The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 24, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    'Pjfgo Four
" MltDAY. JU.VK 21. 102.
By Our Country Editors
Miir t. tvlmimth Hcatnt
Demurrer to tho ilcfotidnntii answer
In III., nun nf Win. MnrX iiRlllliyt the
Kliiiniith lli'conl I'uhllMiIng company
wiyi overruled this morning 1 JuiIkpI
J.rnvltt, following oral argument by
rnutmpl for tooth side. Tlio case In-J
olvos nt. notion seeking to collect
fiom tlio ruhllhlng company fiiooj
uttorne.v fo0 for Win Mnrx. iind I
$ 100 nttnrne)s fen for W. t Vnn I
Kinon, fur crv1"oi rendered in the J
lecent new simper roiitrovcrsv
Tin: stak
A notable hns been asjcm
hied for the filming of Ueil Hot
llomnnro.' n John Kinerson-Anlta
l.i-iis production released through As
sociated Klrst Nutlonnl. unit which
will be the feature at the Stnr then
tro for tin engagement of 2 Jay.
Matting Sumla).
The lending parts are plaeJ by
il.ii.ll SI(1iip. a famoii!r-Kngllh ac
tor, nnd Muy Collin, one of the most
popular of' Amrrlcan Ingenue Oth
er In th" cast Include Tom Wllon.
Knink Ulor. (Muanl Conolly. Hoy
Atwcll, anil Olive ValerV
"lied Hot llomance' I a Mil re on
the romantic melodrama of the ltlch
ard Harding DavlvAnthony Hope
type, with th dynamic hero, the
hetples girl, the marlne-to the-'
roi-cue and all the leM of It The
scenes ore laid In the kingdom of
Ilunkonla. hoe capital I Santa
(rafto and whose chief cltv U l'orto
You'e read "The (Irlngo Devil."
that lively Mexican tory and "'The
llaltlln' Kid" containing u plot about I
a bujich of rought cowpunchrrs.J
Well.' the boy that wrote both of'
these has Jut added another notch
In hlg gun handle ' I
Not being contended with hi rep.
in a novelist he beat It up Into the I
Coast Ilange mountain to gather!
material for a ne'(manuscrlpt.
Through an accident he mixes In
with a gang of counterfeiter who
nr0 Urculatlng quite a bit of fake
hekel without being Interrupted.
Thl production, entitled "The Man
Hunter," I coming to the Strand
Sec the outcome of a struggle Be
tween an Intelligent young mounted
police officer and a clique of row
dies from lower New York.
Joseph ha rented I lie I
Stiow bridge, ranch, now owned by!
Jiune Wntkln Jr, of Klamath PnlNl
and has tinned onto the place.
Mr nnd Mr O. K Hunt and child-'
ren Ada. Hazel, lleulah. Kuntoo. Cecil J
and Donald of thl place nnd Mr.
Clarence Hunt of Orlndnlo started
Thursday for a month's May In Cort
land where they will attend the
Apostolic Kalth camp meeting being
held there. Mr. Chandler will alo re-
turn to Cortland with them. Mary
Hunt, eldest daughter of Mr and '
Mrs O 12. Hunt, who Is visiting re-'
latlvcs at C.rutham. Pennsylvania. e-j
pect to meet her people In Cortland I
and return home with them for a1
rcw week visit before returning to
her dutle a trained nurse In Caa
dena. Cal. j
When A. Kallna of Malln returned
from Corvalll where he took sonic i
of the member, of the count) club1
he had a paenger. 13 llohemlansj
who came for the purpose of looking I
over thl section of the country Mr
Statiiey' father wa one of ttfe par
ty. They, with several other, visited
the lava bed country Sunda i
While J"' Chotard driving
ome cattle to hl newl.vrented
ranch Saturday hi saddle lony ran
away from him and last seen on.
the range with the bridle ou. The ad- j
die wa found In the road by Mr. Ot-1
toman who took It to A. Kallna's
store. At last report the pony was,
still at large
The ladle, of the Helping Hand
society were euiertalned by Mr (Jar-j
lick Wednesday with the fillowlng
present- Mesdames Clckctt. WHon.
Orason. U)amn. Cogle. Smith, i
Klrpatrlck. Powell. Smith. McComb.l
member and visitor,, were Mesdanic
Po. Heralngton. Ml" Beth Kirkpat-I
rick and Ha Smith. Next meeting to
be at Mr. Core)" home. entertained '
by Myrtl (5rayson. Wednesday June
:s j
The pumping plant on the.C M (
Klrkpatrlck place l busy night and
dav while Mr Klrkpatrlck and Mr
layman are Irrigating the Hunt and I
Klrkpatrlck alfalfa j
Martha Mnigaiot, nnd nephew, Hay
lliirrlngfon, who will spend tlio Milli
liter here.
Mltw HeV Seoggiiu of Sacramento
arrived In Merrill Sunday evening
and N a gnv4 nt the home of N. S.
Mr. W. l llrlfflth spout last
week with her daughter. Mrs. Ohm
Cot, nt Swan lake. They havo been
dipping hoop ngulti nt the M. I.
Mooro place under the supervision of
lr. Cuper, federal sheen Itmpector.
(tn.viMoud Ta.vlor tuado a trip to
llrant niotiiitalii Wistne.-Hlii)
lleo J. Wujtou has returned from
a trip to Portland whore lie was a1
delegate to the Ma-urns gland lodge '
lie also visited Seattle. Il reports I
time good lit those places. !
Mrs. J. W. Taylor was a Khun
math Pall btislltc visitor Tues
day. Miss Hazel 1'adlr.v. who been
attending the slut,, normal at Mom.
mouth, returned to her home fti Mer
rill where she will spend the slim
mer, j
Wilson l.odil. who l wurklng on I
the J- W Taj lor home, apotit the
week-end n- hi home In Klamath
K- S. Tcrwllleger. . former resi
dent of Merrill, ha been here the
last tew day. !
Mrs. C. How man and llelvtn llow.j
man were Klamath K.tll visitors'
Wednesday j
Mr. and Mrs Morton, who have'
betn visiting at the home cf Mr. j
Morton sister. Mr. I.uther Has-1
kins, returned to their home In
(Irani Pass Sundn.v i
Miss ltuth Hill Is attending tho
summer normal at Ashland
Mlis Florence Dlllard left fori
Ashland to attend the normal there I
Mr and Mrs. C. (I. Merrill are In.
from the lava beds to upend a few !
Tom Dixon. Klamath eounty road '
master, was In Merrill Thursday on
business connected with his wer I
Mr and Mr Klmer Mcrrltt spent
a few day.s In Med ford and Ashlanrt'
last week Merrill is at hi plac In
Anderson' store after hi vacation
W W WVIker, Jr, N home He
ihM with mi nrclileiit when n log
rolled on his foot. An X-ray allowed
a bone broken.
Mr mill Mr. 12 I.. Hosle) spent
Tuesday III Meirlll the KUit of Ml
It II. Anderson.
Miss Wllnia (iob 1 home from
Mt Angel ufier attending school
there the past winter.
Mr. and Mrs C It How man mo
tored to Klamath Palls Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Uo Houston of
Klamath Falls spent Sunday with
Mr and Mrs C C lleldrlch
Mr and Mrs Molschcnbachor and
family of Klamath Falls spent the
dav fishing at Silvers' camp one da)
this week
W. C Aketis of Ittd 111 ii f r has ac
cepted the savvver' position nt Mo
doc Lumber for the coming
season Ills famll) will move up later
II. V. C.rlfflii returned from Port
laud Saturday where he went to have
a piece of steel removed from his
e)e and has very much Improved
Mr and Mrs. Harry Itlchardson
of Klamath Falls upent Friday with
Mrs C C lleldrlch
t. Sera II on of the Silvers' ramp
lauded a fifteen pound trout last
week He made Mr Chandler a pres
ent of It. who took It to San Fran
cisco to show his friends the kind of
fish that can be caught In WUIIani
son river
l.oorgo Chastaln motored to Klam
ath Falls Wednesday morning and
returned In the evening.
Ivan Cart right returned home
from the hi-spltal where he had been
to have his Injuries attended to. hav
ing Iiwii hurt last week In a mill
near KlrkfordvHlD friends were glad
to know that his e)e sight was not
Ml.s lllanche Cooduer. a former
Chtloquln teacher spent the week
i.nd here before leaving for San Jose'
where she will attend summer school.
Mr Cordon of the Cblloquln Lum
ber company Is bulk from Sacramen
to after spending a few da) there
on business
Ueorge Striw bridge oId bi gar
agr to Markwardt brother Mr and
Mw Htrow bridge, accompanied by
Mh l.nrenn llarkloy left thl mom
lug for Portland lo attend tho rone
carnival and fiom there to Seaside lo
spend n few week before returulnit
It. V Mallei y Is quite III with
The Dixie restaurant caught nth,
the other morning nnd would have
burned down but the men fiom the
stores etc., wele out at the first
alarm nnd put It out lu a few min
utes. A very successful dance was held
Saturday at Du Vail' hall. Music
was furnished by an Hawaiian or
chestra. 12vor)body reported having
a good time.
A large crowd of Chlloqulu people
attended the dance at Klamath Agen
cy Friday night
The Chlloiiiln rodi;o association
is getting the ground ready for u
hlg time here the fourth.
Mr and Mrs Kd Martin of Klam
ath Falls spent a few da) here lnM
week visiting friends.
Mr Lyle Magnes.s accompanied b)
Mrs Ira Corhln, ltub Magutss and
Oraleo Corhln of llflford'it camp
motored down today.
W -4 'i sm.i
w jc mw v mm
1 .M., WJ iKJmk
tiik i.iuf.utv
Ina Claire, the Uelasco stage star,
will b0 seen In pictures anday at
the Liberty theatre In "Polly With a
Past." adapted by June Mathls from t
the theatrical success by George Mld-i
dlcton nnd Guy Holtcn '
It was this play which brought MIm
Claire, for nearly a )car now mgaged
in enacting tno principal rote in - ine
Cold Diggers," nt the Lyrt-um theatre
Nevr-York. to stardom. The story ha
to do with a )oung girl, conic from
tho country to study for the operatic
stago but forced by circumstances
finally to be a housemaid. There tho
friends of Itex Zan 7.11c, In an effort
to Interest that Impressionable young
man from another woman they de
test, prevail upon Poll) Sharon to
assume a pust of an Interestingly
brilliant hue. And there properly
or perhaps Improperly the story
really begins.
Sunday morning a children day
progra'm wai given at the First
Presb)terlan church Those partlcl-
paling were- Pauline Heasley. Mar- j
garet Hill, Leona Kidwell. Louise j
Haskins. Margart't Hill. ATlene Tay-
lor. Fay Jlnnette. Kdna Jones, lun
ette Offleld. Loralne Haskins; Con
gregation. Arlene Ta) lor, "Edna Jones
and Loralne Beasley.
A larger cumber were out for the
school election Monday than usual.
Klghty-thrce votes were cast while
last year Just a quorum vvas pre
sent. The women took quite an ac
tive part this time. The local board
elected were aa follow1 W. F. Hill,"
W. F. Jlnnette and (co. J. Walton.
Mrs. Fred Peterson was elected clerk
Those receiving the largest vote on
the county unit were- Tower, Keno;
Mack Central; How man. Chlloqulu.
Howne. Uonanza; and Offleld. Mer
rill. Mrs. It II Anderson returned home
from Klamath Falls Sunday. Mrs.
Andcrbon and children have been In
Klamath Falls the paht wick, the
guests of Mrs. Thos. Martin
Mr and Mrs. Earl Whlslcr and
children and Mr. and Mrs. E. C
ltcam were Klamath Fall visitors
on Monday.
Hay Merrill went to Klamath Falls
Sunday to meet his daughter. Miss
r.lllHltTY SCXD.W
Iteallsm can go a bit too fur, take
It from Art Itosson, director, and the
members of the American motion
picture company which went to Ta
hiti in the South Seas to film "The
Fire Hrlde," the picture of romance,
adventure ami myktery which Is com
ing to the Liberty theatre tonight.
The story called for n scene In a
terrific tropical storm, and the as
sistants were preparing to unllmber
tho "wind machine," which furnishes
gulrs for most of the movies, when
u real tornado sprang up. Hefore
shelter could bu nought, the actors
nnd director were caught In tho hur
ricane, and swept off their feet, while
trees were uprooted nearby.
Say It With
Whose Wedding Anni
versary today?
Klamath Flower Shop
834 Main Street.
Phone 589
Eugene O'Brien
in "The Figurehead"
also Good Comedy
"The Man
Big Story of the Northwest Mounted
Urban's Movie Chats, and Vaudeville Movies
Good Comedy
Admission 10c-20c. Continuous Show 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
The LidleV Aid met with Mrs
Steven tlrlfflth Wednesday, after
noon, llefreshmeutn of caku and
lemonade were served. Those pret
out were Mrs John Koontx, Mrs K
Dehllnger. Mrs fl)ile tlrlfflth.
Mrs Smith. Mrs Otto Wablux, Mrs
Jess Johnson. Mrs. l-'rauk Htewart,
Mrs Drle Orem. Mrs II I). Mor
rison, Mrs. Dan Kaor". Mrs J. S
MrClellan. Mrs Harvey llooth. Mis
W M t'hejne. Mrs. Arnold. Mrs
llooth. Mrs. Him Kastwood. Mrs T
N. Case. Mrs Alet Oheyne. Mrs
Steven (Irlffitb. Mrs Schrlner. Mrs
Dlilc llenneti. Mrs. Merry Che) tie.
Kay (irltxle. Merry West, Inland
Che)ne. Hobby and Clyde Dchllu
gr, Carrol Orlfflth and Annlo nnd
Jessie Johnson.
Mr llooth of California Is vis
iting her son Harry llooth.
Kay tirlttte of Klamath Kails Ii
spending the. week ut Mt. Lakl, vis
iting her aunt. Mrs Morrison, and
frleils I
Mr and Mrs Jim Stewart,
ll. Nellie a;nl Johnnie Htuwart audi
Irene and (5c no and Verne Duratit j
went to the dam fishing Thursday
evening i
TiTTfvulue of .i pooilMioc is not gatig(l by the
pnccialone. Tlw hest way to he sune-of value
is to seejtlut the nanv Ql'LLN QUALinjis sumptd
on your.'next pair of ihocb.
, For Qur.KN QUAUlT value n greater this season
dun ever, in style, ' atul wotlcmanship.
Yet behind all this'ts an even bigger fitctor your
greatest'aid in buying. It n the name QUI.'IIN
QUALITY", the stanJrd:of m.iker and'reuiler, your
guide to shoes tlutj fit (where othersifail; to stylet
of character and lavting. satisfaction,
Stvle and durability
ure eomblui'd lu thl'
miar! shape-retaining
Oiiord A desirable
shoe for street or In
formal dres.
The Bootery
Till Main SI.
Klninalli l'll'
A number of farmers ure ii.iul Mr aiiTl Mrs J It KIlYott' Itii.l
Ing thelr winters wood from i'hel- son Hilly wire Klamath Kails visit-
sea box factory ors this week
1M1 u m t j 1 i
Ninth and Pine Streets
Invites you to its Services
Bible School 10 A. M.
Sermon "Witnesses of His Majesty"
Junior and Senior Christian Kndeavor at regular hour
"Christian Unity"
Sermon delivered by Arthur L. Rice
All Invited
On that Sunday Trip
Why Not Take Along a
Package of
Ice Cream or
Eskimo Pies
Packed in ice, will keep hard all day
We are open Sundays until noon
Klamath Fulls Creamery
V, .,
A Business Coupe Of Steel
Dodf Brotbera offer to the busmeaa public of America
an ntlrtly ntw prlncipU in Coup body construction.
From framework to window moulding tlm body In built
of aUaL It la the firat il-atel cloaod car ever marketed.
Thli dvalfn antlcipataa tvery poaaibl requirement of
commercial travel. It iniuree unueual quletnean
unueual grace unueual etamina. It hae made it poenible
to give the Coupe that aame luatroua baked-on enamel
flnleh for which Dodge Brothere open care have long
been famoua.
The upholstery is of genuine leather leather that will
wash and wear. The scat ie wide and comfortable.
Carrying compartments are accessible and spacious. The
car is equipped with a heater, dome light, window levers,
windshisld cleaner, cord tires, Yale door locks, and every
other appointment necessary to the owner's comfort
and protection.
Built inside and out to withstand the wear and tear of
everyday use, it retains the same lightness and beauty of
line which you are accustomed to look for in Dodge
Brothers cars.
It is the Business Coupe which business people ths
world over have been expecting from Dodge Brothers.
Ti prist i960 t. a. b. Detroit
VjU tJ --p- 5 - - -'
- - .
: - -r
,j,i. 'i)i',;,V,;J;;fSe'WMi''" l "w