. J.iko I'esnlmlnl;
that he was born In Hades sum,, time
during the dark nges and left to
iiiiiii rn bin departure, sevi n brothers,
Jehu Crltlclte, lllll Knocker, Jim
Kicker, ('has. Agitator, Sam llolshe.
lk, Tom l-'atiltflnder nud Harry
tiroiicb. And u like iiumber of child
ren: Mary (iohiIp, S.illy Divorce, Sam
Dlssatlsfarllon, lllll Thief, Tom
1'loaler. Dirk Suicide mid lluslueiei
Di'liri'Hsli'ii In addition tn ti'lif-f, the
mlnlHler said, he left a whnle city
full nf npllmlst.1 who now wear u
"smile all the while" who see oiiii
good lu UiIm world mid are glad that
Old Man (lloom has shuffled off. May
his old shriveled career roast lu
peare. .
Among the many iiualitles which
thn minister attributed to Old Man
(lliinin, was that of obstinacy, "An
obntlnalo man," said thn preacher,
"docs not hold opinions, they hold
him." N.iriouuess of mind is the
cause of obstinacy; Iho obstinate
iiiiiii In never open to conviction, lie
gi limbics nt the weather, at people,
al conditions, nt nrgnnlzatloln, In
fact, ho "grnwls till the while." The
optimist sees mill" good lu tho other
fellow, he doesn't know It all and he
ii-Hpi-fts tlin other fellows' opinions,
ho believes that cwry cloud bus a
silver lining.
After tho ceremonies closed, thn
procession piocceiled from thn club
looms, nud the I. Ions, two by (wo,
with arm bauds of I lie club colors,
marched behind Iho corpse which was
hol'lio Ihinugb Ihn main h tree Is of
Iho city oil u truck, Iho dead fiii-o
of tho "uM bird" till lied up t (he
sky. Tho Scout band led the way
playing nu nlipropilato dllge, tho bull
on the city hall lolled dolefully uml
Iho last seen of Iho cortege, It win
wending Its mournful way
to tho
POKTIiANI), Juno 28. Caltlo
and hogs steady. Sheop 2Gc high
er; lambs $8, GO to $0.25. KgKS
unsettled. Iluttoi- fit rung.
imnTiirn ni rim
HNUinUI bUHl '
Allen H. Rhodes Says He
I Wnn First at Lodc; Hud
son First to Reach Rim
Another claimant for (he trophy
(lip Offered hy thn ihmnhitr of com
nmnn to the firm out of tlm Mat"
toitrlnt renihltti: Crater like now tip
penm In the pi-rnon of Allen II
Ithoili'H, Oakland lad, who nnnerts he
drove the firm car to reach Crnler
I. ill."- Indue m noon jexlerday.
Ileclnlou helweeti llhoileM mid
I'rnnk V IliiiUnn, photo
r.rnpher, renin on whether the prlfe
Kiiei to lite driver firm retichlni: tlm
lake rim or Hie Inili-e
1 1 il it fori . tnrordliii; to HhodeK,
reached th" rim nil rlitht hut nt Kerr
Notch, over Hie Sand Creek road.
Home m-veti or i-lsla tnlleti from the
lodRe. ,
Khoden nalil ho i;ot to th" lodge
flrnl liecnttse he happened to he flrat
In tlm lltm of ram h.itllliiK Ibclr way
tbroiiKh tlin drlflH. Tlm width of
the p.mnaKe way pieviiiited any one
fine from punning, the road clearliiK
crw iitity wlili'iitiiR the road mif
flclenlly tn let one car lhrntu;li.
The road Ih now npen In travel
mild Ithndei uml tunny earn teaclieil
(he Inline ) enter day afleriinnn.
Hhoili'8 wax arciiiu panted by bin
illirtc William II Jltiliettit. .Merrill
nitither. wlimii In- Ih vIhIIIiik. bin
.father 1'rofenM.r T. II lllu h. nf
i Oakland, and brnilmr William II i
. Ithmlc
MIhhIcm dlnpl,i)ed a cerllfliat" from
tiupcrlnloinlcnt Alex Sparrow, tliut
he ilrnve tl flrnl car to re.nb the
1 lodfie
llli - .lt:iiiillni nf Ciiiiiirli' Si-i-r
'- May Iihii-iin. I'.i)inll
A lonrrvtu pipe mntiufaciurlng!
plant will piobabl) bo established!
here In tho near future by the Con
crete Pipe company of llciid as it
result of ii'ticiete pipe being desig
nated for the sixth sewer unit, con
tract fnr which was left by the city
council Monday to (1. C- I.oreni.
Thn plant would represent nu in
vestment of upprnlmalel)" 1 15.000.
ami would employ about 10 men.
Tlm company has 17 plants estab
lished throughout the state, with
headquarter in Portland. ('. II.
Knowles of Ili-iid Iris been repre
senting tho company here.
Mini UniM'il nf lloiv 'lliffl rliilinii
III- I llllllMI'lll j ' IllilllS
Mini) Hm-i liilnis I
Ml" VIiikiiii, nn in thn tir-
"ill I'ourl rhiirK'-il wuh ttici theft of I
ii nay tniir" anil roil lielonKint; to
(Senrce I: Mlllntt nf Moiloc roiinty,
niiiforiim. took th" muntl thiH
inertiliit: In hi own li"lialf, uml
inml" ii fliit n-nlal of th" ti-ntlmony
of th" Htnli-'R wltlii'imi'ii fix to IllK
ha vim: I'ciSfi'HHliiii of thn anlinnln nt
miy time, anil ntutlni: that ho IM
tint liraiiil thn colt In iiii"itlon.
which the Htate'ii wltncKRi'8 Rtaleil
hail tho "ilol V," Vlnnrm hrnnil,
on It.
I'roM exatnliiatlnn yegtenlay of
the Kiat"'n wltnctiM.R hy Vinson's
alioriiey wan nlori;; tin; line thai
limn- wan hail hlomi h"iwein Vln
unil ami Hunk OMIrh-n, thn Htate'K w-lttienH. linpoacliinn
(liientloiiH pitt to O'llrlen hy Attor
ney Mainline, riiiiiim-l for Vlnion,
almiK lh line tbat nirl"ti hail
Ihtealencil kiiiiii- ti-n yrar ago (to even with Vlllnnti fnr.dOme act
O'llrlen. mnl i"0 t-niphatir ilhl Tin
of hlti. wern flatly ii nlcil by
I'.et In hln ileiilnln nf th" nrrtnatlona
that .liiilK,, Lcivllt catitioiii.,1 the
wltnMi iibonl belnK too velfitient.
D'llrlen lirnnilcil an a "ilntnn lie"
the allcK.itlon he had threat
ened to net even with Vinton If II
look his life time to do it.
The nlliti, clo.iod IIk cane tit 11
o'clock thin mnritliiK, thn defvnuc
bavltiK put on three wlttnjumci u
to Urn noon hour. " Vlnnoit hlmaolf
took the utaiiil fir!, fnllowed by
his slnl'T-ln-law. .VI th Ititbt Vln.
on. .mil her httahaitil. Ittibii Vinson,
nil ileiiylni; the Mnti'tiR'tits of Iho
Htale's wlltieni'eii jx to the horK0.4
'""" '" "" """'. "r mat
au' '"'""nB '""I '" .lon ut all.
II In eMiected that thu cane will
go to tho ii ry late thin afternoon or
evening. ,
The trial ban drawn a large iittm
Imt nf spectator, many of whom
are cattle men.
iii:ki:k tki.u, o
OltKOO.V CITY. Juno 2S The
Jury sworn In late yesterday to try
Kussell I locker was lakon today to
points along tin) road from Clack-
nmas where tho stale contend" Heck
er killed Frank llowker on Iho night
of April lrt. On Its return tho Jury
waa shown tho automobile In which
the fatal rldo was tuken.
two ham; thi:msi:i,vks
POUTI.ANl), June 2S. Two men
hanged themselves lure today. II. I..
Howling, colored, nn alleged drug
nil Id. banged hlmeslf lu a cell In
Ihn county Jail. Mils Suolgard, 74,
was found hanging In tho basement
of n palm shop.
Newly-Elected Public Serv
ice Commiisioners
Plan Restoration
I'OIITJ.ANI), Juno 28. Public
Service CommlRnlonerB McCoy and
Kurrlrjan, recently elected when two
former cntnmlnalonerii were recalled
an a result of agitation over tcIo
phono rates. Indicated thoy plannod
to act toduy on a resolution prepar
ed by Kerrigan which would rcatoro
tlm ratea of tho Pacific Telephone
tc ToleRrnph company In effnet be.j
foro the Increniio and a lno enable
patron to recover tho dlfforcnco" In
tho amount paid between tho old
rates ntnl Iho new.
Kerrlijan'fl resolution provided that
tbe commission withdraw tho answer
filed by tho former commission to
thn suit pending In tbu Multnomah
circuit court seeking havo the order
of the former commission Increas
ing the telephone rate set asldo.
Torres IMng All Implements
nf Jlndcrii Vnrfnn
I)l'Ul.l.S Juno 28. A flcrco bat
tle hm been raging slnco dawn be
tween the regular Irish republican
army troop and Irregulars under
Kory O'Connor for possession of
Four Courts, recently suited by the
lutter. Armored cars, trench mor
tars and machine guns being used.
The provislonel government's at
tack upon Kour CourU liudo
after a demand for surrender wus
Ignored by the Irregulars. Prem
ises In North (treat George street,
occupied by tho communist party
and I. W. W. as headquarters, wus
fortified after the government at
tack on Kour Courts began, and tho
government troops were fired upon
from tho newly fortified building.
Fowler Hall, on Parncll square, oc
cupied by the Irregulars, alio was
attacked by Irish government
A rumor tbat Kory O'Connor had
been wounded was circulated, but
was- unconfirmed.
WASIUNC.TON'. Juno 28. PresI
dent Harding has decided to sum
mon coal operators and minors for
a conferenco Saturday with view to
a settlement of the strike.
HUm' Ethtl McOary ' of 'Of' Wo
mtn's Swlmmlnsr AuocUUon. Kew
York,; tocama national COO-yard
Junior swimming champion at U
rec at Brlchton Beach, N. T.
JToiiI Ih Claimed hy Wcltcrwclulil
immpmn; iiroiucr or I.IK1II
viclght Hat Hr Winn
XRW VOUK. Juno 28. Jack Ilrlt
ton, world's welterweight boxing
champion, successfully defended bis
tltlo against Denny Leonard, light
weight champion, Kefereo Patsy Iln
lay claiming tbat Leonard hit Ilrlt
ton while tho latter was on ono kneo,
in tho 13th round of their 1 ."-round
match Monday night.
After two minutes nnd 42 seconds
of fighting In tho 13th round Drltton
suddenly went down on ono kneo nnd
tho xnferce started counting over
him. Then Leonard walked over and
struck llrltton with a Wt to the
body. Tho refcrco said bn had not'
seen a foul blow struck beforn Drlt
ton went down, although Drltton
claimed one. Drltton then sat In his
corner unhurt.
Ixwnanl's Hrother Wins
Jolt- Leonard, younger brother of
tho lightweight champion. In his first
appearance as a professional pugilist
tonight won a Judges' decision In
four rounds from Sammy Marco.
i-nt 1334. The contest wan tho open
Ing one preceding Ilenny Leonard-Jack
Drltton match.
Johnny Coouey and Jack Stark,
featherweights, fought a six-round
IMdln Kltzsimmons, lightweight,
knocked out Sammy Moscburg,
Drooklyn, in the first round of the
12-round semi-final.
Hound 13 llrltton. on tho offen
sive, backed Leonard Into a neutral
corner with rights nnd lefts to head
and body. In coming out of this
trouble, Leonard tripped on his own
foot and fell backward to tho can
vas. As llrltton stepped away the I
lightweight champion legalned his
feet and then Drltton started an
other attack. Leonard backed around
the ring nnd they fell Into a clinch In
Drltton's corner. There woro a few
blows passed to tho head and as the
rofereo walked around Drltton broko
away and went down to his knee,
facing his corner. Ho motioned to
his seconds to claim n foul. Then
Leonard, who had walked to the
other sldo of tho ring, walfted around
the referee, 8lruck Drltton a light
blow to tho body and shouted to the
refcreo to count. Tho seconds of
both men rushed Into tho ring nnd
Haley, the referee, waved both men
to their corners. It was then an
nounced that Leonard has committed
a technical foul. Rtrlklng Drltton
while ho was on his knee. Tho wel
terwelght champion was unhurt;
Two Men We From Intent-
in California Docrt
DRAWLKV, Cat.. Juno 2S.
"Death from heat prostration" was
tho verdlcf. reached hy a coroner
Jury horo today at an Inquest over
the bodies of Ihreo men who died
lu tho desert a few- miles southeast
of N'lland, near tho Southern Pacific
main lino, last Saturduy.
The men woro J. J. Kverharly and
Honry C. Drown of Los Angeles, and
David Wilcox, aged prospector, who
hud lived lit many western mining
Wilcox's body wus found about ten
miles from N'iluud, bcsldo a small
wagon drawn by two burros, which
wcro standing patiently In tho In
tense boat,
Kverhnrty's body wus found In
nu nutomobllu about six miles from
Miami, and a short distanco away
was Drown, still allvo. Ho wns rush
ed to a hospital hero, but died soon
after arrival.
It was estimated tho tempornttiro
whoro tho deaths occurred was bo
twoen 132 and IB 2 degroos.
-M I
Arc Encountered in
Reaching Rim
Hudson was awarded tho tro-
phy cup nt tho chamber of com-
mnrco forum this noon In rocng-
nltlon of his being tho first out-
of-stato motorist to reach Cra-
ter Inko via Tho Dnllos-Callfnr-
nla highway this season.
Fort Klamath, Juno 27. 1922.
Editor Thn Herald. On Juno 19.
nfter somn deliberation, t conclud
ed to try to reach tho rim nf Crater
lako via tho Sand Creek 'route, so
engaged a bors0 and rider and pro
ceeded with the auto to Lout creek
shelter cabin, which Is located .1,3
mllca from what Is called tho Kerr
Notch camp, thlx place being ap
proximately soven-tcnths ot a mllo
from tho edgo of the rim of tho
We worked quite, hard, and with
the aid of tho borso succeeded In
rolling a number of logs from tbo
road, most of which had to bn
cleared or made around the edgo of
the, largo drifts that defied our ef
forts. That evening wo were vis
ited by a largo bear, waoso intents
wcro of the most friendly, and I
can nssuro tho timid tourists tbat
there Is absolutely no danger front
theso animals, a I consider them
as harmless as kittens. ,
"Tuo next titty, we -made' a point
one-tenth of a mllo beyond Keer
Notch camp and wero confronted
with such huge bunks of snow that
it was decided to turn back.
On again reachlug thu Fort I wus
Informed by a number of ohu boyu
that chances wero favorable, that
lliu graitu beyond this point was
probably partially clear. Not be
ing versed on tho general topog
raphy ot this section ot tbo coun
try, and never being over tbo road
before, 1 decided to make tho gov
ernment camp on tho Annlo creek
side, which 1 did the following day,
and through tho kindness of .Mr.
Drown and others I secured some
very valuable Information and wait
offered tho usu ot what road toots
and lumber I might need for thn
venture. This was tho evening ot
Juno 20. I returned to tho Fort,
but could find no ono to inako tho
venture with me, so packed camp
and started for Lost Creek cabin,
tit 7 o'clock nnd reached camp lu
and hour and 20 minutes, Thu roads
are flue to this point, with, only a
few fultcu trees across tho road
that are easily gonu around.
Tho followlug morning 1 tied a
number ot plunks and 2x4 timber
on either sldo of the cur and pro
ceeded to thu point abandoned on
thu provlous trip. On reaching this
place I hurriedly pitched camp and
nui do a trip to tho lako, and was
not long In making up my lulml
that 1 hud no easy tack ahead. On
my leturn from tho rim to camp I
saw thu finest specimen ot a timber
wolf l had ever seen, but much to
my regret I wns ituablo to bate
him. On reaching camp I flew to
work, and by 1 o'clock I had four
sections ot track completed and
succeeded In making my first drift,
a distanco of probably 40 feet.
Thu morning of Juno 22 I arose,
at 4 o'clock and tried to inako over
tho top ot tho snow, but my rear
wheels sunk so I bud rather stren
uous work with an auto Jack. This
casts no unfavorable reflection on.
a well-known car I now huvo in
mind. After tracking this drift I
let thu car eet and uurvoyed a by
pubs road, and full to work. Knock
ed oft that night at 8, and called It
a day, but from a standpoint ot ex
ertion I could huvo safely called It
a wcuk. Doing ravenously hungry
I cooked up enough bacon for iwo
hungry mon, and finished the meal
by eating tho remaining grease.
Early Friday morning I arose, ur.-
ab)o to oat breakfast, and started
clearing tho snow, mainly by Ihn
aid of a crosscut saw and a cunt'
(Continued on pago two),
i y
fe '