The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 26, 1922, Image 1

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    UcWorsity. Lufr ,.
jf n
V-v r
riintw aava
Jj lEwmttg Iferalft
Member of the 'Associated Press.
Fifteen Hi u Nil. i:iii
MOXIMV, .11. M. 1!, lll
Members Refute to Canvnss
Returns; Temporary
Secretary Quits
Aliened trnitnliii llli' In llm nn
duel nf llin county dlMrlrl school
idi-dlnu li'il in refusal of llm illilrkl
lion ril In rnliviiim llii rice Hun return,,
Saturday. An n result, unless ii nuiri
ilmutin iro''i'illiiK In compel a re.
oiiiil should l(, undertaken ntiil he
nurcfsnfiil, III" present Imiiril, which
was iiiioliiliil Ii)' I h court follow
I mi; I li adoption of I he until mill
plan vvlll hold nlflri. until tln nexi
'iiliniiiil elcillnti
Fred I'eiewui resigned as tempor
ary secretary nml C'liiilrmati llrnd
bury niid Mm T ylu Ferguson, (utili
ty superintendent, were delcKntid In
rhnoMt n MUCiciif. Uiirrcll Vim 111
per nml Mm K I. IMvU were sug-ci'Mi-il
llnuliiliiiiy nu lit liiiluy tlml
Mm D.ivIk woclil pruhiiMv l tin'
Ilruillnir) loilu) lnmii'il u t iik t liy
sluteiueiil rrK.tnlliiK ii'iihoim fur re
jection of llio liallnlN liv tin' linurd.
which follow H
Tlii ruimun of llm t rtur nn of tin'
election In III J ii ii.. jy for illrt-itur
uf II mill) mlinul illnttli'l '
illiilitrlilki n Ii) llm ilUtrlft limit 'I
Saturday ufiernnou. June 21 In
.order t hut tin- ccniiliil public muy
In ILforiio'il hk to tin. re. i no im for
tin. Im.iril findings mill com In
kIoiim. ulirlcf reference Is nimli In
llin Inw un provided, relating the
holding i'f elections In coiiuly
school ilinirii'ti) hn ii milt for ud
mi lulnt rnl ton. iu coinilli.i under
Oregon school laws, 1981.
Section 29X provides that flv
director hIihII be elected nt tin"
first annual school election nfler
lln county null system Iiiik I n
:uliiiti'il Section HOI, Article fi,
provider Hint director shall pro
vide) 'iMillltiK place ami' upiiint
Judges mill rlerk of election, can
vas vole nml poll honk ami do
lernilne tin result thereof Sec
Him HIT provide that (ill act or
pari of net In conflict herewith
:tn hereby re'ul"il. provided,
however, Hint nil general lawn of
lite ulutti relallnK In IMlhlfe hcIioiiIh
cre.'ih'il nniler IhU net. tiall apply
nml that nil au relulltiK ! ill"
IrlctH of Din flrnl ruHii xlinll li np
pllcahlo lit clly illtrlcln forim'tl no
corilliiK in thin act, except limafur
an the Nnntii may Im In conflict with
tln provlMlon, hereof.
To mini up the xltuntlou briefly
there nppiirently Ih mi ileflne, pro
ceil u ro fur liolillnir nn flection for
any purpose whatever hi u county
Hchool illntrlct, nml thin ronrlttiilun
U further honin nut hy n letter
from tint Hllprrluleiuleiit of putillr
liiHtriirllon runlnliiHiR comtncntu of
tlm nttornoy j;enoral, nml written
In reply to un Inquiry of thn board
miking for ItmtructloiiK for holding
"IcctlniiH. tin dald, "thero appar
ently In no provlnlou made, for bold
InK an election In n county ilUtrlct,
do llm best you ran,"
Tbn board proooili'il to rail nil
election, iihIhk uci prtH of mhool
elcctloii Iwwn a h icoiiiod uppllenblo
nml proper for the purpoHO of ko
MirliiK mi urdarly tilcctlon roturn.
Upon tlm boar'd'H proniedliiK to
runvuNM tlm rutiiniM they foHinl (hat
In many liiHtuncerf that tin, elee-
Hon bounln liud fulled to murk llm
, envWopou coiitnliiliiK letuint no
Hint tbiiy mlKlit bo Identified, al
HioilKh printed envolopi-K hail Veil
prnvldud for that purpose, with
blank hphcom for llin nmiio und
nuiuhe,. uf tlm ptillliiK plui'ouud
Hpnco for tho Hlwiutiiro of tljo flee-
(Continued ou imiiu two)
vi:.Tin:it I'HtiiiAiiii-iTii-s
Tho buiomolrlc chullKim during tliu
Hint at hoiii'M iiuvn
U o o ii Minull a I
UtOUUh tho Oyclo-
tormiiKruph at Un-
Uorwomrrt I'harmn-
cy reKlutum u
lightly lower
prcMtiro than yes
icorocuat tor noxt
34 beurn:
Continued warm
Winds, '
X Av
Tho TycoB rocordlng thcrmomoter
roitlHlorod muxlmum ,und ' minimum
lemporuluroH today, aa follew:
High 94
w-. iiW".....-t..1 -
(j(vi:i(SMi:vr .vrmii'i
io ivn:nvi:i: i. o,i,
HiitKi: r.itiin:i niitwAHit
L'li (loveiutueiil litnllptH to
lulerteun III III" Ml UlllllHMIM
coal hIHIio weiii larrled for
wiinl lodiiy when Hecrnlary of
l.ahor ll.ivu called I'renldciit
l.wln of llm Ifniteil Mine
WorliurM of Ainerlra to Wimli
I ii 1:1 ii n for ii HereH of confer
niiri'H preliminary to tahlui;
llm Ihiiiich illieelly before 1'ren
Idenl lliilillm: The lmirfH
hIoii wiin erealed that ll'irdlm:
mllSlit i all u iintloiinl roofer
em e of opernlnrH nml union
lendem In i'onlier n nettle.
Arihiil of .Mm lilnery Ih Annltnl:
Sim mill oi to Itekiiio,, 'fliU
Venn HI Mill ltii)
Tlm box far-lory of the 111k l.nltin
Hot roiupaii) will rcnume opi'r.illutiH
within the near future with tlm nr
rlul of (crinln innchlncry. uciord
ItiK to HurKe W Maiiou, mi officer
of the company, nt preitent connected
with Hie bin fmtory operated by the
company nl HIkkoii Announcement of
the definite dale of reuinplluu will
be made hliortl) .Mamm Halil The
uh mill will not leMilili. IhU Heimoli.
The Hlrnon plant I" workliiK full
iiiparlty "Willi ''fi men einiloeil
Whelh-r the plant will be operated
liermaueiilh In Slnon ban mil been
I decided
A. Sunn Mil)
Till, Who III
Huiceeri Ii.
,lfl 'll)
who Iiiih Ik en IchIIiikJ
J O I'rlll
the local band icrciilly. left tuday
wltti Mrt fiimlly for u pnriiiaiirnt rent
deuce ehmwherc lie will piobably lo
cate III Vumnuter.
The chmiiber of commerce ban
been workliiK on u plan for necurlnK
weekly courerlM ilurlnK the nummcr.j
flnancniK tlm proKrmu or poi'"'"1 were lo bo brntlKht befor,. the court
Hlllwcrlptloll. NeKOllnlloiM lth FrIU ,,,, mornK l(, ,..r t,r ,,,.., ,
for the piMlllon of director now beliiK j , ,cni.nt rharuInK them with
definitely terminated by IiIh dfpart-. (.rimnl ,yndlcnllnin. the muilvr was
ore, attempt Ih IicIiik mnde by A. U. ll0,( n ir)-ac awnlllnR llm din
Wlnhard. clmlrinnii of the rhnmber of Il()lti,0l, ,)f ,i, .i.-murrer. All brief-
(omnmrco band committee, to kc- 1
cure mime on" else I
WlHhnnl nalil tmUy Unit W A.
Know, former band director here. I
mi bin wav hero from Sm.invllle,
j und It Ii hoped ho mny be Induced
to lake tlm pure. nnw oirem-ii
Hie local band for'two yean, noino
seven or dnht )ear uko, ami ,nc
cnrdliiK In Wlidiurd produced Hie
best band Klamath FalU bai ever
If Hiiow'h services are Kccured, n
small Hubirrlptlon from it number
of InlereKled perxoiiH will carry the
band thrniiKli llm ituinmer. H I
planned to defray much of tho cost
by n Herlen of dances at tho open'nlr
The band U now wdJ ornanUod
and In practice. Two member have
been recently added kIvIiik tlm orBan
liatlou IS pleccH,
Try-OuU lli-ld
nt Port Klninnth
Try-oulH In preparation for the
rodeo to be held on July 2. and 4
wero held In Fort Kluintilh Sunday.
Tlm try-outH wore nlmont iih Inter-i-hIIiik
iih a main ovi'itt, wltnonnoH
rcporteil, iih Heveral rldorn wore
thjown f i om Hiiinu of Mu lud
hoiiuM broiiKbt Iu for tho occanlon,
I.ulher llolhrook of Mori III was on
hand with hi famous' xtrlnK. and
will remain there until ufter tho
h(w. A HtrluK of ImckorH bun also
been broiiKht In from tho IiIkIi
desert country near Silver Lake.
The Kraud Htaud Is ImiIiik enlarged,
mid other preparalloiiH miido Hi ox
puclutlun of (tho leht mIiow ever
held Iu Fort Klamath,
Mcivuiy 4'HiiiIin to OH; lU'conl
.Initialed Ouly In June, 1018
Tho official thermometer at tbn
United BlutOH roclumutloii office
roulHterod 08 degrees yoHtorday, tho
hateoHt day thin your for Klamath
county ,and tho wnrmoat day slnco
1014 for tho month of Juno, vjlth
tho exception of Juno, 1018, when
tiro mercury touched tlio 10(V mark.
Project Will Be Completed
This Year at Cost of
About $75,000
Work on I.a..e vnlley ,11-
vernlon dam Iiiik ln:un, nc unlliir: ;
In II I) Newell, of the
Klamath Irrlcntlon pro'ri, ami Hie
i niruciiire Will lie completed thin
! )enr A (-.nn In beliiK lornleil nt
I Hie dam hit" til Hie head of l.tlll
I cell valley The government
' ronKlrurlliiK Hie dam by force
i account, under unpen IhIiui of J ('.
Whitney, who mip.-rvlKeil tlin.liullil
ItiK of Hie new Henley flume hint
The dnm, x.ild Newell, will cot
.iliout J 7 r..(Mjo. ni roiiKh KticKK. and
h eipected Io be couiileted by tle-
cetuher lot. II h hoped to Mart on
llm (offer dam. which will bare lb"
river bed for urinal oiintriirtlnii.i
wllliln ii week, mid when the Job li
well under way rsonm 36 or in men'
will be employed
lliM will be uaKed on lwehe
in lien of main uuial leiiilm,- from
t, ,, ((l ,, i.uiikoII valley l.uiiN
in iihoul ii month Sp.-clfli'.itlon
are now livlni: prepunil Th. dllch-j Mnmnlli Development (ompaii). it
IliK will be divided Into eleven or ' l't'tliliiil of the bond hoimc.
twehe m-hedulei.. mi Hi.. Job ma i The bbl of the AiikIo. London i
be parrelled out when awarded to!1'"""' ""''k 'f Francisco and of
O.'itevcral illffvreut rnutrurtora. It
i exp-ited illtrh work will ulart m '
AliKitat. t
l.'nlerlnu of l'leit lo liiilleliiienl i
Held In Alx-jniiic
0wnR , (( ,,,lllurri.rH ,H.,iiiB m '
thoinneit of tlm four I V W which1
0 ,10 ,emurrer bae not been
. ,i . ,. ...,, i,H, iH ,.Xn.cted that1
thl w.111 be done., and the defend-1 A permanent plant for the manu
nntH bo beard, within Urn next few , facturo of fewer and drain pipe, rep
das. reviitlug an Investment of IIA.OOO
Tho case of Alio Vincent, harKed,ml cmpluylne about 10 men. will be
Willi larceny of a borne, will romoj established hero provldltiB tho Hcnd
to trlnl before JiiiIko I.eavltt tonior-j clay l'lpe company succeeds In get
row morning at 10 o'clock. Other j tint? u contrart for 'the ecr pipe
criminal cases will bo not down for -to bo laid In the sixth sewer unit un
trlul this afternoon, Including the dcr the contract awarded to O. C.
murder case Involving tho killing l.orenT Thin Ik according to C. II.
of (leorgo Nlcholi by Win. Lewis, j Knovvles of llenOt representing the
colored. company here.
s cr I.AOV , i'mr zi
I i i in i ii . . "" " r - "
MeilMltbllx rollimlxoliill Ciimml (nil.
filler KriiielM 'Ihiil Inter.
ti lie Ii III Ion I IPiiliyn
WAHIIINfJTO.S'. June Jt, The n
leixlali. loimnerrn Cimtnlwiloii ban
ilt.elf.ri.,1 ll .....lil.l ....!.. 1. 1.. ...I.
i ...... .. n. ,-.,., jM.rifuuiy IIIHI
up dome nun. in in inner, in tin j;en-
,'r"1 nillrond connolldaiion benrlm:
I I lie mutter of thn.Roiithern I'urlflr
ami Cenlrnl I'arlflr rullroiui merRer,
reienlly ilerlared lle;nl hy the Hit
preni,, Miiirl Minnwhlle the rom-
! iuhihioii cm not rnnnlilcr refluent
' '"t iniervene to brlnB ahfrnmon...
alteration In tlm Mtuallnn preclpl
I tatnl by tlm declMlon.
I lie central I'nclflc ami tlm Houlh
em I'adfle under cnnnolldailon plann
befor.. tli(. (ommlrulon. are mii;i;eHtei
iih comiiiiiieiit uultn of n ulniil" merg
ed comp.iny "MiIk cninpany would be
on,, of the nineteen law railroad
HyhtcniH Into which, under the con
millil.itlon plam, nil major rond nro
lo be thiown. Tliii dates Und places
of heiirinirx whlrb may affcrt the Ccn
tral I'arlflr c:ibi, Hid notlie Hahl. will
be amiounred well In ndtntir,, but
lime not been definitely fixed im yet
,'""Uii( I'nuit Aiecpls Hid of AiikIo
iuinon i-ri ( oinp.iiij
Award of the IliiOomi Klniu-
',l1 eoiinty ro.ul bond Inmie wan nude
lnl HiIn afternoon lo tlm AiiRlo-Lon-
don l'.irl nintpany uf San Franrlnco,
nireeuted bore by Howard (i I'nrk
Herbert KlelMiurktr. bead of the
'" Wilier t- lompany of F'ort-
l.iml. Jointly with other, w. ro the
lowest, the different laii-U upon which
ll,' ,M "a,e ""kliiB It difficult to
lernie. I lie former offered tar anil
accrued IntcruU niur"nflat itremlum
of fl.Tl'ii, bomlx to bear r. 'i per
Hit Interest. The latter offered par
i ami accrued Interest, n premium of
and n 5 per cent Interest rate
mninder to bear S '.i per rent.
The ieprcuntuties of boil, firms
(Inimcd the lowest bldf.
llenil I'tuiciTii Contempbilts. I Stall
liolimeut of I'm lory Hero
g V
Honor Claimed by Frank
W. Hudson; Trip Made
Over Sand Creek Road
After battling flvn days through
diep snow drifts on the Hand Creek
road, Frank W. Hudson of Oakland,
a tourist, reached Crater lakn rim
nt I 20 Hunday afternoon and claims
the honor of being first to reach
the lako by automobile over any road
and the silver loving cup offered
by Klamath Falls business men
through the rhamber of commerce
for the first out-of-state tourist to
reach the lak via Tho Dalles-Call-fornia
This message was telephoned to
The Herald today by Tony Castell of
Fort Klamath. Castell said Hudson
had a certificate -voluntarily given
him by Alex Sparrow, park superin
tendent. In substantiation of hit
Custell said Hudson cut through
10 drifts with u croxs-cut saw and
cinthook. brushed around eight
drifts and planked flvo drifts. Ills
ear carried every conceivable equip
ment tor touring und was prepared
to meet th, mint trying situations.
Ho left Fort Klamath Tuoday lifter
being several days there and return
ed there today, leaving his car at
tlm rim. Hudson plans ou return
ing for a stay at the rim after -which
ho will return to Oakland through
this Uty and probably will present
his certificate to the chamber of
Hudson Wiis formerly a profession
al photographer, Cuttcll said, and
will take n number of photographs
of the bike before leaving.
Fund Secured From Iteclnmatlon
Service nml KlnniMtli County
A fund has been secured from
the I'. S. Iteclamatlon service, as
sisted by Klamath county, for pur
chasing poisoned grasshopper bait
In tho Malin district, It was an
nounced today by C. A. Henderson,
county agent. Tills bait Is being
mixed In tho basement of tho Malln
high school building, and can bo se
cured thero Monday or Tuesday
evening af this- week free' of charge
by anyone of that district who ll
troubled with grasshoppers.
Sackg or containers for trans
porting bait should bo brought by
thoi-o desiring to take advantage of
this offer.
POUTI.AND, Juno 2C Fed-
eral Judgo Wolverton today
mado permanent a temporary
Injunction Issued last Decern-
her against tho Federal Itrj-
servo bank of San Francisco,
In which tho methods usd In 4
tho collection of checks drawn
on tho Ilrookings stato bank
wero restrained. It was held
that tho Ilrookings- bank had a
right to collect a reasonable
exchange on checks.
Effort Will lie Marin lo Dlipo of
Kxer Arrragn In Horwfly
' and tafiRell IHMrirt
The land settlement commltteo
of tho chamber of commerco met
with tho farmers from Langcll Val
ley and Horsefly districts at Do
nama Saturday night to make defi
nite arrangement for disposing of
excess lands In the two districts as
a result of the Irrigation contract
recently entered Into with the gov
ernment. II. J. Tlcknor, Francis Bowman,
H. D. Newell, Arthur Wilson, A. L.
Wlsbard and T. A. Stevenson wero
members of tho committee present.
About 40 of tho large land owners
of the two districts were present,
and were enthusiastic In their en
dorsement of the raovo made by tho
chamber to anslst them In disposing
of the lands t0 desirable, settlors,
many expressing tho wish that' it
Swiss colony could bo located to
take the lands.
A questionnaire, drawn up by Ar
thur Wilson and Will Baldwin waa
circulated among those present far
the purpose of having them list, tho
lands tor sale, the JmproTeajujiU
pr!cov terms" and "other information
desired by the chamber. Aa soon
as this Information la received It
will be classified and circulated
among prospects now being located
by the committee.
E. O. McCormlck, vice president
of the Southern Pacific, has prom
ised to assist tho chamber In locat
ing settlers Intcreated In dairying.
as the land Is specially adapted to
this Industry. Tho state chamber
of commerce and tho United States
chamber will also assist in the
Central Labor Couartl Declare
Strike fitlll tifcts
Direct disagreement 1th tho con
clusions of C. It. Gram, state labor
commissioner, thSt the tlmberwork
era strike here no longer exists. Is
contained In a resolution adopted
Saturday by the Central Labor coun
cil, which asserts neither representa
tives of the tlmberworlvi union or
central labor council wero consulted
In Grams Investigation, ho "appar
ently being content with information
from employers alone."
Afterdating several premises the
resolution reaches tbe conclusion
that the Central Labor council re
solves to 'condemn this action of tho
stafe labor commUsloner, C. II.
Gram, as being autocratic, dictator
ial, biased and without any consid
eration for the workmen Involved In
this controversy."
"There lg but ono agency that can
end a strike," it Is declared, "and
that U tho ono that originally called
It. C. H. Gram had nothing to do
with catling this strike, neither has
he the power to end It as tho future
will reveal."
While they had smull opportunity
to speak with Gram whllo ha won
here, tho few union men who saw
him assurud him that tho atrtko was
itot off, the resolution declares, and
that bo was further assured by thusg
union representatives that not later
than Juno 18, Jthey had offlclalliV
gouo on "record us reiterating their
doslro for Hio maintenance of the
utrlko und that not one of tho orig
inal strikers favored calling oft the
strike at this tliuo.
Oram has sliown tuclluatlon to fa
vor tho employers "In overy Inatauco"
the resolution assorts, and opposes
tljo cessation of posting "strlko con
ditions" by California employment
agencies, which Wag roconuuended by
Gram after his visit hero last week.
PORTLAND, Juno 28, Cattle
slow. Prlmo hogs 10c higher; oth
er steady; prlmo light HUGO to
$11.85, Sheep steady,
Contract Goes to Al Gra
ham with Bid of $22,000;
Material Ordered ..
The contract for Installation of
approximately four miles of addi
tional water mains for this clly
was let today by tho California Or
egon Power company to Al Gra
ham, locat contractor, stated J. C.
IloylP, division manager. Graham's
bid was approximately 122,000.
nid- for 32,000 and f 28,(100 wore
received from L. K. Porter nnd
C. Lorenx, respectively.
Graham started to collect n crew
today for excavation work on thn
first unit, from the pumping plant
on Conger avenue, down Conger
avenuo to Pine, thence to Second
and from Second to Main.
Material hag been ordered '.aid
Doyle, and the first carload should "
be here July 1.
A ten-Inch main will he laid In
tbe first unit, which ia two Inches
greater In diameter than the larg
est existing main, and will prac
tically double th0 water supply to
the business district. An eight
Inch main wilt be laid frqm 8econd
to Seventh on Pine and from Sev
enth to Eleventh, and on other
parts of the system tbe main will
bo six-Inch pipe.
Thirty-seven new hydrants will
lie Installed la the restricted 'build
log district, with doable outlet.
Capable of connecting with either
f the cltr.flre taglne.
Xa-B-4ilUtvsi.U.uUe.t4'ar -
ninety-day Job, with approximately
30mcn cmploycdJ
To provldo revenue to Justify tho
cost of tho extension the state pub
lic scrvlco commission recently
granted the power company a rato
Incre&o on water. At a hearing at
which city authorities, chamber of
commerce representatives', power
company officials and others wern
represented hero In April, -the In
creased rate was held Justified a n
meang of preventing a proposed In
crease In Insurance rates.
The bulk of tho rato Increase wax
placed on tho city, which will de
rlre the most benefit, It Is held, In
Increased fire protection. Tho hy
drant chargo la raised about 11,200
Domestic consumption rates nro
raised ?5 per cent, from $1.40 to
11.75 per 3,000 cubic feet mini
mum, excess charges In proportion.
Irrigation rateH are unchanged.
Sentence Imputed by Judgo Leavitr
Following Assault Conviction
Six months In tho stato penlten
'tlary wa3 tho sentenco Imposed thU
morning on George Prlne, found
guilty of the charge of assault with
3 knlfo on Henry Kntpplo on April
C. District Attorney Drawer rec
ommended to tbe court the mini
mum penitentiary sontenco undur
the statuto, which waf alx months.
Prlne's attorney made a plea to thu
court that his client be paroled
during his good behavior, but tho
court did not soe fit to grant tho
Throe KUhcrmen at Ilocky Pohjt
(Jet Limit Within Short Time '
What wiis declared to ba tho ,
largest catch of rainbow trout at
Ilocky Point this soason was taken
yeaterduy by Win. Smith and V. V.
Hedgpeth of this city and W. M.
Audursou of San Francisco, traffic
agtjnt for tho Chicago Groat West
om Itullroud company. Tho fish
ermen arrived at Ilocky Point Sat
urday ovenlng, and by early Sunday,
had caught tho limit. Most of tho' ,
catcheg wero made In the vicinity
of tho point 'at tho mouth of Crys
tal creek, they said.
CHICAGO, June If.- A' strlkp
vote la belnK taken by railroad sig
nal men of approximately one-third,
of all railroads, according to union
announcement today, .,