AATCTWAT, IfM IT, )Ml Pfga FdnH THE EVENING HERXtD, KDtMXTH FXLXS, OREGON i . Tim Kodroti ctiili held lln nniiunl picnic Mnmlny In tho grove on Clins. Drew's: rnnrli nrnr Lost river. A largo crowd enjoyed tlm flno supper which w.-ig furnlHliril by tlio Indies of tin1 club. Tlwin present were: Messrs. nml Mi'sdnmes. A M Collier, W. S. Slouch, A. 1.. Itlce. L. I.. Triliix. (Inn. Mallett, It l'. (Iroosbeel. linbl ripp, I.rn ollnn, A. It. Wlllnn. Percy llurki. Hoy I .a Prnile. B. 8. Vruth. ('rnml)lllt. ncrt C Thomas. N. 11 IJrnw, Herbert Phillips. W It Urol' Misses Fnnnlc Virgil, Mary null. Florence Porter, Vera Houston. Ao. Collins, llesloro French. Mrs K. . l'lillllpii. Messrs, John Houston, l.lovd Porter nml Fred Westcrfeld. Tim Auction Drlilcc club nut W.d lusdnv nftcrnoon lit the home of Mr. Oscar Shlv,. on Ninth street , Mr. It i:. Wright won the prlte. for IiIrIi score. The member pio M'lil were. Mesilouie. (. I. llohert. Win. Ihincnn, It. i:. Wright, 11. N Moe, 1. F. Wlllett. leo. Merrpmnn. (leo. 1 Wright, nml Um BUect. .Mr L (!. Vnn llellcn. llev. ntiit Mr. A. I.. Itlce entertain oil tlio choir of the PreshMeilun church Tuesday etonlng t their home on Washington street. The evening was spent In several new and Interesting games, one being "A Mu lr.il llomance." A color scheme of yellow and white was carried out In the decorations anil refreshments. Those present were. Messrs and Mes ilnines. W. S. Slough. Geo. Mallett, K S. Veatch, Bert C Thomas. Percy WelK K. 1.. Elliott and the Misses AuRiisla rnrker, Vera Houston. Marie Obcnchaln. Florence Porter. Mnry Hall, and Dorotha Klllott. Tim Krlda club met Monday after noon nt the homo of Mrs. Wm. Dim mit on Conger avenue. Those pre sent were, Mesdames. It. K. Wright, C. 1. Roberfs, Oscar Shlve, Ilurgo Mason, A. R. Wilson and Ilert C. Thomas. MIrs Lucille Marshall, sister of Kill son Marshall, formerly a teacher In Klamath countr high school, will be married Sunday at her home In Med- Why is Man? Presbyterian Church 11:00 a. m. ford to Victor O'Neill who Is well 1; now n hern, having lived nt Klamntb Agency ntnl 'Chlloquln and during the pint year having been connected with ii local mint company. They will bo mnrrtcil by tlm llev. 0. P. Lawrence, formerly Presbyterian pastor here. Only Immediate family nml cloe friendt will bo present. They will leavp In their car for n long honey, moon trip including n toui of Yel low itniip National park. Mr. A 1.. I .ti nil entertained .with an Informal te.i honoring her guest, Mls Blum Peterson of Chlc.igo, 111.. Thursday afternoon nt her home on High street. Her guest were. Mrs J n r i: iMi Sleek." Mr. Fred lluesliic. Mr. It. K. Wright nml Mr. Ilert j 0. Thomas ' . Mr. lrlng Hlbbert enUrtiilneil I the Leisure Hour ilub Tued.iy af-, ternoon at her home at Pelican City There were three table of bridge nml Mr Hoince Miiiiulng won the prlio for high iore. Those picsent wore. Mesdames. J. S. Klllott. Fred Dunbar, Chin. Moore, llonico Man ning, tiny Miinnlng. Horaie Hrldge ford. (Jolden Lincoln. Lester Terwll llger, Wm. (laming. Karl Cuinnilng and Mrs Pflueger. . . Miss Ituth Cofer entertained the member of the graduating clus of Central school and their teacher Fri day evening at her home, ."H Tenth street. Many delightful games were played during the evening and later delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. F. II. Cofer and Helen Cofer. Those present were, Mr. C. A. Patterson and Misses. Ruby Fcnwlck, Mary Kotera, Gertrude Mutoe, Annie To trlcak, Helen Abbel. Lna Hewln, Mnrgery Love Peyton, Joy Evans, Dena Molatore, Florence nobblns, Helen Cofer; Messrs, Forrest Colson, Clyde Nyhart, Kenton Hamnker, Richard Peck, Howard Durbln. Les ter niack, Gordon Smith, Alton Fran cis. Hugh Currln, nobert SmltftJ Chas. Johnson, Dick Cleveland and Archie Michaels, The Tea Cup club gave a lawn fete Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lelghton. corner of Conger avenue and California avenuo. A largo crowd enjoyed a social tlm and the dainty refreshments that were served. The next meeting will bn held with Mrs. Chris Iiarnstablo, .129 High street. A delegation of friends went to tho train this morning to say good bye to Mrs. Golden Lincoln who left for Portland where she will be mar ried Wednesday to Dr. Seymour Drown of Sheridan, Wyo. Thoso In I the party were Mesdames, L, G. Van I 'THE BLESSINGS OF LIFE' Morning Sermon at CHRISTIAN CHURCH Come, Enjoy Bible School, Christian Endeavor "THE DAWN OF CREATION" Sermon for Union Service at Presbyterian Church, 8 p. m. "Worship Somewhere Sunday!'" TEST STRAND I- WHERR EVERYBODY GOI HOME OP THE HODKOiBON FEATURES 12 Reels of Big Western Features the best yet "The Battlin, Kid" with Bill Pattern SUNDAY'S SHOW "Outlawed" starring Bill Patton and Carlyn Wagner An Exceptional Human Interest Story, Rich in Characterization, Love and Atmosphere Urban's Movie Chats, and Vaudeville Movies Charlie Chaplin Comedy Admission 10c-20c. Continuous Show 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 Hellen, Will Houston, Chas. Martin, If, D. Newell, Ityrou Hnrdenbrook, Leslie Roger and MIps Loretln .Tennlnn. Sover.il Klamatli Falls pooplo nt tended tho ilnnco given nt Klamnth Agency Inst night and report n very enjoyable time. Thoso going from hero were, Messrs and Mesdames, Lester Terwllllger, V. 11. llrowne. Kreil Dunlinr. It. K. Wright and Ilert C. Thomas. Music was furnished by the Houston-Kilts orchestra. C Mli-i Zephla Jtogors entertained with a week-end party Inst week for th, Misses Florence and Clarice Kl llott of Klamath Agency, who hnve hemi attending the Sacred Heart Academy the past year. MM Con stance Shnllok. who Is home from MNs Head's school at llerKeley for tho summer. was with them. The Ladles Missionary society of tho Presbyterian church met Thurs day afternoon In tho church parlors Mrs. W. It. ltod nml Mrs. Goldapp wer,. leaders for the afternoon The subject studied was "Tho Philippines and the Wwt Indies.-' Itefreshments w-re hcrveil by Mrs Porter. Mrs. A M. Collier and Mrs. H. S. Phillips Tho regular monthly meeting of thP W. C. T. P. will be held Tuesday, June 10 ut 2:30 p. in. In the par lors of thu PresbyterlatiTc.b.urch. Ow ing to the success of the lust food exchange, another one will be In evi dence after the business meeting. All member are asked to bring omo article of cooked food. The proceeds will go to help on the remaining $125 payment for nn acre of the Children's Home Farm for which $73 has already been sent In to head quarters. A largo attendance Is tie sired at the meeting. Mrs. John Martin gave a beauti ful party Friday afternoon In honor of her mother, .Mrs. John G. Wheel er of San Diego, Cal.,who Is tlslt Ing her. Th0 houso was decorated with a profusion of lovely peonies. Delightful refreshments were served by tho hostess after an afternoon of needlework. Thoso present were, Mesdames. E. S. rhlllpa. Al. Melhosc. F.lmer Applegate, S. Ed. Martin, Car ey Ralmsby. Krmay Mosley. n. II. Anderson of Merrill Thos. Martin, Dob Ross. Ous Hlllard, Klmer Hos kings and Mrs. nnmsby, Sr.. Misses Vera and Dorothy Martin, Oertrude Hlllard and Helen Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Patterson en tertained Thursdoy evening at their homo on Hlghth street In honor of tho Misses Kuby Fenwlck and Irene Conway, who nro leaving for their summer vacation. Tho evening was spent In playing cards. First prlro In cards went to Mis Fcnwlck and tho consolation prlie to Miss Con Way. The H.iPPy Hour club met with Mrs. 0. M. Hector on North Ninth street last Tuesday afternoon. Thu afternoon was spent In needlework and at the cloeo delicious refresments wer served to th0 guests. Mesdames Llnfesty, W, 11. Miller, Chas. Stem- well, E. M. Chllcote. Fred Corcr. aeo. drizzle. H. V Oroesbeck. Sugner. Mc Cormlck and tho following members, Mcsdumts. Jennie Hum. Geo. Hum phreys. Ed. Jones, W. V. Johnson, It. A. Emmltt. J. W. Stelnmltz and L. Summers. The regular meeting of the Ladles club of II. P. 0. K. will be held on Tuesday at the Klks temple. HoU- cssca will bo Mrs. L. Bradford, C. D. Cozard, L. K. Hansen. All visiting lady Klks arc fnvltc'd. ' ' THE STAR Jack Holt, who plays tho villain in tbo latest Frank Lloyd produc tion, "The Orlm Comedian," by nita Wei man, has the leading roalo role In this Roldwyn picture. Al though he has long been known as a leading photoplay actor, he has nev er convinced anybody that be Is tho reproved villain be plays. Mr. Holt waa born in Winchester, Va., and edu cated at the Virginia military Insti tute. After four years In stock he entered the motion picture field and hat alnce played with Universal, Ince, Paramount and Ooldyn. He may be aeen In a lull part In "Tho Grim Coemldan," now playing at the Star theatre. THE HTUAND So many dare-devil riders and per: formers of dangerous stunts are at tracted to moving pictures, that the well-known actors who star in west ern dramas aro constantly kept at their wits end trying to devise ways In -which they can furnish thrills that will enable them to keep at least one paco ahead of tho dare-devil' membcrtj of their supporting coats. Tho "movle" aro not for the timid and especially Is this true of "west ern moviesj" the produclpg compan-J lea of which now contain tho-boM spiKlacular rlilprs and most daring athletes Iho cowboy profesnlon has produced. , Dill ration, appearing In the elab orate speeln'cular production of "Out lawed." which comes to tho Strand thentro on Sunday, found himself In such fast company during the milk ing of the big tight scenes with which fli nntt. Alwlti 1 Vnll ilrilmn ' abound, that he was forced to de vise some method of showing Hint he wn not out-clns9i'd by his fellow players. THU I.IIIKHTV "The Trap" n strong story of tho north woods, tho Universal-Jewel at traction starring Lou Pliancy which conies to tho Libert " the.itre on Sun day Is iinlinio In having one or the most reinnrknblo casts of any i event production. In addition to this. Hub ert Thornby. who Is noted for IIik ex cellence of nil his productions, dir ected this film masterpiece. Lou Chauey, the star, gained Ills enviable reputation as nil no lor In "The Mlraclu Man." which be follow, ed closely with "The Penults" still mistuliiltm a reputation M' eieatlng human characterizations In decldoilly a distinctive manner. Then ciitue "Outsldy Iho Law." where he was seen with Prlscllla Dean. It nx as u result of his ork In Ihut picture that Universal decided to slur him In thL. current production Chauey had unusual opportunities for living up to his reputation an "the mun of a thousand faces " He made the most of them. Spottlswoode Aitkin, well-known character man; Dagmar Godowsky the Russian actress and daughter of Leopold Godowsky, world famous pi anist; Alan Hate. Herbert Standing, Frank Campeau, Irene Rich and five" year old Stanley Goetbnls, handled the chief supporting roles In a milli ner that leave nothing to be desired. NEW TODAY rASTUHK run i.kask cauip or i sheep, reasonable price. For fur ther Information Inquire by tetter, Address, Thomas Lang, Chlloquln, Ore. 17-19 ! FOR RENT New 3 room modern house completely furnished on1 pavement with garage. Also r. anil C room modern house, unfurnished I on pavement, close In. A. A. Hell-' man ft Co. eio Main at. i.-i'-' FURNISHED one room cabins for housekeeping, 741 Walnut. l?-"0 FOR RENT Furnished apartments, 19 N. Tenth, two blocks from postofflce. 17-19 WILL PAY CASH for Ford roadster. It Its a bargain. Phono 22K-W. People's Warehouse. 17 FOR RENT 3 room flat. 1023 Main. Call Fred Bucslng'H Office. 17-20 BUICK SINCE JANUARY 1 OF THIS YEAR 26 KLAMATH COUNTY BUYERS have determined to have the satisfaction found in BUICK OWNERSHIP They have come to us and paid down their money and joined the BUICK ranks Prosperity is not "around the corner;" it is staring us right in the face BUICK Seventh and Klamath Phone 176-W A menca's wofin 'ssBLslssW A overade TKg Ideal ftickage for the Home - Picnic and Outing 1budweiser Atiheu8er-Bu8cK8lVafc Medf ord Grocery Co. Klamath Falls, Oregon Distributors '- ,