The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 26, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Monday, jdnh im, oa-j
, i
J i
9 '
Personal Mention
Mr. tiud Mm, Jap. Dilscull i u-1
turned limt ovenliiK (mm Hymn whore
they mmiit tho week-end (IshliiR.
They brought buck clooo to 100 trout
in tlio result o( two dnya miKllnp.
Mr. nml Mr. A. .. hnrd and
children, wlin spout tho jsronlor part
of Innt work with relatives near
(Irnntn Vang, returned Friday.
Unfits S. Moore, well-known rap
lliillsl of thin city, nrrlved on last
nlclil's train from Son
where ho anil Mr, Moore have been
Mr. mill Mr?. Alton Sloan were at
Spring creek for the day yentcnlny.
Mr. and Mrs. Max t'hllcotu nml
Mr nml Mrs. Cttni los Donation, Mr.
nml Mis. Merln Donation, Miss
Mottle Donnlsun and Miss Zena Uon
nlson made up n parly who picnicked
nt Hock Vrcok jesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Winters nnd n
paily of friends spent Sunday at
Hock Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. II It. Harrison, of
Pelican City, dhlded their day yes
terday between Hock Creek nnd Kour
Mile creek In nn attempt to catch a
mess of trout.
Mr nnd Mrs. Oeorgo Thrasher
and daughter, Mildred, ilrovn In
Silver Loving Cup Offered to
First Tourist atCrater Lake
Hpendlni: tho winter. Mrs. Moore did their, car to Williamson river yes-
not accompany her husband hut will
bn hero later In tho summer.
Sir. nnd Mrs. Will S. Wordcn are
In the. city from Portland visiting
with old (rlends. Warden, a (ormer
Klamath county Judge, spent the
mnnilnn around tho courthouse Ret
ting nil tho new lights on tho court
!ioii.o stluntlon, It was during his
term nt office that the Hot Springs
building was started.
Hex Ilord, n prominent sheep man
of tho Klamath basin, returned Sat
iinl.iv night from Texas. Fiord re
ports that thcro are place much hot
tor than Klamath.
Onrt n( Klamath Falls' early high
school principals nnd ono of the
well-known educators of the state,
V.. FaiiRht, nrrlved hero on last
night' train (rom his present home
In Modesto. California. Faught was
catted back to his old home by the
Illness nnd death" of his mother.
Clarenco Montgomery spent yester
day In town (rom tho Medtord lum
ber company's camp above Chlloquin,
returning Jnte last night to the
Mrs. Gcorgo ". Otey left on the
train tills morning (or her home In
Horrls lifter a short Ult hero with
her daughter, Mrs. Charles Otey.
Thomas Martin, ono of Klamath's
oldest pioneers and tho founder of
tlio Martin flour milling Interest
here. Is spending a few days In town
from his summer camp' on Hecrea
tlim creek!
Mrs. Alvcro Ileal nccompnnled by
her smalt daughter, Madeline ar
rived last night for a visit with Mr
Heal' mother, Mrs. Joe Moore. She
will alro visit tier parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. O. Ilamaker. who operate a!
large cattle ranch In the Illy coun-J
John W. Townsend u rancher (rom
the Merrill district was In town this
morning attending to nutters of
business at the courthouse and aTso
(or tho purpose of purchasing' sup
plies (rom local merchants.
1M. Hoyt, ono of tho well-known
rancelirs In tho Fort Klamath coun
try. Is In town today attending to
matters of business.
D. I.awton, another Fort Klamath
resident, Is spending a (ew day here
looking a(ler bustnes affairs.
Tlio warm weather Is taking a
greater part of Klamath Fulls popu
lation out Into tho woods and to
various lake points where the fish
ing and cool shade go to make up a
pleasant day. Yesterday was no ex
ception and tho highway and lakl
traffic wag double Its week-day quo
ta. Among those who took advan
tage of an excursion to Eagle Rldgc
wero Harold dray, Otto nnd Hill
l.orenz. Others who preferred Jlocky
Point were Mr. and Mrs. If. N. Moe
nnd party, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mc
Nealy, Mr. and Mrs. T. 8. Abbott,
Miss Elizabeth Sullivan and Mr. Tan
ner. It. I. Iltbbert and family were
also nt tho Peint: Fred Houston of
tho K. K. K, storo and Ray Telford
and family are spending a few day
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Houston ac
companied by Miss Minnie. Walker
left Saturday night (or Chlloquin
and on Sunday drovo (rom there to
Sprugtie river (or a day's fishing.
Mr. and Mr. Ucorgo Mang nnd
lumi roaiiT ftj'uui ycaiuruu- ui .juiiii- .
son creek. They report the best
kind of fishing nnd thoy report also
thnt they caught tho limit o( moun
tain trout.
Mr. and Mm. ('. H. Underwood
nrcnmpnuUd liy MIm Idella McUl
rath nnd by Mm Henri visited In
Port Klamath Sunday. They watch
ed trj'ouls (or thn rodeo nnd Mr.
Pmlerwood leportH thnt they had
Fonio good fighter ninong tho wild
terday. Tho swimming and tlhlng
are both good, according to theso
Klamath people, who spend njot of
their week ends In some delightful
outing spot throughout tho county.
MIsk Myler and Clara Calkins,
George Stevenson and Kenneth Per
ry made the trip around Upper
Klamath I.ako by car osterday.
Tho roads are particularly good (or
this time of the year, and the trip
Is made doubly pleasant by thn
miles of pavement on tho Atgom.i
side of the lake.
J. W. Watkln.. Jr., o( thc Pacific
Coast Mint company, and Mrs. Wat
kins were hosts Sunday to a large
number ot (rlends In a delightful
outing on Klamath lake. The trip was
made on a large awnlng-corcred
barge, propelled by a motor boat.
Stops were made at Ragle Rldgo and
Hocky Point. Tho outing was voted
a Rreat success by alt present. The
guests were: Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hop-
kin.. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. K. Peltt and
daughter Hertha. Wm. O. Wood, K
K. Hnrpham, Mr. and Mrs. It. K.
Rodger, Mr. and Mrs. Golden, Mli
Florence, Porter, Mrs. W. F. Wygant,
; Miss Florence Porter, Mr. and Mrs
II Cotad. Mr. Patterson, Mr. and
Mrs. O. I). Matthews. Mr. and Mrs.
Phillip Pope, Miss Ktlielwyn OTla
hcrty. MIm Amy Smeltz. F. C. Nlcfcle
Mr. and Mrs. F. H Soulo and Mr.
nnd Mrs. Hv R. Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Ksplnosa and
1 jpBi I
n iMS'm If
iiH II
vmmmWm B
K , jUJfllppppH mm
vk I 'vv'SILbB mW
TA. lwlUUlmmmmmmmmmmmma mm
U SwMmmmmmmmmmmW M
Above Is an exact duptiralo of the uu Tlio cup stuiuls 26 Inched high
silver loving cup donated by 'In- nnd l exiiulitlte In design. Tho cost Is
chamber of commerce uudyfiu- affili ' s.itd to be t'T The cup was received
ated organizations n a prize for tlio here today from Chicago nnd "III be
first out-of-state tourist reaching placed on display by the chamber of
Crater Luke by uutomobllo this seas . oinnicrio
A inn u stands on the prow of u
little brown boat anchored In u hot
mill unlet sea. Tho limn Is brown,
loo, linmn and miked, Ills tdliu,
tlltlll'lltllt llllll.. Ulll...,r...l .ultl. ..II
' ....., ......j- .ii.iv.,, i 1,1111 till
land gloaming In tho sunlight." Tied
about his waist Is n curloui, basket,
such as only Polynesian women
know how to weave. ,
ChallcngliiRly the brown man
slares Into the water beneath him.
What lies below that shimmering
surface.? Yesterday his brother,
a) muscular ii he, as adroit In
swimming nnd diving. UuitlilnKlv
slipped under those shining waters,
and returned nn morn. Will ho,
too, If not today, perhaps next
month, nett nenson, have bis life
thread cut by onn swift lungo of
Hip shark', relontles. laws?
Arrogantly ho tosseit back lilt
head, draw In a deep breath, and
takes the plunge. Down, down,
down and soon hli groping fing
er touch tho rough bottom. Then
how ho must hasten, while tho pre
cious storo of air In his great chest
still remains. Tearing aside the
seaweed hero, scrambling among
tho rocks and pebble, there, ho
work-; with feverish haste, keeping
a wary eye out (or lurking dangers,
the shark, the swordfjih, other fin
ny monsters that the men of his
strange trade know too well.
See "The I.uck of tho Irish" at
the Liberty today.
Bring us your FILMS
itowM.w-iui.iaui) '
. A marriage license Issued nn
Mr and Mrs. J. C Rlchter returned j Saturday in Melvln Arthur How
last night from n day's trip to Mivss J n,a and Bva Grace Ulllard. and
1nl VII i U..l Mut H... t,..l..4 A I.
' the. young people were married lyi wishnrd. 36-Sti
the Rov. Kdgar nf Merrill on -t!-
i nrday evening. Mlns DIM.ird is well "'0,t SAI.K-The best rooming hounn
,... In Medford. long letiM.', cheap rent,
'known licnv )ialng graduated this .,, .,..,,,,. "T,.Pm: .., v..
Houston's Team Beats
Fort Klamath Players
John Houston' city baseball team
defeated thc Fort Klamath players
a,t Fort Klamath yesterday, 11 to
1. Tho gamo was Interesting, and
was marked with excellent work on
both sides.
year from tho Klamath county high Main St. Medford, Oregon.
I "nivui. trmili; liri Maiiuiiuil KIIO
i lia been employed u a stenogra
pher In the law office of It. (
Groesbeck. Mumiiihii Is a progres
sive young farmer with a ranch
uear Merrill.
Former O. A. C SUr
Named Student Manager
CORVALI.IS. Jun0 2:. Carl I.o
dell, (ormer Oregon Agricultural col
lege star athlete, has been named
general manager of student athletics
here to succeed Jimmy Richardson
who left the college to go to tho
Seattle club of tho Pacific coast base
ball league as business manager. Lo
dell played on the famous Mare Is
land Marine football eleven during
the war.
Dorris Is Winner '
From Ewauna Players
LOST 3U caret diamond, (rom ring,
nn streets of Klamath Falls. Ho
turn to Pink Crowder, phoiiu SU.-J.,
nml get reward. atJ-SS
The (uneral o( Mr. Anna Sousan
Fisher, aged 74, who died at noon
yesterday, will bo held (rom thn,
Whltlock chapel at 4:30 o'clock to
morrow. Mr. Fisher, w ho was a na-
live of Indiana, Is survived by lieri
son W. K. Faught. o( Modesto, Call
(ornla, and by two tcp children, Mr..
Sadie Hutcbens, who resides nt 422
Walnut street, and John Faught, a
rancher In tho Malln country.
In A-l condition (or milk cows.
Value S00 Dux S00, Herald office.
A grout detective I. killed
name Is Grady only clue Is a l
er " '
The lultluln on this silver ore
1). II.
Tho body showed truces of bring
thrown off a cliff, yet that may have
been an accident.
Tfiij baffling uDMcry of this mur
derous deed U solved by a certain
oung author who sat-rlflroi hi love
for 111,, HWietheurt, so that ho may
bring this criminal to Justice,
Coiuo and see the Inner working
of a counterfeit rllipir, the methods
which they clrculato ficticious money,
and go through Incidents that thu
utvrugo person would Ignore-
"The Man Hunter" Is now playing
nt thu Strand theatre tonight. This
picture is different and nu upprallug
that It will tlr every bit of emotion
'19 HH
You want them developed correctly,
printed properly and returned promptly.
That is the kind of Kodak finishing
service we render. Have us develop a
roll and you'll know.
Finisiing that's rigit ami right
on time is our specialty
v J
Wit v
-LI I. -
III your body Tint 'klddlei' will en
joy It tint beruUHo they uro timdo u(
the nhiiio flgbtlni; uplilt as ihelr "pu
and ma "
Till: STAR
Huluint Stone, u young American
Insurance UKout, w-uuted tn win Hie
hand nf the pretty daughter of the
American consul In lluiikoliln. That
Is why ho trawled to the South Amer
ican Kingdom.
Tlie manner In wlilrli tho Impet
uous youth Jumped Into the turmoil,
fulled the leiiiliitlnulHts and depiisul
their drunken king fnntu the utory
of "Red Hot Itiitnuiii-e," u John
Kiuvrsoii-Aulla I .uo flrodui Hull re
leased by Associated First National
Picture, Inc., which Is now enjoy-J
11 I ' I II II l!iJ-LIJiJ. I
lug a sint-cessful run at thn Star thea
tre Tlio mm ond day engagement
will end tonight The utory l u
tire mi the romantic nietiidramitlr
lorh laid In iiiythlrsl klngdiiliis.
with lln-ll llydliey playing the part
nf Helmut, nnd May Colllus portray
ing the rule of Anna Muu.
The fiinerul of H. W, .Veut, who
Hid Tuesday on his ranch near tl.l
illy, will be bold (rum the Whltlock
i'hiet ill IU u til. Tilery. (1, W
Neiit, brother nf tho decerned, lm"
urrlted here from Yelin to tskn
elurgo of tils brother's affairs.
Huytim Woolen mill Installing
now m.irhliiery. i
FOR RKNT FurnUhcd Apt, two
room house and one sleeping room.
4iy N. tnth St. Phone 342W. 26 28-
Plne St.
Furnished room, 1154
State communication of Klamath
Lodge 77. A. F. and A. M. tonight
at 7:30. Report of tho dram! lodge
delegate. :c
Herald cluslfled adt pay yo.
I.O.ST 33x4 tire and Hulck tiro
rack. Ore. license No, 6N227. Find
er please leav,. at Herald office and
receive reward. 26-27
WANTED WORK" Cooking In camp,
or ranch, AddreM or call 1749
Main St. 2628
Regular meeting of Aloha Chap
tir No. CI O. K. S. Tuesday, Juno
27, 7:30 p. m. Social evening. Re
(reshments. Visitors welcome. Ily
order of Kdtth Delzell. W. M. 2C27
Say It With
Whose Wedding Anni
versaiy today?
Klamath Flower Shop
834 Main Street
Phone 589
DORRIS, Calif., June 26. Local
fans were treated to a clean, snap
py game of baseball yesterday af
ternoon, the first of the season,
when the home boys scampered
away (rom the Ewauna aggregation
(rom Klamath Falls on tbo long
ond of a 14-to-2 score. Weather
conditions were Ideal, although the
sun wag sovero enough to bring out
beads of perspiration and thc play
ers were wont to niuko numerous
trips to thu water bucket.
Manager Miku Ulanottl ot tho
Dorrl,, nine has accumulated a net
of hoys tliiii season who glvo prom
ise of making things Interesting for
their neighbors. ' Dick Dunn, Uni
versity of California football play
or, pitched thu first half for Durrls
In beautiful htylv, then Karl Stan
lake went In and continued to h.if-
flu thu visitor,! In his customary
fashion. Iiuth Dunn nml Stunlukol
nru rajialdu plteliers, mid nro re
lied upon to bring Dorris out on
tliu favorable nldo of tho ncoru book
in future games tlilrf scuson.
Oilier local boyH who played yes
terday nro Charles. Hugh, Uulvor
nfly of California, catcher; Miku
Uianottl, right field; Wahl, second
baho; Stauluku, first babo -and
'pitcher; Agiibu, ehortstop; Cow,
center flld; Harvuy, left field;
Dunn, first base and pitcher; Wil
son, third baso.
Several of tbo lineup are stu
dents of tho University ot Califor
nia who are spending their summer
vacation working In tho local box
Klamath Falls Lodge 1106 L. O. O. M.
Wilhmeet Wednesday evening, June 28th. Im
portant business to be transacted ; all members
urged to attend By order of Dictator.
Lodge meetings second and fourth Wednes
days each month.
Corvallls Willamette precinct,
south of here, planning $3, GOO com
mi.nll.. Loll
"The Man
Big Story of the Northwest Mounted
Urban's Movie Chats, and Vaudeville Movies
Good Comedy
Coming Tuesday "A Yankee, Go-Getter,"
, . with Neva Gerber
' J i i 1 1
Admission 1 0c-20c. Show starts 6-30
Here's a Store
With a Rush of Business
Early and late the store has been crowded and hut
few have left without making purchases.
You know the store. This is no romance.
Why this rush of business?
What can YOlJ do to duplicate this msh for your
own merchandise business?
The answer is simple. This is it: I '.. k
' . f
The Herald is prepared to furnish SERVICE to its
advertisers and help them get results. t
Phone 88 and a representative of this paper will
promptly call on you, not merely to accept your
order for space, but to ass.Bt you to get in
creased business for your store. f
tuuui.jr tMt
' VslSsfgUrvli,-
,TJUt . -