The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 21, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Prigd Four
I AckhOII H. 1MV, Ct III
Unit was fled lato yesterday by
M. C. AcklKMin against L. L. Low
ntul Chief Carter, seeking to re
cover possession of flvo horses, three
Mild of hnrness ,nml other chattels,
or to olilnln Judgment for $600 as
tltu alleged vnhio of name.
Mcrtilo", Prnlnngo lli'mlnu
Notice of hnvo tho coiitlrnintlon
of tho proceeding, In tho Meadows
Drainage District gel down for hear
ing In tho circuit court on July 25,
1922, was tiled this morning, which
I for tho purposo of confirming the
proceedings had In the county court
on the matter.
MIIWt . Smecl
(I. W. Miller filed suit against
Marlon Smeed yesterday seeking to
recover possession of two mules,
'one brown and ono sorrel, or tho at-,
tematlvo of $300 as the value of the,
mules together with $20 as dam-J
ages for the alleged wrongful de-t
tcntlon of tho mules, claiming that
tha action brought by Smeed In the
Justice court of Wood river dis
trict was defective, and that Smeed
had no right to the possession of!
IM'ncy V. Whitney, Kt Al " i
KceklnK to collect $2490.S7 on a'
promissory note, J. A. Dewey filed
suit against W. I', and E. A. Whit
ney, husband and wife, and Alvln '
Swatman, tho note being given at!
Merrill on June 1, 1920. Attorneys!
fccK, of $250. and that tho landsi
given to secure the note be sold to
satisfy tho Judgment obtained1, are
(Continued from Pass 1)
tbo said Hawkins If he attempted to
removo a door which barred his
entrance Into The Herald compos
' lug room where tho property In
iiuestlon'wo's 'stored.
All of which Information Ilrower
laid boforq tho' Jury with proper
rhetorical flourish.
C. N. O'Neill made the defense
ntnlement. Ho declared that the
dfcnse would prov0 a number of
things. He began to 'enumerate,
and ran Into n barrago of objec
tions. Ho said he would prove
that Hawkins was on Tho Horald
premises without legal process, In
asmuch as Murray held tho pro
perty In dispute under' a re-delivery
bond, unci tho sheriff had started
tn replevin It. Tho sheriff's offlto
being n party to tbo existing action,
could not serve papers In the case.
Tho coroner had been called In and
given paper, for korvlce. but when
ho learned the truth of conditions
declared "his office would not be
made a tool" anl withdrawn.
Tho matter Is too complicated
(or brief explanation, but O'Neill
charged that for political reasons
Sheriff Low had failed to perform
his duty fairly and Impartially in
tho beginning and thus precipitated
Jlio situation that lad to tho gun
episode Drowor vehemently ob
Jucted to the Imputation against the
O'Neill said he would prove by
testimony and evidence that there
Vis u conspiracy between the sher
iff and coroner to pull the sheriff
out of the hole that his failure to
do his duty had landed him In.
Iirower's objections gained In ve
hemence. O'Neill went on with his
nrgument after getting the court's
HinnlsBlon. The district attorney
continued to voice his extreme dls
"If ypu cun't keep htlll," request
ml O'Neill over hlg shoulder, "pleaso
keep as still as you can."
Hut In a mlnuto the state's tit
toiuey was on his feet again to pro
test aguliut . his opponent' jitutot
went thut the defense 'would prove
that a writ of mandamus was Is
mied by D. V. Kuykondall, then
Judge of the circuit court, Instruct
ing tho tihorlff to tuko tho property,
u ml thut the court's action was "ar
mitrary" and Illegal with Its vice
brnndedon tho face of It."
This attack upon the sanctity of
ihtf'crmlne roused tho state's ohum
plou to high pitch. Tho com t cau
tioned O'Neill against extending his
xtutoments to too broud latliudo
und tho proceedings rolled on.
.ilrowor's Indignation reached 'tho
riescendo stago with his opponent's
allegation that W. A. Wlest, ono of
tho officers of tho Record Publishing
company, wus at the tluiu of Murray's
arrest, und still Is, asslstaut prose
cutlng nttorney. Tho suggestion that
his offlco had been prostituted dis
turbed tho dUtrlct attorney deeply
und called for ten minutes of expos
tulation lioforo the proceeding got
under wuy ugaln. t
Finally utter the dofenso had in
formed the Jury that they would
jirove thflt Murray w8 fla IflUQjenJ
n. tin. utato would have him proved
guilty, tho udoiirnmcnt slngo was
Tho court asked If 9.30 would
ho too early nn hour to convene.
Tho defense was willing. Tho dis
trict nttorney nald ho had business
of utmost Importance which
would preclude his reaching court
lioforo to. Whercupou flcno Ham
mond aroo In the Jury box and
said hundred ncrcs of bis
Merrill ranch was being Irrigated,
sheep shearing was on, his sheep
were dying, and lack of his person-
I nl attention to his affairs was like
I ly to rouult In the loss of hundreds
j of dollars In order that ho might
I servo tho state at $2.60 a day.
"I would willingly pay $150 fine
for contempt If I could get out of
Jury service." said Hammond, "and
be money ahead."
t Other Jurors gravely shook their
head In agreement, but Ilrowor was
apparently unconvinced that the
Juror's time was moro Important
than his own.
"Let's make It 9 o'clock." sug
gested John Irwin, defense attor
ney. '
"We will meet at 9 o'clock,"
said the court, "lie here promptly
THE MltEim
A real thrill In the form of a stam
pede of flvo thousand head of cattle
on a great ranch near 1'nlversal City,
California, Is promised In the Universal-Jewel
attraction "Man To
Man." coming to the Llbety theatre
"Man To Man" Is based on Jack
son Gregory's novel of that name aa.d
which has been read by thousands. It
Is a virile story of a man who went
down till ho couldn't find another
hcllward step, and then climbed back
from a Ifttlo girl's hand tn his and a
woman's smile waiting to greet him.
George C. Hull prepared the Men
arlo for tho screen version and Stuart
Paton directed It. In tho plcturizatlon
non0 oLbe thrill clement of the book
was dli;arded.
Harry Carey Is tho star of the pic
ture, and something worth seeing
may be expected of him, remember
ing his "outcast" roles In "Overland
Ited" and "Sundown Slim."
At the Liberty tonight.
Once In a whllo a story Is put on
the screen In which there Is not only
deep human appeal and dramatic
suspense, but which contains a
wholcsomo lesson that can- bo ahsorb
ed and taken to heart by anyone.
Such u picture Is "Greater Than
Fame," In which Elaine Hammer
stein, Selxnlck's charming star, will
appear at the Strand Theatre to
nlrht. As the title implies, there Is some
thing greater than fame. The moral
driven home In this story Is that It Is
a happy heart, and that success can
best be obtained through content
ment o.f mind, which can bo obtained
by patience and understanding.
The story Is pleasing, Intercs'tlng.
and In Its screen adaptation every
dramatic situation has been develop
ed to advantage. There nre, at times,
bits of humor, to which Elaine Ham
mcrsleln responds charmingly, and In
the more serious moments she por
trays the character with much sin
St. Paul's Kpslcopal Guild will
meet with Mrs. S. E. Martin, 541
High street tomorrow afternoon at
2:20. It is hoped that all whom are
interested I n't ho Episcopal church as
well as members of both church and
guild will bo present. O. I). Uurkc.
chairman of building committee and
O. It. Wright, architect will be on
hand with Parrlsh hall plans, dis
cussion of which will bo tho main
feature of the afternoon. Mrs. Murtln
will bo assisted In serving by Mrs. F.
l Patrick and Mrs. D. V. Kuyken
(Continued (rem page ono)
body, which should bo good news to
tho umpire, llko a raise of wages?"
I buts in. "Or take Al Sloan, raised
under tho shadow of a. court haute,
and broke to stund under hot flro.
How's that pair for tho keystone
"Stevenson tells mo, Sugarman's
motto will hold good regardless"
Hurko replies, "and tha police have
been hired to watch Sloan lest he
comes to think It's a court home wur
going on."
I looks over the others. I see this
W. O. Smith lfl slated to hold the
first sack agulnst Fred English, min
uter plenipotentiary from this repub
lic of Copco you bear ho much about
th0 first of the month. Andy Gump
and Cupt. Katzeujammer, I compares
there's another lean one. this Kd
svx aikiiiaM.
Vannlce, the w. k. merchant, and W.
S. Wiley, our Hon. Mare, another
short one. Then there's Jlmmle Swan
son, Ollle Larson and Joe Alnutt for
the Iiadger.1, and If. N. Moe, K. M.
Ilubb and A. E. Whitman. Any of
these can be depended upon to catch
anything from croup to oil fever.
Pound for pound, ttte Gophers ha
the edge.
Eggs with a history and pop bot
tles wilt not bo allowed, according to
limp. Stone, and special parking
space has been ullowcd for ambul
ances from both hospitals.
As for little old Phillip Space, lute
of the big league, as I said before, I
gets me and the missus u grund stand
seat and watches tho slaughter.
There has been a false report going
around 'Chat the Klumuth Hand
Laundry, 115 South 9th, Phono U73W
has closed, but this laundry is still
open for business and will bo at your
tsorvlie. J. I). Huuklnu, prop. 21
Tbo Methodist Ladles' Aid society
will hold a Silver Tea at the home
of Mrs. Harry Pcltz, 804 Walnut,
Thursday afternoon. All ludies are
cordially Invited. 21
FOR SALE Cheap. 240 acres fine
level land under the irrigation
ditch, 40 acres meadow, 20 ucres
under cultivation, balanco free from
rock or brush, fenced, 2 wells, smull
house, barn, or will sell 80 acres
with buildings. See owner, F, It. Hull,
410 N. 10th St. Klumuth Fulls.
,. , r1 JJ1-23
Striking a. Youthful Note
$25. 30-00, 35.00, 4000 to 45.00
WANTKD Cook on ranch to cook
for three men, Ilox 177, Klamath
Falls. 21-23
tFOH 11BNT Nicely furnished sleep-
I ing room. Will consider room and
board. 622 Klamath Ave. 21-23
LOST Package of dress material be
tween I own and Pine Grove school.
Phone 414IL . 21-22'
FOIt ItKNT Four room plastered
house In good condition on Michi
gan Ave., at $20.00 a month.
Three room houso on Wall street
at $12.30.
Thre room unfurnished apart
incut iu stone building with bath ut
Five room strictly modern house
with bath In best part of Mills Addn.,
near box factories, at $30.00.
Two room partly furnished houso
In Mills Addn. ut $12.50.
Four room houso with bath In
Falrvlew Addn. at $15.00.
Four room houso near High action!
at $15.00,
Six room modern furnished house
neur depot at $35.00,
Five room modern unfurnished
hoUKU ueur depot at $28.00.
CIIIIX'OTE & HMJTH, 727 Main Kt.
LOST Maltese cat, male, nnswers to
namo of 'Illue." Child's pet. lie-
wurd for roturn to 438 N. 8th street,
or phone 369. 21-22
WANTKD Man to work on ranch.
Must bn able to milk. Good wages.
P. O. Box 383. 21-23
WANT TO KENT My busincsH man
and wlf no children, furnished
or unfurnished 'house, close In.
Phono 252J. 21
house, garage, gardon, berries. Call
lioforo noon, or uftor 5 p, m', 901
Rose St.. at North end 10th. 21-22
FOR SALE 15 heud young dulry
cows, good milkers all frosh slnco
January 15th. Terms to right buyer.
Mrj J. D, Hooper, MhJIamL, 2.1.-23
Spring Styles
Happy companions are Springtime
and Youthtime for do not Spring
time and Sprightliness go hand-in-hand?
Even men of mature age feel younger
in the environment of balmy breezes,
green trees and nature's rejuvenation.
Hence the tendency for brighter,
livelier, more spirited styles in suits
such as we show now in this won
derful spring display.
The spirit of youth itself smiles at
you from these pleasing clothes
pleasingly styled and pleasingly
priced at
Sealed proposals will bo received
by the Common Council for tho pur
chase of nine separate Issues of City
of Klamath Falls Improvement
flonds aggregating $123,706 57,
authorized by Ordinance of said city,
numbered .181. 5'jO, 5!M, 5!l2, 503,
594, 695, 590, 597, for tho Improve
ment of .South Riverside Stieet from
West Main St. to city limits and West
Main street from olid of pavement ut
Conger Avenue to the westerly lino
of South Riverside St., $32,600.00;
Washington Street from easterly lllln
of Third St. to easterly linn of Fifth
St. $10,280.00; Jefferson Street from
3rd to 5th, Fifth St. from Jefferxon
to Lincoln streets, and Lincoln streot
from 5th to 6th St. $19,819.59; High
Street from 3rd to 6th Struct unit
Fourth street from Pine to Jefferson
St. $26,080.07; High Street froai the
westerly lino of Third St. to easterly
linn or Juniper St. $11,716,39; El
dorado utrtet from Esplanade to
Portlund street, and Melrose 1 Street
from Eldorado Streot to Pacific Tit
race $'13,883.C3; Eleventh Street
from Main to Klamath Avenue $!,
091.41; tho Alley passing through
Illock 16 original town, from 6th tu
6th Street purallel with Main Street
$1,622.72; the Alley passing through
Illock 37 original town, from 6th to
6th Street parallel with Main Street
$1,482.76, respectively.
Proposals to purchuso such bonds
will be received by the undersigned
up to and Including the 26th day of
Juno, 1922, ut tho hour 8 o'clock p.
in. and opened ut it regular meeting
ot the. council Immediately there
after. Said bonds to be duten July 1,
1922, In iiinuuuts or $500.00 duo ten
yours after ditto of Issue, optlonul ut
uny coupon date on und after one
your, und will hour Interest ut the
rate of six per cent per annum, pay
able semi-annually, principal und in
terest puyublo at Oregon FUC11I Agen
cy In Now York City.
Proposals to purchase must be un
condllloiul and accompanied by cer
tified check for five per cent of pro
posal, lly order of the Cniuiuon Council
W s wili:v.
Look at this All Star Double
Feature Bill Tonight
"Greater Than Fame"
A stirring analysis ol woman a deepest emotions He,, de
sires, iiinliltlonn sympathies- Her lovu, grlor, Joys, temptutloiis. A
elussls or the motion picture int.
and Norma Talmadge
in "By Right of Purchase"
Big 12 Reel Show and a Good Comedy
THURSDAY Conway Tcarle
Admission 1 0c-20c. Show starts 6:30
Acting Poller Judge of City of Klam
ath Falls, Oregon "" '
I 21 22.23.21,26