' r TUfiMUV, JTTVU fl, 102. THE EVENING HERALD, KLXMXTH FATX3, OREGON PttgS Pollf Visit Our Complete Baby Department Send Us Your Mail Orders We Prepay Postage . R r f ?'''' , hfc. I fis. ' 'iuKflltatav. H jBK. niLLK'r2i Lv CBiB $20,000.00 STOCK REDUCING SALE Opened Last Saturday with a Crowded Store Just what we had expected. The women of Klamath County are ready to buy their summer apparel now, and the fact that we offered this great low price sale so early in the season was fully appreciated by the big crowds we had all day Saturday. The fact that we had an overstock of $20,000.00 is ample guarantee that we still have large quantities of the special bargains we offered on opening day. Sale continues all week, and you should get your share. The prices we are selling at should mean a great saving on any line you may need that we handle. Signed, H. N. MOE Personal Mention Miss Mtoliolli. LeaWtt j-e turned ) ont nl jy from the I'nherslt) of Ore gon to spend summer vacation hero. Sho accompanied Mis Clara Calkins and Mm. Krank Holdnson, MIm Lcav ltt's sUter. The trl was niadi hv motor. Mr.. Cordon Qulmby and niiull ClintCllKS MAKK APPKAI. ' TO KM (.l, .sTItlKK (Continued from rasa 1) cr.illfltd Id not Hut th press lid i nude an unusual!) successful effort . ,T TIIK l.lltKIt I to record th- fact of thin conflict l "Iltuubpartl Jr . which how at Neerlhele. nothing effectual hn!he Liberty thcatr,. tonight feature i i ... i .I-. i. . . i Mary Andcrfon a viol I known screen been done to bring It to nn end. I ' "In spile of the iUlro of tin gow eminent to avoid Interference. In the star, and tells a mlle-.i-nilnute farce story of a young ulfe anil husband uliua troulilo beiomes mint In wilt singed, although not really Inirned, so to spvuk, how husband and ulfe Ko their separate m.ok to erie , Prance In the war how the are both reclaimed and finally reunited. combine to mak, a masterful phiitii ' pl.iy of metropolitan Hoclety life. with .Norma Talmntlge In a m tnpntli etle and artistic delineation. i III till pla) Kugeti" O'llrlen ngnln ' has the leading rule opposite .MIm Tnlm.nlge controcry It has become necessary . . thrn,,h , ........iin,.,,, f i.,tlli. I fn ihn uuipiti.irv ttr rftfti mrrt (ft ! ... ....... daughter, who have been spoudlngf' ". """" ' """ " " lord' raising tlielr rent to the limit i i o . ii.i . quest The operator In the non-union n. oi.. i.min n.m i nmii mmrt. ocr.iI weeks In Sacramento visiting1 ', ... ... . . . ,, lto tne couple rent a small apart- i . . it i . . i . field and the retailer not to take I f ,h ,. . ., , nnl.. , to atlw rcturncd.home last cu-nlng t , ... ... I mint, the onl one in town. oni to 1 iimliiu tiilin nl ii t.. nf fti ulln.itlnn lt I . . . ... Mlsi M lor Calkin returned Satur-i . . p . "-- ''find that they cannot occupy it for "excessively increasing me price u. nay trom tiio rnncrsuy.ni uregnn pi..n aki: iit.iTi:i) roit m:v i.im:s (Conlnucd from rag 1) MIk Lydla Krlcke. county hculth nurse, left Saturday for I'ortlond and Sunt tie on a month's vacation trip. Mrs. Hex McMillan returned on last evening' train from Dunsmulr. where she spent the past week with excessively inrrc-aniiR ine .riiw .1Ilnlh,.r .lav. linn- lhv sleeii In coal. Thl action, maiilfeslly nec..., W(irn 01U oW .fvt.rt. noH tno). aar. sary under the circumstance, ncer theles scre to show the helpless nusn of the nation and the Increus Ins danger to the public In the face of so great an industrial struRKle wnere sne . u.e ,.- - ';Tho co,,, reS0CH aro ,)(.lnB g,cauily her husband who Is employed by thek,. lh(j gllfrvrtlB of lh mncr, Southern I'oclflc mi tMf ,,,, , hecominK more Mrs. K. T. Saunders and sniull son, returned last evening from Dunsmulr, herp they spent, several days with Mr. Saunders, who has a position thero with the California Stalo highway department. Mrs. n. Michael Is a county seat visitor today from her homo near Dairy. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick I), t-lmor of Salt I.ako City, Utah, who have been attending tho Shrine ceremonial nt San Frnnclsco arrived Saturday evenliiB for a visit with Mrs. Jurgen Sleek, fllstor of Mrs. Ulmer. Mr. nnd Mrs. It. K. Smith and Mr. nnd M"rs. J. J. Parker left by car Ihhi morning for Portland for a week or ten days pleasure trip Mr. William Marx and son, Wil liam Jr., left Sunday for I.anesboro, Minnesota, nnd Mllwaukeo, Wis., to visit her parents In tho former placn and tho family of her husband In tbn lattor. O. n. Moellor or tho Klamath Klowor Shop has offered a sliver cup na a prlzo to tho child winning the largest numbor of points for entries in tho flower show, which will bo held In July. The cup Is now on ex hibition In tho window of tho Flower Shop.r acute and tho bitterness attendant upon the conflict will Inevitably increase." rcl, as all couple do and decide to go their own wuy, how tho husband become Involved with three "wlvis" and earns the obrlr4ict of "Illue beard Jr.". I all told tn a decidedly novel fashion with a well known cant of farceurs which Includes besides Mary Anderson, Jack Connolly, Laura Ansen, I.lla Leslie, rtcorge Hernandez and others. Christians and K. of C. Teams Play Tie Game A C to C tie via tho result of the baseball game between the Knights of Columbus and Christian teams at Modoc park yesterday afternoon. The players battled for six innings, then decided to call It off until Monday when both teams will sail In to win. Ilatteries: K. of C Magulro and Flnneran: Christians, Banner anil Southwell. BABE FIRED 3d TIME CHICAGO, Juno 20. Babo Iluth of tho New York Yankees today re ceived his thln layoff of thlg season when President Dan Johnson of the American leaguo suspended him for ... .Illirnn ilnvn for hl argument In ics- Tlia con est Is open to ov er th I. j Cleveland with Urn- In Klamath county under H year mm n aecMm m Vun. of ago. Tho ln8os In which to Cleveland at second base may ho entered wero printed else- m whoio In Tho Horald. June IT. Mrs.! sri'VMI'ltS f(l 1 11)1' II, N'. Moo, chairman of tho commit- miltM?Ki.villAt ',..,.. j 20 too, will bo R1nd to furnish any Jn., Sui.im()r ThmwH p Hm1 from formation regaruiug mo ii " nt nny time, i.ctiiox Minrrs toxhjht Tho Amoilrnn Legion will hold Its regular moetliiK tonight, Tho Ameri can Legion nuxillniy has cnlled a re resg for (ho summer and no meetings will be hold until further notice. . Concroto highway under conslruc Porllantl Now Sovereign hotel to Pacific portR In Iialtliuoro collided with tho Norwegian Steanur Vlcto iff Crump thlp ard loduy. Tho Vlcto wag damaged while tho Ileal escaped with .slight dauiago to hor stern. The Vltto was nt anchor. THF. KTA Here's a rich motion picture feast for you, a mental repast that will give you more laughs that you have bad for a long tlmo and fill you with the joy of living. That certainly Is a big order for a photoplay to fill, hut wo are con vinced that when you Bco "Tho Ileau ty Shop" with Itaymond Hitchcock and an all-star cast at tho Star thea tre tonight, you will agree with us In every way. Consider this cast for a picture adapted from a hugo nroadway sue cess: Itaymond Hitchcock, Illily II. Van, James J. Corbett, I.oulso Fat enda, the Fairbanks Twins, Diana Al len, Montagu I.ovo and Lauranco Wheat. There never has boen anoth er screen comedy mado with such a glittering array of talent. "Tho Boauty Shop," In addition to wagonloads of fun, has a real, Inter esting and exciting plot. Of courso, you'll see It. At tho Star tonight. m TUB KTIMNII "Uy night of Purchaso" will bo tho attraction at tho Strand theatre tenight: It Is a Selznlck Itnvlval, starring Norma Talmadgo aH Margot Hughes, a society butterfly. Sho mar ries Clmdwlck IIIiikh. a ilch young man or high social standing, under an agreement to be his wife In name on ly for three years. At tho end of this poilod, If ho bus not succeeded In winning her love, she will receive hor freedom ami u handsome settlement In uddltlon. Sho comes to rtallo his woith, especially In comparison with tho worthlessness of DRk Derwunt, n handsome siundtlnlft with whom hho has long beon Infatuated, but to us,., the Southern Pacific- tracks from lliigcne to Portland Kligene to ', Anyclet All of tllee facts have been laid before local lntcret which liue been considering the poolbllltlt growing out of the Central Paclflr dlspoHal, and urn not mere hearsay. And yet another extension pro gram has been planned by tho Union Pacific In the ocnt It obtains con trol or th0 Central Pacific line. This Hue would be from Klamath Falls to Susanvlllc, Cal., which Is at tho end of a branch running north from Fern ley, Nov., on tho Ogden line. With tho Natron cut-off complete and the Klamath Falls-Susanvllle section completed the Central Pacific under Union Pacific operation would havo a completo lino from Kugono almost to Lou Angeles via a direct road through Nevada. Tho official .eyes of tho Union Pa cific have- seen other possibilities In 'uddltlon to ileielopinent of eustern central nnd southern Oregon, fur the I dlstancu fur transcontinental move went between the Willamette alley and (.ranger would lie ronldetahl) MHirieiirii iiy eieunioii in a line from Crane to Odcll .lumtlon ami then mer the N.i tr en cut-off Hue to KiiKcne. ily thl new roiil the dlstamv be. tween tliex,, two point would lie '.i.tl lulled, wherein Uin present illnlamiH are lull mile by the O -W . II CI mile by the SilH.inillle cut-off anil nun in lleK uf ItiMitlllo mid Ogdm our the present Hue of tht. Southern Pacific ami Central Paclflr Commercial iIiiIh of Il'-mt and Klamath Fall hale heiird till plan outlined anil through resulittlnii have entered with ( lltlillnluum Into Hiipport for the t'nloit Pacific. m neiici: The ladle nf the Alter Hocl.dy of the Sacred Heart ihiirch will give u Silver Tea tomorrow afternoon from 2 30 to 4:30 nt the Lyceum Hall. All ladle aro cordially In vited. 20 NEW TODAY I'Oll KALI. Three good milk co. mow lug liiaihliie chain hay net. pitch fork, binder, forge, mull. vise. hi) the. Iiaiuiuar, shovel, and other hand looli". wiuiil miiw 3i. Inch, 'J.s Inch ripsaw, tractor mid other farm iniulilrier finn m ulibur. -'! lb Malt. 1'iiMi lb green alfalfa seed, oy ster nhell. and other uupplhM Many Telford. Merrill read 2U 23 Kdlt HUNT KiirnUlied 2-rixim apt private til I ti Also Mlceplng room SI3 Pine. The Kellogg. 20.2 1 KOIl SAL!.'- HoiIk.i inr Sie JiiIiii Pailly at Lakeside Lumber iiiin li.niv utter T. o i lock 20-22 I'PASTIIti: FOIt ItlLS'T IfiO acre In aualia and rye Plenty of ruiinltig water lliebe lunch, 12 miles miillh nf lliwn "11. "5 FOII IlKNT Fitrnlsheit apt 4 1 ' N imh St Phone 3I2V 20-21 i I'Oll S.M.i: Auto car., building lci. itUii. Lltlln money make big 'inline) l.et in,, rhnw )ou He,, Hick, (n'flre 2IU llroad St 2U-23 ; IIOV W NTPI -Al Mimn store tn i wink iiinriiliiKH and uvenlng .Mut have p' rmlt from schuol superlnleii lleilt 20-22 WANTKD lie-liable party In care fur Im) h )ear old Phone 2ITJ after .'. 3il p. in 21-2t (lot results tiy using cliis ada. K. OP P. ATTKNTIO.V Illg titno tomorrow night. Initia tion In the third rank. Dorrls lodge will visit. Fraternal speeches and banquet. Alt local and visiting mem bers reriue.iied to attend. H. It. ItKOKHY, C. C. LLOYD DLLAP, K. It. A. H. 20-21 Ilnedsport Now storo building under construction. Ciishman Work on new cannery under way, ---- it. p. o. i:. Siiccial meellni: of li P 0. K to night for balloting. Largo attendance, IIIiikh restrains any display of omo desired. Member leu hero Friday .( ,jCHrliig'ndt to oiuImhik, Jier Jiy V:"r,"..,,n.l.(''!: UkoWoW fllUl A,,",aK violating his agrcemenl. TT STRAND tft- WHERH KVJUt-DODT OOl OMB OP THE HODKIN-ON FKATCRM Norma Talmadge in "By Right of Purchase" "iiy Itlght of Purchaso" deal with tho most excluHlvo fashion able llfo of New York, and Miss Talmadgo protrays tho -olo of u society butterfly who marries a millionaire solely for his money, hut later coinoa to realUo hlH lovo for her and to cherish real urfectlon for him too. Good Comedy and a Scenic COMING TOMORROW Elaine Hammerstein in "GREATER THAN FAME" Admission 1 0o20c. Show starts 6:30 ??'.sVsrA,?: (9 ' - 1'v GrrA(kjW ''"",r" kll Zlzi P'otrrlli.ii-' tiJM&S Hint Tlml liiiir.'; Prli'l -i -- . Jfe5 a I A man was one day hunting in n forest A terrible storm came up He looked about for .shelter But there was none It began to rain in torrents So he crawled into a hollow log It fitted snugly. . i The rain lasted for hours The water soaked through the wood The log began to contract When the storm was over the hunter Could not get out. He strained to free himself " But the log held tight Exhausted, he gave up He knew that he would starve to death. Like a drowning man, He saw his whole life flash before him, Especially his mistakes He suddenly remembered that he Had promised an agent a policy, There being none on his life He realized that his wife and baby, Penniless, would starve. This made him feel so small that ho Was able to crawl out of the log Without difficulty. y JOHN HOUSTON EQUITABLE LIFE OF N. Y. ' PHOXIJ U7ll.lt HtNMHMAN I1MKL Cost f B0 0,0 00. 13. W. MAS0Ni xuUed Uuler, J ow she l'lay.8 with Ilto and isj .. A'l.'t,;.