The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 22, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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TiirnsnAV, .ttjxr 22, mai.
Page Pour
Clothes for All Outdoors
at K. K. K. STORE
Now is the time to think of the proper
clothing for your outing and vacation trips.
Here you will find suitable ideal garments for out of
doors wear, styles for both men and women Cele
brated Duxbak and Kamp-it makes.
FOR MEN Suits in gaberdine, khaki, corduroy,
serge. Hiking pants, knickers, outing boots and shoes.
Shirtf"hats--caps glovessport sox--etc.
FOR WOMEN Sport jackets in khaki, corduroy and
whipcord. Knickers, hiking breeches, shirts in khaki
and pongee silk. Middys - hats - caps - gloves - outing
boots - sport hose - etc.
See our styles before you outfit for your summer trips
JkK BaftMiLr v t
Stnto t. Knlpj.lo
A Jury was drawn thl morning
for the trial of GeorKo I'rine,
charged 'with nai.iult on Henry
Kr.ipple on thu nlsat of Juno 6
when tht two wer0 uIIokuiI to have
engaged In a fight on the Merrill
road. H was liollfvcil the caD
would go to thtj Jury toduy.
Your Film
rKTiTio.VKiis .sk itu-iti:-
(Contlnui-d from l'liRa Ono)
-- i i . i ..,. '
"Shall the policy of rallro.ul bultil
Ing lu tho Kluirath, Inaugurated by
K. II. llnrrlmnn mid ruthk'Mily ile- !
Ktroyed t hU death In- now resuni-j
cd, or shall Klamath enter upon an
era of stagnation and dry rot. which
must follow If udenuato railroad fa-
rilltit8 uro not siH-edily furnished hy
tho resumption of railroad construction."
KOIl IlKNT N'lce little 4-room
liouEe. partly furnished, 113. 1,121
Crescent. Apply next door 22-2S
WANTKD Woman to cook on
ranch. Phono 1JKI2. 22-2S
"WANTKU Experienced hand Ironer.
Trench Hand Laundry. 22-24
KAI.i:SMi:.V To Bell guaranteed
tires and tube. $10(1 a week guar
anteed ttalary and commlKxIuu. Uni
versal Tire Co., Chicago. III. 22
W.NTi:n Woman to
ranch. Phone 10K1G.
cook on
VOM IlKNT Furnished hounekeen-,
lug roqiiiB In new home. Modern I
conveniences, flood location. Call and
nee them, lletlln K. Moorland, 1211
Ciesceiit Ave., Phono 31HJ or 240W.
TJHK CO. Wants Btate represents
tlvo and Bales manuger to open
branch office. $300 necessary. Uni
versal Tlr0 Co., Chicago, 111. 22
If you buy a Brunswick Phono
graph you will never be disappointed
later by rompiJrUoiig wlttf other
phonographs. Currlns For Drugs. 22
Our whlto oxfords and pumps, are
tho host to bo had. J. K, lenders &
Co. 22-23
No mntter who your doctor Is, wo
can fill his prescriptions conectly.
Currlna For Drugs. 22
Have ou-lienrd those Now lining
wick P.tnco Itururds? It will ho n
pleasure to demonstrate them for
you. Currlu Bii.vr Ho. 22
John Kelly shoes for women, aro
j.hoes .of ijuiillty, J. V.. Kndeis & Co.
, a 22-23
During the course of a clay several dozen
rolls of films are brought to Underwood's for de
velopment. These are taken to the "dark room,"
from which every ray of white light is carefully
excluded. It is lighted by a number of "ruby"
electric lamps which do not affect the sensitive
Here an ingenious device perforates each
film with a number, and it is by means of this
number that the film is afterward traced through
the various processes it undergoes.
The films are placed
upon a rack and then
suspended in a tank
of developer.
There are four tanks
in each series. Two
contain water and
the others are frr de
veloper and fixer, respectively.
The formula for developer is one that has'
been very carefully worked out by experts in the
employ of the Eastman Kodak company of Roch
ester, New York, and by them given to Under
wood's Pharmacy. The chemical composition
has been so arranged as to get the best Yesults
out of all films. If the film has had too short
an exposure or too long first-class results can
not be expected, but our system of development
will get the very BEST results out of every film
that it is possible to get. Films are left in the
first tank for 20 minutes. Then are rinsed and
passed to the "fixer," which clears the film, and
a final period of about 20 minutes in the last tank
of running water, which completes the develop
ment process.
The films are then suspended in a current of
airHtnd dried by electricity, after which they are ,
cut up and placed each in its proper envelope.
The Art of Photography
Had a crude beginning just one hundred
years ago. It was evolved from a process
that required hours of exposure and devel
opment to the modern "snap-shot" that is
quicker than lightning.
In fact, photography is almost a miracle,
but we accepj. it as a matter of course, giving
little thought to the marvel of it.
Few people know the process a film goes
through when it is developed and printed..
Klamath Falls has one of the most modern
plants in the country for doing that work.
Underwood's Printing and Developing
room has been equipped with the best ma
chines that arc obtainable. The processes
followed are those used by the Eastman
Kodak company, and it is needless, to say
that they have spared no expense to make
them as nearly perfect as possible.
Hundreds of satisfied customers send in
films from all over the county. Work has
been received from many distant points
Alaska, Idaho, Dakota, Arizona and Cal
ifornia. Every roll of film receives the same care
ful handling, and no effort is spared to get
the very BEST pictures out of it than can be
Films left before 9 o'clock each morning
are ready for delivery at G p. m. Films ar
riving by parcel post in the afternoon or
evening, are mailed out the NEXT day.
A fine enlarging camera forms part
of (Sur equipment, and pictures from
good negatives can be enlarged to any
size desired. A special offer of one
8x10 enlargement for 50 cents. Send us
any good film for a trial.
the Picture
fa ' HvV
VI I ii HfrM
PA-Ko Printer
pressure of the foot
One of the most interesting machines in the
Underwood finishing department is the PA-Ko
This consists of a ta
ble, before which the
operator hn, with
convenient .helves
and cupboards for
storing the sensitive
paper upon which
the prints are made.
Beneath the table
are several high pow
er electric lamps. A
clever device permits
any sized opening to
be made in the print
ing frame and the
film is placed over it
with a sheet of sensi
tive paper upon it.
and the powerful light flashes through the film
upon the paper. This is then placed in the de
veloper, the picture appears, and the paper is
passed to a fixer. From here the picture goes to
a "washer" that is operated by water power, and
all chemicals are completely removed from the
The wet prints are
now taken to tho PA
Ko print drier, which
consists of a huge re
volving drum heated
1 1 A
uy vjuuujci- 9
ty. Around
'this chum is
wound an
endless "apron." The
prints are placed upon
the apron, carried by it'
over the heated .drum
and finally dropped in
to a receptacle absolutely dry. From hero they
are taken to the sorting table and each group of
prints placed in the proper envelops, and is
ready for delivery to-the customer.
FJm AiIBfcrir
H y5VI"3r,Vill,&l,.' i
Films left before 9 o'clock in t'rie morning
ready at 5 p. m. ttm
Eight-Hour Service J f I ' ,
Mail orders completed and mailed in less
than-24 hours.
Send Us Your Films